Harnam Chana The trailer was pretty cool. I think a lot of people expected it to tie in a lot more with the other Alien movies (for example, maybe a guest appearance of Ripley or something, or the Big Bad being a full-out Alien), and yeah, there were a few parts of the movie that needed a bit more explaining. But apparently, Ridley Scott does plan to do a sequel to Prometheus, so hopefully things will be explained more.
Disappointing Trailer, but Great movie: The Iron Giant. An absolutely brilliant animated film that was well directed. The marketing never let this film get off the ground. If you've seen it, you've also probably recommended it to a friend at some point. If you haven't seen it, go watch it!
No sir. I thoroughly enjoy/ed phantom menace. While there was a lot of pressure for this movie to deliver, I personally feel that it DID. I still feel like the casting was an epic fail..(throughout the entire series as a matter of fact. With darth vader taking the cake.)(aside from ewan mcgregor and Liam neeson-obi&qui gon&darth maul-4wat it's worth) and I DO mean EPIC. I hope to enforce the notion of exaggeration- DARTH VADER IS THE WORST CAST I HAVE EVER KNOWN IN MY MOVIE VIEWING EXPERIENCE. And seeing Spider-Man 3 on this list reminds me that the Venom pansy actor from 70s show is nearly runner up lol. But I've seen Star Wars 1,2,3 more times than 4,5,6 and I estimate without exaggerating that I've seen them individually apx.100 times. I also went to the phantom menace re-release in 3D about 3 yrs ago as well. I LOVE phantom menace. It's the best of the 3...IMO. Riiiiiight next to r.o.t.s.
9 year old me loved the shit out of that movie. I still like it, It wasn't as bad as the ones that followed. It has a similar feel to me to the original trilogy...
pennstateyo Do you mean grown up Anakin, or young Anakin. Because I thought the boy did terrific. I thought the grown up version was the lamest actor I have ever experienced. Plus I hear lucas doesnt let people interpret their roles very much. So he is to blame for any bad acting.
Benjamin Abramowitz I can't talk because I never saw it, lol, but I definitely hyped it up from the trailers & soundtrack - also assumed it was rated R so realizing it was PG-13 was awful icing on the cake.
Whoever edited this video seems to think that any quiet moment in a movie, or at least one marketed as high-energy, is an indicator that the movie is disappointing.
They will pick apart a movie just to prove their theory. Like talking about Terminator 2 with all the action in it and bitching about how John shows the Terminator how to smile. It's not a bad film because of that scene..it's just a scene. Doesn't make it disappointing.
+John Wizeman First time I watched Prometheus, I was a bit disappointed...Now I love that movies...I think I might have got lost the first time. It's a beautiful and frightening movie.
Check out these other movie-tastic videos, Top 10 Best Movie Trailers Top 10 Best Movies of 2013 Top 10 Trailers That Ruined the Movie Top 10 Scariest Scenes From Non-Horror Movies
Actually I liked most of the movies... but I havent seen the trailers tho. Maybe then I would have been as disappointed as many were... Strange how something that should make us interested in a movie can make so high expectations that the movie itself cannot keep up with it :(
Is it me, or does it seem that 89% of Mojo's videos I always disagree on... yet I'm subscribed to them and watched their videos despite the fact that I always disagree
In case you were wondering how the Mojoholics voted in our poll, see the votes and entries here: watchmojo.com/suggest/Top%2010%20Good%20Movie%20Trailers%20But%20Bad%20Movies Note, of course, that viewer votes are just one of the hundreds of data points and variables that we consider and look at when we create our lists. Make sure to sign up and participate on future lists at www.WatchMojo.com/suggest
Agreed. That was definitely a love it or hate it type of movie, it seems. I saw that movie with 3 others. All 3 of them hated it, while it was my favorite movie of the year.
Basoosh Yeah buddy, same :D The most also dont understand that the creature at the and is the Alien from the movie Alien. The most dont understand the whole movie ^^ And 2016 comes a follower :) Very excited for the story
Honestly, The Phantom Menace is fucking awesome! Yeah, I know it's nowhere near as great as the original trilogy, but I truly enjoyed it and it was well worth the wait. Besides, look at all of the shit that's being released now? I even admire Jar Jar!
Sonus , trust me, i am glad you didn't watch M Night Shalayman's version of the last airbender. It was more of less a caricature of the Nickelodeon's popular Avatar cartoon series. You might only like it if you never watched the cartoon. The only 2 good thing about the film were the CGI/effects and the guy acting as Prince Zuko.
I liked it, I even had a tron"marathon" with some friends, in which we saw the first movie than went out and got to the cinema to see the new movie. Sometimes I really question the "general" opinion about some stuff, I never heard anyone complain about waterworld, but someone, who is rather "internet"famous once claimed it was a shitty movie and suddendly everyone shouting around how crap it was..the same with wild wild west..its a guilty pleasure, its entertaining, doesn't have to make sense, as long as it makes sense in the universe the movie plays in all is allright. The same goes with the godzilla movie..I personally never really saw much of the "old" godzilla, because you know..they barely gave us good videogames back in the day, let alone give us their movies, but I kinda liked the Zilla, it was silly that they constantly lost her during chases, but come on, like the old godzilla has a reviting plot its always "some big mosnter shows up and godzilla fights it" yeah thats a trasure trove of brilliant filmmaking.
Zyggurat I think Prometheus got a bad rap because people were expecting more of an Alien type movie. I didnt know it was an Alien prequel until after I saw it so i was just expecting a good science fiction movie and thats what it was. And Aliens is one of of my all time favorite movies so I should be bias lol
I did as well but I find it strange how the xneomophs were created first human drinks black goo has sex women gets pregnant with alien the boy gets turned into a zombie alien gets born mates with an engineer rips out of his chest
TravelingTrav Traveling Trav Yeah sounds pretty good. I mean. I don't know if we leave near each other or anything for us to like work on set anytime soon but maybe for now I can edit things for you or something else equally as rad. But yeah hit me up if you got a project you wanna collab on.
I see trees of green... Red roses too... I see them bloom... For me and you... And I think to myself... What a wonderful world... (Opening to Dolittle (2020) trailer)
Sucker punch is one of my favourite films of all time. You just have to dig deep to understand the true meaning and unfortunately most people were too brain dead and classed it as a shitty movie full of hot girls , action and no story line when it was really much more.
Care to elaborate, because no matter how I try to look at that movie it just looks plain stupid. Unless you were being sarcastic. And I will correct you the girls were slightly above average looking, the action was pretty shit and it sorta tried to follow some story but it was so ridiculous and stupid that no one could follow it so again please elaborate
yeah, sucker punch shouldn't have been placed here. it was a terrible trailer/good movie situation. The trailer made it look like "a shitty movie full of hot girls" when it was actually quite good
Woh man, Prometheus was a fantastic movie. The problem was, people expected it to explain the whole beginning of aliens, but it wasn't trying to. It was a whole different plot
I disagree. Prometheus was a huge let down for ALIEN fans. We didnt want a different plot. We wanted Xenomorphs. Scott tried way to hard. You could tell he might of thought a simpler story would of gotten bashed. He went for something original. It failed.Way too complicated. When the story of Aliens is pretty simple. Not to mention the trailer was bait.Showing the eggs, hugger in the operating machine(that was a thought before the movie came out). A upward shot of a Alien Queen head. Guy covering his head while he is wearing his spacesuit. (Alien) The movie in it self was average.They could of been on the same planet as Alien for Christ sake.
True Alien fans. Prometheus was a failure. Alien and Aliens are how it should be done. Alien 3. Meh. Alien Res...uhh ok getting REALLY weird here. AvP. Cool I guess. Alien should of won. AvP 2. -__- Then Prometheus STARTED IT ALL OVER AGAIN?!?! fuck haha
I loved everything about the Aliens and Predator universe (Even the bad ones ^.^) What happened to the fanbase I knew. The people that didn't whine like little bitches because of a movie that asks US the questions. That's what made Alien so terrifying. The fear of the Unknown. Prometheus gave that feeling back. Jesus Christ. I feel like I'm dealing with 12 year olds. A lot of effort was put in that film, and it explained the Engineer side of the universe. You seriously expected Xenomorphs in a film called Prometheus?!? Also, Yautja can kick Xeno's ass anyday. Pah, you fans are worse than the u'darahjes themselves! Am I the only jehdin that hasn't gone hulij-bpe?! Fans like those deserve nan-de than-gaun.
Shatamx so no, i have a feeling you're one of the " blood blood blood! gore gore gore!" alien fans. i'm a huge alien fan, but prometheus was fantastic lore wise. Have you ever gone on any of the forums? Huge debates going on there buddy. My best friend, who is more obsessed with alien, and prometheus, than i have ever seen anyone be obsessed about anything before, can't get enough of prometheus.
+jeabo0adhd , Prometheus was brilliant - despite the 1 or 2 dumb posing moments by the token black guy. the movie is an astounding work of art - and the main character one of the best actresses alive
+jeabo0adhd Well, they cut out a pretty important scene about the humanoid alien actualy talking back to them and being disgusted by the old man wanting to live forever and creating the robot... Instead it seem'd like he's completely crazy...
+freespeechForAdnoysSmallWanker Erghh Prometheus deserves to be on this list. The plot creates more questions than answers and I just can't see them answering all the new questions in another 2 movies.
***** Disney can fuck themselves. The Star Wars fanboys have been praying to Disney and Lucas for a new film and they got it. Force Awakens. A complete recycled rehash of A New Hope..
OH GOD....THE LAST AIRBENDER!! Literally the most EPIC FAIL of an adapted story EVER!!! And talk about whitewashing!! I think all the actors in this movie committed career suicide! Even the director's career died!
The thing that bothers me about The Last Airbender is it ruined any chance for a sequel. Hopefully they will one day muster up the courage to do a remake.
+Rick Nye Both avatar animation series are incredible! There's so much good material that a remake is inevitable. I think they should start with the Avatar before Aang, and finish the first movie with him (Aang) getting trapped in the ice. This movie could also be incredibly diverse, putting actors of all different races in the spotlight. There are also strong female characters in the BCU (Bender Cinematic Universe - you heard it here first lol) This franchise could be EPIC if done right!
I thought it was good. The only people that hated were the ones who grew up watching the originals, and were annoyed at the fact that a new one was made
I grew up with the originals, and even though I hated Jar Jar, I didn't think it was that bad at all! The fights were epic, the music soared, and the plot holes were minimal or plugged in later movies.
The thing about prometheus is that it wasn't really supposed to be an action movie. It was actually very deep and philosophical and intertwined with the alien universe (which many people who jumped on the hype-wagon haven't watched)... I thought the movie was great!
People were expecting way too much answers from prometheus, without considering the fact that this movie introduced important characters (Ossians from paradise). But yeah, the trailer was over-hyped.
No Prometheus was just a bad movie. Too many stupid characters doing stupid things and behaving in completely unrealistic ways for the circumstances they're in. There are good scenes but just too much stupidity for me to overlook.
Tron was brilliant. Maybe i just have a huge amount of respect for the visuals and the sounds in that film. I guess maybe if youre purely there for story and you liked the original, fair enough. But i loved it
Yeah, I have always figured I'm in the minority but I loved it too. It even prompted me to watch the entire Tron Uprising animated series. I love where they took the story and how things had evolved since the original. And the thing that really kills me about it is that the original, while totally groundbreaking in so many ways, was really campy and had kind of a lukewarm reception. What are people expecting in a sequel to something like that? Are there elements to Legacy that were cheesy or underdeveloped? Sure! But if you wanted to see how the game grid had evolved and how programs and users interacted, etc. I'm not really sure what was expected or would have been any better.
Terminator 4 was great. Battle: LA was great. Starwars was great. Prometheus was pretty good. Every Transformers movie is good. Pearl Harbor was a fucking amazing movie. GODZILLA IS A CLASSIC. The only accurate thing in this list is Avatar being horrible. Other than that this list is totally FUBAR.
Terminator 2 was not on this list. It was Terminator 4. I never watched Battle: LA. Star Wars was stupid and annoying, but I still kind of like it. Prometheus was good but boring. Transformers was stupid, awkward, but action packed. Pearl Harbor was historically inaccurate. GODZILLA was a waste of film and a terrible way to make the king of monsters come back.
naw bobby, battle:LA was seriously the worst movie that year. Pearl Harbor gives veterans cancer to this day, Episode 1-3 killed my grandma and even Transformers made me throw away all my old toys Avatar is a gem compared to all above.
Transformers sucked in my opinion. Prometheus was meh. Never seen terminator. Pearl harbor was just offensive. Battle L.A was boring and forgettable. Godzilla was nothing too special again in my opinion and you cant defend the star wars episodes 1-3 none of them were good especially not the the first one.
Joel's Channel :D Like the most epic looking trailer leading us to think the film would be good, but only turned out to be mediocre... Hopefully, Iron man gets a revival in The Avengers: Age of Ultron...
***** there are way to many illogical moments in this movie. it was unbelievable how incompetent most of the crew was. they acted like retards in so many situations. i mean just remember that slapstick scene at the end where both women try to run away from the ship in the direction it was falling. ridiculous. why to put guy pearce in this movie with this bad cgi face? why not just take an old man? and all these movie mistakes... watch 'eww prometheus'. it sums up quite good all the things people are complaining about this movie. ps: i liked watching the movie but i just would describe it as ok
I would generally agree to you 100 percent but in this case we got a science-fiction(-horror) movie and I (and I think everybody who is into this genre) expect this kind of movies to be at least a bit realistic. Instead prometheus was really hard to take seriously. Apart from that none of my examples from above had to do anything with a lack of imagination. These were just bad directing decisions.
theCrackmire Re: Prometheus "Slapstick scene" People do ridiculous things all the time, sometimes because it's a crisis and they can't think straight or because they are just not so clever - hence the yearly Darwin Awards. When you're far away from the action its easy to say what someone should have done, when you're in it, well it's a whole other story.
Wild Wild West, Battle: Los Angeles, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, 2012, Superman: Returns, and Godzilla are all good movies. -_-
***** I thought the same thing when I read that sentence. All of those movies listed in that sentence, other then Phantom Menace, were generally negative in reviews by critics. Not to mention worse by word of mouth from audiences.. However that Star Wars is considered the weakest of the franchise.
Prometheus seriously??? I thought Prometheus was a really good movie, so good I watched it 4 times and looking at this video made me want to watch it again, I'll be doing that when I get home, so make 5 times I've watched.
It was good, but it had several failures: The captain should have played a more prominent role, considering his acting skills; the ending sequence itself was poorly done with the rolling spaceship and the whole escape pod scene with the Alien inside. The best thing about Alien's ending sequence was that it was tight. It did not drag and it pulled off just in the right moment. There was too much movement from one distant place to another that in Prometheus it lost all of its vitality it had put together until the end. That is just my summary. I've seen it quite a few times. I enjoy the beginning the most, the middle quite a bit, and up until the very end, but at the end it just seemed weak.
The movie was boring. The only thing that kept me and my friends watching it to the end was the awesome visuals and how they are going to wrap it up to explaining the other alien movies. The movie gave us more questions than answers...
I also enjoyed the movie very much. It was mostly because of the costumes, the scenery, the robot guy and the philosophical intrigue. Besides that there were so many holes and horseshit. According to the movie if you mate an octopus with a giant you get Alien.
Manos Seferidis Your octopus and giant statement had me really laugh out loud!!! The movie was really good in my opinion...it had me thinking about it for days...not too many movies these days leave that lasting effect.
WatchMojo plan of action: Just take the worst/ boring scenes that cannot be understood by people who haven't watched the whole movie and include it here.
+Danielviomusic at least we agree that Prometheus was a piece of shit It should have been a top 3 at least and by the way every Star wars fan in the universe knows that the phantom menace is an utter crap
+Danielviomusic You *LIKE* Star Wars Episode 1? Are you crazy? No honest fan of the franchise likes that movie. Tron Legacy was awesome though, and I've never seen Wild Wild West, so I can't critique on that. But that Star Wars movie *SUCKED*!
Rachel Bejerano I love the original trilogy. I went to Episode VII release as soon as I could and loved it. I have SW merchandising which my girlfriend gifted me. I would therefore call myself an honest fan. Not only in SW, I love movies. I have a different concept of fan than you. For me being a fan means accepting the mistakes done in a movie but being able to enjoy it. I never said they were perfect movies, as they obviously aren't. But original trilogy isn't perfect either. So why not enjoy both? It's freakin' SW. Phantom Menace is 16 years old, enough hate feedback already. You should problably let the hate go once and for all and enjoy it, as it's enjoyable. That's my opinion at least.
+Danielviomusic Phantom Menace is an utter piece of crap and if you can't see that, dude go see a shrink there is something quite wrong with your brain.....lol
Definitely not true. Inside Out was really good, the trailer made me not want to watch it. The ones I saw didn't explain what the movie was at all, and when I saw the characters it made me think of Osmosis Jones. So I refused to watch it. Meanwhile, pretty much all of these trailers were garbage in my book. This is the first time I've seen the trailer for Wild Wild West, never even heard of this movie. That Trailer looks awful, part of it being my distaste for both Steam Punk and terrible CGI and my feelings that comedy is better in the background of a movie or left to television programs. I knew Battle Los Angeles was garbage because of the trailers, looked like another military jargon film where for some reason everyone dies in a heroic way and no one has any legitimacy of feeling human. Also the title sucks. Prometheus was a mixed bag, I think this is why people don't like it. It pays great homage to alien in it's story, but the execution was sloppy with weird pacing that involved elongated build ups to nothing and radically important scenes being too quick with little time to sink in. I liked it in concept, I hated it's final production. And just fyi to Cinemasins and others: Running to the side of a falling donut rather than away from it means racing against that giant things velocity in a direction that doesn't use your own speed to your advantage. Meaning? The object needs to cover less distance to get to you. So that's not a sure way to survive either, diagonal is your best bet, and still not entirely credible either, it should have crushed her no matter what. Phantom Menace played the heart strings of Star Wars nerds. If you hated sci-fi, that would be a dumb trailer. It's not a very flashy trailer, not much suspense. It's just Star Wars, which works on people like me not because it is a good trailer but because it is a trailer for something I want to watch. Terminator Salvation's trailer is actually the cited cause as to WHY the movie sucked! A principle plot point for the end of the first act was that the guy we were following around was actually a Terminator himself. Not to say if this was hidden it would have been an amazing movie, but an extremely important reveal that was used in the trailer that I felt cheapened the film. Sucker Punch admittingly looked awesome, and I still want to watch it even knowing how it has been received and even though I now know the plot. I don't mind seeing bad films. Revenge of the Fallen looked like the first Transformers which is what TMNT looks like too, didn't bother because the trailer helped me make up my mind. Spider Man 3 has the same issue as Star Wars, it's a nerd thing; Last Airbender just seemed like a shit idea as a live action to begin with so I was already biased before the crappy trailer, and Godzilla as a modern concept is just garbage. It was fun because of the crap effects and does a lot to entertain little kids. As a now older and more critical person I won't even give the old stuff a chance again because I know it's just nostalgia keeping it alive. So yeah, most of these trailers were good to me: Because most of them convinced me not to watch nearly any of these films.
Damon Olsen That is one gigantic comment, man. I can't read all of it. All I can say is, kids movies are marketed differently, so the movies always seem shit to us. Best example for me is The Croods, another great kids movie with a shitty trailer
cannonfodder4000 I thought The Croods was alright. Could be better for me, but it was cute and nice. And you are right. I'm trying to think of other movies that had terrible trailers but were really good. None are coming to mind but this was actually a conversation piece we had at work. Don't mind the rest of the stuff btw, it was kind of my "these trailers aren't good anyway" sort of spill. Most of those trailers actually convinced me to not watch those movies when they first came out.
That's because trailers showcase the best parts and usually focus on the premise for the movie rather than it's execution. The actual viewing relies on our ability to be interested in the execution itself. Separating premise and execution like this puts it in a way that makes Trailers and Movies/Games two entirely different things, (the trailer is what they wanted to go for, the product is what happened). In general I don't agree with reviews and such on a lot of things that I think are great, (RE6 is a good example; everyone seems to hate it and I can't see why), but in this case; the list was faulty in the first place for thinking trailers ever properly depicted execution over premise.
Lets see how much I agree with WatchMojo.. 10: No 9: No 8: No 7: No 6: No 5: No 4: Ok, ok.. you got me 3: No 2: Got me again... lets see what number 1 is. 1: No. Sorry, but I like this film.
The Cheeki Breeki Page That's weird. When I clicked view rest of comments your comments only went 10-6, and so i commented cuz I was curious what you though of 5-1 (well mainly #2). More or less i have never met a person who actually like avatar the movie so i was curious if today was the day id fine some one who did..... but yea now i can see what you wrote for 5-1 now
Prometheus currently holds a 73% rating on rotten tomatoes. So since when do films with positive reviews get on a bad movie list watch mojo. Fail, fail, fail.
But prometheus wasn't underwhelming after viewing the trailer. Infact the trailer gave me no hype at all. The positive response i heard made me watch the movie and i loved it.
The 38th most popular Watch Mojo video with almost 19,800,000 worldwide views!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite choice for a trailer (better than the movie) is the "Wild Wild West" 1999 trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah right. One of the best trailers ever...and then that disaster! Every time I watch the trailer I have the real movie in mind, which should be made...
Honestly? Most movies don't actually live up to the expectations one gets from the trailers. Neither do lots of games. That's just how it is. Marketing, folks.
Prometheus had a broken fan-base. Those who wanted an "Aliens" horror movie were severly disappointed, Those who wanted a smart action-adventure movie version of "Chariots of the Gods" loved the hell out of it. Also, all the characters seemed weird and mean-spirited plus too much was edited out.
wut? It was so terrible that I was literally yelling at the TV. It was scene after scene of stupid shit. Things like taking off your helmet and exposing yourself to bacteria on an unknown planet. It was more ridiculous than a Jason movie.
Will Potter Wild wild west was funny I agree but the last air bender? No, just no. The cartoon was way different and 100% better then what that trashy movie adaptation showed.
-Battle LA is an awesome "B" movie. Even the director said it was a B movie. -Prometheus is epic storytelling and according to Ridley IT IS NOT A PREQUEL. .-Why pick on Star Wars when we all know there were multiple movies coming? Studios don't want us sitting in theaters for 7 or 8 hours straight so they force nearly all movies to be under 2 hours and/or multiple parts. Episode one was not great but far from bad. -Terminator: Salvation was gutted for that ridiculous PG-13 rating so the studio(s) can get more people to see it. All Terminators should be rated R from now on! I will say this. The surround sound for this movie is AWESOME... -Just watched Suckerpunch last night. Another kick-ass B movie! -The Last Airbender. Sorry guys but I liked it! I'll admit the first half of the movie was very much amateur hour but I was emotionally involved buy the end. But while I was watching it I could see that it was built to be part one of many so I was willing to overlook the weaknesses of the first installment. Unfortunately this is the end. At least for now anyway. Personally I like a lot of movies for different reasons. I don't expect every movie to be epic sweeping stories like Gone With The Wind or Les Miserables. It's OK to like something a little more action oriented or just funny every now and then.
The fact that you liked the last airbender renders everything else you said invalid. That was one of the worst films of all time. The acting/story/bullshit bending, so terrible. Even the clip shown on here made me want to shoot myself.
...i just have to say, you do realize star wars episode one was the third movie to come out, being a prequel to the second. there was no other movie coming. Also, theres no Last Airbender sequal for a reason: because it was complete garbage.
I actually like Prometheus. It explains why the Engineer guys created the alien creature. I agree that the concept could have been executed better, but the final product was still pretty satisfying to me.
blacktail224 Uh, okay? Because it's not like there're thousands of known things in nature that have features some might see as phallic or vaginal. (P.S. you might want to check out a biology and/or botany book).
If the story, acting and effects are good, yes. Better than watching Batman and the awful story of Deadpool. A man burned in a big fire just trying to get revenge.
kigerneko I agree with you on the fact that Deadpool wasn't good, lol - anyways. But who says there isn't possibility to fix both acting, story etc. In sequels, because of the fact that sequels learn from the predecessors. Let's take Nolan's Batman for example, it would be the same as saying you would rather re-watch Batman Begins being remade than the far superior The Datrk Knight and Rises.
I don't think Prometheus and Terminator Salvation should be on this list. How about Oblivion, Divergent or Cabin In The Woods? Hell, there are tons, but I just can't think of any at the moment.
***** No, I get that it was supposed to be surprising, but the way they did it was just awful. Trying to mix in comedy while people are getting eaten alive isn't what I'd consider "Good surprising".
***** You could tell from the trailer that there were elements of comedy to it, and I was really excited to see it. I though the final act was awful and ruined everything they were trying to make fun of with the movie though.
Kaipyro67ALT Your personal dislike of the movie doesn't classify it for inclusion on the "trailer better than the movie" list... the movie received widespread critical acclaim, made decent money for the studio, and was very well received by most audiences. It even won several awards... The trailer wasn't better than all that.
SimpleObservations And guess what? Prometheus got millions of dollars in return, huge critical acclaim, and it's still on this list. The trailer for Oblivion made it look awesome but the movie had atrocious pacing and shitty plot. Divergent was turned into basically the hunger games, even though in the trailer, they made t look half-decent, and Cabin In The Woods looked like it as going to be a good horror thriller, but turned out to be a dark comedy-horror slasher flick. I said Prometheus shouldn't be on the list, because guess what? The trailer showed pretty much what the movie was gonna be like. A Ridley Scott, fucked up, sci-fi thriller.
I agree! I saw it in the cinemas when I was a child. Watched it many times since; a very underrated movie for sure which you don't hear many at all talk about anymore
Wild Wild West AWESOME? Ok, everyone has his own taste, but for me it was extremely stupid. The old TV serial was definitely much better, I did really enjoyied it, but the movie was a big disappointment.
Agreed nothing wrong or awkward with will smith touching some man boobies. great movie I admit the movie was cheesy and a bit odd but that doesnt make a movie bad. its not the best movie in the world but there are plenty of other movies that had great trailers but the movie itself was way way worse than wild wild west. most of them comedies that give all the best jokes of the movie in the trailer there are plenty of those.
for some reason the constant music worked with the original movies but totally ruined the newer movies...i think the new movies would be so much better without the music...the story is ok, the actors do a good job and the special effects are good, but something else ruined it and i think it is the music
I agree. Much kudos to Williams and Kiner for good music, but the best parts of episode two may have been those with the least music. I don't know, maybe I'm old school but i like the pace of my movies much slower than they make them now and much more pensive.
Sorry but Prometheus was pretty bad ass. Terminator Salvation had amazing special effects but it had a horrible plot. Other than that...this is pretty much spot on.
Wild Wild West was badass movie, brings back childhood memories. I never saw the trailer at the time. But i can imagine for someone who saw the trailer to be disappointed because it basically revealed most of the film LOL.(A great tip, whenever you hear or read about awesome film, never watch the trailer, just know the genre)
Tron Legacy was still pretty awesome though. Especially since the whole thing was scored by Daft Punk. Without that score the movie cannot hold up on its own.
The soundtrack definitely added a lot to it. I still listen to it pretty regularly. I think I would have enjoyed the movie without it but yeah, it was pretty awesome IMO.
Except for that little plot twist regarding the Mandarin (which could not be given away in the trailer as it was a major plot point), it was basically the movie described in the trailer. Personally I liked the twist, did not see it coming at all; but I can understand why die-hard comic fans were pissed.
Best of the trilogy, had the most character development, great twists, best effects and action, it was just a great movie. Those that deny that don't seem to understand it, literally, they are puzzled by simple things like 'why did the suit fall apart'? and 'why did he blow up his suits?' They don't appear to have paid attention.
Chris Dynamo Nothing interesting is goin on in IM 3. That film is a failure. The plot is complete nonsense, special effects are uncreative and so on.Worst of the trilogy. Month later i watched Man of Steel and it was far better
Tron legacy? Are u fucking kidding me? Why all the hate towards tron legacy? I loved that movie, and the soundtrack should easily get a grammy. Sadly, people weren't smart enough to appreciate it. But its normal these days, just look at Edge of Tomorrow.
If the movie made it in the list doesnt make the movie terribad sometimes the trailers are trully better than the movie even if the movie was amazing like godzilla the movie was cool but the trailer...better
Shut the fuck up "people aren't smart enought to appreciate "blablabla. Are you stupid? I love EoT and tron but It's maybe not everyones cup of tea? They aren't exactly "smart" movies
You must have an attention span of a fly to say that Sucker Punch was a bad movie. Do some research, read about the symbolisms in it and watch the movie again with a new perspective.
Daft punk was a good choice but let's just be happy there wasn't any singing in the movie because it probably could of been super shit but hands down I agree 10/10 one of the best movies of 2010
i dont understand the heat that Prometheus gets... i mean i really really enjoyed the film, good story good characters good actors great effects alot of omg momemts... so why is there so much hate???
It's because a lot of people who watched it missed a key part of the movie. The creation of life during the intro credits. If you missed that small bit then you wouldn't understand the movie.
I think a big part is because the plot was made deliberately obscure. I had to mull it over for a day or so to come up with my own conclusion about what happened and why. But I enjoyed the film anyway. I can dig films like Mullholand Drive and Lost Highway where you have to fill in the narrative yourself, as long as the journey is interesting. I can't say that most others feel the same. It's okay for people to have different taste in the matter, but I feel like a lot of people ignore the great things that Prometheus has to offer. The cinematography and world design is beautiful and the atmosphere is genuinely unsettling. It's not the Alien prequel people wanted (and not really an Alien prequel at all for that matter), but it was an interesting film nonetheless. Certainly not without it's flaws, but far far from a sci-fi B-movie. I would put it in the same social category as Speilberg's/Kubrick's Artificial Intelligence: misunderstood. Both films have their problems, but they were incredibly ambitious and peppered with surprisingly strong and provocative elements.
***** No we saw it and it's still a bad movie. Most people who liked it always say those of us that didn't did not understand it.I understood it and I can clearly say it was a horrible movie . It looked great but if looks made a good movie Transformers would win the Oscar for best film.The characters where poorly written the actors tried but they had a terrible script.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the Star Wars prequels. Yeah Jar Jar was annoying as shit, but other than that, those were all good movies. They get hated on for no legitimate reason.
They get hated on for being so massively worse than episodes 4-6. I agree, they were decent movies, but if you were a Star Wars fan expecting another masterpiece like the first 3 movies had been, then you'd no doubt be VERY disappointed, and VERY angry.
People hate them because they've inflated the quality of the original trilogy. The original trilogy was so shiny and different from everything else that it was an instant hit, even if it wasn't the best writing or acting. Everyone has that candy coated memory and can't see that the new trilogy was cut from the same fabric. I love ALL the movies and am excited for the final trilogy.
Matt M Awarded Akira Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress heavily influenced Lucas' A New Hope, the plot is just a tale; the shiny armour knight saving the princess from the ogre's castle, but with a nerdy twist. You can dislike simple plots, but you can't deny them. I'm 37 now and I was a hardcore Star Wars fun before the last trilogy, those three movies are arguably some of the worst of the genre, but the the actual sad thing is they let down the hope of almost a whole generation of fans, which is in part a nostalgia effect's fault. If you ask me, thinks began to go downhill with the ewoks.
A lot of hate for this video, but I will agree with people and saying that some of these movies weren't bad. But I will totally agree with Avatar The Last Airbender being in this list. That movie was such a disappointment compared to the actually cartoon.
Tron: Legacy was shit -that much is true. As someone that was there when the original came out in theaters an waited 25 years for the sequel - it was a gigantic turd. Yes the special effects were great - music great, but they had 25 years to develop a tight, inspiring, groundbreaking story like the original was in its day - an it failed that miserably. Tron Legacy was the antithesis of everything Tron was about - and there was no way in hell Flynn, who fought with his life to free the system from the Master Control Program would turn right around and hand all control back over to a Program that could control the entire virtual universe. Absolutely ridiculous - it would be as if Neo defeated the Matrix just to turn around and hand it back over to Agent Smith in the next movie - absolute fail! Sorry. It was the biggest disappointment of my generation. You have to remember TRON is what MADE the computer game industry. Single handedly it changed the world! ...and we waited 25 years for that piece of shit trite copy of the original storyline. It should have blown your socks off and at the very least made you think, or inspired you to something completely revolutionary. Instead we got a stupid, boring, predictably juvenile story that was contrary to every single idea in Tron - not to mention Tron wasn't even in the movie for more than 5 seconds. Huge disappointment - huge! The trailer and hype way outweighed the massive let down we got. Sad...so sad - it is a forgettable movie - whereas my father at 76 still watches the warped VHS of Tron...because it was that ground breaking in its time.
Nexus2Eden Did you and I watch the same movie? The original was basically a giant metaphor with what was going on in the world at that time. TRON: Legacy is about the same thing - only what's going on in today's world - that people fight wars due to differences and that our next major world war will (most likely) be fought with computers, rather than having people on the front lines. My mother was also around when the original was in theaters. She's a HUGE fanatic about the original and was stoked to see this new one. And she loved the new one more than I did. She thought it was a great progression of the first one and fell in love with the message and characters. A "juvenile story"? Almost every teenager I find that liked this movie had no clue what the movie was really about. They just liked the colours. But there are quite a few who see the message and love it for that. TRON: Legacy will be very much like the original - it will gain a larger and larger following the older it gets.
I liked Spider-man 3, in fact, I love the original trilogy. The third was fine and very enjoyable, but the scene where Peter tries to be a badass... was so bad, that everybody just focused on that! I still remember when I went to see it in the theatre... It was an awesome day.
I think that they were good for the time but looking back at them, they were kind of silly IMO. I feel the same way about the first two X-Men as well. Comic book movies are on a whole different level nowadays. They were still enjoyable, but I definitely don't like them now as much as I used to.
Dylan B Wow. That was so uncalled for. People are allowed to have their own preference. You can dislike them and he can like them and neither of you are wrong for it.
Michael Ferguson That was my kind of my problem with earlier comic book films. I feel that certain comedic and sometimes campy or over the top aspects from comics don't translate all that well to the big-screen. Some of it works but other times it feels a bit out of place. Again, though, just my opinion. :P
The reason why I hated it was because there were way too many plotlines and villains. It was like two films crammed into one. The first half of the film was good, but when they decided to bring venom into the film, that's when the movie went downhill, he was just awkwardly shoehorned in. That's why I didn't like the film, the movie should have ended at around the 1:40 mark, but it just kept going and rushing everything.
i loved it too you see a girl trying to escape by finding the answers in her day dreaming and let me tell you those are some epic dreams she has, and seeing the girls get killed and becoming a vegtable is just sad
I agree, I thought it was a great movie. It had a sort of Video Game feel to it with different bosses and levels, and was a shutter island sort of thriller that makes you wonder about the ending. I liked it very much.
Glad I did not watch the whole movie, I even watched some of it, but I stopped when I saw that they smashed 2-3 episodes in 5 minutes. I think it would be better if they made one movie per book.
i totally agree. one of my husband's favorite movies has always been the original - and i walked out of Legacy (which even I looked forward to from the moment i knew it would be out - i was nearly on a count down to it!) totally wowed (and yes i'd seen the original many times). i walked out saying "yup, lived up to the original." i was a bit weirded out by the CGI to make Beau Bridges look younger, but that's it.
The problem with The Last Airbender, is that it tried to squeeze the whole Avatar franchise, which is approximately 24 hours long, with all 61 episodes combined, that deeply explore the story of every character in the show. And then the movie tries to do this is 1 hour and 43 minutes. I think we can see where the problem is.
I was thinking that one would be here . Paranormal activity too. Blair witch project is one I would have added. The hype for that movie and then we got a shitty bring movie.
I havn't even watched it, but just the first part of the trailer is better than the second part! They had this ingenious idea and they turned it into a home invasion? It could have been...survival, we could have followed the bad guys and getting clockwork orange style, we even could have got a horror comedy but....not a home invasion! With this set up, what would have been interesting is the mass. The idea that EVERYONE may attack you, because they don't have to fear authorities. But this amazing set up is turned into an excuse to not call the cop?
I'm sorry but you were utterly wrong about Phantom Menace, you don't have to like it because of it being Star Wars but it MOST CERTAINLY wasn't a bad movie in itself. The plot works fine, it was just a bit too complex for the main kid viewership at the time. Regardless, lumping it with Salvation is idiocy.
Delsanar Financial success is not dependent on the quality of the writing. There are many examples of bad movies making tons of money, and good ones flopping at the box office only to become classics. There are some things Phantom Menace did well. The music, the action, some (but not all) of the special effects. As a whole though, the movie was a big let down in many ways. The magic of the original trilogy, it had not.
I am glad that none of the marvel cinematic universe trailers are here I like the marvel cinematic universe movies better than the marvel cinematic universe trailers
Every time you regret your choices in life, remember that Will Smith refused Matrix to make Wild Wild West.
i cannot imagine Will Smith as Mr. Anderson.
Was I the only one who really like Wild Wild West? My parents took me to see it as a kid.
@@billyjackson9968 hey will smith is an incredible actor mr.judgy
I mean I think he still got paid 20 million for that and it didn’t hurt his career at all as he went on to make far worse movies later on
So, am I the only one who actually thought Prometheus was actually not that bad?
no I thought it was great, but why the fuck is it on this list ? lol
Harnam Chana
The trailer was pretty cool. I think a lot of people expected it to tie in a lot more with the other Alien movies (for example, maybe a guest appearance of Ripley or something, or the Big Bad being a full-out Alien), and yeah, there were a few parts of the movie that needed a bit more explaining. But apparently, Ridley Scott does plan to do a sequel to Prometheus, so hopefully things will be explained more.
No, I liked Prometheus a lot.
Prometheus was awesome and it has much less logic gaps (if at all) than many people seem to think.
It Was Awesome dude !
I want to see a list of disappointing trailers of films that turned out to be amazing
I have in mind only District 9, the tralier was shit, I almost didnt go beacuse of it.
I think Godzilla and Transformers Revenge of the Fallen are good movies!!!
I think trailer for Inception was suck but the movie itself turned out to be amazing.
Disappointing Trailer, but Great movie: The Iron Giant. An absolutely brilliant animated film that was well directed. The marketing never let this film get off the ground. If you've seen it, you've also probably recommended it to a friend at some point. If you haven't seen it, go watch it!
Wow I never expected this to end up on the list. Never seen the trailor, but Iron Giant is an amazing movie.
How to make money on youtube
1: Have opinions
2: Put them into lists
3: No, that's it
Scott K you forgot the part where they make it unecessarily long for adsense
Haha, you're right.
So true
Actually, this is all fan-voted on their website. WatchMojo just picks biased options.
This post was made by the watchmojo gang
Was i the only one that actually really liked Tron Legacy
You were not.
i loved tron legacy
I liked it too.
i fel aspleep watching tron legacy at cinema
I liked it
So I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here who actually likes the Phantom Menace.
No sir. I thoroughly enjoy/ed phantom menace. While there was a lot of pressure for this movie to deliver, I personally feel that it DID. I still feel like the casting was an epic fail..(throughout the entire series as a matter of fact. With darth vader taking the cake.)(aside from ewan mcgregor and Liam neeson-obi&qui gon&darth maul-4wat it's worth) and I DO mean EPIC. I hope to enforce the notion of exaggeration- DARTH VADER IS THE WORST CAST I HAVE EVER KNOWN IN MY MOVIE VIEWING EXPERIENCE. And seeing Spider-Man 3 on this list reminds me that the Venom pansy actor from 70s show is nearly runner up lol. But I've seen Star Wars 1,2,3 more times than 4,5,6 and I estimate without exaggerating that I've seen them individually apx.100 times. I also went to the phantom menace re-release in 3D about 3 yrs ago as well. I LOVE phantom menace. It's the best of the 3...IMO. Riiiiiight next to r.o.t.s.
it's nestalgic for me, the only starwars movie i know by heart. had that shit on VHS and watched it moere times than i can count as a child
You're not alone. I too enjoyed Phantom Menace
9 year old me loved the shit out of that movie. I still like it, It wasn't as bad as the ones that followed. It has a similar feel to me to the original trilogy...
Do you mean grown up Anakin, or young Anakin. Because I thought the boy did terrific. I thought the grown up version was the lamest actor I have ever experienced. Plus I hear lucas doesnt let people interpret their roles very much. So he is to blame for any bad acting.
All of Suicide Squad's trailers belong here.
The trailers were terrible too
why you say that i'm waiting for the movie now u make me feel that i'm wasting my time that so sad
Benjamin Abramowitz I can't talk because I never saw it, lol, but I definitely hyped it up from the trailers & soundtrack - also assumed it was rated R so realizing it was PG-13 was awful icing on the cake.
It should have been the no. 1 in this list without a doubt.
Benjamin Abramowitz I thought it was good why didnt you?! just wondering
Whoever edited this video seems to think that any quiet moment in a movie, or at least one marketed as high-energy, is an indicator that the movie is disappointing.
Greg Peck I noticed that too. This site is full of hack frauds.
Yeah like terminator is really good
They will pick apart a movie just to prove their theory.
Like talking about Terminator 2 with all the action in it and bitching about how John shows the Terminator how to smile. It's not a bad film because of that scene..it's just a scene. Doesn't make it disappointing.
@@trendfixxx terminator is good. Terminator salvation was TRASH
@@Shadywolf09 they didn’t even mention terminator 2 lmao
tron: legacy was a really nice film, one of the best ive watched
+Jānis Ābele Yeah the teaser trailer was better than the actual trailer though.
+Jānis Ābele You must not have seen many films then.
Zach Forrester Not the best film ever made but it was pretty solid.
james franklin You fell asleep in the movie? Wow, that's cool!
+Jānis Ābele Yes, I loved it. Much better than Cats.
I don't care what you say, I like Prometheus
+John Wizeman same here
+John Wizeman I agree, great movie
+John Wizeman Biggest disappointment moviewise, of my entire life.
+John Wizeman First time I watched Prometheus, I was a bit disappointed...Now I love that movies...I think I might have got lost the first time. It's a beautiful and frightening movie.
Check out these other movie-tastic videos,
Top 10 Best Movie Trailers
Top 10 Best Movies of 2013
Top 10 Trailers That Ruined the Movie
Top 10 Scariest Scenes From Non-Horror Movies
Can u do a Top 10 RUclipsrs 2
The phantom menace wasn't bad. It was kinda good.
Actually I liked most of the movies... but I havent seen the trailers tho. Maybe then I would have been as disappointed as many were... Strange how something that should make us interested in a movie can make so high expectations that the movie itself cannot keep up with it :(
thelastspartanS117 take it easy, man.. Its a fucking movie.
Funny how all the comments are like “no, actually, that movie was pretty good”
Is it me, or does it seem that 89% of Mojo's videos I always disagree on... yet I'm subscribed to them and watched their videos despite the fact that I always disagree
In case you were wondering how the Mojoholics voted in our poll, see the votes and entries here:
Note, of course, that viewer votes are just one of the hundreds of data points and variables that we consider and look at when we create our lists. Make sure to sign up and participate on future lists at www.WatchMojo.com/suggest
4 your information battle LA was epic so get lost!
WatchMojo.com Hey, Tron Legacy IS AN EPIC MOVIE SO SHUT UP!
mechtecify Indeed. Just like Star Wars .... old but gold.
ByakuRanRan I agree with Tron. Star Wars episode 1 was fantastic (at my age when it came out), but it's definitely not the best of the 1-3 trilogy.
mechtecify Well they make the video. They don't actually follow the votes we do. They just make it on how they think rather than how we think.
I really liked the atmosphere of Prometheus...
Agreed. That was definitely a love it or hate it type of movie, it seems. I saw that movie with 3 others. All 3 of them hated it, while it was my favorite movie of the year.
Yeah buddy, same :D The most also dont understand that the creature at the and is the Alien from the movie Alien.
The most dont understand the whole movie ^^
And 2016 comes a follower :) Very excited for the story
Hank Bellows
It is not. Its Deacon. I think you can google out the rest.
Majou Nexian
Deacon? sry, didnt see the whole Alien movie..
WATCH ALIEN NOW!!!!!!!!! Prometheus had characters with the I.Q of 4
Honestly, The Phantom Menace is fucking awesome! Yeah, I know it's nowhere near as great as the original trilogy, but I truly enjoyed it and it was well worth the wait. Besides, look at all of the shit that's being released now? I even admire Jar Jar!
Yeah, unfortunately a lot of us were kids back then, so we didn't really pay attention to the trailers. I agree that the movie is awesome.
Gregory Baker whaaat
Melissa Burdick Which part didn't you understand, my dear?
The part she didn't understand, was when you said The Phantom Menace was fucking awesome.
Gregory Baker I actually liked it most of the prequels.
You should do a "The soundtrack was better than the movie"
TRON: Legacy, The Phantom Menace, Thor...
Shawn BolingI felt like this happened all the time in the mid 90s - Judgment Night and Mortal Kombat come to mind
Shawn Boling Oblivion
Im probably going to get eaten alive for this; Guardians of the Galaxy.
Jessica McMurtree Yup - Marvel screwed up with that one!
Sucker Punch was fucking epic.
I loved all of these movies except for "The Last Airbender". Well... Spider-man 3 wasn't so good, but still liked it.
I agree, Sucker Punch was a really freaking cool movie
Sucker punch was a sucker punch...
Did not expect it to be about mentally disabled strippers...
Rawrosaurus gaming It wasn't even about that, sort of. That movie definitely was a mind fuck.
Sonus , trust me, i am glad you didn't watch M Night Shalayman's version of the last airbender. It was more of less a caricature of the Nickelodeon's popular Avatar cartoon series. You might only like it if you never watched the cartoon. The only 2 good thing about the film were the CGI/effects and the guy acting as Prince Zuko.
Michael Oguntuase I did watch it. I knew they fucked it up, when I saw Zuko. From there it got worse.
Please tell me i'm not the only one who loved Tron Legacy???
I liked it, I even had a tron"marathon" with some friends, in which we saw the first movie than went out and got to the cinema to see the new movie.
Sometimes I really question the "general" opinion about some stuff, I never heard anyone complain about waterworld, but someone, who is rather "internet"famous once claimed it was a shitty movie and suddendly everyone shouting around how crap it was..the same with wild wild west..its a guilty pleasure, its entertaining, doesn't have to make sense, as long as it makes sense in the universe the movie plays in all is allright.
The same goes with the godzilla movie..I personally never really saw much of the "old" godzilla, because you know..they barely gave us good videogames back in the day, let alone give us their movies, but I kinda liked the Zilla, it was silly that they constantly lost her during chases, but come on, like the old godzilla has a reviting plot its always "some big mosnter shows up and godzilla fights it" yeah thats a trasure trove of brilliant filmmaking.
Thank's for sharing your opinion!
Tron Legacy is awsome! Story, visuals, action and soundtrack!
Tron Legacy was indeed awesome. Though i still question how the ending was possible.
You're not the only one bro
Prometheus shouldn't be on here imo
Neither Tron Legacy
@@vasypowerhouse92 definitely deserves to be here
azucarcult it was not great but didn’t totally suck
Defo should
Yeah, it wasn't perfect but it didn't suck too much.
I loved all these movies besides Wild Wild West....
Some people just have no taste in movies.
You're videos are just awful.
Keiran Cairney
Nuh uh, you are.
Sucker Punch is maybe the most underrated and misunderstood movie of all time.
Thank you! Sucker Punch was a damn good movie.
no not really
With the exception of the awkward swaying Baby Doll did before each dance, I thought the movie was fucking awesome.
B-but… I liked Spiderman 3…
+the Comic Nation 108 sorry to hear that
donna ly :O r00d
+the Comic Nation 108 It was an ok movie.
+the Comic Nation 108 very underrated, its not amazing or anything, but I thought it was cool
***** I'd take a Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie over a reboot movie any day.
Evan Almighty (2007), all the jokes were in the trailer. All the jokes.
Im I the only person who really liked Battle LA? I thought that was a good movie...liked Prometheus too...
battle LA was awesome
I loved it too. You are not alone!!! Lol
I thought both were awesome. Not sure why they're on this list either!
i loved it to i completely agree
Zyggurat I think Prometheus got a bad rap because people were expecting more of an Alien type movie. I didnt know it was an Alien prequel until after I saw it so i was just expecting a good science fiction movie and thats what it was. And Aliens is one of of my all time favorite movies so I should be bias lol
I actually enjoyed Prometheus, by no means was it a masterpiece but it was enjoyable.
Prometheus was great
Geek Boy I agree. It was a thinking mans film. Saw it 5 times.
the media just over hyped it but it was a very enjoyable movie
I did as well but I find it strange how the xneomophs were created first human drinks black goo has sex women gets pregnant with alien the boy gets turned into a zombie alien gets born mates with an engineer rips out of his chest
I actually really like Prometheus and Terminator Salvation. I can't be the only one.
Terminator salvation is brilliant.
TravelingTrav Traveling Trav I just watched the rant that Bale did...I did slightly adjust my opinion of the movie but even then I still liked it.
Ethan Villanueva hey man, I've written a few screenplays & I just watched your video "the substitute teacher". Thumbs-up. I'd like to work with you.
TravelingTrav Traveling Trav Yeah sounds pretty good. I mean. I don't know if we leave near each other or anything for us to like work on set anytime soon but maybe for now I can edit things for you or something else equally as rad. But yeah hit me up if you got a project you wanna collab on.
Ethan Villanueva email?
I see trees of green...
Red roses too...
I see them bloom...
For me and you...
And I think to myself...
What a wonderful world...
(Opening to Dolittle (2020) trailer)
Sucker punch is one of my favourite films of all time. You just have to dig deep to understand the true meaning and unfortunately most people were too brain dead and classed it as a shitty movie full of hot girls , action and no story line when it was really much more.
Care to elaborate, because no matter how I try to look at that movie it just looks plain stupid. Unless you were being sarcastic. And I will correct you the girls were slightly above average looking, the action was pretty shit and it sorta tried to follow some story but it was so ridiculous and stupid that no one could follow it so again please elaborate
I liked sucker punch also not a perfect movie but still good.
yeah, sucker punch shouldn't have been placed here. it was a terrible trailer/good movie situation. The trailer made it look like "a shitty movie full of hot girls" when it was actually quite good
I'm was thinking the same thing it shouldn't have been on that list
***** The thing about opinions is that they can't be wrong :O
Woh man, Prometheus was a fantastic movie. The problem was, people expected it to explain the whole beginning of aliens, but it wasn't trying to. It was a whole different plot
I disagree. Prometheus was a huge let down for ALIEN fans. We didnt want a different plot. We wanted Xenomorphs. Scott tried way to hard. You could tell he might of thought a simpler story would of gotten bashed. He went for something original. It failed.Way too complicated. When the story of Aliens is pretty simple. Not to mention the trailer was bait.Showing the eggs, hugger in the operating machine(that was a thought before the movie came out). A upward shot of a Alien Queen head. Guy covering his head while he is wearing his spacesuit. (Alien) The movie in it self was average.They could of been on the same planet as Alien for Christ sake.
True Alien fans. Prometheus was a failure. Alien and Aliens are how it should be done. Alien 3. Meh. Alien Res...uhh ok getting REALLY weird here. AvP. Cool I guess. Alien should of won. AvP 2. -__- Then Prometheus STARTED IT ALL OVER AGAIN?!?! fuck haha
I loved everything about the Aliens and Predator universe (Even the bad ones ^.^) What happened to the fanbase I knew. The people that didn't whine like little bitches because of a movie that asks US the questions. That's what made Alien so terrifying. The fear of the Unknown. Prometheus gave that feeling back. Jesus Christ. I feel like I'm dealing with 12 year olds. A lot of effort was put in that film, and it explained the Engineer side of the universe. You seriously expected Xenomorphs in a film called Prometheus?!? Also, Yautja can kick Xeno's ass anyday. Pah, you fans are worse than the u'darahjes themselves! Am I the only jehdin that hasn't gone hulij-bpe?! Fans like those deserve nan-de than-gaun.
so no, i have a feeling you're one of the " blood blood blood! gore gore gore!" alien fans. i'm a huge alien fan, but prometheus was fantastic lore wise. Have you ever gone on any of the forums? Huge debates going on there buddy. My best friend, who is more obsessed with alien, and prometheus, than i have ever seen anyone be obsessed about anything before, can't get enough of prometheus.
I am a huge alien and aliens fan
Prometheus should have used the trailer editor for the whole movie.
+jeabo0adhd , Prometheus was brilliant - despite the 1 or 2 dumb posing moments by the token black guy.
the movie is an astounding work of art - and the main character one of the best actresses alive
+jeabo0adhd Well, they cut out a pretty important scene about the humanoid alien actualy talking back to them and being disgusted by the old man wanting to live forever and creating the robot... Instead it seem'd like he's completely crazy...
+freespeechForAdnoysSmallWanker Erghh Prometheus deserves to be on this list. The plot creates more questions than answers and I just can't see them answering all the new questions in another 2 movies.
***** Disney can fuck themselves. The Star Wars fanboys have been praying to Disney and Lucas for a new film and they got it. Force Awakens. A complete recycled rehash of A New Hope..
+Jackal Muldipulus CABAL stop talking 😯😯😯
Make a new one of these and put suicide squad
and as Batman v Superman
+rhaspodel yes ! batman vs superman was awful
+nala 92 ya batman vs superman was awful even though I like it at first
and put all of marvel movies.
civil war says hi
OH GOD....THE LAST AIRBENDER!! Literally the most EPIC FAIL of an adapted story EVER!!! And talk about whitewashing!! I think all the actors in this movie committed career suicide! Even the director's career died!
The thing that bothers me about The Last Airbender is it ruined any chance for a sequel. Hopefully they will one day muster up the courage to do a remake.
+Rick Nye Both avatar animation series are incredible! There's so much good material that a remake is inevitable. I think they should start with the Avatar before Aang, and finish the first movie with him (Aang) getting trapped in the ice. This movie could also be incredibly diverse, putting actors of all different races in the spotlight. There are also strong female characters in the BCU (Bender Cinematic Universe - you heard it here first lol) This franchise could be EPIC if done right!
+Milky_X last air bender is getting a sequel
+TrollZilla You have to be joking. No movie would EVER spend money on a sequel to that garbage.....lol.
+Milky_X nopelook it up
I think I'm the only one who loved Star Wars: The Phantom Menace....
I thought it was good. The only people that hated were the ones who grew up watching the originals, and were annoyed at the fact that a new one was made
The Boss Stage1 I agree, ii prefer Episodes 1-3 compared to 4-6
I grew up with the originals, and even though I hated Jar Jar, I didn't think it was that bad at all! The fights were epic, the music soared, and the plot holes were minimal or plugged in later movies.
Although I liked Kick-Ass 2, I still preferred the first. Loved the part where Hit-Girl takes Adrenaline though!
I think it's the worst of all Star Wars movies, but I still don't think it's as bad as people say it is. And the prequels just get better from 1 to 3.
The thing about prometheus is that it wasn't really supposed to be an action movie. It was actually very deep and philosophical and intertwined with the alien universe (which many people who jumped on the hype-wagon haven't watched)... I thought the movie was great!
Prometheus was an awesome movie!
As. ''
People were expecting way too much answers from prometheus, without considering the fact that this movie introduced important characters (Ossians from paradise). But yeah, the trailer was over-hyped.
No Prometheus was just a bad movie. Too many stupid characters doing stupid things and behaving in completely unrealistic ways for the circumstances they're in. There are good scenes but just too much stupidity for me to overlook.
Tron was brilliant. Maybe i just have a huge amount of respect for the visuals and the sounds in that film. I guess maybe if youre purely there for story and you liked the original, fair enough. But i loved it
Yeah, I have always figured I'm in the minority but I loved it too. It even prompted me to watch the entire Tron Uprising animated series. I love where they took the story and how things had evolved since the original. And the thing that really kills me about it is that the original, while totally groundbreaking in so many ways, was really campy and had kind of a lukewarm reception. What are people expecting in a sequel to something like that? Are there elements to Legacy that were cheesy or underdeveloped? Sure! But if you wanted to see how the game grid had evolved and how programs and users interacted, etc. I'm not really sure what was expected or would have been any better.
Terminator 4 was great. Battle: LA was great. Starwars was great. Prometheus was pretty good. Every Transformers movie is good. Pearl Harbor was a fucking amazing movie. GODZILLA IS A CLASSIC. The only accurate thing in this list is Avatar being horrible. Other than that this list is totally FUBAR.
Terminator 2 was not on this list. It was Terminator 4. I never watched Battle: LA. Star Wars was stupid and annoying, but I still kind of like it. Prometheus was good but boring. Transformers was stupid, awkward, but action packed. Pearl Harbor was historically inaccurate. GODZILLA was a waste of film and a terrible way to make the king of monsters come back.
naw bobby, battle:LA was seriously the worst movie that year. Pearl Harbor gives veterans cancer to this day, Episode 1-3 killed my grandma and even Transformers made me throw away all my old toys
Avatar is a gem compared to all above.
Transformers sucked in my opinion. Prometheus was meh. Never seen terminator. Pearl harbor was just offensive. Battle L.A was boring and forgettable. Godzilla was nothing too special again in my opinion and you cant defend the star wars episodes 1-3 none of them were good especially not the the first one.
You have to admit, the 4th one was really shitty. I loved the last 3. But it was just like wha? Who? Why?
about TERMINATOR salvation I truly agree
that film was a overrated great epic film
Iron Man 3 should have been on here
True the first trailer was amazing the film not so...
Joel's Channel :D Like the most epic looking trailer leading us to think the film would be good, but only turned out to be mediocre... Hopefully, Iron man gets a revival in The Avengers: Age of Ultron...
Watchmojo is a marvel fan
i don't know what peoples' problem was but i thought Prometheus was a kickass , movie, prob one of my fav sci fi films
***** there are way to many illogical moments in this movie. it was unbelievable how incompetent most of the crew was. they acted like retards in so many situations. i mean just remember that slapstick scene at the end where both women try to run away from the ship in the direction it was falling. ridiculous. why to put guy pearce in this movie with this bad cgi face? why not just take an old man? and all these movie mistakes... watch 'eww prometheus'. it sums up quite good all the things people are complaining about this movie. ps: i liked watching the movie but i just would describe it as ok
I would generally agree to you 100 percent but in this case we got a science-fiction(-horror) movie and I (and I think everybody who is into this genre) expect this kind of movies to be at least a bit realistic. Instead prometheus was really hard to take seriously. Apart from that none of my examples from above had to do anything with a lack of imagination. These were just bad directing decisions.
theCrackmire Re: Prometheus "Slapstick scene" People do ridiculous things all the time, sometimes because it's a crisis and they can't think straight or because they are just not so clever - hence the yearly Darwin Awards. When you're far away from the action its easy to say what someone should have done, when you're in it, well it's a whole other story.
I completely agree, I loved Prometheus
***** I do like Prometheus a lot, and I'm an Alien fan...
Nope. Sorry, but TRON: LEGACY is awesome.
Agreed. I dunno why it gets so much hate, it was the best use of 3D I've seen!
bpfoley89 Agreed. And the finale is awesome too. Nothing in the film underwhelmed me.
Everything but the very end was awesome
the tron legacy music and sound effects made it awesome
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice would be number 1 if there is another list of these.😂
+Bruce Wayne. Bruce....you got to get rid of Zack Snyder dude, or your future films have no chance of succeeding.
+Omar Gamez Everyone hated the trailers.
You guys need to do this but for video games!
Fucking watch dogs
Dead Island would be a strong contender
Dead island isn't a bad game it's actually really good but didn't capture the feeling of the trailer
Assassins creed 3
Colonial marines would be no. 1 no doubt.
Wild Wild West, Battle: Los Angeles, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, 2012, Superman: Returns, and Godzilla are all good movies. -_-
so true........the tailers were all bad they have this backwards
I loved 2012 all the destruction and death and puppy... PUPPYS!! The puppys survived that's all that mattered
***** I thought the same thing when I read that sentence. All of those movies listed in that sentence, other then Phantom Menace, were generally negative in reviews by critics. Not to mention worse by word of mouth from audiences.. However that Star Wars is considered the weakest of the franchise.
***** Do you really think Phantom Menace is worse than Attack of the Clones?
Attack of the Clones was bad partly because of what Phantom Menace gave it to work with.
Top 10 youtube channels that shouldn't exist:
1. WatchMojo
Moron 10 Comments online that shouldnt exsist
1. Pizza that's right u jack ass uf u dont like it why are u watching it?
@@michellea221 the same thing I was thinking lol😂
@@kasumiyamato7540 lol
Morgz, KSI, ishowspeed, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Jack Doherty
Prometheus seriously??? I thought Prometheus was a really good movie, so good I watched it 4 times and looking at this video made me want to watch it again, I'll be doing that when I get home, so make 5 times I've watched.
It was good, but it had several failures: The captain should have played a more prominent role, considering his acting skills; the ending sequence itself was poorly done with the rolling spaceship and the whole escape pod scene with the Alien inside. The best thing about Alien's ending sequence was that it was tight. It did not drag and it pulled off just in the right moment. There was too much movement from one distant place to another that in Prometheus it lost all of its vitality it had put together until the end.
That is just my summary.
I've seen it quite a few times. I enjoy the beginning the most, the middle quite a bit, and up until the very end, but at the end it just seemed weak.
The movie was boring. The only thing that kept me and my friends watching it to the end was the awesome visuals and how they are going to wrap it up to explaining the other alien movies. The movie gave us more questions than answers...
I also enjoyed the movie very much. It was mostly because of the costumes, the scenery, the robot guy and the philosophical intrigue.
Besides that there were so many holes and horseshit. According to the movie if you mate an octopus with a giant you get Alien.
Manos Seferidis Your octopus and giant statement had me really laugh out loud!!! The movie was really good in my opinion...it had me thinking about it for days...not too many movies these days leave that lasting effect.
Movie is based on some truth. That's what made it interesting. Most people don't know this.
personally i reckon Battle: Los Angeles was actually really good.
DimaFromRussia1 Yes
DimaFromRussia1 Da
movies on here that were just as good as the trailer, or different, but still good:
> Sucker Punch
> Pearl Harbor
> Tron: Legacy
Agreeing with tron though
Stephen Aderanti I could just be a sucker for Olivia Wilde but I also liked Tron Legacy.
Tron legacy was not bad but I could have did a bit better
WatchMojo plan of action: Just take the worst/ boring scenes that cannot be understood by people who haven't watched the whole movie and include it here.
Am I the only person who actually liked Tron?
I'm with us bruv!
i loved it wish there was an 2nd one
Jachob Tyson there's going to be
DragonGirl , I also liked it! You are not alone! ;-)
DragonGirl yes
Hell no, Wild Wild West, Tron Legacy and SW Ep I were great. Prometheus was horrible though, I can definetly agree with that one.
+Danielviomusic you are wrong on all those films
+Danielviomusic at least we agree that Prometheus was a piece of shit It should have been a top 3 at least and by the way every Star wars fan in the universe knows that the phantom menace is an utter crap
+Danielviomusic You *LIKE* Star Wars Episode 1? Are you crazy? No honest fan of the franchise likes that movie. Tron Legacy was awesome though, and I've never seen Wild Wild West, so I can't critique on that. But that Star Wars movie *SUCKED*!
Rachel Bejerano I love the original trilogy. I went to Episode VII release as soon as I could and loved it. I have SW merchandising which my girlfriend gifted me. I would therefore call myself an honest fan. Not only in SW, I love movies.
I have a different concept of fan than you. For me being a fan means accepting the mistakes done in a movie but being able to enjoy it. I never said they were perfect movies, as they obviously aren't. But original trilogy isn't perfect either. So why not enjoy both? It's freakin' SW. Phantom Menace is 16 years old, enough hate feedback already. You should problably let the hate go once and for all and enjoy it, as it's enjoyable. That's my opinion at least.
+Danielviomusic Phantom Menace is an utter piece of crap and if you can't see that, dude go see a shrink there is something quite wrong with your brain.....lol
Why does everyone hate the Godzilla movie? I personally enjoyed it alot
there is barely any godzilla and its boring
Which one? GINO or 2014's?
Seriously I mean it's not citizen Kane but it's really not that bad
because it has nothing to do with godzilla, just aside a giant monster looking like godzilla
almost all trailers are better than their movies sadly
Exactly. What you think the movie will be will on most occasions be better than what the movie _is_. Our imagination is really interesting
Definitely not true. Inside Out was really good, the trailer made me not want to watch it. The ones I saw didn't explain what the movie was at all, and when I saw the characters it made me think of Osmosis Jones. So I refused to watch it. Meanwhile, pretty much all of these trailers were garbage in my book.
This is the first time I've seen the trailer for Wild Wild West, never even heard of this movie. That Trailer looks awful, part of it being my distaste for both Steam Punk and terrible CGI and my feelings that comedy is better in the background of a movie or left to television programs.
I knew Battle Los Angeles was garbage because of the trailers, looked like another military jargon film where for some reason everyone dies in a heroic way and no one has any legitimacy of feeling human. Also the title sucks.
Prometheus was a mixed bag, I think this is why people don't like it. It pays great homage to alien in it's story, but the execution was sloppy with weird pacing that involved elongated build ups to nothing and radically important scenes being too quick with little time to sink in. I liked it in concept, I hated it's final production. And just fyi to Cinemasins and others: Running to the side of a falling donut rather than away from it means racing against that giant things velocity in a direction that doesn't use your own speed to your advantage. Meaning? The object needs to cover less distance to get to you. So that's not a sure way to survive either, diagonal is your best bet, and still not entirely credible either, it should have crushed her no matter what.
Phantom Menace played the heart strings of Star Wars nerds. If you hated sci-fi, that would be a dumb trailer. It's not a very flashy trailer, not much suspense. It's just Star Wars, which works on people like me not because it is a good trailer but because it is a trailer for something I want to watch.
Terminator Salvation's trailer is actually the cited cause as to WHY the movie sucked! A principle plot point for the end of the first act was that the guy we were following around was actually a Terminator himself. Not to say if this was hidden it would have been an amazing movie, but an extremely important reveal that was used in the trailer that I felt cheapened the film.
Sucker Punch admittingly looked awesome, and I still want to watch it even knowing how it has been received and even though I now know the plot. I don't mind seeing bad films.
Revenge of the Fallen looked like the first Transformers which is what TMNT looks like too, didn't bother because the trailer helped me make up my mind.
Spider Man 3 has the same issue as Star Wars, it's a nerd thing; Last Airbender just seemed like a shit idea as a live action to begin with so I was already biased before the crappy trailer, and Godzilla as a modern concept is just garbage. It was fun because of the crap effects and does a lot to entertain little kids. As a now older and more critical person I won't even give the old stuff a chance again because I know it's just nostalgia keeping it alive.
So yeah, most of these trailers were good to me: Because most of them convinced me not to watch nearly any of these films.
Damon Olsen
That is one gigantic comment, man. I can't read all of it.
All I can say is, kids movies are marketed differently, so the movies always seem shit to us. Best example for me is The Croods, another great kids movie with a shitty trailer
cannonfodder4000 I thought The Croods was alright. Could be better for me, but it was cute and nice. And you are right. I'm trying to think of other movies that had terrible trailers but were really good. None are coming to mind but this was actually a conversation piece we had at work.
Don't mind the rest of the stuff btw, it was kind of my "these trailers aren't good anyway" sort of spill. Most of those trailers actually convinced me to not watch those movies when they first came out.
That's because trailers showcase the best parts and usually focus on the premise for the movie rather than it's execution. The actual viewing relies on our ability to be interested in the execution itself. Separating premise and execution like this puts it in a way that makes Trailers and Movies/Games two entirely different things, (the trailer is what they wanted to go for, the product is what happened). In general I don't agree with reviews and such on a lot of things that I think are great, (RE6 is a good example; everyone seems to hate it and I can't see why), but in this case; the list was faulty in the first place for thinking trailers ever properly depicted execution over premise.
Lets see how much I agree with WatchMojo..
10: No
9: No
8: No
7: No
6: No
5: No
4: Ok, ok.. you got me
3: No
2: Got me again... lets see what number 1 is.
1: No. Sorry, but I like this film.
The Cheeki Breeki Page 5-1 were agrees? or did you stop watching after 6?
Evan Hollnagel
There are films that people do not like that I do. I watched the whole thing.
The Cheeki Breeki Page That's weird. When I clicked view rest of comments your comments only went 10-6, and so i commented cuz I was curious what you though of 5-1 (well mainly #2). More or less i have never met a person who actually like avatar the movie so i was curious if today was the day id fine some one who did..... but yea now i can see what you wrote for 5-1 now
Evan Hollnagel
That is because *nobody* likes the Last Airbender
The Cheeki Breeki Page 6 is stupid
Prometheus currently holds a 73% rating on rotten tomatoes. So since when do films with positive reviews get on a bad movie list watch mojo. Fail, fail, fail.
But prometheus wasn't underwhelming after viewing the trailer. Infact the trailer gave me no hype at all. The positive response i heard made me watch the movie and i loved it.
Say what you say but just cause it had that affect on you doesn't mean it didn't have the effect on others
Prometheus is a terrible film
Retro_Compilations Yeah. YOU. Not everyone. They make these lists based on general opinion, not yours.
I thought the movie was pretty good...and cant wait for the sequel.
The 38th most popular Watch Mojo video with almost 19,800,000 worldwide views!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite choice for a trailer (better than the movie) is the "Wild Wild West" 1999 trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Number 1 should be Iron Man 3!
+TheTrueMandrake YES
+TheTrueMandrake Truuuuueeeeee... That Movie was terrible!
Yupp, completely overrated and horrible...I almost left the cinema...
that is 100% true. iron man 3 trailer looked amazing i was superhyped but the movie was so disappointing
Yeah right. One of the best trailers ever...and then that disaster! Every time I watch the trailer I have the real movie in mind, which should be made...
Honestly? Most movies don't actually live up to the expectations one gets from the trailers. Neither do lots of games. That's just how it is. Marketing, folks.
It's the rare exceptions that not only live up but surpass that become legendary.
well said mate!
+Filippa Breisand burre?
blanκ laκe ...yes? :3 (eller ja kanske?)
***** jag är förvirrad..
Prometheus was an excellent movie. I do not re watch movies, that movie was a rare exception
Prometheus had a broken fan-base. Those who wanted an "Aliens" horror movie were severly disappointed,
Those who wanted a smart action-adventure movie version of "Chariots of the Gods" loved the hell out of it.
Also, all the characters seemed weird and mean-spirited plus too much was edited out.
Hory Shiet...
What was just said is complete bullshit
Yep! Great film!
wut? It was so terrible that I was literally yelling at the TV. It was scene after scene of stupid shit. Things like taking off your helmet and exposing yourself to bacteria on an unknown planet. It was more ridiculous than a Jason movie.
I dont agree with your list!!
WTF?! Wild Wild West is a great movie, fucking watch mojo messes up every top 10, never agreed once with them.
And The last air bender.
And I also enjoyed Spiderman 3.
Will Potter you better be trollin hard sir
Will Potter Wild wild west was funny I agree but the last air bender? No, just no. The cartoon was way different and 100% better then what that trashy movie adaptation showed.
You do realize that your opinions differ from theirs, right?
-Battle LA is an awesome "B" movie. Even the director said it was a B movie.
-Prometheus is epic storytelling and according to Ridley IT IS NOT A PREQUEL.
.-Why pick on Star Wars when we all know there were multiple movies coming? Studios don't want us sitting in theaters for 7 or 8 hours straight so they force nearly all movies to be under 2 hours and/or multiple parts. Episode one was not great but far from bad.
-Terminator: Salvation was gutted for that ridiculous PG-13 rating so the studio(s) can get more people to see it. All Terminators should be rated R from now on! I will say this. The surround sound for this movie is AWESOME...
-Just watched Suckerpunch last night. Another kick-ass B movie!
-The Last Airbender. Sorry guys but I liked it! I'll admit the first half of the movie was very much amateur hour but I was emotionally involved buy the end. But while I was watching it I could see that it was built to be part one of many so I was willing to overlook the weaknesses of the first installment. Unfortunately this is the end. At least for now anyway.
Personally I like a lot of movies for different reasons. I don't expect every movie to be epic sweeping stories like Gone With The Wind or Les Miserables. It's OK to like something a little more action oriented or just funny every now and then.
Dude, the last airbender completely fails at actually following anything from the actual series.
The fact that you liked the last airbender renders everything else you said invalid. That was one of the worst films of all time. The acting/story/bullshit bending, so terrible. Even the clip shown on here made me want to shoot myself.
...i just have to say, you do realize star wars episode one was the third movie to come out, being a prequel to the second. there was no other movie coming. Also, theres no Last Airbender sequal for a reason: because it was complete garbage.
Do you know what a B-movie is?
Evan, you're a moron. Avatar: The Last Airbender's sequel, The Legend of Korra, is 2-3 seasons in already.
I actually like Prometheus. It explains why the Engineer guys created the alien creature. I agree that the concept could have been executed better, but the final product was still pretty satisfying to me.
i still think they did that cause they wanted put more answers or facts in the next movie/es
There's a shit tonne of things they didnt explain though; I believe Red Letter Media did a video on it explaining what the biggest issues were.
The vagina faced space worms ruined it for me, couldn't take it serious after that.
blacktail224 Uh, okay? Because it's not like there're thousands of known things in nature that have features some might see as phallic or vaginal. (P.S. you might want to check out a biology and/or botany book).
I agree. This video is garbage. Prometheus is amazing and I love most of these movies just because of the characters.
I like spiderman 3 a lot :/ watched it to see the black spiderman
Now we get to watch reboots of spiderman 20 times over.
I don't mind! :D Better than Avengers and Xmen, in my opinion.
kigerneko you would rather see the same story be told over and over again, than a a story that's contuining with each installments?!
If the story, acting and effects are good, yes. Better than watching Batman and the awful story of Deadpool. A man burned in a big fire just trying to get revenge.
kigerneko I agree with you on the fact that Deadpool wasn't good, lol - anyways. But who says there isn't possibility to fix both acting, story etc. In sequels, because of the fact that sequels learn from the predecessors.
Let's take Nolan's Batman for example, it would be the same as saying you would rather re-watch Batman Begins being remade than the far superior The Datrk Knight and Rises.
I don't think Prometheus and Terminator Salvation should be on this list. How about Oblivion, Divergent or Cabin In The Woods? Hell, there are tons, but I just can't think of any at the moment.
Cabin in the Woods? Oh, you're one of those. The movie was supposed to be a surprise compared to the trailer. Why does no one understand that?
***** No, I get that it was supposed to be surprising, but the way they did it was just awful. Trying to mix in comedy while people are getting eaten alive isn't what I'd consider "Good surprising".
***** You could tell from the trailer that there were elements of comedy to it, and I was really excited to see it. I though the final act was awful and ruined everything they were trying to make fun of with the movie though.
Kaipyro67ALT Your personal dislike of the movie doesn't classify it for inclusion on the "trailer better than the movie" list... the movie received widespread critical acclaim, made decent money for the studio, and was very well received by most audiences. It even won several awards... The trailer wasn't better than all that.
SimpleObservations And guess what? Prometheus got millions of dollars in return, huge critical acclaim, and it's still on this list. The trailer for Oblivion made it look awesome but the movie had atrocious pacing and shitty plot. Divergent was turned into basically the hunger games, even though in the trailer, they made t look half-decent, and Cabin In The Woods looked like it as going to be a good horror thriller, but turned out to be a dark comedy-horror slasher flick. I said Prometheus shouldn't be on the list, because guess what? The trailer showed pretty much what the movie was gonna be like. A Ridley Scott, fucked up, sci-fi thriller.
You kidding? Wild Wild West was an awesome movie.
I agree! I saw it in the cinemas when I was a child. Watched it many times since; a very underrated movie for sure which you don't hear many at all talk about anymore
Wild Wild West AWESOME? Ok, everyone has his own taste, but for me it was extremely stupid. The old TV serial was definitely much better, I did really enjoyied it, but the movie was a big disappointment.
Agreed nothing wrong or awkward with will smith touching some man boobies. great movie I admit the movie was cheesy and a bit odd but that doesnt make a movie bad. its not the best movie in the world but there are plenty of other movies that had great trailers but the movie itself was way way worse than wild wild west. most of them comedies that give all the best jokes of the movie in the trailer there are plenty of those.
you guys should look back in that time (1999), that was an amazing movie. Don't just compare with nowadays ones.
Giang Nguyen
That was poorly poorly received even then. I don't see how being 15 years old excuses a shit movie.
I really liked Tron. Plus the sound track was awesome.
The main reason I watch that movie is for the awesome Daft Punk soundtrack.
it sort of reminded me of the deus ex:human revolution soundtrack
Yeah I loved Tron. I don't think it belonged on this list at all.
Star Wars I wasn't THAT bad
for some reason the constant music worked with the original movies but totally ruined the newer movies...i think the new movies would be so much better without the music...the story is ok, the actors do a good job and the special effects are good, but something else ruined it and i think it is the music
I agree. Much kudos to Williams and Kiner for good music, but the best parts of episode two may have been those with the least music. I don't know, maybe I'm old school but i like the pace of my movies much slower than they make them now and much more pensive.
Nudge Nudge, Force Awakens
I sucked
II was Meh
III was Pretty Good
the prequels were pretty overhated
If they use a song in a trailer I wish they'd actually use it in the movie.
***** Aw, thanks! I'm flattered :)
Sorry but Prometheus was pretty bad ass. Terminator Salvation had amazing special effects but it had a horrible plot. Other than that...this is pretty much spot on.
Agreed. I feel like I'm the only person to ever like Prometheus.
FloMaxster yeah, the Prometheus trailer totally delivered, seen it twice in 3D in the movie and own the blueray
@ FloMaxster, no way...I couldn't wait to see that movie and get the DVD. I watched it at least a dozen times.
you are weird
Wild Wild West was badass movie, brings back childhood memories. I never saw the trailer at the time. But i can imagine for someone who saw the trailer to be disappointed because it basically revealed most of the film LOL.(A great tip, whenever you hear or read about awesome film, never watch the trailer, just know the genre)
now touch mine
*walks away*
I actually loved Salvation. Definitely was better and more memorable than T3 and the last one with Khaleesi lol
Tron Legacy was still pretty awesome though. Especially since the whole thing was scored by Daft Punk. Without that score the movie cannot hold up on its own.
The soundtrack definitely added a lot to it. I still listen to it pretty regularly. I think I would have enjoyed the movie without it but yeah, it was pretty awesome IMO.
A terrible story, but it is refreshing to see the world in stunning modern CG and the music also helped make it less shit.
Remember Watchmojo never said the movies were bad, all they're saying was that the trailer was better
I liked Tron Legacy... Olivia Wilde as Quorra was awesome, and I became a fan of hers... I really wish they would make a 3rd Tron...
Jim Gorr There will be. The sequel had been planned before Legacy was even out.
The trailer to Iron man 3 was great, but I was extremely disappointed with the actual film
Except for that little plot twist regarding the Mandarin (which could not be given away in the trailer as it was a major plot point), it was basically the movie described in the trailer.
Personally I liked the twist, did not see it coming at all; but I can understand why die-hard comic fans were pissed.
I like both, but i have to admit...i was more blown away with the trailer than film. But still, the MCU is my life haha i love all the movies
Best of the trilogy, had the most character development, great twists, best effects and action, it was just a great movie. Those that deny that don't seem to understand it, literally, they are puzzled by simple things like 'why did the suit fall apart'? and 'why did he blow up his suits?' They don't appear to have paid attention.
Chris Dynamo Nothing interesting is goin on in IM 3. That film is a failure. The plot is complete nonsense, special effects are uncreative and so on.Worst of the trilogy. Month later i watched Man of Steel and it was far better
first one was the best. but I think that after the disappointing 2nd movie the 3rd one did a good job. I enjoyed watching it.
Tron legacy? Are u fucking kidding me? Why all the hate towards tron legacy? I loved that movie, and the soundtrack should easily get a grammy. Sadly, people weren't smart enough to appreciate it. But its normal these days, just look at Edge of Tomorrow.
If the movie made it in the list doesnt make the movie terribad sometimes the trailers are trully better than the movie even if the movie was amazing like godzilla the movie was cool but the trailer...better
i agree with you. Tron:Legacy was amazing. Edge of Tomorrow is by far one of the best movies of the summer.
Shut the fuck up "people aren't smart enought to appreciate "blablabla. Are you stupid? I love EoT and tron but It's maybe not everyones cup of tea? They aren't exactly "smart" movies
Personally, I found Tron Legacy a very pretty movie with an awesome soundtrack, but the story itself was kinda "meh."
Yeah, Legacy was a great movie. The trailer was really good, and IMHO the movie was at least as good, if not better.
You must have an attention span of a fly to say that Sucker Punch was a bad movie. Do some research, read about the symbolisms in it and watch the movie again with a new perspective.
M S Ram I agree with you totally.
Seriously,am I the only one who F*CKING LOVED Tron: Legacy?
It was a really cool Daft Punk music video.
No :D
Not really, but the 3d was really good.
tron was badass.
why was Tron mentioned? that movie was fucking kickass
Completely agree. Honestly, it's one of my favorite movies of all time. And dear god, that soundtrack was IMPECCABLE!
i agree guys))
Who wouldn't agree!!! (please don't answer if you don't agree....)
Josh Ly haha, yeah.
Daft punk was a good choice but let's just be happy there wasn't any singing in the movie because it probably could of been super shit but hands down I agree 10/10 one of the best movies of 2010
did anyone else disagree with prometheus? i thought it was great
Yea it was, definately not deserve to be on this list.
No it should be on this list, just didn't come together well at all, all it has is good sfx
God it was terrible.
Burlap Sack How do you figure
I thought it was really good
The problem with a lot of trailers these days is they can go for several minutes and basically show all the good bits and tell the whole story.
Am I the only one who liked sucker punch?
I liked it a lot. And I didnt even know anything about it beforehand.
no i actually loved it :)
No, I kinda liked it too.
i dont understand the heat that Prometheus gets... i mean i really really enjoyed the film, good story good characters good actors great effects alot of omg momemts... so why is there so much hate???
The characters need to learn how to run from danger
It's because a lot of people who watched it missed a key part of the movie. The creation of life during the intro credits. If you missed that small bit then you wouldn't understand the movie.
I think a big part is because the plot was made deliberately obscure. I had to mull it over for a day or so to come up with my own conclusion about what happened and why. But I enjoyed the film anyway. I can dig films like Mullholand Drive and Lost Highway where you have to fill in the narrative yourself, as long as the journey is interesting. I can't say that most others feel the same.
It's okay for people to have different taste in the matter, but I feel like a lot of people ignore the great things that Prometheus has to offer. The cinematography and world design is beautiful and the atmosphere is genuinely unsettling. It's not the Alien prequel people wanted (and not really an Alien prequel at all for that matter), but it was an interesting film nonetheless. Certainly not without it's flaws, but far far from a sci-fi B-movie.
I would put it in the same social category as Speilberg's/Kubrick's Artificial Intelligence: misunderstood. Both films have their problems, but they were incredibly ambitious and peppered with surprisingly strong and provocative elements.
***** No we saw it and it's still a bad movie. Most people who liked it always say those of us that didn't did not understand it.I understood it and I can clearly say it was a horrible movie . It looked great but if looks made a good movie Transformers would win the Oscar for best film.The characters where poorly written the actors tried but they had a terrible script.
i assure you are michael bay
rudolfo mercedes xD
Ew just no
I think the latest transformer film is not well good compared to the former ones.
Prometheus is amazing. I am a full blown Alien Franchise geek. I appreciated this film and its understated theory.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the Star Wars prequels. Yeah Jar Jar was annoying as shit, but other than that, those were all good movies. They get hated on for no legitimate reason.
They get hated on for being so massively worse than episodes 4-6. I agree, they were decent movies, but if you were a Star Wars fan expecting another masterpiece like the first 3 movies had been, then you'd no doubt be VERY disappointed, and VERY angry.
Star Wars Episode 1 really had no plot whatsoever.
Matt M lol! wtf? it had a plot...it was just too boring that no one payed attention.
People hate them because they've inflated the quality of the original trilogy. The original trilogy was so shiny and different from everything else that it was an instant hit, even if it wasn't the best writing or acting. Everyone has that candy coated memory and can't see that the new trilogy was cut from the same fabric. I love ALL the movies and am excited for the final trilogy.
Matt M Awarded Akira Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress heavily influenced Lucas' A New Hope, the plot is just a tale; the shiny armour knight saving the princess from the ogre's castle, but with a nerdy twist. You can dislike simple plots, but you can't deny them. I'm 37 now and I was a hardcore Star Wars fun before the last trilogy, those three movies are arguably some of the worst of the genre, but the the actual sad thing is they let down the hope of almost a whole generation of fans, which is in part a nostalgia effect's fault. If you ask me, thinks began to go downhill with the ewoks.
A lot of hate for this video, but I will agree with people and saying that some of these movies weren't bad. But I will totally agree with Avatar The Last Airbender being in this list. That movie was such a disappointment compared to the actually cartoon.
That was a tragic film, it's as if they didn't even try to live up to the cartoon. I'm right there with ya on that one
Silly, Avatar the Last Airbender was never made into a movie!
Ana Sanchez Yes it was, season 1 to be more persist if needed.
I watched it despite having seen the live action dragonball movie.... I should have known better >.
Lol I'm aware. I just don't choose to acknowledge that it existed :)
...TRON: Legacy was the shit. I don't know why the hell that even got an honorable mention. Any fan of the original fell in love with it.
Tron: Legacy was shit -that much is true. As someone that was there when the original came out in theaters an waited 25 years for the sequel - it was a gigantic turd. Yes the special effects were great - music great, but they had 25 years to develop a tight, inspiring, groundbreaking story like the original was in its day - an it failed that miserably.
Tron Legacy was the antithesis of everything Tron was about - and there was no way in hell Flynn, who fought with his life to free the system from the Master Control Program would turn right around and hand all control back over to a Program that could control the entire virtual universe. Absolutely ridiculous - it would be as if Neo defeated the Matrix just to turn around and hand it back over to Agent Smith in the next movie - absolute fail! Sorry. It was the biggest disappointment of my generation. You have to remember TRON is what MADE the computer game industry. Single handedly it changed the world! ...and we waited 25 years for that piece of shit trite copy of the original storyline. It should have blown your socks off and at the very least made you think, or inspired you to something completely revolutionary. Instead we got a stupid, boring, predictably juvenile story that was contrary to every single idea in Tron - not to mention Tron wasn't even in the movie for more than 5 seconds. Huge disappointment - huge! The trailer and hype way outweighed the massive let down we got. Sad...so sad - it is a forgettable movie - whereas my father at 76 still watches the warped VHS of Tron...because it was that ground breaking in its time.
Nexus2Eden Did you and I watch the same movie? The original was basically a giant metaphor with what was going on in the world at that time. TRON: Legacy is about the same thing - only what's going on in today's world - that people fight wars due to differences and that our next major world war will (most likely) be fought with computers, rather than having people on the front lines.
My mother was also around when the original was in theaters. She's a HUGE fanatic about the original and was stoked to see this new one. And she loved the new one more than I did. She thought it was a great progression of the first one and fell in love with the message and characters.
A "juvenile story"? Almost every teenager I find that liked this movie had no clue what the movie was really about. They just liked the colours. But there are quite a few who see the message and love it for that. TRON: Legacy will be very much like the original - it will gain a larger and larger following the older it gets.
So true
The movie was good just not as good as the trailers
Whhhaatttt, Tron is so fucking epic
I liked Spider-man 3, in fact, I love the original trilogy. The third was fine and very enjoyable, but the scene where Peter tries to be a badass... was so bad, that everybody just focused on that!
I still remember when I went to see it in the theatre... It was an awesome day.
I think that they were good for the time but looking back at them, they were kind of silly IMO. I feel the same way about the first two X-Men as well. Comic book movies are on a whole different level nowadays. They were still enjoyable, but I definitely don't like them now as much as I used to.
Dylan B Wow. That was so uncalled for. People are allowed to have their own preference. You can dislike them and he can like them and neither of you are wrong for it.
Michael Ferguson That was my kind of my problem with earlier comic book films. I feel that certain comedic and sometimes campy or over the top aspects from comics don't translate all that well to the big-screen. Some of it works but other times it feels a bit out of place. Again, though, just my opinion. :P
MooCowManHG Comic book movies are actually good now, though. Almost no campiness to them at all.
The reason why I hated it was because there were way too many plotlines and villains. It was like two films crammed into one. The first half of the film was good, but when they decided to bring venom into the film, that's when the movie went downhill, he was just awkwardly shoehorned in. That's why I didn't like the film, the movie should have ended at around the 1:40 mark, but it just kept going and rushing everything.
sucker punch is a great movie if you watch the extended edition
i loved it too you see a girl trying to escape by finding the answers in her day dreaming and let me tell you those are some epic dreams she has, and seeing the girls get killed and becoming a vegtable is just sad
This post made me shit myself...
rps121 clean or you get stains on the carpet
fandude666 Yeah it was a pretty big mess...
I agree, I thought it was a great movie. It had a sort of Video Game feel to it with different bosses and levels, and was a shutter island sort of thriller that makes you wonder about the ending. I liked it very much.
I know that feel bro :(
Glad I did not watch the whole movie, I even watched some of it, but I stopped when I saw that they smashed 2-3 episodes in 5 minutes. I think it would be better if they made one movie per book.
Yea that would've been a good idea. Whos still pissed at how his name was On(watever it was) but not Aang?
After I watched the movie, I ran home and watch the cartoon series.
Rennan Maldonado Pozzati that was what they did?
prometheus is a good movie
And covenant too. I will say perfect not good.
Tron Legacy was freaken amazing. From CGI to story to music. What more could you possibly want?
A good movie
i totally agree. one of my husband's favorite movies has always been the original - and i walked out of Legacy (which even I looked forward to from the moment i knew it would be out - i was nearly on a count down to it!) totally wowed (and yes i'd seen the original many times). i walked out saying "yup, lived up to the original." i was a bit weirded out by the CGI to make Beau Bridges look younger, but that's it.
sorry but that movie wasn't that great..
Hugo Dillanger agreed, i watched it 2 times, and both times everyone was disappionted
I really liked Tron Legacy also. It was fun and brought back memories, so I revisited the original Tron too.
Sucker Punch is brilliant, and that it wasn't what you expected to see from the trailer was half of the point of the title.
The problem with The Last Airbender, is that it tried to squeeze the whole Avatar franchise, which is approximately 24 hours long, with all 61 episodes combined, that deeply explore the story of every character in the show. And then the movie tries to do this is 1 hour and 43 minutes.
I think we can see where the problem is.
+venomtail1 fyi it was 20 eps into one movie :D
Lolman 96
Sorry, my error. But that's still about 7 hours of footage and information.
I loved Prometheus
The Purge should definitely be on there. That movie was shit but the trailer was awesome. I think anyone who has watched the purge will agree.
Yeah trailer hooked me film did not
I was thinking that one would be here . Paranormal activity too. Blair witch project is one I would have added. The hype for that movie and then we got a shitty bring movie.
Watch the 10-year-olds come and start screaming IT WAS A GOOD MOVIE YOU FUCKER!
eawesomest Mate, the purge was worse than Hitler.
I havn't even watched it, but just the first part of the trailer is better than the second part! They had this ingenious idea and they turned it into a home invasion? It could have been...survival, we could have followed the bad guys and getting clockwork orange style, we even could have got a horror comedy but....not a home invasion!
With this set up, what would have been interesting is the mass. The idea that EVERYONE may attack you, because they don't have to fear authorities. But this amazing set up is turned into an excuse to not call the cop?
I'm sorry but you were utterly wrong about Phantom Menace, you don't have to like it because of it being Star Wars but it MOST CERTAINLY wasn't a bad movie in itself. The plot works fine, it was just a bit too complex for the main kid viewership at the time. Regardless, lumping it with Salvation is idiocy.
man...you're the minority on this one.
armyofrobots According to metric-based sales I'm actually not.
No it's awful have you not seen mr: plinketts reviews?
Jesse radke I'm sorry did Mr. Plinkett make over a billion dollars from a movie which sold hundreds of millions of copies?
Delsanar Financial success is not dependent on the quality of the writing. There are many examples of bad movies making tons of money, and good ones flopping at the box office only to become classics.
There are some things Phantom Menace did well. The music, the action, some (but not all) of the special effects. As a whole though, the movie was a big let down in many ways. The magic of the original trilogy, it had not.
I'ts funny that Prometheus was on their top 10 of best prequels but they still say it isn't good...
Also funny it's not a prequel, not even set in same local. Watchmojo Are idiots.
I went to go watch it in theaters and I fell asleep during the beginning it was boring
AgentNolies it is actually a prequel. it came before the alien movies and started to explained how the alien came to be.
Saying it wasn't as good as the trailer, and saying it wasn't good, are two different things.
they're not saying it isnt good, their saying it didnt live up to the expectations given by the trailer
I am glad that none of the marvel cinematic universe trailers are here I like the marvel cinematic universe movies better than the marvel cinematic universe trailers