The Ultimate Working Man's Shred Guitar! (Harley Benton SC-Custom) Demo / Review

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @perihelion7798
    @perihelion7798 6 лет назад +378

    Let all guitar players appreciate a company that brings quality instruments to working class folks at a reasonable price. It allows a lot more people to play a very nice instrument.
    This from a guy that has 7 Gibsons and 4 Fenders...

    • @erictoniaschwab1009
      @erictoniaschwab1009 5 лет назад +8

      Perihelion77 Amen. Great time to be a musician. They’ve come a long way the last few decades.

    • @blackfender100
      @blackfender100 5 лет назад +5

      With you 100% on that statement.

    • @LG_SmartFridge
      @LG_SmartFridge 10 месяцев назад

      5 years after the fact, how many do you have now?

    • @perihelion7798
      @perihelion7798 10 месяцев назад

      @@LG_SmartFridge The same. Haven't bought any new ones, as they are grossly overpriced now, for the quality - or lack of quality.

  • @Wraith35
    @Wraith35 6 лет назад +469

    I wish we had guitars like this when I started playing.

    • @richq11
      @richq11 6 лет назад +28

      When I started playing you could buy a Les Paul for a couple hundred bucks!

    • @jamesiandavis9352
      @jamesiandavis9352 6 лет назад +2

      I second that!!

    • @blackwingnut16
      @blackwingnut16 6 лет назад +27

      Dude, I would have killed for this guitar back in 85. Ya had high end Fender, Gibson, Ibanez , Kramer, Jackson..... then unplayable sub $300 garbage, that usually come with a free amp, cord, strap, and picks. It was a trial by fire, play this monstrosity of instrument so you could graduate to a decently made guitar.

    • @panzervalkyrie9299
      @panzervalkyrie9299 6 лет назад +4

      Same when I started in New Zealand 1981 all you could get was shit and it was very expensive shit!

    • @rikosborne1212
      @rikosborne1212 5 лет назад +3

      Remembering my Hondo SG-like guitar from 1982 or '83. I think it cost more back then than this guitar.

  • @ReiBluetea
    @ReiBluetea 6 лет назад +391

    One of the resons HB can sell such great guitars is that they directly sell it.
    They base their designs on existing designs (in this case a ESP ltd ec 1000). Some of the hardware is from lesser known brands (wilkinson/rosswell) so they don´t have to buy e.g duncan design pickups. So no extra money for famous brands. They let their instruments get built in asia and they are the only retailer which sells them. In a regual case there a few retailers between the manufacturer and the customer.
    All this stuff keeps the price of the instrument low, so they can add nice high quality extras like the Floyd Rose.
    Sorry for my bad englisch and greetings from germany. I´m a big fan and keep rockin` \m/

    • @WalmartTom
      @WalmartTom 6 лет назад +12

      You are totally right, could not agree more.

    • @xcuqix
      @xcuqix 6 лет назад +1

      dankeschœn! I've been eyeing the R-458 model and all this info helps me on my purchasing decision. Anyways, thank y'all!

    • @joethegiant
      @joethegiant 6 лет назад +10

      These are actually built in the same factory as the esp ltd's.

    • @luginonluginon2602
      @luginonluginon2602 6 лет назад +3


    • @wadeguidry6675
      @wadeguidry6675 6 лет назад +7

      Floyd Rose 1000 is made in Korea to exact specs and materials as the ones made in Germany.

  • @1337_fl0w
    @1337_fl0w 4 года назад +702

    So... you're basically buying a Floyd Rose that comes with a free guitar

    • @twanahamawandi6546
      @twanahamawandi6546 4 года назад +40

      that's what i was thinking i mean that floyd rose alone costs as much the whole guitar

    • @jonathanhinojosa1972
      @jonathanhinojosa1972 4 года назад +11

      That's a good deal lmao

    • @SpartacusColo
      @SpartacusColo 4 года назад +45

      @@twanahamawandi6546 Or maybe Floyd's don't really 'cost' that much to begin with?

    • @twanahamawandi6546
      @twanahamawandi6546 4 года назад +33

      @@SpartacusColo this one comes with a floyd rose 1000 series which is made in south korea and last time i checked these bridges cost around 250$

    • @paulojorge3631
      @paulojorge3631 4 года назад +21

      @@twanahamawandi6546 damn son you've really missed the point

  • @patricreklesdeal8406
    @patricreklesdeal8406 3 года назад +38

    Max... I Researched and discovered this Harley Benton guitar But!!! Because of you, this video, and All the extra info you shared with All of Us!!! I Ran off and Immediately bought this Exact Guitar! It is Amazing the Amount of Quality Guitar I Received for Under 300 Bucks!!! I Absolutely Love It!!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!! YOU Max are doing amazing reviews!!! Keep up the Great Work!!!

  • @LarryHovis
    @LarryHovis 6 лет назад +605

    Me: I have enough guitars, I don't need any more. I'm good.
    Maxxx: Hey check out this Harley Benton!
    Me: OH SUNUVA....!!!

    • @Mr.Goldbar
      @Mr.Goldbar 6 лет назад +51

      Nobody thinks they have enough guitars

    • @ayecapn
      @ayecapn 6 лет назад +60

      The correct number of guitars is N+1, where N = the number of guitars you already have.

    • @LarryHovis
      @LarryHovis 6 лет назад +4

      @@ayecapn Yeah :-/

    • @Ranger11413
      @Ranger11413 6 лет назад +19

      Same here. It's ridiculous. I can't help myself. I need an intervention and possibly rehab ?

    • @Rabessey
      @Rabessey 6 лет назад +8

      I saw his review of the Wolf WPRS...and bought it...quilted top with no seam...amazing gorgeous guitar. I do have enough guitars 30+, Now I'm buying an Audio interface, gaming computer, VR I can play guitar in virtual reality....Yeah, I need an intervention

  • @SkeeterMcBeater
    @SkeeterMcBeater 6 лет назад +117

    If a LP with a FR is good enough for Alex Lifeson, it's good enough for me.

    • @lilminer69er
      @lilminer69er 5 лет назад +6


    • @Mr1797071
      @Mr1797071 4 года назад +3

      I got the Agile Dauntless w/Floyd and EMG Select humbuckers, B-stock from tiny mark, $159. It is heavier with no belly cut and no maple cap, all mahogany. A lot cheaper than the 4K from Gibson at the time for an Alex Lifeson signature.

    • @krytonsbeast
      @krytonsbeast 4 года назад +4

      It's one of the reasons I bought it. I mostly jam along to Rush tracks (karoke for guitar) I found a guy on ebay who, through some kind of witchcraft, can take Alex out of the equation, and leave Neil (RIP) and Geddy in. So you provide the guitar part. Working on Freewill at the moment. Great fun.. 😀
      Only a couple of quid for nearly every Rush track. With & without vocals.

    • @psexnyc
      @psexnyc 4 года назад +1

      @@Mr1797071 Wish I had known about that Agile Dauntless before I ordered the Harley Benton SC Custom FR VB! But, the HB has all gold metal parts and it has that coil-tap too. I also found this guitar on quest to find out what Alex Lifeson was playing. His Floyd LP was beautiful. If I could own a LP Style Guitar, it must have a Floyd. Every Gibson LP with Floyd costs between $3000-$5400.
      My HB is $300 including the $35 shipping charge.

    • @Mr1797071
      @Mr1797071 4 года назад

      @@psexnyc Gold hardware and coil tap are nice. The real Alex Lifeson signature also has weight relief, which would also be nice. The HB sounds like the best bang for the buck available now, especially with 24 frets.

  • @mrhingland6206
    @mrhingland6206 4 года назад +10

    OMG I watched the first 5 minutes of this review and found myself on the Thomann site buying this model guitar!

  • @JamesHammett15
    @JamesHammett15 5 лет назад +9

    I’m a fan of both the Floyd Rose and the “Les Paul” style guitars.
    So for Harley Benton to put the two together for such an affordable price absolutely awesome.
    I love it.

  • @carlparker3571
    @carlparker3571 6 лет назад +9

    When I was still in High school (mid to late 80's) I built (rebuilt) a Hondo bolt on LP. I made a blackwood fret board, and used 24 steel frets, brass nut, put in a set of charvel Jackson reflex silver hb's and routed for a floyd. I played the hell out of that thing till around 92. Everyone hated my guitar, but they loved the way it played. It seems if you go messing around with classic looks people usually don't like it. I think it's a very cool guitar, and I also think it sounds pretty good as well. As usual great playing.

  • @DreamerVisionary
    @DreamerVisionary 6 лет назад +26

    I do believe I have found my next guitar thank you so very much Max

  • @arthurgordon2358
    @arthurgordon2358 6 месяцев назад +1

    I bought this exact guitar 2 weeks ago for 400.00 Canadian dollars. Considerimg this video was made 5 years ago and the prices of everything in the world have pretty much doubled since then. It was a steal in my eyes. It was used, but kept in mint condition. I've never been happier with a guitar this cheap in price. I felt lucky to even get it as the seller had multiple offers. The first guy didnt show up, so I was 2nd in line . I Didnt hesitate to buy it once I had it in my hands. Then an hour later, I found Vox Valvetronix AD30VT for 100.00 in mint 10/10 condition. God is good!!!

    • @prs149
      @prs149 5 месяцев назад

      New Harley Benton sc custom lll fr are now in stock

  • @codybruce3864
    @codybruce3864 6 лет назад +44

    HB out here changing the Affordable Axe game!

  • @BenRobsonMusic
    @BenRobsonMusic 6 лет назад +183

    I actually think it's weirder to see a 25.5 inch scale length on an LP-style guitar than it is to see a Floyd on one.

    • @SixString_J5
      @SixString_J5 6 лет назад +18

      I know it's an 'LP' but it's more ripping off the ESP EC than the latter.

    • @BenRobsonMusic
      @BenRobsonMusic 6 лет назад +15

      @@SixString_J5 yeah but even that has a 24.75 inch scale length doesn't it? I can't even think of another LP copy off the top of my head with a Fender scale length.

    • @SixString_J5
      @SixString_J5 6 лет назад +2

      @@BenRobsonMusic Well, I guess it does, lol.

    • @bwgti
      @bwgti 6 лет назад +2

      i think the ibanez arz is 25.5

    • @bwgti
      @bwgti 6 лет назад

      nope . just 25”.

  • @thehound2161
    @thehound2161 6 лет назад +7

    I have an SC-Custom Honey Flame with the Wilkenson's. The PUP's, bridge especially, is very hot (like 10.5 K?) and really has a nice high output. The build quality is very nice and the total of my set up out of the box was minor intonating, that's all. Frets were perfect but the baked maple board will always need conditioning out of the box. This will arrive very dry looking. Heavy, heavy guitar with quality wood. I got a two piece, split and centered right in the middle. Not easy to see it is two piece. The thin maple flame top veneer is deeply flamed and matched perfectly. There is even visible a tight cross stich in the flame. Grover tuners keep it in tune for a long time. I paid $203.69 USD, including shipping, to Michigan. I got it in 8 days. I have purchased the TE-90 flt and the TE-70 Paisley also. These were equally as nice. I have no experience with the cheaper low end Harley Benton's as i would not go there. I have heard good things about them as well, but why try to get the lowest end models if the Deluxe and Pro models are so inexpensive to start.

    • @antma9028
      @antma9028 4 года назад

      How are those HBs holding up?

  • @Jones5150
    @Jones5150 5 лет назад +2

    I picked up mine 6 months ago and I’m still amazed as shit on how well this guitar plays

  • @rej4166
    @rej4166 6 лет назад +16

    Would love to see a side by side comparison of this guitar and a Gibson or ESP that he mentioned in the video. Thanks for putting in all the work in making these vids. Good stuff

  • @mikemercer5808
    @mikemercer5808 5 лет назад +1

    One thing he didn't point out, at 2:53 you'll notice a "volute" on the back of the headstock. The volute gives better strength to the headstock. I have a $800 PRS SE custom 24 that doesn't have a volute. This is a nice touch that is surprising to see on a cheaper ax.

  • @garyheighway7635
    @garyheighway7635 6 лет назад +10

    HB'S are great value for the money. Love mine. I have put Dragonfire pickups on two of mine but the Roswell's are really good.

  • @joeelliott5778
    @joeelliott5778 3 года назад

    You convinced me MAX. I bought one and I am happy, happy, joy, joy with it. It got here right out of the box, IN TUNE even.

  • @ToroKchannel
    @ToroKchannel 6 лет назад +5

    I have the SC custom without FR at home and I love it. Never had such a cheap guitar that gave me that much pleasure to play. Really amazing ! Nice demo btw, thanks for this video.

  • @richbird23
    @richbird23 6 лет назад +1

    I just started learning guitar at 64 with my young grandson. I got a Harley Benton SC-Custom without the Floyd Rose. Very impressed with the quality and sound. It stays in tune and with all the gold hardware it's a head turner!

    • @anthonyjames3074
      @anthonyjames3074 6 лет назад

      In the same boat. 64 yrs old; grandson is a rocker (Hendrix, SRV, Blackmore, Rory Gallagher) Not into video games, so this may be a way to spend time together. Just got him the Firefly Semi-Hollow Body that was demo'd on another video.

  • @kevinberstler
    @kevinberstler 5 лет назад +12

    Personally, I really like the look of a Les Paul style, especially black and gold. Floyd Rose is almost always a great choice for a bridge. The price point is great because it helps create more opportunities for more people to get into guitars.

  • @2015IeepWranglerJK
    @2015IeepWranglerJK 4 года назад +4

    I love it, I just ordered it! My first Harley Benton. I needed a travel guitar.

    • @braedynlowder1389
      @braedynlowder1389 4 года назад +1

      Man U got lucky they stopped selling them man

    • @JiraTheFreak
      @JiraTheFreak 2 года назад +2

      @@braedynlowder1389 no, they didn't, I got mine 2 weeks back

  • @MarkMcCluney
    @MarkMcCluney 6 лет назад +12

    That's an awfully handsome instrument and very affordable. If only I had room for all these guitars! Thanks so much Max for this and all your vids this year - a very happy Christmas to you and all your viewers.

  • @ToneD5150
    @ToneD5150 2 года назад +1

    WOW! Talk about bang for your buck...!!!
    After setting up this guitar to my liking, I can't seem to put it down! It actually plays as good if not better than my Les Paul. I would highly recommend this Black Beauty to anyone wanting to save money on purchasing a high quality guitar!
    I've swapped out the bridge pup for a EmG, for my personal preference, but it's not really necessary....
    Thanks Max for this Grrr8 review on this mind bending shred tool...!!!
    🤘Keep it METAL 💯

  • @maciejl5964
    @maciejl5964 4 года назад +3

    Incredible. i just bought it and cant wait for it

  • @weddingwiththewhitedove
    @weddingwiththewhitedove 4 года назад +1

    I bought one in the early hours of the morning today. Dont want 2021 without it. It needs a good equilizer for not so expensive amps, to give its Roswell pickups full flare. I have to thank you for making ne assured that i made the right choice. . Great name brand. German prescision. I like the non transparent matt. Gigs in the dark cool. Like the height of the strings x the tune lock safeguard up at the top. The tremendous tremolo 1000 is always in tune, unlike other cheap guitars. Thx man you from a good tribe. You remind me of Ian Astbury a. Ka. The Cult. 24 frets yes yes yes!!

    • @steliosemmanouilidis5050
      @steliosemmanouilidis5050 3 года назад +1

      Hello do you still have this guitar, i need to ask you a question

    • @weddingwiththewhitedove
      @weddingwiththewhitedove 3 года назад

      @@steliosemmanouilidis5050 yes, go ahead

    • @steliosemmanouilidis5050
      @steliosemmanouilidis5050 3 года назад +1

      @@weddingwiththewhitedove well someone has already answered, but basically they haven't screwed in the nut on mine. They just put glue. I asked if this was the case for other people that have this guitar, but its not

  • @andybungert
    @andybungert 6 лет назад +3

    Wow. This thing is incredible for the price! I love the idea of the longer scale length especially for lower tunings! Great vid!

  • @nigelgregory7090
    @nigelgregory7090 6 лет назад +2

    Always liked the shape of Les Paul but prefered fr floating tremlo, I'm having one of these,looks perfect combination of price and build quality at budget level.
    £265 in the UK, unreal value.

  • @helcat3567
    @helcat3567 6 лет назад +5

    Hi Max! I think that little guitar looks and sound fantastic. I love to see Floyd Rose beiges on Les paul style guitars to. I think that guitar is a real game changer. Your pal Helcat in Australia.

  • @ashwilsonmuzic
    @ashwilsonmuzic Год назад

    My guitar collection equates to about 15k a mixture of Gibson LP, Fender Strats and teles and PRS and im now scratching my head as these guitars sound and look just as good! My mind is blown!

  • @zebulonswearingen9935
    @zebulonswearingen9935 6 лет назад +6

    Awesome playing, Dude. Your style’s uniquely rockin’. It showed off the guitar very well. & by the way, I do like this axe - sound & appearance. Thank I too have a Les Paul Copy of mysterious make - it’s ‘70’s vintage & also sounds & looks smoldering hot.
    This guitar is awesome with the Floyd Rose & other shred worthy tech. If I wanted to emulate early hard rock or vintage heavy metal , please trust & believe me that I’ve already got my aforementioned Les Paul Copy for this purpose - cherry sunburst body, a couple of humbuckers, 22 frets, vintage bridge, etc. But rock & roll, hard rock & heavy metal have “all” obviously evolved. This guitar SCREAMS this idea, in my opinion. Thanx!

  • @garydragon9315
    @garydragon9315 4 года назад

    I just ordered one always wanted a les paul with a floyd and the 24 fret is wild. I gotta tell you i love your channel you are the bomb on whats the latest on guitars. Thank you so much for sharing the wisdom brother. Ive got 35 guitars and am always looking for something different. Im watching your channel daily .thanx again.

  • @krytonsbeast
    @krytonsbeast 5 лет назад +18

    I'm in the UK, been playing since I was 12, I am now 53, I'm not great, but I know my guitars. I have had 3 Harley Benton guitars to-date. And I'm buying one of these. I know the build quality is typically German. In Germany, there is no tollorence. It is either correct, or wrong. If it is wrong, it gets put right. My top, when you buy a guitar, only look at the guitar, mostly, don't get caught up too much with names. In this age of CNC precision engineering, the playing field has pretty much leveled out. Parts are parts, wire is wire, and plastic is plastic, metal is metal. Wood, yes, that means a lot. Anyway, thank you for the review, I'm off to make a purchase from .... Zee Germans... Thomson, I' m back 😉

    • @fintimwhimbim
      @fintimwhimbim 4 года назад

      Yes it’s great, but not made in Germany. Actually I’d rather it was made in China because they know their shit.

    • @ffakr
      @ffakr 4 года назад +2

      Forgive me.. I was putting off some work on my house.. and this got away from me. ;-). No sense in not posting my brilliant commentary though, so here goes.
      I'm not that far off of you with the ages. I started playing a little younger (self-taught guitarist and luthier) but I'm also not quite as old yet.
      I agree with your overall comment about the influence of CNCs on low-end manufacturing quality, but you're completely off on the materials.. and about this being made in Germany (they're made in China, which has really upped their game in the last couple/few years).
      Materials do make a big difference. Cheap fret wire doesn't compare to quality silver/nickel fret wire, which doesn't compare to quality Cryo tempered wire, which doesn't compare to harder & finer-grained alloys like Evo & Stainless. I say this as someone who's owned a lot of guitars from $99 specials to Gibson & PRS.. and as someone who's built a few guitars and done a few fret jobs on top of that.
      The same goes for every other component. The worst tuners are better now than the worst tuners in the past.. but they're still awful compared to quality tuners (BTW, just got my first set of HIpShot open-gear.. I was impressed.. fairly inexpensive, light, no detectable slop). Same goes for something as simple as a Tune-o-matic bridge. The finish on a quality bridge will long outlast the finish on a cheap bridge, and a nice TonePros will sound better than the 'pig-metal' slag that a $10 Tune-o-matic will be made from.
      And on and on.. Never had a problem with CTS pots.. but I have with cheap OEM pots.. and the difference in feel, taper and sound is usually obvious too.
      But perhaps the biggest difference between cheap instruments and expensive instruments is fit and finish.
      Some of my favorite necks came on some of my cheapest guitars.. like my import Charvel CX290 that I got used and modded. really nice slim neck.. good foundation that plays like.a dream now that it's got glued-in Jumbo Stainless frets and a bone nut in it. Whoever came up with the original parameters for that neck (Grover Jackson maybe?) really nailed it.. and the factory, even back in the 90's, managed to faithfully reproduce it.. but the frets and the fret-job were mediocre, and the nut was plastic, and worst of all (and perhaps most common), because it was a budget guitar, the timber wasn't given enough time to to properly dry and shrink so it had some fret-end sprout.
      Don't get me wrong.. I love the fact that we can go out and buy a low to mid-range instrument that absolutely blows away just about anything that was remotely comparable in the 80's or 90's. Heck, until recently.. the last time I picked up a Fender Squire was also the first time I picked up a Fender Squire.. probably around 1989-90 when I bought the first guitar I ever purchased with my own money.. a Made-in-Mexico Strat. The Squires were so abjectly awful back then that I never bothered to try another one until very recently.. and many have they come a long way.
      And it's not just that you can find good low-cost guitars now.. the consistency is much better no matter what the range. 'back in the day', (when I was a kid, playing my Brother's & his friends guitars when they weren't looking)( you could pick up two Gibsons.. and one might be amazing while the other was kind of crap.. and you could pick up a couple 'lawsuit' Ibanez Les Pauls, and one might absolutely suck while the other one blew the Gibsons away. I think mail order Guitar Sales are only feasible today because you can be pretty sure that whatever $500 guitar you get from the maker of your choice is going to be pretty much identical to any other $5oo guitar.
      There's still differences between high-end instruments and cheap ones.. it's just that gap has narrowed and the consistency within a line has greatly improved.
      IMHO, I think the biggest issue now is that the cost-cutting happens in places that aren't immediately obvious.
      1. Conditioning Timber: There's a cost to buying your timber way ahead of your manufacturing, and sitting on it while it properly properly (SLOWLY) dries and ages. Biggest and most consistent problem I see is fret sprout because instruments were built when the neck & fretboard wood hadn't fully shrunk. I'm sure those instruments didn't leave the factory with a fretboard that felt like a serrated knife edge, but some times they feel that way before they get off the guitar shop floor. Sometimes this is minor..something you can knock down with a file.. but you can run into more serious issues when glue up different woods that then continue to shrink ad different rates. I once thought I'd do a solid for an employee that asked me to intonate his old cheap Ibanez. Frets were crap so I figured I'd be nice and do a full Stainless fret job for him. I didn't have a 400mm radius block though and the neck seemed straight (not bowed) so I just plowed ahead with a full fret job, figuring I'd clear up any minor issues in the leveling. I didn't realize until I glued in 22 Stainless frets and went to level & crown them that the neck had a twist in it. Not a big one, but enough that I wouldn't have wasted the time to re-fret it had been more careful and noticed it early on.
      2. Electronics: no one looks at the electronics when they buy a new guitar. Cheap pots are annoying. They're more likely to get loose than quality pots. More likely to have odd impedance slopes, to get 'crunchy' because they're not well sealed or the internal resistor plate or sweeps degrade. Pickups can be iffy too.. though I really like some discount pickups, like the Epiphone Vintage Alnicos... I think those sound amazing. I don't have much love for 'designed by..' knock-offs though.
      Anyway.. time to get off my butt so I can get some work done. I really do think we're in a 2nd golden age of guitars.. but I look at it like the revival of the Comic book industry in the 90s. Sure the production quality has come way up, but even though you can go out and buy an off-the-shelf work of art now.. today's works of art are mass-produced. In 2080, I don't think we'll see anything produced today that holds the mystique or value of a '59 Les Paul holds today. In fact, by 2080, you might be able to print up your own '59 Les Paul that's accurate to the molecular level..'d just have to choose if you want a new '59 LP or a vintage one. Who knows.

    • @krytonsbeast
      @krytonsbeast Год назад

      ​@@fintimwhimbim, you're assuming that only western culture has precision craftsmen, well, China were building stuff when people in your country were still hitting each other with clubs and wearing animal skins and shagging holes in trees... but there you go... 😂

  • @joebodynobody764
    @joebodynobody764 6 лет назад +1

    I own a HB te30 tele style and the jb75 jazz em. Fantastic instruments.

  • @Salamiel
    @Salamiel 6 лет назад +186

    Man, the floyd rose costs more than the guitar itself.
    Like wtf

    • @wea69420
      @wea69420 6 лет назад +16

      It's a 1000 series, it's basically a special with steel parts.

    • @luginonluginon2602
      @luginonluginon2602 6 лет назад +10

      @@wea69420 nope...this one have better block then all serial 1000 i saw, meaning having this guitar almost 2 years....So block is real SS nice size, base plate is the same as FR were selling before among parts for like 90$, i comment then why they bla bla about serial 1000 and then sell same base plate as best one...Some serial 1000 are as you wrote like special bt block stays as it is on special and imho base plate is a bit inferior . after all you can find Gotoh 1996 for like under 150$ imho that is better trem then German OFR and it is easier to fit in since one blade side is straight . To be honest i don't believe a word to FR and others big companies who are milking Asia for decades and lie to us. cheers.

    • @luginonluginon2602
      @luginonluginon2602 6 лет назад

      @@wea69420 have you saw Start HB with SS frets? cool guitars to....

    • @wea69420
      @wea69420 6 лет назад +6

      @@luginonluginon2602 I've no clue what you tried to say, but I know 1000 series are basically Korean made originals. That puts them closer to a special than to a German made original in my book anyways. (Also the Thomann website states that it's a 1000 on that guitar)

    • @luginonluginon2602
      @luginonluginon2602 6 лет назад +1

      @@wea69420 i try to say that material of FR on this guitar is same as it is on so called German, also that some brands lie in this case FR. Reason why they lie is exactly that people like you who have prejudice toward made in Korea will rather buy if some item if they believe it is made in west (Germany) product. SS that is used have its number and its specific hardness as well as other characteristics so is it made in korea or usa or any other country quality stay the same. Of course thomann state will write 1000 they are not crazy neither it is their job to open peoples ayes , if seller calls it ''seria 1000'' they will write it like that, also Thoman is selling so called OFR which is crazy expensive so it is not in their interest to write about quality nor is product A same as product B, after all it is a shop. Among their products you can find hardware that is same 100% as kluson, CTS, Grover, Fender, Gibson etc for less $ since it have name like ''HB'' . We live in age of rebrending that is my point, if you like to pay more just due to name or ''made in'' be my guest. cheers

  • @tidi1764
    @tidi1764 4 года назад

    I got this ax 1 year ago 277.00 us off the hook. Took it to an old buddy's shop in bklyn. Maggio music. My old good friend set it up un be leave a bull had many guitars in my time but this hb forgetaboutit. Can't say enough good things about it. Thanks max.

  • @stevefleth
    @stevefleth 6 лет назад +4

    I love a Floyd on a Les Paul (i.e. Alex Lifeson) but I can't believe the HB can be so cheap with a German made original FR. I put a gold one on an Ibanez RG before and it was just over 200USD. They must buy in bulk and negotiate a great price with Floyd Rose or they couldn't offer the guitar so cheaply. Anyway, thanks for the great video and awesome playing Max.

    • @calebmelton8254
      @calebmelton8254 6 лет назад

      It's not an "Original" Floyd Rose per se....the 1000 Series are built in Korea with same parts as German made FR. From what I'm told anyways

  • @happygoruckyrandy
    @happygoruckyrandy 2 года назад +1

    Just received mine today. Its pretty badass for the price. It came setup well too. I know a lot of people mention rough fret ends but this one feels fine and the action was set up great! Plays like a dream and looks sick as fuck.

  • @souldrimz2334
    @souldrimz2334 5 лет назад +3

    I just bought that guitar i'm so inpatient to receive it omggg

  • @jeffyoung2890
    @jeffyoung2890 6 лет назад +1

    I love "Harley Benton" guitars to begin with. Always reasonably priced, GREAT quality period, not just for the money! Thanks again Max for these awesome reviews & demos, they SO help me out...

  • @konstantinosdoulakakis9463
    @konstantinosdoulakakis9463 4 года назад +6

    i got ! couldnt resist....... it is even more amazing when you get your hands on it or even hold or look at it for real. Great quality in all aspects . Great playability, many features, ultra low action , super heavy, coil splitter , FR rocks!!!! Should have cost triple money at least !! My only issue is the pickups since i use nowdays active pickups and once you go active pickups (esp for metal) you never go back ! MAX can you suggest a nice set of gold active humbackers for replacement ?

    • @dorabianiekluczy315
      @dorabianiekluczy315 3 года назад

      I heve it and I've put inside a gold EMG HET SET. And now it's razor sharp :D

  • @jeremydankiw5178
    @jeremydankiw5178 6 лет назад +1

    Budget guitars these days are as good as some of the low end top companies models back in the 80’s and 90’s. I have 2 Harley Benton CST 24’s and they are awesome. I was going to switch it the pickup’s when I got them. Then I plugged them in and thought... it’s not needed. They sound great.

  • @alexhollins5830
    @alexhollins5830 6 лет назад +67

    A Les Paul shaped Super Strat?

    • @wadeguidry6675
      @wadeguidry6675 6 лет назад +6

      Exactly. Well put.

    • @Twirlyhead
      @Twirlyhead 6 лет назад +8

      Weighs about twice as much as a strat.

  • @orsivan5731
    @orsivan5731 5 лет назад +1

    Just got mine after a VERY LONG wait. This guitar is fantastic. You obviously see some minor imperfections but it's barely noticeable.
    I don't know any other guitar to give you a mahogany body&neck, real Floyd Rose, Grover keys and coil split for this price.
    Maybe in the future I'll get better pickups, other than that I wouldn't change a thing.

  • @allenrklein
    @allenrklein 5 лет назад +3

    Hey Max - After seeing you with Benton at NAMM (think that was it) I've bought several guitars from them (including this one) and thought you should know i've been getting about 66% damage/defective upon delivery. A couple it was obvious they were shipped that way WITH the inspectors' card stuck between the strings. A white unpainted spot in a field of black shouting at me when I took it out of the bag it was shipped in - couldn't be missed. No way any inspector missed it.

    • @megusta9045
      @megusta9045 4 года назад +1

      Good to know, might pump the breaks on'em.

  • @MrYatesj1
    @MrYatesj1 6 лет назад +1

    The look of the HB is strong and sleek, love the matte black and gold. She sounds nice and, really who does not want a FR locking nut tremeo system. Under $300! Seems like quite a find. Heads up to anyone looking at the HB's, you can order 3 guitars and you play the same shipping ($35). They are great base models for a build out mod and stand on their own come as they are. Thank Max!!

  • @georgemuller3998
    @georgemuller3998 4 года назад +3

    That's amazing. If I went back and told my Dad that I could get a Les Paul with a Floyd Rose for 280 bucks 10 years ago he would have told me I would get robbed trying. Lol.

  • @ambroasia
    @ambroasia 3 года назад

    though i am not a les paul player, i've bought this guitar after seeing your demo. love this guitar.

  • @cooperst765
    @cooperst765 6 лет назад +3

    Phenomenal playing as always brother. You're killing me though. LOL! My wife just picked up a fan fretted SC-7 for Christmas, and now you're showing me this? 😜

  • @presoonjames438
    @presoonjames438 6 лет назад +2

    I have been waiting for this demo for a long time and thank you Max

    • @GuitarMAXMusic
      @GuitarMAXMusic  6 лет назад

      Sorry you had to wait so long! It's a great guitar!

  • @stevebigalow3484
    @stevebigalow3484 6 лет назад +34

    Well, if your gonna play it THAT way, then I gotta have one.....

  • @thestigg3930
    @thestigg3930 6 лет назад

    I just bought 2 SC Customs, one snow white, the other Honey Flame. The Honey flame is really nice and plays well ( good neck & frets ). The Snow white was the shits. Over 50% of it's frets were fucked ( lifted in the middle like a spring ) Thoman was awesome in helping me out. They gave me enough money back to have it fixed - resetting frets & fret levelling. Now I am very happy with it. The SC Custom is a copy of the LTD ec-1000 , and I plan on making a shoot out video between the two as I have both.

  • @lol-eh7yk
    @lol-eh7yk 4 года назад +14

    dude i wish they still sell this

    • @Yourmaderdie
      @Yourmaderdie 4 года назад +1 still available

    • @alvaroelv49
      @alvaroelv49 4 года назад

      They're going to make another one next week on Thomann

    • @benduggan3386
      @benduggan3386 4 года назад

      @@alvaroelv49the neck is red coloured now tho and not black/gray :((((

    • @DuTchReacTionZ
      @DuTchReacTionZ 3 года назад

      @@benduggan3386 Yeah, I just bought one and that's kind of ugly. Currently looking into staining it

    • @benduggan3386
      @benduggan3386 3 года назад

      @@DuTchReacTionZ it was my main put off of buying the guitar

  • @ryant3600
    @ryant3600 5 лет назад +2

    oh something I learned about Thomann. The key to making the price of shipping even more worth it. You can buy 2-3 guitars at one time and the shipping is still 35.00. So if you plan on buying a couple or so.. Do it in one order.

  • @vangogle1
    @vangogle1 6 лет назад +23

    Would it be difficult to add fret radius, neck thinness and shape to your reviews. Important for buying guitars don't get to play first I think.

    • @stacymccaulley8646
      @stacymccaulley8646 6 лет назад +1

      Only thing I don't like about Harley Benton. The fretboard radius is usually like 16 inch on them

    • @malcolmhardwick4258
      @malcolmhardwick4258 6 лет назад +1

      @@stacymccaulley8646 I cant stand flat radius fingerboards

    • @bwgti
      @bwgti 6 лет назад +3

      Thomann has a website....

    • @MrMassmahem
      @MrMassmahem 6 лет назад +2

      Malcolm Hardwick neither can I

    • @swengolly
      @swengolly 5 лет назад +1

      It says shred guitar in the title. So that would entail a flat radius.

  • @scottbart7891
    @scottbart7891 6 лет назад +1

    So I checked out your video with the other Harley Benton and told my wife I was going to buy it. I really liked the look of it. Its the guitar that was behind you in this video. Now you show this guitar and now I'm confused as to which one to get. I do wish it had the LP 2 vol, and 2 tone setup. But I also like that fact that it is 24 frets and has a FR bridge. I'm not a shredder but I do like having the option of having it. Thank you for showing us some great affordable guitars that sound awesome. I'm also debating on getting one of the Wolf guitars too..

  • @Jones5150
    @Jones5150 5 лет назад +4

    I just received the same guitar at the post office got it home plugged it in and HOLY CRAP , Don’t think it’s crap ,it’s more like wow!!!!!
    For the money you cannot go wrong ,,,max was right!!!!! Ps the weight of the guitar will freak you out
    More than happy

  • @jimcatmandude9316
    @jimcatmandude9316 5 лет назад

    This is the best deal I've ever seen on a guitar,,,I used to think Carvins were the best deal but since Kiesel took over they are off of my Christmas list...I own Prs's Three, I own suhrs, Carvins, David Thomas McNaught, and others total of 40...I will buy this guitar...unbelievable...

  • @bofuscrapshaw
    @bofuscrapshaw 6 лет назад +31

    is that a Nigel Tufnel shirt?

    • @bofuscrapshaw
      @bofuscrapshaw 6 лет назад +1

      @Poo Ninja oh really how so?

    • @bofuscrapshaw
      @bofuscrapshaw 6 лет назад +2

      Poo Ninja no worries brotha always happy to meet a fellow tap fan

    • @ryann5247
      @ryann5247 6 лет назад +1

      my solos are my trademark

    • @bofuscrapshaw
      @bofuscrapshaw 6 лет назад +1

      Ryan N we have armadillos in our trousers

    • @Rockr69747
      @Rockr69747 6 лет назад +2

      In D minor, which I always find really, to be the saddest of all keys

  • @stevejohn1843
    @stevejohn1843 6 лет назад +1

    thanks for the reviews, an links.. without you, i would'nt even know of these bargains of quality an style.. thanks max..

  • @baileywatts1304
    @baileywatts1304 6 лет назад +6

    Max, I love your shredding but kind of hate that you've introduced me to the Harley Benton line of guitars. I just dropped money I should have been saving on an 11 lb reproduction of Prince's solid maple tele

  • @jimmintz3461
    @jimmintz3461 5 лет назад +2

    Mine is still on order, can't wait.

    • @jimmintz3461
      @jimmintz3461 5 лет назад

      @@blackgoatee9535 I got mine, love it! Worth every penny! My 3rd Harley Benton!

    • @jimmintz3461
      @jimmintz3461 5 лет назад

      @@blackgoatee9535 Worth the wait!

  • @MikeCindyWhite
    @MikeCindyWhite 6 лет назад +6

    How can these guitars be so cheap still? Everyone loves em! I haven't played one yet but there are lots of expensive hardware pieces on there!? How are they making money? Lol! A nice 6 pack of Grovers go for like 40 to 50 bucks alone... That's just tuning keys! A nice Floyd rose goes for around 80, That's half the price right there! Nice!!! I wan't one!!

  • @CanadianBigGame
    @CanadianBigGame 5 лет назад

    I'm a dad on a budget. I've loved les Paul's forever but could never afford a real one. I have also wanted a floyd rose since I was 16. I love everything about this guitar. The black and gold just looks so good. Thanks for the review and the link. I now just have to figure out how I can afford this thing. But it will be mine. Oh yes it will be mine.

  • @themoo7803
    @themoo7803 6 лет назад +119

    Why would you buy a Chibson - this thing pisses all over them! And you don’t have to feel like a fraud every time you look at it

    • @goat7517
      @goat7517 6 лет назад +18

      @ARTJemuzu wtf man it's $275 where did you get the $1000s from

    • @themoo7803
      @themoo7803 6 лет назад +1

      russiangoodboi exactly! Thanks

    • @OncleJer
      @OncleJer 6 лет назад +6

      @ARTJemuzu Dude, his argument was "why buy a fake gibson when you can get a harley benton for so cheap

    • @daw162
      @daw162 6 лет назад +2

      It's about the same price as a chinese burny with duncans shipped from japan (that's used, of course, but it's actually a good guitar). Not on ebay, though - but on buyee.
      Scammy ebay sellers price on ebay is about twice as much.

    • @slash09r1
      @slash09r1 6 лет назад +11

      Have you played a Les Paul lately? Gibson should feel like the frauds.

  • @andrewhendrix4688
    @andrewhendrix4688 6 лет назад

    I took a gamble on a left handed Harley Benton deluxe Telecaster and it's honestly one of the nicest guitars I've ever played. These instruments are seriously great value for money and hold their own against dearer makes & models.There is only the fantastic UK based Gordon Smith guitars who make anything as good for the money.

  • @Stretchwreckedem469
    @Stretchwreckedem469 6 лет назад +71

    Kinda surprised to see a real Floyd on a sub $500 setup to be honest.

    • @lambdafn1776
      @lambdafn1776 6 лет назад +3

      I know, right? That's a $200 dollar trem, by itself.

    • @GlennJimenez
      @GlennJimenez 6 лет назад +2

      How is the price point even possible?

    • @Stretchwreckedem469
      @Stretchwreckedem469 6 лет назад

      @@lambdafn1776 not to mention how much it costs to get one installed if you want to swap out a Floyd Rose Special for one.

    • @deafforever3534
      @deafforever3534 6 лет назад +1

      @@lambdafn1776 Thomann obviously isn't paying retail prices for the trem. Off the top of my head I think the difference between this & the regular SC Custom was about $50. Whatever the difference is, that's likely about what Thomann paid for it.

    • @ethanbilby9173
      @ethanbilby9173 5 лет назад +1

      they sell direct and manufacture in asia

  • @nicolavaleriik6hiq
    @nicolavaleriik6hiq 5 лет назад

    Really VERY SERIOUS TEST, by a REAL professional guitarist. Thanks.

  • @bigsteve9291
    @bigsteve9291 6 лет назад +5

    Wasn't interested in the guitar max the guitar playing blew me away 😊

  • @dglime1
    @dglime1 5 лет назад +1

    I'm a Les Paul guy. I've always wanted to try a Les Paul with a Floyd Rose system. I own the Harley Benton Paradise flame guitar on I love it. Seriously considering buying one of these Harley Benton Floyd Rose guitars. Thank you.

  • @Steph-de6ne
    @Steph-de6ne 6 лет назад +41

    Other chanels have an easy going intro with introduction and such...yeeee no such thing here. Max just blasts you away by him shreding right away.

    • @Rockr69747
      @Rockr69747 6 лет назад +4

      He can make a bucket of dirt sound awesome.

    • @Steph-de6ne
      @Steph-de6ne 6 лет назад +2

      @@Rockr69747 max could basicly shred on a frickin ballbearing

    • @cooperst765
      @cooperst765 6 лет назад +1

      When you have the talent why not?

    • @antma9028
      @antma9028 4 года назад

      Maxs Cat Shreds!!

  • @WilliamDavis-dl6xr
    @WilliamDavis-dl6xr 6 лет назад

    I agree with you about the Floyd Rose on a Les Paul, I got rid of my Les Paul's because I kept reaching for the Wangy bar.

  • @Demodocus22
    @Demodocus22 6 лет назад +2

    The $35 dollar shipping charge will cover more than one instrument! I ordered 2 guitars from them and they still only charged 35. I think it might be up to 3 instruments before the charge goes beyond 35.

    • @ViviSectia
      @ViviSectia 6 лет назад +1

      It's a $35 flat rate until your order exceeds 31kg or the dimensions of the package are too big so it's a good idea to include some of the smaller stuff with your order too.

    • @RapttorX
      @RapttorX 6 лет назад +1

      i belive its all about the weight, not the number of stuff.

    • @davidkastin4240
      @davidkastin4240 6 лет назад

      Yes I heard that also.

  • @oklive4021
    @oklive4021 5 лет назад

    Thanks a million your demo convinced me to order one and after 4 days it arrived perfectly setup and intonated + the new version features a push-pull coil tap, which is a plus so not only for this price I'm over the moon. Keep up the great demos and greatings from Belgium, you rock.

    • @oklive4021
      @oklive4021 5 лет назад

      Hey @KEN5423 Yes I ordered the "B" stock and I was pleasantly surprised it looks like brand new - setup was perfect after I stretched the new strings + I was afraid that they wouldn't make them anymore So the condition plus the push-pull coiltap realy made me happy - It's my second Harley Benson and I have to say that Thomann realy lived up to my expectations after Max's great review. Cheers from Belgium- get one or two they seem to still have some - it's a fantastic deal.

    • @oklive4021
      @oklive4021 5 лет назад

      If you want I can send you some pics.:)

    • @oklive4021
      @oklive4021 5 лет назад

      Hi @KEN5423 Glad you like it - too bad yours wasn't setup - normaly they are. Cheers

  • @buffdaddy2032
    @buffdaddy2032 6 лет назад +4

    I have that in ocean blue with no Floyd though

  • @thiagoborsari7364
    @thiagoborsari7364 4 года назад

    Got a B-stock for USD250,00 and it was impeccable. Changed the pickups for a pair of Gibson's Classic 57 + 57 plus (nothing wrong with those roswell btw). The FR 1000 works amazing and the new pickups together with the 24 frets turned it into a "Gibson" Shred machine. This one is probably the best HB for the price you can get.

  • @chaoticembrace6984
    @chaoticembrace6984 6 лет назад +9

    Great guitar for that price!!!......think I'm getting a new guitar for Xmas!!!..........( My wife is gonna kill me!!!)...... Happy Holidays everyone!!!!

  • @Mike_Spor
    @Mike_Spor 4 года назад

    your videos are driving my wife mad. I just ordered this guitar...sweet looking guitar. This is my ideal guitar...the only think missing would be the removable magnet pickups and a 7th string.

  • @shauryamehta3062
    @shauryamehta3062 6 лет назад +7

    1st view as always xd. great job max. really enjoyed your original. if you mixed it yourself can you make a video about your mixing and mastering process.. would really help someone like me.

    • @GuitarMAXMusic
      @GuitarMAXMusic  6 лет назад +6

      Hi Shaurya, I did mix it myself. That might end up being a very long video.... maybe I could break it into parts... I'll think about it.

    • @shauryamehta3062
      @shauryamehta3062 6 лет назад +1

      @@GuitarMAXMusic Thanks for giving it a thought. And yeah that would be great if you do it in parts. Thanks for being awesome.

    • @Lalaland.001
      @Lalaland.001 6 лет назад +2

      @@GuitarMAXMusic Please do it max, so many of us would be helped out by you showing us your process. And on the plus side you could like make it a mini series of sorts. Like maybe do 4 episodes over a period of 2 or 3 months. Would really love to see that max. Be well...

    • @DaisyHollowBooks
      @DaisyHollowBooks 6 лет назад

      I’d be interested in seeing that.

  • @emilbergdahl3063
    @emilbergdahl3063 6 лет назад +1

    I have the ocean flame sc custom. All same specs but 22 frets and no floyd Rose. I love it to bits! Its better setup and intonated than my fender strat. Insane value guitar! Pair it with a Bugera v22hd and a harley benton vintage 30 cab and youve got the sound of a professional musician at a price of about 600 usd. Try to beat that world!

    • @thehound2161
      @thehound2161 6 лет назад +1

      Nice! I have the same guitar in Honey Flame (with the Wilkenson's) and the same amp and speaker cab. I can testify that this rig gets it done at a very modest price. Smart man Emil!

    • @emilbergdahl3063
      @emilbergdahl3063 6 лет назад

      @@thehound2161 Haha smart both of us. Best setup short of paying for a revv rig and a luthier built axe.

  • @JacksonAxe
    @JacksonAxe 6 лет назад +4

    A real FR is German made. Those 1000 series are Korean made.

    • @maxlamprey2322
      @maxlamprey2322 5 лет назад +3

      sometimes, you gotta ask yourself "is it really worth it?"

  • @mr.timebombman2230
    @mr.timebombman2230 6 лет назад +2

    I'll definitely get one of these. I'm not really a Floyd Rose person these days, but for that price range, it's more than worth it. I can always block it off anyways if I want. Maybe swap the pickups out with some gold Fishman fluence that sound amazing.

    • @Twirlyhead
      @Twirlyhead 6 лет назад

      Take a look the ordinary SC-Customs without the FR - nice choice of colours. I have one with and one without the FR and have concliuded that the without is a nicer player.

    • @mr.timebombman2230
      @mr.timebombman2230 6 лет назад

      @@Twirlyhead Yeah I'll definitely check that out. I already have a Jackson Soloist with the Floyd on it that I've had for years but I want a LP style ax to go along with my Gibson SG without paying a king's ransom for. But yeah, it's a great deal for the money with these.

  • @cantstopmike311
    @cantstopmike311 6 лет назад +4

    Am I first?!?

  • @stu-j
    @stu-j 6 лет назад +1

    I have the sc custom vintage black without the floyd and I absolutely love it. ( I have change the pickups to IronGear) this guitar is heavy and comfortable to play with the Strap locks as standard. Quality is hit and miss with Harley Benton but I have 2 and they are almost perfect...

  • @jimmintz9985
    @jimmintz9985 6 лет назад

    Thanks for the review, I ordered one and it will be here around mid Jan.

  • @imaluthier218
    @imaluthier218 Год назад

    As someone who plays a couple of Kramer Assaults and an LTD EC Black Metal FR, I really want to try one of these out! Very appealing now with the EMG package…

  • @ronhoughton5147
    @ronhoughton5147 11 дней назад

    In 2024, that guitar is now just under $400 and shipping about $100. From what I heard recently the shipping might be free now to the United States. I just bought one and totally amazed at the quality. Very, very happy that I bought this guitar! Great job Harley Benton!!!

  • @jjflash61
    @jjflash61 5 лет назад

    Wow..I am sold on the HB guitars all the reviews of their different guitars are all good.

  • @cruzedude1
    @cruzedude1 6 лет назад +1

    its a cool guitar,ace frehley had one like it when he did the trouble walkin album back in the late 80's.i like the look of it,and dont think it ruins a les paul.

  • @acespades6958
    @acespades6958 5 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the video. That is exactly what I've been trying to find. I'm a LP fan and can't afford alot. So it's gonna be perfect. Love the rose being on it too.

  • @chrstopherthomas6952
    @chrstopherthomas6952 6 лет назад +2

    Hell yea man. I love it. 24 frets Floyd rose it's the right scale and everything. Man I've got 9 guitars right now and I would love to trade for it cause I just can't buy another one right now. I wish we could find some of these here locally so I could trade.

  • @jameswoodall983
    @jameswoodall983 4 года назад

    Don't know a darn thing about guitars, but your talent blew me away. Thanks.

  • @lewissoles914
    @lewissoles914 4 года назад

    I bought one I love it
    Harley benton has become my new favorite brand .This guitar shreds screams so nice it feels great .It does need better tuners ill be doing that soon. Ill be buying the dessert flame burst next .I love the single cut an TE style but I am starting to lean toward the PRS .

  • @motosportadv8177
    @motosportadv8177 6 лет назад

    All I can say is WOW my first electric was a P.O.S beginner Kramer without a locking tremolo or Floyd rose , and it’s about the same price this guitar, I’m actually thinking about buying one!!!

  • @muimasmacho
    @muimasmacho 4 года назад

    I prefer a 22 fret scale because the pickups are spaced a bit farther apart. Adds a little bit more contrast. I like that.
    I have a Custom SC with P-90s, and i absolutely love it. Pickups are lovely. No humm, no mudd, tone monsters, and ballsy too.
    Very Jeff Beckishnousness.
    Sure wish it had that bridge though.
    My other guitar is a very pretty Carvin SH550 with a Bigsby and the Graphtech piezo setup, but i rarely ever play it. I regret not buying a nice Strat Plus instead.

  • @davidmoullet6646
    @davidmoullet6646 5 лет назад

    Max I have several guitars you have recommended in the past. I now have three Harley Benton's. All of them required too much work to make them a recommendation by me . First off the plastic nut....uhhg..... The nut was okay for about 4 hours then the little e string became such a big problem that the guitar wasn't really playable until I replaced the nut. This problem was identical on the sc450cb vintage, and the 450 gold top p90. The tele te45 deluxe was the best of them, but it had fret lifting on four frets which wasn't hard to fix with the fret seater tool. No more HB guitars for me. I'd rather pay a little more for a guitar thats been set up. The Mitchell's I have are flawless right out of the box and IAbsolutely love my schector sustainiac. Thanks for the great videos!!!

  • @homevalueglass3809
    @homevalueglass3809 5 лет назад

    I'm sold between this or the progressive LP which is identical minus the Floyd Rose and with active pickups and flags for the fret markers. From what I've seen, I'm sold. Absolutely crazy the low prices. I may even buy 3 since the shipping to US is $30 for up to 3. The 450 vintage LP looks awesome as well. Thanks for the review, have been seeing your channel pop up all the time in my searches for new gear even amps so subbed.

  • @rcreynolds6186
    @rcreynolds6186 5 лет назад

    Max thank you for this. I just ordered mine. I wont get it for three months but my son is going to have a nice surprise for his H.S. graduation. I wish they made one of these with active pickups . 😜