I Got Confessed as a Penalty Game, But Then My Super Idol GF...[RomCom Manga Dub]

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • ◆About the Movies
    The videos on this channel are original content produced by Aoharu Manga Library.
    The creators of this channel have made these videos with the utmost sincerity, and the copyrights are protected by law.
    ◆Sound Source
    - Sound Effect Labo
    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Комментарии • 291

  • @thelightbrigadef4172
    @thelightbrigadef4172 8 месяцев назад +177

    This is probably one of the *RAREST* plot scenarios where Yui help Keiichi hire the *LAWYER* Suzuki (as well as already paid by yui) to justify his reputation against those 2 students and 1 teacher by lawsuit action. Not only do they make an excuse about that picture. But also, his lawyer warned them to bring towards the *COURT* if they won't get settlement compensation. I'm sure after that, those 2 have been expelled from school, and that teacher fired with a license gets revoked.

    • @royrobinson9212
      @royrobinson9212 8 месяцев назад +16

      I actually liked this. Yui and the lawyer pulverized everyone that hurt Keichi

  • @Ash-Greninja-ud7ib
    @Ash-Greninja-ud7ib 8 месяцев назад +261

    Serves them right. Pretending to confess is one thing, but to accuse someone of something that they didn't do with a fake video and then call it "teasing" is going way too far.And the teacher who suspended him was stupid for not identifying the fake Keiichi's voice from the real deal.This goes to show how misguided some people are from what actually happened.

    • @foodmr2022
      @foodmr2022 8 месяцев назад +25

      yeah that destroyed his self-esteem and his trust to society if not without the help of his girlfriend which happens to be a super idol who paid a good lawyer to sue them in court for that huge harassment

    • @user-sv2en9wg6u
      @user-sv2en9wg6u 8 месяцев назад +11

      Old Twitter:🗿🍷
      Correct me if I am wrong

    • @johnhitt1538
      @johnhitt1538 8 месяцев назад +5

      Facts guys. Just plain facts that the idiots refuse to accept, and try to change.

    • @jamesalvisii8491
      @jamesalvisii8491 8 месяцев назад +6

      😡😤 Agreed, what the hell they're thinking?!? They should be ashamed themselves

    • @willambonney
      @willambonney 8 месяцев назад +6

      3 things in this world you dont do..1. Never mess with someones money 2. Never mess with someones ego , and most important 3. You never mess with someones lover.....or they'll mess with you!!

  • @ReyKaz25
    @ReyKaz25 8 месяцев назад +86

    It's rare for AoHaru Manga Library to have Keiichi already has a girlfriend from the start of the story without getting dumped. That includes in other channels as well. And the lawyer getting involved at school? That's a really rare one!
    Huge props to Yui for for being mad for what Yukina and Rikuya did for Keiichi. Their deeds are considered a crime that they're not teasing anymore. It's more like a defamation and infrigement of portrait rights. And as for the teacher suspending Keiichi without listening to his story is a failure as a teacher. Keiichi already thought about rejecting Yukina's fake confession but she got it wrong and force it as an acceptance of her fake confession. And they didn't know that Keiichi has a girlfriend which is Yui, a famous celebrity. With her fame and money, she doesn't hesitate to take down on those who harm Keiichi. I'm glad she helped him from his hopeless situation and sue those three. They thought that removing his suspension and deleting the video will make Keiichi forgive them? OBVIOUSLY NOT! They deserves to take on the court! Yukina and Rikuya deserves to be expelled and the teacher getting fired. Those three will become the laughingstock in social media and no people will become friends and they'll avoid them. Serves them right!

  • @Backbernur0
    @Backbernur0 8 месяцев назад +16

    That’s the sad part about bullying in schools these days. People think because it’s a bunch of kids it’s not like they are breaking any laws but if adults do the same thing to each other they can be sued or worse jailed. Maybe it would solve more of the bullying issue if teachers and schools make children aware that legal actions and such can be used against them as well. Teach people to grow up and not be trash who deserve no respect for what they do to others. Especially these days when it seems kids just get dumber instead of smarter with no common sense.

  • @kenjigentarou3614
    @kenjigentarou3614 8 месяцев назад +58

    Sensei : "I'm the victim too,I also got trick as well"
    That's even worse you know

    • @silentmuse6660
      @silentmuse6660 8 месяцев назад +9

      Yep. A teacher getting tricked by two students, who are usually 'supposed' to be dumber and more predicable than a fully grown adult, just shows how poor of a teacher someone really is.

    • @Bostonterrierslol
      @Bostonterrierslol 5 месяцев назад +2

      He’s the damn adult! He should know better. Also, teachers don’t have the authority to suspend a student, that power lies with the principal and/or the Vice principal.
      And if that were the case, one of them would’ve done it.
      I hope this teacher is discredited, and fired, and never works another authority job for the rest of his life. He has proven to be incompetent and inadequate

    • @shadowsnake5133
      @shadowsnake5133 5 месяцев назад +1

      Just for acting like he was, he should be eating dirt. I know for a fact I'd be getting myself arrested if I overheard someone say they knew someone didn't do that and still punished them for it.

  • @aerixes8466
    @aerixes8466 8 месяцев назад +23

    That's the best revenge manga I ever had in my life. I wish there's manga like this punishment by the law I wish you will countinue like this

  • @warhawkplane9564
    @warhawkplane9564 8 месяцев назад +21

    It’s pretty rare that Keiichi had already gotten a beautiful girlfriend Yui in the beginning🖤💖💍, but at least she managed severely punished Yukina, Rikuya, and the teacher😈 for what they did to Keiichi💔.

  • @TheBetterIdiot
    @TheBetterIdiot 8 месяцев назад +19

    A wise man once said: too many people these days dont know what its like to get punched in the face

  • @Soulkey_sbr
    @Soulkey_sbr 8 месяцев назад +42

    Today's "get out of jail free card" is:
    *Wealthy celebrity GF.*

    • @duelgundam
      @duelgundam 6 месяцев назад +1

      You forgot the "angry" and "vengeful" part.
      Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and the two bullies had unknowingly signed their own (social)death warrants when they framed MC like that.

    • @smartboy201
      @smartboy201 5 месяцев назад +1

      To be fair, having them be comically _capable_ of getting him out of it is, somehow, still more believable than 2 people being so utterly sociopathic that they just go "We're major influencers and we're gonna ruin your life BECAUSE you can't stop us!" Like... he didn't do SHIT to them to warrant their undivided attention and motivation to fuck him over.
      I mean, if it's the _one act_ of the punishment game, sure, but recording it, then trying to further bully him into submission without remorse? It's like he killed a beloved family pet or something.

  • @PabloHernandez-gl5ij
    @PabloHernandez-gl5ij 8 месяцев назад +26

    It felt satisfying when Suzuki ended up suing Rikuya and Yukina into Oblivion and I hope the teacher got blacklisted from ever teaching again because they honestly screwed up when they mess with Yui's boyfriend Keiichi .😊❤️

  • @t1mmypsp
    @t1mmypsp 8 месяцев назад +31

    First off,the mc's voice is so bad much like my microphone when I stream and secondly,I did not see this coming. I didn't think keiichi already had a girlfriend since the fake confession occurred and also yui helps him out with the lawyer on the side. Truly a rare moment on this channel.

    • @voxpop9
      @voxpop9 8 месяцев назад +6

      The top few comments are most definitely fake. How were they able to ignore something as big as the mic quality

  • @johncyrilonato8826
    @johncyrilonato8826 8 месяцев назад +7

    This is a good story. Good thing Yui helps Keichii to clear his name from wrong accusation coming from those three fools. Glad Keiichii is innocent and happy for them that he and Yui became a great couple in the end.

  • @maximoleiva9151
    @maximoleiva9151 8 месяцев назад +6

    Perfect video! Serves those three right! For betraying Keichi and framing him! For Rikuya and Yukina, they deserve to spend their lives with a broken relationship, no friends and being lonely. And as for the teacher, he deserves to be fired. I gotta say, Suzuki was the greatest lawyer! Big MVP for her!👏👏👏👏👏 In other words, I'm happy for Keichi being free from those 3 losers by Yui and Suzuki. I wish Keichi and Yui good luck with their relationship in secret!😊🖤💖

  • @SkyEcho751
    @SkyEcho751 8 месяцев назад +11

    Gonna correct one of the crimes listed and add a few. Defamation, the falsification of the video resulting in his school suspension. Illegal recording(depending on where you are), constituting the secret recording that was done in a private location(school is semi-private). And DOXING, which while on it's own isn't always illegal, the purpose of this case was undoubtedly to incite harassment on the target.

  • @taureanking3807
    @taureanking3807 8 месяцев назад +32

    And they did, the teacher got fired and have his teaching license revoked and Yukina and Rikuya got expelled after their parents found out what they did to Keiichi thanks to Yui, Keiichi's celebrity girlfriend. After Yui told everyone about what those three did to Keiichi, everyone treated the teacher and those two Yukina and Rikuya like outcasts. The teacher's wife divorced him after she found out what he did and ended up living alone at the shabby apartment and both Yukina and Rikuya were forced to work at their relatives farm or factory by their parents to pay back the money they lend to without using their phones because they're been banned from ever having their phones on them now. Oh and speaking of ban, their video channels have been banned for violating the videos, I'm sure that they won't be using their phones for their evil deeds anymore after that incident. And remember everyone, the true lesson that you all need to learn is that not only u never mess with celebrity's boyfriend but never angered the celebrity Yui.
    Keiichi: uhhh thanks, I'll try to remember that lesson. And also thanks for filling it up my narration story.
    Me: anytime, the rest is up to you.

    • @phumphitchayut9020
      @phumphitchayut9020 8 месяцев назад +4

      May I add more on this one ?
      …The incident didn’t stop there however; when story involved Yui have reached her fans, she had to tell them about what happened. Even though they can’t ignore her relationship with Keiichi, they’re still having some sympathize after hearing his story. After that, the fans become furious, and began to criticize the school itself. Not only the teacher, Rikuya, and Yukina had to suffered more from this one, but everyone who believes the lies were also being criticized on this one. Even though the misunderstanding can happened everytime, but when their behaviors have made Keiichi feel suffered either intentionally or not, it cannot be bygones no matter what. So, everyone in the school with their behaviors toward Keiichi at that time also had to pay their prices; those who were most lucky are only getting scold, yet they had to received a strict “educational” life lesson from their family to ensure that they will never done that to the others anymore. However, for those who were get worst, which is being criticized and ostracized in the school, will have a hard time to deal with, with some had become a shut-in, or introverted, or both. Worst than that, they had to transferred to another school, with some few unlucky had their past being known to another school too, and they still had to suffered more, to the breaking point…
      For about Keiichi relationship with Yui, they’re still being debated. However, it’s seems like her fans also supported their relationship as well. So it won’t be a problem at least.

    @SHAHABUDDINKHAN719 8 месяцев назад +9

    I liked today's story better then usual
    I need more stories like that
    Unexpected turn events

    • @royrobinson9212
      @royrobinson9212 8 месяцев назад +2

      Best thing is this was realistic. Instead of getting revenge by getting even, Keichi lawyered up thanks to Yui.

  • @thewillybshow2000
    @thewillybshow2000 8 месяцев назад +4

    This incarnation of Yui is probably the most OP one on this channel I've seen so far. Not to mention the best girlfriend ever for our boy Keiichi so far. That's my opinion tho.

  • @vanvleetdylan
    @vanvleetdylan 5 месяцев назад +3

    The sassyness she did was hilarious and gave out some massive karma to his bullies

  • @flemingbudubiney2936
    @flemingbudubiney2936 8 месяцев назад +70

    The teacher is really an idiot. He knew Keiichi was set up by those 2 but still did nothing to identify that the voice was fake and suspends him. Seriously what an idiot. Then those 2 have the audacity to say what they did was teasing. And those classmates are so superficial. It’s sad how people are quick to believe an innocent person who has been framed or set up and find it hard to believe they’re innocent but as soon as the innocent person is actually innocent they’re quick to ask for forgiveness.

    • @playerback7722
      @playerback7722 8 месяцев назад +5

      That is superficial

    • @johnhitt1538
      @johnhitt1538 8 месяцев назад +10

      It’s true, but the saddest fact is that this sort stuff pretty much happens every day!

    • @raymondrentap6341
      @raymondrentap6341 8 месяцев назад +4

      Not ,I think that teacher must been bribed by two couples to making keichii suspended form school.

    • @flemingbudubiney2936
      @flemingbudubiney2936 8 месяцев назад

      @@raymondrentap6341 That is definitely a good point

    • @gallantgamer4728
      @gallantgamer4728 8 месяцев назад

      To be fair, you have described Twitter/X in a nutshell

  • @calebwillis6845
    @calebwillis6845 5 месяцев назад +1

    How much influence yui has is insane to melt the pride of a man just like that

  • @Relmking
    @Relmking 8 месяцев назад +11

    teacher: its clearly you

  • @LunaPPK
    @LunaPPK 8 месяцев назад +7

    Well atleast the MC brought the law in this for once because its the logical thing to do

    • @immortalwarrior2695
      @immortalwarrior2695 8 месяцев назад +1

      Bringing law is way too much. Yeah they need punishment but this is really too much

    • @LunaPPK
      @LunaPPK 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@immortalwarrior2695 nope perfectly valid they posted that shit online and basically doxed him which is also a crime on top of defamation you are a idiot if you do not understand this.

    • @dannywalker6381
      @dannywalker6381 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@immortalwarrior2695Ard then let something let this happen to you good luck trying to fight against it

    • @DavixDevelop
      @DavixDevelop 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@immortalwarrior2695And why is that? 99% of times schools won't do s*** about anything serious like that, until you try to bring in the law, at least, that's how it was back then, when I was in primary schools (born in 98). That is what my mom did when I was a kid. I got bullied so much, until the point someone busted open my lip, on my birthday of all days. Then my mom threatened to call the cops and suddenly things calmed down.

  • @skeleglitchgaming
    @skeleglitchgaming 8 месяцев назад +6

    Nice Xbox 360 mic quality 👌

  • @djfreemanyt1596
    @djfreemanyt1596 8 месяцев назад +13

    Hello AoHaru!! Thanks for making another amazing love romcom as always and hello everyone!

  • @vanvleetdylan
    @vanvleetdylan 5 месяцев назад +2

    She went full yandere mode without hesitation

  • @unnameable57
    @unnameable57 8 месяцев назад +1

    Serves them right indeed. I'm glad that they actually taking legal action instead of just arguing and making things worse

  • @joelcatubay9479
    @joelcatubay9479 4 месяца назад +1

    Famous girlfriends come in handy. Pink haired ones are also the scary ones. Yukons: We’re friends right?Keichi: with “friends like you who needs enemies? Get out of my face!”

  • @jarredbillings2332
    @jarredbillings2332 8 месяцев назад +7

    17:06 Oh, when it comes to lawyers, they NEVER joke. They take offensive actions VERY seriously💀💀💀

  • @ivayloyankov9905
    @ivayloyankov9905 8 месяцев назад +16

    The afterstopy
    The teacher - he did not get fired, but the principal offered him to resign and he accepted. He settled out of count and have to pay a big sum for damages, so he have loans. After that he try to find new job, but because the incident was known, no good school hired him. Found a job in school with bad reputation and because he learn his lesson he try to be good teacher. That the reason to get involved with students, which parents are in criminal world. Not a half a year working in new school, he was beaten up and spend several months in hospital. He resign the school with bad reputation and started working part time jobs, so he can pay his debts. Years later he is debt free, but he still regret his decision not to investigate the video and quickly making the wrong decision.
    Male student fate - He was expelled. His parents also had to pay large sum for damages, because they do not want this case to became public (so they can keep their jobs). The student was moved to school with bad reputation and later on he start involving with bad crowd. He manage to graduate, but do not go to college, because his grades are bad and his parents do not support him for that. Later on he committed a crime and was arrested and send to jail. That was the last straw and his family cut ties with him.
    Female student - She was also expelled. Her parents also had to pay large sum of damages. She also was send to school with bad reputation (not the same as the male student). Her parents tell her that they will not support her to go to college, so if she want to go to college, she need to pay by herself or get a scholarship. But she needed to return the money for the fake video case and that is why she started working part time. Because of that her grades are not good enough to get a scholarship. She continue to regret her actions and because of a joke (her opinion at that time) she lost all her friends and opportunity to go to college and to have a good job. Instead of that she have a job at bad company, which she can not quit, because she need the money. Also she failed to find good friends and for years have terrible luck with men.

    • @resdamalos
      @resdamalos 8 месяцев назад +1

      Not horrible enough.

    • @ivayloyankov9905
      @ivayloyankov9905 8 месяцев назад

      @@resdamalos Just to clarify. What is not horrible - the type of punishment or the duration. My opinion is small terrible thing to be happened in long period of time is much more terrible than big terrible thing in short amount of time.

    • @resdamalos
      @resdamalos 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@ivayloyankov9905 why not both? Big horrible thing first, then them being to unable to financially, emotionally, or physically recover for the rest of their lives?

    • @ivayloyankov9905
      @ivayloyankov9905 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@resdamalos To be honest I am sucker for redemption stories. And I believe that most crimes or wrongdoings may be redeemed to some extend. Also there need to be conditions for somebody to take the path of redemption and to better himself/herself. For example in this story - the teacher may learn that he was not a good teacher and may take the path to change his ways or to take another profession. For the boy and the girl - seeing the consequences of their action - learn what is good and bad. Also changing the environment with moving to new school may change the perspective and also the way they think.

    • @GoodFebruarian
      @GoodFebruarian 6 месяцев назад +1

      Allow me to extent the story.
      For 5 years of misfortune due to their own wrongdoing, both of the sore losers are still keep blaming each other.
      The argument escalates into a fistfight, and ended up breaking the bltch's neck.
      She was taken to the hospital, while the other arsepiece was arrested for assault and battery.
      Her spinal cord were mostly severed, and now she is bed bound in her bedroom.
      Alone and unloved for the rest of her life.
      The other 'waste of space of humanity' was released from the penitentiary due to his family connections.
      But three months later, his mangled body was found at the local dumpster.
      The Local Crime Scene Investigator confirmed that the cause of death was due to multiple blunt force traumas.
      Refused to investigate further, the head officer quoted;
      " Meh, what a waste of tax money and time. Let's just dump his body to the forest. Those animals might eat him instead. "
      Arsepiece, was 33.
      The End.

  • @SatoshiKenji
    @SatoshiKenji 8 месяцев назад +25

    I guess Keiichi is really lucky that he can get a lawyer to fight this BS. Is it a bit excessive? Maybe. But remember, that suspension will forever stuck on Keiichi's record if he didn't do anything about it.

    • @royrobinson9212
      @royrobinson9212 8 месяцев назад +8

      Not to mention reputation damage and a week of learning gone. In Japan, one week of school lost is a HUGE problem.

    • @playerback7722
      @playerback7722 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @photomgamer6253
      @photomgamer6253 8 месяцев назад +2

      Excessive? If it’s against those idiots who put out all the falsified BS against Keiichi, I think not. Primarily because it was deliberately setup by both the students and wouldn’t be surprised on a plausible theory that the teacher who wrongfully suspended Keiichi, was either bribed or anonymously talked to by those two to look the other way. As for the aftermath of what happens I guess it is as you would expect from the other comments:
      - School Prinicpal/ Dean or District Director fires the teacher for wrongful dismissal of a student/ partaking in bribes, teaching license effectively provoked and terminated, blacklisted on the education systems. Maybe partner and friends cut all ties with the guy after hearing such lament actions disclosed on the media via keiichi’s idol GF. Now broke and now ocean in debt, the teacher was ostracized by society.
      - Two students respective families and relatives caught wind of their actions, realizing the matter was taken to court and could lead up to significant fine and jail time, the parents paid for the alimony to Keiichi on their behalf, under the conditions that both students work their butts off to pay back the families the money that they paid to Keiichi for compensation from whatever point of highschool to even after graduation and cut off ties with the two immediately once the settlement was repaid. As result domino effect continues after they were both ostracized by the school and classmates, media accounts backlashed with angry comments, their media accounts get frozen and banned, gets blacklisted on the education system(FYI: when it comes to the screening process of universities and colleges, some of the districts don’t take screening lightly) so even after they graduate in addition to working their butts off, they won’t be able to get into their future college/ university of choice easily anymore especially since their own stupidity made them had a negative impact on their education records. Overall, the only people they should be blaming is themselves.

    • @royrobinson9212
      @royrobinson9212 8 месяцев назад

      @photomgamer6253 We can hope it was that way for the teacher. He was an adult and SHOULD have used better judgment in this situation. It's entirely possible he favored the antagonists because of their popularity, if you think about it. Life 101: popularity will usually trump being a good student/hard worker. Doesn't mean you should stop being a good student or hard worker, just don't expect praise or recognition often.

  • @hamadhumaid1984
    @hamadhumaid1984 8 месяцев назад +5

    Taking pictures and recording video without consent is a serious offense, we have strict laws in UAE for that, it stated that if anyone takes pictures and recording video without consent the penalty will 6 months to a year in prison and/or pay the fine no less than AED 150,000 (($40,800)) and no more than AED 500,000 (($272,000)) those two will get exactly what's coming to them, as for the teacher he should be fired as well. Also we have laws against defamation of character, the penalty is 2 years in prison and/or pay the fine of AED 20,000 (($5,400))

  • @TCORV
    @TCORV 5 месяцев назад +4

    bonus: the two students both got 20 years in prison for false accusation and their parents disowned them and the teacher is fired and his wife found out in divorced him now homeless trying to survive.

  • @wolfmania2893
    @wolfmania2893 8 месяцев назад +3

    I hope those three got severely punished for their actions. I even hope that teacher got arrested and put behind bars for his failure to listen to the audio correctly instead of unjustly punishing Keiichi by suspending him for a week. You guys reap what you sow.

  • @stenovhouse
    @stenovhouse 8 месяцев назад +16

    Of this story, I didn't like the MC saying "Calm down" where in this situation, you can't even stay properly calm down because he also admitted that he wanted to punch that blondie moron in the face (I don't get why not that female scum too, since the title of "girl" was already lost since YEARS...).
    I liked a lot the girl, though...and you could see how much angry she was when those scumbags sons of ****** basically setted up the MC (and that corrupted teacher...he should have gotten some kicks in the butt too...) for FUN.
    So yeah...I liked the MC in the end of the video when he took guts and told to those rotten living son of ***** "to go to hell", but I didn't like when he kept sayings stuff almost to "justify" what those morons did (and in fact, even the future wife said that...).

    • @jarredbillings2332
      @jarredbillings2332 8 месяцев назад +1

      I HATED when Keiichi keeps telling Yui to calm down. I mean, like, "Dude, shut up and let her vent. You need to be mad at this situation as well."

    • @foodmr2022
      @foodmr2022 8 месяцев назад

      @@jarredbillings2332 i guess he did not want her emotionally distress

  • @anwenlokier2292
    @anwenlokier2292 8 месяцев назад +2

    This was referenced in my school vr game where Goalius was no longer a member of Desperado because of presumed dating, someone of a higher power, and an assassin was sent, but when steven Armstrong found out that someone deleted the video off security and put a fake in but here's the thing the Assassin did hospitalised Goalius who suffered from PTSD depression and had emotional and psychological damage already so Steven Armstrong was forced to give Goalius mom 250000 for the hospital and therapy bills and rehire him

  • @jarredbillings2332
    @jarredbillings2332 8 месяцев назад +4

    12:40 TEASING?! You call framing Keiichi and have EVERYBODY turn against him TEASING?! Are you serious right now?!

    • @foodmr2022
      @foodmr2022 7 месяцев назад +1

      yeah its too late its already in the internet and its obvious that it will stay there forever haunting him even if he is cleared in school.

  • @kermitthefrog1971
    @kermitthefrog1971 8 месяцев назад +4

    Bro has a microphone that makes him sound like an old radio

  • @sykilik101
    @sykilik101 3 месяца назад +1

    Other comments keep saying this story was great, but, like...why didn't the main character *do* anything? He just sat back the whole time. He gets bullied, he complains to his GF, she (and her lawyer) do all the work to resolve the issue, done. It's another case of "MC is purely a victim and someone else has to bail him out of his problems without him having to step up and do anything, without him having to grow and overcome the problem himself." Why is he even the main character if he's not gonna push the plot forward? The MC in a story doesn't have to do everything, but he shouldn't do NOTHING, either.

  • @shidotefu4230
    @shidotefu4230 23 дня назад

    The most satisfying story yet.... I've re-watched this three times over these past months🔥👍

  • @Maninawig
    @Maninawig 3 месяца назад +1

    3:24 Keiichi is cooold!!!

  • @titancameraman9615
    @titancameraman9615 8 месяцев назад +6

    It sounds like somebody is recording an audio from another manga💀

  • @thecookiechannel9520
    @thecookiechannel9520 8 месяцев назад +1

    "You're my favorite! I'm Keiichi Sato" bro told his whole identity and class on the video for no reason and no one suspected it and it got me dead fr🤣💀

  • @GTuriz
    @GTuriz 8 месяцев назад +5

    What's wrong with the mic 😂, cool story anyway 👍

  • @ZER02117
    @ZER02117 8 месяцев назад +2

    Idk about relationships but one thing I do know is that it's not cool to play with someone feelings.

  • @EzekielSUMALPONG-qq8ey
    @EzekielSUMALPONG-qq8ey 8 месяцев назад +4

    False accusing is a fellonie they should be arrested for 30 days

  • @koroyuchi
    @koroyuchi 8 месяцев назад +2


  • @Demonking1067
    @Demonking1067 Месяц назад

    This was perfect in every way.Thank you for the video

  • @michaellinnet6095
    @michaellinnet6095 8 месяцев назад +2

    Pretty damn good video! About time somebody came up with a story where the perps get their asses handed to them.

  • @sambiggins5579
    @sambiggins5579 8 месяцев назад +5

    Better put Yukina and Rikuya in a lion cage with hungry lions as punishment

  • @Sir_Tomoyuki
    @Sir_Tomoyuki 8 месяцев назад +2

    Yeah, that's actually a very serious crime...take this to court, and they'll be in jail.

  • @user-nw6lt1rs7r
    @user-nw6lt1rs7r 3 месяца назад +2

    I wonder what the Punishment was and how much he won from the settlement. Lol!

  • @nachtwaya8721
    @nachtwaya8721 8 месяцев назад +4

    That whole video and the teachers reaction made no sense, whatsoever.

  • @TommyPhan-xm2re
    @TommyPhan-xm2re 8 месяцев назад +3

    I Like This Manga and Romance

  • @toadskywalker6417
    @toadskywalker6417 8 месяцев назад +5

    They didn't know that Keiichi already has a girlfriend and they pull this trick on him? Shame on them. Well at least those 2 morons and that idiot teacher got what they deserved thanks to Keiichi's girlfriend Yui and the lawyer she hired

  • @jarredbillings2332
    @jarredbillings2332 8 месяцев назад +1

    8:12 Preach, girl! Get pissed for your man! Let them know who they're dealing with!😠✊️

  • @johnathanedwards9054
    @johnathanedwards9054 8 месяцев назад +2

    Really? That was "teasing"? That was slander, which you can sue for in the US and face time in prison for. My brother is familiar with something like this, let's just say the lawyer wasn't needed when they tried this kind of BS.

  • @foodmr2022
    @foodmr2022 3 месяца назад +1

    What they did was severely scarred the mc for life since its forever in the internet and not even the teacher did not help him.

  • @aldojapri5021
    @aldojapri5021 8 месяцев назад +2

    (16:49) Exactly! Thanks for understanding the law!!!

  • @ferminsoto5493
    @ferminsoto5493 Месяц назад

    She took protect the one you love to a new level😂😂

  • @icy_grizzly2803
    @icy_grizzly2803 8 месяцев назад +3

    Why yt keep unsubscribed my sub ... A lot of manga channels have been missing.... I miss them one of them is this channel

    • @icy_grizzly2803
      @icy_grizzly2803 8 месяцев назад +2

      Oi man.... man u should stop......

  • @BlackShinobi86
    @BlackShinobi86 8 месяцев назад +1

    Perfect revenge for all of them. This kind of stuff needs to be punished.

  • @AceRajannyo
    @AceRajannyo 8 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for the romantic story ^⁠_⁠^

  • @raymondrentap6341
    @raymondrentap6341 8 месяцев назад +2

    That's was nice revenge story.But,in my options, please change the mc's name besides Keichii.In these manga, always name Keichii.what i suggest name was shuichi,mamoru or kotaro or something.But anyway,serve those two bullies and teachers right for accusing keichii 's wrongdoing.in the end, that teacher got been fired and his teaching license has been revoked and those two loser ending up been expelled form school .

  • @ryanconnors9812
    @ryanconnors9812 7 месяцев назад +2

    Why does he have bad audio but the girlfriend doesn’t

  • @realromo4195
    @realromo4195 8 месяцев назад +1

    Another beautiful romance story that i love 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️

  • @larcenyk9tnt1010
    @larcenyk9tnt1010 3 месяца назад +1

    I hate people believing one-sidedly and not listening the other side...
    Defaming a person.
    The teacher even punished the good guy..?
    What an idiot..

  • @69Serenity
    @69Serenity 8 месяцев назад +1

    oh he didn't accept their apology, thank god.

  • @godssalvation87
    @godssalvation87 4 месяца назад +1

    Thats what all bully deserve you mess with someone who dont want to be bothered an get sued in court!!

  • @jarredbillings2332
    @jarredbillings2332 8 месяцев назад +2

    6:50 Motherf****rs! You're SO gonna get yours!😠

  • @ericcollins1497
    @ericcollins1497 8 месяцев назад +3

    I mean why the F would someone take that video seriously where they made them say their namr and all their details? To teacher needs obvious punishment and made to never be allowed to teach again.

    • @playerback7722
      @playerback7722 8 месяцев назад +1

      Exactly. He should have listen to him but he didn't want to...he had it coming

  • @Minami009
    @Minami009 8 месяцев назад +2

    Yea Lucky Guy Not Like Me😒

  • @randomtrainerx.3424
    @randomtrainerx.3424 8 месяцев назад +2

    The teacher really should have listened to Keiichi side of the story despite having the video.

  • @amuletdestroyer9
    @amuletdestroyer9 8 месяцев назад +1

    I had to mute my phone after hearing the mc of Keichi, but other than that the story was sweet and unexpected keep it up

  • @tridentpower6954
    @tridentpower6954 8 месяцев назад +1

    Yui destroyed them for her man, that's so sweet 🥺

  • @kokichioma4879
    @kokichioma4879 8 месяцев назад +3

    Bros mic is broken 😂

  • @markfrey6664
    @markfrey6664 5 месяцев назад +1

    Release the Kraken! (Angry idol gf unleashed)

  • @johnfaber2736
    @johnfaber2736 8 месяцев назад +1

    After watching this my thoughts: The 3 stooges are getting their just deserts. The quote that comes to mind: No matter what color duct tape you use, you still can't fix stupid!

  • @IVTheWanderer777
    @IVTheWanderer777 8 месяцев назад +2

    Why does everyone sound like they are on radio?

  • @aaronfraire9073
    @aaronfraire9073 8 месяцев назад +1

    Now, if only this could happen in real life.

  • @_Mintygamingofficial
    @_Mintygamingofficial 4 месяца назад +1

    The mic quality of the guy is interesting

  • @Shadowkiller-dq2ju
    @Shadowkiller-dq2ju 8 месяцев назад +2

    The mic quality is all over the place

  • @sirbobthe8th410
    @sirbobthe8th410 8 месяцев назад

    We need more about this topic ngl. I liked this layout

  • @TheMostSteelDooshbagEver0451
    @TheMostSteelDooshbagEver0451 8 месяцев назад +22

    Aftermath: The teacher got fired and had his teaching license taken away, and his wife filed for divorce after she found out about what he did. The teacher became a shut in. He hasn’t come out of his apartment ever since. Rikuya and Yukina got expelled. One day, Rikuya saw Yukina walking on the street, then he approached her and started screaming at her and blaming her for everything.
    Rikuya lost it and started beating Yukina up. He even hit her with a glass bottle causing her a brain damage. Then cops show up and arrest Rikuya. Apparently someone recorded the whole incident. Video of Rikuya beating up Yukina to death went viral. To sum up, Rikuya is in prison, Yukina died in the hospital, and Rikuya’s family was sued by Yukina’s.

    • @djneonimusic
      @djneonimusic 8 месяцев назад

      damn thats brutal

    • @villiamanimelover
      @villiamanimelover 8 месяцев назад

      Jesus, even if she was a b*tch, dying by brain damage, oof.

    • @Dante999000
      @Dante999000 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@djneonimusicThat would be a brutal end if you play a very stupid game, you win a very stupid prize and sometimes lose your life along the way.

  • @Chrivs
    @Chrivs 8 месяцев назад +1

    Posting a video where you in and you dont say its okay to post it
    You can go to the police and sue too
    Because its a Crime! When what is saying in that video is not what has been said...
    So am really happy to see what is happning here is what would happen in the "Real World"

  • @markianecat1093
    @markianecat1093 8 месяцев назад +3

    No! I'm not yet satisfied 😖

  • @katsuki-ks2yj
    @katsuki-ks2yj 3 месяца назад +1

    This things only exist in manga imagine if this is in reality 😅😂❤

  • @alexandermecklenburg3967
    @alexandermecklenburg3967 2 месяца назад

    I know that feeling I have that same situation in my school with the not real confession

  • @Saivaibhav-gk8ce
    @Saivaibhav-gk8ce 3 месяца назад +1

    sooooooooooooo basically at the end to protect her career she was ready to make this incident as show and they might get away from this
    i know she was good and everything but idiotic to come for him at the end and then say to protect her career it truly disguist me mannn
    she couldve met him in a cafe or something and why not let the world know she has boyfriend oooh because she might lose her fanbase career

  • @jcly96
    @jcly96 27 дней назад

    Sue them. Every last one of them.

  • @dennistaylor5757
    @dennistaylor5757 8 месяцев назад +1

    Ain't no fun when the rabbit got the gun !

  • @phantomthiefjoker939
    @phantomthiefjoker939 7 месяцев назад

    Even teachers turned a blind eye and REFUSED TO DO THEIR JOBS RIGHT.

  • @SandBender-eg9eq
    @SandBender-eg9eq 8 месяцев назад +2

    The mic💀💀💀

  • @kingmatthewlego
    @kingmatthewlego 8 месяцев назад +2

    The male mic is SOOOOOO BAD! Cmon this is ridiculous

  • @andrep.l.6041
    @andrep.l.6041 11 дней назад

    There are waaaay too many windows and staircases around for people to constantly get away with shit like this.

  • @JoelAping-uy3yc
    @JoelAping-uy3yc 8 месяцев назад +2

    Always give thanks to the Lord all what you have repent from your sin accept Jesus as your Lord and savior surender all to him

  • @platnumring7568
    @platnumring7568 6 месяцев назад +1

    Havin a celebrity girlfriend is a blessin and a curse at the same time
    Blessin: She makes alot of money so yall live a lavish lifestyle, you can take her out, have large gatherins easily
    Curse: it takes alot of her time, you'd get lonely, when she comes home shes tired, shes barely there so your bored all the time, she will rarely be able to help you when your in trouble
    Criticize me if youd like but thats how i see it and i wont change my opinion the curses are the reason i don't want a celebrity girlfriend ill take a regular girlfriend anyday, anytime, anywhere. You may see it differently and thats completely fine we all have our own opinions.

  • @greater_soviet_union1991
    @greater_soviet_union1991 8 месяцев назад +1

    I was thinking whether they were caughy in 31k GDR 782p 36fps 19fx infrared portrait mode

  • @kodon40
    @kodon40 8 месяцев назад +1

    6:30 the punishment there hit too close to home cause in a sense the same thing happened

  • @Not_Sam17
    @Not_Sam17 8 месяцев назад +3

    How do people fall into this dumb sh*t?
    "You're my favorite" **proceeds to introduce himself**

  • @AnimeFanFoxx
    @AnimeFanFoxx 8 месяцев назад

    I love that the males microphone gives me phones microphone vibes while females sounds like she is using some sort of movie gear