Quick note! We're talking BETA software right now. This is stuff is not officially released in any capacity so a lot of things could change as people get access to the public beta. So please keep that in mind! MPC2 software has evolved substantially over the past 6-7 years, so MPC3 is gonna evolve as well. Also, sharing feedback to developers is best served with some sugar 😜This stuff doesn't change overnight, so patience is goes a long way.
Actually alot of stuff seems like it will change overnight. I'll be sticking to 2.15 on the Key 61. 3.0 as it looks to me is a downgrade for workflow and cripples my live performance setup using Song Mode.
Good advice. But, if you're bothering developers about things already... 🙂. I would still dearly love to be able to fold the piano roll to a scale. That one change would be massive but its the one thing that looks like not being done in this update (so far...).
FINALLY! Finally someone explaining in detail the catastrophic vanishing of the independent track-mutes per sequence problem. Indeed, for us workin g with patterns, 3.0 is simply unusable. Workflow totally broken. All my +300 projects made on 2.0 (which are filled with programmed "mutes and unmutes") for my tracks and sequences will not be recognized by 3.0, thus unusable. Akai must fix this urgently, for the public beta release. If not, I'll evidently won't update. Thank you for talking about this and for your contact with Akai about it.
The track mutes did not vanish. The way it works now is your drums track mutes now work on pad mute and the others stayed the same. Also you van use automation for track mutes by creating an automation track.
At this point its just better to use a n actual DAW. Bigger screen, less clutter, more memory and no cpu restictions. The MPCs àre no longer MPCs. The menu diving is insane. Back to ableton.
@@jasondugas8184 Get an old hardware MPC, any model. It will reset your expectations for one thing :) but leave you with the traditional experience when you want it.
Indeed, for us working with patterns, 3.0 beta (as it stands right now) would simply be unusable. Workflow totally broken. All my +300 projects made on 2.0 (which are filled with programmed "mutes and unmutes") for my tracks and sequences will not be recognized by 3.0, thus unusable. That would be a disaster.
Yep, definitely need the mutes your way! If Akai are listening to you, my request is still for auto-triggering of the sampler from beat 1 of the sequence (whether initial or on looping) 🙏
We need to be able to link midi tracks to a track. That’s the best way I see this working. And the track mute section needs to be updated to organize the midi and tracks to whatever is best for us.
In public beta track different track mutes at different sequences still not work. When importing old songs all track mutes are gone. I´m pretty sure that I will go back to 2.x
I kind of left behind the mute track workflow once I moved from the mpc to the Force (same limitations as MPC 3). But the difference is that the Force allows you to either create a clip or not. Adding a visual reference to the tracks that have no events (mute) in a sequence could solve the problem. Since we can't mute the events, at least we know all events have been deleted in a particular sequence.
@@jorgecds - agreed (Force and MPC user here). In fact, I was a bit disappointed to see so much of Force OS in this beta… but no Clip Matrix. That could solve so many things!
For anyone finding this after yesterday's public beta release: Track Mutes don't get saved with sequences anymore. Forget event vs audio muting, the mute state of that track carries over when you change sequence. This means you can't have sequence 1 and 2 where sequence 2 is just a copy of sequence 1 but with elements muted. Edit: you have to manually program in or record the mutes as automation, you can't just switch them on or off per sequence.
This mute issue probably means akai is doing Mpc v3 from the ground up so much respect to Akai that means it will not be bloated like some daws They should also try to perfect vintage mode and make it where when you enable vintage mode it will automatically starts with the mode you choose every time you make a new project Great videos you really explain things clearly
Just wanted to share about a different problem people are having to which there is a workaround: You can't play the keys(for key 37) or pads when a track is muted (a bit silly, hopefully they'll update on this) but if you select the monitor setting (in, merge, auto) to IN it will mute the track and you can still play on the keys/pads.
It would be interesting to know what’s on the Akai PO’s critical path for release if event track mutes might not make it! Seems such an obvious live performance must-have. That said I’m sure it will get there, and who knows what there priorities are.
keygroups with streaming and 8 layers sounds great. Would be nice to have a few more options to manage layers, like articulation switches independent from velocity.
Well TECHNICALLY your live workflow is exactly like it is since MPC3 is not out yet. And you don't have to upgrade to MPC3 right away. But it's important to let Akai know your thoughts on the public beta so they can make adjustments appropriately.
@@teftymusictech Strangely the track muting feature is kind of what sold me on the MPC for live use in the first place, having used MMT8s to sequence way back. Behringer adding external audio interface, more plug-ins etc. has made every step an even more suitable live performing platform. Hopefully we can get over this hurdle, and they find a ways to suit all users. MPC3 does look really very good. I'll just have to sit tight and see if they can get muting to work back to how I need. I'm not panicking, just invested. Thanks for making this video explaining.
@@teftymusictech It seems Akai fixed some things like being able to record longer audio tracks and arrange them like a traditional DAW, removing my need for a Tascam Model 12 but also broke the thing that made me want an Akai MPC One for very hands-on live sets that let me intrigrate hardware synths. With the MPC 3.0 in its current state I'd basically purchase one MPC for building songs and use the other for live sets. 🥴
@@lesterfalcon1350 Well, we have the same experience it seems! I used the Alesis MMT8 a lot in the days. And the ONLY reason I got myself the MPC Live II was for the pattern / song system, where you can program mutes and unmutes for each and every track INDEPENDENTLY for each and every sequence. Well, as it stands right now this feature is gone... If I upgrade to 3.0 and this issue isn't fixed or put back in the system, then all my +300 projects produced on 2.0 will be incompatible... and thus unusable. A disaster. For now, I stick to 2.0 - I have no choice.
@@wavejockey - MPC 3 has disk streaming now - just like Force. That means unlimited audio length recording and playback from the 8 audio tracks - which formally only existed in RAM on MPC. And you can also stream samples from Drum Programs and Keygroups, though there’s a limit to even that.
@Tefty - we’ve had disk streaming on Force for years, and with only 4 sample layers in Keygroups - you can saturate the bandwidth pretty fast. I suspect MPC3 will exhibit the exact same disk streaming limits with the more samples you stream. You’ll probably experience audio drop out or pop/click (especially if you rapid trigger stuff in a Drum Program or polyphonically arp a Keygroup). Just a heads up! 😉
Much love for your work sir , just wanted to ask a quick question, is the sp404mkii , mpckey37 and Arturia microfreak is a good dawless setup for Tekno??? much love tefty
Does disk streaming allow clip bulk selection at the moment? It would be quite handy as well as for loading bespoke drum programs in one go. Thanks for the update.
You can use up to 8 plugins at a time. But there's a bug when using the MPC as a sound source being triggered from an external sequencer (the note off bug).
Wait, no more Clip Launch ? That's a big problemo. I was building a whole live set with it.. It wasn't the best feature of the device, but any idea why drop something that's functionning ? That aside, the update is great.. kinda makes me not wanna update. There might be a new approach or a work around workflow
The disk streaming helping with the ram issue makes MPC far more attractive to me. From a technical point… Tascam has an SD Card based multitrack recorder, streaming 32 tracks. I do think people making multilayered poly patches with long sustains might end up expecting too much from it though. The 8 audio tracks with disk streaming is where a great issue-less gain is to be had. Along with long one shots… you could get quite a live set done in one project.
Tefty one of my biggest gripes has been previewing songs that I sample from. I’ve only been able to preview 30 seconds in standalone. With Disk Streaming did they fix this, do we have unlimited preview time when auditioning samples we are browsing? Thanks in advance.
@@AllOutOnline No, I just got the Force that's has disk-streaming for years now & it still has the same limit. DS can help out some with cutting down on how much RAM is used.
@@Harlem-Instrumental correct it saves on RAM by not loading files into RAM and streaming directly from the Disk or SSD, so that 30 second limit shouldn’t exist anymore… can you do us all a favor, because I know we are in agreement here, can you post a video and mention this so this could be fixed by the time 3.0 is legit released? Im sure many of us would be grateful…. Just make a quick vid and show the sample time… scroll hard left and hard right and show that unlimited should be an option because this shouldn’t be overlooked. Appreciate you.
Can you please relay to AKAI that we’d like to have the choice to merge or unmerge tracks and programs in the preferences? To me it’s as big of a deal as the track mute situation. We’re talking about a staple feature of the MPC workflow that has been there since day one. No one should treat their day ones like that!
I believe so but I haven't tested any of it yet, so it might have issues. But again, beta software changes a lot over time until hits official release.
Not a fan of the push and hold system. Dubbel push or shift or another hardware combo I would prefer. I feel the workflow come to a halt when you push and hold.
RIP Clip Mode… I used it all the time to remix existing tracks . What happens when you load a clip program from 2.0? Tefty if you can ask, in standalone midi learn : can you midi learn start and end in sample edit mode . You can in the software but couldn’t in standalone, those two parameters were not selectable Good job with the videos!
Noted on the midi learn. For clips, they're apparently converted to drum programs when converting a sequence from MPC2. I haven't personally tested it though.
Yeah - clip launch is essential for my live performance. Drum programs means you’ve got to trigger each loop. Eeek… glad I saw this… may be delaying that upgrade on the software….. 😢
@@teftymusictech They do get converted to programs . It's a bit dissapointing because a disk streamed clip program would have been a powerful stem\loop remixing tool for live performances.
I don't know. I found it hard to wrap my head around the problem and I truly don't know if akai will even change the software. Tbh I'm not even 100% sure if I even understand the problem: From my perspective, track mute right now does what it does. It mutes the track. Since tracks are now independent of the sequence, meaning as you copied your sequence, you also had acces to the new made midi track, hence it stayed mute when you switched to the orgininal sequence. I think this comes from the old programm and track background. Since we are used to tracks being just data, we are used to different tracks relating to one programm. In 3.0 you had to copy the midi track, not copy the sequence. If you want to switch around to mute stuff, in 3.0 you have to copy the track and then use the different pages of the pads instead of switching sequences. I don't even know if sequences make anymore sense in 3.0 tbh since starting a new sequence would mean just to copy a track and delete it's midi data if you want to have a different arrangment. Or they have to have the tracks not to be independet of the sequence.
Sequences and song mode make sense when track mutes are a sequence level. If you have an MPC, try thus method. Create a full 4 bar sequence - focus on getting that as perfect as possible. Then duplicate and mute all tracks except what you need for an intro, duplicate the sequence again and unmute as required for your chorus/drop and so on. Go to song mode and chain and then convert the song to a new seq. The MPC will convert the mute states to deletions into a new sequence where you can then do detailed edits . The beauty of this is that its quick and semi-destructive in that the underlying sequences are still in tact. If you change your mind on how the sequence / sections should be muted you can rapidly reconfigure. Global mutes will kill this workflow. Sequence level mutes plus the new arranger view will be killer. So hopefully it ends up in a final release.
Here’s the difference between Akai and Native Instruments (I started with maschine in 2011, it makes me sad how they have fallen) Akai creates a new software FOR FREE and doesn’t release it with new hardware. Native Instruments drops new hardware with new software that costs $100. Akai actually listens to their users, Native instruments does not.
In my opinion, the MPC 3 is a step backward for standalone users. Akai seems to be gradually transforming an electronic instrument into a DAW, while offering minimal enhancements for those using the MPC as the central hub of their setup. The only genuinely beneficial updates could be disk streaming, combined functions for Q-Links, and some improvements for XYFX workflow. Unfortunately, the rest of the changes aren't useful at all for live performance. I've always believed Akai should consider offering a second operating system focused on live performances. This OS could include more MIDI effects similar to Ableton's and provide quicker access menus for performance settings. If MPC 3 remains as it is, it might mark the end of my using the MPC as the core of my live setup, where I control multiple modules. While I understand that the primary target group for these products is hip-hop producers, Akai should seriously consider the needs of electronic music producers as well. More like the old days of Midi Production Center
Song mode needs to disappear in my opinion. I was forced to use it as is but In my IT degree mind I knew it had to be a better way. MPC 2 software was all over the place. MPC 3 is getting to the “just work” type of OS. Back end stuff like programs should not be handled by end users. One to one tracks in MPC 3 fixes that. I was tired of converting to sequence from song mode just to find out that I added a track in a sequence that was not in other sequences now my song does not play properly. (Happen 100’s of times). I just want to make music and not think of tracks and programs matching. MPC 3 seems to get closer to that. I just do not want them to break 3.0 adding back old outdated features. Let that be dead and just grow with the next. Or just stay on MPC 2.
@@InkyDaCaT it’s fine now once you are used to it. I use it still everyday. Only downloaded 3.0 to only one of my devices. That’s why MPC 2.0 should not go anywhere and MPC 3.0 should be for those who want the linear way of arranging. It is funny that back in 2017 more people were asking for better arrangement. Now all of sudden 7 years later and using song mode that long created a workflow bond. The new arrangement is still half baked as well I think it needs to have containers or blocks around midi for easier view of editing. That floating midi is irritating.
@@datzbeewild I understand....but ffs I didn't want arranger in force😂 never understood why you would....the matrix is the arranger??😂 Im just not a daw type person.... I'll wait for force update n keep my lives mk1 on 2 until it gets finished then decide😉
@@datzbeewild all the force people wanted it.....thats all they went on about....so Akai gave it them....never use it ever on force.....never use piano roll on mpc either.....just undo 😉
Quick note! We're talking BETA software right now. This is stuff is not officially released in any capacity so a lot of things could change as people get access to the public beta. So please keep that in mind! MPC2 software has evolved substantially over the past 6-7 years, so MPC3 is gonna evolve as well.
Also, sharing feedback to developers is best served with some sugar 😜This stuff doesn't change overnight, so patience is goes a long way.
Actually alot of stuff seems like it will change overnight. I'll be sticking to 2.15 on the Key 61. 3.0 as it looks to me is a downgrade for workflow and cripples my live performance setup using Song Mode.
Good advice. But, if you're bothering developers about things already... 🙂. I would still dearly love to be able to fold the piano roll to a scale. That one change would be massive but its the one thing that looks like not being done in this update (so far...).
FINALLY! Finally someone explaining in detail the catastrophic vanishing of the independent track-mutes per sequence problem. Indeed, for us workin g with patterns, 3.0 is simply unusable. Workflow totally broken. All my +300 projects made on 2.0 (which are filled with programmed "mutes and unmutes") for my tracks and sequences will not be recognized by 3.0, thus unusable.
Akai must fix this urgently, for the public beta release. If not, I'll evidently won't update.
Thank you for talking about this and for your contact with Akai about it.
The track mutes did not vanish. The way it works now is your drums track mutes now work on pad mute and the others stayed the same. Also you van use automation for track mutes by creating an automation track.
Thanks for doing share your updates. I prefer your no drama approach to things. This allows to have good conversations. Thanks.
Thanks for the info!!!! People were LOSING THIER MINDS stressing about track mutes
At this point its just better to use a n actual DAW. Bigger screen, less clutter, more memory and no cpu restictions. The MPCs àre no longer MPCs. The menu diving is insane. Back to ableton.
@bangmateo7481 some people prefer to work standalone, even with the new MPCs. It's a preference, do whatever works for you.
@@jasondugas8184 Get an old hardware MPC, any model. It will reset your expectations for one thing :) but leave you with the traditional experience when you want it.
Indeed, for us working with patterns, 3.0 beta (as it stands right now) would simply be unusable. Workflow totally broken. All my +300 projects made on 2.0 (which are filled with programmed "mutes and unmutes") for my tracks and sequences will not be recognized by 3.0, thus unusable. That would be a disaster.
Streaming keygroups would be a gamechanger. It would be good business for keygroup creators who can focus on quality without limitations.
And getting those 8 layers for keygroups would be great!
Not really.
Game changer for sure 😊
@@Bilpokat The MPC is basically Openlab Miko now especially the MPC37 and 61 Keys 😆
Jeez finally a review without all the drama. New sub!
Thank you to talk about this BIG ISSUE! of the change on the Workflow in MPC3
Thank you very much for keeping us all updated. It's really good to see Akai listening and getting back to you on these features etc.
Yep, definitely need the mutes your way! If Akai are listening to you, my request is still for auto-triggering of the sampler from beat 1 of the sequence (whether initial or on looping) 🙏
thanks for pointing light on track mute... akai really doesn't care but at thi point must be on the list to do... thanks man
Thanks for the fantastic updates. Love this machine.
We need to be able to link midi tracks to a track. That’s the best way I see this working. And the track mute section needs to be updated to organize the midi and tracks to whatever is best for us.
Thanks for the update. Much appreciated!
In public beta track different track mutes at different sequences still not work. When importing old songs all track mutes are gone. I´m pretty sure that I will go back to 2.x
I kind of left behind the mute track workflow once I moved from the mpc to the Force (same limitations as MPC 3). But the difference is that the Force allows you to either create a clip or not. Adding a visual reference to the tracks that have no events (mute) in a sequence could solve the problem. Since we can't mute the events, at least we know all events have been deleted in a particular sequence.
@@jorgecds - agreed (Force and MPC user here). In fact, I was a bit disappointed to see so much of Force OS in this beta… but no Clip Matrix. That could solve so many things!
Yeah on Force you have stop clip, or don't make a clip, which is the same as mpc now with mutes...but there is no option on 3.0
Excellent information bro
I don’t understand what is meant by streaming can anyone explain it to me thanks
Keep asking Akai them tough questions!
For anyone finding this after yesterday's public beta release: Track Mutes don't get saved with sequences anymore. Forget event vs audio muting, the mute state of that track carries over when you change sequence. This means you can't have sequence 1 and 2 where sequence 2 is just a copy of sequence 1 but with elements muted.
Edit: you have to manually program in or record the mutes as automation, you can't just switch them on or off per sequence.
Good info mate - it’d be insane if it didn’t make it into the non-beta release
This mute issue probably means akai is doing Mpc v3 from the ground up so much respect to Akai that means it will not be bloated like some daws
They should also try to perfect vintage mode and make it where when you enable vintage mode it will automatically starts with the mode you choose every time you make a new project
Great videos you really explain things clearly
Just wanted to share about a different problem people are having to which there is a workaround: You can't play the keys(for key 37) or pads when a track is muted (a bit silly, hopefully they'll update on this) but if you select the monitor setting (in, merge, auto) to IN it will mute the track and you can still play on the keys/pads.
It would be interesting to know what’s on the Akai PO’s critical path for release if event track mutes might not make it! Seems such an obvious live performance must-have. That said I’m sure it will get there, and who knows what there priorities are.
I’m here for the mantis
keygroups with streaming and 8 layers sounds great. Would be nice to have a few more options to manage layers, like articulation switches independent from velocity.
I like to use audio tracks and wasn't happy with the way track mutes worked on 2.0 either.
Why did they remove clips that was really important
So you are saying we still going to have track mutes for sequence to put into song mode?
So my live workflow of muting/unmuting tracks/muting/unmuting MIDI from my hardware synths while moving through sequences is fucked.
Yeah. send them a ticket to let them know it's important to you.
Well TECHNICALLY your live workflow is exactly like it is since MPC3 is not out yet. And you don't have to upgrade to MPC3 right away. But it's important to let Akai know your thoughts on the public beta so they can make adjustments appropriately.
@@teftymusictech Strangely the track muting feature is kind of what sold me on the MPC for live use in the first place, having used MMT8s to sequence way back. Behringer adding external audio interface, more plug-ins etc. has made every step an even more suitable live performing platform. Hopefully we can get over this hurdle, and they find a ways to suit all users. MPC3 does look really very good. I'll just have to sit tight and see if they can get muting to work back to how I need. I'm not panicking, just invested. Thanks for making this video explaining.
@@teftymusictech It seems Akai fixed some things like being able to record longer audio tracks and arrange them like a traditional DAW, removing my need for a Tascam Model 12 but also broke the thing that made me want an Akai MPC One for very hands-on live sets that let me intrigrate hardware synths.
With the MPC 3.0 in its current state I'd basically purchase one MPC for building songs and use the other for live sets. 🥴
@@lesterfalcon1350 Well, we have the same experience it seems! I used the Alesis MMT8 a lot in the days. And the ONLY reason I got myself the MPC Live II was for the pattern / song system, where you can program mutes and unmutes for each and every track INDEPENDENTLY for each and every sequence. Well, as it stands right now this feature is gone...
If I upgrade to 3.0 and this issue isn't fixed or put back in the system, then all my +300 projects produced on 2.0 will be incompatible... and thus unusable. A disaster. For now, I stick to 2.0 - I have no choice.
there's no 2GB RAM available on these machines - at most < 1GB (with MPC2) - how that extended (more/less) with MPC3 ?
@@wavejockey - MPC 3 has disk streaming now - just like Force. That means unlimited audio length recording and playback from the 8 audio tracks - which formally only existed in RAM on MPC. And you can also stream samples from Drum Programs and Keygroups, though there’s a limit to even that.
I think bolo the producer also pointed this out.
You can really stream from an SD card? Wow! So it will be possible to use this feature on the MPC One?
@Tefty - we’ve had disk streaming on Force for years, and with only 4 sample layers in Keygroups - you can saturate the bandwidth pretty fast. I suspect MPC3 will exhibit the exact same disk streaming limits with the more samples you stream. You’ll probably experience audio drop out or pop/click (especially if you rapid trigger stuff in a Drum Program or polyphonically arp a Keygroup). Just a heads up! 😉
Yeah this is what I expect .. Is that with an SSD?
@@teftymusictech - yes - 1 TB Samsung SSD. I think I tried the QVO as well as an EVO. Same results. Of course YMMV…
Much love for your work sir , just wanted to ask a quick question, is the sp404mkii , mpckey37 and Arturia microfreak is a good dawless setup for Tekno??? much love tefty
That'd be a killer setup for Techno 👍
Does disk streaming allow clip bulk selection at the moment? It would be quite handy as well as for loading bespoke drum programs in one go. Thanks for the update.
Imported project clips seem to work
Can you still only use one plugin at a time?
You can use up to 8 plugins at a time. But there's a bug when using the MPC as a sound source being triggered from an external sequencer (the note off bug).
Wait, no more Clip Launch ?
That's a big problemo. I was building a whole live set with it..
It wasn't the best feature of the device, but any idea why drop something that's functionning ?
That aside, the update is great.. kinda makes me not wanna update.
There might be a new approach or a work around workflow
The disk streaming helping with the ram issue makes MPC far more attractive to me. From a technical point… Tascam has an SD Card based multitrack recorder, streaming 32 tracks. I do think people making multilayered poly patches with long sustains might end up expecting too much from it though.
The 8 audio tracks with disk streaming is where a great issue-less gain is to be had. Along with long one shots… you could get quite a live set done in one project.
Tefty one of my biggest gripes has been previewing songs that I sample from. I’ve only been able to preview 30 seconds in standalone. With Disk Streaming did they fix this, do we have unlimited preview time when auditioning samples we are browsing? Thanks in advance.
The has disk-streaming but still has the stupid 30sec limit. Hopefully Akai will change it when more MPC dudes ask for it.
@@Harlem-Instrumental do you have the beta? I was asking Tefty if that limit has been lifted since Disk Streaming was added.
@@AllOutOnline No, I just got the Force that's has disk-streaming for years now & it still has the same limit. DS can help out some with cutting down on how much RAM is used.
@@Harlem-Instrumental correct it saves on RAM by not loading files into RAM and streaming directly from the Disk or SSD, so that 30 second limit shouldn’t exist anymore… can you do us all a favor, because I know we are in agreement here, can you post a video and mention this so this could be fixed by the time 3.0 is legit released? Im sure many of us would be grateful…. Just make a quick vid and show the sample time… scroll hard left and hard right and show that unlimited should be an option because this shouldn’t be overlooked. Appreciate you.
@AllOutOnline This is already known on the Force, showing it to Akai won't change anything. You need people test MPC 3 to bitch about it.
Has the auto sampler changed? I work around it, but I’d appreciate auto sampler to a drum program (or 3.0 track)
Only thing that's different is the 8 layers versus 4.
@@teftymusictech still useful, especially for drum kits! Thank you for all the 3.0 info
So any idea on audio track count with the new mpc 3 firmware
8 audio tracks and 8 plugins from my own tests
Can you please relay to AKAI that we’d like to have the choice to merge or unmerge tracks and programs in the preferences? To me it’s as big of a deal as the track mute situation. We’re talking about a staple feature of the MPC workflow that has been there since day one. No one should treat their day ones like that!
Could we still midi export or even export to Ableton ?
I believe so but I haven't tested any of it yet, so it might have issues. But again, beta software changes a lot over time until hits official release.
I hope so
Yes. Save > export ableton
Wht midi ?
- because I'm not interested in exporting audio
Not a fan of the push and hold system. Dubbel push or shift or another hardware combo I would prefer. I feel the workflow come to a halt when you push and hold.
RIP Clip Mode… I used it all the time to remix existing tracks .
What happens when you load a clip program from 2.0?
Tefty if you can ask, in standalone midi learn : can you midi learn start and end in sample edit mode .
You can in the software but couldn’t in standalone, those two parameters were not selectable
Good job with the videos!
Noted on the midi learn. For clips, they're apparently converted to drum programs when converting a sequence from MPC2. I haven't personally tested it though.
Yeah - clip launch is essential for my live performance. Drum programs means you’ve got to trigger each loop. Eeek… glad I saw this… may be delaying that upgrade on the software….. 😢
@@teftymusictech They do get converted to programs . It's a bit dissapointing because a disk streamed clip program would have been a powerful stem\loop remixing tool for live performances.
@@illustrationmaking I think you can create mute groups so make a clip program template....but with the audio cutting its pointless
I don't know. I found it hard to wrap my head around the problem and I truly don't know if akai will even change the software. Tbh I'm not even 100% sure if I even understand the problem:
From my perspective, track mute right now does what it does. It mutes the track.
Since tracks are now independent of the sequence, meaning as you copied your sequence, you also had acces to the new made midi track, hence it stayed mute when you switched to the orgininal sequence.
I think this comes from the old programm and track background. Since we are used to tracks being just data, we are used to different tracks relating to one programm.
In 3.0 you had to copy the midi track, not copy the sequence.
If you want to switch around to mute stuff, in 3.0 you have to copy the track and then use the different pages of the pads instead of switching sequences.
I don't even know if sequences make anymore sense in 3.0 tbh since starting a new sequence would mean just to copy a track and delete it's midi data if you want to have a different arrangment.
Or they have to have the tracks not to be independet of the sequence.
Sequences and song mode make sense when track mutes are a sequence level. If you have an MPC, try thus method. Create a full 4 bar sequence - focus on getting that as perfect as possible. Then duplicate and mute all tracks except what you need for an intro, duplicate the sequence again and unmute as required for your chorus/drop and so on. Go to song mode and chain and then convert the song to a new seq. The MPC will convert the mute states to deletions into a new sequence where you can then do detailed edits . The beauty of this is that its quick and semi-destructive in that the underlying sequences are still in tact. If you change your mind on how the sequence / sections should be muted you can rapidly reconfigure. Global mutes will kill this workflow. Sequence level mutes plus the new arranger view will be killer. So hopefully it ends up in a final release.
The difference when muteing is the difference between slowing down a car, or crashing it musically....so you're audio tails stop dead
Yep. I wont upgrade until that is fixed. Dealbreaker for alot of producers I am sure.
Here’s the difference between Akai and Native Instruments (I started with maschine in 2011, it makes me sad how they have fallen) Akai creates a new software FOR FREE and doesn’t release it with new hardware. Native Instruments drops new hardware with new software that costs $100. Akai actually listens to their users, Native instruments does not.
"Obviously no more clip launching...?"
The clip program doesn't exist atm in 3.0
In my opinion, the MPC 3 is a step backward for standalone users. Akai seems to be gradually transforming an electronic instrument into a DAW, while offering minimal enhancements for those using the MPC as the central hub of their setup. The only genuinely beneficial updates could be disk streaming, combined functions for Q-Links, and some improvements for XYFX workflow. Unfortunately, the rest of the changes aren't useful at all for live performance.
I've always believed Akai should consider offering a second operating system focused on live performances. This OS could include more MIDI effects similar to Ableton's and provide quicker access menus for performance settings.
If MPC 3 remains as it is, it might mark the end of my using the MPC as the core of my live setup, where I control multiple modules. While I understand that the primary target group for these products is hip-hop producers, Akai should seriously consider the needs of electronic music producers as well.
More like the old days of Midi Production Center
all they did was take the jj OS IFKYK
The removal of clip programs is annoying.
Hiya! And yeah
Song mode needs to disappear in my opinion. I was forced to use it as is but In my IT degree mind I knew it had to be a better way. MPC 2 software was all over the place. MPC 3 is getting to the “just work” type of OS. Back end stuff like programs should not be handled by end users. One to one tracks in MPC 3 fixes that. I was tired of converting to sequence from song mode just to find out that I added a track in a sequence that was not in other sequences now my song does not play properly. (Happen 100’s of times). I just want to make music and not think of tracks and programs matching. MPC 3 seems to get closer to that. I just do not want them to break 3.0 adding back old outdated features. Let that be dead and just grow with the next. Or just stay on MPC 2.
I disagree.....not everyone wants a typical linear workflow.
Having used logic all my life, I love the mpc workflow as it is
@@InkyDaCaT it’s fine now once you are used to it. I use it still everyday. Only downloaded 3.0 to only one of my devices. That’s why MPC 2.0 should not go anywhere and MPC 3.0 should be for those who want the linear way of arranging. It is funny that back in 2017 more people were asking for better arrangement. Now all of sudden 7 years later and using song mode that long created a workflow bond. The new arrangement is still half baked as well I think it needs to have containers or blocks around midi for easier view of editing. That floating midi is irritating.
@@datzbeewild I understand....but ffs I didn't want arranger in force😂 never understood why you would....the matrix is the arranger??😂 Im just not a daw type person.... I'll wait for force update n keep my lives mk1 on 2 until it gets finished then decide😉
@@InkyDaCaT lol. That was weird and backwards of akai to make an arranger in force and not MPC at the time of release now that I am thinking about it.
@@datzbeewild all the force people wanted it.....thats all they went on about....so Akai gave it them....never use it ever on force.....never use piano roll on mpc either.....just undo 😉
The problem is …….the word workflow , stop using it and the problem goes away. Simplz.