宗哲求其問 - 「末日後」係咩嚟?要點樣對待「末日後」嘅想法?| What is “post-apocalypse”? How should we treat it?

  • Опубликовано: 2 ноя 2024
  • 每逢世界有大事發生,末日說法就一定會出現,「末日後」主題嘅內容創作就更加唔少得。咁到底「末日後」係咩嚟呢?又點解會出現呢?
    Whenever something big happens in the world, predictions of the apocalypse would arise, followed by a surge in creative content themed around the post-apocalypse. So, what exactly is meant by "post-apocalypse"? And why does this concept emerge?
    講者/ Speaker: Dr. CHECKETTS, Levi Mahonri
    📌 香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系
    Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University
    Website 網站 ➔ rel.hkbu.edu.hk/
    Facebook ➔ relhkbu
    Instagram ➔ hkburel
    #宗哲求其問 #浸大宗哲系#technology #哲學 #倫理 #道德 #Philosophy #Ethics #Morality
    For educational purposes only.
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