My TOP 10 Philodendron of ALL TIME!

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 203

  • @samidelfosse587
    @samidelfosse587 Год назад +6

    Still adore my white knight! Grows at a slow and steady pace, while presenting beautiful leaves of green and white. 🥰

  • @beckyfrichek8190
    @beckyfrichek8190 Год назад +5

    Micans! I’ve had mine for several years and it is hanging in a window along my staircase, so I pass it multiple times a day, and it still never fails to give me a little boost of joy every time I see it. I think it makes me like the plants next to it more than I would otherwise. It just makes everything look good.
    And I am thrilled to have just gotten a Florida Ghost cutting this week! They are not generally available from a lot of sellers in the States, but I just found a local-ish Facebook group where a few people have them. But I do have a couple Florida Greens, and I really really enjoy them.

  • @rosine2011
    @rosine2011 Год назад +6

    My top 5 this year are
    Florida Ghost
    El Choco
    Prince of Orange
    Silver sword

  • @mollusc3125
    @mollusc3125 Год назад +42

    With you on gloriosum being number 1! I’m gonna be chomping at the bit waiting for your anthurium top 10 🥵

    • @oliverpiong6558
      @oliverpiong6558 Год назад

      omg spoilers

    • @mollusc3125
      @mollusc3125 Год назад

      @@oliverpiong6558 was it really ever going to be anything else? 😂

  • @warp871
    @warp871 Год назад +4

    my favourite philodendron is the esmeraldense, I find it to be very easy to grow and it sizes up FAST. mine went from a small one leaf cutting to 22" leaves in 1 year. (I'm growing the narrow form specifically). just beautiful and easy going. the undulate mature leaves are something else.

    • @jmacd98
      @jmacd98 Год назад

      I’m with you on the esmeraldense, such a beautiful plant, and definitely one of my favourites. I’ll look forward to getting leaves as big as yours.

  • @TabiLovesAroids
    @TabiLovesAroids Год назад +2

    I just saw El choco red at a garden center yesterday! I live in Pennsylvania for reference. It was a lot more stunning in person than I expected. I may have to go back and bring him home❤

  • @arches00
    @arches00 Год назад +2

    Oh gosh! I can’t imagine how hard it would be to pick your top favs. Mine change all the time but my favs that never are off the list is micans (YAS! So sexy), Florida ghost, and golden dragon. But some new favs are the Sharoniae, Red Moon, and my Nangaritense (subtle but I somehow love the fat little heart shape and a little fuzz! ❤️)

  • @kimr4741
    @kimr4741 Год назад +2

    love my mican! mine is still young so i have her on a small trellis and she's so happy and she grows daily such a fun plant. thank you for sharing all of your knowledge, you have given me so much confidence to try plants i would have never tried.

  • @MissSyrinxie
    @MissSyrinxie Год назад +3

    I absolutely love the look of Philodendron Verrocosum. It's finicky for me to grow, but the fuzzy petioles and red backs of leaves are so gorgeous 😍 I also really love Philo El Choco. Gorgeous plants!

  • @SparkleInMoonlight
    @SparkleInMoonlight Год назад +7

    Kaylee, you missed Splendid and Glorius - they are awesome. Also for myself, I would have to put there Painted Lady - she really grew on me somehow. And what about Esmeraldense and Spiritus Sancti?
    I´d love to see top 10 alocasias :-) I´d put Silver Dragon on the top closely followed by Ninja and Regal Shield :-D
    However, it´s really tough to pick top 10 when there are so many awesome ones in the genus.
    Maranta would be easy top 10 🙂

  • @SrAndresAmor
    @SrAndresAmor 11 месяцев назад

    I’m with you on micans! I actually do like brazil as well and appreciate the subtle, brushy variegation of painted lady and the pink petioles are *chef’s kiss*.

  • @random-code1
    @random-code1 6 месяцев назад

    I am surprised we did not hear of Melanochrysum, which is one of my top favorites but hey Micans is there. Loved the video regardless and was so much fun! (specially when you complain about your own little mistakes haha)

  • @emmastasi
    @emmastasi Год назад +3

    I'm a sucker for velvet leaves, so luxurians, camposportoanum, el choco and verrucosum are high on my list. My el choco is huge and really needs cutting (13" leaf width) but I'm too scared, haha. Dean McDowell & Jose Buono are pretty awesome too, and so easy!

  • @ohrats731
    @ohrats731 Год назад +1

    Maybe my tastes are too mainstream or something, but I really love my painted lady, white princess, tortum, and I actually have a reverted white knight that I love just the way it is. The leaves come out dark pinkish orange and harden down to a blackish purplish green. And the stem is dark purplish burgundy with stark white stripes along the petiole sheath. It’s a sexy plant. I’ve only ever seen them once (which was when I bought mine). It was labeled as white shark, which I think is bs cause nothing comes up when you search that. But anyways, philodendrons are so beautiful and varied, they’ve got to be my favorite genus
    Oh and I like paraiso verde. You can’t convince me otherwise 🤣 I just got one for a realllly nice price 🙌

  • @horace6851
    @horace6851 Год назад +20

    luxurians and el choco are both great (albeit one is a nightmare to grow) but they are so similar that I'm genuinely surprised you didn't put them together and squeezed a billie in :) How could you skip the good old billie....?

    • @enkhzayabat-orgil9595
      @enkhzayabat-orgil9595 Год назад

      Which one is easier to grow?

    • @horace6851
      @horace6851 Год назад

      @@enkhzayabat-orgil9595 El Choco (now named rubrijuvenile) by far!

    • @victoriastewart7116
      @victoriastewart7116 Год назад +3

      Agreed about the Billietiae! So easy, and the leaves size up and get HUGE without being put on a pole! mine is an absolute show plant and I love her 🥰

  • @MichaelDeNicola
    @MichaelDeNicola Год назад +6

    I had to look up the name of the Plowmanii she didn't want to name... It's call the Plowmanii black face 😂 yikes

  • @ollieworth7341
    @ollieworth7341 10 месяцев назад

    i got a basic lil heart leaf philodendron, and a silver pothos a while back. both ended up doing so good that i had to get them friends! found someone selling exotic cuttings for like, 3-5 dollars each so i went over with $100 and bought as much as i could! they were overjoyed hehe even gave me some extras and this absolutely MONSTEROUS creme splash because i really wanted one. got them all planted together now and they are vibing, cannot wait for my grandfather to fix my terrarium so they can go back in. im absolutely obsessed with these plants now, they can go almost everywhere but they especially like my flow barrier on the sponge filter in my 5 gallon aquarium. my betta was getting blown all around so i put a nursery pot to stop the super high flow, and i get plantable cuttings with huge roots within a week in there

  • @FL_Outdoors
    @FL_Outdoors Год назад

    Love the list! One thing I love about Micans is how big the leaves can get when sent up a moss pole! So beautiful!
    Would absolutely love to see you do a short video on one that has very little online about it and nearly no real videos yet. The cross between Philodendron Gloriosum & McCalleys Finale - the Summer Glory. Absolutely beautiful plants! Thank you!

  • @BordeauxNici
    @BordeauxNici Год назад +1

    Love the video and this new series - I am most excited about your top ten Anthurium and Alocasia 😍 My favourite Philodendrons (and yes, I think I know now how you felt, picking out no. 1 and 2 was definitely the hardest 🤗
    1. Philodendron Golden Dragon (and one day, I will get that variaged one, too 😅)
    2. Philodendron Caramel marble var.
    3. Philodendron Florida Beauty
    4. Philodendron Whipple Way (just got my 1-leaf-cutting yesterday 🥳)
    5. Philodendron Florida Ghost
    6. Philosendron Melanochrysum (just wished I could keep mine happy 😅)
    7. Philodendron Snowdrift
    8. Philodendron Ring of Fire
    9. Philodendron Joepii
    10. Philodendron Prince of Orange or McColley‘s Finale (sorry, also „cheating“ a bit XD)
    Can‘t wait for your next video in this series 🥳

  • @lr4796
    @lr4796 Год назад

    The timing of the release for the video I was looking for is almost spooky!

  • @robinbli3221
    @robinbli3221 11 месяцев назад

    I expect to see Sp tropicals under here because of how much you've talked about it recently

  • @ThaoNguyen-hl6mb
    @ThaoNguyen-hl6mb Год назад +1

    I bought a gangly spider mite-ravaged pastazanum silver for $15. She's in my rehab centre now. The ernestii from the same seller had lost the fight 😥, so here's hoping Pasty pulls through. My top 3 philo are all lobed beauties: 1. Florida Ghost, 2. Tortum, 3. Warserwiczii aurea. Fast growing and not fussy about low humidity.

  • @fitvegancatmama
    @fitvegancatmama Год назад

    1000% agree on Lux. It has been one of my top fav Philo for a long time. It's absolutely stunning and I can't believe more people don't have them. Also high up on my list is the Poly. I love how dainty and soft the leaves are in comparison to the Tortum. And they have lobes! Top 10 (not variegated) for me would be:
    - Poly
    - Lux
    - El Choco
    - Mexicanum
    - Longilobatum
    - 69686
    - Majestic
    - Serpens Chocolate
    - Gloriosum
    - Colombia
    And an honorable mention for the Lemon Lime Heartleaf. A big, bushy, trailing pot always brings me joy 💖

  • @Lanasleaves
    @Lanasleaves Год назад

    P. Glorious, P. Gigas and P. Splendid!
    I think Gigas absolutely deserves more attention than it gets

  • @purrshark
    @purrshark Год назад

    17:41 I love my el choco. They aren’t in a lot of nurseries in the US but I can get them for $20-$25 for a 2-4 leaf plant from local and National sellers. I love how thick their leaves are!❤

  • @a7xxlove7
    @a7xxlove7 Год назад

    I agree that I don't see people talking about el choco red! It's a gorgeous plant. It's been a wishlist plant of mine and I just got one this week! I was extremely shocked to find one in a local plant shop, as I'd never seen them in person anywhere or even much online.

  • @Fyralynn
    @Fyralynn Год назад

    I absolutely love the El Choco, but when I last check the pricing on the few propagations that I did find. I kinda went, 'Yeah, I can wait'.

  • @TDN3052
    @TDN3052 Год назад +1

    I'm surprised you didn't put billietae, but everything you did put makes sense! My favorite philo has to be a three-way tie between billie, gloriosum, and subhastatum 💚 though my golden crocodile has to be close runner up.

  • @lsingasongco
    @lsingasongco Год назад +1

    Please do top 10 syngoniums!!! 💚

  • @TheBarefootedGardener
    @TheBarefootedGardener Год назад

    Spathiphyllum would be nice, I feel like that’s an under appreciated genus.

  • @melanielopez4236
    @melanielopez4236 Год назад +7

    Do Monstera and hoya ❤😂

  • @DuneGlam
    @DuneGlam Год назад

    Yes! I love my micans too! It gets invasive but I don’t mind!

  • @Ingjez1
    @Ingjez1 Год назад

    💯 #1 Gloriosum being my most rewarding philo
    #2 Splendid 😍
    #3 Florida Beauty 🤩
    But I also love my lemon lime so bushy trailing, the contrast against the micans on opposite sides✨💚

  • @Jayl__
    @Jayl__ Год назад

    I love my el choco red it’s a sturdy slowish grower and I casually sell plants too but not the elchoco. They also have such small internodal space making it tough to cut. Unlike the splendid, which grows super fast and I need to get a new pot soon. This one stayed in the same pole the full season.

  • @JoannaTedder
    @JoannaTedder Год назад

    Thanks for a great video! I would love to see you a favourites on maranta leuconeura, or any type of video on those - they are not talked about much. And since you have Guss, well, he is a show stopper!

  • @chrisjabr8638
    @chrisjabr8638 Год назад +2

    Would love a syngonium top 10

  • @tim_meister
    @tim_meister Год назад

    I imported a squamicaule. It's not TECHNICALLY dead. It is showing signs of life, but it is just a stump, basically. I've had it for a couple months now.

    • @lumi8973
      @lumi8973 Год назад +1

      Feel you. Ordered my first squamicaule from within my country, still didn't make it after only 2 nights in the mail. Just started a second attempt, picked it up in person this time, and he still threw a little fit because of the environment change. Stable in my greenhouse now, we'll see how it goes

  • @ClaraRenway
    @ClaraRenway 7 месяцев назад

    I ordered a baby Spiritus Sancti and Whipple Way today, £41 for the pair so like the price has definitely dropped. Spiritus Sancti was £99 when I was looking in 2023.

  • @TheSunDancerPlantHub
    @TheSunDancerPlantHub Год назад

    I finally purchased a gloriosum after wanting one for years.. the good thing is, as you’ve mentioned, they are now much more affordable.. I have both the McDowell and paztazanum which are also beautiful until as you said they get leggy. Would love to get my hands on that el Choco red. 😊

  • @stephneygreen
    @stephneygreen Год назад

    I don't own many Philodendron, only my Splendid (you mentioned that is was easy once, so I went for it), a hairy hybrid and Micans. I got my Micans climbing on a bamboo rack and the leaves get huge! it is gorgeous - now it reached the top and I can't extend anymore, so the rest will need to trail 😁

  • @isabellemaurice5815
    @isabellemaurice5815 11 месяцев назад

    Oh merci pour cette vidéo ! Comme pour chacune de celles que vous nous offrez 😊
    Mon philodendron préfèré est actuellement le "philodendron lemon lime" 💛 celui qui a des feuilles en forme de coeur.
    Il est réellement très beau, acheté chez Truffaut il y a dix mois, il a plus que doublé de taille !
    Très généreux, il grandit vite, j'en prépare des boutures pour une amie. Très facile à vivre : chez moi, l'humidité = 30% seulement !
    Il a tous les talents 🤩
    A vous 🍀

  • @passionateplantperson
    @passionateplantperson Год назад +1

    Still in Love with my sp silver/Columbia/El guapo……my el Choco has never really established itself. Bad genetics I suppose. Would love a video on your take on the newer philodendron hybrids.

  • @gnomelie
    @gnomelie Год назад

    Just spotted a florida ghost yesterday in a garden center in the Netherlands, only €25 for a plant with multiple leaves!

    • @andyx6827
      @andyx6827 Год назад

      Nice! Do you have recommendations for some good garden centers near the German border? I'd love to visit you guys for some plant shopping :)

  • @Chrisvx220
    @Chrisvx220 Год назад

    Ring of fire imo is no1 absolutely stunning plants

  • @saschasmit8176
    @saschasmit8176 Год назад

    I looove a large melanochrysum, when their small and tiny they are prone to be difficult to soze up but I started with a large plant already. It makes it easier, still fussy but I like to work and care for my plants😊 and it really seems they do not need water, at all. If I give him water once per week in summer, he will make a fuzz about it and reject the newest leave🙄 other than that, what a beauty

  • @krissscaglione1174
    @krissscaglione1174 Год назад

    Hoya please!! Maybe a full Hoya tour with growth updates and Hoyas that are on your wishlist❤❤❤

  • @manabushltd3250
    @manabushltd3250 Год назад

    My number one weirdly is Joepii - really easy, fast growers - and i love anything with a weird leaf! Would LOVE a lelano miyano

  • @jojosandgigi
    @jojosandgigi Год назад

    Tthe florida ghost is my all time favorite philodendron to grow. I guess its because i love a climber over a creepr. So FLOGHO would be my number 1... also love your videos , thank you! Hope you love the new car!!

  • @useryelly9457
    @useryelly9457 Год назад

    I would love to see a video on ID’s on dark philodendron. Like dark lord, Bloody Mary, Majesty, etc. This one is great I put the Ghost first such a amazing plant.

  • @plantypittsburgh
    @plantypittsburgh Год назад

    Gloriosum. I have a pinker, speckley one and just a regular.
    Florida ghost
    Florida beauty
    Bicolor! People sleep on bicolor. It's dark, narrow, strappy and grows so pretty.

  • @lisajames6479
    @lisajames6479 Год назад

    Would love a Syngonium video!

  • @maxxim2934
    @maxxim2934 Год назад

    Just bought gloriosum dark form last week. It is gorgeous!

  • @hollysmith9549
    @hollysmith9549 Год назад

    Can you do a hoya update? I’m rewatching your past hoya hauls from a few years ago and want to see how large and beautiful they are or which ones you don’t have anymore

  • @aaronvanderstichele8018
    @aaronvanderstichele8018 Год назад

    The el choco's are in boxstores in the Netherlands now :)

  • @skyangelthefan
    @skyangelthefan Год назад

    😂 “I don’t mind a bit of hairy sH!t or at least, it is a petal.” 🙌👍🙌

  • @zandrah496
    @zandrah496 Год назад

    I saw Gloriosum, Pastazanum silver and some other heart leaf philos, in a hardware store for €10 the other week here in Germany.

  • @luizabreu4918
    @luizabreu4918 Год назад

    Love The gloriossum too

  • @justanotherfaceinthecrowd
    @justanotherfaceinthecrowd Год назад

    I have most of these but you can keep the whippleway

  • @SrAndresAmor
    @SrAndresAmor 11 месяцев назад

    Would love to see hoya, aglaonema, or syngonium.

  • @melissawest4285
    @melissawest4285 Год назад

    You forgot P. Warszewiczii! Green or Aurea form! Pick one, they are both beautiful! You forgot! How how how can you not love it and add it to this list?!

  • @aidensiessmayer5615
    @aidensiessmayer5615 Год назад

    The pastzanum white looks like if you hybridized a pastazanum and sodioroi....

  • @od.vandeveer
    @od.vandeveer Год назад

    I just got a small el choco red. I think it is a TC plant.

  • @tdillonaniawhitaker1200
    @tdillonaniawhitaker1200 Год назад +1

    I love my Ghost 👻 such a grate plant mine has gotten huge . My gloriosum is big and beautiful but recently it's had issues unfurling it leafs , don't know why or how to help .

  • @par3433
    @par3433 Год назад

    Great list! Torture would be super high on mine though I haven’t heard you speak much of it!

  • @kimberlyfitz-fagan5023
    @kimberlyfitz-fagan5023 Год назад

    Alocasias please ♥️ and a whole lot more lol ♥️ love love loved this video!!

  • @marsf4883
    @marsf4883 Год назад

    Alocasia would be fun! Or hoya! 😊

  • @jamal5714
    @jamal5714 Год назад

    Philodenron panduriforme is pretty underrated

  • @henriquepaula8452
    @henriquepaula8452 2 месяца назад

    My top 3 Patríciae, Verrucosun, Spitus Sancti

  • @chantecampbell2207
    @chantecampbell2207 Год назад

    I must be basic too.
    Top 10
    1. Micans
    2. Splendid
    3. Jerry Horne, Mexicanum, Atapoense
    4. Tripartitum
    5. Melinonii
    6. Jose Buono
    7. Bicolor
    8. Variegated heartleaf
    9. McDowell
    10. Florida Bronze
    (After 1 they may not be in order.)

  • @connoruriarte6888
    @connoruriarte6888 Год назад

    Regular golden dragon deff. Ghost is top 5. Still love PPP, it's a classic.
    I think Florida Beauty should be up there.
    No love for the Carmel Marble??

  • @edwardboyd3660
    @edwardboyd3660 Месяц назад

    Great video! I live in Portugal but moving to Spain later this year. What are the best suppliers of Philodendrons to these countries? I know Portugal can hold up some shipments from the US, UK and possibly other places so curious the best sources. Thanks

  • @bridgitschnur2916
    @bridgitschnur2916 Год назад

    My hairy stemmed plants are my most popular selling plants I have here in Texas, United States. 🇺🇸

  • @thepsyrates3835
    @thepsyrates3835 Год назад

    Spiritus sancti, Jose buono, Splendid, Atabapoense, Glorious, Melanochrysum, Esmeraldense, Patriciae, Sodiroi, Mamei. Next up top 10 Anthuriums of all time?

  • @vivianle6877
    @vivianle6877 Год назад

    Please do top 10 hoyas !

  • @Lela-plants
    @Lela-plants Год назад

    My kittens and adult cats have left my philodendrons alone. Except for my heart leaf and one of my older cats destroyed it. Lol. Literally pulled the leaves off. Didn’t eat them. Just played with them. 🙄. But after having only nubbins of stems, they are coming back slowly. So slowly.
    The actual kittens (5 months old boys ), mostly like the golden pothos. They bite and nibble them, I move them and I redirect their attention. They don’t seem to have any issues with them. I know they are listed as poisonous but I have many mangled leaves that say otherwise. My older cats generally leave the plants alone so I was unprepared for babies. I’m trying to teach them to live with the plants. We are getting better.
    Lol. I didn’t set out to be a cat lady. We had 2 and my daughter found one in her school dumpster. That was it for 12 years. Then someone moved off and left a young cat outside. (I know, bastards). One of our oldest passed and went for a kitten for her to play with. We ended up getting 2. Lol. So now I’m a family of cat ladies lol. The oldest is 16 and then a 12 y/o, so I know that we will be back to 3 sooner rather than later.

  • @randioneal4553
    @randioneal4553 Год назад


  • @effmyefrain
    @effmyefrain 8 месяцев назад

    The hairy comment got me lmao

  • @Sarahoi1391
    @Sarahoi1391 Год назад +1

    Please do anthurium 😁

  • @Paula-sw2tt
    @Paula-sw2tt 2 месяца назад

    Speaking of trailing plant, my favorite is not a Philodendron. It is the Manjula Pothos. As for the P. Micans, I don't like it. I have had it before and it did not do well for me, so I'll pass. Top of my wish list of Philodendron (I only have two in my house currently, because I have naughty cats) is the Florida Ghost. Your #1 is too big for me, but it is gorgeous.

  • @FloridaHiker619
    @FloridaHiker619 Год назад

    Philodendron atabapoense and bernardopazii are in my top 10. Please do a syngonium top 10.

  • @anyadeering
    @anyadeering Год назад

    Have you grown the variegated golden dragon? How is the stability compared to a flobe?

  • @melrussell7830
    @melrussell7830 Год назад

    I haven’t got a Micans anymore, as mine got thrips and died 😩

  • @vicky3792
    @vicky3792 Год назад

    I agree Billie!

  • @MaxMagnificence
    @MaxMagnificence Год назад

    Alocasia pleaseeeee

  • @Thought_it_up
    @Thought_it_up Год назад

    RIP Florida Beauty lol

  • @Jenoveryonder
    @Jenoveryonder Год назад

    Can I do my least favorite philo??? Brandie!!!

  • @Planty-Mandy
    @Planty-Mandy Год назад

    Philo Splendid. 👍🏻

  • @carolinebaines8735
    @carolinebaines8735 Год назад

    My Top 10 Philodendron
    Philodendron Gloriosum Dark Form
    Philodendron Brandtianum
    Philodendron Florida Ghost
    Philodendron Polypodioides
    Philodendron Tortum
    Philodendron Florida Beauty
    Philodendron Joepi
    Philodendron Dean McDowell
    Philodendron Micans
    Philodendron Melanochrysum

  • @northernplantucky
    @northernplantucky Год назад +1


  • @jessinoise7415
    @jessinoise7415 Год назад

    What's about Spiritus Sancti🥺

  • @troybear
    @troybear Год назад

    What? No Burle Marx Flame and Spiritu Sancti on the list? 😬

  • @komalthecoolk
    @komalthecoolk 6 месяцев назад

    very weird reason for selecting #10. Feels very forced.

  • @dsepisodes
    @dsepisodes Год назад

    Melanoshrysum? Hehe

  • @joannanovara815
    @joannanovara815 Год назад +17

    Micans is so underrated! I love my ghost so much(will take it over the Whipple way).Surprised the majesty isn't on your list! I got mine because I saw it on your channel 😁 I would've added tortum personally

  • @Petra-ms3ku
    @Petra-ms3ku Год назад +11

    The golden dragon is our only overlap 😆 I live in a low humidity loft and anything velvety or prone to spider mites is doomed. My tortum is my absolute favorite 💚. I want to see your variegated list.

    • @stephneygreen
      @stephneygreen Год назад +1

      is Tortum a slow grower? I feel it could take forever but I want a big one

    @GEOMETRICINK Год назад +7

    Philodendron Splendid is hands down my number one. It grows so quickly, never gets stuck, climbs, sizes up quick, is stunning.

  • @simonekoenig
    @simonekoenig Год назад +7

    Totally agree on the El Choco Red difficulties.
    I would add 69686 (not Joepii), Deflexum and Spiritus Sancti to the list.

  • @darrenschwartz2050
    @darrenschwartz2050 Год назад +2

    PLEASE PLEASE do the best low light plants vid! 🤗

  • @legakhsire
    @legakhsire Год назад +7

    I took a break from plant collecting and I'm so stoked to be back at it and see that gloriosums are way more affordable now. Also, I can now purchase a joepii for under $100? Insane! Just waiting for Whipple way to come down in price as well because my plant budget is $120 or less, and whipples are still expensive to me.

    • @melanielopez4236
      @melanielopez4236 Год назад +2

      I got a Joepii for $60 bucks and almost peed myself.

    • @BordeauxNici
      @BordeauxNici Год назад +1

      I just got my Whipple way (1 leaf cutting) in yesterday‘s mail, I still paid 120.- incl. shipping, but am sooooo excited and happy, and the prices are slowly, but steadily going down, so be on the lookout 🎉

    • @BordeauxNici
      @BordeauxNici Год назад

      @@melanielopez4236I never wanted a Joepii and actually got a baby and then a huge XXL mature plant in two surprise plant packages from different sellers within a fortnight 😂 And by now, I am absolutely OBSESSED 🤩

    • @alisplants
      @alisplants Год назад +1

      I got a pot of joepii with two semi-mature plants in it for like $50 locally!! It's crazy how much the prices have come down

    • @legakhsire
      @legakhsire Год назад

      @@alisplants @melanielopez4236 godddd I remember joepiis were in the thousands the last time I checked. If only hoya prices would drop this fast 😩

  • @danispriggs7818
    @danispriggs7818 Год назад +3

    I love the micans. I think it is one of the most underrated philos. It gives the velvet and the color variation