£1 for air. Welcome to rip-off Britain! 🤣 sorry about that.. (it used to be 20p for years.. and even that was too much..). Good vid as usual. Can’t believe the weather was ever that warm..
Utrolig trivelig å se deg (og Kurt Kubikk:)) på to hjul igjen Jesper, knallbra humor, flott filming og god underholdning. Virkelig modigt av dere å feriere i et land som dere må kjøre på venstre side av veien.
Great to see you back on tour, and in my home country 👍
Hey Jesper, welcome to the UK! I look forward to seeing your travels around our country. Have fun !!
Welcome to the UK guys! I hope your ride through our countryside was enjoyable. :)
This was a very nice ride! Glad that bull wasn't mean.
£1 for air. Welcome to rip-off Britain! 🤣 sorry about that.. (it used to be 20p for years.. and even that was too much..). Good vid as usual. Can’t believe the weather was ever that warm..
Utrolig trivelig å se deg (og Kurt Kubikk:)) på to hjul igjen Jesper, knallbra humor, flott filming og god underholdning. Virkelig modigt av dere å feriere i et land som dere må kjøre på venstre side av veien.
Hvor har du været ?
finally :)