This episode aired originally in Australia in 2007. The spin off French-specific series aired in 2011 I believe. The most recent series "Food Safari Water" finished its run in 2018. I can't wait for another, it is a brilliant show
A croissant is possibly a regular thing to eat in France, but regarding French desserts: they're more like for occasions or tourists. An ordinary French person wouldn't eat them everyday. I guess they're more of fromage and fruit people, than desserts, and they walk a lot, especially around the capital Paris where the traffic jam is high, so they prefer walking to driving, but the majority of the French being too thin is not the case anymore in the last few years. I guess globalization and fast foods have affected all new generations around the world.
There's no shows like this anymore! Delicious!
Agree 💯
Thanks, really loved this episode 🤍
When it comes to food, nowhere can match the passion that the French have
Big fan of the show from my childhood
Love from Kolkata, India ❤️
I want some french food now
20:49 , so satisfying
"It doesnt have to be the best cut of beef" ... Proceeds to use Wagyu
You don’t have to use a top cut of beef. I am using Wagyu. 😂😂😂😂
Michelin, in promoting individual travel, gifted the world by elevating cuisine to an art-form.
Good portions
Please upload other episodes 🙏❤️✨
You are back n thats awesome.
Missed you. 😍
me too
Très bien 😊
no beef stock on the onion soup????
Please upload all Italian food safari videos
Are these new episodes?
Yes they're
@Riviere Marc well is it new or not? I'm hearing 2 different answers here
This episode originally aired in 2007.
This episode aired originally in Australia in 2007. The spin off French-specific series aired in 2011 I believe. The most recent series "Food Safari Water" finished its run in 2018. I can't wait for another, it is a brilliant show
A croissant is possibly a regular thing to eat in France, but regarding French desserts: they're more like for occasions or tourists. An ordinary French person wouldn't eat them everyday. I guess they're more of fromage and fruit people, than desserts, and they walk a lot, especially around the capital Paris where the traffic jam is high, so they prefer walking to driving, but the majority of the French being too thin is not the case anymore in the last few years. I guess globalization and fast foods have affected all new generations around the world.