Great to see you, Barry! I think the look on your face talking about the first fragrance said it all. 😄 I am an Alien fan, though, so the last one sounds pretty good, too. Cheers 👍🏼
Thank Barry! Not sure if they changed the formula of Detour Noir, but I have the original version in the black box and it's a beast. Nearly identical to Layton in the air.
I think you are one of the few to like the Detour Noir bottle. I have it and I must say the juice is close to PDM Layton for most of the gen pop to not know the difference and for me to sell my 2019 Layton
Middle Eastern Fragrance Haul 🎉Detour Noir is great. Like the sound of the Rasasi and Lattafa 👍
I'm glad you're back Barry! ...
Love these first impressions videos
the man is baaack!
Glad to see you Barry
Nice having you back !!! Hope you are well. Cheers !
Good to have you back .
Finally a new first impressions video 😍 Great to see you again Barry! Regards from Spain!
Love the reaction to the first fragrance! :)
Great to see you, Barry! I think the look on your face talking about the first fragrance said it all. 😄 I am an Alien fan, though, so the last one sounds pretty good, too. Cheers 👍🏼
Hi, I missed you, good to see you back
I’m surprised you’ve got time Barry with all the shows you go to,always an enjoyable watch buddy you’ll soon get back into the groove 👍
Very nice haul sir.
Barry is back in da house..
Nice to have you back Baz.... ❤
Good to see you Barry , I've got detour noir and it's ok , I think the perfume parlour version smells closer and has better performance tho 👍
Nice to see you bud!
The man, The myth, The legend🙌🏿🙌🏿
Thank Barry! Not sure if they changed the formula of Detour Noir, but I have the original version in the black box and it's a beast. Nearly identical to Layton in the air.
I think you are one of the few to like the Detour Noir bottle. I have it and I must say the juice is close to PDM Layton for most of the gen pop to not know the difference and for me to sell my 2019 Layton
So would you say Opulent Red is a safe wear for guys? I know it leads feminine but is it fair to say that it’s truly unisex??