Yes and the prophet Peace Be Upon Him said "If there is a differences amongst you, Follow the larger group because my Ummah will Never be gathered in misguidance." "Verily, my nation will not unite upon misguidance. If you see differences, you must follow the great majority."
@@waleedsulaiman651 Sunan Ibn Majah 3950 Anas bin Malik said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘My nation will not unite on misguidance, so if you see them differing, follow the great majority.’”
@@waleedsulaiman651 Sunan Ibn Majah 3950 Anas bin Malik said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘My nation will not unite on misguidance, so if you see them differing, follow the great majority.’”
@@waleedsulaiman651 Sunan Ibn Majah 3950 Anas bin Malik said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘My nation will not unite on misguidance, so if you see them differing, follow the great majority.’”
That's because sheikh is scared of being misguided or making anyone else misguided, that's not the correct response though. He should let go of his fear, Have hope in Allah, trust and contact Yasir Qadhi to explain himself and with an open heart. Really, they can get along man, this is such a misunderstanding:( May Allah guide us. If you really know Yasir Qadhi, you'll know he says nothing against the Sheikhs beliefs!
@@TranquilCastlestar yasir qadir didn give his lecture in private or personalized he gave a public lecture so it has to be public cuz he’s misleading the youth a lot of young Muslims are goin astray all due to they following a sheikh who thinks everything is alright and other say it’s haram
@@TranquilCastlestar do you think is that easy to contact him, please stop with this talk to him in private talk to him in private , hes saying all of this in public and posting it in public its necessary to refute in him in public he has already caused so much damage. Its necessary to refute him.
Follow the TWO WEIGHTY matters The prophet of Islam left TWO weighty matters to hold onto The Qur'an and Ahlulbayt These two are the sources for GUIDANCE
Salami alaikum Daniel, Mashallah I just want to say that I really appreciate the work that you do, especially with how clear cut and unapologetic you are about the deen and I pray that Allah continues to increase you in knowledge and goodness ameen🤲🏾:)
Even my little brother knows that worshipping a grave is shirk. Audhibillah. May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ guide all the Muslims. Credentials don't mean anything if your Aqeedah is clearly astray.
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi. and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact. How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !! Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk. but he said that asking something to the person of the grave without worshiping is not Shirk , but it is Haram and a major Sin.
worshipping grave is shirk, but those who do istigaathaa actually believe that if u ask a dead holy person, the dead person asks allah to except it. as a way of medium ( which is wrong and haraam. but problem is the other side will say ur worshipping the grave and make it shirk. that was what yasir qhadi is pointing out, and that is how islam got divieded, when abdul wahaab gave a verdict on the 90 percent of entire ummah (ottoman empire) as doing shirk and grave worshipping people and made it halaal to kill them.
@@tahidhanna Asking a dead person is shirk. Whether you are asking them for intercession or not. This is clear in the Quran. No ambiguity about it. YQ says it is haram but not shirk. His reason is because 1) calling it shirk is done by a particular movement, and 2) because majority of others call it haram but not shirk. Both reasons don't make sense to me or any rational person. He also says Ibn Taymiyyah says so. But he never presents an argument or proof from the main source of Aqeedah, the Quran (I watched his whole video).
@@vvaloachi7263 ya correct, but the issue here is that video making us to believe that yq advocating and mjsguiding us. YQ was just elaborating the 3 establised opinion by ulama tu o the questioner. So if you watch the full video lasting 54 min by Ys qadhi then u would understand...
Very Sad. Brother Yasir is very knowledgeable& also a great teacher.. Ive benefitted from his Lives of the Sahaba series & the seerah of the Rasul salalahu alahi wasalam . now he is in trouble. May Allah show him mercy & give him tawfeek Ammeen😞
Anyone who says they did not have a single doubt at any time is lying. You're telling me there is nothing that you have run into at any time that you didnt understand and before getting the answer, certain things never creeped in your thoughts? Subhanallah, we put others down simply to cover our own flaws.
SubhanAllah, this is a clear sign that guidance is from Allah. May Allah guide us and keep us on the right path, may Allah make our hearts firmly established upon Islam, may He allow us to see falsehood as falsehood and stay away from it and truth as truth and adhere to it. Brothers and sisters in Islam, we live in peculiar times, hold on the Quran and Sunnah, continuously ask Allah for guidance, never feel like you're saved as this may lead to complacency.
Assalaamu alaykum I listen to Sheikh Yasir Qadhi and I have never heard him say that muslims are allowed to worship the graves. He has been seriously misquoted. We should be very careful before speaking about others.
Ok. I have watched the video now. YQ is not advocating calling on saints- he is saying it’s haram and evil but he is not willing to stretch it to shirk. I personally do not agree with his conclusion however as Muslims, we should not be disrespectful to our scholars. He is more than qualified to give his opinion. Amr ibn al-‘As reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If a judge makes a ruling, striving to apply his reasoning and he is correct, he will have two rewards. If a judge makes a ruling, striving to apply his reasoning and he is mistaken, he will have one reward.”
I feel very sad,when I see a brother who waste his time talking about another brother.The scholars should advise each other quietly not on public videos.
If the fitna was restricted to yasir qadhi only, he should've been advised in private. But yasir qadhi is preaching to people. So people are warned lest they fall in his fitnah.
It is not possible to let all know about all of the preacher who may spread fitna. It can be clear over time. One of the biggest fitna for this ummah is the misguided preacher. So we need to be careful.
I stop hearing his lectures about 3 years ago as some of his lectures contradicted with other sheikhs , so I was confused but Allhumdulilah when I was sure this guy is mixing up things I left listening his lectures.
Assalamu Alaikum, | am very less knowledgeable than you ya Sheikh. But Sheikh, he clearly explained the video" Yasir Qadhi refuting Yasir Qadhi" in his own video, the video was made taking his quotations out of context! And by doubts he didn't mean doubt in the revelation ya Sheikh, he was just experiencing doubts like UMAR (R), which is common for Muslim or a human being to be curious and ask questions, he expressed it in front of an audience who doubt ISLAM as a whole so that they can relate and understand that these critical doubts that they face can be overcome by studying and understanding the texts properly. That lecture was particularly for those non-Muslim people in the audience, he didn't expect it to reach everyone on RUclips and put Muslims in doubt (although Muslims at that time had so much doubt if not more than the non- Muslims about Islam because all these fiqh and Aqeedah contents were not available as much then). I went through these videos a year ago and didn't find any mistakes rather the speeches are taken out of context. And I understood that before he ever explained them! Him going to Yale is scary, yes for us, but since his brain had the capacity to deal with all that so he knows what all those people go through in thought process and which way to deal with those issues to best guide them, otherwise why would he take a degree, if he has that ability, Isn't that a good thing? Maybe Sheikh he made some mistakes, but he has nothing against the Ummah! Maybe you've been exposed to only the hate spreading videos about him made by very immature people among the Muslims, You guys are our Sheikhs, you have to work things out with more understanding and care. Please don't fight online, SubhanAllah. It is common that people will try to misrepresent when someone becomes popular. May Allah guide all our Sheikhs and protect them from all sorts of harmful things in this dunya and Akherah. Ameen, there is this Da'wahman brother and whatever he says against Yasir Qadhi has absolutely no meaning! he takes every single thing out of context just to refute the sheikh! I don't know what's wrong with him but that clearly isn't right .
Yasir Qadhi is not someone to be taken knowledge from. Please don't get misguided akhi. He said so many things that are contrary to Qur'an and sunnah. Check how he rejected the hadith of ya'juj and ma'juj. How he said Qur'an preservation has holes, Muhammad ibn AbdulWahhab is a takfeeri etc...
@@mewzi I did bro, he's right ( just one hadith he found weak, but he's forcing no one to agree with him, he always says you are free to disagree) but that's for advanced students in Aqeedah, normal people should just stick with whatever taught in Aqeedah and about Abdu| Wahhab. Meanings of words change in use as you study higher, but it's not necessary for everyone bro. We just need to convey the proper message to proper places, not get agitated and scared because class1 lessons are not for class 10 and grade 12 lessons are not meant for grade 3, This is what's happening, and because he studied more he's explanations are a bit different than older scholars. Now they are getting scared because they don't know how to handle that much more of study and if it misguides people, but people in this century have the capability to handle these information, There's nothing to be scared about. He's a PhD! His level of understanding can not be compared to intermediate and graduate level. Everyone should study under an authentic Salafi scholar and then have the right to study on their own. When you're studying Aqeedah and keeping an open mind all around you, you have certain questions, Yasi Qadhi is a blessing to answer us those and keep us on the path rather than getting confuse and just stick with the lesson without understanding and clarification. Again his speech is for advanced open minded students of Aqeedah who has the same questions and need clarification to stay on the Path of Salaf, not for laymen and students who doesn't even know the basics of these. Every teacher has their own students, they should teach what they know, not tell the other person just teach what I teach, their personalities and talents is different! I hope I wasn't too confusing.
@@TranquilCastlestar He's not on the path of the salaf. The problem is people learn from RUclips celebrities rather than real shuokh. I did the same mistake until I saw the refutations
MAY Allah preserve you My brother for always defending our beautiful religion MAY Allah aza wajallah make you among those who Will be in the company Al Mustafa(s.a.w) and his companions amin
Yeah but he heard him on RUclips maybe When you have some deep knowledge of Islam and Aqeeda, you will know how misguided and poisonous yasir qadhi is Stop listening to celebrities who wants to please people but instead listen to real scholars or atleast daees who are upon haq
@@Shikaari1 what does this have to do with this video? Were ordered in Quran to check and clarify things. Don’t just spread stuff you don’t have proof for could end up falling into some big sins
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi. and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact. How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !! Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk. but he said that asking something to the person of the grave without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin. .
I am biggest fan of yaser qadi and I respect him so much for his hard work teaching the Muslim Ummah about their Deen. Allah knows best but in my opinion he is one of the best Islamic Scholar. So my advice please investigate yourself before you hear things which is not true.
Look up refutations on him, you'll find them here. That person has changed, is calling to deviance, kufr, bid'ah, liberalism and other things. Anyone who knows the aqidah of Ahlussunnah will say he is a misguided person.
I agree sister. Unfortunately Yasir has deteriorated dramatically over the years. In Islam, we never follow any scholar blindly just because we like them or that we are a fan of them. I agree that he had great content when he started, but according to himself his building blocks of Islamic knowledge were all dismantled when he went to Yale which he had to reconstruct himself. I encourage you to have a look at the following videos when you have time to get a full picture of how things have developed. I have no ill intention towards brother Yasser and I pray to Allaah that may he guide him and us towards the straight path. @ @ @ @ @ The last video is of a refutation backed by Quran and sunnah with regards to his idea that invoking the dead does not constitute associating partners with the creator as long as you don't believe that they are able to help you themselves.
@@tanzimqurashi7292 should watch the video of ys. He was just elaborating the 3 established opinions by the ulama. But the clip by the maker was manipulated make it as if yssir qadhi is advocating shirk...
@@hasnaffinahassnar7445 ys? I know bro there is a lot of manipulation making it seem as if Yasir Qadhi is advocating shirk like a Mushrik. Doesn't seem just, although i disagree with him, opinions of Ulama are to be respected no?
that's is the problem, people like to listen to people who sugar coat what their words. Lot think the true scholars are harsh and strict, and they tend to follow those who make a lot of jokes, add innovations to fit our "modern" lives..
Yasir Qadhi never told to worship the grave.Please go and watch the video in full details.This type of comments are not expected from a scholar against other scholar.This is having a negative impact on the whole Muslim community.
@@rashidtemuri3419 If you are unaware, then maybe you should look into it. I have been following YQ since the 9th grade. I even attended the EPIC masjid and stopped going to Valley Rnach before that because Omar Sulieman and Yasser Birjas were promoting voting for people who killed Muslims and support LGBTQ and then I stopped at EPIC because YQ started saying weird stuff. He even said that it is impossible for juj wa ma'juj to live behind a wall so they must be zombies when Allah made it clear that they are people but it "didn't make sense to him". He also says that Islam has weird punishments and that the Quran is not preserved as perfectly as it was before. Before that, a few years ago he said that if Umar was tested on fiqh today he would fail due to his lacking in this field. Basically saying he is ignorant.
With all due respect to you Sheikh, before commenting on something or someone you should watch the whole video or comment of a person instead of what someone just said to you in their own words which may or may not be true as you know very well. Which I wish you should have done before commenting as you very well know we have valid differences of opinions many issues.
Yeah so watching the whole video Yasir Qadhi basically says it is not shirk to invoke the dead unless you believe them to be god. Yasir Qadhi is misguided and misguides people.
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi. and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact. How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !! Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk. but he said that asking something to the person of the grave without worshiping is not Shirk , but it is Haram and a major Sin.
Dear brother. I used to watch alot of videos of him. Now i dont know anymore who to watch. I was almost done with the seerah series. Can i still watch them? Or not? If not where can i listen to lectures about diffirent topics. I have no idea anymore. Could you please tell me where i can get knowledge from. Because i dont know anymore. People say Do not watch nouman ali khan Do not watch mufti menk Do not watch yasir qadhi Do not watch this one that one. Who am i allowed to listen to then Because these people have genuenly made me a better person. Eman rose because of them. I dont know who to listen to anymore
As you say, they made you a better person through islamic knowledge. Keep listening to them my brother and remember Allah whereever you are. Some people see it necessary to refute and so on, but with no basic whatsoever. May Allah guide us all and make us firm in the religion
@@noraRvx mufti menk is actually good. Nouman knows a lot of arabic but sometimes he makes his own tafsir, so thats the problem. YQ will give you slow poison.
as-Salamalykum wa-Rahamatullahi wa-Barakatuh These are the Duaat(and more) who are recommended by the Scholars.These are the Duaat who left their homes and not their Studies to learn under the shade of Scholars. These Duaat also give Dawah to Non-Muslims but with Sound knowledge of Basics of Islām and not like Ahmad Deedat who supported Mīlād. You can not count how many Non-Muslims accepted Islām in their Salafi Masjids. Church in Birmingham is well known, which was converted into the Masjid, Alhamdulillah, when its father accepted Islām at the hands of Abu Khadījah Abdul Wāhid Hafidhahullah in June 2014. But, you will not read or listen this on social media, because our Salafi Duaat do not like fame. *Some of the English Speaking Salafi Students of Knowledge: (alive الحمد لله)* Abdul-Kareem McDowell Abu Sarah Dr Abdul-Ilaah Lahmaamee Abu Aadam Jameel Finch Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis Abu Idrees Mohammed khan Abu Ishaaq Nadeem Ahsan-Shah Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafeeq Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahhid Abu Muadh Taqweem Aslam Ayman Fox Abu Uways Abdullah Ali Abul-Hasan Maalik Akhdar Abu Suhail Anwar Wright Abu Abdillah Hassan as-Somaali Abul Abbaas Moosaa Richardson Mustafaa al-Kanadee Abu Ismael Mustafa George Abu Suhailah Umar Quinn Abu Abdir-Rahman Uwais Taweel Abu Mujjahid Fareed Abdullah Abu Muhammad Al Maghribi Taalib 'Abdullah Abu Hafsah Kashiff Khan Abu Quhaylah Rasheed Barbee Abu Musa Raha Batts Abu Humayd Salim Abdul Wali Nelson Anas Waters Abdul Hakeem Mitchel Abu Anisa Abdul Hakeem Hamza Abdur-Razzaq Abu Arwa Mir Ali Abbas Abu Yahya Saeed Rhana al-Maghribee حفظهم الله أجمعين
SubhannaAllah, wallahi Yasir Qadhi is one of the most learned brothers in Islam in the west. I love Imam Karim, but I think he's just slandering Shaikh Yasir. I can see why. Yasir Qadhi has learned both in the Eastern Islamic curriculum and at the same time studied in the West to cater to what the Muslims in West deal with on a daily basis. Wallahi I live Shaikh Yasir and Imam Karim, but Shaikh Yasir has never said anything contrary to the book of Allah and Sunnah of RasullullaH SAW. I really thought these two brothers and friends. I'm surprised to hear Imam Karims refutation of Shaikh Yasir Qadhi. I'm hopeful they will meet in Jannah and will among those whom Allah said about them that, "we have removed any animosity in their hearts, they will be conversing recling on besutiful couches, facing each other.
He said so many things against the Qur'an adn sunnah. Don't be misguided akhi. Look how he rejected the hadith about ya'juj and ma'juj. How he said Qur'an preservation has holes, Umar would fail a test on aqeedah, Muhammad ibn AbdulWahhab is a takfeeri etc...
Sheikh is not slandering Yasir Qadhi. He is trying to correct his statement and also you can see his major disappointment towards him misleading others.
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi. and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact. How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !! Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk. but he said that asking something to the person of the grave without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin. .
If you want to be on the straight path, follow Quran and the sunnah of rasulullah (ssallallahu a'alaihi wa sal'lam) whatever you have doubts in go back to the ajam³ of ulama, the majority of the scholars. Don't just follow one imam. May Allah guide us all and unite us all on the path that he's pleased with. Allah'uma amin
worshipping anyone with Allah is shirk. Anyone who doesn't understand this statement, who misunderstand this statement, etc, i kindly advise him to corrected as soon as possible. Jazak Allah khair! :)
It was narrated that Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw me moving my lips and he said to me: “What are you saying, O Abu Umamah?” I said: I am remembering Allah, O Messenger of Allah. He said: “Shall I not tell you of something better or greater than your dhikr of night and day or of day and night? You should say: Subhan Allah ‘adad ma khalaqa, subhan Allah mil’a ma khalaqa, subhan Allah ‘adad ma fi’l-ard wa’l-sama, subhan Allah mil’a ma fi’l-samai wa’l-ard, subhan Allah mil’a ma khalaqa, subhan Allah ‘adad ma ahsa kitabuhu, subhan Allah mil’a kulli shay’in (Glory be to Allah the number of what He has created, glory be to Allah filling what He has created, glory be to Allah the number of what is in earth and heaven, glory be to Allah filling what is in heaven and earth, glory be to Allah filling what He has created, glory be to Allah the number of what is written in His book, glory be to Allah filling all things); and say Al-hamdu Lillah likewise.”
The question is very misleading brothers and sisters because sh. Yasir said “worshipping” anything besides Allah is shirk meaning if you believe that the person is an “illah” a god other than Allah and you believe worshipping that person in the grave will give you what you want; you have commuted shirk BUT if you if you don’t believe that person is a god and you are still asking that person for your needs then you have committed a major sin but that action in an of itself is not shirk. Please go watch the full video.
Why would you call to the one in the grave under ANY circumstances? Unless you believe that there is some sort of benefit. Why would you do this? Qadhi is a deviant.
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi. and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact. How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !! Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk. but he said that asking something to the person of the grave without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin. .
@@vvaloachi7263 Well asking someone something in the grave is shirk. You're the one who doesn't understand. That is clearly shirk to ask the dead for some sort of assistance. The ones in the grave cannot intercede for you. They're dead.
Something that I really hate and makes me so confused is when people come here and then say "I don't see where Yasir Qadhi went wrong, he is very knowledgable etc..." OF COURSE YOU DON'T SEE BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO ANSWER AND YOU ARE CRIMINALLY IGNORANT ABOUT ISLAM.
You also need to learn that the honour of a Muslims is very sacred, and also learn good manners. Your comment is very rude against Muslim brothers and sisters; many of the Salaf narrated that they sought learning good manners far before seeking knowledge. It's extremely important.
I think you need to refute his lecture rather than just giving generic statements and claims about Shwikh Yasir Qadih......he broke down his argument, gave evidences, spoke of history and provided classical commentary.....if you can't do that then you should remain silent.
He did in other videos. Asking a dead person is shirk. Whether you are asking them for intercession or not. This is clear in the Quran. No ambiguity about it. YQ says it is haram but not shirk. His reason is because 1) calling it shirk is done by a particular movement, and 2) because majority of others call it haram but not shirk. Both reasons don't make sense to me or any rational person. He also says Ibn Taymiyyah says so. But he never presents an argument or proof from the main source of Aqeedah, the Quran (I watched his whole video).
Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, in his speech after the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had died, “Whoever used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad has died, but whoever used to worship Allaah, Allaah is Alive and will never die.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari).
this is what some najdi's always do, changing the words and attacking person upon their understanding and not what the gut actually said, he didn't say WORSHIP he actually said that if someone is WORSHIPPING than that's SHIRK, he said INVOKING which is slightly difference but can have different ruling, YQ is very precise when he says what he says, but those pseudo scholars are really the ones who have an agenda, this video was really painfull to watch
My kind request to anyone in this group is : please don't mention the name of the person to give any kinds of comments or advice. This is not Islamic way. This kind of irresponsible behavior of us makes hatetret and misunderstandings that makes divisions in the society. We have to be humble and intellectual. Please use the 'Hikma' to keep the unity in the community. I'm so disturbed to hear these kinds of comments, advices, questions and answers. May Allah guide all of us to be in the right path and to correct each other without hurting anyone's feelings. Aameen. Ya Rabbal aalameen.
He's genuinely trying to make us aware of the Truth about Yasir Qadhi, but ig there are some people I don't know what they're thinking, but they say he's trying to cancel Deceiver Yasir Qadhi, such nonsense!
assuming he had the correct islamic teachings to begin with, yasir qadhi prob has a bit of inferiority complex and as a daee in the west, he may be willing to do whatever he can to be relevant/accepted among non-muslims (his public position re lgbtq seems to indicate a tendency for acceptance). we see A LOT of muslims here bending over backwards to gain acceptance, be invited to speak on tv shows, etc (they get paid for such appearances, FYI). anyway, many muslims successfully navigate thru the minefields of PhD programs in the US, and do so for pragmatic reasons (job prospects), but they are able to retain proper Islamic aqidah and not be sidetracked or worse, be made to question the very foundations of their faith. I am not sure what yasir qadhi expected to learn from a doctorate in islamic studies from a western university? I don't want to ascribe bad intentions to him, or assume he is a tool for western forces/ideologies, but it may be fair to say he isn't that sophisticated intellectually nor does he have the ability, courage, or wisdom to put matters in their proper place.
It's not correct to cause fitnah due to personal issues you have with someone! We live in a century when this habit of character assassinations is rampant especially to the scholars. I don't think if someone is confident of himself, will have time to criticize others by going into their long lectures and taking words out of context. I was watching Yasir Qadhi for over 6 years and i never heard anything wrong. So many people have even converted to Islam because of Yasir Qadhi. Indeed Yasir Qadhi holds PhD in secular and religious education. And lastly only Allah knows what is in the heart!
"I have never heard anything wrong" how do you know that what you heard wasn't wrong ? Are you a scholar yourself to confirm that what YQ says is right ?
I listened to that lecture. Yasir Qadhi didn’t say exactly that. He said some schools of thought say that you can ask from the dead. He was giving different schools of thought. And he also said that a very minority of scholars subscribe to that idea. The way this Sheikh responded in the beginning is not a good way to refute without knowing the whole thing. I am not saying Yasir Qadhi is infallible, he is a human but in this case he is misunderstood.
I am sorry to say that Iman Karim by attacking the man instead of the ball he creates fitna and animosity between muslims. What do you think that people who like to listen to Yasir Qadhi feels about this? They will probably get angry at you maybe even hate you and what good does that make? What benefit is it in this kind of attack. Discuss the differences in an intellectual way. May Allah (swt) bless you with guidance
Why do our scholars attack one another rather than discuss their intellectual differences. I don't see the same hostility towards one another from leaders of other faith groups.
Assalamualaikum, Dear brothers and sisters That's why it's obligatory upon each and individual to know Deen of Islam so you can identify truth and falsehood. May Allah guide us all and make us amongst the pious one.
Subhanallah Sheikh why you attacking the Sheikh? If you have advice say it otherwise this is not looking good on you. I listen to the Sheikh and I enjoy every word that comes from his mouth. He is humble, respectful, and someone who is knowledgeable.
@@manuelcardinali5340Do you know about the discussion between Musa (As) and Harun in surah Taha? When Musa came back and saw his people devided he grabbed Harun by the beard and head and said "Oh Harun why did you not stop them when you saw them misguided, are you not following me or have you disobayed my command? Harun responded " Verily I feared that you would say you have devided the children of israel". Mind you some of them were worshipping idols. What will be the result of this except hatred and devision between the muslims? Easy to tear down something but hard to build it. Better to be silent if you can't respond in a constructive way.
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi. and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact. How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !! Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk. but he said that asking something to the person of the grave without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin. .
If you want to follow the middle path of Islam, follow Sheik Yasir qadhi he never talk against anyone. You're judging him You're talking about his intentions. Your video is 12 min long you didn't talk about anything only empty accusations. How many times Allah is calling us to think in the Quran . We really need to critically think through out our history and text. I love Sheik Yasir qadhi may Allah guide all of us.
Yasir Qadir has got a serious problem. He is the one who said that there are holes in the Quran. How low could this guy stoop when Allah says in the Quran that if the Quran was to descend on a mountain, the mountain will collapse and it is the same Quran that could make the dead speaks. But Allah will make that same Quran descend on the head of Yasir Qadir. The holes are in his head. If he does not understand the Quran, he has to blame himself for Allah again says in the Quran that there are things that are specific and others unspecific and the unspecific, it is Allah alone who knows its meaning. Allah did not give us that knowledge and ih he did Yasir would have poohed on our head. ALLAH KNOWS BEST.
Ive listened to YQ for a while and never have i heard him say what the imam is saying. Pleae put your energy into other lectures to help people rather than trying to bring other sheikhs down. YQ always explains all issues well and clearly states when he has an opinion from himself and i will continue listening to him.
Yasir qadhi is talking noncense.all humans who are creatures must invoke only allah the creator directly.ahle sunnat jamaat make a big error concerning hadiths.they say people came to prophet and asked him to make problem.i can ask any alive muslim to make duah.note that the prophet was alive when was told this. the prophet left this world or simply is dead there is not a single hadith where sahabas ask the prophet to make duah.yasir is doing shrik.his video must be banned.
Masha-Allah Dr. Yasir Qadhi is great and doing a fantastic job in preaching islam. No one is perfect. To be honest it is difficult to follow your logic.
@TheRockit1991 Brother one can correct another if they are wrong. No one is perfect. I also held a different opinion with him on some matter. But to put out a blanket statement against brother Dr. Yasir is wrong. Agree or disagree on issues but to claim he is totally wrong is not right or fair.
Quran If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not your call; and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you [Faatir 35:13-14]
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi. and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact. How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !! Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk. but he said that asking something to the person of the grave without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin. .
imam karim remind me of dr sheikh ali jum'ah very much..they were the strong defenders of Ahlussunnah waljamaah in our time..may Allah give them barakah and blessings till their last day...ameen
What has happened to kind words????? Does it not hurt when we see this 'fodder' for the vultures? Please call brother Yasir and ASK him...PLEASE...please please. May Allah swt soften our tempers and words and soften our tone. deflating....:(
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi. and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact. How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !! Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk. but he said that asking something to the person of the grave without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin.
@Brother,Karim I suggest you watch the aforementioned video and make Taubah. The amount of people in the comment section that are bad mouthing Y,Q as a result of your stance is alarming. I ask Allah to forgive you because clearly haven't exercised patience. Borderline arrogance
But it's not about patience, it's about warning people against those who can destroy our aqeedah. This is a serious matter and if no one talks about it then how can differentiate between truth and falsehood?
I mean y would scholar say if u want to be misguided listen to that guy. I mean it doesn’t suit a religion scholar to talk about other Islamic scholar like that.
Dont bring these liberal ideas of only God can judge me. the athar hadith of umar ra says we judge a person (i.e. his deeds) by what is apparent. if someone like qadi is teaching public the wrong thing we tell the public they were being taught the wrong thing. your concept of only god can judge is not found in the quran or the hadith but actually is a saying of tupac. I dont know if you hold preference to the words of tupac over allah or his messengers, that is up to you to confirm.
Yasir Qadhi said whoever calls upon the dead, this act is haram, can lead to shirl and should absolutely be avoided however it is not shirk unless the person believes the dead person is an object of worship and the person who is calling upon him believes that dead person is a deity. This is what I understood from that q&a.
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi. and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact. How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !! Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk. but he said that asking something to the person of the grave without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin. .
“The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.” Quran tawbah 9:71 Thank you imam
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi. and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact. How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !! Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk. but he said that asking something to the person of the grave without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin. .
Asc sheikh, as far as i know Yasir Qadhi is a great scholar and whatever issues you have with him kindly solve it inhouse. Defaming one of our own in public is defaming Islam. Thanks.
Agreed. It is sad to see this smear campaign amongst scholars. Unfortunately this is what happened throughput the Islamic history. There is no discussion, no congenial engagement. There is a divide between the Sheiks from the old countries and the more sophisticated English-speaking American Muslim scholars. Sheikhs have very little tolerance for the American born scholars. Saw the same trends in Bangladesh too. They constantly trying to berate Yasir Kadi, Norman Ali khan and similar scholars. Local maulanas keep on doing the same thing - lecturing on how to do wadhu, how to use meswak, and constantly saying how everyone is going to he'll even for apparently very reason. It's not going to endvsoon,.
It is from the ethics of Taqwaa that if you find something in your BROTHER that you don't like, or if he said something that offended you, that you should seek him out for clarification and rectification. To slander the Brother in a video that will go viral to millions, will only further sow the seeds of DIVISION AND HATRED in the hearts of Muslims. Even if a muslim deviates, the path to reconciliation is never to slander. In America we lack effective Domestic leadership that is Wise and God fearing !
How come in any videos refuting Yasir Qadi or Omar Suleiman there are (what appear to me to be) bots posting the same copy and paste responses to random comments?
You respect a guy who goes against the quran and Sunnah? He says calling on the dead isn't shirk when Allah says it is? Do you want to be resurrected with someone who denies Allahs verses?
BEST comment of all said by the Shaykh may Allaah bless him (ok, other than the "NO NO NO..." lol) was and is by far: "TELL HIM TO GET A HIKE" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OH man I was howling
One of the blessings for this Ummah is that we will never agree upon misguidance.
Yes and the prophet Peace Be Upon Him said
"If there is a differences amongst you, Follow the larger group because my Ummah will Never be gathered in misguidance."
"Verily, my nation will not unite upon misguidance. If you see differences, you must follow the great majority."
@@Zaitoon55 Can you provide the Daleel where our Prophet(SAW) said this minfadlik
@@waleedsulaiman651 Sunan Ibn Majah 3950
Anas bin Malik said:
“I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘My nation will not unite on misguidance, so if you see them differing, follow the great majority.’”
@@waleedsulaiman651 Sunan Ibn Majah 3950
Anas bin Malik said:
“I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘My nation will not unite on misguidance, so if you see them differing, follow the great majority.’”
@@waleedsulaiman651 Sunan Ibn Majah 3950
Anas bin Malik said:
“I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘My nation will not unite on misguidance, so if you see them differing, follow the great majority.’”
Imam 😂 the way you responded NO,NO 😂 May Allah guide him subhanallah
That's because sheikh is scared of being misguided or making anyone else misguided, that's not the correct response though. He should let go of his fear, Have hope in Allah, trust and contact Yasir Qadhi to explain himself and with an open heart. Really, they can get along man, this is such a misunderstanding:( May Allah guide us. If you really know Yasir Qadhi, you'll know he says nothing against the Sheikhs beliefs!
@@TranquilCastlestar yasir qadir didn give his lecture in private or personalized he gave a public lecture so it has to be public cuz he’s misleading the youth a lot of young Muslims are goin astray all due to they following a sheikh who thinks everything is alright and other say it’s haram
@@TranquilCastlestar do you think is that easy to contact him, please stop with this talk to him in private talk to him in private , hes saying all of this in public and posting it in public its necessary to refute in him in public he has already caused so much damage. Its necessary to refute him.
“Verily, you (O Muhammad) guide not whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He knows best those who are the guided.”
[al-Qasas 28:56]
You should give this video a watchвидео.html
Don't be attached to individuals.
Please leave Yaseer Khadaroo alone .He is doing a good job. He is very good. Keep your calm Ann talk to him.
His only using his name for more views
@@mrpandabearofficialchannel673 I guess he'sвидео.html also using his name for views?
Follow the TWO WEIGHTY matters
The prophet of Islam left TWO weighty matters to hold onto The Qur'an and Ahlulbayt
These two are the sources for GUIDANCE
I laughed so hard
Hehehe i laugh hard
May Allah reward him for it !
@@MohamedAshaif me too man. This moment was too funny
JazakAllah khayran shaykh. Much needed.
Salami alaikum Daniel, Mashallah I just want to say that I really appreciate the work that you do, especially with how clear cut and unapologetic you are about the deen and I pray that Allah continues to increase you in knowledge and goodness ameen🤲🏾:)
Ha! Brother Daniel, may Allah bless and reward you and your family
Even my little brother knows that worshipping a grave is shirk. Audhibillah. May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ guide all the Muslims. Credentials don't mean anything if your Aqeedah is clearly astray.
Yasir Qadhi never said worshipping a grave is ok. ( please brother search for yourself) This guy is straight away spreading misinformation .
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you
have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi.
and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact.
How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing
the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !!
Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk.
but he said that asking something to the person of the grave
without worshiping is not Shirk , but it is Haram and a major Sin.
worshipping grave is shirk,
but those who do istigaathaa actually believe that if u ask a dead holy person, the dead person asks allah to except it.
as a way of medium ( which is wrong and haraam.
but problem is the other side will say ur worshipping the grave and make it shirk.
that was what yasir qhadi is pointing out,
and that is how islam got divieded, when abdul wahaab gave a verdict on the 90 percent of entire ummah (ottoman empire) as doing shirk and grave worshipping people and made it halaal to kill them.
@@tahidhanna Asking a dead person is shirk. Whether you are asking them for intercession or not. This is clear in the Quran. No ambiguity about it. YQ says it is haram but not shirk. His reason is because 1) calling it shirk is done by a particular movement, and 2) because majority of others call it haram but not shirk. Both reasons don't make sense to me or any rational person. He also says Ibn Taymiyyah says so. But he never presents an argument or proof from the main source of Aqeedah, the Quran (I watched his whole video).
@@vvaloachi7263 ya correct, but the issue here is that video making us to believe that yq advocating and mjsguiding us. YQ was just elaborating the 3 establised opinion by ulama tu o the questioner. So if you watch the full video lasting 54 min by Ys qadhi then u would understand...
Thank you for having a direct answer. Thank you. No BS.
It needed to be said...subhaanallahвидео.html
Very Sad. Brother Yasir is very knowledgeable& also a great teacher.. Ive benefitted from his Lives of the Sahaba series & the seerah of the Rasul salalahu alahi wasalam . now he is in trouble. May Allah show him mercy & give him tawfeek Ammeen😞
May Allah reward him for it !
lol Sheikh was so quick on that. May Allah accept you sh. Karim
Anyone who says they did not have a single doubt at any time is lying. You're telling me there is nothing that you have run into at any time that you didnt understand and before getting the answer, certain things never creeped in your thoughts? Subhanallah, we put others down simply to cover our own flaws.
The sarcasm just shows the arrogance.
SubhanAllah, this is a clear sign that guidance is from Allah. May Allah guide us and keep us on the right path, may Allah make our hearts firmly established upon Islam, may He allow us to see falsehood as falsehood and stay away from it and truth as truth and adhere to it. Brothers and sisters in Islam, we live in peculiar times, hold on the Quran and Sunnah, continuously ask Allah for guidance, never feel like you're saved as this may lead to complacency.
Maasha Allah
I don't get it. Yasir Qadi is an eloquent speaker, I haven't heard anything bad from him. Why this conflict?
@Ismail can you provide a reference?
@Ismail he does believe is yajuj and mahjuj.. Your too stupid to even know what he actually said bro lol
Ismail any evidence or videos where he said these things?
He doesn’t believe in yajuj and majud, he says shariah law should be changed. Watch tge talk by abu ibraheem about yasir qadi
Assalaamu alaykum
I listen to Sheikh Yasir Qadhi and I have never heard him say that muslims are allowed to worship the graves. He has been seriously misquoted. We should be very careful before speaking about others.
It's not a misquote the video is everywhere and this was not the first strange comment from him.
If it is everywhere on the internet pl send the link.
Sheikh Yasir Qadhi does not encourage shirk.
Ok. I have watched the video now.
YQ is not advocating calling on saints- he is saying it’s haram and evil but he is not willing to stretch it to shirk.
I personally do not agree with his conclusion however as Muslims, we should not be disrespectful to our scholars. He is more than qualified to give his opinion.
Amr ibn al-‘As reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If a judge makes a ruling, striving to apply his reasoning and he is correct, he will have two rewards. If a judge makes a ruling, striving to apply his reasoning and he is mistaken, he will have one reward.”видео.html
Whatever people choose to believe, there is no need to belittle another Muslim.
I feel very sad,when I see a brother who waste his time talking about another brother.The scholars should advise each other quietly not on public videos.
It should be discussed, because otherwise people will fall in fitna.
If the fitna was restricted to yasir qadhi only, he should've been advised in private. But yasir qadhi is preaching to people. So people are warned lest they fall in his fitnah.
It is not possible to let all know about all of the preacher who may spread fitna. It can be clear over time. One of the biggest fitna for this ummah is the misguided preacher. So we need to be careful.
They have been advising him for the past ten years or so. Shirk is a serious matter.
If a mistake is made privately it’s advised privately, if it’s done publicly it’s addressed publicly
"get a hike" lol🤣
Too many funny moments in this vid that being one of them
I stop hearing his lectures about 3 years ago as some of his lectures contradicted with other sheikhs , so I was confused but Allhumdulilah when I was sure this guy is mixing up things I left listening his lectures.
You are right brother don't go back to his lactures
Assalamu Alaikum, | am very less knowledgeable than you ya Sheikh. But Sheikh, he clearly explained the video" Yasir Qadhi refuting Yasir Qadhi" in his own video, the video was made taking his quotations out of context! And by doubts he didn't mean doubt in the revelation ya Sheikh, he was just experiencing doubts like UMAR (R), which is common for Muslim or a human being to be curious and ask questions, he expressed it in front of an audience who doubt ISLAM as a whole so that they can relate and understand that these critical doubts that they face can be overcome by studying and understanding the texts properly. That lecture was particularly for those non-Muslim people in the audience, he didn't expect it to reach everyone on RUclips and put Muslims in doubt (although Muslims at that time had so much doubt if not more than the non- Muslims about Islam because all these fiqh and Aqeedah contents were not available as much then). I went through these videos a year ago and didn't find any mistakes rather the speeches are taken out of context. And I understood that before he ever explained them! Him going to Yale is scary, yes for us, but since his brain had the capacity to deal with all that so he knows what all those people go through in thought process and which way to deal with those issues to best guide them, otherwise why would he take a degree, if he has that ability, Isn't that a good thing? Maybe Sheikh he made some mistakes, but he has nothing against the Ummah! Maybe you've been exposed to only the hate spreading videos about him made by very immature people among the Muslims, You guys are our Sheikhs, you have to work things out with more understanding and care. Please don't fight online, SubhanAllah. It is common that people will try to misrepresent when someone becomes popular. May Allah guide all our Sheikhs and protect them from all sorts of harmful things in this dunya and Akherah. Ameen,
there is this Da'wahman brother and whatever he says against Yasir Qadhi has absolutely no meaning! he takes every single thing out of context just to refute the sheikh! I don't know what's wrong with him but that clearly isn't right .
Yasir Qadhi is not someone to be taken knowledge from. Please don't get misguided akhi. He said so many things that are contrary to Qur'an and sunnah. Check how he rejected the hadith of ya'juj and ma'juj. How he said Qur'an preservation has holes, Muhammad ibn AbdulWahhab is a takfeeri etc...
@@mewzi Haha my brother I keep bumping into you
@@mewzi I did bro, he's right ( just one hadith he found weak, but he's forcing no one to agree with him, he always says you are free to disagree) but that's for advanced students in Aqeedah, normal people should just stick with whatever taught in Aqeedah and about Abdu| Wahhab. Meanings of words change in use as you study higher, but it's not necessary for everyone bro.
We just need to convey the proper message to proper places, not get agitated and scared because class1 lessons are not for class 10 and grade 12 lessons are not meant for grade 3, This is what's happening, and because he studied more he's explanations are a bit different than older scholars. Now they are getting scared because they don't know how to handle that much more of study and if it misguides people, but people in this century have the capability to handle these information, There's nothing to be scared about. He's a PhD! His level of understanding can not be compared to intermediate and graduate level. Everyone should study under an authentic Salafi scholar and then have the right to study on their own. When you're studying Aqeedah and keeping an open mind all around you, you have certain questions, Yasi Qadhi is a blessing to answer us those and keep us on the path rather than getting confuse and just stick with the lesson without understanding and clarification. Again his speech is for advanced open minded students of Aqeedah who has the same questions and need clarification to stay on the Path of Salaf, not for laymen and students who doesn't even know the basics of these. Every teacher has their own students, they should teach what they know, not tell the other person just teach what I teach, their personalities and talents is different! I hope I wasn't too confusing.
@@Ahmed-pl2gb Yeah subhanAllah
@@TranquilCastlestar He's not on the path of the salaf. The problem is people learn from RUclips celebrities rather than real shuokh. I did the same mistake until I saw the refutations
May Allah bless you and protect you from all fitna. Aameeen
MAY Allah preserve you My brother for always defending our beautiful religion MAY Allah aza wajallah make you among those who Will be in the company Al Mustafa(s.a.w) and his companions amin
Caller: can we take aqeedah from YAS...
Imam Karim: NO!
Reminds of YASS QUEEN
He was like can I at least finish my question
Plz dont backbiteвидео.html
Plz dont backbite
8:13 "I haven't listened to him directly" Yet you spent 10 minutes criticising what you never heard.
Yeah but he heard him on RUclips maybe
When you have some deep knowledge of Islam and Aqeeda, you will know how misguided and poisonous yasir qadhi is
Stop listening to celebrities who wants to please people but instead listen to real scholars or atleast daees who are upon haq
@@Shikaari1 what does this have to do with this video? Were ordered in Quran to check and clarify things. Don’t just spread stuff you don’t have proof for could end up falling into some big sinsвидео.html
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you
have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi.
and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact.
How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing
the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !!
Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk.
but he said that asking something to the person of the grave
without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin.
Lol I love the sheikh, he ended it by saying mixed grill hahahaha
Spoken like a desi maulvi because food was on his mind.
I am biggest fan of yaser qadi and I respect him so much for his hard work teaching the Muslim Ummah about their Deen. Allah knows best but in my opinion he is one of the best Islamic Scholar. So my advice please investigate yourself before you hear things which is not true.
Look up refutations on him, you'll find them here. That person has changed, is calling to deviance, kufr, bid'ah, liberalism and other things. Anyone who knows the aqidah of Ahlussunnah will say he is a misguided person.
Indeed I agree, there is point in pulling each other’s leg, subhan Allah what kind of examples are these people setting.
@@saharqureshi5873 there is something called advising the ummah
Refuting incorrect beliefs
He has so many problems
From calling Allah's laws bizzare to claiming Umar will fail aqeeda test, etc..
I agree sister. Unfortunately Yasir has deteriorated dramatically over the years. In Islam, we never follow any scholar blindly just because we like them or that we are a fan of them. I agree that he had great content when he started, but according to himself his building blocks of Islamic knowledge were all dismantled when he went to Yale which he had to reconstruct himself. I encourage you to have a look at the following videos when you have time to get a full picture of how things have developed. I have no ill intention towards brother Yasser and I pray to Allaah that may he guide him and us towards the straight path.
The last video is of a refutation backed by Quran and sunnah with regards to his idea that invoking the dead does not constitute associating partners with the creator as long as you don't believe that they are able to help you themselves.
May Allah reward you Sheikh Abu Zaid ...amin
"Sheikh yasir said worshipping graves is not shirk".
No, he did not say that.
Watch his library chat- explains a lot. The najdi dawah movement explained.
@@tanzimqurashi7292 yes, i have watched it. That's why i know he didnt say that. The sheikh in this video has not watched YQ's library chat himself.
@@tanzimqurashi7292 should watch the video of ys. He was just elaborating the 3 established opinions by the ulama. But the clip by the maker was manipulated make it as if yssir qadhi is advocating shirk...
@@hasnaffinahassnar7445 ys? I know bro there is a lot of manipulation making it seem as if Yasir Qadhi is advocating shirk like a Mushrik. Doesn't seem just, although i disagree with him, opinions of Ulama are to be respected no?
@James Joe Watch his library chat fully then understand.
Fitnah among the scholars is very dangerous. Islamic scholars, please stop this. Be united. Oh Allah protect and elevate us. Ameen
You have to be united. Yes. But on truth, right? Not falsehood.
i completely agree with you brother but some muslim still blind they are following yasir qadri blindly
that's is the problem, people like to listen to people who sugar coat what their words. Lot think the true scholars are harsh and strict, and they tend to follow those who make a lot of jokes, add innovations to fit our "modern" lives..видео.html
I dont know why but I just can't stop watching it over & over again!😝🤷
Yasir Qadhi never told to worship the grave.Please go and watch the video in full details.This type of comments are not expected from a scholar against other scholar.This is having a negative impact on the whole Muslim community.
I have listened to most of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi's lectures and I didn't find him on misguidance!! May Allah gives all of us hidayah with goodness. Ameen
@Ismail focus on yourself instead of others!!
Ismail any evidence or videos that proves it
@ismail yes I always watch his videos but never witnessed any false statements in them
I like yasir qadhi he’s a smart guy
Of course, to the American liberals "Muslim" , he is brilliant. Any normal Muslim would question if Qadhi is still on Islam in the first place.
Pleaseeeee stop hating without knowledge
Without knowledge? You are saying that to a scholar? lol Who are you ya shabab?
Knowledge of Yasir Qadhi. His hate is baseless. I follow Yasir Qadhi and I never heard what he’s saying. May Allah ﷻ guide us all.
@@rashidtemuri3419 If you are unaware, then maybe you should look into it. I have been following YQ since the 9th grade. I even attended the EPIC masjid and stopped going to Valley Rnach before that because Omar Sulieman and Yasser Birjas were promoting voting for people who killed Muslims and support LGBTQ and then I stopped at EPIC because YQ started saying weird stuff. He even said that it is impossible for juj wa ma'juj to live behind a wall so they must be zombies when Allah made it clear that they are people but it "didn't make sense to him". He also says that Islam has weird punishments and that the Quran is not preserved as perfectly as it was before. Before that, a few years ago he said that if Umar was tested on fiqh today he would fail due to his lacking in this field. Basically saying he is ignorant.
With all due respect to you Sheikh, before commenting on something or someone you should watch the whole video or comment of a person instead of what someone just said to you in their own words which may or may not be true as you know very well. Which I wish you should have done before commenting as you very well know we have valid differences of opinions many issues.
He clearly has watched,please raise specific issue.
Yeah so watching the whole video Yasir Qadhi basically says it is not shirk to invoke the dead unless you believe them to be god. Yasir Qadhi is misguided and misguides people.
@Non Mon I finished watching the whole 3.5 hour video and you’re right - he has constantly said in the video invoking the dead is haram
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you
have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi.
and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact.
How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing
the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !!
Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk.
but he said that asking something to the person of the grave
without worshiping is not Shirk , but it is Haram and a major Sin.
Dear brother. I used to watch alot of videos of him. Now i dont know anymore who to watch. I was almost done with the seerah series. Can i still watch them? Or not? If not where can i listen to lectures about diffirent topics. I have no idea anymore.
Could you please tell me where i can get knowledge from. Because i dont know anymore.
People say
Do not watch nouman ali khan
Do not watch mufti menk
Do not watch yasir qadhi
Do not watch this one that one.
Who am i allowed to listen to then
Because these people have genuenly made me a better person. Eman rose because of them. I dont know who to listen to anymore
As you say, they made you a better person through islamic knowledge. Keep listening to them my brother and remember Allah whereever you are. Some people see it necessary to refute and so on, but with no basic whatsoever. May Allah guide us all and make us firm in the religion
@@mero3170 jazakkalahu khair brother. I am very thankfull to you that you responded may Allaah reward you brother
mufti menk is actually good. Nouman knows a lot of arabic but sometimes he makes his own tafsir, so thats the problem. YQ will give you slow poison.
as-Salamalykum wa-Rahamatullahi wa-Barakatuh
These are the Duaat(and more) who are recommended by the Scholars.These are the Duaat who left their homes and not their Studies to learn under the shade of Scholars. These Duaat also give Dawah to Non-Muslims but with Sound knowledge of Basics of Islām and not like Ahmad Deedat who supported Mīlād. You can not count how many Non-Muslims accepted Islām in their Salafi Masjids. Church in Birmingham is well known, which was converted into the Masjid, Alhamdulillah, when its father accepted Islām at the hands of Abu Khadījah Abdul Wāhid Hafidhahullah in June 2014. But, you will not read or listen this on social media, because our Salafi Duaat do not like fame.
*Some of the English Speaking Salafi Students of Knowledge: (alive الحمد لله)*
Abdul-Kareem McDowell
Abu Sarah Dr Abdul-Ilaah Lahmaamee
Abu Aadam Jameel Finch
Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis
Abu Idrees Mohammed khan
Abu Ishaaq Nadeem Ahsan-Shah
Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafeeq
Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahhid
Abu Muadh Taqweem Aslam
Ayman Fox
Abu Uways Abdullah Ali
Abul-Hasan Maalik Akhdar
Abu Suhail Anwar Wright
Abu Abdillah Hassan as-Somaali
Abul Abbaas Moosaa Richardson
Mustafaa al-Kanadee
Abu Ismael Mustafa George
Abu Suhailah Umar Quinn
Abu Abdir-Rahman Uwais Taweel
Abu Mujjahid Fareed Abdullah
Abu Muhammad Al Maghribi
Taalib 'Abdullah
Abu Hafsah Kashiff Khan
Abu Quhaylah Rasheed Barbee
Abu Musa Raha Batts
Abu Humayd Salim
Abdul Wali Nelson
Anas Waters
Abdul Hakeem Mitchel
Abu Anisa Abdul Hakeem
Hamza Abdur-Razzaq
Abu Arwa Mir Ali
Abbas Abu Yahya
Saeed Rhana al-Maghribee
حفظهم الله أجمعين
SubhannaAllah, wallahi Yasir Qadhi is one of the most learned brothers in Islam in the west. I love Imam Karim, but I think he's just slandering Shaikh Yasir. I can see why. Yasir Qadhi has learned both in the Eastern Islamic curriculum and at the same time studied in the West to cater to what the Muslims in West deal with on a daily basis. Wallahi I live Shaikh Yasir and Imam Karim, but Shaikh Yasir has never said anything contrary to the book of Allah and Sunnah of RasullullaH SAW. I really thought these two brothers and friends. I'm surprised to hear Imam Karims refutation of Shaikh Yasir Qadhi. I'm hopeful they will meet in Jannah and will among those whom Allah said about them that, "we have removed any animosity in their hearts, they will be conversing recling on besutiful couches, facing each other.
He said so many things against the Qur'an adn sunnah. Don't be misguided akhi. Look how he rejected the hadith about ya'juj and ma'juj. How he said Qur'an preservation has holes, Umar would fail a test on aqeedah, Muhammad ibn AbdulWahhab is a takfeeri etc...
Sheikh is not slandering Yasir Qadhi. He is trying to correct his statement and also you can see his major disappointment towards him misleading others.
YQ is a fool
Akhi stop following yq! Theres so many major statements hes made openly! They all over the internet
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you
have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi.
and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact.
How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing
the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !!
Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk.
but he said that asking something to the person of the grave
without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin.
If you want to be on the straight path, follow Quran and the sunnah of rasulullah (ssallallahu a'alaihi wa sal'lam) whatever you have doubts in go back to the ajam³ of ulama, the majority of the scholars. Don't just follow one imam. May Allah guide us all and unite us all on the path that he's pleased with. Allah'uma amin
worshipping anyone with Allah is shirk. Anyone who doesn't understand this statement, who misunderstand this statement, etc, i kindly advise him to corrected as soon as possible. Jazak Allah khair! :)
It was narrated that Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw me moving my lips and he said to me: “What are you saying, O Abu Umamah?” I said: I am remembering Allah, O Messenger of Allah. He said: “Shall I not tell you of something better or greater than your dhikr of night and day or of day and night? You should say: Subhan Allah ‘adad ma khalaqa, subhan Allah mil’a ma khalaqa, subhan Allah ‘adad ma fi’l-ard wa’l-sama, subhan Allah mil’a ma fi’l-samai wa’l-ard, subhan Allah mil’a ma khalaqa, subhan Allah ‘adad ma ahsa kitabuhu, subhan Allah mil’a kulli shay’in (Glory be to Allah the number of what He has created, glory be to Allah filling what He has created, glory be to Allah the number of what is in earth and heaven, glory be to Allah filling what is in heaven and earth, glory be to Allah filling what He has created, glory be to Allah the number of what is written in His book, glory be to Allah filling all things); and say Al-hamdu Lillah likewise.”
Brother said "get a hike" haha...its take a hike my uncle in islam. May Allah preserve all the true scholars and guide those who are misguided. Ameen.
The question is very misleading brothers and sisters because sh. Yasir said “worshipping” anything besides Allah is shirk meaning if you believe that the person is an “illah” a god other than Allah and you believe worshipping that person in the grave will give you what you want; you have commuted shirk BUT if you if you don’t believe that person is a god and you are still asking that person for your needs then you have committed a major sin but that action in an of itself is not shirk. Please go watch the full video.
Yes but the prophet pbuh said that making dua is a form of worship, so when you make dua to someone other than Allah, that's shirk.
Why would you call to the one in the grave under ANY circumstances? Unless you believe that there is some sort of benefit. Why would you do this? Qadhi is a deviant.
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you
have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi.
and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact.
How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing
the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !!
Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk.
but he said that asking something to the person of the grave
without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin.
@@vvaloachi7263 Well asking someone something in the grave is shirk. You're the one who doesn't understand. That is clearly shirk to ask the dead for some sort of assistance. The ones in the grave cannot intercede for you. They're dead.
Please hear the full ans of YQ.
he clarified your point.
Something that I really hate and makes me so confused is when people come here and then say "I don't see where Yasir Qadhi went wrong, he is very knowledgable etc..."
You're talking about yourself
You also need to learn that the honour of a Muslims is very sacred, and also learn good manners. Your comment is very rude against Muslim brothers and sisters; many of the Salaf narrated that they sought learning good manners far before seeking knowledge. It's extremely important.
May ALLAH Grant the so called celebrity scholars guidance, if they deserve so or expose them, eliminate them....AMEEN.
If you want to be misguided listen to yasir qadir I love that so true
I think you need to refute his lecture rather than just giving generic statements and claims about Shwikh Yasir Qadih......he broke down his argument, gave evidences, spoke of history and provided classical commentary.....if you can't do that then you should remain silent.
He did in other videos.
Asking a dead person is shirk. Whether you are asking them for intercession or not. This is clear in the Quran. No ambiguity about it. YQ says it is haram but not shirk. His reason is because 1) calling it shirk is done by a particular movement, and 2) because majority of others call it haram but not shirk. Both reasons don't make sense to me or any rational person. He also says Ibn Taymiyyah says so. But he never presents an argument or proof from the main source of Aqeedah, the Quran (I watched his whole video).
Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, in his speech after the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had died, “Whoever used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad has died, but whoever used to worship Allaah, Allaah is Alive and will never die.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari).
Can u guys provide some proof regarding these claims?!
Can u send us a link where Yasir Qadhi says that worshiping isn’t shirk?
He didn’t say that WORSHIPPING A GRAVE is not shirk. The shaikh is misquoting him unfortunatelyвидео.html
this is what some najdi's always do, changing the words and attacking person upon their understanding and not what the gut actually said, he didn't say WORSHIP he actually said that if someone is WORSHIPPING than that's SHIRK, he said INVOKING which is slightly difference but can have different ruling, YQ is very precise when he says what he says, but those pseudo scholars are really the ones who have an agenda, this video was really painfull to watch
@@zackxal6481 exactly bro
@@hamzaalikhoso6688 Thank you brother may Allah reward you
My kind request to anyone in this group is : please don't mention the name of the person to give any kinds of comments or advice. This is not Islamic way. This kind of irresponsible behavior of us makes hatetret and misunderstandings that makes divisions in the society. We have to be humble and intellectual. Please use the 'Hikma' to keep the unity in the community. I'm so disturbed to hear these kinds of comments, advices, questions and answers. May Allah guide all of us to be in the right path and to correct each other without hurting anyone's feelings. Aameen. Ya Rabbal aalameen.
Shut up you jahil someone is causing misguidance and your only excuse is causing "Division" have some shame and fear Allah.
In this particular context it is important to name the individual to save the Ummah from his fitnah
Shaykh Karim, with all due respect, it is better to challenge Yasser Qadi for a public debate if you have all the answers than trying to cancel him🤔
He's genuinely trying to make us aware of the Truth about Yasir Qadhi, but ig there are some people I don't know what they're thinking, but they say he's trying to cancel Deceiver Yasir Qadhi, such nonsense!
assuming he had the correct islamic teachings to begin with, yasir qadhi prob has a bit of inferiority complex and as a daee in the west, he may be willing to do whatever he can to be relevant/accepted among non-muslims (his public position re lgbtq seems to indicate a tendency for acceptance). we see A LOT of muslims here bending over backwards to gain acceptance, be invited to speak on tv shows, etc (they get paid for such appearances, FYI). anyway, many muslims successfully navigate thru the minefields of PhD programs in the US, and do so for pragmatic reasons (job prospects), but they are able to retain proper Islamic aqidah and not be sidetracked or worse, be made to question the very foundations of their faith. I am not sure what yasir qadhi expected to learn from a doctorate in islamic studies from a western university? I don't want to ascribe bad intentions to him, or assume he is a tool for western forces/ideologies, but it may be fair to say he isn't that sophisticated intellectually nor does he have the ability, courage, or wisdom to put matters in their proper place.
1:00 get a HIKE 😭😭😭😂😂😂👊
Allah Hu Akbar!!! Shaykh May Allah bless you and protect you. Tell it like it is.видео.html
Thank-you so much for your response.
Imam you know back biting is a sin. If you have problem with anyone go and talk to him behind closed doors.
Calling out deviants is not considered backbiting.
Exactly my thoughts on him. I followed him for a while until I noticed he clearly believes in Shirk.
Mashallah Im happy your not blind follwoing. May Allah keep us all guided.
Assalamu-Walaikum Could you give me reference brother?Any video where he said something contradictory to Aqeeda?
@@ashrafalvee7382 I want to know as well, It's hard to believe such a reputed scholar to believe in Shirk
I used to follow him but some of the stuff he said made me uncomfortable
Yasir Qadhi gaslights his audience
MashaAllah...May Allah grant u the ability to further make other Muslims understand that yasur qadhi has now become a liability. ...Allah hu aaalamu
It's not correct to cause fitnah due to personal issues you have with someone!
We live in a century when this habit of character assassinations is rampant especially to the scholars.
I don't think if someone is confident of himself, will have time to criticize others by going into their long lectures and taking words out of context.
I was watching Yasir Qadhi for over 6 years and i never heard anything wrong.
So many people have even converted to Islam because of Yasir Qadhi. Indeed Yasir Qadhi holds PhD in secular and religious education. And lastly only Allah knows what is in the heart!
"I have never heard anything wrong" how do you know that what you heard wasn't wrong ? Are you a scholar yourself to confirm that what YQ says is right ?
I listened to that lecture. Yasir Qadhi didn’t say exactly that. He said some schools of thought say that you can ask from the dead. He was giving different schools of thought. And he also said that a very minority of scholars subscribe to that idea. The way this Sheikh responded in the beginning is not a good way to refute without knowing the whole thing. I am not saying Yasir Qadhi is infallible, he is a human but in this case he is misunderstood.
Can’t believe I just found you! Masha’Allah alayk.
احسنت، ونعم ونعم بك
Mashallah, May Allah keep you strong, Stay strong sheikh
I am sorry to say that Iman Karim by attacking the man instead of the ball he creates fitna and animosity between muslims. What do you think that people who like to listen to Yasir Qadhi feels about this? They will probably get angry at you maybe even hate you and what good does that make? What benefit is it in this kind of attack. Discuss the differences in an intellectual way. May Allah (swt) bless you with guidance
You need to listen to what Yasir Qadhi actually said instead of listening to people who twisted his words !!
No one is twisting his words .....
@@fauziamohamood3610 yes this caller did and these other so called Dawah guys are cherry picking things from his lectures.
@Ismail Same goes for you ..
and did you watch his entire lecture?? he was quoting other scholars when talking about shirk..
@Ismail you obviously haven"t watched his lecture ..otherwise you won't be asking such questions !!
@Ismail so you are accusing him for something you haven't watched ..good job brother !!
By Allaah this is scary to think about. May Allaah protect us all from doubts.
Why do our scholars attack one another rather than discuss their intellectual differences. I don't see the same hostility towards one another from leaders of other faith groups.
Dear brothers and sisters
That's why it's obligatory upon each and individual to know Deen of Islam so you can identify truth and falsehood. May Allah guide us all and make us amongst the pious one.
Subhanallah Sheikh why you attacking the Sheikh? If you have advice say it otherwise this is not looking good on you. I listen to the Sheikh and I enjoy every word that comes from his mouth. He is humble, respectful, and someone who is knowledgeable.
Creating division amongst the Ummah is not advisable..
Highlighting misguidance and batil is not dividing, but Jihad fisabilillah
@@manuelcardinali5340Do you know about the discussion between Musa (As) and Harun in surah Taha? When Musa came back and saw his people devided he grabbed Harun by the beard and head and said "Oh Harun why did you not stop them when you saw them misguided, are you not following me or have you disobayed my command? Harun responded " Verily I feared that you would say you have devided the children of israel". Mind you some of them were worshipping idols. What will be the result of this except hatred and devision between the muslims? Easy to tear down something but hard to build it. Better to be silent if you can't respond in a constructive way.
Beautiful answer. May Allah bless youвидео.html
May Allah reward him for it !
Have you spoken with him individually about his flaws or are you teaching the common man to bad mouth each other?
Yasir Qadhi did this publicly so, why he need to advise him privatelyвидео.html
When a man misguides the people publicly on many different platforms then he deserves to be refuted and warned against on every platform possible .
A good Muslim can’t attack a person like this way
His deviated. Watch thisвидео.html
You make us confused. Criticizing another Sheikh publicly is no good way as imam.видео.html
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you
have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi.
and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact.
How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing
the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !!
Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk.
but he said that asking something to the person of the grave
without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin.
Please ignore these fights between sheikhs.. It will lead to doubts and destroy your sincerity with Allah. These are waste of time
Waste of time for common people not for us , students of knowledge and ulema as we will be questioned by Allah on judgement day .
If you want to follow the middle path of Islam, follow Sheik Yasir qadhi he never talk against anyone. You're judging him You're talking about his intentions. Your video is 12 min long you didn't talk about anything only empty accusations. How many times Allah is calling us to think in the Quran . We really need to critically think through out our history and text. I love Sheik Yasir qadhi may Allah guide all of us.
Yeah, if you want misguidance. If we does no speak against what not correct is not a badge of faith. It is tacit acceptance.
Yasir Qadir has got a serious problem. He is the one who said that there are holes in the Quran. How low could this guy stoop when Allah says in the Quran that if the Quran was to descend on a mountain, the mountain will collapse and it is the same Quran that could make the dead speaks. But Allah will make that same Quran descend on the head of Yasir Qadir. The holes are in his head. If he does not understand the Quran, he has to blame himself for Allah again says in the Quran that there are things that are specific and others unspecific and the unspecific, it is Allah alone who knows its meaning. Allah did not give us that knowledge and ih he did Yasir would have poohed on our head. ALLAH KNOWS BEST.
It's literally not YQ's opinion, it's a well espoused opinion from notable scholars that praying at graves is Haram, not shirk.
Ive listened to YQ for a while and never have i heard him say what the imam is saying. Pleae put your energy into other lectures to help people rather than trying to bring other sheikhs down. YQ always explains all issues well and clearly states when he has an opinion from himself and i will continue listening to him.
Yasir qadhi is talking noncense.all humans who are creatures must invoke only allah the creator directly.ahle sunnat jamaat make a big error concerning hadiths.they say people came to prophet and asked him to make problem.i can ask any alive muslim to make duah.note that the prophet was alive when was told this. the prophet left this world or simply is dead there is not a single hadith where sahabas ask the prophet to make duah.yasir is doing shrik.his video must be banned.
Masha-Allah Dr. Yasir Qadhi is great and doing a fantastic job in preaching islam. No one is perfect. To be honest it is difficult to follow your logic.
@TheRockit1991 Brother one can correct another if they are wrong. No one is perfect. I also held a different opinion with him on some matter. But to put out a blanket statement against brother Dr. Yasir is wrong. Agree or disagree on issues but to claim he is totally wrong is not right or fair.
Quran If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not your call; and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you [Faatir 35:13-14]
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you
have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi.
and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact.
How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing
the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !!
Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk.
but he said that asking something to the person of the grave
without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin.
That quickness tho 😂
The Shaikh nailed it , Subhanallah
May Allah reward him for it !
imam karim remind me of dr sheikh ali jum'ah very much..they were the strong defenders of Ahlussunnah waljamaah in our time..may Allah give them barakah and blessings till their last day...ameen
What has happened to kind words?????
Does it not hurt when we see this 'fodder' for the vultures?
Please call brother Yasir and ASK him...PLEASE...please please.
May Allah swt soften our tempers and words and soften our tone. deflating....:(
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you
have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi.
and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact.
How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing
the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !!
Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk.
but he said that asking something to the person of the grave
without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin.
I suggest you watch the aforementioned video and make Taubah. The amount of people in the comment section that are bad mouthing Y,Q as a result of your stance is alarming. I ask Allah to forgive you because clearly haven't exercised patience. Borderline arrogance
But it's not about patience, it's about warning people against those who can destroy our aqeedah. This is a serious matter and if no one talks about it then how can differentiate between truth and falsehood?
@@maggyhamada2560 okay. Have you watched the video?видео.html
@@peanutbutter-bananashake I'll ask you the same question. Did you watch the same y q video? Somebody put a link to it in the comments
@@kaboom362 his other deviancies are enough to stay away from him
He claims Allah's laws are bizzare!
How dare he??
I mean y would scholar say if u want to be misguided listen to that guy. I mean it doesn’t suit a religion scholar to talk about other Islamic scholar like that.
Total madness walaahi they just can't tolerate anything My way or the highway. May Allah protect Us.
The way he said no! was so funny😂🤣
Alhamduillah, I have learned immensely from Sh. Qadhi. Its unfortunate to hear this but Allah swt is the Best of Judge. I love them both.❤
Yasir Qadhi is not someone to be taken knowledge from
Yasir Qadhi worships Allah not this Sheikh or the people in the comments so Allah will judge him not any of you. Understand that.
Dont bring these liberal ideas of only God can judge me. the athar hadith of umar ra says we judge a person (i.e. his deeds) by what is apparent. if someone like qadi is teaching public the wrong thing we tell the public they were being taught the wrong thing. your concept of only god can judge is not found in the quran or the hadith but actually is a saying of tupac. I dont know if you hold preference to the words of tupac over allah or his messengers, that is up to you to confirm.
Yasir Qadhi is the best, in the beginning he was wahhabi but Allah subhanuhoo wa taala guide him and saved him from Fitna .
Yasir Qadhi said whoever calls upon the dead, this act is haram, can lead to shirl and should absolutely be avoided however it is not shirk unless the person believes the dead person is an object of worship and the person who is calling upon him believes that dead person is a deity. This is what I understood from that q&a.
Watch Abu Ibraheem Husnain's response to that
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you
have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi.
and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact.
How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing
the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !!
Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk.
but he said that asking something to the person of the grave
without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin.
Yasir Qadhi didn’t even say that “worshipping the grave” is not shirk. Please research before speaking.
Yasir Qadhi is not someone to be taken knowledge from
“The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.” Quran tawbah 9:71
Thank you imam
May Allah make it easy for for Shk Yasir Qadhi and guide him ...It can happen to anyone Ameen 😔
I am hearing your lecture and thinking that may be you
have not heard the lecture of Yasir Qadhi.
and amazingly at 8:09 min you confess that fact.
How foolish it is to make a refutation video without hearing
the man you are refuting ! an incredible idiot !!
Yasir qadhi also said worshiping grave is Shirk.
but he said that asking something to the person of the grave
without worshiping him is not Shirk , but it is Haram , Bidah and a major Sin.
Calm down... you frightened me Sheikh 😂
Asc sheikh, as far as i know Yasir Qadhi is a great scholar and whatever issues you have with him kindly solve it inhouse. Defaming one of our own in public is defaming Islam.
Agreed. It is sad to see this smear campaign amongst scholars. Unfortunately this is what happened throughput the Islamic history. There is no discussion, no congenial engagement. There is a divide between the Sheiks from the old countries and the more sophisticated English-speaking American Muslim scholars. Sheikhs have very little tolerance for the American born scholars. Saw the same trends in Bangladesh too. They constantly trying to berate Yasir Kadi, Norman Ali khan and similar scholars. Local maulanas keep on doing the same thing - lecturing on how to do wadhu, how to use meswak, and constantly saying how everyone is going to he'll even for apparently very reason. It's not going to endvsoon,.
How do u know he's a great scholar?
Sorry what great scholar your talking about???? Yasir qadir???
Thats what their talking about
It is from the ethics of Taqwaa that if you find something in your BROTHER that you don't like, or if he said something that offended you, that you should seek him out for clarification and rectification. To slander the Brother in a video that will go viral to millions, will only further sow the seeds of DIVISION AND HATRED in the hearts of Muslims. Even if a muslim deviates, the path to reconciliation is never to slander.
In America we lack effective Domestic leadership that is Wise and God fearing !
Alhamdullilah! Jazak Allah Khayr shaykh
Oh my God your mic Sheikh, I don't know if it's your voice or the mic, but I think you need to get a better mic.
Inna lillahi wainna ilayhi rajiun.. whatever the case, you guys could have sorted it out amicably.. feeling sad..
How come in any videos refuting Yasir Qadi or Omar Suleiman there are (what appear to me to be) bots posting the same copy and paste responses to random comments?
I still highly respect Shaykh Yasir Qadhi and love both Shaykh Yasir Qadhi and Shaykh Karim for the sake of Allah because I benefit so much from them.
Yasir Qadhi is not someone to be taken knowledge from
Be careful with YQ
You respect a guy who goes against the quran and Sunnah? He says calling on the dead isn't shirk when Allah says it is?
Do you want to be resurrected with someone who denies Allahs verses?
BEST comment of all said by the Shaykh may Allaah bless him (ok, other than the "NO NO NO..." lol) was and is by far: "TELL HIM TO GET A HIKE" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OH man I was howling