Well done ! Don't miss it ! Fortunately, it's not an expensive knife, and you took your time, but nothing could guarantee success, so you took a risk anyway. It succeeded ! It makes me want to do the same thing! But I only have one Opinel Carbone N°5, very small, I love it ! + another Opinel N°8, but the gardening range, with a different, more tapered handle shape. And precisely with an original blade shape that resembles the one you made ! I'm keeping the video in my favorites and if one day I decide to buy a No. 9 or 10 Carbon, I'll come back here to take an example and do the same thing with an integrated flint ! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you and yes the No5 is surely too small for that hack. No8 upwards works fine. I did quite a few of these knives, they are a nice gift for people going outdoors. Didn't go always well to make them but I broke only two, as far as I remember.
Ho ho! Fantastic idea! There's a shop up the road that sells those knives, and I've been trying to resist. oh dear.... I loved the little elephant, and I found myself (as you sanded) trying to see what your t-shirt said..."cafe..." heh heh. And surely there's a better way than that little chain: my eyes AND my fingers are too old for that. Final two scenes--looking DOWN: Amazing. And then the dear dog. Beautiful shots. Beautiful.
Good morning my friend, yes I got it, here in India such knives are not used. In Europe pocket knives are very common since people don't take lunch box with rice and curry like they do here, but carry items like bread, cheese, capsicum etc. and then cut and prepare everything with their folding knives during lunch. Opinel folders are very traditional and famous, invented in 1890 in France. Many people personalize them anyhow - this one here is meant for survival or bushcraft use. tk care & rgds
yes this five star first class roti preparation was also my favourite method in earlier days, before the huge lazyness came over me ... now I simply cut the rotis (usually I take parothas) in halves and put them in the toaster ... then either salt or little bit cheese slices on top (works also fine with peanut butter jam, or nutella) - job done ... ;-)
Also gut gemacht, das mit dem Alu Rohr hatte mir gut gefallen,aber jetzt bekommst du ja zwei von meinen mit Hirschhorngriff.Ich habe gesehen das auch dieses im Video Carbon Klinge hat,du bist ja dann damit schon vertraut und worauf ich mich noch mehr freue, das die von mir in gute Hände kommen und micht zu emem der sowas nicht zu schätzen weiß.Lasse auch ein Abo.
Danke 😁 Ja ich steh auf Carbon, das braucht hier zwar mehr Aufmerksamkeit als Inox wegen Monsun und so weiter, aber dafür sind die Klingen einfach besser zu schärfen, und letztlich kommt es ja auf scharfe Klingen an 😁😁😁 Und ja, ich freu mich auch darauf, die Messer in meinen Händen zu halten ... auch wenn das leider noch dauert 😓
Ich bin zwar kein Messerfanatiker, aber allein die Ästhetik deiner Fotos macht dies vid sehenswert, und als Feueranzünder kann mich das Teil total begeistern! Darüberhinaus sehe ich ja immer gerne zu, wenn jemand saubere Arbeit leistet; ich find's einfach schön zu sehen, dass es auch Leute gibt, die bis in die Fingerspitzen wissen, was sie tun! Dennoch bleibt natürlich mein Lieblingspart der mit den blauen Blümchen!!!:)))
yes exactly, a piezo crystal is mechanically compressed to produce electricity which is used to produce an electrical spark. In olden days we used for lighting gas mechanical devices which had small flint sticks made from material very similar to the ferro rods I use here (these old ones were usually from Auermetal, pure ferrocerium rods, here some rare earthens are added). These small sticks were rubbed over a miniature file to produce sparks, the resulting sparks were burning iron. rgds, R
Danke für deine VA. Du hast meine Idee viel besser gelöst als ich. Hab mal wieder zu viel um die Ecke gedacht! ;-)) Besonderst die schleifgereusche in der hohen Geschwindichkeit waren schön anzuhören. Grüße Markus
Hi good morning my friend, yes these electronic ones I use also to light my gas. But outdoors they are of no use, didn't ever get anything else lightened but gas with these small sparks which are only inside the device. And I guess once wet, they completely stop to work. ;-) These outdoor rods are more reliable fire sources - means they throw sparks consisting of burning metal ;-) Take care and have a nice day, rgds, Robert
yes I have seen Your last Opinel mod, very nice! that idea of adding a firesteel came many years back - knives and fire are the only things one really needs outside, and combining them is a good idea (at least for one like me who always forgot the firesteel). Most easy was the SAK toothpick mod, nondestructive done in 10 Mins. Opinels I started with a No7 and a small firesteel plus jute as neckknife, then came the chain (what was misproportional), finally I used only No9s+. Tricky but easy. ;-)
Moin Robert, wieder ein klasse Idee!!! Ich denke das werde ich mal nachmachen...besonders die Kugelkette als Stopper & Befestigungsmöglichkeit....top! LG Stephan
lol, yes You have to give it a try ;-) Yes that jute-paracord is perfect if You want to have always tinder ready and plan to keep the knife in Your pocket where everything remains nice dry. I tried with different cordages and even different wires but found finally this ball chains perfect - optically it is a gread counter weight to the steel lock on the other end of the knife, and practically it is unbeatable, since easy to lock/unlock and comfortable around the neck if You use the long chain.
danke danke ;-) Die bleuen Blümelchen und bläcken Brümmers sind natürlich ganz speziell eingebaut und all jenen gewidmet, die es nicht so sehr mit Messern haben ... außerdem gehören sie ja zum unabdingbaren Inventar meiner Freiluftwerkstatt ;-)))
thanks - don't think that it has an adverse effect. It is very hard beechwood, with most week point near to the joint - but so far I never heard that the handle got broken or so. But I will observe whether there is any problem - this is so far my second prototype only ... ;-)
+Schyzofrenic87 Thank You! yes Opinels are totally great - very good knives for so many purposes, best EDCs ever, and perfect pieces for own modifications!
good morning back ;-) well, using such firesteels belongs to the methods to ignite fire. Unlike matches or lighters, such mischmetal rods work always, even after being dumped in water etc. So that's usually first choice if You want to add any fire making device to a 'survival knife' Of course I take the issue very abstract - my focus here is on the construction challenge. You could put also anything else in the hole, e.g. by sealing it in any plastic straw and dumping the straw there inside.
Viele deutsche Unternehmen sind vor allem hier in Bangalore, und natürlich Chennai, Delhi, Puna und Bombay - aber in Rajasthan oder anderen Landesteilen ist wirst Du davon wenig mitbekommen. Ist halt auch sehr abhängig von der lokalen Wirtschaft - hier wird zum Beispiel wie verrückt gebaut, auch mit modernen Methoden - also sieht man auch überall Schwing-Stetter Fertigzement-Mischer auf der Straße, oder die Handwerker mit dem Boschkoffer auf dem Moped rumfahren ;-) LG, Robert
thanks ;-) yes that original blade shape is anyhow special, so far I didn't really get for what it is best or why exactly it was made in that way. I found the original shape very useful for cutting salami, and the top also very efficient for picking up food and eat ... means, so far I considered this shape to be a perfect picker ;-) But for bushcraft purposes like drilling holes or so the shape I formed now may be slightly more practical ;-)
Hi Michael, danke, ja genau so war das gedacht ;-) Und unter uns Schwaben: das Preisleistungsverhältnis ist in dieser Kombination absolut unschlagbar - super Messer 7,10 plus Feuer für 2,48 (im Doppelpack billiger ;-))) - Kette weiß ich nicht, stammt aus meinem Fundus, aber vernünftige dog tags gibts auf Amazon aktuell komplett für unter 2 Euro ... also inclusive Sandpapier fürs Schleifen deutlich unter 12 Euro, ohne Versandkosten. LG, Robert
Hi Markus, danke, ja zuerst wollte ich das eigentlich noch viel einfacher machen, mit einem Gummistöpsel (so einem Ohrstöpsel, kennst Du vielleicht) - aber dann dachte ich ach was, mach ich einfach gleich ein Neckknife draus und zieh ne Kette durch ;-) War mein zweiter Versuch, der erste hat nicht so super geklappt - ist ein bißchen knifflig mit dem Winkel ;-) Ja, die Geräusche kamen gut - wäre einfach zu lang&weilig geworden, wenn ich das normal abgespielt hätte ;-))) LG, Robert
Did the hole for the firesteel cross the port where the knife rests, when folded? I want to mod a opinel 9 just like that as a present for my brother in law. And it has to be absolutely perfect. Thats just a great idea!
Thanks yes that should not happen but may happen - better keeping always some Opinels as spares before one starts ... ;-))) It is not only about finding exactly the right angle for the rod, but also whether the wood splits or not. Often it is simply too dry, so if You come to close to the port inside or to the outer shell, gone, and also the handle's end can split whiles drilling the hole for the chain from the sides ... My secret trick for Opinel mods: I keep the knives for some days under humid conditions before drilling or carving. ;-) But even if You come by mistake inside that port: it does not really matter as long as You form the blade to a drop point as I did it here, because in this case there is more space and the blade shouldn't touch the rod even if that comes little bit out of the wood. To be on the safe side You could use a No.10 Opinel with the bigger handle, or You use for the No 9 simply a smaller ferrorod, e.g. one of these small ones 3x50 mm which I use for the toothpick replacement on the SAKs. The smaller rod has only half of the diameter of the one used here, and has only 4 g weight compared to the 12 g of the 6x60 mm. The fat rod here results in a completely different balance, just to add that, too ... ;-)
Hi Stephan, wow, da würde ich mich aber sehr geehrt und gebauchpinselt fühlen wenn Du das nachmachst - das wäre ja noch besser als ein Orden! ;-) Haha, hau rein - und vergiss Dein Pflaster-Abo nicht! Ich hab mich doch tatsächlich beim Polieren an der frisch bearbeiteten Klinge geschnitten - hatte ja auch an der Schneide noch ganz leicht gebastelt, die Krümmung etwas abgeflacht und weiter nach hinten gezogen. Der Schnitt ging fast bis zum Knochen, das Teil ist sauscharf geworden ;-) LG, Robert
Hi Robert. Great video! I can see you got new tools and crafting out cool stuff. I actually realized it was you after I saw you watch. haha. How are you and Eliz doing?
Hi Pramod, thanks! ;-) Hahaha, yes I still have that watch (the video is an old one but the watch is even muuuch older), just next week I have to give it for service since there is some electrical issue (I guess must be the battery now after 20+ years). Thanks we are same as always, nothing special here. What about you, everything fine, I hope?
yes come and meet, and yes Janu had told about, means that you are in Pune now. We came through in September/October on our Thar trip - we took the good old Marshal and went up there to Rajasthan and took a big round and came back home after three weeks ... ;-) We were fully focused on Rajasthan only so we didn't stop much on the way except for overnighters (on the way up we came through Pune in the early morning, on the way back home in the early afternoon, if I remember right), but next time we will surely contact you in advance and stop ;-)
Hi Tito, vielen Dank! ;-) Freu mich selbst, der erste Versuch ging noch daneben (mit einem 7er und einem kleineren Rod). Vermarkten würde mir ja wahrscheinlich nicht viel bringen, das war ja nicht viel mehr als zwei Löcher in ein Opinel bohren - und wer kauft schon Opinels mit Löchern drin ;-))) Danke, auch fürs Wünschen - das Giveaway ist reiner Zufall, bin ja schon länger auf dem Feuer-Messer-Trip, geht bestimmt auch noch eine Weile so weiter ;-) LG, Robert
Haha, Klaus, jetzt werd ich schon von zwei Schwaben nacheinander gelobt, ich werd gleich verlegen - sonst heißt es doch: ned gschompfa isch fei gnuag globd ;-) Hier ist ja gerade Monsoon, da regnets / ist noch nass / regnets gleich wieder. Also tüftelt man halt so rum - erst das Schweizer Messer, dann das Opinel, mal sehen, was wohl als nächstes drankommt? Ist ja auch alles ganz einfach, kann (und soll ruhig) jeder nachmachen ... schnell, hol's Opinel! -))) LG, der Spätzlesschwab aus Bangalore
LOL....I didn’t think anyone these days knew who Benny Hill was. My parents hated him, but my grandma was his biggest fan, so when I’d visit, we’d stay up eating Pringles and watching Benny.
yes three roti were also the last items I had yesterday evening - lazy cooking: taking cold ones cut in halves and put them in the toaster to make them crispy ... ;-)
Seems cool ! I've one of those (unmodified) and always wondered in what conditions the shape of the blade could be practical or useful. Your answer : simply change the shape ! :-)
Die Kette ist die kleine von so einer Militär-Hundemarke (die große hab ich verschlampt). Gibt's schon für unter 2 Euro neu. An den Badewannendingern fehlt der Verschluss ... Es darf im Zweifel ja auch nicht zu fummelig werden - wenn Du Deine Betablocker brauchst, hast Du ja bestimmt keine besonders ruhige Hand ;-) Übrigens kannst Du statt Mischmetall völlig beliebige Kleinigkeiten (Tabletten, Pülverchen etc.) wasserdicht in einen Plastik-Strohhalm einschweißen und in so ein Loch stecken. ;-)
Ja so ab No 9 wird's mit den Griffen interessant - Du musst ja beim Bohren auch das Hinterteil mit dem mit der Klinge "hochlaufenden" Holz berücksichtigen. Wg. schwäbisch sparen: schau Dir mal die Online-Bezugsadresse aus der Beschreibung an ;-) Das mit dem Stöpsel hatte ich ursprünglich auch überlegt, wolte so Ohropax-Schaumstoffstöpsel nehmen - die kann man zusammendrücken und einführen, dann dehnen sie sich passend aus. Aber dann schien mir die Kette doch praktischer, wg. Neckknife-Option ;-)
Hey Robert. Das ist Geniestreich! Jetzt brauch ich nur noch eine Idee wie man ein Mischmetallstab bei den Vic's unterbringt (-: Bitte Videoantwort bis Ende November (-: Haaaa ha ha haaaa Liebe Grüsse Felix
Thank You - I really love the archaic original shape of Opinel blades, it is very functional. The tip is especially very useful for using the knife to cut food and use it then as a picker. Means if someone uses the knife mainly as a tool for cutting cheese or any sausages, cold cuts etc. and then for picking the pieces up, as farmers or craftsmen use to do almost everywhere in Europe when they eat their lunch somewhere out, it is a wonderful blade shape. No fork needed, the knife does the job. At least for me that works best - everybody may have his personal experience and practise, and let me say compared to a Swiss Knife, the Opinel is definitely the better picker for me ;-) And of course it is also very nice for other purposes - Opinels are universal.I think, an Opinel is kinda king among the peasant's knives. But, for a general purpose bushcraft pocket knife according to my experience a kind of drop point tip is maybe sometimes a very little bit better, since it is slightly more stabile and practical, especially for drilling little holes in wood or so. So I changed the shape slightly ... changing the blade from a perfect lunch blade to a better bushcraft blade. I can imagine that Joseph Opinel would fully agree to such considerations, as well as Marcel would do ... but I guess they would both not want to produce such a model, and kick the current Opinel Outdoor out of the portfolio. Because the Makhaira blade shape is part of the brand ... ;-)
(2) maybe You still remember these old devices ... U shaped metal clamps which were pressed together, the open end sliding and rubbing the miniature flint over the little file? The sliding end had a big screw to fix the flint? I have seen them maybe 30 years back here in India, too ... common kitchen items in many household in those days. But no idea what is the English term for such devices ... ;-)))
Danke ;-) In Indien wirst Du sowas m.W. nach noch nicht bekommen, überhaupt ist bezüglich Taschenmessern hier ziemlich Fehlanzeige - Victorinox gibt es bereits vereinzelt zu kaufen, aber Opinel und Firesteel sind natürlich aus Deutschland mitgebracht. ;-) NB: günstige Bezugsquellen stehen im Text zum Video ... LG, Robert
Tony Romei Thank You! ;-) yes of course it should work with an number 8 as well, I did it even with a number 7. But for smaller numbers you should use also smaller ferrorods, not the 6mm diameter as I used here, they are too fat for fitting there in. For the 7 Opinel I used the same size ferrorod which I use also for the Swiss Army toothpick mods (You may have also seen on my channel, the Swiss Champ and Swiss Minichamp mods). Size of these is 1/8" by 2" or approx. 3mmx50mm against that 6mmx60mm used here. In fact, nobody really needs fat ferros. I have one good for 12000 ignitions or so, but use that only at home and prefer for outdoors to use small ones and carry a second one, if required, as spare part. First of all it is less weight to carry small rods, and second reason is that I like to carry important things redundant and on different store places. Means e.g. one in the rucksack, the other in the pocket, or so. Just in case ... ;-) The fine thing of this Opinel mod is, that you do not need to change anything at the ferrorod - just use it as it is. If it is over after some thousands of ignitions, replace it by the next one. Cheap and easy ;-) Drilling is of course some trial and error here, one has to find the exact starting point and angle in order to not to drill into the rill ... and I say that from some experience ;-) As you may have noticed I demonstrated before drilling how it should happen - don't drill straight but slightly down, slightly to the side. And use a fresh drill bit else the wood may break. Else: I wish You good success and lot of joy with Your self customized outdoor Opinel ;-) rgds, Robert
@@alekseyrozhkoff2512 Да это верно. Но я просто делаю для себя поделки и показываю, как это делаю. Это просто времяпрепровождение. И делаю это с минимальными усилиями. Я не занимаюсь промышленным массовым производством и не делаю трафареты для людей без опыта и нуждающихся в трафаретах. Я ленивый парень 😁
Young Woodsman no I didn't have so far any difficulty with the firesteel. I live in a semiarid land, means we have dry season with no air humidity but high temperatures or monsoon with plenty of moisture, and so far nothing happened. Didn't try to keep it for some days in the rain, but I guess in that case a major maintenance operation could be required :-D
bangalorebobbel oh okay, but if it gets wet fishing or someone it might swell or if you stain the wood. Anyway a very smart idea and carried out equally!
Young Woodsman yes I guess for fishing or similar situations where it is almost always wet, a fixed knife with stainless steel blade and plastic handle like e.g. a Mora would make much more sense. I am using Opinels (and mainly even those with the carbon steel blade) since many years without ever having problems but I keep my knives always in good condition, means using an Opinels even in water or washing it under the tap or so was always OK, but I always use to dry it after such uses. And maybe the trick is also the use itself - knives in use do never rust :-D
yes I am especially kinda very experienced specialist in preparing these deep frozen ones from Sumeru, the Malabar Paratha variety ... means, cutting them with scissors in half and putting them in my toaster, of course ;-)))
cool, for matches You could keep the hole even much smaller ;-))) haha, yes this is just a kind of a little monsoon time pass - we didn't have so far these massive rains as You had, but it is monsoon wetting everywhere, so I keep the bike standing. And anyhow I am since some months playing with options of how to add these fire rods to knives ... first I showed a valid solution for the SAK, this is my latest idea for Opinel, so let me see what comes next ;-) tk care, and have fun!
thanks a lot, and yes, my knife here is of 2013 as you can see (and I've made this kind of Opinel also before) whiles the Opinel Explorer is from 2016, afaik ... 😉😁😉
@@vladimirkovacevic1656 Well yes but that makes, IMHO, no sense at all for the intended use case. If you want to have such a knife just for fun you can do whatever you want, of course. You could also put a lock or a fat screw through the end of the knife in order to block the ferro rod. Everything possible.. But f you want to have the ferro rod accessible since you intend to use it, You want the chain to be easiy removable. It must not be a fat and strong chain since it is just meant to block the ferrorod from falling out. And it should be in my opinion of light weight. So I found this little chain ideal. It is extremely practical, easy to handle, easy to open, easy to clean, reliable and comes for a cheap price. And I can replace it at any moment in no time with the longer chain version and carry that thing as neck knife. What I do every once in a while depending on my activities ... So, it serves very well its purpose in my case, and a clock chain or a paracord would not do that in the same practical way for me. And btw, this is a military grade dog tag chain. It might look flimsy for those who are not familiar with that kind of chains, but it is quite ok, proved by hundreds of millions of users over decades all over the world. It comes as set of two chains, the smaller one which I usually use for the knife is at the lower end of the dog tag (in case you don't know that expression it means a identification tag soldiers carry) and a longer one which you put around your neck for carrying your tag. If you happen to die on the field, the tag or part of it which hangs around your neck remains on your dead body for identification whiles the other tag or part of it is taken away and used for reporting and statistic purposes and so on. I have worn such chains for years, not only during service carrying my tag but also afterwards carrying something else, and I use such chains in the longer version generally for neck knife purposes or for hanging a small LED torch around my neck during night. They are very reliable and strong yet if you put too much stress on them they break. That is a safety feature since else someone could strangle you with your own chain, or you would possible strangle yourself by hanging with that chain in some tree or so. So, if you want to make yourself such a knife modification, just think for what purpose you want to make it, and then use whatever you feel is ok for you. It depends totally on you and your use case. In my case, such dog tag chains are for sure the best option. And I would also strongly recommend these chains for most other users which intend to use that kind of modded knife during their outdoor activities and do not plan to have it simply as showoff piece or as collectors knife.
Coole Idee. Aber ich getraue mich an eine Modifizierung meines Opinel 12 nicht ran, habe beim Batonen schon 'n Stück Griff abgesplittert. Wie mag das erst beim Bohren sein . . Gruß Tino
Danke, Tino. Mit so einem Akkubohrer bei niedriger Drehzahl passiert eher wenig, aber wenn Du Befürchtungen hast könntest Du ja mit einem dünneren Bohrer erst mal vorsichtig vorbohren. Das hier ist meine Opi-Lieblingsgröße 9, bei einem 12er hast Du ja noch viel mehr Holz, geht also eher noch einfacher ;-) Ich gebe aber zu: ja, ein paar Opinels hab ich schon verhunzt. Also, die Klinge ist mir eigentlich immer gelungen, aber ich hab halt irgendwie den Griff versaut. So ein "versautes" Opinel kann man dann ja aber als Ausgangsmaterial für andere Mods nehmen - einmal hab ich zum Beispiel mal ein Alurohr als Griff rangemacht, das Ding ist funktional gesehen echt der Knaller geworden, obwohl es schon recht eigenartig aussieht ;-) LG, Robert
Super Idee und das Video beweist das es geht, aber ich habs leider nicht geschafft, obwohl ich alles haargenau nachgemacht und auch dasselbe Messer gekauft habe. Ich driftete beim Bohren ein wenig in den Klingenkanal ab und als ich den Feuerstahl reinschob ging das Messer nicht mehr ganz zu. Grrrr! Hab das Loch dann mittels Holzdübel wieder zugeleimt.
Ja bei mir hat es auch nicht gleich beim ersten Mal geklappt - ich glaub, die ersten zwei oder drei hab ich schlicht ruiniert. Erst recht schwierig wirds bei den kleineren Nummern, auch unter Verwendung kleinerer Feuerstähle - aus einem dieser missglückten Versuche mit einem 7er ist dann ja auch mein Alüättö entstanden ;-) Ist schon etwas tricky, genau den richtigen Winkel und die richtige Höhe zu treffen. Hab das im Video ja ungefähr angedeutet, ich bohr immer rechts am Kanal vorbei und ganz leicht nach unten, aber wenn man da zu hoch kommt oder der Winkel zu spitz ist, geht's halt im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes daneben ;-) Wenn's Messer nicht mehr zugeht könntest Du noch versuchen, einen dünneren Bohrer zu nehmen und vom Feuerstahl etwas abzunehmen. Oder vielleicht kannst Du die Schneide etwas anpassen, die Klinge lässt sich ja zumindest bei den Carbon-Modellen relativ leicht bearbeiten. Mach ich sowieso für Bushcraft-Einsatz, da hab ich so eine Klingenform wie beim Schweizer Messer lieber als die Original Opinel-Version. Ich hab's auch schon mit einem dünneren Firesteel versucht (den Teilen die ich auch für die SAKs nehme), geht bei einem 9er natürlich viel einfacher, aber ich fand das nicht so stimmig, das dünne Ding im dicken Griff, der dickere Firesteel ist einfach schöner. Und der macht das Opinel dann auch erstaunlich schwer ... ;-) Was auch geht, sogar relativ einfach, ist zwei parallele Löcher rechts und links von der Klinge reinzubohren - eines für einen dünnen Firesteel und eines für sonstwas, z.B. einen dünnen Strohhalm mit irgendwas drin. Die müssen dann aber ziemlich weit rein, fast vor bis zum Ring, damit man die Kette schön flach über die ganze Breite bekommt, bevor das Griffende abknickt. Und naja, irgendwie sieht das Ende mit diesem Doppelloch dann ziemlich doof aus ... jedenfalls bei meinen bescheidenen Versuchen bisher ;-) LG, Robert
then You may have to check the video description for the online order address ... my preferred source for Opinels ;-) No 9 (at least) reguired for the mischmetal rod I used here, else the handle may break. smaller mischmetal rods (which I used for the SAK mod) for the smaller numbers recommended.
Oh vielen Dank - und ja, flinke Finger fingern flink und machen manche Messer langsam besser ;-) Praxistest steht natürlich noch aus, aber bisher bin ich mit dem Teil ganz zufrieden ... ist ja nur Prototyp, ich bin noch lange nicht fertig ... ;-) LG, Robert PS: Seegurke? wenigstens läuft das neue Video ja jetzt, vorher war da bei mir immer nur schwarze Nacht ;-)
+Alex Pennestri merci beaucoup - and yes you should try it yourself! ;-) Very easy job, just observe the right angle whiles drilling, means don't drill straight but in an angle of maybe 10-15 ° sideways.
not really - I made the kind of drop point mainly for having a slightly better bushcraft tool since I find the usual tip not so ideal for making holes in wood or so. These carbon steel Opinels are the perfect strikers even straight out of the box (I never had one with stainless steel blade so I cannot tell how they are). The handle is just adapted to my hand - then it has automatically enough gap to use the knife also in closed state easily as striker. ;-)
Nice mod, but I wouldn't recommend using the knife blade itself to strike a firesteel. If the spine of your blade isn't sharp enough to strike a firesteel, you could simply file down a small portion (or the entire spine if you prefer) of it for that use.
oh yes indeed, I totally agree - in case of an Opinel it is usually not even required to open the knife, one can use it even in closed condition very nicely as striker. But here the knife was already opened ... Maybe little bit badly filmed but as You can see at 2:16 I didn't use the sharp edge of the blade but the spine, of course ... ;-) With Opinels I had so far no need to file the spine, they came always as perfect strikers. But I did it with Moras and some Victorinox knives several times. Works slso fine to do it with a piece of sandpaper, or a diamond sharpener ... ;-) rgds, Robert
Well done ! Don't miss it !
Fortunately, it's not an expensive knife, and you took your time, but nothing could guarantee success, so you took a risk anyway. It succeeded !
It makes me want to do the same thing! But I only have one Opinel Carbone N°5, very small, I love it ! + another Opinel N°8, but the gardening range, with a different, more tapered handle shape. And precisely with an original blade shape that resembles the one you made !
I'm keeping the video in my favorites and if one day I decide to buy a No. 9 or 10 Carbon, I'll come back here to take an example and do the same thing with an integrated flint !
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you and yes the No5 is surely too small for that hack. No8 upwards works fine.
I did quite a few of these knives, they are a nice gift for people going outdoors. Didn't go always well to make them but I broke only two, as far as I remember.
Ho ho! Fantastic idea! There's a shop up the road that sells those knives, and I've been trying to resist. oh dear.... I loved the little elephant, and I found myself (as you sanded) trying to see what your t-shirt said..."cafe..." heh heh. And surely there's a better way than that little chain: my eyes AND my fingers are too old for that. Final two scenes--looking DOWN: Amazing. And then the dear dog. Beautiful shots. Beautiful.
mate striking mischmetal with an opinel produces the greatest spark I have ever seen from any knife awesome little mod thanks for sharing
thank You! ;-)
Good morning my friend,
yes I got it, here in India such knives are not used. In Europe pocket knives are very common since people don't take lunch box with rice and curry like they do here, but carry items like bread, cheese, capsicum etc. and then cut and prepare everything with their folding knives during lunch.
Opinel folders are very traditional and famous, invented in 1890 in France. Many people personalize them anyhow - this one here is meant for survival or bushcraft use.
tk care & rgds
yes this five star first class roti preparation was also my favourite method in earlier days, before the huge lazyness came over me ... now I simply cut the rotis (usually I take parothas) in halves and put them in the toaster ... then either salt or little bit cheese slices on top (works also fine with peanut butter jam, or nutella) - job done ... ;-)
Also gut gemacht, das mit dem Alu Rohr hatte mir gut gefallen,aber jetzt bekommst du ja zwei von meinen mit Hirschhorngriff.Ich habe
gesehen das auch dieses im Video Carbon Klinge hat,du bist ja dann damit schon vertraut und worauf ich mich noch mehr freue,
das die von mir in gute Hände kommen und micht zu emem der sowas nicht zu schätzen weiß.Lasse auch ein Abo.
Danke 😁
Ja ich steh auf Carbon, das braucht hier zwar mehr Aufmerksamkeit als Inox wegen Monsun und so weiter, aber dafür sind die Klingen einfach besser zu schärfen, und letztlich kommt es ja auf scharfe Klingen an 😁😁😁
Und ja, ich freu mich auch darauf, die Messer in meinen Händen zu halten ... auch wenn das leider noch dauert 😓
Very well ! Right hands ! 👍👍👍
Thank you!
Ich bin zwar kein Messerfanatiker, aber allein die Ästhetik deiner Fotos macht dies vid sehenswert, und als Feueranzünder kann mich das Teil total begeistern! Darüberhinaus sehe ich ja immer gerne zu, wenn jemand saubere Arbeit leistet; ich find's einfach schön zu sehen, dass es auch Leute gibt, die bis in die Fingerspitzen wissen, was sie tun! Dennoch bleibt natürlich mein Lieblingspart der mit den blauen Blümchen!!!:)))
yes exactly, a piezo crystal is mechanically compressed to produce electricity which is used to produce an electrical spark.
In olden days we used for lighting gas mechanical devices which had small flint sticks made from material very similar to the ferro rods I use here (these old ones were usually from Auermetal, pure ferrocerium rods, here some rare earthens are added). These small sticks were rubbed over a miniature file to produce sparks, the resulting sparks were burning iron.
rgds, R
Danke für deine VA. Du hast meine Idee viel besser gelöst als ich. Hab mal wieder zu viel um die Ecke gedacht! ;-))
Besonderst die schleifgereusche in der hohen Geschwindichkeit waren schön anzuhören.
Grüße Markus
Hi good morning my friend,
yes these electronic ones I use also to light my gas. But outdoors they are of no use, didn't ever get anything else lightened but gas with these small sparks which are only inside the device. And I guess once wet, they completely stop to work. ;-)
These outdoor rods are more reliable fire sources - means they throw sparks consisting of burning metal ;-)
Take care and have a nice day, rgds, Robert
yes I have seen Your last Opinel mod, very nice!
that idea of adding a firesteel came many years back - knives and fire are the only things one really needs outside, and combining them is a good idea (at least for one like me who always forgot the firesteel).
Most easy was the SAK toothpick mod, nondestructive done in 10 Mins. Opinels I started with a No7 and a small firesteel plus jute as neckknife, then came the chain (what was misproportional), finally I used only No9s+. Tricky but easy. ;-)
Moin Robert,
wieder ein klasse Idee!!!
Ich denke das werde ich mal nachmachen...besonders die Kugelkette als Stopper & Befestigungsmöglichkeit....top!
lol, yes You have to give it a try ;-)
Yes that jute-paracord is perfect if You want to have always tinder ready and plan to keep the knife in Your pocket where everything remains nice dry. I tried with different cordages and even different wires but found finally this ball chains perfect - optically it is a gread counter weight to the steel lock on the other end of the knife, and practically it is unbeatable, since easy to lock/unlock and comfortable around the neck if You use the long chain.
danke danke ;-)
Die bleuen Blümelchen und bläcken Brümmers sind natürlich ganz speziell eingebaut und all jenen gewidmet, die es nicht so sehr mit Messern haben ... außerdem gehören sie ja zum unabdingbaren Inventar meiner Freiluftwerkstatt ;-)))
Try using the back of the blade to throw sparks off the Fero rod , it will save the cutting edge for cutting.
yes of course, I would never get the idea of using the edge ;-D
And btw: with an Opinel you can even easily use the closed knife to throw sparks.
Good one!
thanks - don't think that it has an adverse effect. It is very hard beechwood, with most week point near to the joint - but so far I never heard that the handle got broken or so. But I will observe whether there is any problem - this is so far my second prototype only ... ;-)
That's a pretty neat trick to have a ferro rod on a folder... 👍
Thank you, yes that works great on an Opinel and is very easy to make. ;-)
thank you so much !! love the opinel's they are such amazing blanks for all your projects
Thank You! yes Opinels are totally great - very good knives for so many purposes, best EDCs ever, and perfect pieces for own modifications!
good morning back ;-)
well, using such firesteels belongs to the methods to ignite fire. Unlike matches or lighters, such mischmetal rods work always, even after being dumped in water etc. So that's usually first choice if You want to add any fire making device to a 'survival knife'
Of course I take the issue very abstract - my focus here is on the construction challenge. You could put also anything else in the hole, e.g. by sealing it in any plastic straw and dumping the straw there inside.
Gracias a ti Robert por mostrarnos los vídeos y por atender a mi pregunta.
Saludos, Edu
Viele deutsche Unternehmen sind vor allem hier in Bangalore, und natürlich Chennai, Delhi, Puna und Bombay - aber in Rajasthan oder anderen Landesteilen ist wirst Du davon wenig mitbekommen.
Ist halt auch sehr abhängig von der lokalen Wirtschaft - hier wird zum Beispiel wie verrückt gebaut, auch mit modernen Methoden - also sieht man auch überall Schwing-Stetter Fertigzement-Mischer auf der Straße, oder die Handwerker mit dem Boschkoffer auf dem Moped rumfahren ;-)
LG, Robert
simply but great!!!!!! well done Robert, take care Taro
Great idea! Thanks for a practical tip for making a cool knife even better.
Thank You! ;-)
Flinke Finger, Meister! :o)
Schaut echt gut aus und ist mächtig praktisch.
VG, Tim
🤔Good thinking Batman ☝️👍💯💯
thanks ;-)
yes that original blade shape is anyhow special, so far I didn't really get for what it is best or why exactly it was made in that way. I found the original shape very useful for cutting salami, and the top also very efficient for picking up food and eat ... means, so far I considered this shape to be a perfect picker ;-)
But for bushcraft purposes like drilling holes or so the shape I formed now may be slightly more practical ;-)
Very good idea and equally good realization! Well done!
Thank You! ;-)
Good idea with the knife blade,you work well.
+Fabián Yanez. V
Thank You! ;-)
+bangalorebobbel utjiyzasgk iircayukflkmccn😃 ⛲🏡⛲😎
Nice mod and I like the way you film.
thanks for Your comment - and the sub, as I noticed just now ;-)
Hi Michael,
danke, ja genau so war das gedacht ;-)
Und unter uns Schwaben: das Preisleistungsverhältnis ist in dieser Kombination absolut unschlagbar - super Messer 7,10 plus Feuer für 2,48 (im Doppelpack billiger ;-))) - Kette weiß ich nicht, stammt aus meinem Fundus, aber vernünftige dog tags gibts auf Amazon aktuell komplett für unter 2 Euro ... also inclusive Sandpapier fürs Schleifen deutlich unter 12 Euro, ohne Versandkosten.
LG, Robert
Muchas gracias! Und ebenfalls eine schöne Woche noch! rgds, Robert
That is one koolest mods on a knife
Good job, very useful mod! 👍🏻☺️
Thank You! ;-)
I'd pimped a lot of Opinels too but I never had the idea to make a firesteel Onkel it.
Hi Markus,
danke, ja zuerst wollte ich das eigentlich noch viel einfacher machen, mit einem Gummistöpsel (so einem Ohrstöpsel, kennst Du vielleicht) - aber dann dachte ich ach was, mach ich einfach gleich ein Neckknife draus und zieh ne Kette durch ;-)
War mein zweiter Versuch, der erste hat nicht so super geklappt - ist ein bißchen knifflig mit dem Winkel ;-)
Ja, die Geräusche kamen gut - wäre einfach zu lang&weilig geworden, wenn ich das normal abgespielt hätte ;-)))
LG, Robert
Gracias por ver y comentar.
No creo que el mango del cuchillo se debilita - que es muy fuerte de madera de haya.
Saludos, Robert
Great idea man! I will have to try this
thanks ;-)
yes try it, very easy job as you can see here ...
Awsome thank you for the advise.
Did the hole for the firesteel cross the port where the knife rests, when folded? I want to mod a opinel 9 just like that as a present for my brother in law. And it has to be absolutely perfect. Thats just a great idea!
Thanks yes that should not happen but may happen - better keeping always some Opinels as spares before one starts ... ;-)))
It is not only about finding exactly the right angle for the rod, but also whether the wood splits or not. Often it is simply too dry, so if You come to close to the port inside or to the outer shell, gone, and also the handle's end can split whiles drilling the hole for the chain from the sides ...
My secret trick for Opinel mods: I keep the knives for some days under humid conditions before drilling or carving. ;-)
But even if You come by mistake inside that port: it does not really matter as long as You form the blade to a drop point as I did it here, because in this case there is more space and the blade shouldn't touch the rod even if that comes little bit out of the wood.
To be on the safe side You could use a No.10 Opinel with the bigger handle, or You use for the No 9 simply a smaller ferrorod, e.g. one of these small ones 3x50 mm which I use for the toothpick replacement on the SAKs.
The smaller rod has only half of the diameter of the one used here, and has only 4 g weight compared to the 12 g of the 6x60 mm.
The fat rod here results in a completely different balance, just to add that, too ... ;-)
I tried it today. They crossed, but the knife still closes well!
cool, congrats! guess Your inlaw will love it! ;-)
I think so. It will get some other mods, as well.
wow, hope You present the final mod on YT! ;-)
Very nice mod. Fastest hands ever
Hi Stephan,
wow, da würde ich mich aber sehr geehrt und gebauchpinselt fühlen wenn Du das nachmachst - das wäre ja noch besser als ein Orden! ;-)
Haha, hau rein - und vergiss Dein Pflaster-Abo nicht! Ich hab mich doch tatsächlich beim Polieren an der frisch bearbeiteten Klinge geschnitten - hatte ja auch an der Schneide noch ganz leicht gebastelt, die Krümmung etwas abgeflacht und weiter nach hinten gezogen. Der Schnitt ging fast bis zum Knochen, das Teil ist sauscharf geworden ;-)
LG, Robert
Hi Robert. Great video! I can see you got new tools and crafting out cool stuff. I actually realized it was you after I saw you watch. haha. How are you and Eliz doing?
Hi Pramod, thanks! ;-) Hahaha, yes I still have that watch (the video is an old one but the watch is even muuuch older), just next week I have to give it for service since there is some electrical issue (I guess must be the battery now after 20+ years). Thanks we are same as always, nothing special here. What about you, everything fine, I hope?
Yes, I am in Pune. Everything is going well. Will meet you the next time I come to Bangalore. Be sure to ping me if you plan on coming to Pune.
yes come and meet, and yes Janu had told about, means that you are in Pune now. We came through in September/October on our Thar trip - we took the good old Marshal and went up there to Rajasthan and took a big round and came back home after three weeks ... ;-) We were fully focused on Rajasthan only so we didn't stop much on the way except for overnighters (on the way up we came through Pune in the early morning, on the way back home in the early afternoon, if I remember right), but next time we will surely contact you in advance and stop ;-)
Wow very good idea!!!
정말 좋은 아이디어네요 잘봤어요!
Thank You! ;-)
Good call on re shaping the blade!
thank you! ;-)
very cool. Great mod .
thank you!
Hi Tito,
vielen Dank! ;-)
Freu mich selbst, der erste Versuch ging noch daneben (mit einem 7er und einem kleineren Rod). Vermarkten würde mir ja wahrscheinlich nicht viel bringen, das war ja nicht viel mehr als zwei Löcher in ein Opinel bohren - und wer kauft schon Opinels mit Löchern drin ;-)))
Danke, auch fürs Wünschen - das Giveaway ist reiner Zufall, bin ja schon länger auf dem Feuer-Messer-Trip, geht bestimmt auch noch eine Weile so weiter ;-)
LG, Robert
thanks a lot, Taro, and yes, that was so far the simpliest way I found ... ;-) take care, rgds, Robert
Really nice mate, thanks for sharing.
Thank You! ;-)
Great idea. I liked. Greetings from Germany and subscription
Thank You! Greetings from India, and same back ;-)
Haha, Klaus,
jetzt werd ich schon von zwei Schwaben nacheinander gelobt, ich werd gleich verlegen - sonst heißt es doch: ned gschompfa isch fei gnuag globd ;-)
Hier ist ja gerade Monsoon, da regnets / ist noch nass / regnets gleich wieder. Also tüftelt man halt so rum - erst das Schweizer Messer, dann das Opinel, mal sehen, was wohl als nächstes drankommt?
Ist ja auch alles ganz einfach, kann (und soll ruhig) jeder nachmachen ... schnell, hol's Opinel! -)))
LG, der Spätzlesschwab aus Bangalore
This is like watching Benny Hill modify an Opinel, but it was also a good video.
hahaha, wow thanks, Benny was a great artist!
LOL....I didn’t think anyone these days knew who Benny Hill was. My parents hated him, but my grandma was his biggest fan, so when I’d visit, we’d stay up eating Pringles and watching Benny.
yes three roti were also the last items I had yesterday evening - lazy cooking: taking cold ones cut in halves and put them in the toaster to make them crispy ... ;-)
Seems cool !
I've one of those (unmodified) and always wondered in what conditions the shape of the blade could be practical or useful. Your answer : simply change the shape ! :-)
Awesome work my friend!
+mister smith thank You, Mister Smith! ;-)
Die Kette ist die kleine von so einer Militär-Hundemarke (die große hab ich verschlampt). Gibt's schon für unter 2 Euro neu. An den Badewannendingern fehlt der Verschluss ...
Es darf im Zweifel ja auch nicht zu fummelig werden - wenn Du Deine Betablocker brauchst, hast Du ja bestimmt keine besonders ruhige Hand ;-)
Übrigens kannst Du statt Mischmetall völlig beliebige Kleinigkeiten (Tabletten, Pülverchen etc.) wasserdicht in einen Plastik-Strohhalm einschweißen und in so ein Loch stecken. ;-)
Great work brother!
Thanks a lot, bro! ;-)
brilliant idea well done dude.
thank You! ;-)
Great idea and good job (y)
thank You! ;-)
Ja so ab No 9 wird's mit den Griffen interessant - Du musst ja beim Bohren auch das Hinterteil mit dem mit der Klinge "hochlaufenden" Holz berücksichtigen. Wg. schwäbisch sparen: schau Dir mal die Online-Bezugsadresse aus der Beschreibung an ;-)
Das mit dem Stöpsel hatte ich ursprünglich auch überlegt, wolte so Ohropax-Schaumstoffstöpsel nehmen - die kann man zusammendrücken und einführen, dann dehnen sie sich passend aus. Aber dann schien mir die Kette doch praktischer, wg. Neckknife-Option ;-)
Hey Robert. Das ist Geniestreich! Jetzt brauch ich nur noch eine Idee wie man ein Mischmetallstab bei den Vic's unterbringt (-: Bitte Videoantwort bis Ende November (-: Haaaa ha ha haaaa
Liebe Grüsse
Hi Maitogai, thanks for watching and commenting! rgds, Robert
Nice job and very good idea. Jolly good shape for the blade too! What would Mr. Opinel said about it?
Thank You - I really love the archaic original shape of Opinel blades, it is very functional. The tip is especially very useful for using the knife to cut food and use it then as a picker. Means if someone uses the knife mainly as a tool for cutting cheese or any sausages, cold cuts etc. and then for picking the pieces up, as farmers or craftsmen use to do almost everywhere in Europe when they eat their lunch somewhere out, it is a wonderful blade shape. No fork needed, the knife does the job. At least for me that works best - everybody may have his personal experience and practise, and let me say compared to a Swiss Knife, the Opinel is definitely the better picker for me ;-)
And of course it is also very nice for other purposes - Opinels are universal.I think, an Opinel is kinda king among the peasant's knives.
But, for a general purpose bushcraft pocket knife according to my experience a kind of drop point tip is maybe sometimes a very little bit better, since it is slightly more stabile and practical, especially for drilling little holes in wood or so. So I changed the shape slightly ... changing the blade from a perfect lunch blade to a better bushcraft blade.
I can imagine that Joseph Opinel would fully agree to such considerations, as well as Marcel would do ... but I guess they would both not want to produce such a model, and kick the current Opinel Outdoor out of the portfolio. Because the Makhaira blade shape is part of the brand ... ;-)
:) and ;) too!!
(2) maybe You still remember these old devices ... U shaped metal clamps which were pressed together, the open end sliding and rubbing the miniature flint over the little file? The sliding end had a big screw to fix the flint?
I have seen them maybe 30 years back here in India, too ... common kitchen items in many household in those days. But no idea what is the English term for such devices ... ;-)))
Buen vídeo y buena idea.
Me surge una pregunta: ¿no se debilita el mango de la navaja?
Gracias por la aportación.
Es muy buena idea. La copiaré. Excelente vídeo.
Danke ;-)
In Indien wirst Du sowas m.W. nach noch nicht bekommen, überhaupt ist bezüglich Taschenmessern hier ziemlich Fehlanzeige - Victorinox gibt es bereits vereinzelt zu kaufen, aber Opinel und Firesteel sind natürlich aus Deutschland mitgebracht. ;-)
NB: günstige Bezugsquellen stehen im Text zum Video ...
LG, Robert
Nice idea. Thanks!
Boris Scott thank You!
One of the coolest mods I've ever seen! 👏 can You tell me if is it possible to do the same job on a number 8 Opinel? Thanks a lot bros!
Tony Romei Thank You! ;-)
yes of course it should work with an number 8 as well, I did it even with a number 7. But for smaller numbers you should use also smaller ferrorods, not the 6mm diameter as I used here, they are too fat for fitting there in. For the 7 Opinel I used the same size ferrorod which I use also for the Swiss Army toothpick mods (You may have also seen on my channel, the Swiss Champ and Swiss Minichamp mods). Size of these is 1/8" by 2" or approx. 3mmx50mm against that 6mmx60mm used here.
In fact, nobody really needs fat ferros. I have one good for 12000 ignitions or so, but use that only at home and prefer for outdoors to use small ones and carry a second one, if required, as spare part. First of all it is less weight to carry small rods, and second reason is that I like to carry important things redundant and on different store places. Means e.g. one in the rucksack, the other in the pocket, or so. Just in case ... ;-)
The fine thing of this Opinel mod is, that you do not need to change anything at the ferrorod - just use it as it is. If it is over after some thousands of ignitions, replace it by the next one. Cheap and easy ;-)
Drilling is of course some trial and error here, one has to find the exact starting point and angle in order to not to drill into the rill ... and I say that from some experience ;-) As you may have noticed I demonstrated before drilling how it should happen - don't drill straight but slightly down, slightly to the side. And use a fresh drill bit else the wood may break.
Else: I wish You good success and lot of joy with Your self customized outdoor Opinel ;-)
rgds, Robert
BTW, did you modify the knife partly to be a better striker?
Без кондуктора подобная сверловка спорна. Ну и раз засверлили чего ж под 1/4 шестигранник держатель не сделать?
Нет риска - нет веселья ;-)
Колдовство для меня бесполезно, но я могу хорошо использовать нож с огненной сталью.
@@bangalorebobbel есть люди опытные, но много криворуких и школьников возьмут сверло по металлу и испортят ручку без кондуктора(
Да это верно. Но я просто делаю для себя поделки и показываю, как это делаю. Это просто времяпрепровождение. И делаю это с минимальными усилиями.
Я не занимаюсь промышленным массовым производством и не делаю трафареты для людей без опыта и нуждающихся в трафаретах.
Я ленивый парень 😁
It is a very good idea!
thank You! and it works fine, just to say it ... ;-)))
just curious….where are you? it looks awesome
+Bischlarbo69 thank You! ;-) This video was made in Bangalore, India.
This idea was smart but I do have a concern. When the wood swells won't the forest eel get stuck in the handle?
Young Woodsman no I didn't have so far any difficulty with the firesteel. I live in a semiarid land, means we have dry season with no air humidity but high temperatures or monsoon with plenty of moisture, and so far nothing happened. Didn't try to keep it for some days in the rain, but I guess in that case a major maintenance operation could be required :-D
bangalorebobbel oh okay, but if it gets wet fishing or someone it might swell or if you stain the wood. Anyway a very smart idea and carried out equally!
Young Woodsman yes I guess for fishing or similar situations where it is almost always wet, a fixed knife with stainless steel blade and plastic handle like e.g. a Mora would make much more sense. I am using Opinels (and mainly even those with the carbon steel blade) since many years without ever having problems but I keep my knives always in good condition, means using an Opinels even in water or washing it under the tap or so was always OK, but I always use to dry it after such uses. And maybe the trick is also the use itself - knives in use do never rust :-D
yes I am especially kinda very experienced specialist in preparing these deep frozen ones from Sumeru, the Malabar Paratha variety ... means, cutting them with scissors in half and putting them in my toaster, of course ;-)))
cool, for matches You could keep the hole even much smaller ;-)))
haha, yes this is just a kind of a little monsoon time pass - we didn't have so far these massive rains as You had, but it is monsoon wetting everywhere, so I keep the bike standing. And anyhow I am since some months playing with options of how to add these fire rods to knives ... first I showed a valid solution for the SAK, this is my latest idea for Opinel, so let me see what comes next ;-)
tk care, and have fun!
Really nice. You did an opinel Explorer maybe before its creation 😂. It looks even better 👏
thanks a lot, and yes, my knife here is of 2013 as you can see (and I've made this kind of Opinel also before) whiles the Opinel Explorer is from 2016, afaik ... 😉😁😉
Great idea that works
Thank you! 😁
Thats cool mod but why did you use that crappy beaded chain
Thanks - IMHO this type of chain is the most practical item for that purpose (besides that, I simply had it ...).
What else would you use?
@@bangalorebobbelthat chain is a bit weak,i would use pocket watch chain with ring or paracord.
Well yes but that makes, IMHO, no sense at all for the intended use case. If you want to have such a knife just for fun you can do whatever you want, of course. You could also put a lock or a fat screw through the end of the knife in order to block the ferro rod. Everything possible..
But f you want to have the ferro rod accessible since you intend to use it, You want the chain to be easiy removable. It must not be a fat and strong chain since it is just meant to block the ferrorod from falling out. And it should be in my opinion of light weight.
So I found this little chain ideal. It is extremely practical, easy to handle, easy to open, easy to clean, reliable and comes for a cheap price. And I can replace it at any moment in no time with the longer chain version and carry that thing as neck knife. What I do every once in a while depending on my activities ...
So, it serves very well its purpose in my case, and a clock chain or a paracord would not do that in the same practical way for me.
And btw, this is a military grade dog tag chain. It might look flimsy for those who are not familiar with that kind of chains, but it is quite ok, proved by hundreds of millions of users over decades all over the world. It comes as set of two chains, the smaller one which I usually use for the knife is at the lower end of the dog tag (in case you don't know that expression it means a identification tag soldiers carry) and a longer one which you put around your neck for carrying your tag. If you happen to die on the field, the tag or part of it which hangs around your neck remains on your dead body for identification whiles the other tag or part of it is taken away and used for reporting and statistic purposes and so on.
I have worn such chains for years, not only during service carrying my tag but also afterwards carrying something else, and I use such chains in the longer version generally for neck knife purposes or for hanging a small LED torch around my neck during night. They are very reliable and strong yet if you put too much stress on them they break. That is a safety feature since else someone could strangle you with your own chain, or you would possible strangle yourself by hanging with that chain in some tree or so.
So, if you want to make yourself such a knife modification, just think for what purpose you want to make it, and then use whatever you feel is ok for you. It depends totally on you and your use case. In my case, such dog tag chains are for sure the best option. And I would also strongly recommend these chains for most other users which intend to use that kind of modded knife during their outdoor activities and do not plan to have it simply as showoff piece or as collectors knife.
Coole Idee. Aber ich getraue mich an eine Modifizierung meines Opinel 12 nicht ran, habe beim Batonen schon 'n Stück Griff abgesplittert. Wie mag das erst beim Bohren sein . .
Gruß Tino
Danke, Tino.
Mit so einem Akkubohrer bei niedriger Drehzahl passiert eher wenig, aber wenn Du Befürchtungen hast könntest Du ja mit einem dünneren Bohrer erst mal vorsichtig vorbohren. Das hier ist meine Opi-Lieblingsgröße 9, bei einem 12er hast Du ja noch viel mehr Holz, geht also eher noch einfacher ;-)
Ich gebe aber zu: ja, ein paar Opinels hab ich schon verhunzt. Also, die Klinge ist mir eigentlich immer gelungen, aber ich hab halt irgendwie den Griff versaut. So ein "versautes" Opinel kann man dann ja aber als Ausgangsmaterial für andere Mods nehmen - einmal hab ich zum Beispiel mal ein Alurohr als Griff rangemacht, das Ding ist funktional gesehen echt der Knaller geworden, obwohl es schon recht eigenartig aussieht ;-)
LG, Robert
Was Batons du auch mit einem Opinel? Dafür sind die nun wirklich nicht gemacht.
Merci pour ta réponse, et tout ces liens :-)
+Lapie Jacasse
Cool video :) a good idea :)
thank You! ;-)
Super Idee und das Video beweist das es geht, aber ich habs leider nicht geschafft, obwohl ich alles haargenau nachgemacht und auch dasselbe Messer gekauft habe. Ich driftete beim Bohren ein wenig in den Klingenkanal ab und als ich den Feuerstahl reinschob ging das Messer nicht mehr ganz zu. Grrrr! Hab das Loch dann mittels Holzdübel wieder zugeleimt.
Ja bei mir hat es auch nicht gleich beim ersten Mal geklappt - ich glaub, die ersten zwei oder drei hab ich schlicht ruiniert. Erst recht schwierig wirds bei den kleineren Nummern, auch unter Verwendung kleinerer Feuerstähle - aus einem dieser missglückten Versuche mit einem 7er ist dann ja auch mein Alüättö entstanden ;-)
Ist schon etwas tricky, genau den richtigen Winkel und die richtige Höhe zu treffen. Hab das im Video ja ungefähr angedeutet, ich bohr immer rechts am Kanal vorbei und ganz leicht nach unten, aber wenn man da zu hoch kommt oder der Winkel zu spitz ist, geht's halt im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes daneben ;-)
Wenn's Messer nicht mehr zugeht könntest Du noch versuchen, einen dünneren Bohrer zu nehmen und vom Feuerstahl etwas abzunehmen. Oder vielleicht kannst Du die Schneide etwas anpassen, die Klinge lässt sich ja zumindest bei den Carbon-Modellen relativ leicht bearbeiten. Mach ich sowieso für Bushcraft-Einsatz, da hab ich so eine Klingenform wie beim Schweizer Messer lieber als die Original Opinel-Version. Ich hab's auch schon mit einem dünneren Firesteel versucht (den Teilen die ich auch für die SAKs nehme), geht bei einem 9er natürlich viel einfacher, aber ich fand das nicht so stimmig, das dünne Ding im dicken Griff, der dickere Firesteel ist einfach schöner. Und der macht das Opinel dann auch erstaunlich schwer ... ;-)
Was auch geht, sogar relativ einfach, ist zwei parallele Löcher rechts und links von der Klinge reinzubohren - eines für einen dünnen Firesteel und eines für sonstwas, z.B. einen dünnen Strohhalm mit irgendwas drin. Die müssen dann aber ziemlich weit rein, fast vor bis zum Ring, damit man die Kette schön flach über die ganze Breite bekommt, bevor das Griffende abknickt. Und naja, irgendwie sieht das Ende mit diesem Doppelloch dann ziemlich doof aus ... jedenfalls bei meinen bescheidenen Versuchen bisher ;-)
LG, Robert
yes same here sometimes - left pocket, right pocket? ;-)
first time it rains and the wood expands you wont see that ferrorod again :D
wrong - I'm using it since 5 years here in India, monsoon country, and never noticed any such problem ;-D
hahaha, thanks, I thought You have already seen that here, cos You used a firesteel with Your Opinel ;-)))
Nice mod!
then You may have to check the video description for the online order address ... my preferred source for Opinels ;-)
No 9 (at least) reguired for the mischmetal rod I used here, else the handle may break. smaller mischmetal rods (which I used for the SAK mod) for the smaller numbers recommended.
Oh vielen Dank - und ja, flinke Finger fingern flink und machen manche Messer langsam besser ;-)
Praxistest steht natürlich noch aus, aber bisher bin ich mit dem Teil ganz zufrieden ... ist ja nur Prototyp, ich bin noch lange nicht fertig ... ;-)
LG, Robert
PS: Seegurke? wenigstens läuft das neue Video ja jetzt, vorher war da bei mir immer nur schwarze Nacht ;-)
Very very slick.
Excellent. Congratulations.
thank You! ;-)
vraiment bonne video je par souvant en rendonne et je pense que je vais faire pareil
+Alex Pennestri merci beaucoup - and yes you should try it yourself! ;-)
Very easy job, just observe the right angle whiles drilling, means don't drill straight but in an angle of maybe 10-15 ° sideways.
If i could move my hand that fast id get a divorce
good idea. thanks for sharing.
Thank You! ;-)
not really - I made the kind of drop point mainly for having a slightly better bushcraft tool since I find the usual tip not so ideal for making holes in wood or so. These carbon steel Opinels are the perfect strikers even straight out of the box (I never had one with stainless steel blade so I cannot tell how they are).
The handle is just adapted to my hand - then it has automatically enough gap to use the knife also in closed state easily as striker. ;-)
Nice mod, but I wouldn't recommend using the knife blade itself to strike a firesteel. If the spine of your blade isn't sharp enough to strike a firesteel, you could simply file down a small portion (or the entire spine if you prefer) of it for that use.
oh yes indeed, I totally agree - in case of an Opinel it is usually not even required to open the knife, one can use it even in closed condition very nicely as striker. But here the knife was already opened ...
Maybe little bit badly filmed but as You can see at 2:16 I didn't use the sharp edge of the blade but the spine, of course ... ;-)
With Opinels I had so far no need to file the spine, they came always as perfect strikers. But I did it with Moras and some Victorinox knives several times. Works slso fine to do it with a piece of sandpaper, or a diamond sharpener ... ;-)
rgds, Robert
Nice idea!
Thank you Master
Manuel Dobao welcome you are, now on you it is to make one! May the forge be with you!