Are you seriously trying to say that academic ability precludes merit and common sense? Obtaining a degree teaches you the importance of being evidence-based and that problems often have complex causes and complex solutions. Anybody who is appointed to run the country absolutely must have learned this. With respect, I am not sure if you really understand the value of higher education, perhaps even the value of education full stop.
As a Canadian Rider, having visited and rented a M/C for touring both times, I had noticed a big difference from England in 1990, to England in 2017. The roads were much more crowded, the drivers much more aggressive, and the police, seemingly only hiding behind bushes with their radar guns. I rarely saw a police vehicle actually cruising on the major roads. If you're not visible, you don't exist. Getting a ticket in the mail several weeks later just doesn't cut it.
Incredibly well written. I know exactly what you're alluring to, without saying it directly. This country, the one our forefathers sacrificed their lives for, has been given away by weak self-centred 'leaders'.
Spot on. In 1970/71 as a teenager I worked in Bradford centre. Parked my motorcycle with no Concern and two days a week,winter and summer went to night school in Leeds . Parked in Leeds okay and then riding home passing through Bradford at about 10 pm on way to Thornton, no concern at all. I now avoid Bradford totally!! Living in Gargrave now retired my part time work takes me up wharfedale to Buckden. A superb ride through the seasons. How lucky am I. Take care and thanks for putting out these comments that so many of us agree with.
My respect can't be won back. I'm done. I comply with the legal requirements to lawfully go about my legitimate private business. On the road I treat people with extreme caution with minimal expectation.
One of the finest monologues that put into clear perspective the root causes of the decline of our society. Also, you deliver the clearly obvious way to change this decline. Your proposed one month of high profile, uniformed action. I agree, riding my motorcycle in the countryside is the major factor in keeping my despair at bay. Ride safe everyone.
Everything you've said is spot on. I did 33 yrs frontline policing. One thing I can never get my.head around is the lack of policy to deal with lawlessness of off road bikes, illegal e bikes and just illegal motorbikes. I'd attend community meetings where this was a subject frequently raised. When I would tell the public we have no effective way to deal with them they were aghast. They couldn't understand why the interests of the riders safety were first and foremost and with that in mind we had a 'no pursuit' policy, regardless of driver training....just bonkers. And that's just one thing. I could go on and on but its as you say....the decision makers are not Frontline and have self interests first and foremost...fear of doing the wrong thing and losing that pension....which is entirely likely in today's 'snowflake' world.
Sadly, you are quite right. So many of our politicians have experience of nothing but politics. Too many of them are interested in balance sheets instead of the people they claim to serve. Inequality grows, poverty grows, criminality grows - is that the sort of "growth" they obsess about? Poor and especially sick or disabled people are labelled as "economically inactive" then de-funded. I've no reason to doubt that other aspects of the "establishment" are equally inadequate and/or corrupt. There is an urgent need for change and I see nothing positive happening.
Once again, thank you. Thank you for saying, outloud, what many of us say in private or merely think through, silently. When I arrive back from a ride, my wife asks, "How many, today?", referring to close calls or near-do's on the roads around Manchester and West Yorkshire. There's always been one, sometimes two or three situations where I've had to take evasive action to avoid a driver taking massive liberties on public roads. At times, it's running red lights, cutting corners or overtaking over double white lines. Frequently, it's spotting two drivers using high performance cars to race from junction to junction. I'm retired and have the option to use my motorcycle during quieter times of the day but city centres and surrounding areas are still dangerous. My issue is with the way many people view the vehicle they have chosen and the manner in which they intend to use it on public roads. Many vehicles in and around Manchester, Bradford and Leeds are capable of acceleration and top speeds comparable to "super cars" of 40 years ago and yet driver skill, driver awareness and consideration for others don't seem to have changed. It chills me to hear people, including motoring journalists, describe a high performance car or motorcycle as "an absolute weapon". How apt. How tragic.
I commented to my nearest and dearest around last September on how, in just over 20 years of riding, in 2024 I had more unforeseeable near misses caused by reckless drivers in that year, than the previous 20 put together. Red light running incidents and cars on my side of the road on blind bends being the most numerous. It's becoming a lottery out there but I NEED to ride so I will continue to risk it.
Dave, 100% again. I grew up in Bingley, went to the public grammar school where discipline was tought with the cane if necessary and you are right that standards and disciplines of human behaviour has gone to the dogs because of woke state cowardice. I have two companies in Bradford, am an employer of people and put my soul into the city which has given my family a life but no more can i stand it, no more can i see my friends offspring held at knifepoint for thugs to steal their motorbike, scooter or mobile phone. Gangs on quads jumping and threatening bikers riding through some of the areas you mention. I am heartbroken to see where i hoped to retire in peace and finally end my days become such a city of mis culture. I hear on the streets there is a growing undertone of vigilantes and i fear all hell will break loose one day by illegal actions however if our good police force cannot operate correctly and unhindered then there will be blood on our streets and that whilst totally illegal and unacceptable is the way we are heading. I see no end to this downward spiral and it pains me greatly, god bless us all.
Leeds City Centre yesterday.. pedestrian areas rife with illegal electric delivery bikes speeding through the crowds, electric scooters (illegal) here there and everywhere showing no respect for any one nor the norms of society. No Police, no wardens, a free for all of petty crime. Start at the bottom and work up. Stephen BA (Law)
Courage, honour and integrity have had little value since the 1980s when greed was made good and the way to get on was to tread on other people. Decency is seen as an impediment nowadays and people who are decent are seen as weak or stupid. Very sad.
Very eloquently put Dave. We can only live in hope that more and more people wake up and realise it's up to all of us to sort this beautiful country out before it's lost forever. Ride safe Sir.
Good morning Dave, you’ve got my blood pressure up again. Your assessment is spot on. It looks to me that there is a lack of respect and discipline in society in general. The main thing being is self discipline has disappeared and the individual is far too concerned about their own individual rights / freedoms rather than the good of all. I am a great believer that you should never vote for anyone that wants to be a politician, I don’t mean this as an insult but I think you would make a great politician. We need people from the working classes that have worked for a living and want law and order. To stop pandering to the woke madness. I suppose I’ll be labelled as far right for my views but I just want decency and caring back. The politicians of today many of whom come from the privileged backgrounds and have never had a proper job just don’t understand or know how to cure the problem. That’s it In off for another blood pressure tablet. Keep up the good work.
Cheers my friend. Funny how we get labelled right wing just for wanting proper policing for our money….in most respects I’d be regarded as left wing. It’s not a case of right v left it’s a case of right v wrong 👍🏻
Moving to the north east of England from Belgium effectively ended my riding. It's like the wild west, people just drive how they like. The sheer numbers of young men driving cars with no front number plate, apparently with no problem says it all about police enforcement of the road laws. Several rides in a row where I had conflicts with nasty drivers meant I hung up my boots.
This is up there as one of the best depictions of our society today. Whilst I understand that there will of course be someone switched off by this video, I'm sure that the majority fully agree and understand your concerns. I recently watched a video from a driving instructor. He actually teaches driving instructors and made reference to this very subject. Whilst parked at a busy junction beside a police vehicle, some idiot drove along the pavement to get round the congestion. The police totally ignored this incident and this to me is clear evidence that supports one hundred percent of what you are pointing out. Thanks for the enlightenment of a retired police officer, I'm certain there are many out there feeling exactly the same and I wish you a safe, happy rewarding motorcycling journey. Looking forward to getting back to brighter weather providing more motorcycling related topic's. Thank you.
2003 to 2008 I was a mature student at Bradford doing a degree and masters. Even walking around the university and college areas was a nightmare. My fellow female students would ask a lad or two to escort them if they needed anything outside of the university or college buildings. A certain predatory section of our society would see them as fair game of a sexual nature. As a lone male I have experienced violent threats and physical harassment just walking into town. I lived in a village south of Skipton and drove into Bradford daily. I would not venture into Bradford now by car, train or bus for all the tea in China and certainly not on my motorbike.
Agree with you 100%. Also the courts don't hand down strong enough punishments. And a camera will never catch some scrout who's car he's driving isn't in his name or address, only time he'll get caught is by a bobby in person.
Just watched your second video on no go areas...everything you stated is exactly correct Too many drivers on the roads not giving a second thought about how they drive or having the required competence and an establishment that doesn't care, despite saying otherwise.
As someone who lives in your broader parish, it is going to get much worse in the longer term. The new unitary aim headed by the post of Mayor of West Yorkshire is to amalgamate Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield, Calderdale and Kirklees, linked financially and by tram. This will water down the wealth (squandered) of Leeds into the rest. The worst areas of Leeds and Bradford will spread as the next generation increases the population. As. Most of the Dales is either a Leeds or Bradford postcode, the initial effect to our whole parish of the better areas from north Leeds to where you live and the lower / mid Dales etc will be financial and reduced services. Long term the crime will spread more into these areas. As someone of similar age and just retired similar to you, This is why I am leaving Yorkshires fine roads and walking to move well away from areas bounded by multiple cities and the worst type of sink areas and will simply visit Yorkshire to enjoy from time to time instead. They call it white flight. It isn’t. It’s moving to a known area that is still English and likely to remain so. Harehills used to be a proud working class area as little as 20 years ago. Now you wouldn’t get out of your car later in the evening after dark. This will spread. The only way to change this is to donas you say but neither the money (because it’s always squandered and allocated elsewhere) or the will (because it doesn’t get votes in the short term) are there. It’s depressing. Si thi on’t road, Lad. Chin up.
We've lived in a smallish village in West Lancashire since 2016 and you never see a Bobby on the beat. The only time we have is during covid when a policeman approached us on the local cricket field asking who we were, why we were out and if we were all from the same family. The fact we had a big German Shepherd with us should have been a clue to why we were there.
Yeah this country is done for. Im more worried now about having my bike stolen while im on it. The town were i live somone got mugged in morrisons doing their shopping . top vid nice one!
As you know from my past comments on some of your video's, i don't always agree, but with this one, i agree with every word you spoke, you got it in one, but it's not going to change until we get the right people in power and then maybe not, who knows.??.
Another interesting upload. The UK will not return to one I recognise within my lifetime, an absolute impossibility! My last 3 riding seasons (summer only for this softy) have been as follows, 10 minute ride to MOT station and 10 minutes back One 4-5 hour ride to the east coast and back, to give bike a shake down and to get my eye in One ride to Dover for a 2-3 week tour around Europe, and return from Dover to Bradford An hour ride to the moors, to dry bike after a deep clean. Riding in the UK has turned into a risky chore, even out in the countryside. It's full of frustration towards other road users failing to comply to rules of the road and rules of polite society, tediously checking speed, scanning for 'Police' speed check vans, pothole hunting 30 feet ahead, head swiveling for incoming lunatics, never ending mirror checks for the e-bike duo ready to pounce. In my experience riding abroad is much more relaxing, riders are respected and given way to and given space, rules of the road upheld resulting in everyone doing the same thing, mainly impeccable road surfaces, yes speed cameras but rare not regular (except for Gibraltar, hilariously). Agreed, city riding is still fraught with danger but, the vast expanse between cities means relaxation and 'old fashioned rides' can be achieved. A vast number of people in the UK have lost self respect, therefore respect for others is impossible.
One of the issues is that young people these days seem to have the ability to afford very powerful, fast cars, and therefore they tend to drive around at breakneck speed, showing off to their mates. When I were a lad, back in the 70s, we could only afford cheap motorbikes or cheaper cars, usually with very poor performance and not worth showing off about. Of course, we still had the local 'nutter' crowd who could be lethal on a skateboard, but they were a lot fewer in number, and the police made sure to keep an eye out for them.
Sadly you are 100% correct on everything you've said there. This country is leaderless, ( as well as lawless ) and as you say scared of their own shadow. The standard of politicians we now have in this, and maybe other country's is pathetic, and to be totally crude here, they're not worth the 💩💩that drops out of their arse. As to the senior management of the police, then don't forget the Degree in, "I've not got a clue here", and I'm out of my depth" The 2 senior police officers that for me stood out as true leaders, and crucially supported the rank and file were Ray Mallon and James Anderton, and look what happened to the later, if memory serves me right, he was hounded out of office. All this can be traced back to NO DISCIPLINE , at home, in the schools. The courts not doing their jobs. The lefty do gooders must now be living in eutopia. It's just the majority that now have to suffer the spinless idiots that we now have in charge of us.
Nail on head there Dave! You and I are the same vintage......born just a handful of miles from each other.......grew up just a handful of miles from each other.......our paths will no doubt have crossed professionally. We operated in the same city (and its environs) at the same time. Bradford in the sixties and seventies........and even the early eighties, was a great place to grow up. I wholeheartedly agree with every single word. As a result of my experiences, I encouraged my kids to seek a better life in a former colony. They called my is literally saving lives, the other is doing his bit to keep the lights turned on in this and other countries. I'd say, a tragic loss to the country and city of their birth, as well as to me personally! To all those who've had their grubby hands on the levers of power and their snouts in the trough.......shame on you for what you've done. My contempt for those who climbed the greasy pole of opportunity is unquantifiable. A fine summation Dave.........shame nobody seems to care anymore. Ride safe and stay out of Bradford.......the city of culture........don't make me laugh! Dave (N. Yorks)😭😭
I’ve not long subscribed to your channel and well impressed with your content and common sense. We need old style coppers and policing, not the Politically Correct we have now. In fairness to the cops on the street, the problem to my mind stems from the top where the message and ethos is fed down the ranks. University educated chief constables aren’t worth the title, we need progress and promotion through the ranks over many years. There is no substitute for experience, there will be no change in some of the publics mindset to policing until the police themselves man up and do what they are paid to do.
I would dearly love see people running our country and public services who had at least some degree of common sense, backbone, and a moral compass. ALL these things seem to be lacking at the moment. There has to be some consequences for bad behaviour otherwise society simply breaks down. We cannot continue to cater primarily to those who represent the worst of us.
I have noticed in the last 30 years or so, there are some areas of our towns & city’s where it’s best to avoid if possible , especially at night . You certainly don’t want to be at the lights or crossings stationary for any longer than necessary. I have had occasions where I have had to fend off yobs & drunks , giving me hassle & even in one case attempting to attack me & shove me off my bike at the lights near pubs & fast food takeaways . I agree with all you say on the subject of policing & restoring law & order , we need to get back to a police force thats allowed to use common sense & the odd bit of discretion were appropriate . I know I have at times like others have had a moan about the plod , such as after the odd run in with them ,as a youth for riding with pillion on provisional L plates . I would not like to live in a world without a police force , we would have total anarchy without them & no one can live under that . 👍
When I used to fix rotten wood I would need to identify the rot, cut it out, secure the rest while fitting in a new piece treated against rot and treat the ends it was being fitted into so no further rot could encroach. Periodically checking back to make sure the rot was not returning and if so treat it fast and hard until all was well again. Nothing less than a total clear out of people in all senior civil services jobs, MP's and Lords (the rot) will do. Leaving just one in any place of authority will be like leaving that earwig to chew on your ear wax. We can not rely on the people in power today to clear out the rot they have caused and will not acknowledge. It is up to us to change the course our country is heading in.
Yes Dave, there is a real and present danger, thinking of the poor guy who was dragged off his scooter during the London riots. You are spot on about the "soft targets" caught by camera vans. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that it is an offence to flash other road users to warn them of the presence of an income generator, sorry, safety camera van. But if the flashing warning has the effect of slowing the traffic, is that not the objective?
Eyup! new subscriber, fellow Bradfordian and ex biker of the 80's. Recently found your channel and enjoying the bike rides around the dales, it takes me back to my 2stroke youth. Particularly liked this ride and talk from Patley bridge back towards Otley, and fully concur with your observations/causations around the current situation, and dangerous roads (even in a car) of our city. Great content, cheers 👍
Excellent content and so pleased to see many coherent and well written comments. Born and bred in Manningham, we kids got up to mischief and occasionally got into bother. That said, we weren’t destructive or aggressive, we were just being city kids. Growing up and getting a job and getting a car, a rusty mk1 cortina! A lad at work told me about an event being run by the local traffic police at the main police station (Nelson street, I think), and did I want to go? Of course I did! The reason why is that I was eager how to learn to drive well, these were the fellas that knew how. It was a great evening and I still, fifty years on, hear the voice of the police driving instructor in my head when making driving decisions. I suspect neither the public or the police would be interested in holding or attending such an event now….. Oh, and thanks for the today’s ride. Roads I frequented often in days gone by.
I totally agree with everything you’ve said. I would say that some of the blame is on ‘our’ generation for allowing our children to become ‘soft’. Our desire to want better for them has backfired I feel. There are plenty of really good folk out there but they are overshadowed by the not good ones. It really feels like it could be too late - there doesn’t seem to be enough force to turn the tide. I hope I’m wrong but the change needs to start soon or it really will be too late.
You are spot on with your views on this and having a month of policing would be beneficial but it will never happen. I may have a solution, if everybody with dash cams,helmet cams recorded the nutters and reported them and following a prosecution they were financially rewarded from the fine from said nutter. This could be a substantial amount. I feel this way would be more sustainable. I`m talking about major discretions not slightly speeding etc. It would take a team to review the footage but this should be self funding from the resulting fines.
Dave the police can't win a fight with both hands tied behind their back's , until the people in power stand up to answer the basic's , i think we are on a downward slope , take care & ride safe
Another fine conversation, my friend! You’re right about 99.99% of the upper crust elites and one’s in power but I will say it is refreshing to see how Donald Trump doesn’t seem to mind saying what the majority of us feel. God bless you, sir!!!
@@nikoscosmos Remember...fear is a great motivator. As soon as he became our President..thug countries toned down their bulling of our country as well as others I imagine. His first 100 days will determine what is to come. Better than brain dead Branden did in his first 100 days which was pretty much nothing good for the USA.
It's so refreshing to have a rapist, racist, convicted criminal, fraudster, bankrupt, narcissist, friend of Epstein in the most powerful position in the world. But he does say bad things about immigrants. So whoopee.
Dave, every single thing you say about the job is correct. I've been retired 22yrs this year and I have to say I am ashamed of the job as it is now. The current crop of Senior officers couldn't police their way out of a paper bag.☹️. The same goes for so called politicians. They haven't a clue. The problem is, it's not just the UK it's certainly Europe wide with a few exceptions. Keep up the good work brother and safe riding.
There’s a thing here in the US, sometimes called “the Ferguson effect”. After the riots in Ferguson Missouri the police were vilified by the media and the government. Unless there’s an emergency called in, the cops are hesitant to respond to issues in bad areas.
Very well put Dave and I couldn’t agree more. Though at times it was difficult to hear you, not because of your sound quality but because there’s been a police helicopter making it’s noisy presence felt above my sleepy suburb throughout you video. 🚁👍
Surely he doesn't Dave, I really liked your straight talking common sense and approach to life as it is now and I for one gets really fed up with all the red tape and do-gooders. Any way keep on doing your great bike vlogs brilliant.😊@@thebingleywheeler
Dave , your comments are so true and I fully endorse all that you identify across Political parties and the “spin “ each try to enforce on the key structures that make the country run! I was in Government for over 30 years and was involved in numerous new laws mainly driven from a common ground within EU. We spent more money and time training staff and applying Charter Mark! We lost site of what we had a legal obligation to do! I could write a book on things , but makes me frustrated thinking about the good old days The education system (which I full endorse) has been taken over by non practical PC folks who provide a degree that is so general and full of nonsense it can dilute what the degree actually is about, it produces qualified nit wits ! Apprenticeship was a system widely enjoyed for years provided quality folks of all abilities for the job, tasks to hand. This was mostly remove and time served is a thing of the past. Keep up your excellent ride outs, reviews of bikes and the view of life most of us hanker for! Regards John
Absolutely spot on! I only hope that your last two videos have been viewed by someone who has the guts, and ability, to start making changes to our crumbling/crumbled society! We can but live in hope!😥
I drove through Bradford city centre 18 months ago and traffic lights were not obeyed at all. I honestly could hardly believe what I was witnessing. On the return journey I took a massive detour to avoid it.
Well said, Dave! A phrase "surround yourself with experts" comes to mind. EG, when people poke their nose into areas they have no knowledge of, things don't always work out well. Politicians should be guided by experts in the military, police, industry, etc, in how to get the job done, not the other way around. Just a thought??
prime example of why it's getting worse is that here in Lincolnshire the lovely Gov has just cut 400 police jobs, you dont see patrols anymore, and definitely dont see foot patrols like when I was young, policing the roads has now become the cameras job, which is great on that one tiny piece of road, but that's all it is, nothing for public safety or fighting crime, even stores are not allowed to call the Police if someone shoplifts unless its £200+ in value, and it's rife with it, my wife works in a store that's constantly having thieves in, but the staff is all women, the country is turning into a joke, and seeing it in other countries it seems life is becomeing a joke where greed rules.
I got caught in Gloucester once, a gang of Asians no doubt on drugs were standing in the road stopping traffic, one of them wanted to have a go on my motorcycle, ye right I rode off, and he kicked my back light to bits, I was tempted to return in my van and even the score, but of course their race protects them, and that was a good few years ago
I'm in New Zealand, EVERY small town and village has a police station and you are police on patrol EVERYWHERE. Back in the UK local policing has been eliminated completely. When i called 999 to report a crime the responder was based 55 miles away and had absolutely no idea where i was calling from and advised it would be logged and I would be able to contact them for an update in the next 48hrs. I never bothered
If a strong presence is not enforced society goes feral. Your words of wisdom is common sense to most of the population unless you've gone feral. We're you at Sherburn cafe yesterday? I thought I saw you.
A friend told me that when interviewing job candidates the BBD - Big Burning Desire carried a lot more weight than pieces of paper, certificates or degrees, without the BBD there was little chance of a job offer. He was a training captain for a major global airline. Andy (still subscribed) 😂
Your successful because your talking about someone that is effecting millions and that's what everyone believes is two tier policing and only protecting others instead of all, regarding riding a bike sod that I would never buy a bike and use it in Bradford, there are too many that pull out on you, when I came off my Suzuki GSX 1100 I had both lights on during the day so they couldn't miss me but they chose to pull out on me never the less. As an ex biker I always give bikes the right of way and assistance especially when they want to over take. The police went down, when they backed political, as lot of my police friends cannot stand the job, some say they feel physically sick before they start their shift, the moral in the police is very poor, it seems the police don't look after their employees they seem to throw them to them under a bus especially the DPS by letting other private companies break data protection against someone of my clients who I have helped with debt, for years your employer used all police as Guinea pigs regarding testing to see if those radios you use would cause cancer, slot of people don't know this what your average Bobby had to go through so doing their job. A lot of people are not happy with the police putting civilians in uniform those PCSOs who cause alit of trouble. I think England need to get rid of the words Racist and Racism because police are scared to do their jobs because of those words because they are being used to allow others not to obey the rules of our country while everyone else is expected to obey them. Joining the EU was a stab in the back to all those who faught in the wars it was EU policy to destroy the UK, all previous PMs couldn't do it but the one we have now is finishing this country as the EU requested. The problem with this country is, there are too many I'm alright jacks. Take care on the roads my friend all the best
Firstly (albeit an Americanism) I will thank you and appreciate Your service. Born in 1967 I believe, if I was subjected to national service my generation, my country would have been a better Great Britain 👍
Dear Sir, I have just subscribed to your channel, which is my very first RUclips subscription. I too am ‘old school’ (1943) and having followed your practical and intellectual broadcasts for some-while, I find many shared similarities in both philosophy and outlook. Selfishly, I would have valued the opportunity to have had a coffee and a Melton pork pie with you after a satisfying ride-out, so to speak. Regrettably, Essex is not local to Yorkshire. You may like to know that I returned to biking in May 2022 (Royal Enfield Continental GT) after owning my last bike (1951 AJS 18S 500cc - ‘jam pots’, - modified with clip-ons, rear sets, alloy guards, etc.) in 1964. The bike had to go as I lately became aware that girl’s preferred cars (1965 Ford Cortina GT). I too have experienced over the decades a marked deterioration of accepted standards despite having wonderful memories of the ‘60’s!!!!! Although the outbreak of the Mods and Rockers’ movement was a slight antisocial blot, I believe generally speaking that the decade was a positive turning point in the post war period. I do hope your channel continues to go from strength to strength by interlacing your motorcycling expeditions, recounting your valuable experiences together with your insightful observations. I wish you and your channel many more years of broadcasting. Yours sincerely, John. 🏍🚗
Here here, a house of commons style cheer for things that really matter, the decline of Britain, not how to rescue or a stabilising of the money pot amongst everything else in its steady decline. What really matters is standards of life and by your suggestion of Police control, would actually bring hope and raise the profile of the Police back to a time you mentioned, in the 80's and before this. Us honest citizens witnessing the dwindling of these many individuals of certain areas of countries, towns and cities of the world would bring back the confidence of the front line emergency services that attempt to serve their people, but for those restrictions placed on them with what is allegedly wrong or the right way to handle this new progressive decline in attitude. I'm just glad I have lived my life at a time when being British made me feel proud, who knows how bad it will become before someone has that similar lightbulb moment of yours pal. I think you should come out of retirement :), you talk a better talk than listening to the powers that be of late that only want me to change the channel and do something more interesting like watching paint dry and of course, enjoy the little freedom on my two wheels. Keep up this great content, maybe someone with some will to want change will watch.
What you say is absolutely true and right. I haven't read all the comments below but I'm willing to bet there's not one that disagrees with you. Well bloody done!
Here here. Very true. What did our brave boys and girls go to war for. Once our country was great Britain. Not any more. My mum worked all her life for the NHS. I left school started work for the age of 16. Then went on to service in the British army. Left and started working for ICI and became a ICI fireman. For 16 years. Left and started working for the council here in Stockton on tees. Now retired. We need somebody to help our country be great again.
Every one of your words is spot on. Your thought patterns are well judged, and added to your life experiences are the absolute truth regarding our countries parlous state. Weak leaders , more interested in themselves, as opposed to the people that they were voted into power to serve. However, I see no possibility that there will be a return, to what folk in our age group have known in our childhood and intervening years .After 77 years on the planet, I'm glad ,that we have enjoyed possibly the best times to be alive that there has ever been. However, I think that we are more likely see vigilantes on the streets, and people taking the law into their own hands, which will become the only way to see justice done. I see zero likelihood, of any politician ever having enough bravery to face up to the evil deeds that are presently an everyday occurrence, and get worse week on week. I get weary worrying about the tragic decline in humanity. So now, try not to get up tight about a situation that I have no control over.
Brilliant and thank you. To me, it seems people are in power, for the power and money and not too do what they are elected to do, they are our servants, not the other way round.
It used to be really annoying when i first got riding motorcylces and driving on the road. I used to get pulled over regularly as i looked really young. I had nothing to hide but it made sure I kept legal and use the roads sensibly . You hardly see random traffic stops these day because them hideous cameras make the money for them now . All good cracking down on speeding but it doesn't take into account the nut cases and selfish drivers and riders out on the road. Bring back old policing please.
Labour lies they will not survive I really think this will be the finish completely of the Labour party .The country is in such a bad state many are leaving ..I will be making plans now I have reached my retirement and have been considering a return to Cape Town with it's own problems but it's about quality of life now and that is not anymore in England
Everything you elude to is totally applicable to ALL issues not just motorcycling and RPU's. As a nation the ''few'' leading are causing this decline of the rest of the people in the UK and beyond.
You mentioned the capital as being absolved of your complaint on your video, nothing could be further from the truth London is probably as bad or not worse for the leadership cowardice. Motorcycle crime is at pandemic levels with the 'leaders' having an attitude of bikers being the problem and not the 'poor scroats' carrying out the offences. My insurances rise every year on my 2 bikes even though I've over 20 years no claims. Twice in the last 12 months I've been stopped for a check of my alleged loud pipes, without charge! even though the APNR showed my legality with tax and insurance prior to the tug. I'm 62 and riding since 17yrs old and it feels like (I'm or we) as a community are the criminals for an easy nick. The system is totally loaded against the easy target, Us
Very very true. The country is run by people with degrees rather than people of merit and common sense.
The UK you mean, not just England.
Are you seriously trying to say that academic ability precludes merit and common sense? Obtaining a degree teaches you the importance of being evidence-based and that problems often have complex causes and complex solutions. Anybody who is appointed to run the country absolutely must have learned this. With respect, I am not sure if you really understand the value of higher education, perhaps even the value of education full stop.
@@ianjefferson6687 exactly I'm not one for politics especially in America but no offence Trumps got it right by judging people by merit
No just England, the UK is a corporation @@jackn4853
@@PaulMurphy-f9q Trump judges people by how much they kiss his behind, he considers that a merit :D
As a Canadian Rider, having visited and rented a M/C for touring both times, I had noticed a big difference from England in 1990, to England in 2017. The roads were much more crowded, the drivers much more aggressive, and the police, seemingly only hiding behind bushes with their radar guns. I rarely saw a police vehicle actually cruising on the major roads. If you're not visible, you don't exist. Getting a ticket in the mail several weeks later just doesn't cut it.
Incredibly well written. I know exactly what you're alluring to, without saying it directly. This country, the one our forefathers sacrificed their lives for, has been given away by weak self-centred 'leaders'.
Spot on. In 1970/71 as a teenager I worked in Bradford centre. Parked my motorcycle with no
Concern and two days a week,winter and summer went to night school in Leeds . Parked in Leeds okay and then riding home passing through Bradford at about 10 pm on way to Thornton, no concern at all. I now avoid Bradford totally!! Living in Gargrave now retired my part time work takes me up wharfedale to Buckden. A superb ride through the seasons. How lucky am I. Take care and thanks for putting out these comments that so many of us agree with.
My respect can't be won back.
I'm done.
I comply with the legal requirements to lawfully go about my legitimate private business.
On the road I treat people with extreme caution with minimal expectation.
One of the finest monologues that put into clear perspective the root causes of the decline of our society. Also, you deliver the clearly obvious way to change this decline. Your proposed one month of high profile, uniformed action.
I agree, riding my motorcycle in the countryside is the major factor in keeping my despair at bay. Ride safe everyone.
Everything you've said is spot on. I did 33 yrs frontline policing. One thing I can never get my.head around is the lack of policy to deal with lawlessness of off road bikes, illegal e bikes and just illegal motorbikes. I'd attend community meetings where this was a subject frequently raised. When I would tell the public we have no effective way to deal with them they were aghast. They couldn't understand why the interests of the riders safety were first and foremost and with that in mind we had a 'no pursuit' policy, regardless of driver training....just bonkers. And that's just one thing. I could go on and on but its as you say....the decision makers are not Frontline and have self interests first and foremost...fear of doing the wrong thing and losing that pension....which is entirely likely in today's 'snowflake' world.
Sadly, you are quite right. So many of our politicians have experience of nothing but politics. Too many of them are interested in balance sheets instead of the people they claim to serve. Inequality grows, poverty grows, criminality grows - is that the sort of "growth" they obsess about? Poor and especially sick or disabled people are labelled as "economically inactive" then de-funded. I've no reason to doubt that other aspects of the "establishment" are equally inadequate and/or corrupt. There is an urgent need for change and I see nothing positive happening.
Once again, thank you.
Thank you for saying, outloud, what many of us say in private or merely think through, silently.
When I arrive back from a ride, my wife asks, "How many, today?", referring to close calls or near-do's on the roads around Manchester and West Yorkshire.
There's always been one, sometimes two or three situations where I've had to take evasive action to avoid a driver taking massive liberties on public roads. At times, it's running red lights, cutting corners or overtaking over double white lines. Frequently, it's spotting two drivers using high performance cars to race from junction to junction.
I'm retired and have the option to use my motorcycle during quieter times of the day but city centres and surrounding areas are still dangerous.
My issue is with the way many people view the vehicle they have chosen and the manner in which they intend to use it on public roads. Many vehicles in and around Manchester, Bradford and Leeds are capable of acceleration and top speeds comparable to "super cars" of 40 years ago and yet driver skill, driver awareness and consideration for others don't seem to have changed.
It chills me to hear people, including motoring journalists, describe a high performance car or motorcycle as "an absolute weapon". How apt. How tragic.
🎯 exactly
I commented to my nearest and dearest around last September on how, in just over 20 years of riding, in 2024 I had more unforeseeable near misses caused by reckless drivers in that year, than the previous 20 put together. Red light running incidents and cars on my side of the road on blind bends being the most numerous. It's becoming a lottery out there but I NEED to ride so I will continue to risk it.
Dave, 100% again.
I grew up in Bingley, went to the public grammar school where discipline was tought with the cane if necessary and you are right that standards and disciplines of human behaviour has gone to the dogs because of woke state cowardice.
I have two companies in Bradford, am an employer of people and put my soul into the city which has given my family a life but no more can i stand it, no more can i see my friends offspring held at knifepoint for thugs to steal their motorbike, scooter or mobile phone. Gangs on quads jumping and threatening bikers riding through some of the areas you mention. I am heartbroken to see where i hoped to retire in peace and finally end my days become such a city of mis culture.
I hear on the streets there is a growing undertone of vigilantes and i fear all hell will break loose one day by illegal actions however if our good police force cannot operate correctly and unhindered then there will be blood on our streets and that whilst totally illegal and unacceptable is the way we are heading.
I see no end to this downward spiral and it pains me greatly, god bless us all.
Spot on Ian and good for you running businesses in the city 👍🏻
Leeds City Centre yesterday.. pedestrian areas rife with illegal electric delivery bikes speeding through the crowds, electric scooters (illegal) here there and everywhere showing no respect for any one nor the norms of society.
No Police, no wardens, a free for all of petty crime.
Start at the bottom and work up.
Stephen BA (Law)
Courage, honour and integrity have had little value since the 1980s when greed was made good and the way to get on was to tread on other people. Decency is seen as an impediment nowadays and people who are decent are seen as weak or stupid. Very sad.
Very eloquently put Dave. We can only live in hope that more and more people wake up and realise it's up to all of us to sort this beautiful country out before it's lost forever. Ride safe Sir.
Beautifully delivered, words of truth that will be ignored by those that should know better.
Very well done.
Good morning Dave, you’ve got my blood pressure up again. Your assessment is spot on. It looks to me that there is a lack of respect and discipline in society in general. The main thing being is self discipline has disappeared and the individual is far too concerned about their own individual rights / freedoms rather than the good of all.
I am a great believer that you should never vote for anyone that wants to be a politician, I don’t mean this as an insult but I think you would make a great politician. We need people from the working classes that have worked for a living and want law and order. To stop pandering to the woke madness. I suppose I’ll be labelled as far right for my views but I just want decency and caring back. The politicians of today many of whom come from the privileged backgrounds and have never had a proper job just don’t understand or know how to cure the problem.
That’s it In off for another blood pressure tablet. Keep up the good work.
Cheers my friend. Funny how we get labelled right wing just for wanting proper policing for our money….in most respects I’d be regarded as left wing. It’s not a case of right v left it’s a case of right v wrong 👍🏻
Moving to the north east of England from Belgium effectively ended my riding. It's like the wild west, people just drive how they like. The sheer numbers of young men driving cars with no front number plate, apparently with no problem says it all about police enforcement of the road laws. Several rides in a row where I had conflicts with nasty drivers meant I hung up my boots.
This is up there as one of the best depictions of our society today.
Whilst I understand that there will of course be someone switched off by this video, I'm sure that the majority fully agree and understand your concerns. I recently watched a video from a driving instructor. He actually teaches driving instructors and made reference to this very subject.
Whilst parked at a busy junction beside a police vehicle, some idiot drove along the pavement to get round the congestion. The police totally ignored this incident and this to me is clear evidence that supports one hundred percent of what you are pointing out.
Thanks for the enlightenment of a retired police officer, I'm certain there are many out there feeling exactly the same and I wish you a safe, happy rewarding motorcycling journey.
Looking forward to getting back to brighter weather providing more motorcycling related topic's.
Thank you.
Cheers Rob much appreciated pal 👍🏻
2003 to 2008 I was a mature student at Bradford doing a degree and masters. Even walking around the university and college areas was a nightmare. My fellow female students would ask a lad or two to escort them if they needed anything outside of the university or college buildings. A certain predatory section of our society would see them as fair game of a sexual nature. As a lone male I have experienced violent threats and physical harassment just walking into town. I lived in a village south of Skipton and drove into Bradford daily. I would not venture into Bradford now by car, train or bus for all the tea in China and certainly not on my motorbike.
Agree with you 100%. Also the courts don't hand down strong enough punishments. And a camera will never catch some scrout who's car he's driving isn't in his name or address, only time he'll get caught is by a bobby in person.
Just watched your second video on no go areas...everything you stated is exactly correct Too many drivers on the roads not giving a second thought about how they drive or having the required competence and an establishment that doesn't care, despite saying otherwise.
As someone who lives in your broader parish, it is going to get much worse in the longer term. The new unitary aim headed by the post of Mayor of West Yorkshire is to amalgamate Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield, Calderdale and Kirklees, linked financially and by tram. This will water down the wealth (squandered) of Leeds into the rest. The worst areas of Leeds and Bradford will spread as the next generation increases the population. As. Most of the Dales is either a Leeds or Bradford postcode, the initial effect to our whole parish of the better areas from north Leeds to where you live and the lower / mid Dales etc will be financial and reduced services. Long term the crime will spread more into these areas. As someone of similar age and just retired similar to you, This is why I am leaving Yorkshires fine roads and walking to move well away from areas bounded by multiple cities and the worst type of sink areas and will simply visit Yorkshire to enjoy from time to time instead. They call it white flight. It isn’t. It’s moving to a known area that is still English and likely to remain so. Harehills used to be a proud working class area as little as 20 years ago. Now you wouldn’t get out of your car later in the evening after dark. This will spread. The only way to change this is to donas you say but neither the money (because it’s always squandered and allocated elsewhere) or the will (because it doesn’t get votes in the short term) are there. It’s depressing.
Si thi on’t road, Lad. Chin up.
We've lived in a smallish village in West Lancashire since 2016 and you never see a Bobby on the beat. The only time we have is during covid when a policeman approached us on the local cricket field asking who we were, why we were out and if we were all from the same family. The fact we had a big German Shepherd with us should have been a clue to why we were there.
Yeah this country is done for. Im more worried now about having my bike stolen while im on it. The town were i live somone got mugged in morrisons doing their shopping . top vid nice one!
As you know from my past comments on some of your video's, i don't always agree, but with this one, i agree with every word you spoke, you got it in one, but it's not going to change until we get the right people in power and then maybe not, who knows.??.
Another interesting upload.
The UK will not return to one I recognise within my lifetime, an absolute impossibility!
My last 3 riding seasons (summer only for this softy) have been as follows,
10 minute ride to MOT station and 10 minutes back
One 4-5 hour ride to the east coast and back, to give bike a shake down and to get my eye in
One ride to Dover for a 2-3 week tour around Europe, and return from Dover to Bradford
An hour ride to the moors, to dry bike after a deep clean.
Riding in the UK has turned into a risky chore, even out in the countryside. It's full of frustration towards other road users failing to comply to rules of the road and rules of polite society, tediously checking speed, scanning for 'Police' speed check vans, pothole hunting 30 feet ahead, head swiveling for incoming lunatics, never ending mirror checks for the e-bike duo ready to pounce.
In my experience riding abroad is much more relaxing, riders are respected and given way to and given space, rules of the road upheld resulting in everyone doing the same thing, mainly impeccable road surfaces, yes speed cameras but rare not regular (except for Gibraltar, hilariously). Agreed, city riding is still fraught with danger but, the vast expanse between cities means relaxation and 'old fashioned rides' can be achieved.
A vast number of people in the UK have lost self respect, therefore respect for others is impossible.
One of the issues is that young people these days seem to have the ability to afford very powerful, fast cars, and therefore they tend to drive around at breakneck speed, showing off to their mates. When I were a lad, back in the 70s, we could only afford cheap motorbikes or cheaper cars, usually with very poor performance and not worth showing off about. Of course, we still had the local 'nutter' crowd who could be lethal on a skateboard, but they were a lot fewer in number, and the police made sure to keep an eye out for them.
Sadly you are 100% correct on everything you've said there. This country is leaderless, ( as well as lawless ) and as you say scared of their own shadow. The standard of politicians we now have in this, and maybe other country's is pathetic, and to be totally crude here, they're not worth the 💩💩that drops out of their arse.
As to the senior management of the police, then don't forget the Degree in, "I've not got a clue here", and I'm out of my depth"
The 2 senior police officers that for me stood out as true leaders, and crucially supported the rank and file were Ray Mallon and James Anderton, and look what happened to the later, if memory serves me right, he was hounded out of office.
All this can be traced back to NO DISCIPLINE , at home, in the schools. The courts not doing their jobs.
The lefty do gooders must now be living in eutopia.
It's just the majority that now have to suffer the spinless idiots that we now have in charge of us.
Nail on head there Dave! You and I are the same vintage......born just a handful of miles from each other.......grew up just a handful of miles from each other.......our paths will no doubt have crossed professionally. We operated in the same city (and its environs) at the same time. Bradford in the sixties and seventies........and even the early eighties, was a great place to grow up. I wholeheartedly agree with every single word. As a result of my experiences, I encouraged my kids to seek a better life in a former colony. They called my is literally saving lives, the other is doing his bit to keep the lights turned on in this and other countries. I'd say, a tragic loss to the country and city of their birth, as well as to me personally! To all those who've had their grubby hands on the levers of power and their snouts in the trough.......shame on you for what you've done. My contempt for those who climbed the greasy pole of opportunity is unquantifiable. A fine summation Dave.........shame nobody seems to care anymore.
Ride safe and stay out of Bradford.......the city of culture........don't make me laugh!
Dave (N. Yorks)😭😭
Cheers Dave you’re rightly proud of your offspring and gave good advice. I lived in Bradford Moor in the 1980s and it was really nice 👍🏻
@@thebingleywheeler and so was Heaton! Loved it.....but it's lost now. Go steady Dave!
I’ve not long subscribed to your channel and well impressed with your content and common sense. We need old style coppers and policing, not the Politically Correct we have now. In fairness to the cops on the street, the problem to my mind stems from the top where the message and ethos is fed down the ranks. University educated chief constables aren’t worth the title, we need progress and promotion through the ranks over many years. There is no substitute for experience, there will be no change in some of the publics mindset to policing until the police themselves man up and do what they are paid to do.
I would dearly love see people running our country and public services who had at least some degree of common sense, backbone, and a moral compass. ALL these things seem to be lacking at the moment.
There has to be some consequences for bad behaviour otherwise society simply breaks down. We cannot continue to cater primarily to those who represent the worst of us.
I have noticed in the last 30 years or so, there are some areas of our towns & city’s where it’s best to avoid if possible , especially at night . You certainly don’t want to be at the lights or crossings stationary for any longer than necessary. I have had occasions where I have had to fend off yobs & drunks , giving me hassle & even in one case attempting to attack me & shove me off my bike at the lights near pubs & fast food takeaways . I agree with all you say on the subject of policing & restoring law & order , we need to get back to a police force thats allowed to use common sense & the odd bit of discretion were appropriate . I know I have at times like others have had a moan about the plod , such as after the odd run in with them ,as a youth for riding with pillion on provisional L plates . I would not like to live in a world without a police force , we would have total anarchy without them & no one can live under that . 👍
You're spot on Dave. Well said!
this has got to be one of your best ❤
Cheers Richard 😎👍🏻
Well said and thank you for taking the time to put this out.
When I used to fix rotten wood I would need to identify the rot, cut it out, secure the rest while fitting in a new piece treated against rot and treat the ends it was being fitted into so no further rot could encroach. Periodically checking back to make sure the rot was not returning and if so treat it fast and hard until all was well again.
Nothing less than a total clear out of people in all senior civil services jobs, MP's and Lords (the rot) will do. Leaving just one in any place of authority will be like leaving that earwig to chew on your ear wax.
We can not rely on the people in power today to clear out the rot they have caused and will not acknowledge.
It is up to us to change the course our country is heading in.
12:17 we need to police offences, not the taking of offence 🎯
Offence is taken, not given, move on, simples
Yes Dave, there is a real and present danger, thinking of the poor guy who was dragged off his scooter during the London riots.
You are spot on about the "soft targets" caught by camera vans. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that it is an offence to flash other road users to warn them of the presence of an income generator, sorry, safety camera van. But if the flashing warning has the effect of slowing the traffic, is that not the objective?
Very eloquently put. You have clearly thought your argument through and expressed it intelligently.
Eyup! new subscriber, fellow Bradfordian and ex biker of the 80's.
Recently found your channel and enjoying the bike rides around the dales, it takes me back to my 2stroke youth.
Particularly liked this ride and talk from Patley bridge back towards Otley, and fully concur with your observations/causations around the current situation, and dangerous roads (even in a car) of our city.
Great content, cheers 👍
Many thanks for subscribing buddy much appreciated
Excellent content and so pleased to see many coherent and well written comments.
Born and bred in Manningham, we kids got up to mischief and occasionally got into bother. That said, we weren’t destructive or aggressive, we were just being city kids.
Growing up and getting a job and getting a car, a rusty mk1 cortina! A lad at work told me about an event being run by the local traffic police at the main police station (Nelson street, I think), and did I want to go? Of course I did! The reason why is that I was eager how to learn to drive well, these were the fellas that knew how. It was a great evening and I still, fifty years on, hear the voice of the police driving instructor in my head when making driving decisions. I suspect neither the public or the police would be interested in holding or attending such an event now…..
Oh, and thanks for the today’s ride. Roads I frequented often in days gone by.
I totally agree with everything you’ve said. I would say that some of the blame is on ‘our’ generation for allowing our children to become ‘soft’. Our desire to want better for them has backfired I feel.
There are plenty of really good folk out there but they are overshadowed by the not good ones. It really feels like it could be too late - there doesn’t seem to be enough force to turn the tide. I hope I’m wrong but the change needs to start soon or it really will be too late.
Absolutely top video Dave. Agree with you 100%.
You are spot on with your views on this and having a month of policing would be beneficial but it will never happen. I may have a solution, if everybody with dash cams,helmet cams recorded the nutters and reported them and following a prosecution they were financially rewarded from the fine from said nutter. This could be a substantial amount. I feel this way would be more sustainable.
I`m talking about major discretions not slightly speeding etc. It would take a team to review the footage but this should be self funding from the resulting fines.
Dave the police can't win a fight with both hands tied behind their back's , until the people in power stand up to answer the basic's , i think we are on a downward slope , take care & ride safe
Good words Dave, agree with all you say. Keep riding as long as you can, I will be. Be safe
Cheers Steve that most generous and much appreciated
Another fine conversation, my friend! You’re right about 99.99% of the upper crust elites and one’s in power but I will say it is refreshing to see how Donald Trump doesn’t seem to mind saying what the majority of us feel. God bless you, sir!!!
Trumpet just insults anybody or anything that he doesn't like. You can't run a country like that.
Talk is easy.
@@nikoscosmos Remember...fear is a great motivator. As soon as he became our President..thug countries toned down their bulling of our country as well as others I imagine. His first 100 days will determine what is to come. Better than brain dead Branden did in his first 100 days which was pretty much nothing good for the USA.
It's so refreshing to have a rapist, racist, convicted criminal, fraudster, bankrupt, narcissist, friend of Epstein in the most powerful position in the world. But he does say bad things about immigrants. So whoopee.
@@nikoscosmosLike him or loathe him the Trump doesn’t pussyfoot about sugar coating , he cuts to the chase & & takes no sh💩t .
Dave, every single thing you say about the job is correct. I've been retired 22yrs this year and I have to say I am ashamed of the job as it is now. The current crop of Senior officers couldn't police their way out of a paper bag.☹️. The same goes for so called politicians. They haven't a clue. The problem is, it's not just the UK it's certainly Europe wide with a few exceptions. Keep up the good work brother and safe riding.
Thank you Richard
There’s a thing here in the US, sometimes called “the Ferguson effect”. After the riots in Ferguson Missouri the police were vilified by the media and the government. Unless there’s an emergency called in, the cops are hesitant to respond to issues in bad areas.
All true what you said,Technology for you all sitting behind computers in a warm office
Brilliantly said my friend keep up the fight all the best
Very well put Dave and I couldn’t agree more. Though at times it was difficult to hear you, not because of your sound quality but because there’s been a police helicopter making it’s noisy presence felt above my sleepy suburb throughout you video. 🚁👍
Ah the old NPAS whirly bird Nick….always spoiling my sleep. I’ve flown in it, not my best experience 😂
You and Stuart Fillingham need to do a ride out ...
Except he hates me 😂
Surely he doesn't Dave, I really liked your straight talking common sense and approach to life as it is now and I for one gets really fed up with all the red tape and do-gooders. Any way keep on doing your great bike vlogs brilliant.😊@@thebingleywheeler
@@thebingleywheeler well I like both of you. keep it real ;-)
Wonderful and wise words,from a x policeman with in the real world 🌍 . Common sense is now called far right? .many thanks love your videos 👍
Dave , your comments are so true and I fully endorse all that you identify across Political parties and the “spin “ each try to enforce on the key structures that make the country run!
I was in Government for over 30 years and was involved in numerous new laws mainly driven from a common ground within EU.
We spent more money and time training staff and applying Charter Mark! We lost site of what we had a legal obligation to do!
I could write a book on things , but makes me frustrated thinking about the good old days
The education system (which I full endorse) has been taken over by non practical PC folks who provide a degree that is so general and full of nonsense it can dilute what the degree actually is about, it produces qualified nit wits !
Apprenticeship was a system widely enjoyed for years provided quality folks of all abilities for the job, tasks to hand. This was mostly remove and time served is a thing of the past.
Keep up your excellent ride outs, reviews of bikes and the view of life most of us hanker for!
Absolutely spot on! I only hope that your last two videos have been viewed by someone who has the guts, and ability, to start making changes to our crumbling/crumbled society! We can but live in hope!😥
I drove through Bradford city centre 18 months ago and traffic lights were not obeyed at all.
I honestly could hardly believe what I was witnessing.
On the return journey I took a massive detour to avoid it.
@@davidwandless4103 A lot of dash cam videos on RUclips are from this city.
Well said absolutely spot on
Our political (non) leaders should be made to listen to the last two videos
"Purge the sadness". Says it all really. Thank you.
😮 I was in good cheer when I got up this morning.
Now look what you've done.
I need to go out for a ride now.
Ah well!
To me the problem is intimidation by a certain demographic. We'll never get our streets back if we give in to this.
Well said, Dave! A phrase "surround yourself with experts" comes to mind. EG, when people poke their nose into areas they have no knowledge of, things don't always work out well.
Politicians should be guided by experts in the military, police, industry, etc, in how to get the job done, not the other way around. Just a thought??
Totally agree 👍 with every word.
Spot on, Dave.
prime example of why it's getting worse is that here in Lincolnshire the lovely Gov has just cut 400 police jobs, you dont see patrols anymore, and definitely dont see foot patrols like when I was young, policing the roads has now become the cameras job, which is great on that one tiny piece of road, but that's all it is, nothing for public safety or fighting crime, even stores are not allowed to call the Police if someone shoplifts unless its £200+ in value, and it's rife with it, my wife works in a store that's constantly having thieves in, but the staff is all women, the country is turning into a joke, and seeing it in other countries it seems life is becomeing a joke where greed rules.
Could not have put it better, well done.
Great talk and agree with you
Too many van drivers that just don't give a shit about anything and African taxi drivers that can't and don't know where they are going.
I got caught in Gloucester once, a gang of Asians no doubt on drugs were standing in the road stopping traffic, one of them wanted to have a go on my motorcycle, ye right
I rode off, and he kicked my back light to bits, I was tempted to return in my van and even the score, but of course their race protects them, and that was a good few years ago
Thanks again your spot on with every word 👍
I'm in New Zealand, EVERY small town and village has a police station and you are police on patrol EVERYWHERE. Back in the UK local policing has been eliminated completely. When i called 999 to report a crime the responder was based 55 miles away and had absolutely no idea where i was calling from and advised it would be logged and I would be able to contact them for an update in the next 48hrs. I never bothered
If a strong presence is not enforced society goes feral. Your words of wisdom is common sense to most of the population unless you've gone feral. We're you at Sherburn cafe yesterday? I thought I saw you.
Sorry no I wasn’t there
Thank you, you'r a breath of fresh air is this sadly broken world. Take care.
Think of any subject you can that doesn't work, and I will guarantee that a politician or councillor tops the list as the primary cause.
This is a great subject to explore.
A friend told me that when interviewing job candidates the BBD - Big Burning Desire carried a lot more weight than pieces of paper, certificates or degrees, without the BBD there was little chance of a job offer. He was a training captain for a major global airline.
Andy (still subscribed) 😂
Ah yes the BBD….where did that go pal….maximum pay for minimum effort now 👍🏻
Enough is enough vote reform 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Not a chance 😂
Thank you for posting your videos.
Very well said 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Well said Dave, 👏
Totally agree, We have the best police officers money can buy!
Thanks Dave, very well said and certainly sums up the dire situation our once proud country now faces.
Your successful because your talking about someone that is effecting millions and that's what everyone believes is two tier policing and only protecting others instead of all, regarding riding a bike sod that I would never buy a bike and use it in Bradford, there are too many that pull out on you, when I came off my Suzuki GSX 1100 I had both lights on during the day so they couldn't miss me but they chose to pull out on me never the less.
As an ex biker I always give bikes the right of way and assistance especially when they want to over take.
The police went down, when they backed political, as lot of my police friends cannot stand the job, some say they feel physically sick before they start their shift, the moral in the police is very poor, it seems the police don't look after their employees they seem to throw them to them under a bus especially the DPS by letting other private companies break data protection against someone of my clients who I have helped with debt, for years your employer used all police as Guinea pigs regarding testing to see if those radios you use would cause cancer, slot of people don't know this what your average Bobby had to go through so doing their job.
A lot of people are not happy with the police putting civilians in uniform those PCSOs who cause alit of trouble.
I think England need to get rid of the words Racist and Racism because police are scared to do their jobs because of those words because they are being used to allow others not to obey the rules of our country while everyone else is expected to obey them.
Joining the EU was a stab in the back to all those who faught in the wars it was EU policy to destroy the UK, all previous PMs couldn't do it but the one we have now is finishing this country as the EU requested.
The problem with this country is, there are too many I'm alright jacks.
Take care on the roads my friend all the best
Firstly (albeit an Americanism) I will thank you and appreciate Your service. Born in 1967 I believe, if I was subjected to national service my generation, my country would have been a better Great Britain 👍
Dear Sir,
I have just subscribed to your channel, which is my very first RUclips subscription.
I too am ‘old school’ (1943) and having followed your practical and intellectual broadcasts for some-while, I find many shared similarities in both philosophy and outlook. Selfishly, I would have valued the opportunity to have had a coffee and a Melton pork pie with you after a satisfying ride-out, so to speak. Regrettably, Essex is not local to Yorkshire.
You may like to know that I returned to biking in May 2022 (Royal Enfield Continental GT) after owning my last bike (1951 AJS 18S 500cc - ‘jam pots’, - modified with clip-ons, rear sets, alloy guards, etc.) in 1964. The bike had to go as I lately became aware that girl’s preferred cars (1965 Ford Cortina GT).
I too have experienced over the decades a marked deterioration of accepted standards despite having wonderful memories of the ‘60’s!!!!! Although the outbreak of the Mods and Rockers’ movement was a slight antisocial blot, I believe generally speaking that the decade was a positive turning point in the post war period.
I do hope your channel continues to go from strength to strength by interlacing your motorcycling expeditions, recounting your valuable experiences together with your insightful observations.
I wish you and your channel many more years of broadcasting.
Yours sincerely, John.
Here here, a house of commons style cheer for things that really matter, the decline of Britain, not how to rescue or a stabilising of the money pot amongst everything else in its steady decline. What really matters is standards of life and by your suggestion of Police control, would actually bring hope and raise the profile of the Police back to a time you mentioned, in the 80's and before this. Us honest citizens witnessing the dwindling of these many individuals of certain areas of countries, towns and cities of the world would bring back the confidence of the front line emergency services that attempt to serve their people, but for those restrictions placed on them with what is allegedly wrong or the right way to handle this new progressive decline in attitude. I'm just glad I have lived my life at a time when being British made me feel proud, who knows how bad it will become before someone has that similar lightbulb moment of yours pal. I think you should come out of retirement :), you talk a better talk than listening to the powers that be of late that only want me to change the channel and do something more interesting like watching paint dry and of course, enjoy the little freedom on my two wheels. Keep up this great content, maybe someone with some will to want change will watch.
What you say is absolutely true and right. I haven't read all the comments below but I'm willing to bet there's not one that disagrees with you. Well bloody done!
Here here. Very true. What did our brave boys and girls go to war for. Once our country was great Britain. Not any more. My mum worked all her life for the NHS. I left school started work for the age of 16. Then went on to service in the British army. Left and started working for ICI and became a ICI fireman. For 16 years. Left and started working for the council here in Stockton on tees. Now retired. We need somebody to help our country be great again.
Retired police office completely agree. It would be great to be proud of this country again👍
WOW an old todger on a motorcycle nails it! Nice one Wheeler, you earned my subscription.
Great video. Many thanks.
Every one of your words is spot on. Your thought patterns are well judged, and added to your life experiences are the absolute truth regarding our countries parlous state. Weak leaders , more interested in themselves, as opposed to the people that they were voted into power to serve.
However, I see no possibility that there will be a return, to what folk in our age group have known in our childhood and intervening years .After 77 years on the planet, I'm glad ,that we have enjoyed possibly the best times to be alive that there has ever been.
However, I think that we are more likely see vigilantes on the streets, and people taking the law into their own hands, which will become the only way to see justice done. I see zero likelihood, of any politician ever having enough bravery to face up to the evil deeds that are presently an everyday occurrence, and get worse week on week.
I get weary worrying about the tragic decline in humanity. So now, try not to get up tight about a situation that I have no control over.
Well said.
Brilliant and thank you. To me, it seems people are in power, for the power and money and not too do what they are elected to do, they are our servants, not the other way round.
It used to be really annoying when i first got riding motorcylces and driving on the road. I used to get pulled over regularly as i looked really young. I had nothing to hide but it made sure I kept legal and use the roads sensibly . You hardly see random traffic stops these day because them hideous cameras make the money for them now . All good cracking down on speeding but it doesn't take into account the nut cases and selfish drivers and riders out on the road. Bring back old policing please.
Labour lies they will not survive I really think this will be the finish completely of the Labour party .The country is in such a bad state many are leaving ..I will be making plans now I have reached my retirement and have been considering a return to Cape Town with it's own problems but it's about quality of life now and that is not anymore in England
Everything you elude to is totally applicable to ALL issues not just motorcycling and RPU's. As a nation the ''few'' leading are causing this decline of the rest of the people in the UK and beyond.
You mentioned the capital as being absolved of your complaint on your video, nothing could be further from the truth London is probably as bad or not worse for the leadership cowardice. Motorcycle crime is at pandemic levels with the 'leaders' having an attitude of bikers being the problem and not the 'poor scroats' carrying out the offences. My insurances rise every year on my 2 bikes even though I've over 20 years no claims. Twice in the last 12 months I've been stopped for a check of my alleged loud pipes, without charge! even though the APNR showed my legality with tax and insurance prior to the tug. I'm 62 and riding since 17yrs old and it feels like (I'm or we) as a community are the criminals for an easy nick. The system is totally loaded against the easy target, Us
No police as they are defunded and focussed on hatey words....