This film was made in the times of Soviet Union when Poland was a major part of the Warsaw Pact. This film was shown in every cinema in the Soviet Union and was very popular in Russia and is still considered by large as one of the best siege related historic films. No doubt about that.
Trafne spostrzeżenie.Celem tego "cofania" powodowan ego odrzutem było ponowne załadowanie działa pod ukryciem szańca bezpieczniejsze bo nie należało załogi na trafienie odłamkami. Po załadowaniu musieli armatę wytoczyć ponownie na szaniec
А что нам, Русским, их любить, что ли???????? Враги по жизни... Мы им государство подарили, спасли, а они опять к нам лезут??????? Мог Лу вымоем всей Европе, если Вы ещё не поняли ничего!!!!!. Не лезьте в Россию??????? Предупреждаю.... Второй раз не пожалеем!!!))))))) Не будет ни Польши, ни Европы..... Предупреждаю.....
Чтобы ты понимал о чём тут пишешь - когда русский император и немецкий кайзер поделили Польшу, то никто, НИКТО из поляков не захотел её защищать - осознание к ним пришло потом, но когда пришли русские с немцами, то простые поляки радовались, а знаешь почему? А потому, что Речь Посполитая была уродливым сверхиерархичным государством, где у панов было всё, а у простого народа (быдла) не было ничего, поэтому это уродливое государство так легко было уничтожено - поляки всю свою историю пожирали сами себя и окружающих их народы - куда приходил польский пан, всюду начиналось горе и боль - мы русские выгнали польских оккупантов в 1612 году, а украинцы в 1657 году, а все последующие попытки восстановить Польшу были комичным дёрганьем недобитой шляхты против суровой реальности. И сегодня, когда поляк пытается гордо говорить про "великую Польшу от Дуная до Вислы", то мне смешно - его прадеды сами вешали своих панов и плевали на это уродливое государство, лишь бы панский кнут больше никогда не касался спины их детей, но видимо история дураков ничему не учит.
Je to poslední díl trilogie-Potopa, Ohněm a mečem, Pan Wolodyjovski. Scénář je dle románu polského spisovatele Henryka Sienkiewice. Výborne knihy, skvělé filmy.
Fun fact most of the extras in the assault scene were students from high schools from the city Kielce nearby where this was filmed (Chęciny castle) they had to run up and down this hill 10 times. As my Uncle who was there said they gave them white bedsheets to wrap themselves in and ordered them to run behind the better equipped ones
Грандиозно сделаны сцены атаки турецкой пехоты на крепость и конная атака гусар.Отлично сделан фильм!Я читала Сенкевича,им были написаны прекрасные исторические романы.
@@lisekSL TON of Russians know Sienkiewicz and everyone back in USSR watched his trilogy. Also Domogarov (the Russian actor) played in "Ogniem i Mieczem".
A Scotsman, Ketling moved to Poland where he became a Colonel of Artillery in service of the king of Poland John Casimir. Ketling married Krystyna Drohojowska, a former fiancée of his friend, Michał Wołodyjowski. The historical personality on which the character was loosely based was certain Major Heyking, a mercenary from Courland and the commander of the Kamieniec fortress during the 1672 war.
Germans🤮. Please keep far away from us. We dont need your greetings. XD. You were traitors and agresor for Poland during all times! ! We never trust in your good intentions.!!! 6 mln people killed during your invasion in Poland. We will never forgive!!!
Kamenets still standing in perfect condition after dozens of battles and centuries past. Most beautiful castle in Ukraine. Great movie to watch. Two years after this battle my city Uman was fully destroyed by Ottoman army and now I can imagine how was it then. Very good reconstruction of weapons and clothing.
ВСЕ что показано про атаку гусар,это даже не бред,--- это историческое хулиганство!!1)Вот так сами по себе не атаковали даже скифы за 2500 лет до показанных польских событий,когда воевали с Ассирией.Так никто не скакал и не атаковал.Или это была лава как у татар и казаков,--иррегулярных войск, или это были поэскадронные шеренги регулярного конного войска. 2)Гусары атаковали рядами ,имея перед собой длинные копья,без всяких там флагов. 3)С каких это делов гусары неслись как идиоты галопом ???При атаке сперва начинали разбег,потом переходили на рысь,а лишь потом последнии 150 метров брали в галоп!!Иначе это было бы бессмысленное утомление лошадей!! 4)Весь фильм это УБОГАЯ съемка ПО-Бедному!!)))ВСЕ говорит о том ,что денег мало и на всем экономили..Непонятно куда это скачут гусары,чего их так мало,где сама съемка столкновения с врагом.В общем не фильм ,а убогое ГОВНО.Для детишек ,которые не видели настоящих фильмов снятых в Голливуде.))))
my uncle was one of the Turkish soldiers in this movie. the castle of Chęciny was characterised using tons of cardboard, and at one moment a bus drives gallantly on the horison (I think this scene wasn't included in this video)
the Ottoman army was really a good and well trained army and personally i have great respect for them.....the Polish Kingdom lost the siege of Kamenets ...but the next year Poland defeated the Ottoman army at the Chocim battle...
@@михаилкузьменко-ш5о Na czym ta głupota polega ??? Generalnie Polska ma najgorsze połozenie geograficzne w Europie bo kazde państwo w Europie ma jakies bariery geograficzne Polska natomiast jest płaska równina z kazdej strony otoczona przez potencjalnych wrogów .
"Pan Wołodyjowski" Oblężenie Kamieńca Podolskiego. Tym razem musieliśmy skupić się na ratowaniu własnych tyłków. Co się nam ostatecznie udało, bodajże rok później, po zwycięskiej bitwie pod Chocimiem Ale spokojnie. Jeszcze Was kiedyś uratujemy. 😊
Starting from 2:15, explosions near most left canon : don't know what they put in those pyrotechnics but the flames went over the place. The guy who get's "killed or wounded" suddenly realizes after that... holy *** I'm on fire... let's tap that out before continuing dying.
Jerzy Michał Wołodyjowski. Ryczypisk (Reepicheep) z "Kronik Narnijskich". Dwaj znakomici szermierze chrześcijańscy z różnych światów. Fizycznie (w miarę) podobni. Obaj złożyli ofiarę z samych siebie. Szkoda, że się nie spotkali...
Вова Боб On polish wikipedia there is nothing about this. Exept one sentence: „W 1674 roku do wojny przeciwko Turcji przystąpiła Rosja (Wojna rosyjsko-turecka (1674-1681)), dzięki czemu wojska polskie mogły przystąpić do ofensywy na ziemiach ukraińskich”. It’ meaning, because Russia had a war too, that helped with counter- attack.
Not Ottoman, Demon army, no mercy, remember this, there are good arabs whom have left Islam, but if he is into islam he is as worse as a demon, because islam teaches that in their heaven they have sex and multiple wives, it is called Houris, search on the internet on wikipedia the term Houris. Many muslims don't know about their own religion because their religious leaders hide this things from them. Remember to inform every muslim that you see about this that i told you.
urine. The Ottoman empire when through massive amounts of stale human urine because that is not only how they bleached their laundry it was also the only source of potassium nitrate that was available other than mining caves filled with bat guano.
na filmie Michał Wołodyjowski ,a na prawdę komendant obrony Kamieńca nazywał się Jerzy Wołodyjowski , jeszcze ciekawostka zamek Kamieniec był nazywany bramą do Polski a teraz Ukraińcom nie może to przejść przez gardło i zmieniają nazwę na bramę do Europy
Well I guess the reasoning was that you could stack that stuff easily to cover a moat and that it's easy to transport. I presume that if they did such a rapid moat-filling in RL those bundles of straw or reed, would have been drenched in water first to make them harder to burn. Though you do have a valid point.
What else did they have? Straws are cheap including people who carry it. It take long time to filled moat with actual dirt or stones, not to mention it's also very heavy.
Can someone tell me why the ottoman soldiers just threw bails or straw or hay into the ditch in front of the castle ? I saw another old movie about the Bulgarian defense of Ongal against the eastern Romans and the Romans did the same thing in the empty moat against the fortress
Most likely to fill in the most so that it’s easier to get over the walls. Sometimes the defenders would also leave spikes and other nasty things in the most so the straw offered some protection against it
part of Jannisaries wore white clothes, in fact. And some Arab soldiers. In the history Austria-Hungary soldiers of Napoleonic Era wore white uniforms
@Pulcino Pio Of course they were not standard infantry for the first attack - but in the movie first lines are slaves with bundles of straw :D and light infantry. And yet there were historically recorded assaults of the Janissaries in the first line - as was in the First Battle of Khotyn 1621, and Janissaries helping Crimean Khan at the Siege of Zbaraż 1649; there were recorded massive Janissary attacks, during which they suffered huge losses - probably in Kamieniec it was the same (I read this book years ago and don't remember now). The second thing, white clothes - this is not fantasy, but come from the memories of participants of this campaign and 50 years earlier in 1621 - in both Polish memoirists described thousands of muslims in white or bright clothes. Presented white Janissary costume with high hat with veil is also historical, I've even seen it in some museum. That's what they're trying to depict in the movie (probably a bit over the top). BTW, Janissaries in Polish service in 18th century had such uniforms, partly white
Ежи Гофман тут не первопроходец... В детстве смотрел много таких "исторических художественных фильмов"... еще производства соц-фильм студий Польши, Венгрии, Румынии... "Пан Володыевский"... "Даки"... Гайдамаки"... Пытаться изучать историю по ним - пустое дело. Просто как кинуха - нормально. А реально - К-П сдали. На 30 лет туркам. Да и много чего от Польши в придачу.
And they braged how patriot braveheart and heaven kingdom have best battle scenes man i tell you more movies i watch made before 2000 in poland romania bulgaria hungaria china and other countries beside us and uk more i realize how their movies are better than us and uk
Europe left Poland fighting the Turks, and when the fighting ended the Europeans divided Poland among themselves And the Poles are still, as they were, just a tool that Europe uses against Muslims and then gets rid of
All due respect ...but BOOKS are ALWAYS better than any movie-representation. The last scene (or - rather! - chapter!) of "Pan Wołodyjowski" - when they are having his funeral and the priest starts beating the drum in the stunned silence of the church - three times the priest beats "alarm"-signal" (larum") - and three times he shouts out loudly his name "COLONEL WOŁODYJOWSKI!" - each time louder than the previous one (..."COLONEL WOŁODYJOWSKI!!!...) ...then continues with "THE ENEMY IS AT THE GATES! WHY ARE YOU NOT GETTING UP? WHY AREN'T YOU UNSHEATHING YOUR SWORD??"'s something you just have to READ - it literally makes your hair standing straight! PS. Henryk Sienkiewicz is one of the best writers I've ever had the privilege to read.
Yes man Scots emigrated to Poland back then. The mayor of warsaw in the 17th century was a Scott called Alexander Chalmers (Polish: Aleksander Czalmers).
There are 2 - with fire and sword, made in 90s by Poles and older by …Italians. Mr. Wolodyjowski - about invasion of Ottomans in1670s, With Fire and Sword about Chmelnitsky Uprising and The Deluge about invasion of Sweds are so-called Trilogy of Sienkiewicz - famous Polish XIX writer, awarded with Nobel price. Best movie in terms of production value is The Deluge, made in 1970s. All of those Polish movies were directed by same guy, despite difference in time.
Potop jest filmem o jeszcze większym rozmachu. Kilka lat temu powstała nowa wersja poprawioną cyfrowo i skrócona. Osobiście polecam starą wersję dwa odcinki.
Obviously, that creak is an added sound. Even if you had today's military footwear, you wouldn't hear marching sound on the grass. Yanisaries didn't wear military boots with iron heels.
Реальний прототип Міхал Володиєвський народився у селі Дунаєвцях, Хмельницька область, Україна. Дійсно загинув при обороні замку Кам'янця-Подільського. В 17 столітті сучасні Польща, Литва, Латвія, Білорусь і Україна були об'єднані у одну державу - Річ Посполита.
Markhas in real Ottomans army were wear in red uniforms beacuse in Islam white colour is taken to Muhammad and another religious man but you know Poland was under Soviet rules so Ottomans army were wear in "pyjamas" ;)
История Польши очень трагичная!Богдан Хмельницкий предал короля и вся мировая история пошла по другому!А ведь можно было и Украине и Польше жить в союзе!Зло несла не Турцыя А Московия.......
@@zardoz2126 nope you're the one that's lucky because we are building your country and running the economic if you guys were marrying decent girls and bringing babies to sustain your country's growth politicians would never open the door for us
Don't you just love the obviously well rehearsed "death cry choir'. All the same disembodied cries repeated over and over at exactly the same pitch, length and tempo.
Maybe that has something to do with Poland being under USSR occupation while this movie was made, and red was colour of the soviets, so the censors told the director to change it.
@@aga8414 ...tebe po lopate"... Ako Ty" dnes dumáš"...o živote pračloveka"...!?! 🤔 ...asi tak", budú na teba a tvoj život pozerať v neďalekej budúcnosti...! (...akurát, že aj s internetom na pleci", si nevedomejši' ako ten pračlovek...😉🤣 Žijes životom hlúpej civilizácie...! Pravek" budúcnosti !
This film was made in the times of Soviet Union when Poland was a major part of the Warsaw Pact. This film was shown in every cinema in the Soviet Union and was very popular in Russia and is still considered by large as one of the best siege related historic films. No doubt about that.
Nice, I didnt know. Are you from Russia?
Love this movie greetings from US
A jakie to stare polskie kino!Ehh i takich brylanyów w polskiej kinematografii jest wiele.Świat dopiero teraz czegoś z tego tematu dotyka.
The cannons actually roll back after being fired. There are still plenty of modern movies that still don't do this one little detail.
name one?
@@kingjoe3rd the last mohikan
Trafne spostrzeżenie.Celem tego "cofania" powodowan ego odrzutem było ponowne załadowanie działa pod ukryciem szańca bezpieczniejsze bo nie należało załogi na trafienie odłamkami. Po załadowaniu musieli armatę wytoczyć ponownie na szaniec
Love Poland and france from Philippines =>
Funny how many Russian commentators are negative towards the Poles. This Slovak brother sends nothing but respect to my Polish friends.
А что нам, Русским, их любить, что ли???????? Враги по жизни... Мы им государство подарили, спасли, а они опять к нам лезут???????
Мог Лу вымоем всей Европе, если Вы ещё не поняли ничего!!!!!.
Не лезьте в Россию??????? Предупреждаю.... Второй раз не пожалеем!!!))))))) Не будет ни Польши, ни Европы..... Предупреждаю.....
Ja nie mam nic do rosyjskich dzieci. Niech żyją szczęśliwie.
Чтобы ты понимал о чём тут пишешь - когда русский император и немецкий кайзер поделили Польшу, то никто, НИКТО из поляков не захотел её защищать - осознание к ним пришло потом, но когда пришли русские с немцами, то простые поляки радовались, а знаешь почему? А потому, что Речь Посполитая была уродливым сверхиерархичным государством, где у панов было всё, а у простого народа (быдла) не было ничего, поэтому это уродливое государство так легко было уничтожено - поляки всю свою историю пожирали сами себя и окружающих их народы - куда приходил польский пан, всюду начиналось горе и боль - мы русские выгнали польских оккупантов в 1612 году, а украинцы в 1657 году, а все последующие попытки восстановить Польшу были комичным дёрганьем недобитой шляхты против суровой реальности.
И сегодня, когда поляк пытается гордо говорить про "великую Польшу от Дуная до Вислы", то мне смешно - его прадеды сами вешали своих панов и плевали на это уродливое государство, лишь бы панский кнут больше никогда не касался спины их детей, но видимо история дураков ничему не учит.
e hoje , ambos Turquia e Polonia estao juntos na NATO contra os Russos .
It is hard to believe that this movie is almost 50 years old:)
Could you please tell me the name of the movie?
In Polish it is "Pan Wołodyjowski" in English I think it is like in description "Colonel Wolodyjowski"
@@tapareli Pan Wolodyjowski
capitalism degrades everything
Je to poslední díl trilogie-Potopa, Ohněm a mečem, Pan Wolodyjovski. Scénář je dle románu polského spisovatele Henryka Sienkiewice. Výborne knihy, skvělé filmy.
Great movie with no computer special effects. Soldiers looking real in real numbers.
Love Poland greetings from London
One of the best siege depictions without the use of CGI
no ja myślę
Nah. Looks like shit and fantasy
Fun fact most of the extras in the assault scene were students from high schools from the city Kielce nearby where this was filmed (Chęciny castle) they had to run up and down this hill 10 times. As my Uncle who was there said they gave them white bedsheets to wrap themselves in and ordered them to run behind the better equipped ones
Masa statystów, broń, rekwizyty, stroje, żadnego CGI. Złote czasy kinematografii.
today in Poland we have mostly movies like "Kac Wawa" which means hangover and slang for Warsaw. Don't look it up for your own sake. West is done
Грандиозно сделаны сцены атаки турецкой пехоты на крепость и конная атака гусар.Отлично сделан фильм!Я читала Сенкевича,им были написаны прекрасные исторические романы.
Not many Russian reads Seinkiewicz. I'm surprised. Greetings from Poland. And I wish you peace in Ukraine. Don't let the other play you around.
@@lisekSL TON of Russians know Sienkiewicz and everyone back in USSR watched his trilogy. Also Domogarov (the Russian actor) played in "Ogniem i Mieczem".
как всегда в конце приходят крылатые гусары и сметают всё с лица земли)
@@yangoblom_off Bo tak było :)
I love how that one guy just keeps returning with bigger volley guns xD
He bought better guns with money what he get for killing previous enemies 😆
That's Scottish guy Hassling Ketling of Elgin, friend of Wołodyjowski
@@zepter00 M&B :D
And that's what you call a hat 🤠
A Scotsman, Ketling moved to Poland where he became a Colonel of Artillery in service of the king of Poland John Casimir. Ketling married Krystyna Drohojowska, a former fiancée of his friend, Michał Wołodyjowski. The historical personality on which the character was loosely based was certain Major Heyking, a mercenary from Courland and the commander of the Kamieniec fortress during the 1672 war.
polish winged huzaria! Absolutely beautiful and great. Greetings from Germany!
Greetings from Poland.
I am very proud to be a American, veteran of the army, to be of Polish blood!
They inspired from Deliler. A Turkish troop.
Germans🤮. Please keep far away from us. We dont need your greetings. XD. You were traitors and agresor for Poland during all times! ! We never trust in your good intentions.!!! 6 mln people killed during your invasion in Poland. We will never forgive!!!
Kamenets still standing in perfect condition after dozens of battles and centuries past. Most beautiful castle in Ukraine.
Great movie to watch. Two years after this battle my city Uman was fully destroyed by Ottoman army and now I can imagine how was it then. Very good reconstruction of weapons and clothing.
Anybody else get goosebumps watching the charge of the Hussars..?
I got goosebumps when they ran on fire 😆
Nah...I feel nothing.
Yeah and also the music at the end is 🔥🔥🔥
Бравая музыка атаки и галопа поддерживает динамику этой сцены.Красиво!
ВСЕ что показано про атаку гусар,это даже не бред,--- это историческое хулиганство!!1)Вот так сами по себе не атаковали даже скифы за 2500 лет до показанных польских событий,когда воевали с Ассирией.Так никто не скакал и не атаковал.Или это была лава как у татар и казаков,--иррегулярных войск, или это были поэскадронные шеренги регулярного конного войска.
2)Гусары атаковали рядами ,имея перед собой длинные копья,без всяких там флагов.
3)С каких это делов гусары неслись как идиоты галопом ???При атаке сперва начинали разбег,потом переходили на рысь,а лишь потом последнии 150 метров брали в галоп!!Иначе это было бы бессмысленное утомление лошадей!!
4)Весь фильм это УБОГАЯ съемка ПО-Бедному!!)))ВСЕ говорит о том ,что денег мало и на всем экономили..Непонятно куда это скачут гусары,чего их так мало,где сама съемка столкновения с врагом.В общем не фильм ,а убогое ГОВНО.Для детишек ,которые не видели настоящих фильмов снятых в Голливуде.))))
my uncle was one of the Turkish soldiers in this movie. the castle of Chęciny was characterised using tons of cardboard, and at one moment a bus drives gallantly on the horison (I think this scene wasn't included in this video)
mój kolega również był Turkiem. A później robili sobie pojedynki na szabelki
А в этом автобусе была поддержка турецких войск,надеюсь,их было немного и они не напали на съёмочную группу?
Autobus był w wersji oryginalnej, w nowszej po poprawie jakości itd. został usunięty.
Da się odnaleźć tą wersję i jest czasami puszczana w telewizji
They bulid another castle close to the real one.
The Trilogy is awesome
Name movie please
@@cristianalbertobarbaccia8127 Pan Wlodyjowski
Polish defender of Christian Europe. Respect ...
Osmans were in alliance with christian France back then :)
@@xglaca69x France rarely cared about others. Polish had to fight to save Europe
@@sergezor Europe was not in danger.
@@xglaca69x really? You think Turks would stop in Vienna?
Respect won't do. Thank God for Poland.
Pretty cool battle scenes....Well done and realistic. That guy's hat is the bomb.
I'm Rick James sucka!
6:54 - one of the greatest scenes in the history of Polish movies.
The Poles make great historical movies
the poles made only fantastic movies, not historical
jako że jestem z Polski północno wschodniej dziękuję za uznanie dla polskich filmowców i aktorów
@@artemartem4285a niby z kad masz takie informacje coś chyba nie tegez niech filmowcy amerykańscy wysila się i zrobią lepszą wersję krzyżaków
@@artemartem4285это не так, Артём. Поляки много и честно бились с османами. Тот же Стефан Баторий спас Вену. Разбил турок наголову.
@@artemartem4285 Show me the good made historical movie made by anybody.
золотой век польши . честь и слава предкам этого народа
Смерть польским оккупантам
Не схожа фортеця на Кам‘янецьку 200%
Так и хочется сказать: "Какую страну просрали!"
@@Винограднеладоto jest film 🤦 Pan Wołodyjowski 👍
@@SHWEPS1975Nie przesrali, bo Rzeczpospolita istnieje.
They could never make a movie like this in America today.
Our past glory... but spirit still lives... We will never surrender to anyone willingly! Amor Patria Nostra Lex!
the Ottoman army was really a good and well trained army and personally i have great respect for them.....the Polish Kingdom lost the siege of Kamenets ...but the next year Poland defeated the Ottoman army at the Chocim battle...
I love old battle scenes like this!! 😍
First time I’ve see a siege with so much gunpowder, super cool
Cos jest w tej Rzeczypospolitej jak wrogowie zakładają na nią calun zalloby powstaje jak Feniks z popiołów
самое бестолковое государство. поляков все имели всегда как хотели. и щас американские холуи
@@михаилкузьменко-ш5о Mozesz uzasadnic czemu głupie ???
@@михаилкузьменко-ш5о Na czym ta głupota polega ??? Generalnie Polska ma najgorsze połozenie geograficzne w Europie bo kazde państwo w Europie ma jakies bariery geograficzne Polska natomiast jest płaska równina z kazdej strony otoczona przez potencjalnych wrogów .
To jest prawdziwa miłość do wolności, objawia się ostatecznie
@@михаилкузьменко-ш5о masz rację, w Polskie społeczeństwo jest ogłupione i idzie w tym samym kierunku co Niemcy i Francja. Zachód jest skończony
Grazie amici polacchi per aver ritardato di qualche secolo l'avvento dell' Eurabia...
I don't know what this movie is but I bet it ends with Poland saving Europe, again.
"Pan Wołodyjowski"
Oblężenie Kamieńca Podolskiego. Tym razem musieliśmy skupić się na ratowaniu własnych tyłków.
Co się nam ostatecznie udało, bodajże rok później, po zwycięskiej bitwie pod Chocimiem
Ale spokojnie. Jeszcze Was kiedyś uratujemy. 😊
Poland was saving Poland and payed the bills for the rest....
Starting from 2:15, explosions near most left canon : don't know what they put in those pyrotechnics but the flames went over the place. The guy who get's "killed or wounded" suddenly realizes after that... holy *** I'm on fire... let's tap that out before continuing dying.
Turks: "Fuck this shit ! Instead, let's go to Germany!"
God save Poland The only Country in Europe left with a true Catholic Heart. Ireland also used to be too. Greetings from England
Sadly the catholic church has given most european countries reason after reason to distrust it...
LOL Poland is fake Catholics, when the Pope tells them how to act in a Christlike manner they disobey him because of convenience (and some racism)
@@underarmbowlingincidentof1981 Oh, so you have inside information from these Countries. Or is this just your personal opinion?
@@rorymac7714i have, fuck the church
They can be catholic as much as they want. ...just stay away from women"s uteruses.
Jerzy Michał Wołodyjowski. Ryczypisk (Reepicheep) z "Kronik Narnijskich". Dwaj znakomici szermierze chrześcijańscy z różnych światów. Fizycznie (w miarę) podobni. Obaj złożyli ofiarę z samych siebie. Szkoda, że się nie spotkali...
13:06 The real first Gatling gun
You mean "Ketling"gun ^^ xD
The soundtrack is exciting!
after the event our king Jan Sobieski completly destroyed turkish army, it was battle of chocim
And gave Podolia and Central Ukraine to the Ottomans.
@Rudolf Brzęczyszczykiewicz at the end of the war
Rudolf Brzęczyszczykiewicz every komplett war The ottomans win vs Polen
Russia and Poland were allies at that war. Am I right?
Вова Боб On polish wikipedia there is nothing about this. Exept one sentence: „W 1674 roku do wojny przeciwko Turcji przystąpiła Rosja (Wojna rosyjsko-turecka (1674-1681)), dzięki czemu wojska polskie mogły przystąpić do ofensywy na ziemiach ukraińskich”. It’ meaning, because Russia had a war too, that helped with counter- attack.
Wydaje się, że kluczową sceną była przysięga złożona na krucyfiks, że Wołodyjowski i Ketling żywi Kamieńca nie oddadzą
The 0ttoman army must have gone through a lot of bleach.
Not Ottoman, Demon army, no mercy, remember this, there are good arabs whom have left Islam, but if he is into islam he is as worse as a demon, because islam teaches that in their heaven they have sex and multiple wives, it is called Houris, search on the internet on wikipedia the term Houris.
Many muslims don't know about their own religion because their religious leaders hide this things from them. Remember to inform every muslim that you see about this that i told you.
Yeah but you didn’t answer whether or not they went through bleach though
@@servo4970 you are dumb
@@servo4970ironic that Spaniard said this
urine. The Ottoman empire when through massive amounts of stale human urine because that is not only how they bleached their laundry it was also the only source of potassium nitrate that was available other than mining caves filled with bat guano.
dlatego Turcy nas tak lubią , that why Turkish like us so much :)))
Evet biz Türkler siz Macarları diğer Avrupa lilardan daha çok seviyoruz
Turcy to lubią głównie łatwe i głupie Polki
Ja też Turków lubię oby wasza gospodarka wróciła na dobrą ścieżkę @@murskoyagasi821
This is the hattiest hat I have ever seen. 😵
The 17th century was a pretty good time for hats in general.
This man in black hat, Ketling, Swedish soldier in Polish army. That could explane the hat =D
@@adriankisiel9841I think he was Scottish.
Kamieniec, not "Kamenets". Chocim, not "Khotyn". Funny misspellings.
na filmie Michał Wołodyjowski ,a na prawdę komendant obrony Kamieńca nazywał się Jerzy Wołodyjowski , jeszcze ciekawostka zamek Kamieniec był nazywany bramą do Polski a teraz Ukraińcom nie może to przejść przez gardło i zmieniają nazwę na bramę do Europy
Na filmie jest Jerzy Michał Wołodyjowski
Actually looks great I think, with the tactics they use.
Where can I get full movie with English subtitles?
RUclips or Polish Film www.
We are winged hussars 💪🏻🇵🇱
Let's use highly flammable straw to attack the enemy that uses fire bombs, what could go wrong ?
Well I guess the reasoning was that you could stack that stuff easily to cover a moat and that it's easy to transport. I presume that if they did such a rapid moat-filling in RL those bundles of straw or reed, would have been drenched in water first to make them harder to burn.
Though you do have a valid point.
What else did they have? Straws are cheap including people who carry it. It take long time to filled moat with actual dirt or stones, not to mention it's also very heavy.
It was fascine not just straws. You may not know but at the time there was not azbestos invented yet.
Смотрела фильм в детстве,как жалко было ,такая смерть у героя,❤
I wonder if it is possible to get this movie with English subtitles
Yes it is.
There is a pretty similar Hungarian movie based on a novel. It is unimaginably the same in every possible way.
Here is a short clip from the Hungarian movieвидео.html
@@susbird2271 Haha, it's so close!
these old movies have their charm
what's the name of it?
@@alevortEgri Csillagok/Stars of Eger
Are the cannon shooting blanks?! No damages to either side after all that barrage! 🙂
6:36 in the right someone who was dead got lit up and he ran of the scene
seems to he caught a fire so he had to run :)
Poland is very religious country. Many believe in resurrection.
Great, now i feel obligated to play Cossacks xd
Can someone tell me why the ottoman soldiers just threw bails or straw or hay into the ditch in front of the castle ? I saw another old movie about the Bulgarian defense of Ongal against the eastern Romans and the Romans did the same thing in the empty moat against the fortress
The director is stoned
Most likely to fill in the most so that it’s easier to get over the walls. Sometimes the defenders would also leave spikes and other nasty things in the most so the straw offered some protection against it
What'syour job, I pound the drum!
9:18 - god-damn if that isn't an aspect of a man who could turn an entire army to run for the hills from him.
I’ve never seen such a white army. Must be terrible getting the stains out.
It seems unrealistic. In none of our (Ottoman and later Turkish) I see white uniform. Yet it's a good choice.
part of Jannisaries wore white clothes, in fact. And some Arab soldiers.
In the history Austria-Hungary soldiers of Napoleonic Era wore white uniforms
@Pulcino Pio Of course they were not standard infantry for the first attack - but in the movie first lines are slaves with bundles of straw :D and light infantry. And yet there were historically recorded assaults of the Janissaries in the first line - as was in the First Battle of Khotyn 1621, and Janissaries helping Crimean Khan at the Siege of Zbaraż 1649; there were recorded massive Janissary attacks, during which they suffered huge losses - probably in Kamieniec it was the same (I read this book years ago and don't remember now).
The second thing, white clothes - this is not fantasy, but come from the memories of participants of this campaign and 50 years earlier in 1621 - in both Polish memoirists described thousands of muslims in white or bright clothes. Presented white Janissary costume with high hat with veil is also historical, I've even seen it in some museum. That's what they're trying to depict in the movie (probably a bit over the top).
BTW, Janissaries in Polish service in 18th century had such uniforms, partly white
in the Crimean Khanate had their Janissaries
Mildly surprised they didn't show grapeshot being used, since it was available
would you want someone killed while filming?
Класс!!! Что за кинуха?
Польский фильм, про осаду турками крепости Каменец-Подольский, во время Польско-Турецкой войны.
@@karlliebknecht8541 А как название фильма, я весь хочу посмотреть?
@@ГеоргийБеляев-в7п "Пан Володыевский"видео.html
@@ГеоргийБеляев-в7п Pasmatri jescio " Potop" i Ogniom i miecziom"
....eto trylogia Sienkiewicza.
Ежи Гофман тут не первопроходец... В детстве смотрел много таких "исторических художественных фильмов"... еще производства соц-фильм студий Польши, Венгрии, Румынии... "Пан Володыевский"... "Даки"... Гайдамаки"... Пытаться изучать историю по ним - пустое дело. Просто как кинуха - нормально. А реально - К-П сдали. На 30 лет туркам. Да и много чего от Польши в придачу.
And they braged how patriot braveheart and heaven kingdom have best battle scenes man i tell you more movies i watch made before 2000 in poland romania bulgaria hungaria china and other countries beside us and uk more i realize how their movies are better than us and uk
One of the best of not the best fencing movie scenes comes from another part of this trilogy called "Potop" eng. "Deluge."
Europe left Poland fighting the Turks, and when the fighting ended the Europeans divided Poland among themselves
And the Poles are still, as they were, just a tool that Europe uses against Muslims and then gets rid of
where can i watch the full movie please
It's on RUclips
All due respect ...but BOOKS are ALWAYS better than any movie-representation. The last scene (or - rather! - chapter!) of "Pan Wołodyjowski" - when they are having his funeral and the priest starts beating the drum in the stunned silence of the church - three times the priest beats "alarm"-signal" (larum") - and three times he shouts out loudly his name "COLONEL WOŁODYJOWSKI!" - each time louder than the previous one (..."COLONEL WOŁODYJOWSKI!!!...) ...then continues with "THE ENEMY IS AT THE GATES! WHY ARE YOU NOT GETTING UP? WHY AREN'T YOU UNSHEATHING YOUR SWORD??"'s something you just have to READ - it literally makes your hair standing straight!
PS. Henryk Sienkiewicz is one of the best writers I've ever had the privilege to read.
Not always
jeśli dobrze pamiętam to było pułkowniku Wołodyjowski i nie miecza a chodziło o szable
Colonel=pułkownik. Tytuł książki "Pan Wołodyjowski".
Excellent film.
It's a pity that there is no best part of the siege :/
@@cosminblk8359 this is definitely not the best part, Wołodyjowski's duel is missing.
Whats is movie it on RUclips
"Pan Wołodyjowski" in Polish.видео.html
"Pan Wołodyjowski" nope its on cda page
The commander with ginger hair was actually Scottish
Yes man Scots emigrated to Poland back then. The mayor of warsaw in the 17th century was a Scott called Alexander Chalmers (Polish: Aleksander Czalmers).
Do you reckon his brains went to the top of his hat 🤠???
he was from Sweden lol
@@beardman8095 Ketler?
Turks also have blondes and ginger haired people
I'd love to see a movie about the siege of ZBARAŻ!
There are 2 - with fire and sword, made in 90s by Poles and older by …Italians. Mr. Wolodyjowski - about invasion of Ottomans in1670s, With Fire and Sword about Chmelnitsky Uprising and The Deluge about invasion of Sweds are so-called Trilogy of Sienkiewicz - famous Polish XIX writer, awarded with Nobel price. Best movie in terms of production value is The Deluge, made in 1970s.
All of those Polish movies were directed by same guy, despite difference in time.
There is one that is called "Ogniem I mieczem"
I recommend the movie "With Fire and Sword".
Pan Wołodyjowski (1969) or Potop (1974)?
Potop jest filmem o jeszcze większym rozmachu. Kilka lat temu powstała nowa wersja poprawioną cyfrowo i skrócona. Osobiście polecam starą wersję dwa odcinki.
Why is the officer dressed as a Leprechaun?
Scottish dude
He is Scotish.
Is it weird that you hear the Creeking of what I will assume is the cart. The drums hammering home but not a sound of the mass of men marching lol
Obviously, that creak is an added sound. Even if you had today's military footwear, you wouldn't hear marching sound on the grass. Yanisaries didn't wear military boots with iron heels.
Ein sehr guter Kampf. Eine echte Burgbelagerung.
Skrócone, powycinane sceny walki, kicha.
Реальний прототип Міхал Володиєвський народився у селі Дунаєвцях, Хмельницька область, Україна. Дійсно загинув при обороні замку Кам'янця-Подільського. В
17 столітті сучасні Польща, Литва, Латвія, Білорусь і Україна були об'єднані у одну державу - Річ Посполита.
Just like now. The nobles quarrel among themselves, and the common people must perish because of them. Very similar to modern Ukraine.
LOL Ottomans army arrived in their pajamas.
They misheard the Caliph say " we can win this while were asleep ".
Markhas in real Ottomans army were wear in red uniforms beacuse in Islam white colour is taken to Muhammad and another religious man but you know Poland was under Soviet rules so Ottomans army were wear in "pyjamas" ;)
История Польши очень трагичная!Богдан Хмельницкий предал короля и вся мировая история пошла по другому!А ведь можно было и Украине и Польше жить в союзе!Зло несла не Турцыя А Московия.......
После смерти Хмеля жопу пробовали лизать и Польше, и Турции, и даже Швеции. Что-то не особо успешно.
Teraz widać to jeszcze lepiej, Czy w Kijowie stoi jeszcze pomnik Chmielnickiego?
Chmielnicki zaprzedał się moskalom - a Ukraińcy uważają go za bohatera.
Bandery może stoi.
movie name?
Pan Wołodyjowski
Where to get this hd version of the movie?
Whats the name of the movie?
"Pan Volodiewski". Poland film.
@@bauer.lufthans.7207 Pan Wołodyjowski
That age had a fancy for ridiculous headgear.
Bad hair, dodgy moustache's and pretty hats
costumes are so much better than hollywood haha
We'll soon see Prince Musk in that same green Pimpernel costume! Green Adder lives!
Tittle pls
Poland defended Europe, but ......
but center Europe defend us and take our lands for 125 years, by taking away our freedom.
But the Principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania comed first.
Poland defended europe, but then defended itself from europe
The next one, “Potop”, was even better
Greate CGI. Looks so real. :)
Now they come to OUR land in dinghy's!
And we will stay 😊
@@Ironmike2233 you're lucky our leaders are weak and allow you to stay
These are Turks
@@zardoz2126 nope you're the one that's lucky because we are building your country and running the economic if you guys were marrying decent girls and bringing babies to sustain your country's growth politicians would never open the door for us
@@Ironmike2233 yeah, I count my lucky stars every day! And our traitor politicians just love cheap labour.
11:54 - that moment when you ask yourself 'WTF am I doing?'.
Don't you just love the obviously well rehearsed "death cry choir'. All the same disembodied cries repeated over and over at exactly the same pitch, length and tempo.
movie name
Janissaries were the elite soldiers
They all wear red not white
Maybe that has something to do with Poland being under USSR occupation while this movie was made, and red was colour of the soviets, so the censors told the director to change it.
nice one!!!
Yeah they did musketeers wore green and imperial guards wore black.
They take fact not true about ottoman military
Nobody really cared about such details as color uniforms in 60's or 70's.
Как и в Польше,есть Мала Польска Краков,и Велика Польска -Варшава.Страну и народ уважаю.Наши!
Warszawa to Mazowsze. Najważniejsze miasto Wielkopolski to obecnie Poznań a 1000 lat temu Gniezno które obecnie jest małym miasteczkiem.
Must be the hat🧙
12:17 one shot ? 😀
Siege of Kamieniec, NOT "Kamenets"! KAMIENIEC. Got it now, Elon Musket? Get your spelling right.
Poliaci tiež boli"...rozumnejši', ako sú dnes...! 😉
Žijeme pravek budúcnosti !
@@aga8414 ...v 33-ročnom hlu'pnuti' súčasnej" civilizácie...! 😉🤔
Žijeme hlúpo"...v praveku budúcnosti !
@@aga8414 ...tebe po lopate"...
Ako Ty" dnes dumáš"...o živote pračloveka"...!?! 🤔
...asi tak", budú na teba a tvoj život pozerať v neďalekej budúcnosti...!
(...akurát, že aj s internetom na pleci", si nevedomejši' ako ten pračlovek...😉🤣
Žijes životom hlúpej civilizácie...!
Pravek" budúcnosti !
Movie name plz
Farhan Furqan "Pan Wołodyjowski"
...and no english subtitles for both pan and potop
im sad
Cosik krótkie te kopie.