Gerbang Kampong Bharu : A Civic Centre & PKB Office by Chan Kang Neng, UTAR Design Studio 6 Jan 2020

  • Опубликовано: 15 июн 2020
  • Assalamu’alaikum and Greetings everyone. Alhamdulillah... we had completed the January 2020 Architecture Design Studio 6 (3rd year Bachelor of Sciences in Architecture in UTAR). In my assessment, some of the students work are exceptionally good. In this video, we’re going to look at another one of it.
    Gerbang Kampong Bharu : A Civic Centre and PKB office. The design intention is focusing on 3 aspects i.e. Heritage Preservation, Community Engagement and Future Development of Kampong Bharu.
    It is the work of Chan Kang Neng. His project is located at Site 1 at the junction of Jalan Raja Abdullah and Jalan Raja Muda Musa.
    The architecture design was Inspired by the Archway or the pintu gerbang located next to the site. Kang Neng had taken a bold steps by replacing the gerbang with his proposal to mark the entrance to Kampong Bharu. The form was also inspired by the Malay traditional house by creating a ‘kolong’ space at the ground level. He try to translate this idea into the new Civic Centre. Let us listen to his presentation.
    I am quite happy with the final results. During the design process, he had come up with so many different options via various mock-up models and sketches. The idea of using the gateway is very bold. He manage come up with a way to capitalize the prominent position of the site and putting in place the required spaces, responding to different forces. The final forms is iconic and will become a catalyst to future development in in Kampong Bharu.
    My only worry is the practical aspect of the building. It needed to be study and develop further. All the huge openings will not be too friendly to KL tropical storms. Furthermore with so many steps and changing of levels on the ground floor, access for the handicapped and elderly will be a challenge.
    Overall I think the project is well executed. The presentation images are thought provoking. Congratulations to Kang Neng. I wish him all the best. Hopefully 20 years from now he can look back at this moment as a turning point to his successful career as an architect.
    If you have any comment, a different opinion maybe, please leave your comments below. Let’s create a lively and positive exchange for the benefit of Architecture Education. Thank you. Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.
    Studio Coordinator : Abd Muluk Abd Manan
    Lecturers : Ar Mel Soong & Mr Yap Chee Seng
    External Panelist for Group 3: Ar Stanley Loo Wan Hao (UTAR), Ar Sri Nor Shamsul Rizal (PKKB), Ar Sateerah Hassan (Taylor's), Megat Arif Shah (TARUC) and Ibu Frysa Wiriantari (UNDWI)

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