Just putting my '59 back together. Not restoring it, but might later on. It's been in bits for years, but now I have referbed my shed and got the 87 GPX 750R F1 back together, I got time for it. Don't think I'll try fitting indicators as you don't have to pre 1986 and they were not fitted standard. I learned with hand signals anyway.
I love the huge metal tank badges on these late AJS's and Matchless's. Great bike.
Just putting my '59 back together. Not restoring it, but might later on. It's been in bits for years, but now I have referbed my shed and got the 87 GPX 750R F1 back together, I got time for it. Don't think I'll try fitting indicators as you don't have to pre 1986 and they were not fitted standard. I learned with hand signals anyway.
& norton oil pumps as well!!!
I think it was called a Septre ? but I was only one when it was built lol
and i,m saving hard to come and buy another this year from you (c11g 1955 purchased in March i think ) cash lol