Seriously, these robot models. I would sometimes just override these things to spend a few minutes looking at them. There's such detail and they look so beautiful.
I remember my first time seeing a snapmaw. I was so afraid that i sneaked from bush to bush trying to escape. It was where aone of the tallnecks were. After a couple of days playing, i had gathered so much experience from the game and was not afraid of the machines anymore ( just the thunderjaw). I went face to face with the snapmaws, killed all of them and overriden the tallneck. Good times man. Good times...
@@jad.z4891 i tried it too and don't say u didn't we all know the answer and it was killable but it was removed and deathbringer Can destroy a tallneck
I hated killing the rockbreakers. Give me a thunder jaw anyday. Even when I was cheesing the damn thing from the top of a cliff it gave me so much shit. Aloy died on that cliff along with any dignity I had left.
I agree, their burrow attacks are unreadable at times and for the most part they'll do whatever the heck they want, like dive bomb onto the rock your standing on.
use tearblaster or tearblast arrows their claws first and everything after that is butter, i had to fight 3 at the same time because of a watcher one time, and if you wanna cheese it, most of them have a range, if you go past the range of their rock throw attack, youll pretty much be able to just chip at em from there, or you could just get good, nothing in this game is hard to kill, even the big ass frostclaw bears in TFW dlc
@@croi5613 Not really, it still hurls rocks at you. I only defeated it when I went to specific spot behind a hill where it couldn't see me for some reason.
I just finished the game and I literally laughing at the tips. I will say why below- Tramplers - Shoot 2 tearblast arrows in it's underbelly and it'll blow up and burn to death. You can take out a whole heard of them like this without even getting close to them. Thunderjaw - Take out it's disc launchers from a distance using the tearblast arrows. Then get close to it and tie it down using a ropecaster. After that use the disc launchers you blew off its back to attack it. You can take out a Thunderjaw in less than 2 minutes like this. Biggest tip - Use ropecaster against any large machine to tie it down then bomb it to death
The Thunderjaw was honestly easy the second time. Just used it's disc launcher against then the battle was done. I started farming them for their hearts and mod drops
Glinthawks -> one fire arrow -> they fall down -> one critical + one heavy -> rip Tramplers -> one Tear Blaster shot to the belly -> permanent burn -> laugh at it's inevitable demise. Thunderjaw -> tear arrow to disk laucher -> one rope from ropecaster to keep them in place -> freeze them with your rattler in like 3 seconds-> pick up the disk launcher and nuke the living hell out of that dino-> enjoy your flawless kill on a robo T-rex. Rockbiters -> just get rid of the damn digging claws and then do whatever ..but get rid of the claws But nice vid overall :D
I just started the game, and the most dangerous robot I've faced so far is the Scrapper. Watching this video makes me seriously reconsider playing it! UPDATE: I'm at level 53 now and Thunderjaws are a piece of cake. My new nemeses are those muthafrickin Fireclaws that I'm supposed to destroy!!!
Just started playing today, got upto level 7, get wrecked by scrappers whenever i'm discovered. This video also made me fall in can i ever find amusement in killing these difficult giant machines. Hope your cmnt will come true for me as well 😂
Welcome to the Frozen Wilds! I'm same level as you, it's time to set the game to Hard. I can't deal with Ultra Hard yet in the Frozen Wilds, need some more tweaks before that.
For the thunderjaw: just immediately shoot his disc launcer off then pick it up and is use it against him. It deals massive damage and he has two, so if you used them both on him( if all discs you fired hit him) he probably has like 5 to 10 percent hp and just shoot a few arrows at him
Am i the only one who chooses to engage practically every fight from a sniper perspective and just avoid open combat as much as possible? even when fighting the thunderjaw it's completely possible to do... just take out the semi secret radar on it's back first which i discovered was there the hard way half way into my first fight with one. (it's not on the machine data in the notebook and doesn't highlight yellow with the focus either but you CAN rip it off his back anyway and you WILL get 300 exp for doing it and it does say on one of the loading screens that thunderjaw and 2 other bots have them. but the other 2 bots have it highlight yellow with focus, thunderjaw has his hidden away and he never uses it in open combat unless you are trying to hide from him anyway) as to where it is, well it's just behind the nape of his neck. look to the very first ridges on his spine that run perpendicular to the rest of the ridges running down his back. that's his radar and when active it will rise up off his back a few feet and begin spinning around before the blue shockwave goes off letting him know where you are. i actually prefer to watch him throw a temper tantrum every time i can elude him after being detected (yellow or red status). he's really rather cute in a way..he seems to have more personality in his overall behavior than the other bots. he will literally pitch a fit the more often you elude him storming off back to his patrol route and knocking over trees and tossing them into the river etc while making all sorts of noises that could be akin to griping about it all. but anyway yea, i always go with the stealth armor and stealth mods to hunt my prey. it's more tense at times because of it and i just love that feeling.
The radar on top of it's back does highlight for me. Also, the radar is in the notebook. I have to scroll down the list of parts and collectibles/loot but it is there.
plus, against some enemies i am sure he played on easy mode. for example: Death-bringer in my game he didn't stop shooting me, but in this video he is like in a nap. lol
I remember my first time seeing a Thunderjaw. I saw the art of it, but I didn't think it would be so big. I was like level 10-ish, and I made sure to keep like a 200 foot distance away from it whenever I needed to pass.
For the stalkers: I always use the purple tearblast arrows to hit the component by their hips, that will disable the invisibility power so you can encounter them easilier
Being able to override and fly on the back of a Stormbird. As well as use animal skins to add modifications and style to your armor. Only thing that would make this game perfect. ... Okay, zooming back a tiny bit on Aloy with the camera would help, too.
haha too right with that last feature i love Aloy wear the purple armour looks hot haha all jokes and being able to fly on a stormbird or even ride a thunderjaw would be amazing
As an added point for snapmaws that actually came into play for me during the dlc they are way easier to deal with if you are walking on a rope because you can just walk casually out of the way of the frost attacks and the attacks won’t leave a area of frost that damaged you on the rope. Just make sure you have plenty of arrows and the rope is high enough above that they cannot use melee
Wait, you said the behemoths work in pairs. Similar to most Rockbreakers do too in most cases. While they covered weaknesses the person making the video isn't clever at all. Use corruption on pairs in order to make the two beasts fight each other. Alternate between the two each time. Then, finish the remaining one off with anything really. Corruption is extremely useful.
@@pyrophia Yeah, that would be badass, imagine a corrupted tallneck just charging a you from a distance? Or better yet, it’s back opens up and reveals a giant ballistic missile launcher and it just starts shooting at you? That would be fricking awesome
My personal tactic was to use my best damage mods on the sharpshoot bow. Takes down most small land robots in one shot. Even elite humans topple over with a triple shot to the head. Plus it's very satisfying to see 1k numbers pop out when you hit a weakness As for the bigger ones Well the Rockbreakers are only hard if you intend to fight them head to head. If not you only need to do 2 things: 1 stay outside their area (usually you just have to cross a road). At that point you only need to deal with their range attack. Pelt them with Ice then use hunter or sharpshot to deal massive damage when they pop out. This is also one of the most glaring faults in their AI. Thudermaw's are easy too. Especially when you get the tinker skill. Pop in the inventory drop Tear mods on sharpshoot and snipe off it's long range weapons, 1 arrow for each cannon and a triple shot to the head usually does the job. Then drop a load of freeze arrows on it, tie it down with ropecaster and voilà a sitting duck for your newly acquired disc launchers. Its usually dead by the time you finish the ammo in both. Stormbird only get's tricky that one time you get a scripted encounter. Otherwise your tactic is similar to Thundermaw. Shoot of its cannon on its belly with tearblast, then pelt it with freeze arrows and hog tie it with ropecaster(Note: It will evade most of your ropecaster shots if not frozen). From here you can go 50 shades of grey on it's ass, It won't fight back.
Vlad Avram I’m late to this and all as I just got the game but I kill stormiest by letting them swoop in tie it down use the tearblast cannon from the lodge and blow off all its components at that point it can’t do shit but try to peck at you
@@freyrgrimsson4607 First of all, your comment is much too vitriolic, especially seeing that you comment on something 3 years old. Now to answer your question, from what I can remember since then, override is the ability to take over a machine and leader strike is most likely a ability to do more damage to elites. Was I right? Did I answer your question?
the music the tone and visuals mesh together so perfectly to create one incredible and amazing experience that I can't wait to get my hands on! I'll be waiting early morning on the 28th for the delivery truck to arrive with my collectors edition from Gamestop😀. I will most likely cry so many tears of joy and happiness when I finally open it for the first time!😀😀😀😀 I MUST get my hands on this spectacular soundtrack!
With every machine, I just tend to stand on higher ground, where I have access to cover and won't get hit as much :) I really can't deal with being out in the open and losing track of where the machine is
this is more a list of the machines in game and general idea of what to do. But one of best things about Horizon is that its really difficult unless you learn how to defeat each machine so if youre having trouble there are better guides. Afterwards try playing on at least Hard difficulty setting and game becomes a really fun challenge
I find that Ropecaster + Sticky Bombs (rinse and repeat) makes some of the bigger guys hysterically easy. especially after getting the Tearblaster, start off your encounter with a few blasts of that and they wont have any armor left to protect their squishy bits from the five or six sticky bombs you can get on them before having to tie them back down.
After finding out about the explosion trick, I love doing that to Grazers, especially when Sawtooths are close to them. Thanks for the video, wonderfully made
top 5 Hard Robots: 1-Thunderjaw 2-Rockbreakers 3-strombirds 4-Behemoths 5-Bellowbacks this is excluding the Frozen Wilds DLC,The Corrupted Machines, The Corrupter and The DeathBringers
Tell me about it. I played this game on and off so that I won't finish it too fast because I love it so much, I was level 50+ had everything unlocked when I reached the last story mission. Because I took a long break I forgot I had the game set for Ultra Hard. Oh boy, that last fight was something else.
mopfi uwu how do you determine my age just because I still use the xd face when laughing? And I'm laughing at how stupid you sound. And if you thought I was angry that's on you
Long leg, three precision arrows to the breast, huge explosion that takes out almost all their health. Triple shot w/ precision can one hit many creatures also
Lmao how about scanning them to find their weakness? Like trampler for example, you can just freeze them then finish them off with your weakest arrow, saving resources.
My best tips to hard machines: 1. Rockbreaker, use tear blaster to take out claws to prevent from digging whilst keep dodging attacks. Once they're all gone, use freeze arrows until frozen and shoot with piercing arrows to the mouth or any part of the body. That does HUGE damage. 2. Stormbird, use the ropecaster to tie it down. You will need a lot of ammo so be sure to have rope ready. When it's down, it won't move much, so use tearblast arrows to shoot the chillwater protection, and when it's off shoot freeze arrows to the chillwater. Same goes to blaze. Will take a little bit of time but the damage is worth it. Otherwise, tie storm bird down and bash it with your spear since it cannot do damage with its feet. Be careful of their tail swipes though. 3. Bellowbacks, they sound hard and look hard, but they're actually soooo easy to deal with, so long as you stay unnoticed before the first shot. Notch 3 piercing arrows and shoot the huge sac on them. That's should do enough to make it explode. Same goes to the small sac. Once they're both exploded but they're not dead yet, shoot with piercing arrows to the spot where the sac was. That deals a lot of damage as well. 4. Thunderjaw, use tearblast arrows to remove a disc launcher, because they do the most damage. Then make your way to the disc launcher and shoot the thunderjaw. The other disc launcher should drop off after all your first disc launcher ammo is used. Then use the second disc launcher. Once you used both the disc launchers the Thunderjaw should have at least half their health gone. Then that's where I love to use blast wires. Place a couple between the distance of you and the thunderjaw. Each blast wire should make the thunderjaw pause for a moment and deal a lot of damage. If you want to know more tips on other machines, reply to the comment and I'll do my best to respond.
Javier Bustamante What he meant was...only 2 out of the 26 robots are dinosaurs (the tallneck and the thunderjaw). So it was a stupid title for the video. The remaining machines are modeled after animals, with the exception of the watcher and the corruptor. He wasn't talking about the turkeys, board, rabbits and foxes.
Watcher: That little guardian in the group Strider: Just chillin' around Grazer: grazers gonna graze Broadhead: A little less chillin' thoe Scrapper: Having saws as teeth is great! Sawtooth: That badass one in the squad Lancehorn: Drills are cool! Redeye watcher: Watcher, i'm your father Charger: CHAAAAARGE Glinthawk: Little but deadly Ravager: That other badass one in the squad Stalker: Shhh! I'm a spy! Rockbreaker: We will! We will! Rock you! Stormbird: That giant badass flying one in the squad Behemoth: Coming at ya! Thunderjaw: IMMA FIRING MAH LAZOOOR!! Corruptor: Don't mess with that guy Tallneck: Life is chillin' around! Trampler: Bigger than ever! Fire and freeze bellowback: We're twins! Shellwalker: I'M NOT A CRAB Snapmaw: I don't give a snap Deathbringer: I'M BGGEST AND STRONGEST!
i remember seeing my first thunderjaw and i was like "NONONONONO" and now im a thunderjaw hunter. this is how an open world game should be made. the thunderjaw actually intimidated me, unlike other bosses in other games. i also like how this game is very difficult at first, but doesnt take that much time to get good at. feels like an accomplishment rather than being able to yeet the mobs on your first try.
Ten hardest machines from my experience: Honorable mentions: Sawtooth, Snapmaw, Trampler, Shell-Walker 10. Ravager- Fast and aggressive like a Sawtooth but with a back blaster 9. Stalker- Turns invisible and has a sharpshot on its back 8. Behemoth- Big and heavily armored with a devastating charge attack 7. Fire/Freeze Bellowback- It's big, lunges at you, and engulfs you in flames/ice 6. Scorcher (Frozen Wilds)- Fast and relentless, with fire-breath 5. Thunderjaw- Humongous, armed, and armored up 4. Deathbringer- Armed to the teeth with guns and explosives 3. Corruptor- Fast, jumps up with a heavy drop attack, and has a tail that lobs boulders 2. Rock Breaker- Attacks from underground, is gigantic, and launches a hailstorm of rocks 1. Stormbird- Flies very high up, is armored, litters electric shocks, and is overall massive
Scott Ness freeze it and hit it with a blast sling a few times and it dies really fast. You can also freeze them and use the triple arrow ability. It works on all enemies... but i still cant kill a fucking rock breaker.
i took down a thunderjaw with mild difficulty, but the rock breaker I am unable to beat. They keep hiding underground then striking and its overwhelming, especially when another joins
Oryx, The Taken King Same here.. They completely wrecked me because there were two of them. I might have been able to beat a single rockbreaker, but two? Easily the toughest enemy so far, far worse than thunderjaws and deathbringers, in my opinion.
Lord Krishna I beat the 2 in the corruption zone by going to the other side of the river, so that they couldn't physically attack me, and I just shot arrows at them
My third time playing the game I actually took advantage of using overridden machines against others. They seem to take away health faster specially if they have weapons of their own.
I remember when I was scared of watchers and striders, and thought that sawthoots where the ultimate boss. Now I kill Thunderjaws without even thinking about it. All the enemies seem so weak against Aloy... all except rockbreakers, I still dread those fuckers.
Glintawk - Just use fire arrow, even one arrow usually grounds them then, just smash them open. Trampler - Shoot 2/3 piercing arrows to the yellow belly, catch the Trampler on fire BellowBack - Shoot 2/3 arrows on their two yellow/silver sacks Rockbreaker - Need to use Blast bombs on the yellow sacks
well tbh this guide isnt great for very hard or ultra hard modes bu then again if your playing at those levels of difficulty you shouldnt really need this guide XD
Tip: If you have multiple machines use Cruption Arrows that's always fun to watch. There is one location you can get a Behimath, Thunderjaw, and Tremblers with various smaller machines. I walked away with about 3,000 shards for the cost of 2-3 dozen Cruption Arrows.
The video could've been improved with some mention exactly how corruptors are weak to fire. Fire arrows cause them to overheat, unlike other enemies, and when they do they expose their heat sinks which you can shoot for bonus damage. Only one other enemy acts like this and that enemy sometimes exposes it's heat sinks on it's own.
The rock-breaker is extremely easy to beat. All you have to do is go over to the large pile of rubble near one of the walls of the quarry, jump up onto it and hide behind the rocks. Then just pop up every time it is charging up its rock throwing attack, shoot it and pop back down into the divot close to the wall when it starts throwing rocks. If you do it correctly none of the rocks will be able to hit you. I discovered this on my third death and beat it really easily after that.
Top tip, don't take on too much at the same time. Recon the area, attract the outermost to you, take them out quietly. If you find yourself in the middle of 3 disparate groups then you'll still be on the ground recovering from one attack while the next hits you, in short you're dead. Get out, circle round, start again.
There’s literally one way to take down every single robot except for Tallnecks. It’s called Nora stealth armor with full stealth weaves, and a sharpshot bow. It can take a while, but it always works.
Anyone else remember starting this game and being like “omg watchers and striders are sooo hard” and later you just run at them like “YEET”
Miss Nobody yes
Yeah I used to be scared of like 6 watchers now I just run in and spam the spear move
omg YES 😅
same. Tbh with the shield weaver armor, i just run at anything and use my melee.
I run to scraper group and just use my spear
Seriously, these robot models. I would sometimes just override these things to spend a few minutes looking at them. There's such detail and they look so beautiful.
Honestly I just sit there and marvel at the beauty.. It almost looks so life-like
Made in Holland, ya know.
Jeremiah Cartwright fun fact! It took 3 months to program one dinosaur
Ugandan Knuckles they're 23
I do that some times
"Stalker, not nearly as creepy as their human counterparts."
That s because they don’t spew white sticky liquid
Joe Goldberg *chuckles*
@@moonset9419 White sticky Liquid?
@@boltthunder5788 im in danger
Stalkers are annoying as hell
0:27 Watcher
0:56 Strider
1:15 Grazer
1:36 Longleg
2:03 Sawtooth
2:32 Charger
2:46 Stalker
3:19 Glinthawk
3:51 Corruptor
4:24 Ravager
4:47 Snapmaw
5:25 Scrapper
5:48 Redeye Watcher
6:06 Broadhead
6:28 Lancehorn
6:53 Trampler
7:17 Shell-Walker
7:42 Fire Bellowback
8:09 Freeze Bellowback
8:37 Rockbreaker
8:59 Behemoth
9:32 Thunderjaw
10:41 Stormbird
11:25 Deathbringer
11:50 Corrupted Machine
Turtle Neck I
There needs to be more people like you.
We need more people like you
Not all heroes wear capes.
U r a god
I remember my first time seeing a snapmaw. I was so afraid that i sneaked from bush to bush trying to escape. It was where aone of the tallnecks were. After a couple of days playing, i had gathered so much experience from the game and was not afraid of the machines anymore ( just the thunderjaw). I went face to face with the snapmaws, killed all of them and overriden the tallneck. Good times man. Good times...
I once tried to kill the tall-neck 😂😂
i did the same thing aha
You noobs its unkillable
It gives you a map reveal
@@jad.z4891 i tried it too and don't say u didn't we all know the answer and it was killable but it was removed and deathbringer Can destroy a tallneck
As soon as I saw those blaze canisters on its head, I just spammed flame arrows to make it go boom
4 Years... and I still enjoy this game. I really love it, it's incredible.
I hated killing the rockbreakers. Give me a thunder jaw anyday. Even when I was cheesing the damn thing from the top of a cliff it gave me so much shit. Aloy died on that cliff along with any dignity I had left.
I agree, their burrow attacks are unreadable at times and for the most part they'll do whatever the heck they want, like dive bomb onto the rock your standing on.
Disable its digging arms...the dight becomes MUCH EASIER
use tearblaster or tearblast arrows their claws first and everything after that is butter, i had to fight 3 at the same time because of a watcher one time, and if you wanna cheese it, most of them have a range, if you go past the range of their rock throw attack, youll pretty much be able to just chip at em from there, or you could just get good, nothing in this game is hard to kill, even the big ass frostclaw bears in TFW dlc
I hated Rockbreakers at first, then I met the fireclaws
how to take down every robot in the game... KEEP SHOOTING ARROWS AT IT
Ain't gonna work bro
Nice joke tho laughed at it
Throws a rock instead
Orphan Tulip WHAT?
p y n o it works
Rock breaker is the only thing that was really overly difficult.
I found that second to Stormbird
Just find a high area and stand there, shoot its digging arms then bam, a bug dumb target
@@croi5613 Not really, it still hurls rocks at you. I only defeated it when I went to specific spot behind a hill where it couldn't see me for some reason.
The only machine I fear are rockbreakers
Nope deathbringer
I just finished the game and I literally laughing at the tips. I will say why below-
Tramplers - Shoot 2 tearblast arrows in it's underbelly and it'll blow up and burn to death. You can take out a whole heard of them like this without even getting close to them.
Thunderjaw - Take out it's disc launchers from a distance using the tearblast arrows. Then get close to it and tie it down using a ropecaster. After that use the disc launchers you blew off its back to attack it. You can take out a Thunderjaw in less than 2 minutes like this.
Biggest tip - Use ropecaster against any large machine to tie it down then bomb it to death
Firoz Shams Sounds like u play on easy..
I'm planning on finishing he game which I'm almost done and create new+
Firoz Shams they were shit as tips aye i finished it not to long ago as well and she makes it way harder than it is
The Thunderjaw was honestly easy the second time. Just used it's disc launcher against then the battle was done. I started farming them for their hearts and mod drops
Firoz Shams thank you. Finally someone who understands how to exploit weapon combinations.
did anyone else cheat when facing the rock breaker by standing on the cliff and shooting it from there? (I did it for both the side quest and mq)
crazycatgirl __ nah I used the explosive barrels on the ground
crazycatgirl __ use the trick when I first encountered the 2 ravagers
I did the same. That was a smart play. Used little ammo and effort.
Yes! It felt like cheating, but after my 15th attempt figuring that out was a godsend.
Happy Little Something thanks for tip
When you have the shield weaver armor I swear all your fear is gone.
The ancient armour is so OP.
5 Fire Claws was easy but still fun with the armor I would've had a fit without it lol
I see, so you haven't played Hard and Very Hard difficulties.
Also, Frozen Wilds will wreck you!
@@futavadumnezo even on ultra hard, that Armor is the best, but on frozen wilds that Armor won't protect u
@Housein Al Haddad In UH Frozen Wilds you get like a free hit reduction, not to mention the machines that can disable it with an emp like attack...
Glinthawks -> one fire arrow -> they fall down -> one critical + one heavy -> rip
Tramplers -> one Tear Blaster shot to the belly -> permanent burn -> laugh at it's inevitable demise.
Thunderjaw -> tear arrow to disk laucher -> one rope from ropecaster to keep them in place -> freeze them with your rattler in like 3 seconds-> pick up the disk launcher and nuke the living hell out of that dino-> enjoy your flawless kill on a robo T-rex.
Rockbiters -> just get rid of the damn digging claws and then do whatever ..but get rid of the claws
But nice vid overall :D
I just started the game, and the most dangerous robot I've faced so far is the Scrapper. Watching this video makes me seriously reconsider playing it!
UPDATE: I'm at level 53 now and Thunderjaws are a piece of cake. My new nemeses are those muthafrickin Fireclaws that I'm supposed to destroy!!!
That Thunder Jaw is my sworn enemy bruh still a noob but hit level 21 in 3 days, never cursed and loved a game so much
Just started playing today, got upto level 7, get wrecked by scrappers whenever i'm discovered. This video also made me fall in can i ever find amusement in killing these difficult giant machines. Hope your cmnt will come true for me as well 😂
Bruh i finished it in 3 day 40+ lv and i still hate glinthawk rockbreaker storm bird theyre annoying
Welcome to the Frozen Wilds!
I'm same level as you, it's time to set the game to Hard. I can't deal with Ultra Hard yet in the Frozen Wilds, need some more tweaks before that.
Scrappers are easy, even from early game 2 shots to there radar will kill them.
Hey guys.
Hey guys.
Remember when Watchers were actually intimidating the first time you played the game? 😂
Hahahaha!! Fr!! 🤣🤣🤣
When Rost said : “every machine is dangerous”, I got out of tall grass and exposed myself to watcher. I got insta killed 😂
I just didnt know how to deal with them😂
I went beside tall neck's legs and then.................
I was left with literally 5 hp
Puja Verma I wanted to go underneath tallneck but when I got close to it, I GOT STOMPED TO DEATH
Damn Rockbreakers are annoying as hell,the only ones that give me trouble
Tell me about it... rockbreakers most difficult and glinthawks most annoying. Especially when after you just killed rockbreaker glinthawks arrive
Shoot tearblaster arrows at its claws, once you destroy all 4 of them they can't dig in anymore.
Hit the glinthawks stomach with tear blast, If you hit it right it will pop the freeze sac and allow you to instakill with a critical hit
For the thunderjaw: just immediately shoot his disc launcer off then pick it up and is use it against him. It deals massive damage and he has two, so if you used them both on him( if all discs you fired hit him) he probably has like 5 to 10 percent hp and just shoot a few arrows at him
If you use ice bombs before picking them up, you may not even use both all the way
@@chrislacour4345 I can’t use a war bow or sling shot good enough to do that
@@redgem5540 with concentrate or jump shot and holding aim down til it's fully charg3dbi don't see why not?
If this game has taught me anything it's to aim for the eyes
It thought u wrong
So true
It tought me to not be fully automatef
Am i the only one who chooses to engage practically every fight from a sniper perspective and just avoid open combat as much as possible? even when fighting the thunderjaw it's completely possible to do... just take out the semi secret radar on it's back first which i discovered was there the hard way half way into my first fight with one. (it's not on the machine data in the notebook and doesn't highlight yellow with the focus either but you CAN rip it off his back anyway and you WILL get 300 exp for doing it and it does say on one of the loading screens that thunderjaw and 2 other bots have them. but the other 2 bots have it highlight yellow with focus, thunderjaw has his hidden away and he never uses it in open combat unless you are trying to hide from him anyway)
as to where it is, well it's just behind the nape of his neck. look to the very first ridges on his spine that run perpendicular to the rest of the ridges running down his back. that's his radar and when active it will rise up off his back a few feet and begin spinning around before the blue shockwave goes off letting him know where you are.
i actually prefer to watch him throw a temper tantrum every time i can elude him after being detected (yellow or red status). he's really rather cute in a way..he seems to have more personality in his overall behavior than the other bots. he will literally pitch a fit the more often you elude him storming off back to his patrol route and knocking over trees and tossing them into the river etc while making all sorts of noises that could be akin to griping about it all.
but anyway yea, i always go with the stealth armor and stealth mods to hunt my prey. it's more tense at times because of it and i just love that feeling.
Drayko Wolf why is your comment so long
Nick Story 'cause life
I tear blast their hip sneak to the gun then rain the hell they did on me the first time I fought it.
The radar on top of it's back does highlight for me. Also, the radar is in the notebook. I have to scroll down the list of parts and collectibles/loot but it is there.
that's what I like to do
thanks for the tips Hermione
The only British girl you know
Bruh... Haha
am i the only one who always has no clue whether I'm fighting a Sawtooth or a Ravager?
the one shooting at you is a ravager
Doesn't really matter, 3 fire arrows and they are toast :)
Ravages have more armour, have a difference facial appearance and a giant gun on their back
@O-Zone Gaming I always start playing on hard mode, so usually takes 3 to be sure.
@@crazycrentax 3 fire arrows won't kill a Sawtooth or a Ravager even on normal difficulty.
While the commentary is good, the actual video is bad. It doesn't SHOW what you DESCRIBE!
Helifax19 so what's the point u can clearly imagine it
Totally agree..
I have to agree, not only is it not matching, but the person playing is getting his/her ass kicked XD
plus, against some enemies i am sure he played on easy mode. for example: Death-bringer in my game he didn't stop shooting me, but in this video he is like in a nap. lol
Helifax19 yes it does
Tallnecks: don't fuck with these guys...
Andy Rocheford youre... not sup.. nvm have fun
Andy Rocheford u cant
I died running under one
Games and Memes! Lol I almost did die under a tall neck too 😂
you don't even fight tallnecks what are you talking about
I recommend you utilize slide more often. It’s underrated and extremely useful when aiming for components under their belly.
I remember my first time seeing a Thunderjaw. I saw the art of it, but I didn't think it would be so big. I was like level 10-ish, and I made sure to keep like a 200 foot distance away from it whenever I needed to pass.
For the stalkers: I always use the purple tearblast arrows to hit the component by their hips, that will disable the invisibility power so you can encounter them easilier
There's so many cool-looking robots!
My fav thing to do is overriding / corrupting a thunderjaw to fight another . It makes for some glorious moments
Need to try that. It's does sound Glorious in a Klingon kind of way
Being able to override and fly on the back of a Stormbird.
As well as use animal skins to add modifications and style to your armor.
Only thing that would make this game perfect.
Okay, zooming back a tiny bit on Aloy with the camera would help, too.
haha too right with that last feature i love Aloy wear the purple armour looks hot haha all jokes and being able to fly on a stormbird or even ride a thunderjaw would be amazing
You can override a stormbird technically
The Stormbird has an ice cannon? I am sure that is not correct. Isn't it a shock cannon?
Yeah, I am pretty sure it is a shock cannon.
Yes,it is a shock cannon and no frost cannon.I know because I played the game twice already!
Must be Team Mystic...
Also didn't bring up its shield barrier when it does decide to walk on the ground like an a hole lol
As an added point for snapmaws that actually came into play for me during the dlc they are way easier to deal with if you are walking on a rope because you can just walk casually out of the way of the frost attacks and the attacks won’t leave a area of frost that damaged you on the rope. Just make sure you have plenty of arrows and the rope is high enough above that they cannot use melee
Thunderjaws are kicking my ass, im just now playing this game in 2023. Anyone else with me?
Wait, you said the behemoths work in pairs. Similar to most Rockbreakers do too in most cases. While they covered weaknesses the person making the video isn't clever at all. Use corruption on pairs in order to make the two beasts fight each other. Alternate between the two each time. Then, finish the remaining one off with anything really. Corruption is extremely useful.
@Housein Al Haddad don't shout, shhhhh.
I bet a new person at this game will be like:
WhAt AbOut ThE TalLnEcK?
Wish you could though.
@@pyrophia Yeah, that would be badass, imagine a corrupted tallneck just charging a you from a distance? Or better yet, it’s back opens up and reveals a giant ballistic missile launcher and it just starts shooting at you? That would be fricking awesome
For Thunderjaw, tearblast off the disk launchers. Then tie it down, pick up a disc launcher and reign chaos. Repeat last two steps
Yes. This is how I do it
@@jgperes I've realised tie down is unnecessary when I played through this game again recently, but screw fireclaws sometimes
I freeze every fucker with my sling then go to hell with hardpoint arrows. Can take down every machine
My personal tactic was to use my best damage mods on the sharpshoot bow.
Takes down most small land robots in one shot. Even elite humans topple over with a triple shot to the head. Plus it's very satisfying to see 1k numbers pop out when you hit a weakness
As for the bigger ones
Well the Rockbreakers are only hard if you intend to fight them head to head. If not you only need to do 2 things: 1 stay outside their area (usually you just have to cross a road). At that point you only need to deal with their range attack. Pelt them with Ice then use hunter or sharpshot to deal massive damage when they pop out. This is also one of the most glaring faults in their AI.
Thudermaw's are easy too. Especially when you get the tinker skill. Pop in the inventory drop Tear mods on sharpshoot and snipe off it's long range weapons, 1 arrow for each cannon and a triple shot to the head usually does the job. Then drop a load of freeze arrows on it, tie it down with ropecaster and voilà a sitting duck for your newly acquired disc launchers. Its usually dead by the time you finish the ammo in both.
Stormbird only get's tricky that one time you get a scripted encounter. Otherwise your tactic is similar to Thundermaw. Shoot of its cannon on its belly with tearblast, then pelt it with freeze arrows and hog tie it with ropecaster(Note: It will evade most of your ropecaster shots if not frozen). From here you can go 50 shades of grey on it's ass, It won't fight back.
Vlad Avram that's a bit kinky to do to a machine but okay.
Vlad Avram I’m late to this and all as I just got the game but I kill stormiest by letting them swoop in tie it down use the tearblast cannon from the lodge and blow off all its components at that point it can’t do shit but try to peck at you
What tf do you think leader strike or overrides are for?
@@iamfairie68 giod thinking
@@freyrgrimsson4607 First of all, your comment is much too vitriolic, especially seeing that you comment on something 3 years old. Now to answer your question, from what I can remember since then, override is the ability to take over a machine and leader strike is most likely a ability to do more damage to elites. Was I right? Did I answer your question?
Fun fact: Chargers are literally Striders with horns
This is more noticeable if you override a charger and then shoot it’s horns off.
Can striders *YEET* themselves to Aloy?
The satisfying moment when you tear-off their weapon and use them against them. Revenge at its finest.
the music the tone and visuals mesh together so perfectly to create one incredible and amazing experience that I can't wait to get my hands on! I'll be waiting early morning on the 28th for the delivery truck to arrive with my collectors edition from Gamestop😀. I will most likely cry so many tears of joy and happiness when I finally open it for the first time!😀😀😀😀 I MUST get my hands on this spectacular soundtrack!
***** dude, shut up
Muppet Clunge lolol
Corey Mckee dude i got it 3 day ago DISSSAPOINTING the enemy A.I. its crazy stupid.
Watching again this video today as a reminder since quarantine made me jumped back to this amazing game .
With every machine, I just tend to stand on higher ground, where I have access to cover and won't get hit as much :) I really can't deal with being out in the open and losing track of where the machine is
this is more a list of the machines in game and general idea of what to do. But one of best things about Horizon is that its really difficult unless you learn how to defeat each machine so if youre having trouble there are better guides. Afterwards try playing on at least Hard difficulty setting and game becomes a really fun challenge
I find that Ropecaster + Sticky Bombs (rinse and repeat) makes some of the bigger guys hysterically easy. especially after getting the Tearblaster, start off your encounter with a few blasts of that and they wont have any armor left to protect their squishy bits from the five or six sticky bombs you can get on them before having to tie them back down.
After finding out about the explosion trick, I love doing that to Grazers, especially when Sawtooths are close to them. Thanks for the video, wonderfully made
4:24 don't you mean a stronger version of the sawtooth. Not being snappy just pointing out
Thats what I thought but I've heard a lot of other people say scrapper
She says in the game: "It's like a sawtooth, but heavily armed"
@@manualdoor ok ik this is 2 years late but *the Thunderjaw (**9:32**) is nothing like a scrapper (**5:25**), let alone a more powerful version of it*
Stalkers are my least favorite, I came across a pack of them at night, it didn't go well and i am only lvl 16
Use shockwires
Ik this is late but how tf did u run to them as lv16
The first time I saw them was when I was lv33
@@generalyousif3640 the cauldron Zeta, I was lvl 17-16 when I saw a stalker
For me stormbird is the only machine that's hard to kill
I’m level 55, I’d take a thunderjaw anytime but I hate stalkers. -.-
Most annoying robots for sure are rockbreaker, stormbirds, and GLINTHAWKS SO MANY
OMG, so helpful. I'm 10 hours into the game, Level 15. The game is just now getting challenging, so this is very useful
If you can sneak up on a Shell Walker just take out its shield arm
top 5 Hard Robots:
this is excluding the Frozen Wilds DLC,The Corrupted Machines, The Corrupter and The DeathBringers
Completed the game and it was easily the best game ive played❤️❤️
Yeah but you put it on easy mode. You should try new game+ don't worry you we'll keep everything in your Inventory
No one is going to prepare you for the Fire claw
The 2nd deathbringer is a nightmare if you don't know how to kill it.
Tell me about it. I played this game on and off so that I won't finish it too fast because I love it so much, I was level 50+ had everything unlocked when I reached the last story mission.
Because I took a long break I forgot I had the game set for Ultra Hard.
Oh boy, that last fight was something else.
Do you mean the walking one or the final battle? Both were an absolute nightmare for me
I find myself screaming BRING IT DOWN BRING IT DOWN BRING IT DOWN much like king Theoden in the battle of Minas Tirith during this game
Lol This is what I feel when I'm playing;Stormbird - No problemBellowback - No problemThunderjaw - No problemSawtooth and Glinthawk - Dear God, Why?!
Javmonster I hate Birds because of this game now.
Universe_Taco If you like birds so much ,why don't you marry them?
mopfi uwu when did I say I liked them? I bet your 12 xD
Universe_Taco you use "xD" unironically,and get pissed at someone making a joke about birds. Now who is the 12 year old here?
mopfi uwu how do you determine my age just because I still use the xd face when laughing? And I'm laughing at how stupid you sound. And if you thought I was angry that's on you
I so freaking love this game... and this video cleared some of my doubts. Thank you so much.
Well for glinthawks all you need is 1 fire arrow and just watch it get fried
I've been having a helluva time with the fire bellowback in the sigma cauldron. this is gonna help a lot!
Have you heard of his older sibling?
If you scan the machine, you will see all of the weak spots even when you are not scanning, so just aim for those spots
BEST..... COMMENTATOR..... EVER!!!! you have my subscription, just make sure Zoe keeps getting work and a paycheck!
My strategy: its over i have the high ground
Don't try it anakin
It was not just beautiful visually, but also the AI was so brilliant they made an Ultra hard mode.. and people love it
Long leg, three precision arrows to the breast, huge explosion that takes out almost all their health. Triple shot w/ precision can one hit many creatures also
Stalkers and Rock Breakers were the hardest machines for me
Lmao how about scanning them to find their weakness? Like trampler for example, you can just freeze them then finish them off with your weakest arrow, saving resources.
Well, try to do it with uncle ultra hard
@@thegroock9289 hahaha indeed.
My best tips to hard machines:
1. Rockbreaker, use tear blaster to take out claws to prevent from digging whilst keep dodging attacks. Once they're all gone, use freeze arrows until frozen and shoot with piercing arrows to the mouth or any part of the body. That does HUGE damage.
2. Stormbird, use the ropecaster to tie it down. You will need a lot of ammo so be sure to have rope ready. When it's down, it won't move much, so use tearblast arrows to shoot the chillwater protection, and when it's off shoot freeze arrows to the chillwater. Same goes to blaze. Will take a little bit of time but the damage is worth it. Otherwise, tie storm bird down and bash it with your spear since it cannot do damage with its feet. Be careful of their tail swipes though.
3. Bellowbacks, they sound hard and look hard, but they're actually soooo easy to deal with, so long as you stay unnoticed before the first shot. Notch 3 piercing arrows and shoot the huge sac on them. That's should do enough to make it explode. Same goes to the small sac. Once they're both exploded but they're not dead yet, shoot with piercing arrows to the spot where the sac was. That deals a lot of damage as well.
4. Thunderjaw, use tearblast arrows to remove a disc launcher, because they do the most damage. Then make your way to the disc launcher and shoot the thunderjaw. The other disc launcher should drop off after all your first disc launcher ammo is used. Then use the second disc launcher. Once you used both the disc launchers the Thunderjaw should have at least half their health gone. Then that's where I love to use blast wires. Place a couple between the distance of you and the thunderjaw. Each blast wire should make the thunderjaw pause for a moment and deal a lot of damage.
If you want to know more tips on other machines, reply to the comment and I'll do my best to respond.
I love this girl's voice
it's the only reason I subbed
Me too
Wow......... Really?!
Buying horizon this Friday, cannot wait to play it..
Javier Bustamante What he meant was...only 2 out of the 26 robots are dinosaurs (the tallneck and the thunderjaw). So it was a stupid title for the video. The remaining machines are modeled after animals, with the exception of the watcher and the corruptor. He wasn't talking about the turkeys, board, rabbits and foxes.
The tallneck is modelled from a giraffe.
I swear watchers look like they are raptors tho
Fardin Kahn pretty sure they are. They move just like em. I would be disappointed if they weren't
FinalShadow17 same bruh and they're actually pretty big in size too
For anyone curious the tear blaster weapon is extremely powerful against any machine but unfortunately costs 1500 metal shards
Where can I find it ??
@@mr.m7md241 most merchants will have them later on in the game I was about level 35 when I found mine
@@mr.m7md241 I just looking it up on the internet and you get it from Ahsis in the hunters lodge when you go to Meridian city
Watcher: That little guardian in the group
Strider: Just chillin' around
Grazer: grazers gonna graze
Broadhead: A little less chillin' thoe
Scrapper: Having saws as teeth is great!
Sawtooth: That badass one in the squad
Lancehorn: Drills are cool!
Redeye watcher: Watcher, i'm your father
Glinthawk: Little but deadly
Ravager: That other badass one in the squad
Stalker: Shhh! I'm a spy!
Rockbreaker: We will! We will! Rock you!
Stormbird: That giant badass flying one in the squad
Behemoth: Coming at ya!
Corruptor: Don't mess with that guy
Tallneck: Life is chillin' around!
Trampler: Bigger than ever!
Fire and freeze bellowback: We're twins!
Shellwalker: I'M NOT A CRAB
Snapmaw: I don't give a snap
There is more robots that you missed, there is a hidden map that when you unlock it those robots will take you down faster than you think
The frozen wilds it only comes with comeplete edtion frostclaw fireclaw scorcher dimonic machines and repeir tower
I recommend getting the pneumatic air firing gun (forgot the name) to strip the armour of everything big
I recommend the "fuck everything in this general direction until i run out of ammo" gun. AKA ravager cannon
i remember seeing my first thunderjaw and i was like "NONONONONO" and now im a thunderjaw hunter. this is how an open world game should be made. the thunderjaw actually intimidated me, unlike other bosses in other games. i also like how this game is very difficult at first, but doesnt take that much time to get good at. feels like an accomplishment rather than being able to yeet the mobs on your first try.
I just use focus to find theyre weaknesses or just look at the notebook
Ten hardest machines from my experience:
Honorable mentions: Sawtooth, Snapmaw, Trampler, Shell-Walker
10. Ravager- Fast and aggressive like a Sawtooth but with a back blaster
9. Stalker- Turns invisible and has a sharpshot on its back
8. Behemoth- Big and heavily armored with a devastating charge attack
7. Fire/Freeze Bellowback- It's big, lunges at you, and engulfs you in flames/ice
6. Scorcher (Frozen Wilds)- Fast and relentless, with fire-breath
5. Thunderjaw- Humongous, armed, and armored up
4. Deathbringer- Armed to the teeth with guns and explosives
3. Corruptor- Fast, jumps up with a heavy drop attack, and has a tail that lobs boulders
2. Rock Breaker- Attacks from underground, is gigantic, and launches a hailstorm of rocks
1. Stormbird- Flies very high up, is armored, litters electric shocks, and is overall massive
That damn thunderjaw is a challenge
Scott Ness freeze it and hit it with a blast sling a few times and it dies really fast. You can also freeze them and use the triple arrow ability. It works on all enemies... but i still cant kill a fucking rock breaker.
i took down a thunderjaw with mild difficulty, but the rock breaker I am unable to beat. They keep hiding underground then striking and its overwhelming, especially when another joins
Oryx, The Taken King Same here.. They completely wrecked me because there were two of them. I might have been able to beat a single rockbreaker, but two? Easily the toughest enemy so far, far worse than thunderjaws and deathbringers, in my opinion.
Lord Krishna I beat the 2 in the corruption zone by going to the other side of the river, so that they couldn't physically attack me, and I just shot arrows at them
***** I'll be sure to try that, thanks!
My third time playing the game I actually took advantage of using overridden machines against others. They seem to take away health faster specially if they have weapons of their own.
6:17 did you see that perfect timing
Thank you so much I have been struggling with deathbringers
I remember when I was scared of watchers and striders, and thought that sawthoots where the ultimate boss. Now I kill Thunderjaws without even thinking about it. All the enemies seem so weak against Aloy... all except rockbreakers, I still dread those fuckers.
You forgot that if you shoot bellow backs with enough shock arrows it will stun them leaving their belly canisters open for attack
Goddamn second deathbringer was no punk
Deathbringer give me a hard time the first time I face it. that dude is no joke especially the final battle
Raveger orgins in a nutshell
I know let's put a light machine on a sawtooth and rename it
PotatoDJ 7705 pretty much yeah
Arent Ravagers easier tho?
I was level 20 and soloed a thunderjaw after a few attempts... so breathtaking
quick! someone show this to theradbrad, please!
Glintawk - Just use fire arrow, even one arrow usually grounds them then, just smash them open.
Trampler - Shoot 2/3 piercing arrows to the yellow belly, catch the Trampler on fire
BellowBack - Shoot 2/3 arrows on their two yellow/silver sacks
Rockbreaker - Need to use Blast bombs on the yellow sacks
Well, seems like you've provided quantity of arrows for lower difficulties. Very far from the amount required on ultra hard.
well tbh this guide isnt great for very hard or ultra hard modes bu then again if your playing at those levels of difficulty you shouldnt really need this guide XD
Tip: If you have multiple machines use Cruption Arrows that's always fun to watch. There is one location you can get a Behimath, Thunderjaw, and Tremblers with various smaller machines. I walked away with about 3,000 shards for the cost of 2-3 dozen Cruption Arrows.
Managed to kill a thunder jaw at level 14 took me 30 minutes though
The video could've been improved with some mention exactly how corruptors are weak to fire. Fire arrows cause them to overheat, unlike other enemies, and when they do they expose their heat sinks which you can shoot for bonus damage. Only one other enemy acts like this and that enemy sometimes exposes it's heat sinks on it's own.
The aerial enemies are the WORRRST🤦🏾♂️
The rock-breaker is extremely easy to beat. All you have to do is go over to the large pile of rubble near one of the walls of the quarry, jump up onto it and hide behind the rocks. Then just pop up every time it is charging up its rock throwing attack, shoot it and pop back down into the divot close to the wall when it starts throwing rocks. If you do it correctly none of the rocks will be able to hit you. I discovered this on my third death and beat it really easily after that.
@chobopanda I didn't find it hard at all but that was just me I guess
@chobopanda Yeah I agree it is definitely frustrating because it takes ages to actually kill the damn thing lol
I just freeze them and then spam arrows lol. They die in seconds xD
Welp my boy, you should probably visit uncle ultra hard
how do do you freeze?
I recommend this while playing ultra hard difficulty because in that difficulty you will use lot of alternative options and Their weakness
9:37 Then they're as deadly as Randy Orton.
Top tip, don't take on too much at the same time. Recon the area, attract the outermost to you, take them out quietly. If you find yourself in the middle of 3 disparate groups then you'll still be on the ground recovering from one attack while the next hits you, in short you're dead. Get out, circle round, start again.
if you get the shield weaver armor you might as well call yourself superman it is the strongest armor
There’s literally one way to take down every single robot except for Tallnecks. It’s called Nora stealth armor with full stealth weaves, and a sharpshot bow. It can take a while, but it always works.