Capture Tools Everywhere | GTD®

  • Опубликовано: 28 апр 2020
  • Two-minute Tips for Turbulent Times with David Allen
    Capture Tools Everywhere
    When things pop into your head that you're going to need to think about, deal with, do something about have to make a decision about or whatever that's potentially relevant to you.
    Then you need to make sure you get those out of your head and capture them because your head is a terrible office, it'll fool you because you think of it you're sure you won't forget whatever that is but two minutes later you're thinking of the next thing you don't want to forget but you forgot the first thing.
    So you need capture tools. So, mine are low tech for the most part. No batteries, no Wi-Fi required. This is with me all the time. A pen and a little pad. When I'm sitting down anywhere that's a flat surface longer then a few a minutes, I've got a pad and a pen, can't beat it.
    Who knows when lightning is going to strike, something's are going to occur to me I need to deal with. Particularly while I'm working on other things and dealing with other things something comes from the side and hits me. Right then I want to be able to write it down. If you're having to look for a capture tool, you won't do it, you'll miss it.
    I would highly recommend that wherever your work space is and certainly even in your home space that you have a place where you, and also other people, if you live with other people that they can have a place to also write things down and capture stuff out of your head.
    Your head's a terrible office, you can't keep track of more than four things in your head without diminishing your cognitive process, and so it's the very first step. If you're familiar with the GTD or Getting Things Done methodology, you know that's a critical first step, which is capture, but you're not going to capture if you don't have the tools with you. So make sure you've got good capture tools around.
    They can be digital, they can be paper based. I like low tech. I think it's fast, it's much easier. That's not my permanent system, It's a place though as a placeholder, and an important placeholder to be able to get the stuff out of my head, so that I stop spinning on that and then know I'll come back to it and not lose the idea.
    ✔ @gtdtimes
    ✔ #GTD #gettingthingsdone #DavidAllen
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    #TurbulentTimes #TTTT #tips #Covid19 #MyPandemicSurvivalPlan #Coronavirus #StayAtHomeChallenge #TogetherAtHome #QuarantineAndChill #MondayMotivation #yourheadisacrappyoffice

Комментарии • 26

  • @eaturk1
    @eaturk1 2 года назад +2

    Galaxy Note 20 w/ S-Pen + Remarkable 💯

  • @darkblueturbo
    @darkblueturbo 3 года назад +1

    Notes app on my iPhone. Always in my pocket wherever I am, whatever I’m doing.

  • @samanthaannedeconno7371
    @samanthaannedeconno7371 4 года назад +2

    DA is just brilliant

  • @iangrant3615
    @iangrant3615 3 года назад +5

    Great tip. Although for me, the capture tool I carry everywhere is my phone and it also meets my first principle which is that I only want to write things once - so if I write something on a piece of paper I will then have to rewrite that item into my system unless I take a photo/scan and convert it automatically into digital form. For me, writing it into my phone's task app (I use MS To Do) means I'm capturing it straight into my system and can then edit it/add a due date/label/context or whatever, without having to rewrite it again every time. I admire people who can make it work using paper and I know it's much more tactile and all, but the fact I have to recapture the note/idea all over again into my digital/paperless system means that paper as a capture method is a last resort for me.

  • @leeles
    @leeles 2 года назад

    Thank you, David, for this helpful advice.

  • @davegoodo3603
    @davegoodo3603 4 года назад

    Thanks David! You are helping me get organised.

  • @mtm00
    @mtm00 3 года назад

    👍Loving these two-minute tips. Thank you, David.

  • @kittensribbons7662
    @kittensribbons7662 3 года назад

    I absolutely love your videos! Thank you so much!

  • @SuportHuma
    @SuportHuma 2 года назад

    Siii! Millones de gracias, voy a ver todos los videos!!!! Estoy enamorada de GTD

  • @gilgosch4943
    @gilgosch4943 4 года назад

    Great! Thank you!

  • @swrdswngr
    @swrdswngr 4 года назад +4

    Great Podcast, your reading inbox needs some processing.

  • @lorijsp8813
    @lorijsp8813 4 года назад

    I would love to see a pic (it might a few) of the stack of books on your desk!!

  • @301jules
    @301jules 4 года назад

    Oh so true. I remembered something 8 months later and missed out on completing a task

  • @Kerrycx
    @Kerrycx 4 года назад

    Next step for me is doing something with my many notes. :)

  • @SuportHuma
    @SuportHuma 2 года назад

    Unfortunately, subtitles are still not available on your videos, David. I would love to see the Spanish translation so I can learn more about GTD, but I can't find a way to configure it.

  • @stevebearry7551
    @stevebearry7551 4 года назад +3

    Thanks! Sure wish you could bring back the notetaker wallet and pads. Would like to have had one.

  • @chanderjeet7
    @chanderjeet7 3 года назад

    Suggest android app for it