xp gained from handing in resheph lore or books is flat rate, and therefore is worth more in the late game than in the early because as you progress, safe and achievable experience becomes harder to obtain, therefore I horde books and resheph info for level 30 for a big jump in levels :)
The Snapjaw Warlord at 15:33 was a Mechanimist Convert and not hostile :(
oh nooooo! I didn't mean it! 😥
Why did you store your books in a chest instead of giving them to the librarian?
xp gained from handing in resheph lore or books is flat rate, and therefore is worth more in the late game than in the early because as you progress, safe and achievable experience becomes harder to obtain, therefore I horde books and resheph info for level 30 for a big jump in levels :)
How do you go so fast when auto exploring? Is it a setting?
I've been wondering this same thing, pls and thank!
It is a setting. In the options for autoexplore there is a small line about the speed with ♾️ being the option for fast
protip: you CAN in fact see what data disks are, even before you have tinkering, by (l)ooking at them
Oh dang i didn't know that