Next Generation Wetsuits

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 4

  • @smirnovTri
    @smirnovTri Год назад +7

    Can we see the data? I'm really interested how much is it faster. :-)

  • @hendrickramirez8916
    @hendrickramirez8916 11 месяцев назад

    How is there not more hype about this ?
    I’m a runner who’s been doing Olafs training. I’ve pr in a mile from 4:27 to 4:12 in a year. Any way i can get in touch with him or be able to speak to him?

  • @benjamintreble3805
    @benjamintreble3805 Год назад

    why arn't you using the Vo2master in the flume? and switch to a snorkel gas exchange met cart? did you compare the accuracy between vo2master and snorkel vo2?

  • @ivaeiintch
    @ivaeiintch 11 месяцев назад +1

    Pretty vague ending. It’s fast but getting faster……. Is it faster than other brands? Let’s see a summary of the data. Can only assume there are other suits out there that are faster otherwise you would have been more open about the results.
    Not hating at all, I really like the brand but do get tired of bold but vague claims by sports equipment companies