I have the same laptop it's not turning on Something burned near the LED display connector it is 8 pin micro chip, But I'm having 3 volts over that square chip, can I just change the burned micro chip to get the laptop work again?
I love your video....I have a question regarding cpu ohm ...you test capacitor on cpu and find 6 ohm. Is it normal or is it a short? Because on another video 5 ohm on cpu and I have understood that was normal....I' m confused on that. Thank a lot
woow will be hard to try to get used to this new of 10 minutes format.. so many info was lost and yours so valuable comments wasted by the works flow. sorry i keep trying to get used for!!
u r really great person .starting time look bore then slowly you teach us very understand way god job sir salute for you
I have the same laptop it's not turning on
Something burned near the LED display connector it is 8 pin micro chip,
But I'm having 3 volts over that square chip, can I just change the burned micro chip to get the laptop work again?
Nice work
I love your video....I have a question regarding cpu ohm ...you test capacitor on cpu and find 6 ohm. Is it normal or is it a short? Because on another video 5 ohm on cpu and I have understood that was normal....I' m confused on that. Thank a lot
great job :)
woow will be hard to try to get used to this new of 10 minutes format.. so many info was lost and yours so valuable comments wasted by the works flow. sorry i keep trying to get used for!!
very good
Hello Sir