Miracle K9 - The Myth Of The E-Collar. More Lies That Flies In The Face Of The Science.

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • #aggressiondogtraining #aggressive #dogtraining #negativereinforcement #positivepunishment #

Комментарии • 118

  • @roberthynesdogtraining
    @roberthynesdogtraining  10 месяцев назад

    For trainers and dog owners that believe I'm blowing smoke up your arse? Join my little facebook group - and feel free to read the postings from dog owners that helped their dog overcome aggression and reactivity - ON THEIR OWN. No "dog trainer" required. They stepped out of the cash cow called dog training - stepped out of all the noise.
    How do they accomplish it so quickly? They now understand the very "object of the science of behaviour" - that trainers have thrown in the garbage. I dare you to open your mind to something old. Open your mind to the reality of what "dog training" is doing to you.

  • @ryodogchannel
    @ryodogchannel 11 месяцев назад +3

    ECollars aren't only for punishment. They're for negative reinforcement as well. And negative reinforcement can always be faded away. So yes collars can be faded away. And they're good tools

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад +1

      B.F Skinner should be mandatory reading for dog owners. If dog owners read Skinner, trainers wouldn't exist, this crap would stop.
      The object of the science of behaviour is understanding causes - and once you understand the cause, it can't be attributed to an internal choice - it's not an internal act of free will. The environment creates behaviours - in the case of fear or negative reinforcement, the body creates corisol. The animal isn't reacting so much to the environmental stress - but the excess cortisol load. Behaviours can be thought of as artificially created by environment.
      If you stub your toe, a scream is going to be the result. The scream is a behaviour. But according to you, I should shock you to shut down the behaviour versus looking at your toe. Zak George would feed you to shut you up - instead of fixing the toe. They know the toe is the problem, but they ignore that.
      Trainers aren't troubleshooting anything anymore, there is no diagnosis. Where there is no diagnosis - there is no fix. This is why people learn to shut down behaviours, to stop them.
      Yes, shock is a negative reinforcement - the removal of positive reinforcement. Applying negative reinforcements is by definition "punishment". A tool used to control the dogs desires - the dogs positive reinforcement. You don't get to look at the dogs positive reinforcements through your eyes. It's not a tool or a technique - it's a desire that all animals have.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад

      Put that e-collar on your cat and shock it. You wouldn't dare, cause no amount of treats would get you out of that dog house. But the dog.
      If you get in your car and it doesn't start - you better start troubleshooting. Dog daddy would take a sledgehammer to the car. Zak George would throw treats at it.
      Neither is going to fix anything - cause they don't understand or care about the cause of the car not starting.

    • @ryodogchannel
      @ryodogchannel 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@roberthynesdogtraining first of all I never shock my dog. I use a mini educator which has blunt force technology. It's a stim not a shock. I use it on level 10/100 99% of the time. I can't feel it. Second I think you aren't listening to what I said. Negative (remove stimulus) reinforcement (to encourage behavior) is all I use it for. I never use it for positive (add stimulus) punishment (to discourage behavior). I think you're over complicating things, it's super simple concept.

    • @ryodogchannel
      @ryodogchannel 11 месяцев назад

      Stunning your toe, screaming, and stimming is not negative reinforcement. It's positive punishment. Adding a stimulus to remove a behavior. That's not what I'm talking about

    • @ryodogchannel
      @ryodogchannel 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@roberthynesdogtraining my dogs wag their tails when I use the ecollar. I think that's evidence enough I'm using it correct

  • @MiracleK9Training
    @MiracleK9Training 11 месяцев назад +4

    Interesting video. Care to hop on the podcast and have a conversation debating some of this since you used our video? I think it would be more informative for the public to debate this in more detail.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад

      Sure. As long as you understand what I'm bringing to the table.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад +1

      So? are we going to do this? I would love to have a podcast with you. I would love to bring the real science of B.F Skinner to your audience. And it won't be just Skinner. Dr. Greg Berns who has proven the dog sentient - he would say that dogs are persons too. How about Temple Grandin? PhD in Animal Sciences? A real animal behaviourist?
      Lets talk.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  10 месяцев назад

      I'm willing to bet that you researched my message and there isn't a snowballs' chance in hell that you're bringing me on.

    • @MiracleK9Training
      @MiracleK9Training 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@roberthynesdogtraining nope, you keep deleting my comments. I’ve emailed you back Friday about a day and time to come on. I just haven’t heard back from you yet.

    • @Sharetheroad3333
      @Sharetheroad3333 10 месяцев назад +1

      They clearly want to meet with you. It sounds very clearly like the ball is in your court. ???

  • @OneDay38104
    @OneDay38104 11 месяцев назад +5

    You two should have a live discussion together. They encourage people who critique them to talk with them. And from what I've heard/read on your other videos, you want to debate. It would be an interesting talk. Especially with your amount of followers where not many people know about your views.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад +1

      They won't respond to me at all. Let alone have a conversation. I'm willing. Could care less if PR/PP or balanced.
      I don't use the garbage quadrants. They know this. They don't want me anywhere near because I would destroy their precious quadrants and expose their lies.

    • @OneDay38104
      @OneDay38104 11 месяцев назад +2

      Hm, that's weird. They usually respond to comments pretty quickly. But I just checked their video and you didn't comment (maybe it was the wrong video), so I'm guessing you contacted them through their email or something. It might draw more attention to you if you comment under the video you're critiquing since I don't know how good they are with emails. Just an idea. It doesn't hurt to try, in my eyes at least.@@roberthynesdogtraining

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад

      It's not my views - it's not about me. It's the actual science that's been tossed in the garbage by dog trainiers.
      If you're not into the quadrants, nobody wants to talk to you. If you're not PR, PP or balanced = they don't want to.
      If you want to understand why, here's B.F Skinner - the man that dog trainers blame for creating the quadrants. Skinner had nothing to do with them. So where did they come from?
      one minute of Skinner, 3 minutes of my yap.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад

      @k9cfc Oh my friend, if you only knew the truth.
      This is not about me. It's about the dog. It's about dog owners.
      Owners that have been raped financially by trainers with no return. Abused mentallly by trainers. Told they can't possibly do it on their own - only a trainer can help. The number of trainers telling dog owners on facebook to kill their dog sight unseen. No questions, no diagnosis, nothing. I could go on for hours.
      Yeah, keep on thinking it's about me. Trainers got a war coming.

    • @OneDay38104
      @OneDay38104 11 месяцев назад

      My bad, I didn't mean exactly "your views"; I just mean your understanding of the science that most other trainers are supposedly lacking. I have practically binge watched all your videos, including that one. The point of my previous comment was just saying that maybe reaching out to them through the comments instead of just through email would give you a higher chance of getting to talk to them. I love that you're passionate about this and want to share your knowledge of science with others, but unfortunately with your following you won't be able to reach that many people without first reaching out (in as many ways as possible, without seeming desperate) to well known accounts and trying to schedule debates. I was just trying to help. @@roberthynesdogtraining

  • @hdottraining
    @hdottraining 11 месяцев назад +1

    I never tell an owner they can't deal with their dog on their own. In fact, most of my work is with the owners, striving to teach them learn how to communicate clearly and effectively with their dog. Once they learn how to lead and be their dog's protector and advocate, they find life with their dog so much easier. :)

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад +3

      Pretty much. Relationship first, and people would be surprised at little training a dog needs.

  • @MaximillianandRubyGrace
    @MaximillianandRubyGrace 11 месяцев назад +3

    Yes we should be the value!! And yes I’ve used an ecollar and a prong BUT I no longer need them. I never wanted to used those tools long term. My goal is for them to want ME over all else, to love being with me

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад +2

      When you start using high value anything - from treats to shock, it changes the repitoire of the animal and the relationship. The dog is doing for the wrong "high value" thing.
      If you want to talk, send me an email. We can talk over skype or something if you want. robert@roberthynesdogtraining.com.
      I'll help you understand your dogs behaviour. I love Newfies, I grew up in Newfoundland.

    • @MaximillianandRubyGrace
      @MaximillianandRubyGrace 10 месяцев назад

      @@roberthynesdogtraining fabulous!! I will message you tomorrow
      Thank you!!!

    • @MaximillianandRubyGrace
      @MaximillianandRubyGrace 10 месяцев назад

      Sir, I sent the email though your online form as I had trouble for some reason via my email directly

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  10 месяцев назад

      @@MaximillianandRubyGrace I got your email. give me a bit to respond.

    • @angelinacamacho8575
      @angelinacamacho8575 8 месяцев назад

      @@roberthynesdogtraining this is why its important to phase out treats if someone wishes to use them. I use treats to get my dog to do a new behaviour or for luring him somewhere. with training I teach him the behaviour I want with a treat or whatever he wants. during the training I slowly phase out the treat all while asking a bit more from him. If i ask my dog to sit i have him wait longer than previously for a treat. he listens in public even if I dont have a treat because he knows that leashes can provide corrections especially if someone is holding the other end. these days I barely have to give him treats or corrections on walks unless he tries to go after a large dog or bird.

  • @SDM3791
    @SDM3791 11 месяцев назад +4

    Incorrect. The e-collar isn't used for punishment. If that's what you think it's used for you are misguided or lying.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад +1

      Skinner himself defined punishment as the removal of positive reinforcement. The dogs desires are the dogs positive reinforcement - by correcting the dog, you are removing the dogs positive reinforcement. You are by Skinners' definition - punishing the dog. You are in a punishment relationship - because there will always be the threat of punishment. You will always have that e-collar remote at the ready - ready to punish the dog.
      Who has been lied to and mislead by dog trainers? You.
      I am appalled that people want to argue about the contents of books they haven't read. Go read Skinners books, then come back and talk to me.

    • @RobinaDunstan
      @RobinaDunstan 11 месяцев назад

      @@roberthynesdogtraining yes, B F Skinner's work on operant conditioning in dog behaviour has been perverted. Quadrants were never part of his work. Before anyone tried to contort his work he had been retired for at least ten years. When I read Skinner and quadrant I associate it with theory well after Skinner's retirement in the 1970's. Using the term 'Skinner's Quadrants' is a misnomer. None of his work theorised let alone studied quadrants. His work was a response to Watson's classical conditioning. Put trainers in the same room and they'll respond with different interpretations of the experiments conducted regards to Operant Conditioning. In order to begin to really apply even operant conditioning in regards to food, one needs to understand that studies involving food as a reward and the lack a punishment need to consider that the dogs went into the experiment hungry. To take on Skinner's experiments and then remodel them without considering the parameters of Skinner's experiments is really quite poor science.
      Quadrants confuse because they can be illogical. Easier is to go with Watson and tell a person is if their dog obeys a command during the proofing stage reward it within the count of three, otherwise don't and then repeat after 5 seconds. The lack of a reward is only a punishment if the dog has been conditioned improperly during training.
      I use e-collars for two things. Long distance recall is one. I go with Lou Castle's theory of least amount of stimulii to gain attention. My dogs' ears twitch and there's a momentary lapse in their concentration, for want of a better term. To anthropomorphise, it's a tap on a shoulder but with no consequence except a change in focus The second does involve negatively. It involves correction and serves to keep a dog from running into the middle of a street.

    • @ryodogchannel
      @ryodogchannel 11 месяцев назад +3

      This guy is a hack. Doesn't even know the difference between negative reinforcement and positive punishment.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад +2

      @@ryodogchannel Ignorance. Don't want to read the books cause you're scared to.
      That's exactly what's killing dogs today, trainers ignorance. Read the books - and you will throw your precious quadrants in the garbage.
      People like me scare people like you. If I get my way - your cash cow is gone. You're finished.
      War in dog training? When owners finally realize how badly the dog training community has been lying to them? Your going to have a war on your hands alright.
      And I can't wait for it. The tide is already turning.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  11 месяцев назад +1

      @@ryodogchannel And thanks for the insults by the way. You just confirmed yourself as a dog trainer. You are the only ones fighting this.
      Funny how that is. trainers are the only ones fighting the science. Trying to shut me up and shut me out. Well, not happening, good luck with that.
      Positive reinforcement my ass. You are negative reinforcement.

  • @primalcritters
    @primalcritters 10 месяцев назад +1

    I need to see video proof from you. It sounds like you use play instead? Ivan Balbalov is a trainer that I don't think anybody can debate against as his methods speak for themself.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  10 месяцев назад

      I have all kinds of videos. And I would go toe to toe with any of your dog training heros.

  • @Armorakc
    @Armorakc 10 месяцев назад

    How would you then simply stop your dog pulling or play bitting if he is not listening to you ?? Not making any sense….

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  10 месяцев назад

      I ask what is the reason for the dog pulling. There are many possible reasons. Breed could be part of it. Fear will definitely make a dog pull. Dogs isn't getting enough exercise over all will do it. etc.
      Understand the reason, fix the reason, and the pulling stops. Behaviours are not conditions - they are a result of the environment, not an internal act of free will. You can suppress behaviours, but you can't fix them.

    • @Armorakc
      @Armorakc 10 месяцев назад

      @@roberthynesdogtraining The problem is sometimes there is no reason they just do not know what to do and when you show them nicely then sometimes they choose not to do it and wanna go back to their free flow mode or whatever.
      At that time you need operational methods to first nicely ask them to do what they were shown to do and then, if they don’t still listen, you make them do what they were trained to do with the least intrusive and aversive method, adjusted to your dog and your relationship with the dog.

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  10 месяцев назад

      @@Armorakc I seriously wish people would sit down and read B.f Skinner - the very man that trainers blame for this "dog training" BS.
      You would realize you are being lied to in spades by the dog training community.
      There is no science to this nonsense.

    • @angelinacamacho8575
      @angelinacamacho8575 8 месяцев назад

      to stop pulling i just turn in the opposite direction of where my dog wants to go and then I stop the walk, step on the leash so he cant move, then contiue the walk once he is calm. he also knows the look at me command so i can take his focus off of whatever and put it back on to me. as for play biting i just either end the play session, find him a much better toy to play with, teach him how to settle down when i say to, or i take it as a sign that he needs to go outside and run around. this is also why i take him to the dog park because it allows him to play with others who more suited for playing his way. training is all about consistency and isnt something that can be done over night. it took me a year to get my dog to stop pulling on leash because he has a high prey drive and loves meeting other dogs. he is part besenji so he loves going after birds, kids, and joggers which is where teaching him look at me and leave it came in handy. because he loves other dogs I gave him a friend command to let him know its ok to go see a dog on or off leash. with play biting ending the session and not getting him too riled up seemed to help the most along with not using my hands or feet as play items.

  • @TARP..
    @TARP.. 5 месяцев назад

    What do we gain from dog walking only the dog has anything to gain ..dog training is all about dog walking ..in away just do nothing its a shiz show..it should be trained as a puppy not to want a long line otherwise just let him pizz and play around blah blah blah

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  5 месяцев назад

      Nothing like a nice calm walk to build that relationship with a dog.

  • @RobiPerk0125
    @RobiPerk0125 10 месяцев назад +1

    instead of criticized everyone while you are sitting in Ur cough u can provide Ur Training Knowledge making a Video in ur channel on how to properly trained a dog , for example make a video of off leash training or Non Pull on the leash with a HUSKY or German shepherd for example I really want to see that make a video of a recall training with a Husky hahahahahaha i really want to see how u do it hahahaa

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  10 месяцев назад

      I don't train recall. #Trusttechnique

    • @RobiPerk0125
      @RobiPerk0125 10 месяцев назад

      @@roberthynesdogtraining u can show ur trust technique? Make a video on how ur trust technique works on a Untrained DOg using ur unique trust technique please I really wanna see that shit 😂

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  10 месяцев назад

      @@RobiPerk0125 Search my youtube channel or go elsewhere. I'm here to help owners - and you're arguing for the sake of arguing.
      I can't wait til tools are banned. Whatever will you do?

    • @RobiPerk0125
      @RobiPerk0125 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@roberthynesdogtraining ok when tools are ban what everyone will do then?? For example get the dog for walk ,without any tools at all everyone in the world with no leashes no nothing how they going to walk there dogs ???? Off leash? Everyone in the world???? The trust technique going to work? When a danger random strong dog approach ur off leash well trained with ur trust technique training method Dog ...hahahahahahaha dude all what u saying not even make any sense hahaha😂😂😂😂😂😂🤭

    • @roberthynesdogtraining
      @roberthynesdogtraining  10 месяцев назад +1

      @@RobiPerk0125 Are you a trainer or an owner? I walk my dog off leash. Why can't you? You won't look into the videos - but want to argue.
      What are you scared of? Change?