@@blackgold3584 The thing is these views have existed for centuries, despite that muslims in general live in peace with one another, even with these differences, only when the US/UK/Isntreel started their operations in the middle east did these secatarian conflicts begin, this is all a huge psyop any scholar worth anything knows this.
Bro, please go back and speak to shaykh uthmaan. Don't fall for these "shaykhs" ... Asharites is a development 300+ yrs after the Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa Salam
I just recently found out that this Salafis ascribe boredom/tiredness to God and then say that this boredom is not like our boredom, some of them plainly just did taweel that they always accuse us of. Shocking, Shocking 🤦🏻♂️
Have you come across the fact that they affirm "emotional harm for God" yet? They say: but this harm is not like the harm of creation. You'll find it in the explanation of the hadith: يؤذيني ابن آدم، يسب الدهر وأنا الدهر ...
@@ShaykhHarounKanj I've spotted these mistakes after i watch jake video Alhamdulillah from channel like this I watch videos of you and bro. Sherif of African Dawah revival on theology It helps me a lot Jazakumullah khaeran
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(RA) said: "Allah is eternally existent and place is not, and He still exists as he eternally was (i.e. without a place)" narrated by Abu Mansur al Baghdadi in his book 'al-farqu baynal-firaq' Imam Zaynul-Abidin Ali ibn al Hussain (RA) said: " you are Allah, the One who is not confined to place" in his book 'as-Sahifah as-Sajjadiyyah' Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (RA) said:" he who claims that Allah is anything or on anything or from anything commits shirk. Because, had He been on anything, He would have been carried, had He been in anything, He would have been contained, and had He been from anything, He would have been a creation" narrated by Imam al Qushayriyy in his book ar- Risalah al- Qushayriyyah. Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) said: "Allah is eternally existent and eternally place did not exist. Allah eternally exists before creating the creation. Allah eternally exists and eternally there was no place or any other creation and He is the Creator of everything" in his book al- Fiqhul-Absat. Imam Shafi (RA) said:" Allah, the exalted is eternally existent and eternally place did not exist. Allah created the place while he is still attributed with eternity as he was before creating the place. It is intellectually impossible for change to occur in his Self or for alteration to happen in his attributes" related by Imam az-Zabidiyy in his book Ithaf as- Sadatil- Muttaqin. "Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal (RA) never attributed directionality to Allah"... related by Imam ibn al- Jawziyy in his book 'Daf Shubhatit-Tashbih'. Imam Jarir at-Tabariyy (RA) said:" delusions can not grasp the reality of Allah, places do not contain him, sights do not attain him rather he knows about them all. Verily he is the one Whose reality cannot be grasped by delusions and Whose knowledge encompasses all"- in his book 'Tarikhul-Umam wal Muluk'. Imam at-Tahawiyy (RA) said:" Allah is utterly clear of all boundaries, extremes, sides, organs and instruments. The six directions do not contain him, as they contain all created things. Imam ibn Hibban said:" Allah is eternally existent and eternally no time or place did exist" narrated in his book 'Sahih ibn Hibban'
@@oeshkoer wahabi creed says God is above the sky, and sahih hadith says He is neither above not below anything, meaning He exists without a place. I'm surprised I even have to explain it to you. Your basic understanding is weak.
@@oeshkoerfirst of all she said fi as samaah, and fi means in, so it could be translated as in the sky? So tell me why do you say above not in? Besides, you are changing the topic. I gave you a sahih hadith, and you are trying to escape from it. Shows how knowledgeable you are.
@@oeshkoer as I said you're understanding is weak. Give me reference where salaf interpreted fi sama in that hadith as physically above. And asharis don't say God is nowhere, rather that God is beyond place and time. The sahih hadith that says nothing is above or below you is talking about now; that is nothing is above or below God, and not just that nothing was above or below God before the creation( while you wahabis say God is literally above the creation).If you can't grasp this simple thing then there's no point talking to you
When I saw Jake sitting with Daniel Haqiqatjou on the PBD podcast discussing Christian apologetics, I thought to myself that Jake might be defending Islam alongside Daniel, but he will definitely make a video against Daniel in the near future because Daniel leans more towards Ash'ari beliefs, while Jake talks against Ashari beliefs in his videos from time to time.
@@lbnFadl no. Even their theologians such as Aquinas states the father can also incarnate otherwise they have different essences. The essence of god is not in a place. This is the Christian position 😂
@@TheOldschool3r their position is that God is everywhere. They don’t negate place. They also believe Isa Ibn Maryam (Alayhi as-salām) is God in human form so attribute place in that sense too.
Well, what they're saying is the Arabic letters and sounds that are created and give access to the eternal speech is uttered is Khalq, but we can't admit that or we can't criticise ahlus-sunnah.
@@yourstruly5706 the so called salafis say that the Arabic letters and sounds were literally pronounced by Allah and have beginnings but are uncreated. That is their position, or at least the position of many of them.
Shaikh you missed some major points u could've raised: - Jake and the taymis affirm God can become silent (sukut) - the god of the pagans is silent at all times. The asharis do not believe that God becomes silent and this is also something denied by the salaf like imam at tabari - Jake and the taymis believes the attribute of speech is a temporal sifat fi'liyyah (attribute of action). This is something rejected by the asharis as they affirm its a sifat dhatiyyah just like the salaf (none of the salaf affirmed God's speech is a sifat fi'liyyah). Infact God's speech being a sifat fi'liyyah is what's attributed the Jahmiyyah - for instance ibn khuzaymah says that whoever claims God's speech is an attribute of action is an innovating jahmi! -Jake and the taymis believe God's speech is subject to his will and power and temporal - what they essentially believe is that God creates/causes within himself sounds (and letters) and this is how he communicates with people and creates! Wal 'iyyaadhu billah - and Jake and the taymis believe instances of God's speech are hadath within God's essence - this means God is undergoing essential changes and is constantly evolving from one state to another. This belief has been explicitly stated as kufr by the salaf like at tabari. If Jake boldy explained his beliefs without hiding the taymi double speak, I do not believe any of his audiences would accept it, rather they would flee from such vile beliefs. May Allah keep the Muslims steadfast and aid our brothers and sisters who are being oppressed. Aamiin
@oeshkoer Its amazing that you ignored the fact the salaf said God isn't attributed with silence and that His speech is an eternal sifat dhatiyyah. You may even be ignorant that the hanbalis (non taymiyyans) also believe that God isn't attributed with silence and that His speech is an eternal sifat dhatiyyah. I can also tell from you're questioning that you are ignorant of the minutiae regarding God's communication with His creation. Regardless for arguments sake I'll play along: You said is God still speaking to Moses (as). My response is that God's power (qudrah) is a sifaat dhatiyyah by which He creates or brings things into existence. Two points: 1) Does God lack power or incapable, when not creating, as per you're paradigm wal 'iyyadhu billah - is his power changing? 2) is God still creating or bringing into existence the heavens and earth (or are they complete as per the Qur'an)?
@oeshkoer and I responded: if God's power is unchanging and never not incapable, then I ask you is God still creating the heavens and the earth (which the Qur'an affirms He completed)?
@oeshkoer it is an answer to you're questioning because what you say about God's power, you also say about His speech as both are eternal unchanging sifaat dhatiyyah. Since His power is eternal, unchanging and God is never without Power or incapable, per you're reasoning, God is still creating the heavens and the earth, despite this event being complete as per the Qur'an 🤣🤣. Reevaluate your approach to this issue, you just embarrass yourself
This Jake guy was told not to venture into a subject he was not taught. The Wahhaabi institute from which Jake graduated did not teach true Aqeedah to its students but taught a trinity type of Tauheed,rububiyah, uluhiyah and Asmaa was sifaat. This Wahhaabi Salafi Athari Khariji has a limited intellect, a literalist mindset and an anthropomorphic concept of Allaah. Ilmul Kalaam is the most intricate topic to discuss especially when dealing with the topic of the Speech of Allaah. In this field Jake lacks depth similar to those students who graduated from that Wahhaabi institute in Madina Munowwarah. Most of the Madina students must review their studies in order to renew. The Aqeedah of the Ahlis Sunnah is to be understood from an Ash Ari and Maatureedi perspective and not from anthropomorphic Wahhaabi point of view.
Allah is outside time and space. We can never pinpoint Allah’s location. He is and exists in a way that befits his majesty. Why is it that most who end up studying in Medina come back, change there name to Abu so and so and end up pseudo Salafi cult sect.
Jake was a quranist for ten years (if i’m not mistaken) before embracing sunni islam… he said he became a sunni n learned frm a maliki madhab teacher.. he follows maliki fiqh bt athari aqeedah… at first i don’t care much.. keep supporting his channel.. as i like the way he debates the non muslims eg the quranist .. bt until he started to become cocky n question fellow muslims like asha’aris n maturudis…. n at one point he put a challenge to any asha’aris to debate him regarding aqeedah…. i unsubscribe from his channel after that… he was very cocky which i don’t like at all… seems he got so much hate against other creeds… may Allah guide him… i honestly ok with the salafi channels… as i like to watch the debates etc… just don’t like when muslims start attacking each other…
Assalamu alaikum shaykh, these guys always slander Al Imam Fakhr al din al Razi when it comes to Ash'ari a'immah. Can you make short video on Imam Al Razi's positions.
Can someone help me I'm really trying to understand what the Ashairah believe about Kalamullah. Is the Shaykh saying that Allah already said what He said to Musa (as) before creation and then when Musa reached a specific time He allowed Musa to hear it?
That’s correct Allah is always mutakalim like He is always Qaadir. Allah doesn’t start and stop talking like us. Allah is not bound by time and place. Past present and future are one and the same to Allah. Allah is always mutakallim. So yes the veil was removed and Musa heard the pre-eternal speech of Allah that in no way resembles our speech. The Shaykh’s can correct any errors I may have made.
@@baselhakim2080 I don't believe Allah is confined to time and space. I just want to understand properly the Ashari position regarding Kalamullah being eternal and how we reconcile that with situations like Allah speaking to Musa (as) that appare to be happening at that moment.
@@Light_Receiver and why would those be mutually exclusive, or inconceivable? "Happening at that moment" applies to Prophet Musa alayhi Salam. Not to Allah , who doesn't have a "time". Other than that, we aren't even asked to delve or try to understand what or how that looks like "on Allah's side". Tafwid is perfectly fine and the basic Ash'ari position , as explained in Sura 3:7.
Jake said he doesn’t believe in an Eternal Quran. The Quran is the Speech of Allah. Imagine arriving to conclusion that كلام الله isn’t Eternal. SubhanAllah
Clarify your position clearly, when you say the Qur'aan and describe it as eternal, you mean something other then The Qur'aan that everbody knows is the Qur'aan.
@@justice70567 the Quran we recite is the speech of Allah. But us reciting it is not the exact Eternal Sifah of Allah speaking it. We know that Allah doesn’t resemble the creation so the manner He Spoke the Quran then I leave that affair to Allah.
@@bigk140bigk4 Al-Bukhariyy. Sahih Al-Bukhariyy. Volume 9. Page 125. Hadith Number 7422. Al-Bukhariyy. Sahih Al-Bukhariyy. Volume 9. Page 135. Hadith Number 7453. Al-Bukhariyy. Sahih Al-Bukhariyy. Volume 9. Page 160. Hadith Number 7554. Ibn Hibban. Sahih Ibn Hibban. Volume 14. Page 12. Hadith Number 6143.
@@LITTLE-ROCK exactly! I respect my man Jake for his workd on christianity (philosophy) and defending islam but damn he is agressive to other views. Not the attitude of a true scholar
@@radirandom that is maybe bcos wahabis don't teach adab. While we believe that a Muslim seeker of knowledge must learn adab before everything else. I've come across wahabis who use "lol", "lmao", laughing emoticons, while talking about Deen, and some who use vulgar language to attack their opponents( without provocation).
It’s funny how everything he said is nothing more than assertions/strawmans of the athari position (embarrassing blunders were made which shows the ignorance) and things that are trivial to be what ‘constitutes’ an idol.
@@lbnFadl Hanbali Mufawidhs aren’t the ‘true Atharis’. I follow the Salaf and can easily demonstrate their position. Would you like to discuss why Imam Al Bukhari believed in ‘contingency’ in God and that Allah is above the throne in addition to bringing many proofs for it from many other Salaf? ;)
Let’s see. You follow a guy Abul Hasan Ash’ari who came so far after the Rasool while Atharis take their beliefs from the Rasool and Sahabi. It’s very easy to see who slipped.
@@MrEast900 His belief was confirmed by all the scholars of his time if he was saying something new and deviant there would have been an uproar. He was then confirmed by the overwhelming majority of scholars who came after him to the point where the majority the great scholars we know and rely on where on his creed. They contributed major contributions to every science of the religion. As for the original Athari school. It died out and the current effort to re-establish it is just by reading books on one’s own instead of learning the creed from a teacher with a verified chain of transmission from the original adherents of that creed.
@MrEast900 if you actually watched the video or read ibn taymiyahs works youd find so many innovations that contradict the salaf. The positions of the asharis are in line with the salaf. Who slipped?
Thanks for the Video.
Why is bro getting involved with the aqeedah wars 😭
@@blackgold3584why not? And who started it?
@@blackgold3584 The thing is these views have existed for centuries, despite that muslims in general live in peace with one another, even with these differences, only when the US/UK/Isntreel started their operations in the middle east did these secatarian conflicts begin, this is all a huge psyop any scholar worth anything knows this.
May Allah bless you Bobby and strengthen you on the path of Ahlussunnah and keep you save from the fitnah of the Anthropomorphists
Bro, please go back and speak to shaykh uthmaan. Don't fall for these "shaykhs" ... Asharites is a development 300+ yrs after the Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa Salam
I just recently found out that this Salafis ascribe boredom/tiredness to God and then say that this boredom is not like our boredom, some of them plainly just did taweel that they always accuse us of. Shocking, Shocking 🤦🏻♂️
Have you come across the fact that they affirm "emotional harm for God" yet?
They say: but this harm is not like the harm of creation.
You'll find it in the explanation of the hadith:
يؤذيني ابن آدم، يسب الدهر وأنا الدهر ...
@@ShaykhHarounKanjWhat!! Interesting, I will check it out insha'Allah, even though at this point I am not surprised how low they would go anymore.
Nauuthubillah subhanallah what they ascribe to Allah subhanahu watala, it’s sad they do that
Alhamdulilah left them this year
May Allah increase u in knowledge and steadfastness
I've spotted these mistakes after i watch jake video
Alhamdulillah from channel like this
I watch videos of you and bro. Sherif of African Dawah revival on theology
It helps me a lot
Jazakumullah khaeran
6:09 The Salafis complain about the name, like body or part, while affirming the underlying connotations of such terms, weird 🤦🏻♂️
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(RA) said: "Allah is eternally existent and place is not, and He still exists as he eternally was (i.e. without a place)" narrated by Abu Mansur al Baghdadi in his book 'al-farqu baynal-firaq'
Imam Zaynul-Abidin Ali ibn al Hussain (RA) said: " you are Allah, the One who is not confined to place" in his book 'as-Sahifah as-Sajjadiyyah'
Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (RA) said:" he who claims that Allah is anything or on anything or from anything commits shirk. Because, had He been on anything, He would have been carried, had He been in anything, He would have been contained, and had He been from anything, He would have been a creation" narrated by Imam al Qushayriyy in his book ar- Risalah al- Qushayriyyah.
Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) said: "Allah is eternally existent and eternally place did not exist. Allah eternally exists before creating the creation. Allah eternally exists and eternally there was no place or any other creation and He is the Creator of everything" in his book al- Fiqhul-Absat.
Imam Shafi (RA) said:" Allah, the exalted is eternally existent and eternally place did not exist. Allah created the place while he is still attributed with eternity as he was before creating the place. It is intellectually impossible for change to occur in his Self or for alteration to happen in his attributes" related by Imam az-Zabidiyy in his book Ithaf as- Sadatil- Muttaqin.
"Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal (RA) never attributed directionality to Allah"... related by Imam ibn al- Jawziyy in his book 'Daf Shubhatit-Tashbih'.
Imam Jarir at-Tabariyy (RA) said:" delusions can not grasp the reality of Allah, places do not contain him, sights do not attain him rather he knows about them all. Verily he is the one Whose reality cannot be grasped by delusions and Whose knowledge encompasses all"- in his book 'Tarikhul-Umam wal Muluk'.
Imam at-Tahawiyy (RA) said:" Allah is utterly clear of all boundaries, extremes, sides, organs and instruments. The six directions do not contain him, as they contain all created things.
Imam ibn Hibban said:" Allah is eternally existent and eternally no time or place did exist" narrated in his book 'Sahih ibn Hibban'
Imam Ali never said this its mursal
@@oeshkoerAllah, nothing is above Him, and nothing is below Him: this is from sahih hadith.
@@oeshkoer wahabi creed says God is above the sky, and sahih hadith says He is neither above not below anything, meaning He exists without a place. I'm surprised I even have to explain it to you. Your basic understanding is weak.
@@oeshkoerfirst of all she said fi as samaah, and fi means in, so it could be translated as in the sky? So tell me why do you say above not in?
Besides, you are changing the topic. I gave you a sahih hadith, and you are trying to escape from it. Shows how knowledgeable you are.
@@oeshkoer as I said you're understanding is weak. Give me reference where salaf interpreted fi sama in that hadith as physically above. And asharis don't say God is nowhere, rather that God is beyond place and time. The sahih hadith that says nothing is above or below you is talking about now; that is nothing is above or below God, and not just that nothing was above or below God before the creation( while you wahabis say God is literally above the creation).If you can't grasp this simple thing then there's no point talking to you
When I saw Jake sitting with Daniel Haqiqatjou on the PBD podcast discussing Christian apologetics, I thought to myself that Jake might be defending Islam alongside Daniel, but he will definitely make a video against Daniel in the near future because Daniel leans more towards Ash'ari beliefs, while Jake talks against Ashari beliefs in his videos from time to time.
Seems that your comment aged well 😅
Pagans,Jews and Christian’s all attribute place, direction,body and movement to Allah whereas Ahlus Sunnah completely negate it.
Actually you’re wrong. There’s an agreement between the church fathers that God is not in a place ;) and Jews say this too
@TheOldschool3r The church fathers say that about "The Father", not the son and holy spirit
@@lbnFadl no. Even their theologians such as Aquinas states the father can also incarnate otherwise they have different essences. The essence of god is not in a place. This is the Christian position 😂
@@TheOldschool3r Yes, Aquinas was not a church father. Aquinas contradicted the earlier scholars like Justin Martyr on this point
@@TheOldschool3r their position is that God is everywhere.
They don’t negate place.
They also believe Isa Ibn Maryam (Alayhi as-salām) is God in human form so attribute place in that sense too.
It is their materialistic/physicalist baggage that prompts them to such anthropomorphism.
Their rule of law is:
ما ثَمَّ الاَّ جِسمٌ أو قائِمٌ بِجسمٍ.
@@ShaykhHarounKanjwahabis god so scary.
What's next: "Allah can enter inside the body of Jesus because the idols of the mushrikeen couldn't do that"?
JazakAllahu khairan for this clear refutation
The weirdest thing that Jake and the so called salafis say is that Allahs speech has a beginning but is uncreated?!?!
Well, what they're saying is the Arabic letters and sounds that are created and give access to the eternal speech is uttered is Khalq, but we can't admit that or we can't criticise ahlus-sunnah.
@@yourstruly5706 the so called salafis say that the Arabic letters and sounds were literally pronounced by Allah and have beginnings but are uncreated. That is their position, or at least the position of many of them.
@@stephen42red27 astaghfirullah, and they have the nerve to call people mushrikeen. Allah ta'ala protect us from the shirkh of the salafis. Ameen
Shaikh you missed some major points u could've raised:
- Jake and the taymis affirm God can become silent (sukut) - the god of the pagans is silent at all times. The asharis do not believe that God becomes silent and this is also something denied by the salaf like imam at tabari
- Jake and the taymis believes the attribute of speech is a temporal sifat fi'liyyah (attribute of action). This is something rejected by the asharis as they affirm its a sifat dhatiyyah just like the salaf (none of the salaf affirmed God's speech is a sifat fi'liyyah).
Infact God's speech being a sifat fi'liyyah is what's attributed the Jahmiyyah - for instance ibn khuzaymah says that whoever claims God's speech is an attribute of action is an innovating jahmi!
-Jake and the taymis believe God's speech is subject to his will and power and temporal - what they essentially believe is that God creates/causes within himself sounds (and letters) and this is how he communicates with people and creates! Wal 'iyyaadhu billah
- and Jake and the taymis believe instances of God's speech are hadath within God's essence - this means God is undergoing essential changes and is constantly evolving from one state to another. This belief has been explicitly stated as kufr by the salaf like at tabari.
If Jake boldy explained his beliefs without hiding the taymi double speak, I do not believe any of his audiences would accept it, rather they would flee from such vile beliefs.
May Allah keep the Muslims steadfast and aid our brothers and sisters who are being oppressed. Aamiin
Its amazing that you ignored the fact the salaf said God isn't attributed with silence and that His speech is an eternal sifat dhatiyyah.
You may even be ignorant that the hanbalis (non taymiyyans) also believe that God isn't attributed with silence and that His speech is an eternal sifat dhatiyyah.
I can also tell from you're questioning that you are ignorant of the minutiae regarding God's communication with His creation.
Regardless for arguments sake I'll play along:
You said is God still speaking to Moses (as). My response is that God's power (qudrah) is a sifaat dhatiyyah by which He creates or brings things into existence. Two points:
1) Does God lack power or incapable, when not creating, as per you're paradigm wal 'iyyadhu billah - is his power changing?
2) is God still creating or bringing into existence the heavens and earth (or are they complete as per the Qur'an)?
I will tackle this in a future video insha Allah. It's on the to-do list.
@oeshkoer and I responded: if God's power is unchanging and never not incapable, then I ask you is God still creating the heavens and the earth (which the Qur'an affirms He completed)?
Wahabis god needs to think before taking any action... Wahabis god is human.
@oeshkoer it is an answer to you're questioning because what you say about God's power, you also say about His speech as both are eternal unchanging sifaat dhatiyyah. Since His power is eternal, unchanging and God is never without Power or incapable, per you're reasoning, God is still creating the heavens and the earth, despite this event being complete as per the Qur'an 🤣🤣. Reevaluate your approach to this issue, you just embarrass yourself
Very clear, بارك الله فيك❤
This Jake guy was told not to venture into a subject he was not taught. The Wahhaabi institute from which Jake graduated did not teach true Aqeedah to its students but taught a trinity type of Tauheed,rububiyah, uluhiyah and Asmaa was sifaat. This Wahhaabi Salafi Athari Khariji has a limited intellect, a literalist mindset and an anthropomorphic concept of Allaah. Ilmul Kalaam is the most intricate topic to discuss especially when dealing with the topic of the Speech of Allaah. In this field Jake lacks depth similar to those students who graduated from that Wahhaabi institute in Madina Munowwarah. Most of the Madina students must review their studies in order to renew. The Aqeedah of the Ahlis Sunnah is to be understood from an Ash Ari and Maatureedi perspective and not from anthropomorphic Wahhaabi point of view.
Allah is outside time and space. We can never pinpoint Allah’s location. He is and exists in a way that befits his majesty.
Why is it that most who end up studying in Medina come back, change there name to Abu so and so and end up pseudo Salafi cult sect.
You dummy changing the name to Abu so and so is part of the Muslim culture. Go read the ahadith
The metaphysician of tajsim 😂
If the idols could speak, would Jake worship them?
He must worship them, his version of Aqeedah demands it
May Allah reward u sheikh ❤
Alhamdulillah ahl sunnah aqidah based on tanzih aqidah.
Jake was a quranist for ten years (if i’m not mistaken) before embracing sunni islam… he said he became a sunni n learned frm a maliki madhab teacher.. he follows maliki fiqh bt athari aqeedah… at first i don’t care much.. keep supporting his channel.. as i like the way he debates the non muslims eg the quranist .. bt until he started to become cocky n question fellow muslims like asha’aris n maturudis…. n at one point he put a challenge to any asha’aris to debate him regarding aqeedah…. i unsubscribe from his channel after that… he was very cocky which i don’t like at all… seems he got so much hate against other creeds… may Allah guide him… i honestly ok with the salafi channels… as i like to watch the debates etc… just don’t like when muslims start attacking each other…
Assalamu alaikum shaykh, these guys always slander Al Imam Fakhr al din al Razi when it comes to Ash'ari a'immah. Can you make short video on Imam Al Razi's positions.
Imam Razi is the 🐐
Don't worry about the pissants who are akin to the excrement of khanzeer
These people are portraying a wrong image of Ibn Taimyah R.A
They go to an extreme even he didn’t go to but he was refuted by all the scholars of his time also.
Please akhi have discussion with him on this issue, i want to clarify everything.
Can someone help me I'm really trying to understand what the Ashairah believe about Kalamullah. Is the Shaykh saying that Allah already said what He said to Musa (as) before creation and then when Musa reached a specific time He allowed Musa to hear it?
That’s correct Allah is always mutakalim like He is always Qaadir. Allah doesn’t start and stop talking like us. Allah is not bound by time and place. Past present and future are one and the same to Allah. Allah is always mutakallim. So yes the veil was removed and Musa heard the pre-eternal speech of Allah that in no way resembles our speech. The Shaykh’s can correct any errors I may have made.
@@alfaqiir Jazak'Allah khair. So even a conversation that we have with Allah, for us it starts in time but for Allah it already happened?
Your confusion might be from still imagining it thinking that Allah is "inside" the flow/passing of time. (Which is false)
@@baselhakim2080 I don't believe Allah is confined to time and space. I just want to understand properly the Ashari position regarding Kalamullah being eternal and how we reconcile that with situations like Allah speaking to Musa (as) that appare to be happening at that moment.
@@Light_Receiver and why would those be mutually exclusive, or inconceivable?
"Happening at that moment" applies to Prophet Musa alayhi Salam. Not to Allah , who doesn't have a "time".
Other than that, we aren't even asked to delve or try to understand what or how that looks like "on Allah's side". Tafwid is perfectly fine and the basic Ash'ari position , as explained in Sura 3:7.
Jake said he doesn’t believe in an Eternal Quran. The Quran is the Speech of Allah. Imagine arriving to conclusion that كلام الله isn’t Eternal. SubhanAllah
Clarify your position clearly, when you say the Qur'aan and describe it as eternal, you mean something other then The Qur'aan that everbody knows is the Qur'aan.
@@justice70567 My position was pretty much clarified. The Quran is كلام الله and it’s not created.
Is that the Quran that we recite?
@@justice70567 the Quran we recite is the speech of Allah. But us reciting it is not the exact Eternal Sifah of Allah speaking it. We know that Allah doesn’t resemble the creation so the manner He Spoke the Quran then I leave that affair to Allah.
Can someone answer me please, what’s above the Throne?
there is a book above the throne. 😊
@@user-xg6if9mf2o what’s you’re evidence?
Al-Bukhariyy. Sahih Al-Bukhariyy. Volume 9. Page 125. Hadith Number 7422.
Al-Bukhariyy. Sahih Al-Bukhariyy. Volume 9. Page 135. Hadith Number 7453.
Al-Bukhariyy. Sahih Al-Bukhariyy. Volume 9. Page 160. Hadith Number 7554.
Ibn Hibban. Sahih Ibn Hibban. Volume 14. Page 12. Hadith Number 6143.
Seems like you’ve been there. let us know.
@@alfaqiir i posted the evidence in the same comment thread.
Let's see how jade would escape this one
He is always a jashil ...he is pure Takfiri ...
I can't stand these dawah guys from England and USA absolute rubbish hmdlah we don't have em in Australia
I have bad news...
sheikh I am maturidi and love your work!
Does Jake have a teacher even?
Other than copying Mehr Amir
Jake has the demeanour and style of a rapper.
@@LITTLE-ROCK exactly!
I respect my man Jake for his workd on christianity (philosophy) and defending islam but damn he is agressive to other views.
Not the attitude of a true scholar
@@radirandom that is maybe bcos wahabis don't teach adab. While we believe that a Muslim seeker of knowledge must learn adab before everything else. I've come across wahabis who use "lol", "lmao", laughing emoticons, while talking about Deen, and some who use vulgar language to attack their opponents( without provocation).
yea it became this aqeedah club!!
what's next, ACL (Aqeedah Club Limited).
Does Jake ever smile? Like ever?
@jasonatreides2542 with a miserable creed like his, how can he?
He does smile. But not like how you smile. Similar but not the same. just we don't know how.
@@gamerkutingman7861i see what u did there… 🤣🤣🤣
It’s funny how everything he said is nothing more than assertions/strawmans of the athari position (embarrassing blunders were made which shows the ignorance) and things that are trivial to be what ‘constitutes’ an idol.
Except he isn't attacking the athari position. If only salafis actually were athari. They'd avoid this nonsense altogether
@@lbnFadl Hanbali Mufawidhs aren’t the ‘true Atharis’. I follow the Salaf and can easily demonstrate their position. Would you like to discuss why Imam Al Bukhari believed in ‘contingency’ in God and that Allah is above the throne in addition to bringing many proofs for it from many other Salaf? ;)
@TheOldschool3r what's the difference between you and a Christian who also believe that there are not one but multiple contingencies in God?
@@hxyzazolchak You should ask yourself that because christians don’t hold to a temporal cause, oh! Just like you hahahaha
Your uelma have been refuted by shiekh sa'id foudah and his students already so sit down. @@TheOldschool3r
Does Allah have a shin?
Allah does not have parts. Allah is not a body.
@@user-xg6if9mf2o so why does the Quran talks about shin of Allah
@@dee6340The Qur'an was revealed in Arabic. The word "shin" is somebody's interpretation - not the Qur'an.
That's not what it means.
Between us is the understanding of the Salaf. And Allah is the one we seek help from.
How many hands, feet and face does Allah have?
Allah is not a body.
Let’s see. You follow a guy Abul Hasan Ash’ari who came so far after the Rasool while Atharis take their beliefs from the Rasool and Sahabi. It’s very easy to see who slipped.
What you are claiming are Athari belief are a perversion of the actual Athari belief. It is not at all the belief of the Rasul and the Salaf
@@osmanshah5046 sure , so Abul Hasan Ash’ari has the right belief centuries later ? How deluded are you
@@MrEast900 His belief was confirmed by all the scholars of his time if he was saying something new and deviant there would have been an uproar. He was then confirmed by the overwhelming majority of scholars who came after him to the point where the majority the great scholars we know and rely on where on his creed. They contributed major contributions to every science of the religion. As for the original Athari school. It died out and the current effort to re-establish it is just by reading books on one’s own instead of learning the creed from a teacher with a verified chain of transmission from the original adherents of that creed.
@@osmanshah5046 seems like you don’t know your history of theology. Ash’ari is a late comer and brought innovations. There’s no way around it
@MrEast900 if you actually watched the video or read ibn taymiyahs works youd find so many innovations that contradict the salaf. The positions of the asharis are in line with the salaf. Who slipped?
Ibn Abi Izz al Hanafi has refuted you jahmis on this