I had the same code on my KAD 300. At the same time I had a second code for a gearshift problem. I traced back the circuit just as you did and decided to replace the stop relay as both the actuator and the gearshift looked to be dependent on the same supply. Seems to have fixed the problem. These motors are getting old and there are so many connections that can be faulty. I’m going through all the connections cleaning them and putting the electrical grease on them plus I replaced all the relays.
Thanks so much for these videos! I have a twin installation of these engines and I need all the info I can get!
Thanks Ted, interesting video 👍😁
I had the same code on my KAD 300. At the same time I had a second code for a gearshift problem. I traced back the circuit just as you did and decided to replace the stop relay as both the actuator and the gearshift looked to be dependent on the same supply. Seems to have fixed the problem. These motors are getting old and there are so many connections that can be faulty. I’m going through all the connections cleaning them and putting the electrical grease on them plus I replaced all the relays.
Thanks for sharing great video. Where did you get the diagram?
Old literature that I still have for these issues!
I have a problem with this tipe of engine can't go over 2900 rpm, someone know what is the problem?
Ok, thanks. I will try @@diegofernandezmenendez1614