I translated most of it (sorry for my poor English) : 1:25 (Knight) They're in the woods. They have a many captives and wagons full of loot, they wont be able o move quick. Beyond this field is a village named Połowce, they have to pass through here, there's no other way for the heavy wagons. (King) We're next to a swamp (Knight) That's why they'll have to go through here. My advice: let's let the light armored through then ambush the heavy armored and wagons. We can get close to them thanks to the fog. (King) They will back down towards the forest (Knight) Oh no, they wont back down 3:13 (Knight) Your Majesty, I ask to to have word with you, now. (Heir) Now? Speak (Knight) We're going back to Cracow (capital) (Heir) Im the son of a king, and being here with my father is my right (Knight) You are the heir to the throne, you have no right to die here. (Heir) I wont go (Knight) I came to convey the words of your father. We need o act fast and bring the Hungarian banners with us. King: Wladyslaw I Heir: Casimir III the Great
Thank you very much for uploading this! For awhile now, I have been reading about from where my Family originated, so any cinematic ( or even animated ) depictions of historical events is like gold to me.
Film nie przetrwał próby czasu. To taki sam drętwienie gniot jak Gniazdo, Boleslaw Śmiały czy Kopernik. Podobno Petelscy zrobili "Kazimierza Wielkiego" na zlecenie Gierka.
One gigantic problem with this film except of low quality and cheap costumes is way the polish riders look... Polish heavy cavalry from teutonic heavy cavalry were diffrent only in colours. That wasnt times of Bolesław I... Poland was freshly united after two centuries, but during the district period each of local polish rulers wanted to be more powerful than others, and whatever whole country were weakend, even with local fractions and civil wars between clans and principalities at all it was very prosperous time in polish history. Principalities r districts adopted many new technologies from the west in favor to rise their power over other districts. So thats why after reunification, military power of polish kingdom wasn't weaker or more ancient than teutonic. And we have to say than movie changedd result of Płowce battle wich is clear example of battle wich is "indecisive", of course we can say, that from stategic point of view it was polish success (it stopped teutons from conquer more of Kujawy and Greater Poland, and also rised morale of polish knights and united them around Łokietek person) byt from tactical, military point of view battle itself was indecisive. I think that even as a Poles we should be honest in history depicting. Of course I know, that the clip is from movie wich was produced under communists, were Germans were enemy #1, so any occasion to prove that we "won" with them trough the centuries had to be used.
4:55 this part of battle was hapned near village of Stary Radziejów 6:07 this part of the battle was took place near the villages of Płowce, Jarantowice and Piołunowo
The Polish forces here look more like troops from the 12th century or the early 13th century. King Władysław Łokietek (Ladislaus the Elbow-high ) could have been Bolesław Krzywousty (Bolesław III Wrymouth).
I think that they reused some armors and costumes from other movie. It is hard to believe that the King of Poland and his son wore such obsolete armors in the 14th century.
They look more like Lithuanias to me xD In reality their armor was similar to the ones used by the Germans, pot helmets, chainmail and some early greaves and stuff like that..
I've always loved the aesthetic of Slavic armor, as it seems a blend of eastern and western patterns and ideas. Although it seems like Poland did favor the more western styles, think they did hang onto scale mail for a little longer then most. All of the Slavic peoples had interesting tastes in weapons and armor. Another people with cool looking hybrid war gear were the Etruscans who combined Greek, Celtic, Ligurian, etc... Anyhow, keep on keepin' on!
Cyt" Teutonic thugs! You will remember Płowce For you dared to tear Poland A naked blade fell over the neck There was the cry of the eagle, protector of these lands." Lyrics from Horytnica song:Płowce 1331
@@alialibaba1886 Hello, after years. Some Polish films are not remastered for political reasons. The directors of this film were declared, loyal and active communists. They were outsiders in the film environment, and often made films on the political orders of the regime. This film was also made for these reasons, and Casimir the Great was supposed to be associated with the first secretary of the communist party, Gierek. This couple made good films and their best movie is digitally restored, despite the fact that it is a political propaganda. It's a great adventure movie. " Ogniomistrz Kaleń "
@@EasternBlocRock-t9w What about Aleksander Ford? He was a communist and his film "Krzyżacy" ("Knights of the Teutonic Order") was remastered. Jerzy Kawalerowicz is is another example. He was a member of the Polish United Workers' Party and his "Faraon" ("Pharaoh") was also remastered. So It doesn't work the way you think.
@@alialibaba1886 One of their film was also remastered, as i wrote earlier. and they were not such outstanding directors as Ford or Kawalerowicz. Kawalerowicz and Ford didn't film on behalf of the Communist Party and Ford's best film was not approved for distribution and had its premiere several decades later (Ósmy dzień tygodnia). You don't have to believe it. I don't care, it's your business.
@@Maxxim940 Znając białoruski i ukraiński, Język Polski można zrozumieć bez problemów, Rosjanie mogą zrozumieć, ale z trudem. A Rosjanie trochę zmieszali się z ludami madziaro-tatarskimi. Ale mają takie pojęcia, że są najczystszymi ze wszystkich Słowian.
Dziś już nie potrafimy się zjednać zjednoczyć aby zadbać o przyszłość naszych dzieci i wnuków ... Brak nam własnego rozumu , słuchamy OBCYCH !!!! Polski naród stał się zabawką istną kukiełką w rękach CHRZCZONYCH SCYZORYKIEM !!!
It is amazing the centuries of constant warfare in Europe. I guess after WW2 Europeans finally said, “yeah, we’re done with this”. What is this battle supposed to be about?
JAK DLA MNIE film historyczny JEST super i JEST fajny i MAM nadzieję że będą jakieś nowe filmy Historyczne o polskim rycerstwie Wpisowe dodał Robert taras Olkusz Skalska in Street Art Gallery miłośnik dinozaurów i malarstwa artystycznego i piosenek karaoke i Filmów historycznych
German-speaking order of knights of Saint Mary in Jerusalem which worked more like money hungry mercenaries (their knights belonged to various ethnicities of mostly Western Europe) after they were thrown out of Hungarian territories they arrived in Pomerania to fight pagan natives of Prussia (mostly balts), then falsified documents to own the land which was only lend to them and brutally germanized the occupied lands - those evolved later into the German-Prussia everyone speaks about in history while they were supposed to fight against pagans they did not discriminate and raided Christian cities across Pomerania as well they were such a plague to the whole region for so many years that Poles and Lithuanians allied to deal with them, Prussia ended as a vassal kingdom for long time but their high aspiration never dissapeard (a trivia - at the end of medival age the city of Toruń rebelled against Teutons and when populace chased them out their castle was demolished leaving only the privy ;), years later Copernicus lead defense of his city (Toruń) against the Teutons who besieged it)
Bareja świetnie wyśmiał te PRL-owskie filmy historyczne. Np. "Spadkobiercy Grunwaldu" w "Zmiennikach". A fakt był taki, że Kazimierz uciekł spod Płowiec.
Pewnie.Lepiej,żeby zginął i i żeby Polska nie miała następcy tronu. Kazimierz był JEDYNYM następcą tronu a Łokietek miał.ok.70 lat. Krzyżacy by się ucieszyli gdyby zginął,bo wtedy znacznie łatwiej byłoby im zlikwidować świeżo zjednoczone państwo polskie. Nawet aktualnie panujący monarcha powinien dowodzić a nie ginąć chwalebne na polu bitwy.Dobry przykład dał Władysław Jagiełło,który w bitwie pod Grunwaldem dowodził ze wzgórza a nie ryzykował życie w bitwie.Odwrotnie niż jego syn Wł. Warneńczyk.Państwo ma mieć przywódcę.Zatem Krzyżakom zależałoby, żeby Kazimierz pozostał na polu bitwy.Gratuluję "myślenia propaństwowego".Włącz myślenie!!!!!
Oj nie uważało się na historii. Łokietek odesłał Kazimierza jako jedynego następcę. Duża roztropność. A dowódcą był właśnie Łokietek. Trochę żenujące że muszę przypominać historię.
@@sudfac Poland was these days divided in many small princedoms. And Teutons were invited by mazovian prince Konrad to protect Mazovia which was very often invaded by Preussen. Mazovia was independent till XVI century.
Bo były 2 bitwy,które razem określą się jako bitwę pod Płowcami.W jednej zwycięstwo odnieśli Polacy,którzy w gęstej mgle uderzyli na tylną straż armii krzyżackiej.Natomiast po przybyciu głównych sił krzyżackich pod dowództwem zdaje się Ditricha von Altenburg,kolejne starcie zakończyło się wynikiem nierozstrzygniętym a Polacy wycofali się.
To jest głupie. Żadna formacja zbrojna nie będzie wkraczała na terytorium wroga z flagami itd. Idą zawsze cicho, by ich nie rozpoznać. By przejść jak najdalej.
@@wanderer66 верю, знаю. Как только касается войн с Немецким орденом в Прибалтике. Но даже у русских есть например Данилевский , который рассказывает правду о так называемом Ледовом побоище, есть Клим Жуков , который про раковорскую войну цикл достаточно объективных роликов снял.А вот у поляков таких не видно - все только Длугошу и Сенкевичу. Оно и понятно, правда о тех войнах им как нож острый под сердце.
@@gintarasskuzinskas6967 не обижайся и не комплексуй. Пиво у вас хорошее, а вот на поле брани вы с немцами никогда и близко не могли сравнится. Недаром под Грюнвальдом литовцы во главе с Витовтом так драпанули почти сразу
jacy Teutonowie??? to semickie plemie zwane krzyżakami, My Lechici których reset rozbił w VII wieku to także Teutoni czyli obecne tereny Danii Norwegii i Szwecji
I translated most of it (sorry for my poor English) :
(Knight) They're in the woods. They have a many captives and wagons full of loot, they wont be able o move quick. Beyond this field is a village named Połowce, they have to pass through here, there's no other way for the heavy wagons.
(King) We're next to a swamp
(Knight) That's why they'll have to go through here. My advice: let's let the light armored through then ambush the heavy armored and wagons. We can get close to them thanks to the fog.
(King) They will back down towards the forest
(Knight) Oh no, they wont back down
(Knight) Your Majesty, I ask to to have word with you, now.
(Heir) Now? Speak
(Knight) We're going back to Cracow (capital)
(Heir) Im the son of a king, and being here with my father is my right
(Knight) You are the heir to the throne, you have no right to die here.
(Heir) I wont go
(Knight) I came to convey the words of your father. We need o act fast and bring the Hungarian banners with us.
King: Wladyslaw I
Heir: Casimir III the Great
Dzięki Ci ;)
И так понятно было.
Great translation man.
@@muchentuchen6592 Thanks
Great quality for the 14th century ;)
Thank you very much for uploading this! For awhile now, I have been reading about from where my Family originated, so any cinematic ( or even animated ) depictions of historical events is like gold to me.
God bless Poland.
God bless your brain. God will not help to win free from post communist shit
Czemu ja żyję 35 lat a jeszcze ani razu w tv nie widziałem tego filmu, tylko Krzyżacy?
@@mlew71 Głupiś. A to niby z jakiego powodu? To po prostu słaby film tj. "Gniazdo".
@@mlew71 No popatrz, a Krzyżacy, Czterej Pancerni, Czarne Chmury i Klos ciągle lecą...
Film nie przetrwał próby czasu. To taki sam drętwienie gniot jak Gniazdo, Boleslaw Śmiały czy Kopernik. Podobno Petelscy zrobili "Kazimierza Wielkiego" na zlecenie Gierka.
A jaki jest Tytuł tego filmu ?
@@robertjaroszewski1262 "Kazimierz Wielki", 1975, reż. Ewa i Czesław Petelscy
Super dzięki za ten program
Dziękuję, thanks a lot, danke schön for this video!👍👏
One gigantic problem with this film except of low quality and cheap costumes is way the polish riders look... Polish heavy cavalry from teutonic heavy cavalry were diffrent only in colours. That wasnt times of Bolesław I... Poland was freshly united after two centuries, but during the district period each of local polish rulers wanted to be more powerful than others, and whatever whole country were weakend, even with local fractions and civil wars between clans and principalities at all it was very prosperous time in polish history. Principalities r districts adopted many new technologies from the west in favor to rise their power over other districts. So thats why after reunification, military power of polish kingdom wasn't weaker or more ancient than teutonic.
And we have to say than movie changedd result of Płowce battle wich is clear example of battle wich is "indecisive", of course we can say, that from stategic point of view it was polish success (it stopped teutons from conquer more of Kujawy and Greater Poland, and also rised morale of polish knights and united them around Łokietek person) byt from tactical, military point of view battle itself was indecisive. I think that even as a Poles we should be honest in history depicting. Of course I know, that the clip is from movie wich was produced under communists, were Germans were enemy #1, so any occasion to prove that we "won" with them trough the centuries had to be used.
Thank you for your objective comment. A nice change to read something like this!
@@marceljosch1918 Im glad you enjoy it.
4:55 this part of battle was hapned near village of Stary Radziejów
6:07 this part of the battle was took place near the villages of Płowce, Jarantowice and Piołunowo
The Polish forces here look more like troops from the 12th century or the early 13th century. King Władysław Łokietek (Ladislaus the Elbow-high ) could have been Bolesław Krzywousty (Bolesław III Wrymouth).
I think that they reused some armors and costumes from other movie.
It is hard to believe that the King of Poland and his son wore such obsolete armors in the 14th century.
They look more like Lithuanias to me xD
In reality their armor was similar to the ones used by the Germans, pot helmets, chainmail and some early greaves and stuff like that..
I've always loved the aesthetic of Slavic armor, as it seems a blend of eastern and western patterns and ideas. Although it seems like Poland did favor the more western styles, think they did hang onto scale mail for a little longer then most. All of the Slavic peoples had interesting tastes in weapons and armor. Another people with cool looking hybrid war gear were the Etruscans who combined Greek, Celtic, Ligurian, etc... Anyhow, keep on keepin' on!
Every one sound like they went to 13th century-shut up and watch the movie!
Respect panove!
true, after all Wrymouth was Elbow-high's forefather, same temper ;)
Cyt" Teutonic thugs! You will remember Płowce
For you dared to tear Poland
A naked blade fell over the neck
There was the cry of the eagle, protector of these lands." Lyrics from Horytnica song:Płowce 1331
Thx for upload. One does wonder why such great movie along with equally good "Copernicus" (same directors btw ) has never been digitally restored
I think it will be remastered, sooner or later.
@@alialibaba1886 Hello, after years. Some Polish films are not remastered for political reasons. The directors of this film were declared, loyal and active communists. They were outsiders in the film environment, and often made films on the political orders of the regime. This film was also made for these reasons, and Casimir the Great was supposed to be associated with the first secretary of the communist party, Gierek. This couple made good films and their best movie is digitally restored, despite the fact that it is a political propaganda. It's a great adventure movie. " Ogniomistrz Kaleń "
@@EasternBlocRock-t9w What about Aleksander Ford? He was a communist and his film "Krzyżacy" ("Knights of the Teutonic Order") was remastered. Jerzy Kawalerowicz is is another example. He was a member of the Polish United Workers' Party and his "Faraon" ("Pharaoh") was also remastered. So It doesn't work the way you think.
@@alialibaba1886 One of their film was also remastered, as i wrote earlier. and they were not such outstanding directors as Ford or Kawalerowicz. Kawalerowicz and Ford didn't film on behalf of the Communist Party and Ford's best film was not approved for distribution and had its premiere several decades later (Ósmy dzień tygodnia). You don't have to believe it. I don't care, it's your business.
1:20 najlepsze są te kumaki w pogłosie a plenery tak na oko listopadowe hahaha pozdro 😀👍🇵🇱
Слава славянской доблести!
Slawa slowianom
@@Maxxim940 Ты шо шваб?
Ja jestem polakiem ale na pierwszy miejscu slowianinem rosja to nasi bracia I inne narody jak bialorus
@@Maxxim940 Znając białoruski i ukraiński, Język Polski można zrozumieć bez problemów, Rosjanie mogą zrozumieć, ale z trudem. A Rosjanie trochę zmieszali się z ludami madziaro-tatarskimi. Ale mają takie pojęcia, że są najczystszymi ze wszystkich Słowian.
@@АндрейНаумчук-я2ъ необощай друг .
Could you please post the full movie
Dziś już nie potrafimy się zjednać zjednoczyć aby zadbać o przyszłość naszych dzieci i wnuków ...
Brak nam własnego rozumu , słuchamy OBCYCH !!!!
Polski naród stał się zabawką istną kukiełką w rękach CHRZCZONYCH SCYZORYKIEM !!!
No le entendí pero me gusto mucho 👍🏼
It is amazing the centuries of constant warfare in Europe. I guess after WW2 Europeans finally said, “yeah, we’re done with this”. What is this battle supposed to be about?
It is the fight against the invasion of German knights of the Teutonic Order
Poland is a country associated with many wars but some regions of Poland have not seen any war for over 300 years of their history!
@@cetus4449 What regions, for example?
@@cetus4449 pierdolisz bzdury
@@killallcommunists7803 No to w takim razie ty się popisz matole i nabazgraj coś z sensem. Proszbardz!
We need subtitles.
Looks like a good movie!Going to watch as ot looks better than modern holivood shite!
Yeah, Hollywood movies you have to have some hero named Dirk or something who never misses and gets all the women.
JAK DLA MNIE film historyczny
JEST super i JEST fajny i MAM nadzieję że będą jakieś nowe filmy
Historyczne o polskim rycerstwie
Wpisowe dodał Robert taras Olkusz Skalska in Street Art Gallery miłośnik dinozaurów i malarstwa artystycznego i piosenek karaoke i
Filmów historycznych
Someone can tell me the name of this movie?
Kazimierz Wielki 1975
Władysław Łokietek was already 70 years old. I doubt if he fight in this battle.
Cedynia 972 or Grunwald 1410 very interesting 🤓
Excuse my ignorance but who were the Tuetonic people??
German-speaking order of knights of Saint Mary in Jerusalem which worked more like money hungry mercenaries (their knights belonged to various ethnicities of mostly Western Europe)
after they were thrown out of Hungarian territories they arrived in Pomerania to fight pagan natives of Prussia (mostly balts), then falsified documents to own the land which was only lend to them and brutally germanized the occupied lands - those evolved later into the German-Prussia everyone speaks about in history
while they were supposed to fight against pagans they did not discriminate and raided Christian cities across Pomerania as well
they were such a plague to the whole region for so many years that Poles and Lithuanians allied to deal with them, Prussia ended as a vassal kingdom for long time but their high aspiration never dissapeard
(a trivia - at the end of medival age the city of Toruń rebelled against Teutons and when populace chased them out their castle was demolished leaving only the privy ;), years later Copernicus lead defense of his city (Toruń) against the Teutons who besieged it)
Как фильм начинается?
В описание видео на польском написано как я понял Казимир Великий (2 серии) 1975/76г
@@Kecapb999 Yes, it is a movie "Kazimierz Wielki" (1975-1976)
Co to za film ludzie?
Kazimierz Wielki (1975)
Bareja świetnie wyśmiał te PRL-owskie filmy historyczne. Np. "Spadkobiercy Grunwaldu" w "Zmiennikach". A fakt był taki, że Kazimierz uciekł spod Płowiec.
ten fakt był rozgłaszane przez krzyżaków. ile w nim prawdy nie wiadomo. a nie sorry byłeś widziałeś.
@@m.harasimowicz Petelscy na szczęście byli widzieli.
@@maciekk3894 napewno bardziej wiarygodni od Długosza.
Pewnie.Lepiej,żeby zginął i i żeby Polska nie miała następcy tronu. Kazimierz był JEDYNYM następcą tronu a Łokietek miał.ok.70 lat. Krzyżacy by się ucieszyli gdyby zginął,bo wtedy znacznie łatwiej byłoby im zlikwidować świeżo zjednoczone państwo polskie. Nawet aktualnie panujący monarcha powinien dowodzić a nie ginąć chwalebne na polu bitwy.Dobry przykład dał Władysław Jagiełło,który w bitwie pod Grunwaldem dowodził ze wzgórza a nie ryzykował życie w bitwie.Odwrotnie niż jego syn Wł. Warneńczyk.Państwo ma mieć przywódcę.Zatem Krzyżakom zależałoby, żeby Kazimierz pozostał na polu bitwy.Gratuluję "myślenia propaństwowego".Włącz myślenie!!!!!
Oj nie uważało się na historii. Łokietek odesłał Kazimierza jako jedynego następcę. Duża roztropność. A dowódcą był właśnie Łokietek. Trochę żenujące że muszę przypominać historię.
pod Płowcami był remis
Better than a Michael Bay movie
But what does this movie look like with Hollywood effects?
Poland has several battles that would be like Lord of the Rings on a grand scale.
Bogu Chwała !
Słowianom Sława !
Bóg Honor Ojczyzma
Mam gdzieś resztę Słowian, nic z ich strony dobrego dla nas nie przyszło
Pretty good footage for 1331.
Whoever uploaded this video, SHAME ON YOU that you did not put subtitles, or enable Subtitles. It is RUDE!
So is winging and demanding. So entitled.
Not a single volley of arrows?
@@DarthNicky gosc pyta czemu z łuków nie strzelali wcale?
@@szymonchoinski6393 sorry, I don’t speak Polish
@@DarthNicky oh ok.,nothing wrong with that.I thought you are Polish and didn't understand his question.
Бедные поляки, враги их обложили со всех сторон. Только биться и побеждать. Полно ландкнехтов.
Дык сами же и отдали в 13-м веке Хелминскую землю тевтонцам , чтобы погубить Пруссов.
@@sudfac Poland was these days divided in many small princedoms. And Teutons were invited by mazovian prince Konrad to protect Mazovia which was very often invaded by Preussen. Mazovia was independent till XVI century.
@@jarosawbanaszek5510 Бро, я в курсе этого, но думаю, что Конрад Мазовецкий совершил ошибку.
Свиньярусов вообще тогда не существовало
In the end, is the Polish who will save Christianity
Zawsze co roku byla krganizawan butw apod plowcami alw lrzez pandemie przestali :( a szkoda, fajnje sie tsm zasze jeździlo
Ziomek, nie pisz komentarzy jeśli przedtem wypiłeś połówkę. Odczekaj parę godzin. Życzliwa rada.
Niestety ale pod Płowcami to nie my wygraliśmy. Jak już, to pod Radziejowem daliśmy trochę łupnia Zakonowi
Bo były 2 bitwy,które razem określą się jako bitwę pod Płowcami.W jednej zwycięstwo odnieśli Polacy,którzy w gęstej mgle uderzyli na tylną straż armii krzyżackiej.Natomiast po przybyciu głównych sił krzyżackich pod dowództwem zdaje się Ditricha von Altenburg,kolejne starcie zakończyło się wynikiem nierozstrzygniętym a Polacy wycofali się.
@@figaro9705 może być! wycofać brzmi lepiej jak uciec z pola walki
Music is realistic
Realistic? ;)
@@tomaszstefaniuk9449 it is realistic for moments of atmosphere in the movie, the scenes needs just this music
Wladysław I here looks more like a Mongol Khan than a Polish King
which is probably correct ...
You ever hear of a portrait painting? Check it out sometime.
He dont look Mongolian xD
Костюмы конечно пипец...
Так фильм 1975года
@@Bparo ну это да, но даже для 75го это треш.
Эйзенштейн, вообще в 40х историческое кино снимал и норм, а тут..
Ipso facto et manu militari.
No polish winged hussars, hmmm,
I doubt the authenticity of this battle.... 🤔
This is 14 th century.....did you skip history lessons?
@@knightatthecrossroads222 yes i did skipped some, how did u guess?
@@muchentuchen6592 bruh
To jest głupie. Żadna formacja zbrojna nie będzie wkraczała na terytorium wroga z flagami itd. Idą zawsze cicho, by ich nie rozpoznać. By przejść jak najdalej.
Լեհ-Տևտոնական պատերազմ. Պլովցեի ճակատամարտը (1331)։
Хрень редкостная, а не фильм. Кроме того немцы в той битве победили, а поляки в своей истории об этом врут
Hren eto ti
поверь русские врут еще больше
@@wanderer66 верю, знаю. Как только касается войн с Немецким орденом в Прибалтике. Но даже у русских есть например Данилевский , который рассказывает правду о так называемом Ледовом побоище, есть Клим Жуков , который про раковорскую войну цикл достаточно объективных роликов снял.А вот у поляков таких не видно - все только Длугошу и Сенкевичу. Оно и понятно, правда о тех войнах им как нож острый под сердце.
@@gintarasskuzinskas6967 не обижайся и не комплексуй. Пиво у вас хорошее, а вот на поле брани вы с немцами никогда и близко не могли сравнится. Недаром под Грюнвальдом литовцы во главе с Витовтом так драпанули почти сразу
ooo, niemiec umie cyrylicą xd
Słabo te walki na miecze wygladają.
jacy Teutonowie??? to semickie plemie zwane krzyżakami, My Lechici których reset rozbił w VII wieku to także Teutoni czyli obecne tereny Danii Norwegii i Szwecji
Вояки))) немцы Польшу за неделю с песнями и плясками заваевали. 1939 год
Against german an soviet until 3 oct. In 1941 german reach moscow within a few werks.