Mystery Of The Ancient Elongated Skull Phenomenon

  • Опубликовано: 18 май 2024

Комментарии • 123

  • @Lillilady888
    @Lillilady888 Месяц назад +11

    It's a travesty that archaeologists and scientists are too afraid to reveal the real truth because they know...

    • @quailshootr6389
      @quailshootr6389 Месяц назад

      Brien believes Earth is a spinning ball due to big bang thus evolution,,,basically no God, no Creater, so of course if he knew the truth about the skulls, he would probably hesitate to dilvuge the findings or hide truth...

  • @dubselectorr345
    @dubselectorr345 Месяц назад +27

    This alone is significant evidence of a lost civilization

    • @SynchronicityCentral
      @SynchronicityCentral Месяц назад +1

      and/or misappropriated.

    • @user-or2gn3ux7v
      @user-or2gn3ux7v Месяц назад

      @@SynchronicityCentral seems to me that whenever humans or humanoids have a civilization that it is very brutal and bloody

  • @kenrik2105
    @kenrik2105 Месяц назад +8

    The Anunnaki were said to have elongated skulls. They had colonies around the world. These could be their descendants.

    • @kifi672
      @kifi672 Месяц назад +1

      but they are said to be giants. These are not. There are statues of Annunakis holding a lion, these have "normal" round heads.

  • @tiportangeles2696
    @tiportangeles2696 Месяц назад +11

    I wonder if the Parachas Natives were related to the Catalina Islands off California? They were red headed Natives there. They were 7-9 feet tall.

    • @LeeGee
      @LeeGee Месяц назад


  • @FJL
    @FJL Месяц назад +5

    Great work, Brien! You’ve come a long way from when I remember you first started on this research less than a decade ago. I also remember the naysayers which of course are still around but now on a different titter tat. You have brought respectability to the topic and awakened many of the silent ‘eggheads’ in Academia.
    The prevalence and widespread examples of ‘red’ hair is also fascinating. Red hair peoples have been found in Nevada, China, Florida, the Middle East and Africa.
    Seems this might be a smaller but much more expansive group throughout the globe. Maybe even Atlantean origins.
    Sitting silent, attentive and in complete awe! Thank you.

  • @robtennapel78
    @robtennapel78 Месяц назад +14

    Why is this not researched better…. Amazing stuff. By the way the Nazca mummy’s are real. Look at the research the did…

    • @Auggie_Erebus_Wolfy
      @Auggie_Erebus_Wolfy Месяц назад

      Why is it not researched better? Caiques, that's why. jehovah-satan's ch0sen sheeple recoil in agony once truth is revealed. It's actually kinda' hilarious.

    • @Lillilady888
      @Lillilady888 Месяц назад +3

      Exactly! Perhaps works for Peru government. 😮

    • @lousid171
      @lousid171 Месяц назад +3

      Dear Mr. Foerster, until now I had held you in high esteem. But here you dismiss the Nazca mummies as forgeries. Seriously - are you being forced or bribed to say this? Or are you simply biased and completely uninformed about the current state of research into these anomalous beings?
      I see it as your responsibility to immediately inform yourself about this and to distance yourself from the Peruvian Ministry of Culture's red herring.

    • @Auggie_Erebus_Wolfy
      @Auggie_Erebus_Wolfy Месяц назад +2

      @@lousid171 Yes. Beautifully put. It truly IS his responsibility.

  • @paulmanuse2353
    @paulmanuse2353 Месяц назад +7

    I think the eyes should be larger? Always interesting!

  • @JasonJowett
    @JasonJowett Месяц назад +3

    How elongated is Briens skull, we must wonder...

  • @Mithras444
    @Mithras444 Месяц назад +4

    This is the first time I have ever seen the baby ones. I couldn't imagine seeing these people walking around and talking to you?!😳

    • @OneHippiesMusings
      @OneHippiesMusings Месяц назад

      Might not have to imagine if you make it through the next 20yrs or so.

  • @QuaaludeCharlie
    @QuaaludeCharlie Месяц назад +5

    Thank you Brian for being a Writer . This is Exciting to See another group of beings .

  • @noviks58
    @noviks58 Месяц назад +10

    Thank you, Brien.

  • @mrwolf750
    @mrwolf750 Месяц назад +4

    I think you need to do an episode on that guy from Spain @10:23

  • @finley.h
    @finley.h Месяц назад +4

    Imitation is the greatest admiration.

  • @SumNumber
    @SumNumber Месяц назад +2

    I think where Akhenaten made his ignorant mistake was when he mistook the Sun as being the end all and not realizing the Sun was/is only acting within the set boundaries laid out for it. He did recognize the Sun as being alive/living but stopped short . Every time I see these skulls I get a really strange feeling about them. Shudder ? Thanks for the share on this Brien and many are looking into the DNA aspect that you have brought to the surface. :O)

  • @forgottenknowledge8917
    @forgottenknowledge8917 Месяц назад +6

    Some Rothschild heads are long.

  • @KarenSanderson1
    @KarenSanderson1 Месяц назад +6

    I like the world map!

  • @marianne8ate
    @marianne8ate Месяц назад +7

    absolutely facilitated

    • @Mike9201984
      @Mike9201984 Месяц назад +1

      So very facilitated by this

  • @christymccullough7306
    @christymccullough7306 Месяц назад +4

    L. A. Marzulli has info also

  • @tillyjohnson5160
    @tillyjohnson5160 Месяц назад +6

    Why doesn't anybody think that they could have had flying machines. Thier brain volume was basically double in a lot of cases. We when from horse and buggie to airplanes in 1903 basically the same time we started making cars and we had hot air balloons way before that and we have tiny brains compared to them and yet people keep on wondering if its possible they built and sailed in a ship.

    • @simonruszczak5563
      @simonruszczak5563 Месяц назад

      There was a global high tech civilisation like ours until 1,500 years ago, they're where destroyed by debris from a comet. They built the Gothic buildings.видео.htmlвидео.html

    • @angiebear8727
      @angiebear8727 Месяц назад +1

      I’d imagine even though they didn’t have the machines we have they probably had gliders of some sort. Would’ve used height and wind resistance. No long flights as we know them. more like kite type tech. Don’t think that’s impossible

    • @simonruszczak5563
      @simonruszczak5563 Месяц назад

      Some basic information survived from their high tech civilisation.
      The Hindu Swastika symbol represented the planet Jupiter. A spinning cross made from 2 lightning bolts (ZZ) and 4 dots. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet, has 2 types of lightning and 4 main moons.
      The Star of David symbol represented the planet Saturn. A six pointed star with a hexagon at the centre. Saturn has 6 main rings and a hexagon at its poles.
      Before the Julian Calendar, Mars day (Tuesday) was the 2nd day of the week, Jupiter day the 4th, and Saturn day the 6th . Mars has 2 moons.
      To know that information the previous civilisation would have had at least the same technology as us.

  • @edser_b
    @edser_b Месяц назад +3

    Whoever is changing slides before Brien has finished talking about what's in the slide, really needs to take a chill pill. I cant keep pausing the video on every slide. Frustrating.

  • @richardcrow3042
    @richardcrow3042 Месяц назад +2

    Humans have 46 chromosomes
    What species has 48 ?
    The Great Apes no tails.

  • @StevoRicho
    @StevoRicho Месяц назад +2

    You've changed Brien !😱😔

  • @marianne8ate
    @marianne8ate Месяц назад +4

    any facial rebuilding, to see what they might have looked like?

    • @dubselectorr345
      @dubselectorr345 Месяц назад +1

      Yes he worked with a forensics specialist who did that

    • @LichtAnker.
      @LichtAnker. Месяц назад +2

      11:10 🙂

    • @Auggie_Erebus_Wolfy
      @Auggie_Erebus_Wolfy Месяц назад

      @@LichtAnker. Those reconstructions are pathetic and false. google "Marc LaPlume" and get a much better idea of what these idiots looked like.

  • @p.bateman7033
    @p.bateman7033 Месяц назад +4

    Incredible! 😮

  • @weekendmom
    @weekendmom Месяц назад

    Brien, have you ever looked into elongated skulls of the people who lived around the Black Sea, the ancestors of the Paracas people?

  • @carlstanwick7287
    @carlstanwick7287 Месяц назад +2

    Love and peace always, WOW ☝️💚

  • @chuckyz2
    @chuckyz2 Месяц назад +12

    What was the fathers dna on the real elongated skulls? You no longer talk about that, do you Brien? Can you at least tell us why?

    • @olliefoxx7165
      @olliefoxx7165 Месяц назад

      Well, will you please elaborate on the matter?

    • @chuckyz2
      @chuckyz2 Месяц назад +3

      @@olliefoxx7165 When Brien first got DNA results, only the mothers DNA was human. The fathers was unknown. Not Homo Sapien. It was not from anything known. Now to clarify, those DNA test were not from skulls that were boarded. They were from the anomalous ones. The ones that were much larger than human. THe ones missing the suture and hole for the spine in wrong place. They also had much larger eye sockets and other anomalies he no longer talks about.

    • @chuckyz2
      @chuckyz2 Месяц назад +5

      @@olliefoxx7165 I know what they are and so does he. For some reason he does not want to be truthful anymore. Maybe to keep from losing his channel? Maybe he was paid off to steer us in the wrong direction. IDK. I do know he is not being honest anymore.

    • @chuckyz2
      @chuckyz2 Месяц назад +8

      @@olliefoxx7165 In this video, he doesnt mention the mom or the dad. Just that the DNA is not native to the areas people. It is the mothers DNA he is talking about. Because the fathers side of the DNA is of an unknown entity or species.

    • @chuckyz2
      @chuckyz2 Месяц назад +9

      Genesis 6 1-4
      And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
      2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
      3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
      4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
      Not only is it Biblical, most cultures folklore, writings and drawings speak of the giants (nephilim). The ones pre-flood were much larger than say, Goliath. He was 10 to 12 feet tall. Post flood giants reappear starting with Gilgamesh and eventually many cities full of them in the promise land that Joshua had to exterminate. from there some fled the country and ended up in the Americas where Briens coneheads were found. Along with every other continents. Even is the United States. Many were documented when the mounds across the states were dug up in the 1800's and early 1900's. The Indians all across America tell of them. THe most common being the red headed giants with 6 fingers and toes. Lovelock Cave. All of which were either carted off to the smithsonian or someones private collection never to be seen again.
      Have Brien tell you how when they used cutting wheels to cut into the skulls, they dulled the blades that cut human bone like butter.

  • @utubeape
    @utubeape Месяц назад +3

    Very good.
    What does mainstream science have to say about the findings?

    • @ohnoitsaninja
      @ohnoitsaninja Месяц назад +1

      just bindings to shape the skull growth, nothing to see here, move along
      academia's "main stream science" purpose seems to be to maintain a narrative regarding human races and racism.
      The upholding of the narrative takes precedent over seeking truth, so they cannot acknowledge things like different species of human.

    • @utubeape
      @utubeape Месяц назад +2

      @@ohnoitsaninja yes, investigations into humanities past seems a taboo topic, guarded by Establishment gatekeepers

    • @ohnoitsaninja
      @ohnoitsaninja Месяц назад +2

      @@utubeape my post got deleted, imagine that!

    • @LooksLike-om4df
      @LooksLike-om4df Месяц назад


  • @knutknutsen5610
    @knutknutsen5610 Месяц назад +1

    The elongated shape is definitely there.
    In today’s “normal” populations you will still find both rounded and slightly elongated skull shapes.
    Why is it like that?
    Although it is not the most popular statement, there can be little doubt about the existence of different races between humans.
    In my mind that is just as normal as the existence of different kinds of birds or animals.
    I doubt that there is any credible different explanation, but by all means I am curious to hear other explanations.

  • @onewhostudies6856
    @onewhostudies6856 Месяц назад +2

    Brien what about the Nazca mummies being investigated by Jaime Maussan?

    • @Lillilady888
      @Lillilady888 Месяц назад

      At the end of video he says they are fake made of human and animal bones. Very strange because they are now verified living beings by science. They are far more than just bones - internal organs, foetus, eggs, implants, horizontal fingerprints, different dna, etc. Perhaps he is working for peru government.....

  • @Lillilady888
    @Lillilady888 Месяц назад +1

    He works in the region you think he might have popped round to take a look at the nazca beings. Fishy

    • @pawcket
      @pawcket Месяц назад

      Considering he held the head of one of the beings, a tridactyl -видео.html

  • @garsiaantonio8747
    @garsiaantonio8747 Месяц назад +2


  • @thisyoutube
    @thisyoutube Месяц назад +1

    thank u

  • @benderbender1233
    @benderbender1233 Месяц назад +2


  • @SeaJay_Oceans
    @SeaJay_Oceans Месяц назад +6

    NOT( First )
    :-) let's clone some cone heads and see if they grow up much smarter than round head humans !

  • @OspreyVision
    @OspreyVision Месяц назад

    Put some rlong red hair on the skull 💀

  • @jesperandersson889
    @jesperandersson889 Месяц назад

    Gibbons mentions the existence of strange-looking tribes in the eastern desert of Egypt (extinct likely in prehistory i.e late bronze or so so)

  • @catalystdrive
    @catalystdrive Месяц назад

    Marcia needs to start depicting them more like their proven genetic ancestry and not artistic interpretation, i.e. European features, the blond and red hair, blue and green eyes. 😑

  • @morning7star
    @morning7star Месяц назад +4

    See the Akhenaten/Moses connection. It's obvious that if ancient people elongated their skulls, they were trying to emulate someone or some non human group they admired or worshipped.

  • @TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique
    @TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 15 дней назад

    Akhenaten had an elongated skull? The Templars said that there was an elongated skull with the remains of John, the Baptist, "Jesus" and Mary and children she mothered through both men. I'm positive that my Melungeon bump is a remnant of elongated skulls because I'm told that we only reincarnate through our bloodline and they were my ggp's and I have the bump also, which tells me that there's a connection there that nobody is looking at. There are living descendants of people who had elongated skulls right now. I'd look into cross-checking Melungeon skulls with elongated skulls. I'm very interested to find out if you do and what you find. I have recently begun to believe that Akhenaten was also a ggp. I am almost positive that Ra was a ggf.

    • @TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique
      @TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique 15 дней назад

      Never mind, at 3:35, I can clearly see that bump I referred to, and so can everyone else. Maybe someone will speak on it? I descend from A, B, C, D and X. My haplogroups are supposedly H5a1g1a and R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1e, which is simplified to R-A241 and only 53 other ppl have tested positive with that on FTDNA. I am "pretty confident" that Jesus will have that one or that when the Templars, or whomever has the remains, it will define the haplogroup connection between us. I'm having a bit of a devastating time right now because of reincarnation and who I possibly used to be. It's not small at all.

  • @nancyvolker3342
    @nancyvolker3342 Месяц назад +1

    hey Brien

  • @lousid171
    @lousid171 Месяц назад +4

    Dear Mr. Foerster, until now I had held you in high esteem. But here you dismiss the Nazca mummies as forgeries. Seriously - are you being forced or bribed to say this? Or are you simply biased and completely uninformed about the current state of research into these anomalous beings?
    I see it as your responsibility to immediately inform yourself about this and to distance yourself from the Peruvian Ministry of Culture's red herring.

  • @SynchronicityCentral
    @SynchronicityCentral Месяц назад +3

    Most of the elongated skulls found have been adults? {full grown} If so, could it be that the general shape was indeed inherited, but the length of the elongation was due to a person's age in Earth years?. For example, a 30 yr old's might not appear abnormal at first glance, but someone who lived to be 180 may have elongation.

    • @Weoratii
      @Weoratii Месяц назад +2

      Did you not see the multiple elongated baby skulls? He showed several.

  • @rosajucglaserra4506
    @rosajucglaserra4506 Месяц назад

    You're sure they are fake?...I doubted it...

  • @KKing55
    @KKing55 Месяц назад +2

    Looks Like Obamma~!

  • @DorchesterMom
    @DorchesterMom Месяц назад

    We come from FrAnCe 😅

  • @quailshootr6389
    @quailshootr6389 Месяц назад

    Brien Forrester = controlled opposition

  • @richardcrow3042
    @richardcrow3042 Месяц назад +1

    Pagan Monotheism
    Christian Monotheism
    Whats the difference
    Not killing in his name.

    • @richardcrow3042
      @richardcrow3042 Месяц назад +1

      Humans are thee only hominid
      46 chromosomes minus 1 pair.
      What species has 48 ?

    • @richardcrow3042
      @richardcrow3042 Месяц назад +1

      Only thee Great Apes " No Tail "
      Monkey's as well. "Yes Tail"
      Human Tail. sometimes

  • @williamfields8452
    @williamfields8452 Месяц назад +4

    I think you might have found the sea people. i think the European DNA could have been slaves of war brought back to the Americas.

  • @JohnA000
    @JohnA000 Месяц назад

    But why are the natural ones elongated. And the ones that were not naturally elongated how did they do that and was it painful to the babies. Any idea why they would do that. Any evidence of them ever saying: "we come from France"... just kidding.

  • @brigitakralj6399
    @brigitakralj6399 Месяц назад +1


  • @onewhostudies6856
    @onewhostudies6856 Месяц назад +2

    The longskulls were ETs from a galaxy a few hundred light years away.

  • @dansandulescu1366
    @dansandulescu1366 Месяц назад +1

    It is painful to watch and hear how often the distinguished figure of a luminous spirit, like that of Akhenaton, is associated with THIS representation of a deformed body, surely the product of a sick mind or the gloomy imagination of some novice practicing his skill!
    None of us would believe a text written in chalk on a wall, and yet how strange it is that the opinion generally shared by “researchers” is still based on inscriptions usually engraved over the original text, as usurpers and invaders have always done!
    In Akhenaton's case, it was his murderer (or the one who hired the killer) who ordered the destruction of the flourishing new capital, Amarna, just as Akhenaton's belief in the One and Only God was opposed by the old idolatrous and conspiratorial priesthood thirsty for power!

  • @socratesDude
    @socratesDude Месяц назад

    There was an amazing amount of diversity in the distant past for sure. Looks to me like we killed em all off. Humans seem to excel at that.

  • @user-if4br9rf7f
    @user-if4br9rf7f Месяц назад

    HA HA HAAAAA HA. 😂 😅

    • @jamesthedog7783
      @jamesthedog7783 Месяц назад

      But but but, what about ma god? My bible doesn't cover this so it's all lies

  • @d.l.7399
    @d.l.7399 Месяц назад

    Complete nonsense!!