Mak'gora System is Best System. Whoever wants one particular loot, strip down to your undies, pound your chest, and punch each other until only one remains. He gets the loot.
@@bostao4216 well its true... i have no idea about the names of the items i got... and i finished bt and got that cool ilidan dagger etc.... but i remember every single one of my wow friends... it just sucks that abortions are not done where they should instead of being done by thots who still want to ride the carrocel...
Corrupted Ashbringer? Try doing Deadmines for 5 hours and a mage getting butthurt he didn’t get the caster ring so he Needs on Smite’s Hammer and you’re a Retro Paladin
Very true yeah, remember the same from Wotlk. Now in classic with my healing priest I dont care about loots or even joining mainraid over altraid, as i started bit later with raiding, but been like that from day 1 and now 6 months later im pretty much best geared heal priest, only classleader bit better maby, i passed allot of the BiS for him first that got me allot of credit which helps me get gear now allot. We use loot council (mc/ony) combo with epgp (bwl) fairly happy with that system
What else are you supposed to work towards once you finally get the thing you've spent months farming for from the last major raid of that expac? That's pretty much the as close to a finish line as you can get
@@JAdHum Same here. My only prio as of phase 3 is crossbow of smiting and Prestor's talisman. If I want anything else that other classes can use I'm at the bottom. Hunters had equal prio as rogues and warriors on Ony head though. I don't mind honestly, it makes sense.
Madseason, it’s honestly amazing how every bit of background footage is perfectly correlated with what you’re talking about. You have an art of putting these together!
The guild I am a part of does a combination of Free for All rolling and with a few caveats. First, you get two "premium" items and one "premium" weapon. Once you have your items, you are locked out of rolling until everyone in your role (tank, caster, healer, etc) has their items. Tier stuff is distributed based on rolls, but also trying to get people to meaningful bonuses. So if a t2 priest item drops, they favor people who already have two t2 items since the three set bonus on priest is a massive upgrade. So far it has worked out, but I think it's party because everyone does seem to more or less want everyone to be at their best.
@@k3daevin My guild runs the same, the only way it can be abused it people waiting out on MC premium to they can get a big bwl item. We have it set though that if you are locking everyone else out of loot, they will give you the item and force you to take a premium point as long as it is considered an upgrade for you (class leads make that call). Example is waiting out on brutality blade for maladath or CTS while all other people that have +1 cant roll because they took that or viskag in the past. Welp, sorry not sorry, we are upgrading that krol blade and giving you a premium point if you like it or not because they will still be able to roll on the next premium weapon. Im looking at you guy in my guild who refused to roll on 2 brut blades and vis kag.
I was in a guild with a loot council and admittedly I was probably very lucky. From vanilla to lich king we very very very rarely had people disagree with the choices. Like you said, it kept people engaged and in the guild longer. Every raid, for the most part, everyone got something they could use.
I like the simple rolling. I've seen loot pass me by, mage blades, and other, then I eventuality won my mage blade and it was such a memorable experience. I won't forget it, it was so exciting waiting for that super epic piece to drop and hoping you can win that roll. All my gear, but TOEP, all other pieces came from pug's, and it was really fun and exciting winning loot this way. Loot doesn't make me agree, it makes me super happy. You have to have the right attitude.
Perhaps you could have specific set prio, regardless of literally any other factor for specific drops. Everything else is decided by loot council, with input from class leaders who do things like check logs and have even meetings with people from their class. Also in logs, you don't compare so much parses or damage done, but rather things like casts and positioning. If people are trying and coming to raids and doing stuff outside guild be it gathering resources for flasks or just helping do dungeons, quests etc, that should be taken into account. My idea would be that each class member is tight with their class. They understand different specs and gear that people are interested in. They give a recommendation to the loot council on who their "pick" of the week is, taking improvement and activity as a big part of consideration rather than raw damage. Loot council ultimately makes decisions, but they absolutely take into considering recommendations on things from class leaders, or just anyone who comes forth with an argument in general. Listening to the guild and being transparent would be key to a good loot council, and redistributing a lot of the work to the class leaders to understand who needs what and why and who hasn't gotten something in a while but has been seriously trying to improve. More than just raw damage should always be considered. And also having good dialogue. Like say someone simply can't come a certain raid day, but otherwise are doing just as well as the others. It's about finding a balance for what will make your raid better, and also peoples efforts. And here's the ultimate thing. If people in your guild don't want to raid unless they get loot, you are screwed anyway. People should want to come first for the fun banter, hanging out with people they like and hopefully getting a nice upgrade. That said though, no system is perfect. There will be someone or someones who cause drama, but that's why instead of involving the whole guild, they talk to a class leader first and explain their position. If a mistake is actually made, you try to rectify it with the next drop.
I was very sceptical of LC before classic, but we've run it now since day one with no drama (to me, im no officer so im lucky) but rather fair distribution and everyone has gotten geared fast enough. And thats coming as a bear, who through MC phase gets basically nothing except some fire res and eventually accuria.
I got into Classic a month ago and I have really been enjoying your videos. You help remind me of things I forgot through the years, and I even pick up a few new tricks too which is fun for such an old game. Keep it up Madseason
You know what really grinds my gears? Doing the same instance over and over again, just hoping for a specific item to drop, and then boom! That sucker drops on the first run with your alt who has no need for it...
I caught that fish in ironforge on an alt on like the 15th cast fishing. I got the legendary drop from Ulduar on my hunter back when I was soloing it a few years ago.
What about Suicide Kings? My classic guild is the first guild ive been in that used it, but its the best loot system I've been a part of. Everyone goes on Wep / Shared /Tier lists. When an item drops, the top person on the list can take the item, then get moved to the bottom of the list. Each list is populated by each person rolling. Your roll with dictate your original spot on the loot list. And of course, each item is given a prio. Corehound Tooth prio goes Rogue then Warr/Hunter. The only drama that has really come from this is some raiders thinking themselves better than the rest and getting butthurt when a Drakefang Talisman goes to the 3rd best warr instead of the best warr (in terms of parses).
Well and the downside of people having to "wait" to hope for their big upgrade, so if they want an upgrade at the end of the raid and they are at the top of the list, they are afraid to drop down, when its about to drop. So people dont roll and people lower get free stuff since you want your "big" upgrade.
I was in a SKG guild in Wrath and I honestly kind of liked it. Never seen it since. Not being at the top didn't always translate to having to wait an eternity for an drop because of people at the top shopping for something specific.
I agree, seen it first time in SWTOR where it shined and I cannot imagine simpler and impartial system. Whenever there is a decision making who gets loot eventually drama arrives.
Couple of additional points I think you could have put in; With any point system that rewards activity outside of raid, what can start as a good intention to reward activity can turn into a "daily quest" type grind, either through donations or having to run dungeons. Plus dungeon running can just become a "daily" within a clique that actually only benefits a small group and not the wider Guild. Loot council can suffer some drama just from RNG. If you raid for 12 weeks and only get one TOEP drop, you're going to have some mad casters even if the "right" person wins it. Even if it isn't personal it can definitely feel it. Great video though, loot drama remains the hardest content in Classic WoW
My first progression EQ guild had loot council. It, honestly, was incredibly fair. The GL and his wife ran the guild but they always passed loot to who needed the biggest upgrades. We ended up being top 3 on our server for Velious, Luclin and Planes of Power. It was great
Konfer Suicide Kings is a pretty satisfying system. Round robin to eligible/prioritized roles. Highest bidder? Bottom of list. Get loot. Miss three weeks of raid? Bottom of list. Every item that is won cycles the KSK list. You can get an item last week and be 20/44 by the next week. Highest spot? You win the next high prio item. Mix this system with a few key items being LC via a defined loot table, and you have a reasonable system.
Great moment tonight. I invited a resto Druid to guild yesterday. He worked hard all day to get ready for mc tonight. Then he cleaned house with his cenarion gear. (All the others already had. ) it was good to give a guy 6 pieces of loot that would otherwise get de. A new hunter also got the leaf and the sinew tonight! Great stuff.
I liked Loot Council back in my vanilla days... My guild had a system of seniority where the most prolific members would generally get new tier loot first, but after they got something they'd immediately be put on the back burner and someone else in that class would get the next item if they wanted it. Everyone essentially had a list of items they specifically wanted and anyone with the item on their list had immediate priority over those who didn't, unless the upgrade was significant enough for everyone to feel it was for the greater good to go elsewhere. We actually didn't have too much drama over it, so we might have gotten lucky.
I had the extreme fortune of joining a Classic WoW guild with plenty of RL friends in it, and many of them were Officers/Loot Council in our guild. You'd think this would be ripe for abuse, but it was actually the most fair loot council I've ever seen. There were barely any issues and we had one of the most tight-knit groups of 40 people on the server. It created a great raiding atmosphere where a lot of times people would pass on items they won because they thought it'd be better for someone else, and everyone was cool with it. Unfortunately a lot of them burnt out, but we had an amicable guild dissolution. It was a great 6 months.
What you do, is say oh let’s say netherwind robes drop off nef ok? So the guild master looter goes and does a raid warning saying oh netherwind robes dropped mages roll. Everyone gets a chance to get everything. The thing is that the only people that get into that BWL are the active people that are really nice and stuff. It’s an amazing system and I love it, there is also a wishlist system for MC because at this point most people want 1 or so things, so they immediately get it if it is wishlisted and they roll on it if there is more than 1 person who wishlisted it. It’s very nice because our guild is just a group of casual really nice people. The people that aren’t nice, and are hardcore hate our raids and that’s good because we don’t want people to get pissed over not getting something.
Theres a lot of ridiculous loot systems. The new one I'm seeing is GDKP where you PAY gold to buy loot, and if you don't pay that night whatever is paid in is 'refunded' to the remainder of the raid. He can't cover every silly loot system out there.
Sizukun That’s actually a great system in certain situations . It makes sure everyone gets something for raiding, even if it’s gold. The problem is that some hardcore no-lifers can grind gold forever and starve everyone else.
@@madseasonshow The downside is that some people will sit at the top of the list for long periods of time while waiting for THAT ONE PIECE to drop. Then everyone gets obsessed with keeping their spot so much that upgrades start getting disenchanted. No system is perfect, though.
Loot Council is about the classes (for me, I was playing a Rogue) So we had a thing called WISHLIST for each class, I swear to god this was so good. You made a spreadsheet and the person next on that item that dropped, gets the loot. OMG its so fucking simple and I loved it. Now in a guild with /roll and EPGP, don't ask its confusing...
The hardest part about being on a Loot Council in classic is figuring out whos in it for the long haul. If a good weapon goes to a weaker player, you can shrug it off because it's still an upgrade. But when it goes to someone that quits a week later, or gets poached by another guild, that's bad feels all around. I've never actually seen anyone leave because they ran out of loot to win, they just start chasing parses at that point.
Only time people will leave a guild that is doing their best to progress is if the player feels the raid makeup simply isn't skilled enough or have enough sit awareness to beat a roadblock boss; if it happens all the time you run a big risk of losing players to a diff guild that is clearing that content.
As a former hardcore player on pservers (I've been raiding with Salad Bakers and Rising which you may have heard about) who's also been a member of the Loot Council (in Rising) we've always been using this way to distribute loot because it was the fairest and most efficient way of handling it. As long as the Council isn't corrupted (which'd be a death sentence for "known" guilds on those pservers). I'd still prefer it up to this day. Edit: This is a very niche problem but what'll also occur with DKP-like systems of handling loot are the 4 Horsemen in Naxx: You best get 8 warriors to 4/9 T3 ASAP to get that hit bonus on taunt. Furies likely don't want to spend their DKP on off set items they're using in 1 fight only.
druid here in a loot council guild, its been feeling like hell lately I get the impression im literally last in priority for everything despite making good numbers in more fights with what I have. the last druid (and officers) got 3 pieces of Stormrage in 1 night including chest and gloves, I got none, he ended up maining a warlock next raid and those pieces have not dropped since. Im not mad but im feeeling increasingly crushed the more time goes on... I dont feel like I have any control over getting anything ever
i was in that same spot a few months ago. warlock in a LC guild and i did great dps and always helped the guild. was dead last for everything. seemed the officers and then every other person were going to get geared before me. I quit for 2 months then came back transfered to whitemaine and started joining ms>os+1 runs and now im in full t2 gear... don't be in a LC guild you are getting screwed and used. trust me there is a better way.
It’s because everyone treats druids as a meme class despite being more valuable in dungeons, pvp and questing. You’re treated like a god until you start raiding. I main a Druid and plan on getting a 40 man Druid raid going to get some respect. I’m thinking about transferring servers since there aren’t enough max lvl druids on my server and I’m gonna hit 60 over the weekend
I was always lucky in this regard. We had all been friends for so long, and had only a trickle of drama until the end. Just little things. But, people would always pass, based on need or even performance. We did end up splitting because of “extra farm days” after everyone was burned out in Sunwell. My WoTLK guild was super casual time wise, but kicked serious ass. And had only one or two trouble makers and burned out after server first Algalon. I was tiring of the game at this point and that was that. I trained up a replacement MT and said goodbye.
didnt have this issue in vanilla and didnt raid much beyond the starter raids in BC but I remember loot drama in Wrath. Our guild leader was the guy who thought he was a hardcore progression raider but our team was fairly casual in the beginning and a 10 man team. So he would try to get into 25 man raids by networking with other guilds. Of course this culminated in a 25 man ony fight at one point. The other guild was more or less the "host" of the fight since they had the majority of players present. They had a weird number system where they would deduct points based on performance, but the percentage was based solely on everyone magically performed equally. If you looked at it from a certain standpoint, it was designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, since the better gear you had odds were you would perform better thus anyone rolling against you would automatically start at a disadvantage when rolling. which in the end, the people with the better gear would get upgrades, widening the gap more each run. Which was fine, it was their run, their guild, their rules. The drama started when the 2H sword drops, and its between me and two warriors. Needless to say I was "under-performing" compared to them since we didnt do much raiding in the higher group numbers so their gear was definitely better than mine. Of course the drama started when, regardless of all the handicaps they placed on the loot rolls, lady luck shined on me that day and I rolled one of a handful of exceedingly high rolls which was 90+. The other two had pitiful rolls which left me the clear winner in the end. Shit straight up hit the fan and emotions ran high, with them claiming I didnt deserve the sword because I didnt meet their lofty standards, and like "they are a pug" so it should go to a "guildie". This went one for like half an hour. By their own rules, I won the sword fair and square, so it would be shitty of them to rob me of acquiring it, and my guildmates backed me the entire way. Eventually the raid leader just dropped the sword in my bags. Probably to avoid the possibility of them getting a reputation of going against their own stated loot rules. In the end, I had the 2H sword and my guild paid for all the upgrades which I do believe it had gem slots along with the berserking enchant. I still have that sword sitting in my bank on Antonidas to this day on my draenei paladin.
The timing of this video couldn't have been more perfect. I just quit yesterday due to Lootcouncil and Loot (T2 Hunter Helm). Last night I lost the Cross-bow from BWL because my roll didn't show up and only two hunters were allowed to roll. I said since day 1 I will pass all loot to Hunters for the Cross-bow. I wanted it for PvP since that's what I do. I raid to help the guild but that didn't matter. I've been farming the T2 Helm for 7 damn months. 15 Raids I was the only Hunter and it didn't drop. 5 Months ago I lost it again to Lootcouncil Need(PvE) vs Need (PvP). The Cross-bow was the last nail in the coffin. Truth is I won't waste another 7 months to farm a fucking T2 helm and a Cross-bow in a game. I will wait for TBC where I can get my gear from Arenas and not let others decide for me. See you in TBC Boys :)
You sound like a whiny little flower. Been the only druid to all my ony runs since september except the one where it dropped and the pug druid won the roll. One piece of gear isn't going to make me quit
@@Fantax92 the worst part is that there is still ZG, AQ and Naxx to be released so the buffoon leaves because he didn't get the Drop before getting to do the best Vanilla Raids
One reason the guild I was in lasted for 9 years was the fairness of its loot system. We used a modified zero-sum DKP system (your DKP is added to the roll, if you win, it resets to zero) and in all those years we had precisely one issue of loot drama, involving a hunter, of course. Legendaries, however, were handled by a Loot Council, which I sat on as executive officer, but when it came time to award the guild's 1st (and server 4th) Shadowmourne, I recused myself from the Loot Council as I was in contention for the weapon. I won, and rather than keep the bonus Shadowmourne goodies for myself, I gave them all away as rewards in a WoW trivia contest for the guild.
In our guild, bids would be made to the raid leader or loot officer via PM and the highest bid won. There were no open bidding wars. However, certain items were off limits but to the mains if it was toward completing a legendary or if the weapon was a massive upgrade. It wasn't perfect but everyone was on the same page and we didn't have collectors who bid on anything and everything, even if it wasn't necessarily an upgrade. I think the only issue we encountered from time to time are some players hoarding DKP and not bidding on definite upgrades, with the intent on securing a winning bid on a coveted item later down the road.
Love your content! It's literally freaky all the comparisons you make like i'm like was this guy in my vanilla guild? Cause you describe everything perfectly.
I was my guilds main tank through cataclysm (blood dk) and I remember a new recruit Ret paladin threw a shit fit when heroic akirus the worm breaker dropped, he had the heroic axe off Cho’Gall and I still had a heroic blue dungeon weapon (just horrifically unlucky with weapon drops) and my guild master our main healer and everyone agreed I should get it, the guy literally screamed and cried over vent over that weapon... strange times...
Our guild has been doing loot council since the beginning (beside when it was first raids and it was just open roll besides tank prio) and WarcraftLog is a HUGE factor in it when it comes to performance. And we also take into account how long you have been in the guild because we dont want ppl going too long without loot. I think its a great system myself. Have only had 2 ppl get salty and leave over 1 item.
My semi-casual progression guild is loot council on set pcs. and dkp on everything else. So far it's worked out great! However we seem to be lucky being a daytime raiding guild and having older members. All of our classes seem to work closely on the needs to each and try to obtain what they want. Even the rogues and warriors work together on specific pcs. Nice world compared to when I originally played.
In my past years of playing, I've never really seen a scaling roll used based on eligibility or status for loot. Maybe its a bad idea? But an idea non-the-less. Where-in if something drops, those who can use it can roll normal. If you already won something, then you can only roll /roll 1-80 for the next item you want. Win again and now you can only /roll 1-60, vs those who roll 1-100. Or maybe main tanks or raiders get to roll /roll 1-150 to get a bonus vs those who are invited in. Still provides the randomness/semi-fairness of rolls, but higher probability for those who need/deserve it more
Seems like a hassle. The +1 system is already a thing: If you get loot, you have low priority. That means if someone else who doesn't have +1 rolls for loot you lose by default. Then, when everyone already has one item from that run, you roll normally. Second win the whole thing starts again.
I played a Rogue in Vanilla when it first launched. I played him all the way through till BC came out. I was active on all raids and did anything possible. We used a DKP system and just due to the nature of Rogues being plentiful and the 2 Set pieces per week. I ended up having a Blue Eye Patch helm for the entire duration of BC. I didnt see the T1 or 2 set helm in my possession until the Re-release of the Onyxia raid some years later. Edit- I forgot to mention that for some reason Rogue gear NEVER seemed to drop for our guild. I believe we had Warrior and Warlock Gear the absolute most.
My WoW guild uses a Prio-based Silent DKP Bidding system, where we put in a single bid and it goes against everyone else's for the item - only the loot master sees the bids. Some items always have Prio for certain classes, like Slavemaker always going to Hunters before Stat-stick rolls are taken into consideration. Nobody knows who is bidding on the item, so 'passing' items just straight up doesn't work. I can always bid higher if I really want/need a piece of gear. The only issue I have with it is that I get anxious for how much I should bid, but it's very fair.
Not long ago did my first raid in retail, our guild use one system an one system only. 1. Is it for Vanity or USE Vanity : You wait for all our members to have the item. Use : You pass to the next step (If you don't use it or resell, you get kick auto, so it was a no Loot thief policy and if you had made an error, you have to repay in materials and help in your full capacity for the good of the next raids. It was a system of "debt to the guild" so other people get the loot because of your mistake.) 2. Is it to boost IL (DPS and stuff) or BiS (Meta Item) IL Boosting : "LOL, Seriously ?" and the laugh was good because it was mostly a meme in the guild, but the person could roll, but if he win the one down to him/her that said BiS will have a roll fight with you, you lose, you lose. It was more a system of you need to be real lucky. 3. Loot handling was before aggro'ing the next boss, not when trash killing because that made people not helping the others to kill the annoying trash. 4. Every Trash loot (Armor, Weapon) is owned by the looter, because money making to help in training professions was a holy thing is our guild and to be honest luck is luck. 5. Every material made by the raid is divided to the most active and advanced profession farmer: Activity > Max level in profession. But we had problems in the guild, not on loot that is but in DPS, Heal & Tanks in a casting system; Tanks was favorites, if you talk against a tank, you will be cast away, and if you are a DPS that is not higher than the average DPS of the guild, you are discriminated for not doing things for the guild, when most of them were the profession farmers that help the Pro get their consumable. Also Healers were like slaves, I was playing Shadow priest Tailor, Enchanter and people were always saying double spec for us, but I knew That Being in the DPS cast was better than being in the Healer Cast of the guild and most people hated me. I quit when I heard that a DPS that: Pulled boss (It was a meme; Ah shit [...] pulled again (Referencing GTA Meme)), was breaking raid coordination to cheese the DPS meter, disrupting diplomacy with support Guilds, Insulted guild newbies and used toys to create lag, sounds and other trolly effects were immune because he was a death knight and had Full BiS so he was an irreplaceable asset, but our raid leader that was a tank and a respected member of the group (Btw the only one that didn't want to be part of the cast system) were to be 'isolate to quit out" because the guild master said, "you complain too much about things that aren't problems" About that, I quit also because of that sentence that the guild master used on both of us, because I complained about "Disrespect of new wow players" in our guild, but because they were giving the strict minimum to help those, they said it was enough; "Hey check that website and read it, but if you don't understand, I'm not your school teacher so you can deal with what is said that you don't understand" Way of thinking. TLDR: Loot was perfectly given, but shit member killed the fun. Yeah, I never talked to them after I quit, Mostly because I gave my time to help the loot engine and I was never consider like a good member due to my lack of DPS. Seriously Loot can create drama, but the basic system of MMORPGs can destroy good memories. For those who said, how can you be the best DPS as Shadow Priest, it was at the beginning of 8.1 and the SP was not in good shape (Don't forget that I was a newbie with only 500 hours and I had problems with learning the rotation of the class and people were immaturely oppressing me for not being "Good" when I was doing efforts, so I didn't saw the point of continuing to place effort when people were rejecting my effort to become good. I learn a lot in that journey. - Sirnarue, An old priest.
We run a loot spreadsheet like a loot council. But this is black and white with a prio system to the functional use the item has. I know i cant roll on the cloth healing pants in BWL until the shamans have due to the value of the upgrade. As a priest this seems bad until you look at numbers and fairness. Our members can challenge distribution after a raid if they don't agree if they provide a cogent argument it is looked at and changed if necessary. We also use ranks. Alt
My guild lootcouncils, and it's a guild that has been around for years before I joined it in Classic. They seem to heavily favor loot to their old members, two of their old guildies came along months after we started raiding, rolled locks and they started to get pretty much all loot, and have passed me gearwise now. They both got Neltharion's Tear first as well.
Dude same here- I’ve seen 4 Tears as a warlock and lost all of them to loot council BS. I even left my last guild and joined one with friends thinking I’d get a tear this time. NOPE. I feel your pain.
U dont get somth, u are mad, u switch guild... in this guild u are new, why ever should they give you something with prio when u left the last guild because of this? Btw i do lootcouncil in our guild.(i still wait for a wep for my warrior cause i gave them to the other warriors first, first dft got our feral, which also has hand of rag ;)) Ppl like u get red flagged and kicked if they cry about loot they think they deserve more. other ppl maybe raid longer and did more for the guild. U dont join and demand something lol
In my book the loot council favors players that know things for the most and minmax. Exactly how it was in private servers as well. Warlocks need tear first over mages because they may not get next drop in months when new main raid drops out and as lock you are put in tanking twin emperors with shadow resistance gear and a little spell hit.
My guild uses closed bid DKP system, where you whisper the ML your bid and obviously the highest one wins. I like this system even though you usually "waste" a lot of points if you want to guarantee getting an item. There's also a possibility of collusion between ML and bidding participants ("psst, X bid more than you, wanna up your bid?", "hey, you don't need to go all in, I'll reduce your bid to Y amount and save you some DKP") - that can be solved somewhat by having the ML stream the raid or by having 2 people that have to be whispered in order for your bid to be valid.
I had a loot council in Wotlk and in Cata. I was a leader in the first and an officer in the second. I remember we geared a good active DK in wotlk, he joined us fairly weak, he performed well and we gave him loot, skiping our older members because it was a biger upgrade for him and no one minded, we aimed to make a tight knit group and no one minded to pass an item to a guildie. Untill the said DK got geared and he left our guild. Sad times. In cata tho we had dps who were mad they didn't get their tier item because we prioritized the guilds main tanks, because of the op set bonuses (talking about the DS era) and they would argue a lot. So yeah it all depends on the people and trust in a loot council system.
Loot council has caused the most drama with me, I prefer rolling. Personal loot was nice change. In pugs of modern wow I get nervous when it's not personal loot.
I don't raid in wow but i am a raid leader in ffxiv, and we have a system that works fairly well. Before someone starts raiding with us they send me their BiS list and we mark off when ever someone gets tomestone or savage loot, and than they also get a point each time they show up for a raid night and stay for the majority. Than when the loot drops we look across the 8 raiders BiS list and people with the least loot get priority based on how many weeks they have showed. So if our bard has shown for 3 weeks and the dancer has only shown for 1 week but both want the necklace coffer it would go to the bard
This must be the very first video I ever looked from you directly without having Azmongold looking it on my behalf and me looking his comment on it. I actually genuinely love both your content and your voice. I didn't decide yet which I prefer though, hard to tell. I just subbed, simply subbed. You rock buddy, keep on going.
So i am playing on a german server and i think we have one of the best loot systems and people should do it that way too. Each class has an own teamspeak channel and before the raid everyone discusses who should get it next. So many people are just pissed because they are not cummunicating. Also we got an item list for each class and for items which can be useful for more classes. Everyone has the mentality that when something is a bigger upgrade for someone he should get it. We are 120 members and i think in the last 2 months 2 people left the guild who where actively raiding. Also we got a forum where everyone gives in their item wish and priolist. People are forgetting what it means to b in a guild and care for it. They were helping me to farm brd drops hand of justice and the chest for 2 weeks straight everyday and they were just happy for me i got it. In return i help them out if i am not pvping. ❤️
i remember my cata days that when i was over geared for the raid, i just helped other ppl just for fun. and past time i was punishing fresh dings in pvp xD and when it come to loot. if there is some one that is rolling on the same item and its bigger upgrade to them ill pass it for them
Hey MadSeason, Big fan of your videos man.. I have a request I think a lot of the community will back me on. Prior to classic releasing you made a class guide.. Could you please make an updated video for the classes for TBC? Changes, new spells, main specs, what to expect kind of thing? Thank you brother! 😀
I feel the DKP system is the most fair. I can see the advantages in straight up rolling for stuff, but that's a very unfair system unless something else is added to it - for example a limitation of 1 item per raid. Even with the example of the weapon collector, it makes sense for him to get the weapon: He has the most DKP and he probably didn't get it by sitting in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. He's been doing a lot of raids essentially for free in order to get that weapon. Those raids can then be used to gear the people who aren't as well off. A need-greed system can work well as well: I had a retail guild 5 -10 years back, which did raids weekly but with a leisurely attitude. Nobody wanted to keep logs on a DKP system so we went with a Need Before Greed-type system with what is nowadays referred to as "+1" on top. So when loot dropped, people who needed it rolled a Need roll for it. Whoever won then got flagged for it. They would have low priority for the rest of the raid. That meant nobody could hog loot during the raid, but it was still distributed based on luck - and sometimes strategy where people would pass on loot from the first bosses so they would have high priority or guaranteed success on later loots like weapons from the last boss of the raid.
Ive really enjoyed my guild using EPGP. Basically dkp but simpler. Theres no way to negatively scheme, the only “manipulation” you can do is holding off on items to hoard your priority for that big drop you crave, which usually only screws you over. You get higher priority if you participate more and theres a decay system to help new people catch up. Has had zero issues, sometimes we loot council certain things for main tanks but thats it
I joined my guild a few weeks before BWL. A few days before BWL dropped, my guild disbanded. I guess there was some drama they had with a binding dropping before they discussed who it would go to. The GM and some officers quit and transferred realms, and I joined the new guild formed from the ashes. Now we do a loot council with occasional open rolls, and already we’ve had a few members rage out because they felt like they were “forced” to roll on upgrades they didn’t want, in hopes of getting something better they were hoping for.
I had a bad experience with loot council about two years ago. I was a feral druid in pre-raid BiS, always stocked with consumables, willing to respec to heal, tank or dps based on what the guild needed for the night. Then there was this other feral druid, who was very close with the officers. As he was one of the regulars in the tank/dps lineup, loot council time and again decided that he should get loot. After nearly 3 months of raiding with them, I only got 1 piece of loot (Circle of Applied Concentration, a ring). The only reason I got the ring, was because the Feral Druid in question had better rings, and therefore passed it to me. And even then, it took the loot council in question a long time to give it to me, as they were contemplating giving it to other key players first. There were also situations where their warrior MT (officer) would take loot like Fireguard Shoulders (fantastic feral leather shoulders) and just let them sit in his bank "in case he needed to swap around some more fire resistance" (he never did). I quit that guild and joined a DKP one shortly afterwards instead, even if they were far behind progression wise. I eventually turned out to be fully geared within half a year in that guild, and was always showing up with consumes and willing to respec when needed, and as such was valued highly by my new guild. Funny thing is, the druid in my former guild (Loot Council) switched guilds just a month after me in order to join one of the top guilds on the server, and the guild who had funneled so much BiS gear into one of their tanks was now stuck with zero return on that investment, losing both their star feral tank and me. Had they not been funneling that gear to their favourites, they would have kept some of that investment as their favourite feral tank would have taken less gear with him, and they would have kept me as a replacement. Loot council is bottom line a very bad system, even when it's not abused. Whenever you funnel all gear into a few key players (even when the intentions are good), the guild risks a lot as they are putting all their eggs in one basket, which is never a good idea. It is also inefficient, as the players who are getting funneled keep getting minor upgrades, while some players are permanently stuck with blue gear.
My guild did open roll with BIS spreadsheets. You filled out your BIS upgrades for a raid tier and mailed them to the officers. When an item dropped they'd have the people who had that item on their sheet roll for it, if nobody did it became an open roll for the whole raid with people who wanted it for offset or certain fights being generally favored.
Our guild Primordial uses a MS > OS roll/loot council and its the fairest and best system I've personally ever seen. Im one of our Priest Officers for R3 and to be honest I loveee it so much. If you have any questions about how it works feel free to comment!
We had a system that i quite liked. We had a council decide wishes before raid. If a player was very active, they got to wish for an item, if no other active player also needed that, they were guaranteed the drop, if it dropped. Everything else was rolled. That way the active players wouldnt get super frustrated that they lost the one drop they really needed to some rando, and players that were not very active still had a good chance to get loot
Our guild uses version of Monolith dkp. You bid certain fixed price on X item. The guy who has most DKP of the bidders, wins the item. It also has mainspecc > offspec prio. What this means as a tank, is that you basically never get any offspec items, since dps items are more rare than tank pieces, where is always someone who wants X item. We have disenchanted good 2H weapons because our new dps warriors do not want to spend any dkp on anything else than Ashkandi. Each system has its own positive and negative sides.
My guilds switched to loot council to make people take loot to help the guild. Specially if it was a weapon. We had too many people pass on "low end" weapons to spend dkp on their BiS... so we had a loot strategy posted. Rogue A and B would get the BiS weapon and get the second BiS bracers. Rogues C and B would get 2nd or 3rd BiS weapon but more BiS armor. We strictly followed this and it made us better. Any loot dispute would be handled before raid. Newbies knew they wouldn't get added to the list but we were a rare guild that distributed loot out fairly to new people.
The guild I am in is a mix of loot council with rolls and a plus system. I like it and other then some small issues with melee weapons between tank/dps wars and rouges there has been no major issues.
the only issue is if the LC decisions arent well explained because i would give all the pally healers Asuresong mageblade over mages because its a massive upgrade for them we ended up having 4 mages quit because of just giving 1 paladin the mageblade instead of a mage and i play a mage so i understood the frustration, we ended up switching over to EP/GP when BWL dropped
@@Bobis32 is a bigger upgrade for dps cause if you down a boss faster you dont need to heal that much. upgrades for healers agains dps are always secondary
@@Mahmmed-1997 All you need to find is an open and transparent loot council. We already have a list of the most desired items in each raid, with a layout on who's on track to get what piece of gear next, and keep it updated with recent loot for that player as well to make sure no ones getting ignored. Also, the discussions for distributing loot are talked about where anyone can listen and raise a question/concern if they have it. Theres gonna be drama no matter what your loot method is, but I've seen less from this than any other and the loot ends up in the right hands 100% of the time.
I think that some kind of council would be the best. But something like what you explained with the rogues. You see that there's someone who really needs an upgrade and who tries a lot ? well, give it to him. If many want the item, check the real need, ask why if not really needed, and then roll if there are still multiple people wanting it. It might not work for big raids of 40 people but it worked quite well up to 25 on private at least
My current guild uses Suicide Kings and by and large we've had less loot drama than any guild I've ever been in before. Other than the fact that it doesn't really punish players who miss multiple raid nights, it's really fair and everyone I raid with seems pretty happy with it.
My guild uses a mix of epgp and loot council in classic, we mainly use epgp but if someone needs a certain piece for set bonus or whatever they get priority for that piece but it still gets added to their gp
I'm just here for the wow cursor pointing at items
Do you know any cursor that works with 3.3.5?
I can’t seem to find it.
I love the wow cursor
**gnome voice** "Mind if i roll need ??"
Mind if i roll weed ??
@@TGISnipez Hey, give me that!
@@EvolveOutdoors uuuuh.. THATS A BIG BOI
Mak'gora System is Best System.
Whoever wants one particular loot, strip down to your undies, pound your chest, and punch each other until only one remains. He gets the loot.
Sounds great for fury warriors!
Somebody has got to do this
doesnt matter. there will always be people who gquit when they dont get the item they want
@@titus17 that's why you need to do in the Mok'Gorah style
It's fun and only the weak gquit
Indeed mon, that's da true Horde way.
All friendships go out of the window when Corrupted Ashbringer is on the line.
I would kill my father for that weapon! ... Oh wait...
The true Ashbringer were the friends we've made along the way
A good slogan for Unlucky Naxx Runs
@@bostao4216 well its true... i have no idea about the names of the items i got... and i finished bt and got that cool ilidan dagger etc.... but i remember every single one of my wow friends... it just sucks that abortions are not done where they should instead of being done by thots who still want to ride the carrocel...
0grilo0 like those players’ moms
Corrupted Ashbringer? Try doing Deadmines for 5 hours and a mage getting butthurt he didn’t get the caster ring so he Needs on Smite’s Hammer and you’re a Retro Paladin
The "getting" loot part is so true, This happened in Wotlk, every guy that got shadowmourne quit a few weeks after getting it
Very true yeah, remember the same from Wotlk.
Now in classic with my healing priest I dont care about loots or even joining mainraid over altraid, as i started bit later with raiding, but been like that from day 1 and now 6 months later im pretty much best geared heal priest, only classleader bit better maby, i passed allot of the BiS for him first that got me allot of credit which helps me get gear now allot. We use loot council (mc/ony) combo with epgp (bwl) fairly happy with that system
@Michael Scott "ppl are so selfish" I think that's a bit unfair to say as a blanket statement.
What else are you supposed to work towards once you finally get the thing you've spent months farming for from the last major raid of that expac? That's pretty much the as close to a finish line as you can get
Idk i got bis legendaries in early legion and still played all throughout
@@呼吸-e9b everyone got legendaries in legion mate, they were basically thrown at the player like candy.
“Oh yeah thats a hunter weapon”
I hate the term "hunter weapon" when hunters can't use every weapon. Hunters can't use maces. Only warriors can use every weapon.
Hunter shield
@@bobapep20 Actually... not even Warriors can use every weapon. I have yet to see a Warrior with a wand.
@@bobapep20 warriors cant use wands. Other wise thats what id use in my range slot
@@jacobkeller7608. Ok. Neither can hunters. Then warriors can use 2 more weapons that hunters can't.
Loot in classic WOW: 98% of it goes to Hunters, but they can't equip maces. So that means Sulfuras goes to Druids first.
I play a hunter and the only loot I get prio on are items that say "Hunter" on it lol.
What bout PLAYT
JAdHum so tier gear and a few trinkets? I’ll cry for you
@@JAdHum Same here. My only prio as of phase 3 is crossbow of smiting and Prestor's talisman. If I want anything else that other classes can use I'm at the bottom. Hunters had equal prio as rogues and warriors on Ony head though. I don't mind honestly, it makes sense.
sad paladin/shaman noises
Madseason, it’s honestly amazing how every bit of background footage is perfectly correlated with what you’re talking about. You have an art of putting these together!
My exact thoughts whenever I watch his video
"I remeber loot from 15 years ago but I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday." True shit
Never raided in Classic. Now I understand this part of the meme.
THATS a f-ing 50 dkp minus ;)
The guild I am a part of does a combination of Free for All rolling and with a few caveats. First, you get two "premium" items and one "premium" weapon. Once you have your items, you are locked out of rolling until everyone in your role (tank, caster, healer, etc) has their items. Tier stuff is distributed based on rolls, but also trying to get people to meaningful bonuses. So if a t2 priest item drops, they favor people who already have two t2 items since the three set bonus on priest is a massive upgrade.
So far it has worked out, but I think it's party because everyone does seem to more or less want everyone to be at their best.
Lady luck doesn't discriminate, and yeah it largely depends on the guild. Any system can be amazing or terrible - just depends who has the reigns
Seems almost reasonable, albeit complicated enough to create loopholes/drama ;>
@@k3daevin My guild runs the same, the only way it can be abused it people waiting out on MC premium to they can get a big bwl item. We have it set though that if you are locking everyone else out of loot, they will give you the item and force you to take a premium point as long as it is considered an upgrade for you (class leads make that call). Example is waiting out on brutality blade for maladath or CTS while all other people that have +1 cant roll because they took that or viskag in the past. Welp, sorry not sorry, we are upgrading that krol blade and giving you a premium point if you like it or not because they will still be able to roll on the next premium weapon. Im looking at you guy in my guild who refused to roll on 2 brut blades and vis kag.
What loot? People are getting loot in classic?
People still play classic?
guinie2 would much rather play classic or private servers than retail
@@FecalMatador or u could just play a different game.
guinie2 my server has daily queues
@@Brandon-yd3rk No matter the game Classic WoW is better 99% of the time.
the way you speak during your videos, makes me feel like i'm laying my head on your lap and you're stroking my hair, telling me a story
that's totally gay, dude
@@undercoverbrazerz872 What if it's a girl?
@@zackhenderson2392 girls don't post comments like this one, dont you know anything?)
lowkey i use his vids for asmr.
@@undercoverbrazerz872 read: I had my argument shut down so I must call them stupid. Very mature :)
I was in a guild with a loot council and admittedly I was probably very lucky. From vanilla to lich king we very very very rarely had people disagree with the choices. Like you said, it kept people engaged and in the guild longer. Every raid, for the most part, everyone got something they could use.
I like the simple rolling.
I've seen loot pass me by, mage blades, and other, then I eventuality won my mage blade and it was such a memorable experience.
I won't forget it, it was so exciting waiting for that super epic piece to drop and hoping you can win that roll.
All my gear, but TOEP, all other pieces came from pug's, and it was really fun and exciting winning loot this way.
Loot doesn't make me agree, it makes me super happy.
You have to have the right attitude.
Look I'm just saying that the eye of sulfuras can be made into a good hammer and I think my hunter should get it.
Loot council is ok and fair most of the time, until a big ticket item drops. You know pretty fast where you stand there then^^
to bad with lc u cant save up dkp for an item or weapon u want
My lootcouncil guild has given 3 hand of rags, 1tf and 1 binding to non officers
Loot council is the best system and the worst system. It all depends on who is running it.
Perhaps you could have specific set prio, regardless of literally any other factor for specific drops. Everything else is decided by loot council, with input from class leaders who do things like check logs and have even meetings with people from their class.
Also in logs, you don't compare so much parses or damage done, but rather things like casts and positioning. If people are trying and coming to raids and doing stuff outside guild be it gathering resources for flasks or just helping do dungeons, quests etc, that should be taken into account.
My idea would be that each class member is tight with their class. They understand different specs and gear that people are interested in. They give a recommendation to the loot council on who their "pick" of the week is, taking improvement and activity as a big part of consideration rather than raw damage. Loot council ultimately makes decisions, but they absolutely take into considering recommendations on things from class leaders, or just anyone who comes forth with an argument in general. Listening to the guild and being transparent would be key to a good loot council, and redistributing a lot of the work to the class leaders to understand who needs what and why and who hasn't gotten something in a while but has been seriously trying to improve. More than just raw damage should always be considered. And also having good dialogue. Like say someone simply can't come a certain raid day, but otherwise are doing just as well as the others. It's about finding a balance for what will make your raid better, and also peoples efforts.
And here's the ultimate thing. If people in your guild don't want to raid unless they get loot, you are screwed anyway. People should want to come first for the fun banter, hanging out with people they like and hopefully getting a nice upgrade.
That said though, no system is perfect. There will be someone or someones who cause drama, but that's why instead of involving the whole guild, they talk to a class leader first and explain their position. If a mistake is actually made, you try to rectify it with the next drop.
I was very sceptical of LC before classic, but we've run it now since day one with no drama (to me, im no officer so im lucky) but rather fair distribution and everyone has gotten geared fast enough. And thats coming as a bear, who through MC phase gets basically nothing except some fire res and eventually accuria.
I got into Classic a month ago and I have really been enjoying your videos. You help remind me of things I forgot through the years, and I even pick up a few new tricks too which is fun for such an old game. Keep it up Madseason
11:40 Chrono Trigger forest music. Love it.
11:19 Diggin the Chrono trigger music!
You know what really grinds my gears? Doing the same instance over and over again, just hoping for a specific item to drop, and then boom! That sucker drops on the first run with your alt who has no need for it...
Whenever I play my lock alt through brd, I always pray sgc doesn't drop, cause I know that will be the day I unsub
I caught that fish in ironforge on an alt on like the 15th cast fishing. I got the legendary drop from Ulduar on my hunter back when I was soloing it a few years ago.
"Hunter weapon" The worst phrase ever.
You are just envious you cant use it!
What about Suicide Kings? My classic guild is the first guild ive been in that used it, but its the best loot system I've been a part of. Everyone goes on Wep / Shared /Tier lists. When an item drops, the top person on the list can take the item, then get moved to the bottom of the list. Each list is populated by each person rolling. Your roll with dictate your original spot on the loot list. And of course, each item is given a prio. Corehound Tooth prio goes Rogue then Warr/Hunter. The only drama that has really come from this is some raiders thinking themselves better than the rest and getting butthurt when a Drakefang Talisman goes to the 3rd best warr instead of the best warr (in terms of parses).
That's a pretty big downside.
Well and the downside of people having to "wait" to hope for their big upgrade, so if they want an upgrade at the end of the raid and they are at the top of the list, they are afraid to drop down, when its about to drop. So people dont roll and people lower get free stuff since you want your "big" upgrade.
Biggest problem is that's a hunter weapon....
I was in a SKG guild in Wrath and I honestly kind of liked it. Never seen it since. Not being at the top didn't always translate to having to wait an eternity for an drop because of people at the top shopping for something specific.
I agree, seen it first time in SWTOR where it shined and I cannot imagine simpler and impartial system. Whenever there is a decision making who gets loot eventually drama arrives.
Love the use of the Goldeneye music in this video, really set the tone for how people go nuts over loot in this game. As always, another great video
Couple of additional points I think you could have put in;
With any point system that rewards activity outside of raid, what can start as a good intention to reward activity can turn into a "daily quest" type grind, either through donations or having to run dungeons. Plus dungeon running can just become a "daily" within a clique that actually only benefits a small group and not the wider Guild.
Loot council can suffer some drama just from RNG. If you raid for 12 weeks and only get one TOEP drop, you're going to have some mad casters even if the "right" person wins it. Even if it isn't personal it can definitely feel it.
Great video though, loot drama remains the hardest content in Classic WoW
My first progression EQ guild had loot council. It, honestly, was incredibly fair. The GL and his wife ran the guild but they always passed loot to who needed the biggest upgrades.
We ended up being top 3 on our server for Velious, Luclin and Planes of Power. It was great
Konfer Suicide Kings is a pretty satisfying system. Round robin to eligible/prioritized roles. Highest bidder? Bottom of list. Get loot. Miss three weeks of raid? Bottom of list. Every item that is won cycles the KSK list. You can get an item last week and be 20/44 by the next week. Highest spot? You win the next high prio item. Mix this system with a few key items being LC via a defined loot table, and you have a reasonable system.
Yo that Goldeneye 007 music in the background took me back
Same. I was tapping my foot to it subconsciously, and then realized what it was.
That's my childhood right here
What other music was in here, chronotrigger?
@@madseasonshow You got me with Saturday Night Slam Masters at the begining!! 🤣
@@madseasonshow Goldeneye64 my all time favorite console game. ❤
I got screwed by EPGP and Loot Council so many times back in the day, so I don't really miss the old loot system.
Guardia Forest music at the end made me smile, one of my favorite pieces of music
Great moment tonight. I invited a resto Druid to guild yesterday. He worked hard all day to get ready for mc tonight. Then he cleaned house with his cenarion gear. (All the others already had. ) it was good to give a guy 6 pieces of loot that would otherwise get de. A new hunter also got the leaf and the sinew tonight! Great stuff.
I liked Loot Council back in my vanilla days... My guild had a system of seniority where the most prolific members would generally get new tier loot first, but after they got something they'd immediately be put on the back burner and someone else in that class would get the next item if they wanted it. Everyone essentially had a list of items they specifically wanted and anyone with the item on their list had immediate priority over those who didn't, unless the upgrade was significant enough for everyone to feel it was for the greater good to go elsewhere. We actually didn't have too much drama over it, so we might have gotten lucky.
I had the extreme fortune of joining a Classic WoW guild with plenty of RL friends in it, and many of them were Officers/Loot Council in our guild. You'd think this would be ripe for abuse, but it was actually the most fair loot council I've ever seen. There were barely any issues and we had one of the most tight-knit groups of 40 people on the server. It created a great raiding atmosphere where a lot of times people would pass on items they won because they thought it'd be better for someone else, and everyone was cool with it. Unfortunately a lot of them burnt out, but we had an amicable guild dissolution. It was a great 6 months.
What you do, is say oh let’s say netherwind robes drop off nef ok? So the guild master looter goes and does a raid warning saying oh netherwind robes dropped mages roll. Everyone gets a chance to get everything. The thing is that the only people that get into that BWL are the active people that are really nice and stuff. It’s an amazing system and I love it, there is also a wishlist system for MC because at this point most people want 1 or so things, so they immediately get it if it is wishlisted and they roll on it if there is more than 1 person who wishlisted it. It’s very nice because our guild is just a group of casual really nice people. The people that aren’t nice, and are hardcore hate our raids and that’s good because we don’t want people to get pissed over not getting something.
Why didn’t you mention Suicide Kings? Even has an addon to keep it clear to the raid like dkp
Theres a lot of ridiculous loot systems. The new one I'm seeing is GDKP where you PAY gold to buy loot, and if you don't pay that night whatever is paid in is 'refunded' to the remainder of the raid. He can't cover every silly loot system out there.
Mainly wanted to focus on the "big three", but didn't know about this one. Had I known about it I would have mentioned sounds interesting!
Sizukun That’s actually a great system in certain situations . It makes sure everyone gets something for raiding, even if it’s gold. The problem is that some hardcore no-lifers can grind gold forever and starve everyone else.
@@madseasonshow The downside is that some people will sit at the top of the list for long periods of time while waiting for THAT ONE PIECE to drop. Then everyone gets obsessed with keeping their spot so much that upgrades start getting disenchanted.
No system is perfect, though.
@@Falcrist Agreed, I was this person for a few months. Got exactly nothing the entire time we used SK.
Loot Council is about the classes (for me, I was playing a Rogue)
So we had a thing called WISHLIST for each class, I swear to god this was so good. You made a spreadsheet and the person next on that item that dropped, gets the loot. OMG its so fucking simple and I loved it.
Now in a guild with /roll and EPGP, don't ask its confusing...
"Loot makes people angry." .... "I'm on a loot council." Ah! So this is a therapy video. Good to see MadSeason taking care of their mental health.
The hardest part about being on a Loot Council in classic is figuring out whos in it for the long haul. If a good weapon goes to a weaker player, you can shrug it off because it's still an upgrade. But when it goes to someone that quits a week later, or gets poached by another guild, that's bad feels all around. I've never actually seen anyone leave because they ran out of loot to win, they just start chasing parses at that point.
Only time people will leave a guild that is doing their best to progress is if the player feels the raid makeup simply isn't skilled enough or have enough sit awareness to beat a roadblock boss; if it happens all the time you run a big risk of losing players to a diff guild that is clearing that content.
As a former hardcore player on pservers (I've been raiding with Salad Bakers and Rising which you may have heard about) who's also been a member of the Loot Council (in Rising) we've always been using this way to distribute loot because it was the fairest and most efficient way of handling it. As long as the Council isn't corrupted (which'd be a death sentence for "known" guilds on those pservers).
I'd still prefer it up to this day.
Edit: This is a very niche problem but what'll also occur with DKP-like systems of handling loot are the 4 Horsemen in Naxx: You best get 8 warriors to 4/9 T3 ASAP to get that hit bonus on taunt. Furies likely don't want to spend their DKP on off set items they're using in 1 fight only.
druid here in a loot council guild, its been feeling like hell lately I get the impression im literally last in priority for everything despite making good numbers in more fights with what I have. the last druid (and officers) got 3 pieces of Stormrage in 1 night including chest and gloves, I got none, he ended up maining a warlock next raid and those pieces have not dropped since. Im not mad but im feeeling increasingly crushed the more time goes on... I dont feel like I have any control over getting anything ever
i was in that same spot a few months ago. warlock in a LC guild and i did great dps and always helped the guild. was dead last for everything. seemed the officers and then every other person were going to get geared before me. I quit for 2 months then came back transfered to whitemaine and started joining ms>os+1 runs and now im in full t2 gear... don't be in a LC guild you are getting screwed and used. trust me there is a better way.
It’s because everyone treats druids as a meme class despite being more valuable in dungeons, pvp and questing. You’re treated like a god until you start raiding. I main a Druid and plan on getting a 40 man Druid raid going to get some respect. I’m thinking about transferring servers since there aren’t enough max lvl druids on my server and I’m gonna hit 60 over the weekend
sounds like its time for a new guild
Best rule imo is one piece of loot per raid per player in a rotation system
I was always lucky in this regard. We had all been friends for so long, and had only a trickle of drama until the end. Just little things. But, people would always pass, based on need or even performance.
We did end up splitting because of “extra farm days” after everyone was burned out in Sunwell.
My WoTLK guild was super casual time wise, but kicked serious ass. And had only one or two trouble makers and burned out after server first Algalon. I was tiring of the game at this point and that was that. I trained up a replacement MT and said goodbye.
didnt have this issue in vanilla and didnt raid much beyond the starter raids in BC but I remember loot drama in Wrath. Our guild leader was the guy who thought he was a hardcore progression raider but our team was fairly casual in the beginning and a 10 man team. So he would try to get into 25 man raids by networking with other guilds. Of course this culminated in a 25 man ony fight at one point. The other guild was more or less the "host" of the fight since they had the majority of players present. They had a weird number system where they would deduct points based on performance, but the percentage was based solely on everyone magically performed equally. If you looked at it from a certain standpoint, it was designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, since the better gear you had odds were you would perform better thus anyone rolling against you would automatically start at a disadvantage when rolling. which in the end, the people with the better gear would get upgrades, widening the gap more each run.
Which was fine, it was their run, their guild, their rules. The drama started when the 2H sword drops, and its between me and two warriors. Needless to say I was "under-performing" compared to them since we didnt do much raiding in the higher group numbers so their gear was definitely better than mine. Of course the drama started when, regardless of all the handicaps they placed on the loot rolls, lady luck shined on me that day and I rolled one of a handful of exceedingly high rolls which was 90+. The other two had pitiful rolls which left me the clear winner in the end. Shit straight up hit the fan and emotions ran high, with them claiming I didnt deserve the sword because I didnt meet their lofty standards, and like "they are a pug" so it should go to a "guildie". This went one for like half an hour. By their own rules, I won the sword fair and square, so it would be shitty of them to rob me of acquiring it, and my guildmates backed me the entire way. Eventually the raid leader just dropped the sword in my bags. Probably to avoid the possibility of them getting a reputation of going against their own stated loot rules.
In the end, I had the 2H sword and my guild paid for all the upgrades which I do believe it had gem slots along with the berserking enchant. I still have that sword sitting in my bank on Antonidas to this day on my draenei paladin.
Damn mad season just explained my loot council guild perfectly
The timing of this video couldn't have been more perfect. I just quit yesterday due to Lootcouncil and Loot (T2 Hunter Helm). Last night I lost the Cross-bow from BWL because my roll didn't show up and only two hunters were allowed to roll. I said since day 1 I will pass all loot to Hunters for the Cross-bow. I wanted it for PvP since that's what I do. I raid to help the guild but that didn't matter.
I've been farming the T2 Helm for 7 damn months. 15 Raids I was the only Hunter and it didn't drop. 5 Months ago I lost it again to Lootcouncil Need(PvE) vs Need (PvP).
The Cross-bow was the last nail in the coffin. Truth is I won't waste another 7 months to farm a fucking T2 helm and a Cross-bow in a game.
I will wait for TBC where I can get my gear from Arenas and not let others decide for me. See you in TBC Boys :)
You sound like a whiny little flower. Been the only druid to all my ony runs since september except the one where it dropped and the pug druid won the roll. One piece of gear isn't going to make me quit
@@Fantax92 the worst part is that there is still ZG, AQ and Naxx to be released so the buffoon leaves because he didn't get the Drop before getting to do the best Vanilla Raids
One reason the guild I was in lasted for 9 years was the fairness of its loot system. We used a modified zero-sum DKP system (your DKP is added to the roll, if you win, it resets to zero) and in all those years we had precisely one issue of loot drama, involving a hunter, of course. Legendaries, however, were handled by a Loot Council, which I sat on as executive officer, but when it came time to award the guild's 1st (and server 4th) Shadowmourne, I recused myself from the Loot Council as I was in contention for the weapon. I won, and rather than keep the bonus Shadowmourne goodies for myself, I gave them all away as rewards in a WoW trivia contest for the guild.
In our guild, bids would be made to the raid leader or loot officer via PM and the highest bid won. There were no open bidding wars. However, certain items were off limits but to the mains if it was toward completing a legendary or if the weapon was a massive upgrade. It wasn't perfect but everyone was on the same page and we didn't have collectors who bid on anything and everything, even if it wasn't necessarily an upgrade.
I think the only issue we encountered from time to time are some players hoarding DKP and not bidding on definite upgrades, with the intent on securing a winning bid on a coveted item later down the road.
Love your content! It's literally freaky all the comparisons you make like i'm like was this guy in my vanilla guild? Cause you describe everything perfectly.
I was my guilds main tank through cataclysm (blood dk) and I remember a new recruit Ret paladin threw a shit fit when heroic akirus the worm breaker dropped, he had the heroic axe off Cho’Gall and I still had a heroic blue dungeon weapon (just horrifically unlucky with weapon drops) and my guild master our main healer and everyone agreed I should get it, the guy literally screamed and cried over vent over that weapon... strange times...
Definitely love the Alundra music lol. You’re the man MadSeason. Keep living my wow addiction through you. - Wetsdabed
Our guild has been doing loot council since the beginning (beside when it was first raids and it was just open roll besides tank prio) and WarcraftLog is a HUGE factor in it when it comes to performance. And we also take into account how long you have been in the guild because we dont want ppl going too long without loot. I think its a great system myself. Have only had 2 ppl get salty and leave over 1 item.
My semi-casual progression guild is loot council on set pcs. and dkp on everything else. So far it's worked out great! However we seem to be lucky being a daytime raiding guild and having older members. All of our classes seem to work closely on the needs to each and try to obtain what they want. Even the rogues and warriors work together on specific pcs. Nice world compared to when I originally played.
hope you're enjoying the FF7R madseason!
Madseas: Cue the Wiz 11:40
epic mic drop my friend, as always. :)
Really dig the old school video game music in the background 🤙
In my past years of playing, I've never really seen a scaling roll used based on eligibility or status for loot. Maybe its a bad idea? But an idea non-the-less.
Where-in if something drops, those who can use it can roll normal. If you already won something, then you can only roll /roll 1-80 for the next item you want. Win again and now you can only /roll 1-60, vs those who roll 1-100.
Or maybe main tanks or raiders get to roll /roll 1-150 to get a bonus vs those who are invited in. Still provides the randomness/semi-fairness of rolls, but higher probability for those who need/deserve it more
Seems like a hassle. The +1 system is already a thing: If you get loot, you have low priority. That means if someone else who doesn't have +1 rolls for loot you lose by default. Then, when everyone already has one item from that run, you roll normally. Second win the whole thing starts again.
I played a Rogue in Vanilla when it first launched. I played him all the way through till BC came out. I was active on all raids and did anything possible. We used a DKP system and just due to the nature of Rogues being plentiful and the 2 Set pieces per week. I ended up having a Blue Eye Patch helm for the entire duration of BC. I didnt see the T1 or 2 set helm in my possession until the Re-release of the Onyxia raid some years later.
Edit- I forgot to mention that for some reason Rogue gear NEVER seemed to drop for our guild. I believe we had Warrior and Warlock Gear the absolute most.
I am a game developer and I learn a lot from your keen insight with wow.
Im so happy on how your channel has grown. keep it up i love your streams and videos.
My WoW guild uses a Prio-based Silent DKP Bidding system, where we put in a single bid and it goes against everyone else's for the item - only the loot master sees the bids. Some items always have Prio for certain classes, like Slavemaker always going to Hunters before Stat-stick rolls are taken into consideration.
Nobody knows who is bidding on the item, so 'passing' items just straight up doesn't work. I can always bid higher if I really want/need a piece of gear. The only issue I have with it is that I get anxious for how much I should bid, but it's very fair.
KSK combined with longest BiS length council has done wonders in our guild as well for our dps as a raid I.e. Hunter T2 8 set bonus.
Wow the music from Saturday Night Slam Masters. Cant believe i instantly recognised it after all these years
Watching these videos makes me wish I played this game when it first launched and over the years
*Polish my Thunderfury*
Proceeds to polish with censorship 😭
I think the censoring was funny.
MadSeasonShow never had the makings of a Varsity athlete.
*furiously eats gabagool*
Sunday dinner is canceled
Nate Allen on your mother birthday?
IamTheRealCmen What’s the big fuckin deal?
Not long ago did my first raid in retail, our guild use one system an one system only.
1. Is it for Vanity or USE
Vanity : You wait for all our members to have the item.
Use : You pass to the next step (If you don't use it or resell, you get kick auto, so it was a no Loot thief policy and if you had made an error, you have to repay in materials and help in your full capacity for the good of the next raids. It was a system of "debt to the guild" so other people get the loot because of your mistake.)
2. Is it to boost IL (DPS and stuff) or BiS (Meta Item)
IL Boosting : "LOL, Seriously ?" and the laugh was good because it was mostly a meme in the guild, but the person could roll, but if he win the one down to him/her that said BiS will have a roll fight with you, you lose, you lose. It was more a system of you need to be real lucky.
3. Loot handling was before aggro'ing the next boss, not when trash killing because that made people not helping the others to kill the annoying trash.
4. Every Trash loot (Armor, Weapon) is owned by the looter, because money making to help in training professions was a holy thing is our guild and to be honest luck is luck.
5. Every material made by the raid is divided to the most active and advanced profession farmer: Activity > Max level in profession.
But we had problems in the guild, not on loot that is but in DPS, Heal & Tanks in a casting system; Tanks was favorites, if you talk against a tank, you will be cast away, and if you are a DPS that is not higher than the average DPS of the guild, you are discriminated for not doing things for the guild, when most of them were the profession farmers that help the Pro get their consumable.
Also Healers were like slaves, I was playing Shadow priest Tailor, Enchanter and people were always saying double spec for us, but I knew That Being in the DPS cast was better than being in the Healer Cast of the guild and most people hated me.
I quit when I heard that a DPS that: Pulled boss (It was a meme; Ah shit [...] pulled again (Referencing GTA Meme)), was breaking raid coordination to cheese the DPS meter, disrupting diplomacy with support Guilds, Insulted guild newbies and used toys to create lag, sounds and other trolly effects were immune because he was a death knight and had Full BiS so he was an irreplaceable asset, but our raid leader that was a tank and a respected member of the group (Btw the only one that didn't want to be part of the cast system) were to be 'isolate to quit out" because the guild master said, "you complain too much about things that aren't problems" About that, I quit also because of that sentence that the guild master used on both of us, because I complained about "Disrespect of new wow players" in our guild, but because they were giving the strict minimum to help those, they said it was enough; "Hey check that website and read it, but if you don't understand, I'm not your school teacher so you can deal with what is said that you don't understand" Way of thinking.
TLDR: Loot was perfectly given, but shit member killed the fun.
Yeah, I never talked to them after I quit, Mostly because I gave my time to help the loot engine and I was never consider like a good member due to my lack of DPS. Seriously Loot can create drama, but the basic system of MMORPGs can destroy good memories.
For those who said, how can you be the best DPS as Shadow Priest, it was at the beginning of 8.1 and the SP was not in good shape (Don't forget that I was a newbie with only 500 hours and I had problems with learning the rotation of the class and people were immaturely oppressing me for not being "Good" when I was doing efforts, so I didn't saw the point of continuing to place effort when people were rejecting my effort to become good. I learn a lot in that journey.
- Sirnarue, An old priest.
We run a loot spreadsheet like a loot council. But this is black and white with a prio system to the functional use the item has. I know i cant roll on the cloth healing pants in BWL until the shamans have due to the value of the upgrade. As a priest this seems bad until you look at numbers and fairness. Our members can challenge distribution after a raid if they don't agree if they provide a cogent argument it is looked at and changed if necessary. We also use ranks. Alt
My guild lootcouncils, and it's a guild that has been around for years before I joined it in Classic. They seem to heavily favor loot to their old members, two of their old guildies came along months after we started raiding, rolled locks and they started to get pretty much all loot, and have passed me gearwise now. They both got Neltharion's Tear first as well.
Damn that sucks. I would of left on the spot. Fuck that you over here carrying motherfuckers for free. Be sucka free bro
Dude same here- I’ve seen 4 Tears as a warlock and lost all of them to loot council BS. I even left my last guild and joined one with friends thinking I’d get a tear this time. NOPE. I feel your pain.
U dont get somth, u are mad, u switch guild... in this guild u are new, why ever should they give you something with prio when u left the last guild because of this?
Btw i do lootcouncil in our guild.(i still wait for a wep for my warrior cause i gave them to the other warriors first, first dft got our feral, which also has hand of rag ;))
Ppl like u get red flagged and kicked if they cry about loot they think they deserve more. other ppl maybe raid longer and did more for the guild. U dont join and demand something lol
@Austyn how are you doing in terms of dps compared to the new locks though? Why are you using t1 in pve in the first place?
In my book the loot council favors players that know things for the most and minmax. Exactly how it was in private servers as well. Warlocks need tear first over mages because they may not get next drop in months when new main raid drops out and as lock you are put in tanking twin emperors with shadow resistance gear and a little spell hit.
I very much appreciated the GoldenEye64 soundtrack making an appearance.
My guild uses closed bid DKP system, where you whisper the ML your bid and obviously the highest one wins. I like this system even though you usually "waste" a lot of points if you want to guarantee getting an item. There's also a possibility of collusion between ML and bidding participants ("psst, X bid more than you, wanna up your bid?", "hey, you don't need to go all in, I'll reduce your bid to Y amount and save you some DKP") - that can be solved somewhat by having the ML stream the raid or by having 2 people that have to be whispered in order for your bid to be valid.
I had a loot council in Wotlk and in Cata. I was a leader in the first and an officer in the second. I remember we geared a good active DK in wotlk, he joined us fairly weak, he performed well and we gave him loot, skiping our older members because it was a biger upgrade for him and no one minded, we aimed to make a tight knit group and no one minded to pass an item to a guildie. Untill the said DK got geared and he left our guild. Sad times. In cata tho we had dps who were mad they didn't get their tier item because we prioritized the guilds main tanks, because of the op set bonuses (talking about the DS era) and they would argue a lot. So yeah it all depends on the people and trust in a loot council system.
12:51 is the funniest thing ever. CRUSHED
Loot council has caused the most drama with me, I prefer rolling. Personal loot was nice change. In pugs of modern wow I get nervous when it's not personal loot.
I think personal is great for new content but old content should still be master lootable
Insta like the moment I heard the background music! Ahhh good ol' memories!
We use a loot council/roll and I have no bad experience with it yet. I am really blessed with an awesome guild.
I don't raid in wow but i am a raid leader in ffxiv, and we have a system that works fairly well. Before someone starts raiding with us they send me their BiS list and we mark off when ever someone gets tomestone or savage loot, and than they also get a point each time they show up for a raid night and stay for the majority. Than when the loot drops we look across the 8 raiders BiS list and people with the least loot get priority based on how many weeks they have showed. So if our bard has shown for 3 weeks and the dancer has only shown for 1 week but both want the necklace coffer it would go to the bard
This must be the very first video I ever looked from you directly without having Azmongold looking it on my behalf and me looking his comment on it. I actually genuinely love both your content and your voice. I didn't decide yet which I prefer though, hard to tell.
I just subbed, simply subbed. You rock buddy, keep on going.
So i am playing on a german server and i think we have one of the best loot systems and people should do it that way too. Each class has an own teamspeak channel and before the raid everyone discusses who should get it next. So many people are just pissed because they are not cummunicating. Also we got an item list for each class and for items which can be useful for more classes. Everyone has the mentality that when something is a bigger upgrade for someone he should get it. We are 120 members and i think in the last 2 months 2 people left the guild who where actively raiding. Also we got a forum where everyone gives in their item wish and priolist. People are forgetting what it means to b in a guild and care for it. They were helping me to farm brd drops hand of justice and the chest for 2 weeks straight everyday and they were just happy for me i got it. In return i help them out if i am not pvping. ❤️
i remember my cata days that when i was over geared for the raid, i just helped other ppl just for fun. and past time i was punishing fresh dings in pvp xD
and when it come to loot. if there is some one that is rolling on the same item and its bigger upgrade to them ill pass it for them
The endings on your videos are so cool
Hey MadSeason,
Big fan of your videos man.. I have a request I think a lot of the community will back me on. Prior to classic releasing you made a class guide.. Could you please make an updated video for the classes for TBC? Changes, new spells, main specs, what to expect kind of thing?
Thank you brother! 😀
Never change the intro its the best
a new mad season vid = my one rare source for smiles these days
I feel the DKP system is the most fair. I can see the advantages in straight up rolling for stuff, but that's a very unfair system unless something else is added to it - for example a limitation of 1 item per raid.
Even with the example of the weapon collector, it makes sense for him to get the weapon: He has the most DKP and he probably didn't get it by sitting in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. He's been doing a lot of raids essentially for free in order to get that weapon. Those raids can then be used to gear the people who aren't as well off.
A need-greed system can work well as well: I had a retail guild 5 -10 years back, which did raids weekly but with a leisurely attitude. Nobody wanted to keep logs on a DKP system so we went with a Need Before Greed-type system with what is nowadays referred to as "+1" on top. So when loot dropped, people who needed it rolled a Need roll for it. Whoever won then got flagged for it. They would have low priority for the rest of the raid. That meant nobody could hog loot during the raid, but it was still distributed based on luck - and sometimes strategy where people would pass on loot from the first bosses so they would have high priority or guaranteed success on later loots like weapons from the last boss of the raid.
Suicide Kings (KSK) is much more fairer. If you get a piece of loot, you go to the back of the line, in that category (tier 2 sets, etc).
Ive really enjoyed my guild using EPGP. Basically dkp but simpler. Theres no way to negatively scheme, the only “manipulation” you can do is holding off on items to hoard your priority for that big drop you crave, which usually only screws you over. You get higher priority if you participate more and theres a decay system to help new people catch up. Has had zero issues, sometimes we loot council certain things for main tanks but thats it
I joined my guild a few weeks before BWL. A few days before BWL dropped, my guild disbanded. I guess there was some drama they had with a binding dropping before they discussed who it would go to. The GM and some officers quit and transferred realms, and I joined the new guild formed from the ashes. Now we do a loot council with occasional open rolls, and already we’ve had a few members rage out because they felt like they were “forced” to roll on upgrades they didn’t want, in hopes of getting something better they were hoping for.
I had a bad experience with loot council about two years ago. I was a feral druid in pre-raid BiS, always stocked with consumables, willing to respec to heal, tank or dps based on what the guild needed for the night. Then there was this other feral druid, who was very close with the officers. As he was one of the regulars in the tank/dps lineup, loot council time and again decided that he should get loot. After nearly 3 months of raiding with them, I only got 1 piece of loot (Circle of Applied Concentration, a ring). The only reason I got the ring, was because the Feral Druid in question had better rings, and therefore passed it to me. And even then, it took the loot council in question a long time to give it to me, as they were contemplating giving it to other key players first. There were also situations where their warrior MT (officer) would take loot like Fireguard Shoulders (fantastic feral leather shoulders) and just let them sit in his bank "in case he needed to swap around some more fire resistance" (he never did). I quit that guild and joined a DKP one shortly afterwards instead, even if they were far behind progression wise. I eventually turned out to be fully geared within half a year in that guild, and was always showing up with consumes and willing to respec when needed, and as such was valued highly by my new guild. Funny thing is, the druid in my former guild (Loot Council) switched guilds just a month after me in order to join one of the top guilds on the server, and the guild who had funneled so much BiS gear into one of their tanks was now stuck with zero return on that investment, losing both their star feral tank and me. Had they not been funneling that gear to their favourites, they would have kept some of that investment as their favourite feral tank would have taken less gear with him, and they would have kept me as a replacement.
Loot council is bottom line a very bad system, even when it's not abused. Whenever you funnel all gear into a few key players (even when the intentions are good), the guild risks a lot as they are putting all their eggs in one basket, which is never a good idea. It is also inefficient, as the players who are getting funneled keep getting minor upgrades, while some players are permanently stuck with blue gear.
My guild did open roll with BIS spreadsheets. You filled out your BIS upgrades for a raid tier and mailed them to the officers. When an item dropped they'd have the people who had that item on their sheet roll for it, if nobody did it became an open roll for the whole raid with people who wanted it for offset or certain fights being generally favored.
Our guild Primordial uses a MS > OS roll/loot council and its the fairest and best system I've personally ever seen. Im one of our Priest Officers for R3 and to be honest I loveee it so much. If you have any questions about how it works feel free to comment!
Haha, was that some Goldeneye N64 Music in the background? AS always madseason, great video!
We had a system that i quite liked. We had a council decide wishes before raid. If a player was very active, they got to wish for an item, if no other active player also needed that, they were guaranteed the drop, if it dropped. Everything else was rolled. That way the active players wouldnt get super frustrated that they lost the one drop they really needed to some rando, and players that were not very active still had a good chance to get loot
Our guild uses version of Monolith dkp. You bid certain fixed price on X item. The guy who has most DKP of the bidders, wins the item. It also has mainspecc > offspec prio. What this means as a tank, is that you basically never get any offspec items, since dps items are more rare than tank pieces, where is always someone who wants X item. We have disenchanted good 2H weapons because our new dps warriors do not want to spend any dkp on anything else than Ashkandi.
Each system has its own positive and negative sides.
Nice Chrono Trigger music! Enjoyed the vid, cheers.
My guilds switched to loot council to make people take loot to help the guild. Specially if it was a weapon. We had too many people pass on "low end" weapons to spend dkp on their BiS... so we had a loot strategy posted. Rogue A and B would get the BiS weapon and get the second BiS bracers. Rogues C and B would get 2nd or 3rd BiS weapon but more BiS armor. We strictly followed this and it made us better. Any loot dispute would be handled before raid. Newbies knew they wouldn't get added to the list but we were a rare guild that distributed loot out fairly to new people.
The guild I am in is a mix of loot council with rolls and a plus system. I like it and other then some small issues with melee weapons between tank/dps wars and rouges there has been no major issues.
I can honestly say I've never had that issue with loot council guilds.
the only issue is if the LC decisions arent well explained because i would give all the pally healers Asuresong mageblade over mages because its a massive upgrade for them we ended up having 4 mages quit because of just giving 1 paladin the mageblade instead of a mage and i play a mage so i understood the frustration, we ended up switching over to EP/GP when BWL dropped
you live a good life then
@@Bobis32 is a bigger upgrade for dps cause if you down a boss faster you dont need to heal that much. upgrades for healers agains dps are always secondary
@@Mahmmed-1997 All you need to find is an open and transparent loot council. We already have a list of the most desired items in each raid, with a layout on who's on track to get what piece of gear next, and keep it updated with recent loot for that player as well to make sure no ones getting ignored. Also, the discussions for distributing loot are talked about where anyone can listen and raise a question/concern if they have it. Theres gonna be drama no matter what your loot method is, but I've seen less from this than any other and the loot ends up in the right hands 100% of the time.
@@MrNasacort yes but the less healers you take the more damage you do aswell 3hpallies with mageblade is about 8 priests heal wise
I think that some kind of council would be the best. But something like what you explained with the rogues. You see that there's someone who really needs an upgrade and who tries a lot ? well, give it to him. If many want the item, check the real need, ask why if not really needed, and then roll if there are still multiple people wanting it.
It might not work for big raids of 40 people but it worked quite well up to 25 on private at least
My current guild uses Suicide Kings and by and large we've had less loot drama than any guild I've ever been in before. Other than the fact that it doesn't really punish players who miss multiple raid nights, it's really fair and everyone I raid with seems pretty happy with it.
I got my but kicked last night by yours and swiftys premade.... I've never been so happy to get stomped in a pug. Glad to see you guys still playing.
My guild uses a mix of epgp and loot council in classic, we mainly use epgp but if someone needs a certain piece for set bonus or whatever they get priority for that piece but it still gets added to their gp