The 195 couldn't have been working the 0920 from Blackpool North - it would have been going the other way! In any case, 195s are thought to have not worked Blackpool North - York trains until the start of the present timetable, i.e. from 15 December. 195s did run over the Copy Pit line prior to that date, but only on driver training trips. However I can't find any record of such a trip having taken place at the time/date quoted. Are you sure you've got the correct date?
The date and time are right. I had to go on up there on that Saturday to get East Lancashire Railway's day out with Thomas. The time comes straight off the camera. 16 minutes after Brierfield LC and 32 mins before Huncoat LC.
The 195 couldn't have been working the 0920 from Blackpool North - it would have been going the other way! In any case, 195s are thought to have not worked Blackpool North - York trains until the start of the present timetable, i.e. from 15 December.
195s did run over the Copy Pit line prior to that date, but only on driver training trips. However I can't find any record of such a trip having taken place at the time/date quoted. Are you sure you've got the correct date?
The date and time are right. I had to go on up there on that Saturday to get East Lancashire Railway's day out with Thomas. The time comes straight off the camera. 16 minutes after Brierfield LC and 32 mins before Huncoat LC.