Discover Prophecy-16 How to Face Death Unafraid by David Asscherick

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 37

  • @jasonlounds
    @jasonlounds 12 лет назад +4

    I am a practicing Christian and I find Bible truth to be absolutely refreshing. Thank you for this inspired message. I am so glad that God doesn't hide what happens to me when I die from me. I am also very glad that I don't have to worry about my loved ones walking around me, watching me, suffering with me while they are in heaven, or looking on from "hell" while they burn forever. Praise God! Thank you David.

  • @graceyow3392
    @graceyow3392 2 года назад

    11:20 "faced death and lost the battle....only Jesus won the battle." amen. allelujah!

  • @marioviteri5223
    @marioviteri5223 11 лет назад

    Fantastic truth it is a blessing to hear the real word of our savior Amen

  • @Janys404
    @Janys404 12 лет назад +1

    This message is so true thank you for uploading it.

  • @CleoCat75
    @CleoCat75 10 лет назад +1

    i heard this on a local station last night, and was very impressed. I've been listening to 3ABN for about 3 months now, and David is my *favorite*. Not to discount the other shows or their messages, but David is amazing! I'm wondering if I should introduce my fiance to him via audio-only or via this video? humans have real visual cues, and since I heard David via radio first, I'm curious if my fiance will experience the same thing I did. Amazingly David's speeches almost seem made for aural listeners and visual both. I'm also still trying to tune out the google autocomplete of his name spelling and his organization (which looks like a synonym of his name). ha. regardless, 3ABN has provided much peace for me and I love David's teachings. thank you!

  • @MrNathanasher
    @MrNathanasher 13 лет назад +1

    thank you for this upload!!!

  • @tonycevallos7513
    @tonycevallos7513 4 года назад

    I love and respect this Pastor and I am seriously considering becoming a Seventh Day Adventist but in regards to this subject of the video what does a believer do with this passage. I wonder why he did not address this.
    2 Corinthians 5:8 (KJV)
    8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

    • @robertplemons4858
      @robertplemons4858 3 года назад +2

      Because death is without thought, the very next time Paul's thoughts are present is at the resurrection. To him time is not thought of in death. His very next thought is his body raised and He sees Jesus. Praise God.

  • @4ChristianLife
    @4ChristianLife 11 лет назад

    totoole67 it might be disturbing to you because you just found the truth. We are mortal and its biblical. Don't you want to go by God's Word?.......Amen David Assherick..I love your teachings :-)

  • @TheNickel1964
    @TheNickel1964 11 лет назад

    I can't help wondering about the whole "death is a sleep" thing. I'm not Adventist, but do believe in the truth of the Bible and have been following this series closely. Thanks for sharing by the way. As for the sleep thing, he talks about it from the point of view that there is nothing while we sleep. Because HE doesn't have a sense of time passing when he sleeps. I have vivid dreams, however. And can't help wondering. . .will we dream? And if so, what? Again, thanks for sharing.

  • @DialoguewithKellzMollzChannel
    @DialoguewithKellzMollzChannel 11 лет назад


  • @LaetJenniferM
    @LaetJenniferM 2 года назад

    FYI: The reason Catholics see Mary is because she was taken up directly to heaven upon completion of her earthly life. It is unknown with certainty whether she died first and then was taken up or was taken up without death. The doctrine relates to the Assumption of Mary and is one of only four occasions papal infallibility was exercised. This story is not in the bible and therefore the story is not known to most protestants. I am not saying it is correct, just providing an explanation.

  • @IDamian1
    @IDamian1 5 лет назад

    Seems instead of the light going OUT, if we are to use your other Biblical quote, the light goes to SLEEP. One could conjecture that rather than communicating with the dead, what if it was based on "waking up" the dead/ Yes the power to do that belongs to God but at least the parallel is now complete one to eternal life and one to the second death.

  • @valleyslily492
    @valleyslily492 7 лет назад +1

    I have a question to pastor David regarding the dead who are asleep. Referring to 2 verses in 1 peter4:5-6 and 1 peter 3:18-19
    " but they will give an account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.For the gospel has for this purpose been preached even to those who are dead, that though they are judged in the flesh as men, they may live in the spirit according to the will of God." 1Peter4:5-6
    The way I understand this verse, is Jesus after His resurrection, went and preached the gospel to those who died before His first coming, so they will have equal chance to accept to work of the cross of Jesus Christ. How do you understand this. Verse?
    "For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He may bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit. In which also He went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison, who once were disobedient when the paitience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah" 1 peter 3:18-20.
    So could it be that our flesh fall asleep, but our spirits are awake? That our thoughts perish to other human beings, but our spirits has the ability to communicate with God and other spiritual beings?
    Also we learned in Revelation 6:9-10 " When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and because of the testimony which they had maintained; and they cried out with loud voice saying "how long O Lord, holy, and true will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth"
    So it shows here they are dead, or asleep, but they have thoughts and feelings which they are communicating it with God.
    Would love to hear your input on these verses.

    • @bradsexson9211
      @bradsexson9211 7 лет назад

      please go back to Genesis 2 for your answer

  • @graceyow3392
    @graceyow3392 2 года назад

    10:07 "the future resurrection of christ's followers..." the resurrection of the dead is for all dead, not only for the followers of jesus. in christ all shall be resurrected to face judgment, then to receive reward or punishment (eternal glory or damnation).

  • @graceyow3392
    @graceyow3392 2 года назад

    26:42 the dead can be another form of idol. many cultures have rituals of their dead, leaving them food, talking to them, lighting candles for them, asking for their protection, guidance, etc. instead of worshiping god. of course, it is not the actual spirit of the dead but the spirit of the evil one that people who try to communicate with them are doing because god, for some other reason would not allow the dead to talk with the living. why god would not allow the spirits of the dead to communicate with the spirits of the living i do not know what that reason is.

  • @TudorPopKatartismos
    @TudorPopKatartismos 9 лет назад

    Talking to the dead : Saul talked to the already dead Samuel, and it was the real Samuel it wasn`t the devil. Jesus talked to Moses, Peter saw Moses in the same instance.....a few things to think about.

    • @sflaZerne
      @sflaZerne 9 лет назад

      Tudor Pop We know that Moses was bodily resurrected from the book of Jude, this commentary isolates it as a specific instance in which the devil makes on objection. In light of new testament teachings on the resurrection i believe this shows this to be an isolated incident, as Elijah represents those alive at the time of Christs return so Moses represents those resurrected
      As to Saul, the witch of Endor.and the identity of the spirit summoned I would compare Ps 115:17 and Rev 16:14. May Gods Spirit and His Word be your guide and mine.

    • @mrnick38
      @mrnick38 9 лет назад

      +One Heart 4 all you sure that Moses or Samuel died ? What I understood from Bible that them was taked to God ... they didn't died . So there is a difference.

    • @shure46
      @shure46 8 лет назад +3

      +One Heart 4 all - The Bible says "Saul PERCEIVED that it was Samuel" , just as many PERCEIVE to see "mary" nowdays , or even their "ancestors" , perception is not necessarily reality as any illusionist magician can prove , unless you truly think that girl is really getting "sawed in half and put back together again" ..... and I can assure you , since God plainly said witchcraft is an abomination , He's not going to honor a witch's request to raise a dead man ..... and that is IF Samuel was the one "raised" , which he is not , he waits the resurrection like everyone else , EXCEPT A FEW who have already been resurrected or translated to Heaven ..... Moses , Elijah , Enoch , and the "firstfruits" (we don't know who they were) at Jesus' resurrection from the dead after the cross ...... David Assherick , in this video , explains all of this very clearly .... it's simple really , WHERE WERE YOU before you were born ???? That's exactly where you go when you die ..... death is the OPPOSITE of life , it is NOT "Life somewhere else" , can you understand that ???? DEATH IS NOT DEATH if you are ALIVE "somewhere else" ...... You simply cease to exist UNTIL Jesus/God brings you back to life .....

  • @joannaibiwoye5363
    @joannaibiwoye5363 7 лет назад

    I quite followed this message through and understand that death is a sleep till the resurrection day. My question is the spirit of the man, where is it till the resurrection day? Secondly how do you explain the scripture "It is appointed unto man once to die and after this, the judgment?" (HEB 9:27) Is the soul judged then or at the end? Please explain this to me. God bless you.

    • @DavidKing-qd3sp
      @DavidKing-qd3sp 4 года назад +1

      If you read Genesis 2: 7 you will find that you are classified as a soul, you don't have a soul, 1st Timothy 6:16 says only God has immortality and Eze. 18:4 says the soul that sins it shall die, so you are bound / blinded by traditional views of biblical terms...Body soul spirt these are references to you total being - physical psychological and spiritual...the soul concept came from paganism

  • @stillraven9415
    @stillraven9415 5 месяцев назад

    Living soul IS NOT ONE WORD!!!

  • @459triple3
    @459triple3 12 лет назад

    Jesus and Christianity have not quarrel with you. What is your quarrel with them?

  • @beckyshock2724
    @beckyshock2724 10 лет назад

    If Jesus had not said Lazarus, come forth, All the dead would have raised.

  • @graceyow3392
    @graceyow3392 2 года назад

    22:56 "man is by nature not immortal." his body is mortal, but not his soul and spirit. paul talked about "this tent" as the one that needs to be transformed. but man is more than just his body. paul talked about the triune body, soul, and spirit of man. saul was able to talk to samuel after he was long dead. the rich man was able to recognize abraham who had died centuries before and who had lazarus by his bosom. lazarus was carried to him by messengers of god. jesus preached to the disobedient spirits in prison, those who died during the great flood.
    by the way "angel of light," if rightly translated would make it even clearer about this great deception of a "mary." angel, the transliteration of the greek aggelos means messenger. so this "mary" indeed is a messenger of "light." let us not be deceived and pray for those who are.

  • @smittiesmith8268
    @smittiesmith8268 7 лет назад +1

    I liked most of his instructions but had to stop watching this one. For him to state that people do not see a manifestation of Mary because it is 'of the devil' states then that the devil divides his own house. (btw I am not Catholic.) Depending upon the message, if one is heard, that Mary is giving, would determine if the devil is doing this for deceit. He also seems to be teaching that when a person dies, his soul does not (return) to God but is dead (until the resurrection) whereas Paul taught that we immediately are with the Lord. I think perhaps I must trust the teachings of Paul first. But perhaps I have misunderstood David.

    • @bradsexson9211
      @bradsexson9211 7 лет назад

      please I know David and I know his faith for it is mine also..... may I be of some assistance ?

    • @smittiesmith8268
      @smittiesmith8268 7 лет назад

      Thank you but I will continue to place my understandings via the Bible. It is not David nor his faith that I was disputing but that I differ on understandings of some of his teachings. This will not affect my own studies of the Bible. Have a wonderful day and again sincerely thank you for your offer.

    • @WhiteHorseStudioArt
      @WhiteHorseStudioArt 7 лет назад +6

      Since the Bible teaches repeatedly that death is a "sleep", until the resurrection at Jesus' return, then any manifestation of "spirits" of the dead appearing would by default be a deception of the enemy. It should not be surprising that the devil would want to deceive people by having demons impersonate dead people, who are, in reality, dead. Even in churches.. just because something is religious, or called Christian, doesn't mean it's true.. I know that sounds obvious, but it's worth remembering. Satan wouldn't be "dividing" his own house, because he's not teaching truth.. he's using it as a disguise and deceiving people.
      The rest of the video gives mountains of Bible verses regarding what happens when a person dies. It's worth looking at all the evidence before dismissing this message. From my own study, I am convinced it is solidly Biblical, not based on human traditions or opinions, but on scripture. It's important not to base a doctrine on one verse alone, but to gather all the evidence (Bible verses on the topic) and consider it together, as the Bible explains itself.

  • @tycoonterror
    @tycoonterror 12 лет назад


  • @graceyow3392
    @graceyow3392 2 года назад

    6:00 "the greek word means the grave..." Merriam Webster1 : the Greek god of the underworld. 2 : the underground abode of the dead in Greek mythology. 3 : sheol. greek interlinear:
    ◄ 86. hadés ►
    Strong's Concordance
    hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits
    hades is not the grave. other than the name of a pagan god, it is commonly used to refer to the abode of all dead. the grave can only hold so many physical bodies. hades is where the disembodied soul resides awaiting reward or punishment which has two compartments as jesus showed in luke 16.

    • @mikecoy4883
      @mikecoy4883 2 года назад

      Grace Yow, we are a soul. Nothing about us is waiting in some kind of purgatory awaiting judgment after death.