The duel is accurate to the book, and to what one might have saw from a tough noob challenging a master fencer. Michal wants to draw out the duel to humiliate Kmicic and show him how out of his depth he is. And towards the end of the fight we see Kmicic getting more and more desperate and annoyed, such that he starts tossing pasta at the wall to see what sticks, as it were. But you can tell Michal is able to stop him almost reflexively, despite the fact that both men are putting weight being their strikes. The feeling of weight is part of what makes this duel. In most well done duels I still feel that a slice or stab which made it past the parry wouldn't do any damage unless the sword were magically sharp. And the parries are often cute little parries from sport fencing which expect right-of way to be observed. Here there's no question: With most of those strikes, if one landed, the fight would be over. If Michal used a sporting parry without putting real force behind it, Kmicic would smash right through it.
I read the book maybe five times. I was excited when I saw the film and I absolutely did not appreciate how realistic and elaborate, but above all, the real fight was performed by the actors Mr. Olbrychski and Mr. Lomnicki. Today, with hindsight, I see that the fight was by far the best part of the acting, the rest of the movie was simply weak against the book.
I read that both actors volunteered to add more force to their swings to give a better show, but a few times they almost seriously injured the other, barely blocking in time. Even without sharp edges, getting hit by sword at full force could shatter bones, rupture arteries, tear muscles, and eve n kill you. It's why movies use such telegraphed moves, since they're easier to halt and block if a problem arises. Both actors were willing to chance such injuries to produce a better scene, and, in this instance, it really paid off.
Note that it took almost 5 months to film this scene. Usually that's the time you use to film a whole movie. And the duel itself lasts for only 3 minutes.
adrag11 Kmicic had absolutely no chance to avoid it and Wolodyjowski wanted to make it clear as day. It was a warning: "sir, just give up now - I can easily disarm you anytime I want and there`s nothing you can do about it". Wolodyjowski was the best swordsman in a country. He`s never been defeated in a duel.
As someone who trained fencing I can tell that is the best depiction ever I've ever seen in any film. The way that the short guy is toying a bold rookie. It really looks like the tall guy is trying to sway a killing strike while the other one is just utilising his aggression to exhaust and humiliate him due to have like 100 times better skills.
At one point, the punches weren't fake. The smaller actor wrote in his memoirs that he was almost injured in the head, and his hand hurt from the force of the bigger actor's blows.
I am so glad you said that. I have this vivid memory of reading somewhere that this was the best example of sword dueling on film. I have no experience with fencing so I’m glad you brought it up.
@@pawez8741 this actor trained fencing one year to looks like real swordsman - there are 2 scenes in this movie part where you can see how fast he changing weapon between left/right hand to make strikes
The best Ive ever seen I cannot find. I saw it with my father in 1972. It was a dubbed foriegn film of a seige of a castle in the 1450s+. In one take one camera the climax duel set in a bell tower. Two men swing from bell rope to rope and battle w/ dbl blade broad axes bells BANGING.
@@boog7429 lmao then what was the point of your original comment? The guy has a point, there's a lot of badly choreographed fight scenes in New movies no matter which country you're in.
Well, at least judging by this scene, it really paid off. Everything feels remarkably authentic and immersive. Fighting in actual pouring rain (not just rain for the camera) and mud is something not a lot of movies do, even without the dangerous swordplay. It reminds me of the exhausting four-month-long shoot at a quarry in the dark and rain for Helm's Deep, but without the indestructible Legolas and Gimli.
To anyone saying its not realistic- context! Wolodyjowski wasn't trying to kill him, and could have easily have finished the fight early on. He was trying to humiliate Kmicic, so he prolonged the fight and used flashy moves towards his opponent's weapon to demonstrate how much better he was. Kmicic was spinning around near the end not because its supposed to be good technique, but because he knows he's going to lose and doesn't care, he just want's Wolodyjowski to end it. Just look at how quick Wolodyjowski's last strike was. He wasn't trying.
Damn well said. There's a solid difference between unrealistic swordplay and the very, very realistic fact that many people with swords, were not actually swordsmen, and may have never trained in fencing at all. I guess it's a lot like how just about anyone can own a gun, but very few people are actually trained marksmen or conditioned for gunfights.
VarangianBard when you're right, you're right. It's good actor combat, some of the best ever seen. It's there to tell a story. And it does, and that's putting it mildly. Everything you said, spelled out in movement. Realistic? I don't know, having never been in a real life and death saber duel, and neither has anyone here. But these two have obviously received extensive training from an Olympic level saber fencer who also had history in mind. I don't know crew details, but I'm sure the uuuhhhh critics here wouldn't even want to sport fence with the saber coach on this movie. You'd do the old en garde and then see sparks flying off your mask and go WTF was that? It was a head cut. Maybe several. It's hilarious but humbling.
I just want some people to just understand that every fighting scene from whatever has its own context. don't understand. are they didn't watched a single fim or TV series or something?
The motto I heard when I was young is "There are old soldiers and there are bold soldiers, but there are no old bold soldiers." That does not make what you said wrong, but my grandfather was in logistics. It wasn't his job to be bold.
I read the book all 3 parts. The tall guy Kmicic is light cavalry colonel, who fought in war against Russia 1654.During that war he fought guerilla campaign against Russian rear areas harrasing them with his own regiment of "bad guys" with very shady past. During Winter 1654/1655, Kmicic and his regiment go to rest in Polish held territory. He gets Noble girl called Oleńka and her mansion as inheritence after her Grandfather. Kmicic soldiers are still "bad guys" and come into conflict with Local Nobles over their behaviour against Local population. The problem was Kmicic soldiers were not paid by the state. They lived off plundering Russians. Local Nobles kill some of soldiers of Kmicic regiment. In retaliation Kmicic gets mad and plunders Local Village but he is defeated finally by Local Nobles. His life is saved by Oleńka when she did not give him away to vengefull Local Nobles. She kicks him out anyway, because she does not want to accept his way of life. One year later Kmicic returns with another armed group of hired "bad guys" and kidnaps her. He hides in mansion with his people and kidnapped Oleńka. Kmicic and his people are defeated. Kmicic barricaded himself in the house and threatens to blow it up with everyone i side. As alternative short duelist colonel Wołodyjowski offer him to duel to save Olenka's life. It is why duel happend. Sorry for poor English
I enjoyed TFA fight scene; it was raw, even dark at times, but letting Rey win was incredibly stupid. Even if it made sense with Ren being injured from a bolt blast that typically knocks people yards away, while being emotionally confused, he should have at least ended it in a draw. I thought for sure she would have lost her hand with his face so injured he'd be forced into a mask similar to Darth. But nah.. he gets a tiny scar.
It's one of the best old Polish movies, there is entire cinematic trilogy based on novels by Henryk Sienkiewicz I can highly recommend watching it@@ДилшодДушамов
Wolodyjowski!!❤ I saw these phenomenal films during the time of Ceausescu, in Romania and I also read the books and Wolodyjowski reached my imagination as a child at the level of Rambo... Thank you Sienkiewicz and Jerzy Hoffman!
Without the knowledge of Saber fencing, one could still see the flamboyant and overextending fencing style of the young man gradually took it's toll on him while the colonel's more precise and minimal maneuvers means that he never had to overexert himself by moving about in the mud and rather took on a more defensive approach, letting the young man wear himself out instead. Goes to show the great difference in skill and making it one of the more nuanced duel in cinema.
i absolutely agree. i know jack sh*t about saber fencing but even i could tell that the other guy seemed unpolished, brash, and reckless with his movements, often hopping about and trying to get through the colonel's defense. in comparison, the colonel was poised and professional, with every hit perfect, swift, and seemingly effortless. the one that ended it all especially was absolutely incredible with its speed and precision - i didn't even register that it was a hit, just the colonel suddenly leaping forward and moving back with that same calculating ease that defined the rest of his movement. it was only when the young man started bleeding from his head that i realized that he _had_ connected, and that the duel was over. honestly, this entire scene was a goddamn _masterpiece_ to watch.
Agree, Mohammed Ali said similar when he took on George Foremen in Rumble in the Jungle. My Korean TKD Grand Master often told us it is not size, speed and power a fighter has but the intelligence to know when to use it.
@@wakeupuk3860 As I understand it, the younger man knew he was going to lose. He started using the wild, flamboyant moves to either steal a win or die quickly in a memorable fight. The colonel didn't oblige, until he young man flat out told him to end it. The colonel could have killed him at any time, and the younger man knew it fairly quickly.
@@Elthenar Not only brilliant swordsmanship but also acting helps to convey that so clearly. You can see in the moment Wołodyjowski plays with Kmicic by avoiding his sabre with very slight movements and following that in smile on Kmicic face literally fading
@@AdamMichalMarkowski And when Wołodyjowski starts spinning his sword. Flashy, pointless, and making it quite clear he didn't worry in the least about Kmicic taking advantage of it to attack. It was the equivalent of a hand to hand combatant turning their back on their opponent. That was the moment he knew for certain he was utterly outclassed.
I shamefully haven't watched Potop, but read summery of the books, and it seems that a good chunk of Olgierds character is based of Kmicic. Both are of nobles that keep a company of ruffians with themselves.
Also most dangerous. They were in range (most movie fights are done out of range for safety reasons except for very small parts usually done by the sword masters, not the actors), and one of them missed a parry and had a blade come for his head. The other actor barely stopped his blade from making that end a reality. Don't remember which one it was.
Never seen the movie, don’t even know its name - but seen this scene a million times. As I am led to believe it’s widely regarded as the best example of swordplay in cinematography, both in terms of realism and choreography.
The Deluge (Polish: Potop) is a 1974 Polish historical drama film directed by Jerzy Hoffman, based on the 1886 novel of the same name by Henryk Sienkiewicz.
Mistrzowska walka, szabliści podziwiają wyszkolenie aktorów przez olimpijskiego mistrza szabli Władysława Pawłowskiego. Świetne wielokrotne przerzuty szabli przez Wołodyjowskiego z ręki prawej do lewej i z powrotem , zadawanie ciosów raz prawą ręką raz lewą co miało zmylić Kmicica który mimo wszystko atakował i nacierał raz na lewa rękę raz na prawą rękę. To jest mistrzostwo świata tych scen . Te ujęcia kręcono przez kilka dni aby były perfekcyjne , wielu aktorów przebywało na planie w strugach wody przez kilka godzin dziennie i wielu się pochorowało , ale ujęcia to perfekcja w żadnym filmie światowym nie powtórzona gdzie w wielu szkołach szabli jest pokazywana jako perfekcyjna walka gdzie szabliści nie mają jej nic do zarzucenia. A masterful fight, saber players admire the training of the actors by the Olympic saber master Władysław Pawłowski. Great multiple throws of the saber by Wołodyjowski from the right hand to the left and back, blows once with the right hand once with the left, which was supposed to confuse Kmicic, who nevertheless attacked and attacked once with the left hand once with the right hand. This is the world championship of these scenes. These shots were shot for several days to be perfect, many actors stayed on the set in streams of water for several hours a day and many got sick, but the shots are perfection not repeated in any world film where in many schools of saber it is shown as a perfect fight where sabers do not they have nothing against her.
Mówisz o Jerzym Pawłowskim nie Władysławie. Z tą wodą to było nieco mniej dramatycznie. Wodę lali strażacy, wiec poza kadrem zapewne aktorzy mieli gdzie się osuszyć.
Bez przesady. Warto popatrzec na kino walki. Np. Tatsuja Nakadai w filmie Miecz przeznaczenia (rez. Kihachi Okamoto) wykonal swietna scene walki w lesie chociaz nie pochodzil ani z samurajskiej rodziny ani nie mial wczesniej przeszkolenia w mieczu.
Watched the movie once on RUclips, no subtitles. But it's just so well made that every frame, every scene tells exactly what you need to know, without understanding a word. It's just an amazing movie.
I was sincerely expecting the young cocky guy to win. I never see the captor win the duel against the prisoner in media. What a plot twist on top of the great swordplay.
Well... they young cocky guy was a kidnapper, who barricaded himself with the kidnapped girl in the house (as I remember). To lure him out, they offered him a free pass if he wins a duel with the "SWAT team" commander.
Like Kubold said, the cocky guy is actually the villain (he does have a nice redemption arc, and in the third novel, the Colonel actually goes to him for advice). The Colonel is the Hero of the Trilogy. His arc concludes in *Fire in the Steppe.*
By his cliche demeanour (cocky) you could feel he was the “villain”. So to me it didn’t felt like a plot twist. On a side note, although he was kind of the bad guy, it’s pretty cool that he still acts honourably most of the time. That is quite rare in movies where characters are all just binary bad vs good and their traits always only translate that.
2:50 its more like "you swing that like a PEASANTS flail sir" - "cep" is a polish word describing peasant's tool. A flail used for treshing the grain. Thus Wołodyjowski insulted Kmicic, comparing the nobleman to a peasant.
Slowo "flail" odnosi sie pierwotnie i glownie do cepa rolniczego, i wlasnie tak wiekszosc anglojezycznych widzow to zrozumie, wiec tlumaczenie nie wymaga jakiegokolwiek precyzowania. Tlumaczenie napisow do filmow wymaga ciaglych kompromisow pomiedzy przekazaniem kulturowego znaczenia i zachowaniem zwiezlosci przekazu, wiec przetlumaczenie slowa "cep" jako "flail", bez sprecyzowania czy chodzi o cep bojowy czy rolniczy, bylo prawidlowym podejsciem w tym przypadku.
I really love this scene. Like genuinely, its brilliant. This duel is fantastically shot and choreographed by the actors, the narrative undertone is also superb. Sir Kmicic is humiliated by the Colonel, he's already dead this fight is just his funeral. By the way the Colonel smashes his ego, implying that the uses a Saber like a ''flail'' that he's just a crude peasant. Also the way Kmicic at the end just doesnt give a fuck, starts to swing wildly and asking the Colonel just to ''end it'', stop his humiliation and the Colonel does with one blow to head, nothing fancy just in an instant proving that he could've ended the fight WHENEVER HE WANTED TO. THIS IS CINEMA!
Those disengages at 2:30 were super tight. Dude barely moved his wrist, yet perfectly avoids any blade contact. Great duel, makes me want to break out my old fencing gear!
@@samsignorelli I’m epee (junior) here. Sometimes my leg is faster than my arm, and I end up falling on my opponent’s blade after a disengage. But I won my first tournament and got my E recently so I must be doing something right!
I've watched this scene many times, and I only just noticed that at 3:56 the colonel starts effortlessly switching from right hand to left hand and back again. It was already obvious that Kmicic was hopelessly outmatched, this was just the colonel subtly driving the point home.
Сцена, конечно, шикарная. Жаль, таких больше практически не делают. Ну и актёры, конечно - великолепные. Полковник... НАСТОЯЩИЙ полковник. Да даже молодой дуралей-задира - и тот не картонный, а вполне себе объёмный. Вот он глумится, вот он бравирует, считает себя хозяином положения, оскорбляет полковника, пытается запугать... и вот он понимает, что не на того напал... вообще не на того. И вот он - без визга и страха принимает судьбу: "не позорьте меня"... и вот полковник - как настоящий, правильный военный - без каких либо унижений его щадит и оказывает помощь. Ах, если бы жизнь была так же красива и честна, как эта прекрасная сцена из фильма.
@@Хорошееделоилень ранение в голову, даже с травмой головного мозга далеко не всегда приводит к смерти, известны случаи, когда люди выживали со сквозными пулевыми головы, причём сквозное - через мозговую ткань, а там, напомню, помимо отверстия от пули ещё мощный гидродинамический удар... Выживают! Иногда. Вот в фильме он выжил. Вообще фильм лютый, очень рекомендую к просмотру, - старая школа, шикарный польский классический фильм про настоящие ценности, а не та дрянь, что сейчас снимают.
Damn, that was awesome-no chop-editing or shaky-cam compensating for lack of fighting skill and poor choreography. It's unbelievable how much movies suck today.
There are still some amazing movies being done outside of the “mainstream”. Specially in from Eastern Europe and Asia. Mainstream/Hollywood style filmmaking is just exactly what they call it themselves: industry. Most people are in it for the quick profit with no true love for the art of it. The hard work and commitment you see in a scene like this, done by actors and staff that probably don’t make even a third of what their USA counterparts do, is a great example of filmmaking done by people of have a passion for it.
Well, in fact... Movies sucked even more back then. This old polish movie is just one of those rare gems created by people who love what they do and are trully dedicated.
The story up to this point is: Young trublemaker Kmicic and local petty heiress Olenka are testament bound to get married (their grandfathers were good friends), it's aided greatly by the fact the pair really fancies each other. His friends are a bunch of rowdy cutthroats who harass local petty nobility (collectively legal guardians of Olenka until her marriage) and are bad influence on Kmicic, so she wants them gone. Kmicic agrees to send them away, only to find them all killed by Butrym clan in yet another brawl they have provoked. He gets mad, attacks the Butrym village and kills a lot of people, but all neighbours come to help thinking its Muscovite raid, his men are slaughtered, and he himself flees to Olenka, who saves him by fooling the pursuit, but then wants him gone forever. He has none of it and abducts her, but this sets the neighbourhood militia backed by military again on his track. They besiege Kmicic in the house but when he threatens to blow himself up, to save Olenka Wołodyjowski proposes a duel for his freedom. Now, what's important, Kmicic has some renown as a good fighter and skirmisher. It's enough to get cocky among poor clansmen in Laudan backwater. Wołodyjowski, however, is one of the Commonwealth's best duelists, visiting Lauda to commandeer the clans for war effort (and ironically, to give Kmicic an officer comission).
Ah, so Wolodyjowski doesn't kill Kmicic because he needs him for the war? Thanks, that's important context. By demonstrating martial superiority, then mercy, W has gained himself a loyal charge for life (and set a fine example for his troops).
@@bra-balllegend3940 no. in the heat of fight you cant choose that easily,Kmicic was just very tough and Wołodyjowski admitted later that as good as he is ,he is got light hand
4:21 one of the most famous line from the movie _"Just finish it, sir (finish me off, sir)! Spare me the shame!"_ Kmicic understood that he was completely helpless in the face of Wołodyjowski's advanced fencing skills, and that Wołodyjowski was intentionally humiliating him in front of the gathered crowd. Therefore, he asked Wołodyjowski to end the duel by delivering the decisive blow. It was precisely for this reason, to spare himself further shame, that he uttered the words: "Finish it, sprare me the shame." He chose almost certain death over further humiliation.
Crazy how these dudes was actually fr going at it and one of the actors is even quoted saying during the duel one of them almost got their head lopped off due to a late guard. They had to stop filming for a bit cause the actor had come so close to death that it actually fucked him up mentally. But Jesus Christ what a outstanding scene of cinema, pure art. bravo Poland
Some kind of incident always happen in this kind of movies but at the same time I think that they would have been mad to use real swords, usually they use movie props that can be dangerous but not lethal.
Luca Lucente yes they were using prop swords but still their movements are legit so if u took that sword right across the face from decent forceful strike ur still getting royally fucked up
Same with SCA swords. Uses 2 1/2 rattan sticks, no edge, weighs like a real sword. You won't die when you use padding but get hit in the right place, without armor, it'll seriously injure you. Same with a prop sword that's usuable.
@@Lucky-Sevens7777 Yeah I said "Dangerous but not lethal" (as in "yes you will be fucked up but you cannot behead anyone or a severe a limb with a prop sword").
If this is a dull metal blade it wont cut through bone, but it can poke an eye out or create a bad gash that would require stitching. The way they move looks as if those props have some weight on them. I would not want that to land on my face with a full swing.
Many of those attacks looked properly fully committed, with actual parries. Definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. Masterfully choreographed. Also, the editing is fantastic. With shots having a decent length to grab your attention, instead of being an epileptic seizure of cuts like it's done nowadays.
They pretty much were committed, that's what makes the scene so fantastic. Quote from one of the actors: "At some point in the duel (...) I did not guard myself quickly enough, and there the heaviest of Olbrychski’s swords came right towards my head! Everyone froze in terror, and I managed to cover my guard in literally a split-second. But the shooting had to stop for a bit because I was pale from the emotions, and Daniel was even more upset."
@@Orkel2 Daniel had an opinion of adventure seeker in his private life also. He was very sporty and phisycally courageous boy. Good horseman, fencer, boxer, dancer. And a womenizer, of course.
This has to be one of the must eloquent and precise demonstrations of proper saber dueling I've seen in many a year. Bravo to the actors and those who choreographed it, bravo.
I really dig how the psychology of the fight unwinds. Kmicic starts with bravado and with each break becomes more wild and erratic when he realizes he can't win. Wołodyjowski is always calm and in control, but really displays his dominance, eventually switching sword-hand while fighting. Very cool shit.
And when Wołodyjowski spins his sword it comes across as a parody of Kmicic's sloppy, showy technique. I've never seen a person wield a sword sarcastically before.
At 1:04 Kmicic says to Wolodyjowski "you don't look like a giant, sir." And then at 4:26 Kmicic gets to see the giant that Wolodyjowski really is! And the way the camera frames Kmicic looking up at the giant as Wolodyjowski looks down upon him... Perfect.
There are some weird moves, but overall the best movie fight I've seen. I love the fact that the movie implies the over-swinging as a bad technique, when in most other movies, the "elite" fighters do exactly that :-)
@Eric Cartman wow man, thanks for the little piece of info, never hurts to know more, I love old movies like these and specially if they are historical, I'm sure the movie is out there with subtitles, just gotta find it, cheers mate
@Eric Cartman sure. So is Dungeons and Dragons, Game of Thrones, and pretty much every popular thing written in recent memory. Even Tolkien, who redefined the genre we're talking about based a lot of his material on other stories and themes. The Witcher is relatively original compared to other recent works.
@@Stethacanthus It's more the devs' doing then the source material. I mean the game isn't even the adaptation of the book, it takes place after the events of the books.
Love 3:40. The relaxing shift in posture. Almost a display of boredom or resignation. Showing how in complete control of the fight he is. Very slight, subtle shift in actor posture. Really excellent, subtle acting there.
That last cut to end the duel very subtle so fast that you cannot see the contact or realise he’s been hit until the blood started to pour out from his head, absolutely a fantastic show of skill
I would like to reply to this comment and say that you were not the only one. Makes me feel good that I believe with other people and someone did this task.
Small detail - because of the movie the line "Finish it sir, spare me the shame" became a very popular phrase in the Polish language, used in situations when you want something unpleasant to end.
Good for you. Especially that in the film they don’t speak modern Polish (which is easier to understand for modern people). All in all, it’s Slavic world. However, go to Polish grammar and you’ll see if it’s easy language 😎 In fact, Polish is one of the more difficult ones.
@@robbas_krk1510 As Serb said, moder Polish is easier to understand for modern Poles, not modern people as a whole. Many words that are archaic in Polish are still in use abroad in similiar meaning, for example ostrów and the further back in time the more similar Slavic languages were.
We have been knights in Poland since the fifth century after Christ. And so it remains to this day. The wounded are not killed, the prisoners are not murdered, but are healed and released. This applies to everyone, even if they come back later to do harm.
Ungodly realistic, given the situation and backstory. I can't think of anything in any movie ever that even comes within the same galaxy as this scene. Bravo!
I have a soft spot for Sienkiewicz. He's such an underrated writer-- folks tend to see him as a Polish patriot first, and I think he is, but that does not detract from his books. Nobel prize, right?
@@Svarttorden Sienkiewicz wrote the original The Deluge. It's part of a book trilogy from when Poland was partitioned by Russia, Austria and Prussia pre-WWI. Was that your question? Cheers.
@@paulbenedict1289 I meant to say the Trilogy was *written* around 1880. Dark times for Poland. With Fire and Sword was first published in a newspaper to '--uplift the hearts.' as far as I know.
Poland was basically a European Samurai society back all throughout the 17th & much of the 18th Century, producing & training amongst Europe's finest & deadliest swordfighting experts (along with the Ukrainians, Serbians, Russian Cossacks, the Spanish, Scots Highlanders & Irish!). Polish swordsmen were definitely renowned for their spectacular dedication to their craft, their training, discipline, skill, bravery & badassery. Their heavy cavalry, the Polish Winged Hussars, were the best & fiercest on the planet back then, helping to stave off & defeat several fearsome Muslim encroachments into Eastern European territory on several occasions back during the 2nd half of the 1600s, saving European civilization in the process.
Not really, just it was more likely that they had more proper swordsmen than, say, French nobility of the time. Because Poland was at the edge of Catholic world, against two empires of Ottomans and Russians, and also the Mongolo-Tataric threat in Crimea lasted quite long. They were also intermixed with Turko-Mongolic arts the most. A lot of their weapons have Turkic names. Hell, one of the most common sabre types of Poland was karabela, which literally means ''Blacktrouble''
@@kajetanbedryczko5432 Rosjanie to nie Kozacy. Ukraińcy to nie kozacy. Kozacy to kozacy, zresztą ich już nie ma, a Ukraińcy to Rosjanie (w sensie genetycznym oczywiscie). Doucz sie historii.
then watch "Krzyżacy" a film which is based on Sienkiewicz's novel which have same title you can also watch "wałęsa człowiek z nadziei" its pretty new it is about big part of our history i mean Solidarność movement and tbh many of productions are awesome we have plenty of good films but language barier is difficult to cross but you can find this part of our culture with good subtitles
What we are really seeing is an outstanding performance by two fine actors - the sabre fighting sequence was exquisite! They must have trained for a long time before filming that. BRILLIANT!!!
@Eric Cartman The point is that he knows he's going to lose. But the thing is that he's only just now realized it, whereas the Colonel knew the outcome very early, if not at the beginning.
"Spare me the shame" means "just kill me, and stop toying with me". He is shamed by his own performance in this duel, he sees that he is so much worse than the other guy, that he is just laughable. So he's saying "just kill me, and spare me this shame"
@@bicheiroparadoxo4894 Its good to see this movie getting some recognision finally. I watched it like 7-8 years ago and I had noted the accuracy of its choreography. Skall might be HEMA normie but at least he has a mass audience
For Wiedzmin fans This fight from the Polish film, the creators of the game The Witcher 3 - Hearts of Stone, drew the motive for the entire addition as well as the fight between Geralt and Olgeird. The same words fall into battle even
Olgierd is also the name of the actor which played Kmicic here (The one who lost), overall I feel like entire Olgierd character was inspired by Kmicic.
This is one amazing piece of cinematography. Excluding the final duel in Rob Roy, I do not remember seeing such intense and realistic-looking sword duel in any movie. Splendid!
Да, уж...сьёмки очень хорошие - достоверные. Без всякого там специального монтажа, ускорения и компьютерного современного наложения. Актёры в отличной физической форме! Сами фехтуют в кадре и вызывают этим к себе большое уважение. Поединки на холодном оружии - это была высшая степень личного мужества и воинского мастерства. Оба красавцы! Хотя вроде бы один из них и маленький с виду человек, но большой воин. Внутренняя сила характера важнее внешней харизмы...
@@VojuVVБой больше похож на сценический стиль. Такому обучают в театральных институтах. Сабли короткие как раз для высокой скорости фехтования. Однако, постановка и съемка боя красивая и актёры прекрасно играют роли
@@shperrung Ерунда, сабли - это эквиваленты оружия тех времен и бой ведется по древнему искусству фехтования. Володыёвский брал интенсивные уроки фехтования у бывшего олимпийского чемпиона по сабле.
Never seen this movie. Scene proved to me how spoiled we are with cheap shots and edits. This was really enjoyable. You saw everything. Was able to follow the fight. I have to watch this now. 😮
The Deluge (Polish: Potop) is a 1974 Polish historical drama film directed by Jerzy Hoffman, based on the 1886 novel of the same name by Henryk Sienkiewicz.
when i was a child - in 3 days (or, more precisely, nights. my parents forbid me to read the book as they thought i'm too young, so i stole it and read at night using a flashlight) when i started re-reading the book as an adult, it took me a few months. i wanted to taste every moment, wanted to understand everything. i noticed so much little details i missed as a child that's insane
Nirallus You are so right! Another version of that bit of wisdom is that you should never get into a fight with an old man because he might just kill you.
But the plot takes a twist at the end: the Colonel said "dress his wounds, he's mine now". The Colonel turned the cocky idiot into a devout soldier, because the latter had several murder charges and had he not gone to the army, he'd be hanged. In the army he was a diligent soldier and may have earned his parole, sorry, don't recall that much.
@@LMB222 At the end of the war he was given command of a unit of Tatar cavalry, presented to the Polish king by the han. It took someone like him to control these bastards.
Meanwhile the loser was unconscious in the ground, the other guy had the chance to end him rightly with his pommel, but chose not too because it wouldn't have been knightly. Kudos for him.
"So you imagine people do not try to hit each other in a real fight?" if you trying to teach your opponent a lesson then yes, but before you are able to hit your oponent you need to pass his guards...
If this is your first time, watch it again. Third or fourth time through I started to notice all the times Wolodyjowski would shove Kmicic's sword aside, or feint what would've been a hit that Kmicic flinches away from but doesn't properly move to block. Wolodyjowski teaches Kmicic a lesson here, and I love going back and rewatching this taught me to appreciate the choreography a bit more, the story in the fight.
This is actually a pretty realistic duel. The swords missing each other and the duelists having to try the same strike again is something that happens quite often in fencing. There are certain stances each opponent takes, and if you're both still in that stance, but you've missed your strikes, you have no option but to try again. Remember, the goal isn't to put on some flashy show, it's to avoid walking into a flailing sword.
Very good actors, and very good fencers for actors. It must be hard to make the difference in skill to stand out to even a person like me, who knows nothing of fencing.
They are actors as the guy said, they got few months of proper training before they made this duel and as the UnclePutte said it was a good job, no special effects and fake weponds(even dull sabre is a wepond), fights like that looks like crap in modern Holywood productions... The short guy was playing as the best sabre in the country and in this duel he is showing that to the other guy, when he gets that he is no match for Wołodyjowki he asking for death because he feels ashamed of his own skills that are so far behind.
But you've also got to think about what kind of fighting they had back then. Let me guess, you're a HEMA practitioner? HEMA wasn't the same back in the 70's. Also, when you look at reenactors like Jomsborg (viking reenactors) you see people who realize that the lay man is too ignorant to see the cause of death in a real fight between fencers. It's too fast and they cannot see the mistakes made. So they slow it down. add drama. add a layer to mask the obvious staged fighting. Like old cowboy westerns. nobody really fights like that, but people loved it because it was a dramatic expression of reality.
..всё это было давно... .. как чехо(словацкие),венгерские,румынские и т.д и т.п... ...вина всему понты быдлячие... ...как и раньше так и теперь... ...могли жить и ....не дуть... ... а сейчас их не кто не отпустит и они должны выполнить весь "акт " до конца..
Amazing fencing. Does not look at all staged, or amateurish. Sabre fencing, not foil or epee style, which is what is usually portrayed. The ending blow is so quick. I fenced when I was young, and really liked this, a lot.
My family orginated from East and West Prussia, Gdansk. When I had my DNA analysed it turned out that a good portion of my ancestry is Swedish and Norwegian. It is amazing to see how history is literally written in our DNA, in this particular case how a specific historical event, most likely the Deluge, left a marker in mine.
The usual problem with depicting true-to-life duels in film is that in RL, duals were meant to be short and efficient, while on film they have to be long and dramatic. This film solves that problem by having the Colonel take his opponent to school and humiliate him with dazzling & dramatic technique. Well done. I was also surprise he won, given the set-up.
Not everything in here was a choreography. They actually learned to fight and some tiny fragments were improvised. The legend says they got so deep into fight they forgot its a movie set. Also they almost got hurt like 5 times during record.
Я помню прекрасно этот фильм "Потоп"по одноимённому роману Генриха Сенкевича.Отличный фильм.А этот поединок между знаменитым полковником паном Володыевский и Кмитицем просто потрясающий!Не стал его убивать Володыевский,удар был настолько правильный,выверенный.Чтобы был ранен,чтобы выжил и был благодарен за жизнь этот храбрый,но бунтующий Кмитиц.Сцена поединка поставлена на высшем уровне.Оба актёра великолепно владеют саблями.Так и говорили о пане полковнике Володыевский,что ростом был мал,но вёрткий,великолепный саблист.
2:28 figures there is something wrong with this fight. 2:42 realized he's screwed. Beautiful fight. It's visceral in a way you don't see in film anymore. The final blow is insane. I nearly miss it the first time.
The duel is accurate to the book, and to what one might have saw from a tough noob challenging a master fencer. Michal wants to draw out the duel to humiliate Kmicic and show him how out of his depth he is. And towards the end of the fight we see Kmicic getting more and more desperate and annoyed, such that he starts tossing pasta at the wall to see what sticks, as it were. But you can tell Michal is able to stop him almost reflexively, despite the fact that both men are putting weight being their strikes. The feeling of weight is part of what makes this duel. In most well done duels I still feel that a slice or stab which made it past the parry wouldn't do any damage unless the sword were magically sharp. And the parries are often cute little parries from sport fencing which expect right-of way to be observed. Here there's no question: With most of those strikes, if one landed, the fight would be over. If Michal used a sporting parry without putting real force behind it, Kmicic would smash right through it.
> tossing pasta at the wall
Dzięki za wynalezienie nowego idiomu.
@@JohnDoe-yr3lm thats been an english idiom for some time. I think its akin to slapping the sausage till its firm, or whatever the slavs say
@@corndogrequiem1728 The idiom is actually "throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks"
I read the book maybe five times. I was excited when I saw the film and I absolutely did not appreciate how realistic and elaborate, but above all, the real fight was performed by the actors Mr. Olbrychski and Mr. Lomnicki. Today, with hindsight, I see that the fight was by far the best part of the acting, the rest of the movie was simply weak against the book.
I read that both actors volunteered to add more force to their swings to give a better show, but a few times they almost seriously injured the other, barely blocking in time.
Even without sharp edges, getting hit by sword at full force could shatter bones, rupture arteries, tear muscles, and eve n kill you. It's why movies use such telegraphed moves, since they're easier to halt and block if a problem arises.
Both actors were willing to chance such injuries to produce a better scene, and, in this instance, it really paid off.
Without cutting scenes every second. Good old craft of cinematography.
And without putting camera into actor's face
Note that it took almost 5 months to film this scene. Usually that's the time you use to film a whole movie. And the duel itself lasts for only 3 minutes.
On Soviets vhs ?
bro dayshizz you are soviet
I love how he says "Pick it up" before he even knocks the sabre out of his opponent's hand.
He knew what he was doing - he used disarming technique, so it can be partially forgiven ;)
Kmicic had absolutely no chance to avoid it and Wolodyjowski wanted to make it clear as day.
It was a warning: "sir, just give up now - I can easily disarm you anytime I want and there`s nothing you can do about it".
Wolodyjowski was the best swordsman in a country. He`s never been defeated in a duel.
Pick up the gun.
Bad assery
@@jeremywhitfield4556 Exaccery
As someone who trained fencing I can tell that is the best depiction ever I've ever seen in any film. The way that the short guy is toying a bold rookie. It really looks like the tall guy is trying to sway a killing strike while the other one is just utilising his aggression to exhaust and humiliate him due to have like 100 times better skills.
At one point, the punches weren't fake. The smaller actor wrote in his memoirs that he was almost injured in the head, and his hand hurt from the force of the bigger actor's blows.
I am so glad you said that. I have this vivid memory of reading somewhere that this was the best example of sword dueling on film. I have no experience with fencing so I’m glad you brought it up.
@@pawez8741 this actor trained fencing one year to looks like real swordsman - there are 2 scenes in this movie part where you can see how fast he changing weapon between left/right hand to make strikes
The best Ive ever seen I cannot find. I saw it with my father in 1972. It was a dubbed foriegn film of a seige of a castle in the 1450s+. In one take one camera the climax duel set in a bell tower. Two men swing from bell rope to rope and battle w/ dbl blade broad axes bells BANGING.
Tego większego- Daniel Olbrychski (aktor) wnuk jest szermierzem😊
Wow. A movie from 1974 has better choreography, sound and effects (the head wound) than most movies today. Hats off to this masterpiece.
There was no choreography.
Daniel Olbryski the actor playing Kmicica - now an older gentleman, so far he can perfectly swing his saber.
@@boog7429No, in any country. How many movies have you seen recently that had a duel this visceral?
@@boog7429 lmao then what was the point of your original comment? The guy has a point, there's a lot of badly choreographed fight scenes in New movies no matter which country you're in.
@@boog7429 weeelll I mean given the context it is a valid question.
I love how the final blow isn't something ridiculous or flamboyant but a simple precise strike, that's how it's meant to be.
I like how he didn't overextend his arm either. Movies today have lost just how simple it is to kill someone with a sword
If I’m not mistaken these two were actually sparring non of it was choreographed other than the end
Kaiser Wilhelm II you know dull swords exist for sparring right?
It was carefully choreographed, but they really went at it, according to the martial arts channel Skallagrim.
Well, at least judging by this scene, it really paid off. Everything feels remarkably authentic and immersive. Fighting in actual pouring rain (not just rain for the camera) and mud is something not a lot of movies do, even without the dangerous swordplay.
It reminds me of the exhausting four-month-long shoot at a quarry in the dark and rain for Helm's Deep, but without the indestructible Legolas and Gimli.
To anyone saying its not realistic- context! Wolodyjowski wasn't trying to kill him, and could have easily have finished the fight early on. He was trying to humiliate Kmicic, so he prolonged the fight and used flashy moves towards his opponent's weapon to demonstrate how much better he was. Kmicic was spinning around near the end not because its supposed to be good technique, but because he knows he's going to lose and doesn't care, he just want's Wolodyjowski to end it. Just look at how quick Wolodyjowski's last strike was. He wasn't trying.
Damn well said. There's a solid difference between unrealistic swordplay and the very, very realistic fact that many people with swords, were not actually swordsmen, and may have never trained in fencing at all.
I guess it's a lot like how just about anyone can own a gun, but very few people are actually trained marksmen or conditioned for gunfights.
VarangianBard when you're right, you're right. It's good actor combat, some of the best ever seen. It's there to tell a story. And it does, and that's putting it mildly. Everything you said, spelled out in movement. Realistic? I don't know, having never been in a real life and death saber duel, and neither has anyone here. But these two have obviously received extensive training from an Olympic level saber fencer who also had history in mind. I don't know crew details, but I'm sure the uuuhhhh critics here wouldn't even want to sport fence with the saber coach on this movie. You'd do the old en garde and then see sparks flying off your mask and go WTF was that? It was a head cut. Maybe several. It's hilarious but humbling.
Kmicic was doing his best, even if he did realize early on that he was going to lose. The rest of what you wrote is accurate.
I just want some people to just understand that every fighting scene from whatever has its own context.
don't understand. are they didn't watched a single fim or TV series or something?
wait what did he throw at him?
Never challenge a man that small who commands men that big. He can obviously hold his own
The Vegeta rule.
@Ken Tuttle He had strong chi. Inner strength. What was the average height of a NVA soldier?
Or, like the old saying goes, "never trust the old man in the job where everyone dies young".
I like it! Never challenge a small man who commands big men.
Wise words
This is cinema. Not your average film . This is art .
There's one thing you need to keep in mind about an old soldier,, he's Old for a reason!!
I honestly didn't think of this until I ran into the line in Overwatch from a character who is a 60 year-old sniper. "Old soldiers are hard to kill."
@@James-nr9gm yep. "Fear the old man in a job where men die young"
The motto I heard when I was young is "There are old soldiers and there are bold soldiers, but there are no old bold soldiers." That does not make what you said wrong, but my grandfather was in logistics. It wasn't his job to be bold.
@@thumper8684 cool, thanks for sharing
That is soooo true
I read the book all 3 parts. The tall guy Kmicic is light cavalry colonel, who fought in war against Russia 1654.During that war he fought guerilla campaign against Russian rear areas harrasing them with his own regiment of "bad guys" with very shady past. During Winter 1654/1655, Kmicic and his regiment go to rest in Polish held territory. He gets Noble girl called Oleńka and her mansion as inheritence after her Grandfather. Kmicic soldiers are still "bad guys" and come into conflict with Local Nobles over their behaviour against Local population. The problem was Kmicic soldiers were not paid by the state. They lived off plundering Russians. Local Nobles kill some of soldiers of Kmicic regiment. In retaliation Kmicic gets mad and plunders Local Village but he is defeated finally by Local Nobles. His life is saved by Oleńka when she did not give him away to vengefull Local Nobles. She kicks him out anyway, because she does not want to accept his way of life. One year later Kmicic returns with another armed group of hired "bad guys" and kidnaps her. He hides in mansion with his people and kidnapped Oleńka. Kmicic and his people are defeated. Kmicic barricaded himself in the house and threatens to blow it up with everyone i side. As alternative short duelist colonel Wołodyjowski offer him to duel to save Olenka's life. It is why duel happend. Sorry for poor English
I love history lessons. Thanks. 👍👌
Зато по-существу!
Thank you for that nice context! It can't have been easy condensing all that plot down into a single comment. Hats off to you!
Хорошо наши парни 5а окраине пшеков в плен не берут.
5 seconds of this was better than the entire Disney Star Wars trilogy and Kenobi lightsaber fighting.
And that got nonsense they call combat
I enjoyed TFA fight scene; it was raw, even dark at times, but letting Rey win was incredibly stupid. Even if it made sense with Ren being injured from a bolt blast that typically knocks people yards away, while being emotionally confused, he should have at least ended it in a draw. I thought for sure she would have lost her hand with his face so injured he'd be forced into a mask similar to Darth. But nah.. he gets a tiny scar.
This movie was made to be entertaining.
@@Marshal_Rock was this film bad?
It's one of the best old Polish movies, there is entire cinematic trilogy based on novels by Henryk Sienkiewicz I can highly recommend watching it@@ДилшодДушамов
I saw these phenomenal films during the time of Ceausescu, in Romania and I also read the books and Wolodyjowski reached my imagination as a child at the level of Rambo...
Thank you Sienkiewicz and Jerzy Hoffman!
I hope you lived good in those times
No, life was very bad. But these films were and are golden.
Прекрасная сцена! Очень талантливо снято, актеры великолепны!Польские фильмы всегда прекрасно сняты!
Potop, je to můj oblíbený film. 👍💓
Mój też. )
Mój też :)
Without the knowledge of Saber fencing, one could still see the flamboyant and overextending fencing style of the young man gradually took it's toll on him while the colonel's more precise and minimal maneuvers means that he never had to overexert himself by moving about in the mud and rather took on a more defensive approach, letting the young man wear himself out instead. Goes to show the great difference in skill and making it one of the more nuanced duel in cinema.
i absolutely agree. i know jack sh*t about saber fencing but even i could tell that the other guy seemed unpolished, brash, and reckless with his movements, often hopping about and trying to get through the colonel's defense. in comparison, the colonel was poised and professional, with every hit perfect, swift, and seemingly effortless. the one that ended it all especially was absolutely incredible with its speed and precision - i didn't even register that it was a hit, just the colonel suddenly leaping forward and moving back with that same calculating ease that defined the rest of his movement. it was only when the young man started bleeding from his head that i realized that he _had_ connected, and that the duel was over.
honestly, this entire scene was a goddamn _masterpiece_ to watch.
Agree, Mohammed Ali said similar when he took on George Foremen in Rumble in the Jungle. My Korean TKD Grand Master often told us it is not size, speed and power a fighter has but the intelligence to know when to use it.
@@wakeupuk3860 As I understand it, the younger man knew he was going to lose. He started using the wild, flamboyant moves to either steal a win or die quickly in a memorable fight. The colonel didn't oblige, until he young man flat out told him to end it. The colonel could have killed him at any time, and the younger man knew it fairly quickly.
@@Elthenar Not only brilliant swordsmanship but also acting helps to convey that so clearly. You can see in the moment Wołodyjowski plays with Kmicic by avoiding his sabre with very slight movements and following that in smile on Kmicic face literally fading
@@AdamMichalMarkowski And when Wołodyjowski starts spinning his sword. Flashy, pointless, and making it quite clear he didn't worry in the least about Kmicic taking advantage of it to attack. It was the equivalent of a hand to hand combatant turning their back on their opponent. That was the moment he knew for certain he was utterly outclassed.
-"maybe would you like to wait for it to stop raining sir"
-"it makes no dieffernce for me"
omg so this movie got refferenced in the witcher 3
Mikołaj Mezykowski reference:
the action of mentioning or alluding to something.
i know this movie is older than the witcher 3
When was that in The Witcher?
Alexander Davies Castle
in the hearts of stone expansion
cuma212 Oh okay, I haven't played the expansions yet
I shamefully haven't watched Potop, but read summery of the books, and it seems that a good chunk of Olgierds character is based of Kmicic. Both are of nobles that keep a company of ruffians with themselves.
I listened to a duel expert on youtube. He said that this is the most realistic duel he has ever seen.
Bo polski i na polską broń - na szable 🇵🇱😄
Also most dangerous. They were in range (most movie fights are done out of range for safety reasons except for very small parts usually done by the sword masters, not the actors), and one of them missed a parry and had a blade come for his head. The other actor barely stopped his blade from making that end a reality. Don't remember which one it was.
Maybe because no one Alice ever seen Ana cruel duel.
I love how he is changing hands from right to left.
The old man's left hand finger twiddling as he's waiting for the cocky guy to close distance is a masterful touch.
Never seen the movie, don’t even know its name - but seen this scene a million times. As I am led to believe it’s widely regarded as the best example of swordplay in cinematography, both in terms of realism and choreography.
The Deluge (Polish: Potop) is a 1974 Polish historical drama film directed by Jerzy Hoffman, based on the 1886 novel of the same name by Henryk Sienkiewicz.
@@d.d.3249 Not only have I watched it by this point - I’m seriously considering reading the books ;-)
@@Badchi I read "The Last of the Mohicans" and Jack London at the same time and I found the "Deluge" to be on the same level for entertainment value.
Thank You for that observation (and suggestion).@@jaywulf
@@Badchi Well done, sir!
Mistrzowska walka, szabliści podziwiają wyszkolenie aktorów przez olimpijskiego mistrza szabli Władysława Pawłowskiego. Świetne wielokrotne przerzuty szabli przez Wołodyjowskiego z ręki prawej do lewej i z powrotem , zadawanie ciosów raz prawą ręką raz lewą co miało zmylić Kmicica który mimo wszystko atakował i nacierał raz na lewa rękę raz na prawą rękę. To jest mistrzostwo świata tych scen . Te ujęcia kręcono przez kilka dni aby były perfekcyjne , wielu aktorów przebywało na planie w strugach wody przez kilka godzin dziennie i wielu się pochorowało , ale ujęcia to perfekcja w żadnym filmie światowym nie powtórzona gdzie w wielu szkołach szabli jest pokazywana jako perfekcyjna walka gdzie szabliści nie mają jej nic do zarzucenia.
A masterful fight, saber players admire the training of the actors by the Olympic saber master Władysław Pawłowski. Great multiple throws of the saber by Wołodyjowski from the right hand to the left and back, blows once with the right hand once with the left, which was supposed to confuse Kmicic, who nevertheless attacked and attacked once with the left hand once with the right hand. This is the world championship of these scenes. These shots were shot for several days to be perfect, many actors stayed on the set in streams of water for several hours a day and many got sick, but the shots are perfection not repeated in any world film where in many schools of saber it is shown as a perfect fight where sabers do not they have nothing against her.
Swietnie ujete
Mówisz o Jerzym Pawłowskim nie Władysławie. Z tą wodą to było nieco mniej dramatycznie. Wodę lali strażacy, wiec poza kadrem zapewne aktorzy mieli gdzie się osuszyć.
Bez przesady. Warto popatrzec na kino walki. Np. Tatsuja Nakadai w filmie Miecz przeznaczenia (rez. Kihachi Okamoto) wykonal swietna scene walki w lesie chociaz nie pochodzil ani z samurajskiej rodziny ani nie mial wczesniej przeszkolenia w mieczu.
@@Jamaha_Kondo Ta wziął miiecz i zagrał ,ty to odlatujesz.
When you provoke man into PvP and realise that's he is another level...)
Александр Воробьёв when you finish canpain in game on hard, feel like a boss and then join mp to have your dreams crushed.
hehe well said :)
Александр Воробьёв hahaha you just made my day! almost 6 months later. who says commenting on yt is pointless? ;)
When a veteran player is wearing starting gear
I found my old comment after another 2 months. feels good lol
Watched the movie once on RUclips, no subtitles. But it's just so well made that every frame, every scene tells exactly what you need to know, without understanding a word. It's just an amazing movie.
I might go track it down.
I urge everyone to read the book. One of the most beaultiful pieces of romantic literature I have ever read.
TRUEEE that's my favourite book ever
I was sincerely expecting the young cocky guy to win. I never see the captor win the duel against the prisoner in media.
What a plot twist on top of the great swordplay.
Well... they young cocky guy was a kidnapper, who barricaded himself with the kidnapped girl in the house (as I remember). To lure him out, they offered him a free pass if he wins a duel with the "SWAT team" commander.
@@Kubold Thanks for the context.
Like Kubold said, the cocky guy is actually the villain (he does have a nice redemption arc, and in the third novel, the Colonel actually goes to him for advice).
The Colonel is the Hero of the Trilogy. His arc concludes in *Fire in the Steppe.*
By his cliche demeanour (cocky) you could feel he was the “villain”. So to me it didn’t felt like a plot twist.
On a side note, although he was kind of the bad guy, it’s pretty cool that he still acts honourably most of the time. That is quite rare in movies where characters are all just binary bad vs good and their traits always only translate that.
The Colonel (older one) is the good guy here. At least at this moment of the plot.
2:50 its more like "you swing that like a PEASANTS flail sir" - "cep" is a polish word describing peasant's tool. A flail used for treshing the grain. Thus Wołodyjowski insulted Kmicic, comparing the nobleman to a peasant.
Cep może też odnosić się do kiścienia jako cep bojowy. Tu akurat nie jest uściślone o który cep chodzi.
You are 100% right, but those who know what a flail was originally in the first place would've known it was an insult!
"You swing that like a flail" - "How appropriate, you fight like a peasant"
Slowo "flail" odnosi sie pierwotnie i glownie do cepa rolniczego, i wlasnie tak wiekszosc anglojezycznych widzow to zrozumie, wiec tlumaczenie nie wymaga jakiegokolwiek precyzowania. Tlumaczenie napisow do filmow wymaga ciaglych kompromisow pomiedzy przekazaniem kulturowego znaczenia i zachowaniem zwiezlosci przekazu, wiec przetlumaczenie slowa "cep" jako "flail", bez sprecyzowania czy chodzi o cep bojowy czy rolniczy, bylo prawidlowym podejsciem w tym przypadku.
@@B3RyL Nieprawda, sa kultury dla ktorych ta podwojna obraza (techniki i pochodzenia) jest zupelnie niezrozumiala. NL na ten przyklad.
I really love this scene. Like genuinely, its brilliant. This duel is fantastically shot and choreographed by the actors, the narrative undertone is also superb. Sir Kmicic is humiliated by the Colonel, he's already dead this fight is just his funeral. By the way the Colonel smashes his ego, implying that the uses a Saber like a ''flail'' that he's just a crude peasant.
Also the way Kmicic at the end just doesnt give a fuck, starts to swing wildly and asking the Colonel just to ''end it'', stop his humiliation and the Colonel does with one blow to head, nothing fancy just in an instant proving that he could've ended the fight WHENEVER HE WANTED TO. THIS IS CINEMA!
Those disengages at 2:30 were super tight. Dude barely moved his wrist, yet perfectly avoids any blade contact. Great duel, makes me want to break out my old fencing gear!
Yesss I love them
Yep....things of beauty.
@@samsignorelli the best feeling is when you disengage and you feel nothing against your blade. The worst feeling is when the opposite happens
@@h0rn3d_h1st0r1an Oh yeah...been there many times. My PIL failed me miserably at the St Louis NAC last season (Vet 60 sabre)
@@samsignorelli I’m epee (junior) here. Sometimes my leg is faster than my arm, and I end up falling on my opponent’s blade after a disengage. But I won my first tournament and got my E recently so I must be doing something right!
I've watched this scene many times, and I only just noticed that at 3:56 the colonel starts effortlessly switching from right hand to left hand and back again.
It was already obvious that Kmicic was hopelessly outmatched, this was just the colonel subtly driving the point home.
It threw me off when he initially did it and I had to go back to make certain that I had seen it correctly
If by "subtly," you mean "savagely," then yes.
You need to read the book to undestand why he did that. From the beginning his goal was to humiliate Kmicic and not to kill him.
Сцена, конечно, шикарная. Жаль, таких больше практически не делают. Ну и актёры, конечно - великолепные. Полковник... НАСТОЯЩИЙ полковник. Да даже молодой дуралей-задира - и тот не картонный, а вполне себе объёмный. Вот он глумится, вот он бравирует, считает себя хозяином положения, оскорбляет полковника, пытается запугать... и вот он понимает, что не на того напал... вообще не на того. И вот он - без визга и страха принимает судьбу: "не позорьте меня"... и вот полковник - как настоящий, правильный военный - без каких либо унижений его щадит и оказывает помощь. Ах, если бы жизнь была так же красива и честна, как эта прекрасная сцена из фильма.
Что за фильм ???
@@александрегоров-м5ф так написано же -- Deluge.
По нашему (да и по польски) - Потоп.
На этой этике воспитывались целые поколения поляков. А сейчас обсуждают, действительно ли это стоит ...
А он его разве не убил? Черепок то раскроил.
@@Хорошееделоилень ранение в голову, даже с травмой головного мозга далеко не всегда приводит к смерти, известны случаи, когда люди выживали со сквозными пулевыми головы, причём сквозное - через мозговую ткань, а там, напомню, помимо отверстия от пули ещё мощный гидродинамический удар... Выживают! Иногда.
Вот в фильме он выжил. Вообще фильм лютый, очень рекомендую к просмотру, - старая школа, шикарный польский классический фильм про настоящие ценности, а не та дрянь, что сейчас снимают.
Damn, that was awesome-no chop-editing or shaky-cam compensating for lack of fighting skill and poor choreography. It's unbelievable how much movies suck today.
There are still some amazing movies being done outside of the “mainstream”. Specially in from Eastern Europe and Asia.
Mainstream/Hollywood style filmmaking is just exactly what they call it themselves: industry. Most people are in it for the quick profit with no true love for the art of it.
The hard work and commitment you see in a scene like this, done by actors and staff that probably don’t make even a third of what their USA counterparts do, is a great example of filmmaking done by people of have a passion for it.
Well, in fact... Movies sucked even more back then.
This old polish movie is just one of those rare gems created by people who love what they do and are trully dedicated.
odrzewo Nice! That’s cool :)
@theFareulookinat pls get in a real swordfight and try not being defensive about it and see where it gets u dawg
@theFareulookinat i do! look up HEMA
The story up to this point is:
Young trublemaker Kmicic and local petty heiress Olenka are testament bound to get married (their grandfathers were good friends), it's aided greatly by the fact the pair really fancies each other. His friends are a bunch of rowdy cutthroats who harass local petty nobility (collectively legal guardians of Olenka until her marriage) and are bad influence on Kmicic, so she wants them gone.
Kmicic agrees to send them away, only to find them all killed by Butrym clan in yet another brawl they have provoked. He gets mad, attacks the Butrym village and kills a lot of people, but all neighbours come to help thinking its Muscovite raid, his men are slaughtered, and he himself flees to Olenka, who saves him by fooling the pursuit, but then wants him gone forever.
He has none of it and abducts her, but this sets the neighbourhood militia backed by military again on his track. They besiege Kmicic in the house but when he threatens to blow himself up, to save Olenka Wołodyjowski proposes a duel for his freedom.
Now, what's important, Kmicic has some renown as a good fighter and skirmisher. It's enough to get cocky among poor clansmen in Laudan backwater. Wołodyjowski, however, is one of the Commonwealth's best duelists, visiting Lauda to commandeer the clans for war effort (and ironically, to give Kmicic an officer comission).
Many thanks.
I must say he was a proper a*****e :D
Great story, loved the books and movies
Ah, so Wolodyjowski doesn't kill Kmicic because he needs him for the war? Thanks, that's important context. By demonstrating martial superiority, then mercy, W has gained himself a loyal charge for life (and set a fine example for his troops).
@@bra-balllegend3940 no. in the heat of fight you cant choose that
easily,Kmicic was just very tough and Wołodyjowski admitted later
that as good as he is ,he is got light
No screen shake, no zoom in and cuts on impact.
Well done
4:21 one of the most famous line from the movie _"Just finish it, sir (finish me off, sir)! Spare me the shame!"_
Kmicic understood that he was completely helpless in the face of Wołodyjowski's advanced fencing skills, and that Wołodyjowski was intentionally humiliating him in front of the gathered crowd. Therefore, he asked Wołodyjowski to end the duel by delivering the decisive blow. It was precisely for this reason, to spare himself further shame, that he uttered the words: "Finish it, sprare me the shame." He chose almost certain death over further humiliation.
I don't why I keep coming back to this duel, I've watched this like 30 times at least lol.
Because this movie is a masterpiece
Watching this scene with context and subtitles makes me apreciate the unshakeable honor
Crazy how these dudes was actually fr going at it and one of the actors is even quoted saying during the duel one of them almost got their head lopped off due to a late guard. They had to stop filming for a bit cause the actor had come so close to death that it actually fucked him up mentally. But Jesus Christ what a outstanding scene of cinema, pure art. bravo Poland
Some kind of incident always happen in this kind of movies but at the same time I think that they would have been mad to use real swords, usually they use movie props that can be dangerous but not lethal.
Luca Lucente yes they were using prop swords but still their movements are legit so if u took that sword right across the face from decent forceful strike ur still getting royally fucked up
Same with SCA swords. Uses 2 1/2 rattan sticks, no edge, weighs like a real sword. You won't die when you use padding but get hit in the right place, without armor, it'll seriously injure you. Same with a prop sword that's usuable.
@@Lucky-Sevens7777 Yeah I said "Dangerous but not lethal" (as in "yes you will be fucked up but you cannot behead anyone or a severe a limb with a prop sword").
If this is a dull metal blade it wont cut through bone, but it can poke an eye out or create a bad gash that would require stitching. The way they move looks as if those props have some weight on them. I would not want that to land on my face with a full swing.
Many of those attacks looked properly fully committed, with actual parries. Definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. Masterfully choreographed. Also, the editing is fantastic. With shots having a decent length to grab your attention, instead of being an epileptic seizure of cuts like it's done nowadays.
They pretty much were committed, that's what makes the scene so fantastic. Quote from one of the actors:
"At some point in the duel (...) I did not guard myself quickly enough, and there the heaviest of Olbrychski’s swords came right towards my head! Everyone froze in terror, and I managed to cover my guard in literally a split-second. But the shooting had to stop for a bit because I was pale from the emotions, and Daniel was even more upset."
@@Orkel2 Daniel had an opinion of adventure seeker in his private life also. He was very sporty and phisycally courageous boy. Good horseman, fencer, boxer, dancer. And a womenizer, of course.
I think that John Woo started this trend with his action movies.
I was pleasantly surprised when I heard about this movie. Good to know that some directors knew what their audience wanted back then.
That’s because it’s a real sword fight one of the actors said he almost died from a blow but managed to block it.
This has to be one of the must eloquent and precise demonstrations of proper saber dueling I've seen in many a year. Bravo to the actors and those who choreographed it, bravo.
this is not a movie.. this is cinematic art.
If you like this climat I recomend all this movie series. Ogniem i Mieczem (Fire and Sword), Potop (this fight is from this movie), Pan Wołodyjowski
But does this trilogy have the English subtitles?
Its fuckig shiet
aka a movie...
I really dig how the psychology of the fight unwinds. Kmicic starts with bravado and with each break becomes more wild and erratic when he realizes he can't win. Wołodyjowski is always calm and in control, but really displays his dominance, eventually switching sword-hand while fighting. Very cool shit.
And when Wołodyjowski spins his sword it comes across as a parody of Kmicic's sloppy, showy technique. I've never seen a person wield a sword sarcastically before.
At 1:04 Kmicic says to Wolodyjowski "you don't look like a giant, sir." And then at 4:26 Kmicic gets to see the giant that Wolodyjowski really is! And the way the camera frames Kmicic looking up at the giant as Wolodyjowski looks down upon him... Perfect.
There are some weird moves, but overall the best movie fight I've seen. I love the fact that the movie implies the over-swinging as a bad technique, when in most other movies, the "elite" fighters do exactly that :-)
Yeah, the suprerior fighter doesn't even move more than he needs whilst the unskilled one tries flamboyant attacks
@@subutaynoyan5372 The shot of their footwork is amazing, so clear who the superior swordsman is
@Eric Cartman so the young guy doesnt die?
@Eric Cartman I'm going to watch that movie, it looks great, hurray for Poland man
@Eric Cartman wow man, thanks for the little piece of info, never hurts to know more, I love old movies like these and specially if they are historical, I'm sure the movie is out there with subtitles, just gotta find it, cheers mate
I just realised how heavily olgierd from the witcher 3 references this movie.
Makes sense. The author of the books is Polish.
And the makers of the games.
@@Echelon030 that I did not actually know. Thanks stranger!
@Eric Cartman sure. So is Dungeons and Dragons, Game of Thrones, and pretty much every popular thing written in recent memory. Even Tolkien, who redefined the genre we're talking about based a lot of his material on other stories and themes. The Witcher is relatively original compared to other recent works.
@@Stethacanthus It's more the devs' doing then the source material. I mean the game isn't even the adaptation of the book, it takes place after the events of the books.
Love 3:40. The relaxing shift in posture. Almost a display of boredom or resignation. Showing how in complete control of the fight he is.
Very slight, subtle shift in actor posture. Really excellent, subtle acting there.
That last cut to end the duel very subtle so fast that you cannot see the contact or realise he’s been hit until the blood started to pour out from his head, absolutely a fantastic show of skill
Thank you for posting it with subtitles. Have seen prior ones with no idea what they were saying.
I would like to reply to this comment and say that you were not the only one. Makes me feel good that I believe with other people and someone did this task.
Well, i dont speak polish and speak russian, but i understand 90% what they say
Small detail - because of the movie the line "Finish it sir, spare me the shame" became a very popular phrase in the Polish language, used in situations when you want something unpleasant to end.
It is not really because of the movie, it is literal quote from the novel this move is based on.
I love how im from N.Macedonia and still understand over 70% of what they speak and some parts are like 100% seems like an easy language :D
Good for you. Especially that in the film they don’t speak modern Polish (which is easier to understand for modern people). All in all, it’s Slavic world. However, go to Polish grammar and you’ll see if it’s easy language 😎 In fact, Polish is one of the more difficult ones.
@@robbas_krk1510*one of the most difficult to English speakers
Obviously for slavic people it will be easier
@@robbas_krk1510 old polish is easier for me to understand. I natively speak Serbian, some russian and a little bit of miedzuslowjanski.
Good for you. For Poles Bulgarian/Macedonian is probably the hardest Slavic languages to understand.
@@robbas_krk1510 As Serb said, moder Polish is easier to understand for modern Poles, not modern people as a whole. Many words that are archaic in Polish are still in use abroad in similiar meaning, for example ostrów and the further back in time the more similar Slavic languages were.
"we dont slaughter the wounded! dress his wounds!"
@Eric Cartman either way. good man.
This is Poland. By choice.
We have been knights in Poland since the fifth century after Christ. And so it remains to this day. The wounded are not killed, the prisoners are not murdered, but are healed and released. This applies to everyone, even if they come back later to do harm.
@@profil300c4 you guys have ... terrible luck in geography, stuck between Germany and Russia. Its always one or the other...
@@Tsototar Or the Swedes in the North (this book/movie) and Ottomans in the South (the previous one). Fuck.
I've watched this about a million times.
It truly is a piece of art.
I also sice 1974
Ungodly realistic, given the situation and backstory. I can't think of anything in any movie ever that even comes within the same galaxy as this scene. Bravo!
I have a soft spot for Sienkiewicz. He's such an underrated writer-- folks tend to see him as a Polish patriot first, and I think he is, but that does not detract from his books. Nobel prize, right?
He got it for overall work, but mostly for his most famous "Quo Vadis"
What the film tittle sir..?
@@Svarttorden Sienkiewicz wrote the original The Deluge. It's part of a book trilogy from when Poland was partitioned by Russia, Austria and Prussia pre-WWI. Was that your question? Cheers.
It's the middle of XVII century, 120 years before the first partition.
@@paulbenedict1289 I meant to say the Trilogy was *written* around 1880. Dark times for Poland. With Fire and Sword was first published in a newspaper to '--uplift the hearts.' as far as I know.
WTF that sudden strike to the head came out of nowhere! I had to do a double take, it was so fast.
I watched it twice just to see his reaction as if he didn't mean to cut him yet.
Polish cross cut art. Type it on YT
It shows he could have ended it at any time.
Yes, that was very skilledful😁
People think only katanas are fast because of films and anime, but swords and sabers in general can be really fast
Poland was basically a European Samurai society back all throughout the 17th & much of the 18th Century, producing & training amongst Europe's finest & deadliest swordfighting experts (along with the Ukrainians, Serbians, Russian Cossacks, the Spanish, Scots Highlanders & Irish!).
Polish swordsmen were definitely renowned for their spectacular dedication to their craft, their training, discipline, skill, bravery & badassery.
Their heavy cavalry, the Polish Winged Hussars, were the best & fiercest on the planet back then, helping to stave off & defeat several fearsome Muslim encroachments into Eastern European territory on several occasions back during the 2nd half of the 1600s, saving European civilization in the process.
Not really, just it was more likely that they had more proper swordsmen than, say, French nobility of the time. Because Poland was at the edge of Catholic world, against two empires of Ottomans and Russians, and also the Mongolo-Tataric threat in Crimea lasted quite long.
They were also intermixed with Turko-Mongolic arts the most. A lot of their weapons have Turkic names. Hell, one of the most common sabre types of Poland was karabela, which literally means ''Blacktrouble''
Rosjanie to nie Kozacy. Kozacy to Ukraińcy.
@@kajetanbedryczko5432 Rosjanie to nie Kozacy. Ukraińcy to nie kozacy. Kozacy to kozacy, zresztą ich już nie ma, a Ukraińcy to Rosjanie (w sensie genetycznym oczywiscie). Doucz sie historii.
I never saw this good Polish movie before. Beautiful.
then watch "Krzyżacy" a film which is based on Sienkiewicz's novel which have same title you can also watch "wałęsa człowiek z nadziei" its pretty new it is about big part of our history i mean Solidarność movement and tbh many of productions are awesome we have plenty of good films but language barier is difficult to cross but you can find this part of our culture with good subtitles
Try "Pharaoh" and "Promised Land" (Ziemia Obiecana) - as well as C.K. Dezerterzy
Nie wciskaj mu tego 💩 o wałesie. Człowieka z TW😳😂😂😂
Tą scene można oglądać bez końca.
Mistrzostwo po prostu.
Sposób walki,dialogi,itp.
What we are really seeing is an outstanding performance by two fine actors - the sabre fighting sequence was exquisite! They must have trained for a long time before filming that. BRILLIANT!!!
"Spare me the shame." Bro...he's been shaming you the entire fight, you only just now realized it.
@Eric Cartman The point is that he knows he's going to lose. But the thing is that he's only just now realized it, whereas the Colonel knew the outcome very early, if not at the beginning.
In Polish the line is closer to "End my shame."
"Spare me the shame" means "just kill me, and stop toying with me". He is shamed by his own performance in this duel, he sees that he is so much worse than the other guy, that he is just laughable. So he's saying "just kill me, and spare me this shame"
@Eric Cartman In the end did Kmicic get a slight lobotomy from that injury or recovered back with a bad scar on his head?
@@s2wuolf508 In the book he makes a fully recovery.
Anyone else from Skallagrim?
Every comment that started 6 days ago is in a majority coming from Skallgrim
@@bicheiroparadoxo4894 Its good to see this movie getting some recognision finally. I watched it like 7-8 years ago and I had noted the accuracy of its choreography. Skall might be HEMA normie but at least he has a mass audience
@@MrPanos2000 he surely does provoke a good influence
Доброго времени суток.
Реально крутой поединок. Поставлено просто великолепно.
С уважением, Дмитрий.
For Wiedzmin fans
This fight from the Polish film, the creators of the game The Witcher 3 - Hearts of Stone, drew the motive for the entire addition as well as the fight between Geralt and Olgeird. The same words fall into battle even
Olgierd is also the name of the actor which played Kmicic here (The one who lost), overall I feel like entire Olgierd character was inspired by Kmicic.
I always considered this episode to be the best fighting scene in the world cinema of all time. Brilliant! Thank you!
Столько времени прошло, а снято здорово и без всякой компьютерной шелухи. Нравится мне писатель Генрик Сенкевич
I have read the book and seen the entire movie.I must say that the movie was as faithful to the book as possible, which is rare.Very impressive.
This is one amazing piece of cinematography. Excluding the final duel in Rob Roy, I do not remember seeing such intense and realistic-looking sword duel in any movie. Splendid!
I'd put this above Rob Roy, myself.
порой даже не воспринимается сразу, что во время дуэли происходит смена рук с саблей в правой на левую! один из лучших кино-дуэлей, определённо!
Timeless classic. Best sword duel in cinema history.
Without any doubt, this is the best duel scene in the history of the entire Universe.
Szkoda że nie widziałeś od czego się zaczęło 😊
Да, уж...сьёмки очень хорошие - достоверные. Без всякого там специального монтажа, ускорения и компьютерного современного наложения. Актёры в отличной физической форме! Сами фехтуют в кадре и вызывают этим к себе большое уважение. Поединки на холодном оружии - это была высшая степень личного мужества и воинского мастерства. Оба красавцы! Хотя вроде бы один из них и маленький с виду человек, но большой воин. Внутренняя сила характера важнее внешней харизмы...
Рост роли никогда не играл в реальном бою!а в современном тем более чем меньше☝️-тем лучше
Харизма и есть внутреннеяя сила характера а фехтованием здесь и не пахнет так битье железками по железкам
@@viktormakarenko2448 ... где "пахнет"?...;)
Хороший фильм "Пан Володыевский". И Даниэль Ольбрыхский еще совсем молодой.
@@sergo.29 Это фильм Потоп.
Пожалуй, это лучший сабельный бой , снятый в фильмах! Во всяком случае мне не приходилось видеть лучше.
Bo tak jest. Podobno to najlepsza i najbardziej realistyczna walka na miecze w historii kina
@@VojuVVБой больше похож на сценический стиль. Такому обучают в театральных институтах.
Сабли короткие как раз для высокой скорости фехтования.
Однако, постановка и съемка боя красивая и актёры прекрасно играют роли
@@VojuVVszable nie miecze
Szabla to zakrzywiony miecz z pojedynczym ostrzem przeznaczony do cięcia. Twój komentarz to zwykłe czepianie się.
Ерунда, сабли - это эквиваленты оружия тех времен и бой ведется по древнему искусству фехтования. Володыёвский брал интенсивные уроки фехтования у бывшего олимпийского чемпиона по сабле.
Never seen this movie. Scene proved to me how spoiled we are with cheap shots and edits. This was really enjoyable. You saw everything. Was able to follow the fight. I have to watch this now. 😮
The Deluge (Polish: Potop) is a 1974 Polish historical drama film directed by Jerzy Hoffman, based on the 1886 novel of the same name by Henryk Sienkiewicz.
Thumbs up for everyone who's read the book. A masterpiece.
All in four days.
@@Nagly_Atak_Chlopskiego_Rozumu ja w 3 dni, wygrałam :3
@@martaolamedel6336 Szybciej nie zanczy lepiej, wino też robisz na szybkości ?
@@nastybeats oczywiście i nie tylko to
when i was a child - in 3 days (or, more precisely, nights. my parents forbid me to read the book as they thought i'm too young, so i stole it and read at night using a flashlight)
when i started re-reading the book as an adult, it took me a few months. i wanted to taste every moment, wanted to understand everything. i noticed so much little details i missed as a child that's insane
Young, pampered, spoilt, dandy finds out that the little old man is a fencing master - just a few minutes too late.
You know what they say: Never laugh at an old man in a dangerous profession.
Nirallus You are so right! Another version of that bit of wisdom is that you should never get into a fight with an old man because he might just kill you.
But the plot takes a twist at the end: the Colonel said "dress his wounds, he's mine now".
The Colonel turned the cocky idiot into a devout soldier, because the latter had several murder charges and had he not gone to the army, he'd be hanged.
In the army he was a diligent soldier and may have earned his parole, sorry, don't recall that much.
@@LMB222 At the end of the war he was given command of a unit of Tatar cavalry, presented to the Polish king by the han. It took someone like him to control these bastards.
Meanwhile the loser was unconscious in the ground, the other guy had the chance to end him rightly with his pommel, but chose not too because it wouldn't have been knightly.
Kudos for him.
@A Lounge Moogle xD
A Lounge Moogle No, Polish sabers don't have pommels preventing him from nuking the planet
He wanted to end it knightly, instead of rightly.
@@Borderose Kmicic was given a second chance and has his redemption. He became great hero later.
ah i understand how you ended up here
Pan Wolodiovsky!!! To bol film mojej mladosti...Baska , Baska ..❤
I believe this is the greatest sword fight I have seen. Its how I imagine a real fight. I enjoy this more than the duelist.
So you imagine people do not try to hit each other in a real fight?
If you like this climat I recomend all this movie series. Ogniem i Mieczem (Fire and Sword), Potop (this fight is from this movie), Pan Wołodyjowski
"So you imagine people do not try to hit each other in a real fight?" if you trying to teach your opponent a lesson then yes, but before you are able to hit your oponent you need to pass his guards...
"Siwa Legenda." I highly recommend
i think a real fight would last just a couple seconds
If this is your first time, watch it again.
Third or fourth time through I started to notice all the times Wolodyjowski would shove Kmicic's sword aside, or feint what would've been a hit that Kmicic flinches away from but doesn't properly move to block. Wolodyjowski teaches Kmicic a lesson here, and I love going back and rewatching this taught me to appreciate the choreography a bit more, the story in the fight.
I've revisited this clip countless times. It never disappoints. It wins not only for the fight itself but also for its faithfulness to the book.
This is actually a pretty realistic duel. The swords missing each other and the duelists having to try the same strike again is something that happens quite often in fencing. There are certain stances each opponent takes, and if you're both still in that stance, but you've missed your strikes, you have no option but to try again. Remember, the goal isn't to put on some flashy show, it's to avoid walking into a flailing sword.
Not how I expected the fight to go at all. That was some really great acting!
Прекрасный фильм. Шёл в советских кинотеатрах в 70-х с русским дубляжем. До сих пор помню -По полковнику небо плачет. Машешь как цепом. Эх,молодость.
Ten film to fenomen a nasza młodzieńcze lata to majstersztyk w rękach Boga pozdrawiam😊
the most unique thing about this scene are the characters in the background, so realistic, masterpiece.
Very good actors, and very good fencers for actors. It must be hard to make the difference in skill to stand out to even a person like me, who knows nothing of fencing.
What weapon are you practising?
And just look at wolodejowski (shorter one)
Saber, long sword Btw. I swing it like a flail ;)
UnclePutte good comment bro I had to like it!
They are actors as the guy said, they got few months of proper training before they made this duel and as the UnclePutte said it was a good job, no special effects and fake weponds(even dull sabre is a wepond), fights like that looks like crap in modern Holywood productions... The short guy was playing as the best sabre in the country and in this duel he is showing that to the other guy, when he gets that he is no match for Wołodyjowki he asking for death because he feels ashamed of his own skills that are so far behind.
But you've also got to think about what kind of fighting they had back then.
Let me guess, you're a HEMA practitioner? HEMA wasn't the same back in the 70's.
Also, when you look at reenactors like Jomsborg (viking reenactors) you see people who realize that the lay man is too ignorant to see the cause of death in a real fight between fencers. It's too fast and they cannot see the mistakes made.
So they slow it down. add drama. add a layer to mask the obvious staged fighting.
Like old cowboy westerns. nobody really fights like that, but people loved it because it was a dramatic expression of reality.
Excellent duel. Possibly the best I have ever seen committed to film. Thanks uploader.
Люблю польские исторические фильмы, в сто раз лучше чем голивуд снимает.
..всё это было давно...
.. как чехо(словацкие),венгерские,румынские и т.д и т.п...
...вина всему понты быдлячие...
...как и раньше так и теперь...
...могли жить и ....не дуть...
... а сейчас их не кто не отпустит и они должны выполнить весь "акт " до конца..
@@vyacheslavzayonchkovskyy6834 "Огнём и мечом" 99 года, отличный фильм.
@@Parhomenko-B nie kpij, to parodia “potopu“
"Just finish it sir! Spare me the shame!"
Amazing fencing. Does not look at all staged, or amateurish. Sabre fencing, not foil or epee style, which is what is usually portrayed.
The ending blow is so quick.
I fenced when I was young, and really liked this, a lot.
My family orginated from East and West Prussia, Gdansk. When I had my DNA analysed it turned out that a good portion of my ancestry is Swedish and Norwegian. It is amazing to see how history is literally written in our DNA, in this particular case how a specific historical event, most likely the Deluge, left a marker in mine.
Very interesting. Where do you live and what nationality you are if you don't mind me asking?
In Germany and German. @@sebsebski2829
The usual problem with depicting true-to-life duels in film is that in RL, duals were meant to be short and efficient, while on film they have to be long and dramatic. This film solves that problem by having the Colonel take his opponent to school and humiliate him with dazzling & dramatic technique. Well done. I was also surprise he won, given the set-up.
Wow, that was amazing. Why am I just hearing about this movie, i'd imagine it's just as good as this duel!
I am growing to like this scene more and more every time I watch it.
As much as i would like to congratulate Amarcord for winning the Oscar that year. This could've been Poland's time to shine, this should've won
Colonel threw that sword so hard it changed into a different sabre. Truly a masterful duelist
Not everything in here was a choreography. They actually learned to fight and some tiny fragments were improvised. The legend says they got so deep into fight they forgot its a movie set. Also they almost got hurt like 5 times during record.
Amazing film, I wish more people could appreciate things like this
Я помню прекрасно этот фильм "Потоп"по одноимённому роману Генриха Сенкевича.Отличный фильм.А этот поединок между знаменитым полковником паном Володыевский и Кмитицем просто потрясающий!Не стал его убивать Володыевский,удар был настолько правильный,выверенный.Чтобы был ранен,чтобы выжил и был благодарен за жизнь этот храбрый,но бунтующий Кмитиц.Сцена поединка поставлена на высшем уровне.Оба актёра великолепно владеют саблями.Так и говорили о пане полковнике Володыевский,что ростом был мал,но вёрткий,великолепный саблист.
Так и подумал что это Михал Володыевски
Ростом мал, руки короткие... Но техника на голову выше молодого задиры.
Das beste Säbel-Gefecht, was ich je gesehen hebe.
2:28 figures there is something wrong with this fight.
2:42 realized he's screwed.
Beautiful fight. It's visceral in a way you don't see in film anymore. The final blow is insane. I nearly miss it the first time.
I've seen this fight judged as the most realistic- and best- in film history.
Бой показан классный! Каких-то режисёрских приёмов зрителю не видно! Спасибо за сцену боя!!!