The healing sounds of nature lead to self-healing of the body from diseases, and also harmonizes the energy system, contributing to the restoration of energy balance, stimulating the human brain for highly productive activities. Electromagnetic pollution of the environment such as: television, radio, electrical wiring in the walls of buildings and much more usually push the human body from the natural biological rhythm. Therefore, many cardiovascular disorders, decreased immunity, and chronic fatigue syndrome occur. You can solve such vital problems by listening to the sounds of nature. They allow you to have a good rest after heavy physical, emotional and mental stress, in addition, the need for sleep is reduced by about 1-3 hours. Even people who are actively engaged in sports, after intense training or competition on the second day, there are no muscle pain and fatigue, but there is a high vital boost of strength and pleasure from movement.
Yes it is kind of a joke. Well that’s how it started, but then I received messages from people who said a 4K black screen has less digital visual noise when played on a 4K tv, than an HD black screen which the tv ‘upscales’ badly, and therefore contains annoying glitches. My decision to keep these teak is 4K was for those who play them back through their 4K TVs. Hope you like it, nonetheless x
oh, maybe it depends on the tv then. I use a 55"4k tv as my monitor, but the screen/backlit will turn off when it detects all black, turns back on when it detects a pixel that isnt black.
Wow. I slept with this turned on, woke up after 4 hour feeling completely overslept. Nice!
The healing sounds of nature lead to self-healing of the body from diseases, and also harmonizes the energy system, contributing to the restoration of energy balance, stimulating the human brain for highly productive activities. Electromagnetic pollution of the environment such as: television, radio, electrical wiring in the walls of buildings and much more usually push the human body from the natural biological rhythm. Therefore, many cardiovascular disorders, decreased immunity, and chronic fatigue syndrome occur.
You can solve such vital problems by listening to the sounds of nature. They allow you to have a good rest after heavy physical, emotional and mental stress, in addition, the need for sleep is reduced by about 1-3 hours. Even people who are actively engaged in sports, after intense training or competition on the second day, there are no muscle pain and fatigue, but there is a high vital boost of strength and pleasure from movement.
Love this you should make an 100 hour one ☝️
That would take so long to upload omggg HAHAHA
Who tf is sleeping for 100 hours!?🤨
This is great. Thank you!
This is life😴😥😜😫😊😀☺🖒👌
Thanks, but if its all black then it doesnt matter if its in 4k or 1080 or 720. it's purely for the audio
Yes it is kind of a joke. Well that’s how it started, but then I received messages from people who said a 4K black screen has less digital visual noise when played on a 4K tv, than an HD black screen which the tv ‘upscales’ badly, and therefore contains annoying glitches. My decision to keep these teak is 4K was for those who play them back through their 4K TVs. Hope you like it, nonetheless x
oh, maybe it depends on the tv then. I use a 55"4k tv as my monitor, but the screen/backlit will turn off when it detects all black, turns back on when it detects a pixel that isnt black.
Oh ok. Out of interest, are you able to play this video on your tv then or does it switch off?
Yea the screen pretty much turns off when i fullscreen. But i usually just set a timer on my tv to fully turn off.
But the black screen looks preeeeeeety good.
Night night 😴😴😴😴😴😴
Night night random people 😴
Volume isn't regular enough on this one imo. Great channel anyway.
awesome ty
Why do you keep changing the sound from muffled to clear and back?
Keeps me awake instead of falling to sleep....
Goodnight, I promise you are loved by someone. That may even be me
Jesus Christ loves us all. Your encouraging
This just sounds like thundery static to me
sorry I just like to have it play for exactly ten minutes so that I fall asleep within that time frame
@@kaitlynrodriguez1869 Smart!!
This is absolutely no good for relaxation - not with that heavy thunder - wake up guys..
The needy cable tribally realise because peru annually sprout beyond a caring birthday. knotty, agreeable dictionary
What are you trying to say? This doesn't seem to make any sense.