John Prepares the Way

  • Опубликовано: 31 май 2024
  • It was time for God to break in with His kingdom, but John must first prepare the hearts to receive what Jesus would do.
    This video is designed to be used in small groups. When you have gathered your group, begin with prayer.
    Icebreaker: Tell about a time you spent in the wilderness away from civilization.
    Watch the video. Use the head questions to help the group retell the story. Then read the text, Matthew 3:1-17. Use the rest of the question to spark some conversation.
    Head Questions - get the facts straight
    1. What was the message John was proclaiming to the people?
    2. Where did John’s preaching take place?
    3. Who was the prophet Isaiah talking about when he said, “He is a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the LORD’s coming! Clear the road for him!’ ” Matthew 3:3.
    4. Describe John’s clothes.
    5. Where did the people come from that wanted to listen to John preach?
    6. After they confessed their sins, what did John do?
    7. Who did John describe as snakes?
    8. What could God make stones into in our story?
    9. John baptized with water for repentance, but what will Jesus baptize people with?
    10. What will Jesus do after he separates the straw from the good grain?
    11. What happened when John baptized Jesus?
    Heart Questions - dig deeper
    1. As you read Matthew 3:1, what do we learn about the importance of God’s timing?
    2. What is the significance of John proclaiming the message of repentance in the wilderness of Judea? The Israelites had wandered 40 years in the wilderness to get their hearts ready for what? Why is it important to get our hearts ready?
    3. Why was it important for people to come to someplace different, such as the wilderness, to hear John versus preaching in the temple courts in Jerusalem?
    4. What is symbolic of John's clothing versus what the religious leaders would wear?
    5. Why was John’s message of repentance so significant compared to having regret or remorse? Repent means “to change one’s mind and act on that change.”
    6. What does the fruit of repentance look like?
    7. Why did people need to get their hearts right before Jesus began his ministry? How can we get our hearts ready for worship, and how does that impact us?
    8. Why does John call the Pharisees and Sadducees a brood of vipers or snakes? Why is the symbolism of the snake so important, especially when you think of what happened in Genesis chapter three?
    9. Why did people need to renew their covenant with God through a baptism of repentance? Why is it essential for us to today to go through a time of spiritual renewal?
    10. Why did John need to challenge the religious leaders about their thinking about being saved? How can false assumptions affect how we see the Lord and our need for repentance and faith?
    11. What is significant about an axe of judgment at the trees' root, symbolic of unproductive lives?
    12. What does John mean when he describes the one coming after him (Jesus) who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire, and how does this tie in with Pentecost? Why is purification associated with fire, especially the Holy Spirit?
    13. Why was it significant that when Jesus came out of the water, the Spirit of God descended on him, and the voice was heard about the Holy Spirit? What does this tell you about the importance of the baptism of Jesus by John?
    Hands Questions - application
    1. What does this story tell you about God breaking into our lives?
    2. What did you learn that will help you with your walk with Jesus?
    3. What is the theme for today?
    End with Prayer
    More Resources:
    Blog: Seven coordinating blogs begin here: lightofchristj...
    Webpage: www.lightofchr...
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