My Story of Believing and Leaving Calvinism

  • Опубликовано: 17 апр 2023
  • This is My Story of how I started believing in Calvinism and how I left Calvinism.

Комментарии • 541

  • @cindyking4654
    @cindyking4654 Год назад +45

    Thank you for this video. I was never a Calvinist, and to be honest, I didn’t really understand what it was until we got a new pastor 5 years ago. Little by little over the years he has begun to preach the 5 points of Calvinism that he holds to. At first I was confused, thinking, how did I not see these things in my bible study over the past 40 years. I thought, if this is really who God is, I better accept it, because I am a believer and I want an accurate view of God. However, since I had never had the Calvinist blinders on, as he started preaching his beliefs more plainly, I was incredibly angry at how he was portraying my God. The blessing in all this has been my renewed passion for studying the Bible. My rather intense study over the past 3 years has not converted me to Calvinism, it has strengthened my belief in the truly merciful God of scripture. It is hard to leave a church that has been our home for more than 20 years, but I know what you mean by feeling nauseous during sermons and prayers. I pray we can find a new, non Calvinist church that is passionate about following the Bible. May God bless you in your journey.

    • @gracemercywrath8767
      @gracemercywrath8767  Год назад +4

      Thank you for your prayers I will be 🙏 for you also. Blessings

      @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +5

      @cindyking4654 My best friend of 50yrs is going through the same thing at his home church. His son came home from college a 5-point Calvinist and began to "reform" the church he grew up in as their new youth pastor with the help of their new "steal" Calvinist pastor and nobody knew what was going on... It's been a disaster. My friend resigned his position as elder/deacon after confronting the new pastor. He said I can't believe I have a pastor who thinks Jesus didn't die for everyone??? And the pastor replied "I can't believe I have an Elder who thinks he did". When they announced my friend's resignation they just said it was over a "non-essential doctrine that's been debated for centuries" 🤦🏻‍♂... making my friend look foolish to the church he's attended his whole life.
      Prayers for your you and church.

      @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +4

      Have you heard Alana L's testimony? It's really good.

    • @brettcarter6189
      @brettcarter6189 Год назад +3

      @CindyKing - Situations like the one you described really highlight the importance and the wisdom of churches following the example of the apostles in appointing elders (pastors, shepherds) to oversee the flock (Acts 14:23). That’s plural, and for good reason. Paul even taught that they must meet specific qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9). The one man pastor system has led to so many bad situations, and it is unbiblical. More churches are realizing that in recent times. God’s wisdom from His word helps us avoid so many pitfalls if we will only follow it. I hope your congregation will go to their bibles to expose and rebuke all of the error that the new preacher is teaching. Can’t go wrong by sticking with the word of God as our guide in all matters of faith, instead of the doctrine of some man who came up with it in the 16th century. Calvinism is surely one of those false gospels that Paul warned the Galatians about. It was heavily influenced by the Gnosticism that John warned about in 1 John 4.

    • @cindyking4654
      @cindyking4654 Год назад +5

      @@brettcarter6189 we do have an elder council. My husband is an elder. These issues have not come up before, as the last (30 year) pastor wasn’t “reformed”. As my husband has expressed his concerns both privately to our Calvinist pastor and within elder meetings, he has been dismissed as “sub-biblical” by the pastor and actually called out as “in error” from the pulpit. The other elders, while concerned by the pastor’s militant stand, don’t apparently reject the “reformed tradition “ and so have been unwilling to censor him. They just consider it a “negotiable” belief, however , that’s hard to swallow when it distorts the entire gospel.

  • @WellManNerd
    @WellManNerd Год назад +18

    Thank you for your story, and praise the God of all creation, the Lord of heaven and earth, for His great patience and steadfastness as we stumble so foolishly through this life

    • @gracemercywrath8767
      @gracemercywrath8767  Год назад +3


    • @theresaread72
      @theresaread72 Год назад +2

      Thank you! This was wonderful. I very much enjoy your twitter page. It was for freedom that Christ has set us free! No longer in bondage with a yoke of Slavery! This scripture is about the Law of Moses but I also believe it could apply to coming out of Calvinism. May God continue to richly bless you.

    • @Controle9165
      @Controle9165 Год назад +1

      “For You have saved my soul from death, Indeed my feet from stumbling, So that I may walk before God In the light of the living.”
      ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭56‬:‭13‬ ‭
      Keep in Gods grace.
      “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously, and in a godly manner in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, eager for good deeds. These things speak and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. No one is to disregard you.”
      ‭‭Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭15‬ ‭

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад +2

      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

  • @heyjclay
    @heyjclay Год назад +5

    Thank you, thank you brother, for taking the time to share your story! Our God is indeed holy and righteous and just, and he holds us accountable but He loves us and desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth🙌.

  • @mikemaynard5481
    @mikemaynard5481 Год назад +10

    This is so encouraging! We’re in the process of finding a new church as well. Thank you for sharing brother!

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

  • @LivingChristian
    @LivingChristian Год назад +1

    Thanks brother for this video and testimony!

    @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +9

    New to the channel. How many times have you been told "you obviously didn't understand Calvinism"?
    Praise God for your testimony, keep it up the world needs to hear.

    • @gracemercywrath8767
      @gracemercywrath8767  Год назад +3

      About 2 mins into a conversation.

      @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +4

      @@gracemercywrath8767 calvinist's aren't monolithic, but the are pretty consistent in their inability to accept that any one rejects Calvinism because they DO understand it😉

    • @scottthong9274
      @scottthong9274 Год назад +2

      Well at the very least TheBereanVoice seems to be spamming comments here basically insinuating that lol

      @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +3

      @@scottthong9274 It's true. once someone 'buys in' on the TULIP... they can no longer see the forest for the trees. Leighton Flowers illustrates it well with the 'duck/rabbit' illusion.
      You might have opened that thread, but here's what I posted to support it.
      I’d say one would be hard pressed to suggest these popular former Calvinists didn’t ‘understand’ TULIP. Just a few recent de-converts from Calvinism;
      Tyler Vela, long-time popular Calvinist apologist, now denies Christ
      Paul Maxwell, a former long-time associate of John Piper/ Desiring God writer and the author of the book The Trauma of Doctrine, has announced he is no longer a Christian.
      Derek Webb, artistic apologist for Reformed theology for 10yrs in his work with Caedmon's and then in his solo albums, now denies Christ.
      Joshua Harris, leading Calvinist pastor and author, fonder of Sovereign Grace Ministries, associate of Louis Giglio/’Passion movement’, left ministry and the faith altogether.
      Calvin uses a theory of temporary/ ‘Evanescent Grace’ to say God was just messing with their mind for his own amusement and never really loved them anyway. Which means Calvinists are encouraged to worship a God who, in the end, cannot be trusted to love any one individual…personally. If he did it to these prominent, trusted, studied Calvinists, he might already have plans to do it to you. 🤔
      As for those who come out from under the fog of Calvinism and retain their faith in Christ, the single most common comment is along the lines of “I can’t believe I ever fell for it” Once you accept the false premise of Calvinism, all scripture must be first ‘filtered’ through TULIP and that which doesn’t ‘fit’ must be ‘massaged’ until it does, and that which cannot be made to fit is explained away or sacrificed on the alter or “mystery”. All this is done that the doctrine of TULIP may survive.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      @@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT The parable of the Calvinist is Matthew 25, the parable of the talents where they see God as someone who doesn’t judge rightly. This is what happens when you stay a Calvinist! I was one for three years several years ago.

    @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +9

    20:09 'becoming like the God you serve".... Amen, again. What a man believes about the nature of the God he worships will ultimately be acted out towards his fellow man.

    • @ManassehJones
      @ManassehJones Год назад

      We got the entire Leightonite tribe over here. Lol. ❤️

    • @makedisciples8653
      @makedisciples8653 Год назад

      Present ❤

    • @ManassehJones
      @ManassehJones Год назад

      "Becoming like the God you serve" Gnosticism at the core. Believing you're born wirh "a splinter of deity," or the "little god" doctrine.
      Romans 11:33
      O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and👉 his ways past finding out!👈

      @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +1

      @@ManassehJones Zzzzz Manny, quoting scriptures without regard to context proves nothing. The truth that what a man believes about the God he serves will be acted out toward others is not in question, it's obvious. That's why Calvin could order the murder of those who disagreed with him and believe he was doing God a favor. Rather than take the words of Jesus to heart and love and pray for those who despitefully use you. Calvinism's portrayal of the nature of God is not the same as Jesus' description of him of that of Paul in 1Cor. 13.... it's the opposite. John did not say God sent his son into the world to gain 'more' glory for himself...(as if that were even possible).
      Our Heavenly Father dos not sacrifice his own creation for the purpose of enhancing himself. He sacrificed of himself for the path of reconciliation to fellowship with the world. And he can be trusted to do as he has promised... He is faithful to save whosoever will believe.
      There is not a single verse or passage that establishes anyone is ever "born" unable to believe.. it doesn't exist.

    • @ManassehJones
      @ManassehJones Год назад

      @@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT As a Lover of Self, Self Determinist, or otherwise called a Leightonite or Pro-Vision-ist, unable to even interpret one (1) single text from the Holy Writ, because you must be born again from above, the only image you have of who God is is nothing but a mirror image of your own carnal Self. None of you Self Determinists have "humbled" your Selves enough to need a Saviour, so you need to keep trying to "make" your Selves more humble. Maybe, if you put in enough Self Determinism effort, you may even convince your Self you actually humbled your Self.
      Im always ready to go live and refute you Lovers of Self false gospel. Just let me know when you, or your master, Leighton Flowers can convince your "free will" to bring your doctrine out of your echo chamber safe space, and have an open diologue.

  • @krissyyoung9264
    @krissyyoung9264 Год назад +10

    God bless you, brother. It was a pleasure listening to you and hearing about your journey. I love hearing about brethren coming out of Calvinism by realizing, through scripture, that God is not a monster who created most precious souls knowing they would only wind up suffering in hell because He simply doesn’t choose them for redemption. Praise God for loving all of the precious souls He created, so much that He offers the FREE GIFT of salvation through Christ’s shed blood to each and every one of them.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад

      Is it your suggestion that God would be a monster if He created people He knew would certainly perish in their sins if He created them? Are you actually suggesting that God was ignorant of what would happen to the wicked who refused His free offer of mercy and pardon? Just so you know, Calvinists don't believe anyone suffers in hell because God did not choose to redeem them. They suffer in hell because they are sinful rebels who would rather perish than to lay down their weapons of warfare against God and submit to the demands of the gospel.

  • @EmWarEl
    @EmWarEl 11 месяцев назад

    God bless you. Thanks!

  • @ButItSays
    @ButItSays 12 дней назад

    Thank you for sharing your story. It gives me hope for all my family and friends who have fallen prey to it. My heart goes out to you as you look for a church. We live in the Calvinist epicenter, and there is not one (among hundreds) that doesn’t have some form of these Roman Catholic doctrines. Frankly, that’s why I started a podcast - for people to learn to approach the Bible without any systematic, letting the Bible define and explain itself. It’s been so eye-opening for me, and I want others to find that joy in God and His word. Best wishes.

  • @bornagainbeliever1429
    @bornagainbeliever1429 Год назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your story, it is such an encouragement to see people coming out of a false belief system 🙏🏻 God bless you!

  • @brianmassman6016
    @brianmassman6016 Год назад +3

    Welcome out of bondage to beUtiful good news brother. GREAT video.

  • @edwinalvarez1619
    @edwinalvarez1619 Год назад +3

    Thank you for your testimony, I too wish I take back my calvinist years but better now than never..

  • @MrHwaynefair
    @MrHwaynefair Год назад +4

    Really enjoying this incredible story of your journey! Question: who is the lady you refer to at 12:38 ?
    Finished it - awesome testimony! I am sharing a link to this on my channel ❤

  • @shannonsundby5725
    @shannonsundby5725 Год назад +3

    Thank you for sharing your journey and testimony. I have also left a Reformed church recently that I had been a part of for 29 years. I did not understand the teaching I had been under. (Raised Catholic) When I started studying more intensely my eyes slowly opened. I did not know that I was uncovering theological differences or that it would result in being convicted to leave. I listened to many of the same people and debates not trying to side with one or the other but taking what I was hearing to the Word of God.
    The past few years have been very difficult. Leaving the church family I love has been very painful. I am grateful for those who share their stories because this has been an incredibly lonely road.

    • @gracemercywrath8767
      @gracemercywrath8767  Год назад +1

      Lifting you in prayer. I still have friends from my reformed background and we seek to cover our differences with love and respect but it was difficult switching church's and building new friendships.

    • @shannonsundby5725
      @shannonsundby5725 Год назад +3

      @@gracemercywrath8767 Thank you for your prayers. I don't know yet the effect it will have on friendships but I expect it will change many. I left the Catholic church and I know the effect that had on family relations. This is so much harder than that was.
      Keep telling your story. Your voice is the voice of many. Until I heard Alana L. story not too long ago I felt like I was on a cruel island and I was losing my mind.
      When people in a church tell you that God planned evil against you for His glory. And that to struggle with anything means you don't trust God and that perhaps you are not elect. Church leaders can do significant damage to people. Calvinistic election is an evil doctrine that mars God's holy character. Until God, who I never stopped trusting and crying out to, led me to a church hours away that teaches God's Word, God's grace, God's character - I didn't believe God loved me. But I know what God's Word says now. He is in His very character love. He loves because that is who He is. He loves me because He is love not because I am lovable. He chose to love a worthless speck of dust like me because He created me in His image. He is worthy to love even if I'm not worthy to be loved. God is a God of hope. I am (thankfully by God's grace) a living testimony to the hopelessness of the Calvinistic doctrine.

  • @thelordshousechurch
    @thelordshousechurch Год назад +3

    Awesome testimony thanks for sharing brother! 🙏

  • @Clintboyd
    @Clintboyd Год назад +1

    I've had a similar video on my to-do list for five years. Need to get on with it. Appreciate you sharing this. God bless you.

  • @glenndato-on4232
    @glenndato-on4232 Год назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your testimony..permit me to use your testimony to others who slowly incline to calvinism.

  • @theopneustos
    @theopneustos Год назад +7

    Wonderful deliverance! I think the Holy Spirit in us cries out loud against calvinism!

  • @lonelyguyofficial8335
    @lonelyguyofficial8335 Год назад +5

    Nice house.

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Год назад +1


  • @jimmuckle6913
    @jimmuckle6913 Год назад +1

    Thank you very much for sharing this.
    Question, please:
    You stated that when you went from being a 5-point to a 4-point Calvinist, that limited atonement was the point you left.
    Which point did you leave next when you went from being a 4-point to a 3-point Calvinist?
    (Thank you again!)

    • @gracemercywrath8767
      @gracemercywrath8767  Год назад +2

      Irresistible grace

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +2

      @@gracemercywrath8767 I would bet the rent money that you never understood either doctrine.

    • @StephenLoney
      @StephenLoney Год назад +2

      Limited atonement and irresistible grace seem to go hand in hand. If atonement is made available for all, then some must be resisting it.

  • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
    @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад +5

    The first time i was confronted with the claims of calvinism i was immediately offended by their corrupt portrayal of THE CHARACTER OF GOD that we find within scripture and the reality of knowing HIM as well .
    Im glad you were delivered from the blasphemous doctrines of calvinism brother.
    May GOD bless you n keep you

    • @aletheia8054
      @aletheia8054 Год назад

      What does this say about the character of God?
      Jeremiah 19:9 And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall straiten them.
      Causing people to eat their own children whether they deserved it or not it’s pretty cruel.

    • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
      @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад +1

      @Aletheia you've got serious problems . Those people that GOD is causing to eat their children's flesh have sinned against HIM and committed abominations against HIM . Calvinism corruptly portrays THE CHARACTER OF GOD because you claim that GOD from before creation has ordained and caused those people to commit abominations against HIM just so HE could make them eat their children's flesh, which is a blasphemous lie . Do you really believe that GOD caused those people to sin against HIM just so HE could make them eat their children's flesh? To show HIS power for HIS glory of all things? If you do , then you don't know THE GOD of the Bible aletheia . GOD is just and GOD IS LOVE . There's nothing just about causing someone to sin and then punishing them for tge sin you've causes them to commit .

    • @aletheia8054
      @aletheia8054 Год назад

      @@cecilspurlockjr.9421o it’s not evil to make someone starve to death and eat their own kids if they sinned?
      What about the little babies that suffered and starved to death. They were sinners too that deserve torture?
      Isn’t that the character of your God that did that?

    • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
      @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад +1

      @Aletheia you mean the little suffering babies that you claim GOD has predetermined to suffer in the lake of fire when they're still born within your false calvinist paradigm ? Why aren't you praising the fact that they're suffering if you truly believe that GOD wanted it this way, Aletheia? I know that GOD isn't GOD doesn't cause people to sin but instead allows them to do what is within their sinful nature . Maybe you've forgotten the context of our discussion where you were trying to prove how evil GOD IS . Or maybe you just came to your senses and realized what you were doing and stopped hopefully . With EDD GOD is responsible for all evil , all sin and debauchery, which according to scripture is a lie. ALMIGHTY GOD is so truly sovereign ( not the calvinist definition) the HE doesn't have to predetermine every thing to accomplish HIS will . HE doesn't have to make us do things to know what we're gonna do or even think .

    • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
      @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад +1

      @Aletheia the sufferingvof those starving babies and raped children are the result of man's sin , not GOD making them do so . There are consequences to what man does with the free will GOD has given us .

  • @warwickpayne3338
    @warwickpayne3338 Год назад +7

    Jesus said. "No one can come to me unless the Father draws him." Also Apostle Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus clearly shows that God chooses us.
    I am a Calvanist and it makes me love God even more because I was headed to hell because of my sins and He by His grace chose to forgive me. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

    • @jcthomas3408
      @jcthomas3408 Год назад

      Read everything in context. God chose Paul as a special apostle to spread the gospel. Paul had zeal as a Jew to follow God, but when he met Jesus, he believed the truth.
      Jesus tells us in John 12:32 that when he is lifted up on the cross he will draw all men to himself. That means all are able, even though not all come.

    • @John14Verse6
      @John14Verse6 Год назад +5

      @@jcthomas3408 Then you leave the well some made the right choice and others didn’t. That is not consistent with the scriptures, that says no one seeks, no one understands.
      You will be able to boast I choose Christ instead of Christ choose me.
      Just my thoughts coming from atheist to dispensation to reformed.

    • @jcthomas3408
      @jcthomas3408 Год назад

      @@John14Verse6 it is not boasting to say "I need you Jesus." We can boast in God, knowing it is not our own righteousness, but his. Romans 5:11. Roman's 3:11 is talking about those under the law who were thinking they were righteous by following the law. They were not seeking God. But the Bible tells us to seek and we will find him. One example is Acts 17:27 " God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. "

  • @roddyk2655
    @roddyk2655 Год назад +3

    Dude... I didn't realize you had an active channel with this many videos... 😄 And, yeah Moody Bible Radio almost turned me into a Calvinist 20 years ago... 😂

    • @gracemercywrath8767
      @gracemercywrath8767  Год назад

      Hey! Welcome! How did you find this channel?

    • @roddyk2655
      @roddyk2655 Год назад

      @@gracemercywrath8767 Well I talk to you a lot on Soteriology 101, BTF, TPP, Idol Killer...

  • @jolookstothestars6358
    @jolookstothestars6358 Год назад

    I appreciate your story and your journey. We are in a small church that we love that has half reformed,pastor also, half non reformed. And we're in the fourth chapter of Roman's. Things have been respectful but I'm sure it's gonna get interesting. I just went over a few times, Mike Winger's video on Faith is not a work. Mike winger has been a huge blessing in my life!! We someone looks at the scriptures outside of a reformed understanding the scriptures come alive, lime puzzle pieces that so neatly together without anything being for together.

  • @doxieherblitz
    @doxieherblitz Год назад +2

    I grew up in a proud Reformed church. I'm no longer Calvinist, but I still find it hard to not to think of God as heartless. It's hard to get over.

  • @erixxu3260
    @erixxu3260 Год назад +1

    Thank you brother, very good sharing 👍 I have similar experience before.😊Now I know Calvinism is wrong, misleading people.🙏

  • @shakazulu365
    @shakazulu365 Год назад +2

    Good, honest and fair minded video. I wonder who the lady was that you mentioned having a debate with while still a calvinist. Keep preaching the gospel brother!

  • @brettcarter6189
    @brettcarter6189 Год назад

    Great video! I appreciate your story, and I found it very interesting. I especially liked what you said about wanting to be like the Bereans who “searched the scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” That’s the attitude we should all have about all teachings we hear from anyone. I commend you for having that kind of heart. I try to do the same. That’s why I reject not only Calvinism, but also Roman Catholicism, the Orthodox churches, Mormonism, and all Protestant denominations. As I look at their beliefs, teachings, worship practices, and church organization, I can’t find any of them that are consistent with the teachings of Christ and the apostles in the New Testament. They all have extra, traditional “baggage” that divides them. The apostle Paul told the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 1:8-10 to speak the same things and to be of one mind. He said to “let there be no divisions among you.” He also asked “Is Christ divided?” And since the Bible teaches that there is only one body (the church) and that Christ is not divided, then I have to conclude that I can’t put on their label and have fellowship with them and still be pleasing to God as long as they continue to cause division. 2 John 9 makes that clear to me. I believe in being a Christian only and not a hyphenated one with a denominational name (and all that goes with that) attached to it. After all, denominations are just divisions. The New Testament shows us a church without any denominational creed books or manuals or catechisms or confessions. Christians today shouldn’t have them either, but instead have the word of God alone as our only guide in faith and worship to God. I believe in doing what the faithful Christians in the Bible did in order to be what they were. It can be done because it is what the Bible teaches us to do, and it is what I and those with whom I assemble to worship try our best to do. We have freedom in Christ. It is freedom from man made labels and man made traditions and doctrines. It is freedom from doubts about salvation. It’s being “just a Christian”, according to the word of God alone. The church is called many things in the Bible: “The way”, “the Lord’s church”, “the church of God”, “the pillar and ground of truth”, “the assembly”, “the church of Christ”, and a few others. What we know is that they were told by the apostles to believe and practice the same things (the things they were taught), without any real emphasis on what name they were called. When we follow the New Testament example for church organization, we have no earthly headquarters, no conventions or committees ruling over us collectively. Each congregation is autonomous, and our only headquarters is in heaven with Jesus. We find our unity with other congregations by having Christian fellowship with those who are following the New Testament example, and by heeding Paul’s command in 1 Corinthians 1:8-10. It’s a simple faith and it’s a joy to be a part of because it is authentic. That’s the church of the Bible. The Lord’s church doesn’t necessarily have to be planted by men in order to exist because the Lord planted it (Matthew 15:13). Any group of people of any size can pick up the Bible, follow the teachings of Jesus and the apostles found in the New Testament, and become that church. No denominational manual or catechism needed. No denomination can replicate itself without their creed book, but the Lord’s church can be replicated with only the Bible. In fact, there is record of that very thing happening. Nobody votes on membership in the church that belongs to Christ, but I have seen denominations (divisions) do that. In the Bible, those who obeyed the gospel as Peter commanded in Acts 2 were simply added to the church by God (verse 47). It should be the same way today. No human has the authority to add anyone to God’s church. It’s His church, not ours, and He hasn’t given us authority to add anyone or vote on anyone’s membership. That’s the freedom in Christ I was talking about. I know you said that you have listened to and read a lot of religious material in your search for truth. If you like what I described here, check out “The Authentic Christian podcast.” You can find it here on RUclips. I think you’ll like how these guys present the information. They also give you a way to contact them and discuss anything you like. I hope you’ll listen to it and, like the Bereans, “search the scriptures to see whether these things were so.” God bless you.

  • @webgold3408
    @webgold3408 Год назад +2

    I have a question for you. If Christ has redeemed all mankind then why is the unpardonable sin unpardonable ?

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Год назад

      Faith /unbelief is a response to the gospel.
      Stewardship. Really very simple / childlike .

  • @shayla4094
    @shayla4094 Год назад +2

    What a beautiful testimony! Thank you for sharing it I'm not a Calvinist but a have friends that became Calvinist and is so sad bc that theology is so wrong

  • @lanceredman7224
    @lanceredman7224 Год назад +5

    I was in tears as I listened to this testimony.
    It is not about the skill of arguing over "proof texts" but the nature of the trinitarian community we call God that is revealed in the scriptures gracious and compassionate slow to anger abounding in Love. Jesus who came to seek and save the lost, who wept over Jerusalem, forgave the criminal on the cross and saved me.
    The God as revealed in the scripture is completely irreconciable with the God of Tulip.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +1

      @lanceredman7224, Please provide quotations from Calvinists who deny that God is gracious, compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.

  • @courtoni20
    @courtoni20 Год назад

    Sounds just like my story! Love to chat about it sometime

  • @moiraravji5070
    @moiraravji5070 Год назад +1

    Echo chamber is a great way to explain Calvinism.
    It is so easy to fall into many false teachings when we read other people’s books instead of the bible. Don’t believe the lie that you can’t understand the bible for yourself. The Holy Spirit promises to be your teacher when you read his Word. John 8:32
    1John 2:26,27 remain in him-He is the Word

    • @valeriereneeharper
      @valeriereneeharper 7 месяцев назад

      The echo chamber is true of Jehovah Witnesses and many others too.

    • @BrownGuyGaming91
      @BrownGuyGaming91 2 месяца назад

      Every denomination and theological system has an echo chamber to a certain point...and yes even cults.

  • @13kimosabi13
    @13kimosabi13 Год назад

    I understand believing but how did you resolve the free will issue when reading what God did for Doubting Thomas…..and for Saul => despite their free will choices ?

  • @truthseeker5698
    @truthseeker5698 Год назад +5

    The number of youtube channels exposing calvinism reformed theology are growing and gaining momentum .
    Mightily grateful to be living to experience this refutation of reformed calvinisms obscene maligning of Jesus the Messiah.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +3

      @truthseeker5698--And to date I have not seen a single one that accurately represents what Calvinists believe. The problem is likely that you are lost in your sins and have no clue what the gospel is all about.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +3

      @truthseeker5698-You seem to have no clue. You are offensive when you say that we obscenely malign Jesus.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Год назад +1

      Randy, you're deceived and calvinism reformed theology is a disgusting attempt to align with Jesus the Messiah. When it comes to knowingly reformed calvinists, such as yourself, be offended 100 times over , yet more than that, be aware, very aware of your conclusions. Simple biblical truth Randy. Surfs up!

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +1

      Truth dodger 5698
      I would rather worship a Savior who actually secured salvation for someone the one you claim to follow whose redemptive work did not secure anyone's savation.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Год назад

      @@TheBereanVoice Randy, you’ve lived a lie and deception for 55 years and counting . King Manasseh turned to God after similar years of life. You have time to turn if you’re willing . Your choice.

  • @scottthong9274
    @scottthong9274 Год назад +1

    Who is the mystery lady whose chat with you catalyzed your journey out, and where is that discussion video?

  • @spencerroyal4109
    @spencerroyal4109 Год назад

    Amen. Be a Christ follower always. His followers will be set free the more each study and read His word to know their heavenly Father. It is a relationship with Christ. Expel playing religion and when Christ and serving and worshiping Him and more about a denomination or group you know there are significant problems...return and focus on Christ and living and applying what pleases Him and invite Christ to speak into your daily life, activities, problems and you will get to know Christ better...

  • @nickhybner8485
    @nickhybner8485 Год назад +1

    Dr Michael Brown is incredibly script based & makes simple sense from scripture.

    @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +7

    19:14 ... Amen... Whoever believes is not complicated..... your comment "not playing "the games" with that word or those verses anymore " The Games... well said. I particularly like reading 1 Cor 13 and using "God" for "Love" in the passage. Since God IS Love (noun), it's no stretch and it paints a very clear and beautiful picture of the nature of our Heavenly Father. But it doesn't describe the Calvinist portrait of God at all. Their version sounds more like the 'other guy'.🤔
    I do not think it's an accident that most Atheists describe their understanding of God by using Calvinistic terms.
    Augustine and John Calvin did not invent the lie which became TULIP... they fell for it.

    • @aletheia8054
      @aletheia8054 Год назад

      There is a Bible verse that says “whoever believes” increase this is “all the believing”
      Whoever believes, doesn’t mean, whoever believes because of free will .

    • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
      @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад +2

      That's your baseless claim rooted in the inconsistencies of calvinism. The claims of calvinism when held in contrast to scripture become blasphemous, as they are a corrupt portrayal of THE CHARACTER OF GOD..

    • @aletheia8054
      @aletheia8054 Год назад

      @@cecilspurlockjr.9421 Same for free will

    • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
      @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад +1

      @@aletheia8054 how do you figure that the idea of free will is blasphemous when held in contrast to scripture? All through scripture were told to choose ! To believe ! To have faith ! To persevere! That's free will darlin sister . Please quit listening to these folks that have been indoctrinated into loving their calvinism more that what the Biblical texts literally and explicitly say over n over . Or those whove built a career on calvinism so they can't turn back now . Not one letter is of TULIP is consistent with scripture . The letters of TULIP are consistent with calvinism all day long but never consistent with scripture . I urge you to rethink these blasphemous teachings of calvinism you've embraced dear sister .
      I love you in THE LORD
      GOD bless you Aletheia.

    • @aletheia8054
      @aletheia8054 Год назад

      @@cecilspurlockjr.9421 The Bible never calls the wall of a man “free”. The Bible says the will of the flesh. So free will is not in the Bible. It’s just made up out of thin air. You’re supposed to believe what the Bible says not what you personally think.
      You’re telling me to listen to what the text explicitly says, yet you believe something that it doesn’t explicitly say
      Go figure

  • @truth7416
    @truth7416 Год назад +2

    Well said GMV. Know this, if their is power in what you are saying against Calvinism, the Devils Trolls will come into your comment section!
    I see a well know troll has already showed up with his foolishness!! Well done. Keep going.
    Truth in Love

  • @Used777_07
    @Used777_07 Год назад

    "Christ died for all men; we just don't know who they are."
    ----- John MacArthur

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Год назад +1

      Talk about cognitive dissonance with basic statements. Fortunately , The God of The Bible is orderly/coherent , unlike the statement you posted.
      Sola de clarity matters.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice Год назад +1

    Please consider the following comment from Hodge's Commentary on Romans. Hodge was by all accounts a Calvinist. , “I have stretched out my hand all the day to a rebellious people.” This quotation,
    therefore, confirms both the great doctrines taught in this chapter; the Jews
    were no longer the exclusive or peculiar people of God, and the blessings
    of the Messiah’s kingdom were thrown wide open to all mankind. With
    regard to Israel, the language of God is peculiarly strong and tender. All day
    long I have stretched forth my hands. The stretching forth the hands is the
    gesture of invitation, and even supplication. God has extended wide his
    arms, and urged men frequently and long to return to his love; and it is
    only those who refuse, that he finally rejects.

  • @bullingerian9484
    @bullingerian9484 Год назад +2

    Thank you! I left calvinism and trinitarianism at the same time. Simple biblical religion is so much better than philosophies of men.

    • @Briaalys
      @Briaalys Год назад

      If you are not enamored with "the philosophies of men", then why do you post as "bullingerian9484"?
      Also, if you've denied socalled "Calvinism" you've despised the gospel of grace, which is what the Christian Bible teaches. Worse, still, you've denied that Christ is Who He said He is, which means that you are no Christian, at all. Very sad. May I encourage you to Repent and Believe!
      “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”

    • @andrab1287
      @andrab1287 Год назад

      Keep it simple, because this is how God deals with us. Simplicity of God somehow escapes man. God so simply presents the good news, even a child may understand it. Only human pride and rebelion keep people from accepting and believing the gospel. I was there, but once I was ready to humble myself, God's word began to speak to me.

  • @beckyleili3557
    @beckyleili3557 Год назад +2

    Im not a Calvanist but believe in predestination. Its scripture.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Год назад

      predestined to what?

    • @beckyleili3557
      @beckyleili3557 Год назад +1

      @@truthseeker5698 heaven or hell

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Год назад +1

      @@beckyleili3557 Try again Becky.

    • @valeriereneeharper
      @valeriereneeharper 7 месяцев назад

      Predestination is the claim that the destination is predetermined. Not the individuals. In Christ you are predestined to something and outside of Christ you are predestined to something else. It is the destination picked before time, not the people. So anyone who is in Christ, by being there, they are destined to have a certain outcome.

  • @Elmarias777
    @Elmarias777 11 месяцев назад +1

    I am at a similar point. Searching for another church because when I hear those key words, those hidden meanings, i get a frustration and sickening feeling in my gut because I hear these nonbiblical descriptions of God. If I, or anyone, ascribes to God something that He is not, is it not blaspheming? It paints God as a pagan god of old, where the natural mans religion has either gods of chaotic manness, or deterministic all controlling god of no freedom or love.

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice Год назад +2

    Can you tell me what you think the doctrine of Limited atonement is? I would probably bet the rent money that you never understood the doctrine as set forth in the Canons of Dort, second head of doctrine. I suspect that you have rejected doctrines that you never understood. You should read Calvin on passages that teach that God takes no pleasure in the death and damnation of sinners.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      God doesn’t really love people Says The Calvinist!
      That contradicts the word of God! Have a dose full of scripture and see if you can bring up scripture!
      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

  • @stacyclark5910
    @stacyclark5910 Год назад +1

    I believe in what is commonly referred to a 5 pt Calvinism. I do not have any problem or leading of the Holy Spirit against it, in any way. In my view, all of your reasons opposing ‘Calvinism’ were subjective, every single one. It was based on feelings not Scripture. Sorry friend, Im just being honest. I really like the sincerity & openness of Jeff Winger, he’s excellent! I think he searches the Scripture VERY well, I do not like to be in disagreement with him, but I am in several points. Winger comes at his scriptural understanding from a different Hermeneutic than I do. I absolutely think of him as a brother in Jesus, he’s a great & genuine guy. Listen to Jeff Durban & John MacArthur. God Bless!
    PS- I don’t understand how this could make you feel negatively about ANY people….? We are all made in God’s image & commanded to love EVERYONE by God who first loved us! There is nothing in this scriptural doctrine that teaches nor supports hate or dislike in any way…. That came from the pit.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Год назад

      Calvinism reformed theology are one of the satans greatest works. Sorry, but your hermeneutic is warped and dysfunctional that leads you to be greatly misinformed as you subscribe to Augnostic theology . Too much money power and influence from those deceived to label reforned calvinism a cult.
      Fortunately being exposed line never before.
      Sola de reforned calvinism another gospel 😊😊😊

  • @catherinegray1367
    @catherinegray1367 Год назад

    I went from RC to a cult to NAR which led to calvary- false gospel along the way, yet protected by God at each turn. No more IC for me anymore. I read daily and I'm studying under one man who delves into CHRIST in grace alone through faith alone in CHRIST alone. Anyone coming out of an IC (Institutional Church) is probably surviving spiritual abuse. This is quite the walk, and right now I'm trying to figure out what I'm being sharpened on- all I want to do is sit at the feet of my Savior, and to do that just requires Christ and me!!! No other entity.

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice Год назад +1

    Also, Consider Jn Murray's comment on Romans 1 [He was also a Calvinist].
    It is the contrast that is particularly relevant to the present interest. The contrast
    is that between the favour shown to the Gentiles and the disobedience of Israel.
    The aggravated character of the latter is made apparent by the terms that are used
    to express God’s longsuffering and lovingkindness: “All the day long did I
    stretch out my hands”. In Gifford’s words, “it is a picture of ‘the everlasting
    arms’spread open in unwearied love”.²⁵ The overtures of grace are not merely
    represented as rejected but as made to “a disobedient and gainsaying people”.
    The perversity of Israel, on the one hand, and the constancy and intensity of
    God’s lovingkindness, on the other, are accentuated by the fact that the one
    derives its character from the other. It is to a disobedient and contradicting
    people that the outstretched hands of entreaty are extended. The gravity of the
    sin springs from the contradiction offered to the overtures of mercy.

  • @Outrider74
    @Outrider74 Год назад +1

    Former Calvinist, now a Lutheran. A couple of things about your video.
    First, agreed about Mike Winger. While I do not agree with him on all of his theology, his videos are very good.
    Second, you need to be very careful about Michael Brown. He may have correct issues to raise about Calvinism, but he also is in partnership with a lot of very radical and almost heretical, charismatic teachers.

  • @truth7416
    @truth7416 Год назад +7

    A Calvinist MUST have no hesitation in explaining Calvinism to their children in the following ACCURATE rendering .
    Little Johnny....We love you, little Johnny, but we accept the fact that God might not love you, and that He may have plans to send you to hell for your future sins. If you do find yourself one day burning in hell because He hasn’t elected to save you, just remember that we will always love you, even if God hates you.
    Take comfort knowing that we are not like God.
    We will be in heaven forever only because we were unconditionally chosen for salvation before we were born. That would be the only reason that we won’t be in hell with you if you find yourself there. It won’t be because of anything we did.
    So also take comfort in knowing that. It may not seem fair, but who are we to judge God?
    So again, if you find yourself in hell, remember that we will always love you as we forever worship the God who loved us but who hated you, the God who sent His Son to die for us but not for you.
    Please, we ask, don’t let it bother you-if you find yourself in hell-that we love the God who hated you and showed you no mercy. We must accept the fact that God is sovereign, and He does what He pleases.
    I know as Calvinists parents we should be more grateful for our own salvation! It’s like, ‘as long as our eternal destiny is secure, as long as our life is all planned out and taken care of by God, we shouldn’t give a damn about family, friends or anyone else!’
    After all, the lost hate God because God first hated them. We as Calvinist parents should hate what god hates, but it is so hard, because we can’t help but love you little Johnny and our families and neighbours!
    John Calvin Institutes proof texts:
    “ God arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death and are to glorify him by their destruction.( John Calvin Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6
    “…salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
    “We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is fore-ordained for some, eternal damnation for others.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
    “…we say that God once established by his eternal and unchangeable plan those whom he long before determined once for all to receive into salvation, and those whom, on the other hand, he would devote to destruction…he has barred the door of life to those whom he has given over to damnation.”
    (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 7)
    “The devil, and the whole train of the ungodly, are in all directions, held in by the hand of God as with a bridle, so that they can neither conceive any mischief, nor plan what they have conceived, nor how muchsoever they may have planned, move a single finger to perpetrate, unless in so far as he permits, nay unless in so far as HE COMMANDS, that they are not only bound by his fetters but are even FORCED to do him service” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 17, Paragraph 11)
    John Piper states it plainly: Quote from John Piper:
    "God . . . brings about all things in accordance with his will. In other words, it isn’t just that God manages to turn the evil aspects of our world to good for those who love him; it is rather that he himself brings about these evil aspects for his glory (see Ex. 9:13-16; John 9:3) and his people’s good (see Heb. 12:3-11; James 1:2-4). This includes-as incredible and as unacceptable as it may currently seem-God’s having even brought about the Nazis’ brutality at Birkenau and Auschwitz as well as the terrible killings of Dennis Rader and even the sexual abuse of a young child . . .
    Galatians 1:8-9 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! 9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!
    Calvinism is a doctrine of demons and those in it are in a Cult!
    Truth in Love

    • @elteacher6410
      @elteacher6410 Год назад +2

      Thank you for the clarity and honesty of your writing.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +1

      Your assumption here seems to be that sinners in some way deserve at least an opportunity to be delivered from God's wrath. That is a fundamental misunderstanding of biblical revelation. If you want fair, prepare yourself for hell because that is what you will receive if God should act in justice.
      That God brings about all that occurs in His world does not mean that He causes all that occurs. That is a fundamental misunderstanding that common among you people. I can guarantee that if you could ask Calvin or Piper whether God causes the evil or the destruction that comes from it, they would both deny that idea. Paul described God as the one who effectively accomplishes all according to the wise decree of His will. You need to deal with that and not with what Calvin or Piper et. al. have written or said.

    • @truth7416
      @truth7416 Год назад +3

      @@TheBereanVoice YOUR GUARANTEE IS WORTHLESS. You said quote "I can guarantee that if you could ask Calvin or Piper whether God causes the evil or the destruction that comes from it, they would both deny that idea."
      PIPER in his own words says it as plain as day.: " God . . . brings about all things in accordance with his will. In other words, it isn’t just that God manages to turn the evil aspects of our world to good for those who love him; it is rather that he himself brings about these evil aspects for his glory (see Ex. 9:13-16; John 9:3) and his people’s good (see Heb. 12:3-11; James 1:2-4). This includes-as incredible and as unacceptable as it may currently seem-God’s having even brought about the Nazis’ brutality at Birkenau and Auschwitz as well as the terrible killings of Dennis Rader and even the sexual abuse of a young child . "
      CALVIN“The devil, and the whole train of the ungodly, are in all directions, held in by the hand of God as with a bridle, so that they can neither conceive any mischief, nor plan what they have conceived, nor how muchsoever they may have planned, move a single finger to perpetrate, unless in so far as he permits, nay unless in so far as he commands, that they are not only bound by his fetters but are even forced to do him service” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 17, Paragraph 11)
      People aren't deceived by lying Calvinists so much these days because access to their heretical founders words is open to all. Yet Calvinist fools march on with their anti gospel.
      Troll somewhere else with your poison.

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice Год назад +2

    Can you cite any Calvinist who denies that God will pardon and justify any and every sinner who repents and trusts God's promise? What verses like John 3:16 do not teach is that it was God's purpose to save every sinner and that His purpose has been thwarted by the sinner's free will. Please note the purpose clause in John 3:16. Why did God give His Son? IN ORDER THAT everyone believing should not perish. . . The verse says absolutely nothing about any purpose of God to save every sinner without exception. Whether He is willing to do so is another issue altogether.

  • @scottthong9274
    @scottthong9274 Год назад

    Bro, Evan Minton (Cerebral Faith) uses that same Isaiah passage about becoming like that which you worship, to explain why so many Cage Stagers behave so horribly

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice Год назад +4

    I honestly don't care whether you are a Calvinist or not, but please don't claim that you left Calvinism because Calvinists don't believe God extends his free offer of mercy and loving-kindness to sinners indiscriminately.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      Calvinist tie gods hands behind his back, saying they can go live like the devil and end up in heaven because they’re chosen or they said a prayer and God can’t take back salvation?! You believe man is greater than God? In Calvinism or once saved always saved! Yes, they think that.
      OSAS- 3 verses in the Bible say your name can be blotted out of the book of life; Psalm 69:28, revelation 3:5, 22:19!
      Never receiving Jesus is not the only way to go to hell Says Matthew 7:21-23 ; verse 23 ‘away from me I never knew you’ does not apply to everybody, Jesus says this twice in verses 21 and 22! “Not everyone will say to me (on that day)……., yes many will say…..” If OSAS was true he would’ve said “everyone and all” instead of “not everyone and Many”! So not everyone will go to hell based on never knowing Jesus, and other verses will back this up as well! you can no longer use Matthew 7:23 or say they were never saved to begin with!
      Same with 2 Peter 2 “after knowing the Lord, they went back into their vomit as a dog; or back into the mud as a pig wallowing in the mud”. The word ‘knowing’ is the same word in Matthew 7:23, it’s ‘ginosko’ in the Greek- it’s a salvific relationship with Jesus! So you can lose your salvation, says this verse as well!
      2 Peter 2:20 “If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning!”
      THEY ARE ENTANGLED IN THE CORRUPTION OF THE WORLD…AGAIN- says this verse! Jude 12 - “twice dead”; Dead in sin, born again, dead again!
      And there’s many more; Revelation chapters 2 & 3 are full of ultimatums and all Jesus is focused on is our works!
      Revelation 2: 5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place!
      Revelation 2:14 there are some among you….. 16 Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
      These are just 2 and Jesus says “he who overcomes” , Overcomes is present - future tense, and Jesus says this to all 7 churches even the 2 good ones! You have to stay faithful to the end of your life to go to heaven!
      John 3:16 is he who continues to believe will have eternal life! it doesn’t say ‘believed’ past tense, you have to maintain your faith to go to heaven!
      The Greek word ‘believes’ is ‘Pistis’ which basically means faithfulness so faith equals faithfulness, according to the Bible!
      So if you have problems with this, then you have problems with the word of God, the Bible!
      You need to study these passages so that you can make it to heaven!
      If your pastor cannot answer these questions according to what I just said, then you need to leave that church!

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад

      @@jjphank Do you people derive pleasure from misrepresenting what Calvinists believe? You need to know that the OSAS doctrine that many in the free will camp teach is not the same as the Calvinistic doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. It is true that if God saves a sinner, that person will never be lost but one must be once saved to be always saved. The biblial doctrine is not "once professing faith always saved." Jn MacArthur is right when he says, "if you could lose your salvation, you would."

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      @@TheBereanVoice YOU GOT NO BIBLE VERSES? you don’t know the Bible- you don’t use it to propagate your propaganda because you would have to take the Bible out of context to do so, And you would get shut down immediately by me or somebody who knows the Bible! John, MacArthur, said in 2014 you can take the 666 and still get forgiveness when chapter 14 and chapter 19 of revelation, say you cannot, that you’ll burn in hell for eternity!
      No wonder you’re wrong because he’s wrong !
      He went further & further away from the real grace into hyper Grace Saying Jesus, doesn’t have to be your lord if he’s your savior ! He was right the first time and then wrong the second time!
      If you don’t stay faithful to the end of your life, you will end up in hell! JESUS SAID!
      You’re blind guides if somebody listens to you, they will fall into hell, the pit !
      WARNING ***** Matthew 12:36 every idle word will be judged I told you this you need to stop talking about Calvinism because you don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t have any verses to back up what you say, versus my verses all over the place the 13 or so.!

    • @latenitehvac868
      @latenitehvac868 15 дней назад

      @@TheBereanVoicefind perseverance of the saints in scripture, it doesn’t say that

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice 15 дней назад

      @@latenitehvac868 How about "WE [the saints] are more than conquerors throuth Him who loved us?" How about, "We are not of those who draw backto perdition but of those who go on believing to the saving of the soul." What about "We are kept, by the power of God THROUGH FAITH unto salvation [glorification in this case].

  • @mattr.1887
    @mattr.1887 Год назад

    Christianity really gives people multiple versions of truth.

    • @TopJazzCat
      @TopJazzCat Год назад


  • @michaelpoapst9465
    @michaelpoapst9465 Год назад

    Debate James White if you have the Truth !!!

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      Jimmy White has an honorary doctorate and he’s very dangerous; the bad dr.s- dr. James White, Dr. Gene Scott both off the wall!
      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice Год назад +1

    Please consider the following quote from Calvin concerning God's lovingkindness and mercy toward sinners. If you reject Calvinism, you need to do so for some other reason than your faulty supposition that Calvinists don't believe God extends the promise of mercy to sinners indiscriminately. Calvin wrote, "And he will have mercy on him. We ought carefully to examine this context, for he shows that men cannot be led to repentance in any other way than by holding out assurance of pardon. Whoever, then, inculcates the doctrine of repentance, without mentioning the mercy of God and reconciliation through free grace, labors to no purpose; just as the Popish doctors imagine that they have discharged their duty well when they have dwelt largely on this point, and yet do but chatter and trifle about the doctrine of repentance. But although they taught the true method of repenting, yet it would be of little avail, seeing that they leave out the foundation of freely­bestowed pardon, by which alone consciences can be pacified. And indeed, as we have formerly said, a sinner will always shrink from the presence of God so long as he is dragged to his judgment-seat to give an account of his life, and will never be subdued to fear and obedience till his heart is brought into a state of peace.
    For he aboundeth in pardoning. Now, because it is difficult to remove terror from trembling minds, Isaiah draws all argument from the nature of God, that he will be ready to pardon and to be reconciled. Thus the Holy Spirit dwells on this part of doctrine, because we always doubt whether or not God is willing to pardon us; for, although we entertain some thoughts of his mercy, yet we do not venture fully to believe that, it belongs to us. It is not without reason, therefore, that this clause is added, that we may not be hindered by uncertainty or doubt as to his infinite compassion toward us.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

  • @jake-in_yt80
    @jake-in_yt80 Год назад

    Jesus died for our sins once bro. 1 John 5:13, Philippians 3:19. Let us be found with a righteousness not of ourselves.

  • @sonnylockington5728
    @sonnylockington5728 Год назад +3

    The problem with people !like this guy is they believe the doctrine of election came from John Calvin. No!! The doctrine of election was taught by the apostles . John Calvin just went back to the original roots taught by the apostles literal teaching of the doctrine of election. John gospel demonstrate the doctrine of election in the most context. John 3:16 from the original Greek text. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, " for the believing ones. " The original Greek text uses ( the believing ones) a " selective people. " John 6:37 " All " that the Father gives to me will come to me, and the ones that come to me, I will not cast them out. So the " all " are( selective people) just like John 3:16 ( ones believing) John 6:44 No one can come to me, unless the Father who sent me draws him. So the verse is saying the only ones that can come to Yeshua ( Jesus Christ) are the ones ( selective people) the Father qdraws to Yeshua. This is called being born again ,Yahweh ( God) changes the un regenerated heart that hates Yahweh ,to a regenerated heart that loves Yahweh. John 3:3 Jesus said to Nicademus unless someone is born again ,they can not see the kingdom of heaven. If you notice I keep providing context using hermeneutics and Exegesis. John 15:16 I chose you ,you did not choose me. The verse just like the other verses I demonstrated are grammatically from the Greek used in a singular verb not plural verb. Not God plus us. John 17:9 I pray not for the world, but for " those " the Father has given me. Once again the" those " are a selective people. . If I was to call myself any title because I believe in the doctrine of election. I would call myself a Johnist not Calvinist. I am a sola scriptura and total scriptura born again Christian. Here are some great biblical teachers that teach through Historical Contextual hermeneutics and Exegesis through context hermenutics is using scriptures to interpret other scriptures, the original language and who the writer is and who the writer is speaking to, and the culture of that time John MacArthur JAMES white Voddie Bachum Steve Lawson Jeff Durbin Paul washer Jerry Gilles.

  • @billeysanders9318
    @billeysanders9318 Год назад +2

    John 3:16 God love the whole world he gave his only one son whoever would believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life John 3:15 blazing me it's not condemn and never perish but have everlasting life that is Jesus words

  • @primeobjective5469
    @primeobjective5469 Год назад +5

    The God of truth does not command the majority of mankind to believe a lie.
    Acording to Calvinist theology, God certainly does command the majority of mankind to believe a lie.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад +1

      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

  • @timclark2925
    @timclark2925 11 месяцев назад

    The alternative view; that everyone has a free will choice has HUGE problems that have to be answered. If its true that men have free will then one has to admit that its possible that everyone rejects Christ and noone gets saved; therefore Jesus Christ dies for noone. Then how could Jesus confidently say "I will build My Church!" ?? He couldn't. And God would not be in total and complete control of human history either. And its not just the problem of hoping that humans choose Jesus; the other problem is opportunity to even hear the Gospel. Not everyone lives in free America where the Gospel is allowed to be preached; not everyone lives 80 years (many don't even make it to 10 to 15 years old) and gets to hear the Gospel preached a thousand times. So many problems with free will vs. predestination.....I don't think you have thought this out very well. You may hate predestination. To be honest I'm not crazy about it either. But the alternative has little to no chance of being true.

    • @gracemercywrath8767
      @gracemercywrath8767  11 месяцев назад

      I hope you will check out my other videos that answer some of your questions. If there is not a video that answers one of your questions please let me know and I can recommend a video from another channel or in time I will attempt to put out my own video. Blessings.

    • @timclark2925
      @timclark2925 11 месяцев назад

      @@gracemercywrath8767 I wont sort through your videos....just give me a simple answer right here....the bottom line is there i s no answer. The answer is Jesus Christ tells us how God build his church in response to his question to Peter, "Who do you say that I am?" He says "Blessed are you Peter because flesh and blood did not reveal that to you but it was revealed to you by my father who is in heaven." God doesnt reveal who Jesus Christ is to everyone. ANOTHER major problem is if you reject the Bibles teaching of Election; then you have to believe in an ALMIGHTY GOD who supposedly wants to save everyone; and yet devises a plan of salvation where only a few find it.....that is pathetic. That makes your God incompetent and certainly not all powerful. Whereas the Calvinist believes that God came and saved EVERYONE He wanted to save; not one more and not one less....All of God's Sheep get saved!

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice Год назад +3

    If someone can talk you into Calvinism, someone else can talk you out of it. If you do nothing but listen to debates and videos produced by those of differing views, the likehood is that you are going to be tossed about with every wind of doctrine.
    I have been a Calvinist for better than 50 years and I have no problem with the fact that God desires the sinner's repentance. Being holy, He can desire nothing other. There is a clear distinction in Scripture between what God, because of His nature, wants to happen and what He has determined will happen because He has a purpose for it. You will continue to be tossed about as long as you imagine that you can ignore clear passages of Scripture on either side of the issue. If you think Flowers said anything that is to be taken seriously in his debate with White on Romans 9, you have truly been duped by people who haven't a clue what the Scriptures teach. I feel sorry for you in your confusion.

    • @gracemercywrath8767
      @gracemercywrath8767  Год назад +3

      I have two series on Romans 9 and would encourage you to watch the playlist by Dr Williams going verse by verse through Romans 9. Blessings.

    • @truth7416
      @truth7416 Год назад +1

      Yes the Calvinist trolls have arrived! You have said nothing new that a Calvinist has not repeated as the devils puppets do.
      Your great Calvinist John Calvin has said with great demonic fervour.
      “ God arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death and are to glorify him by their destruction.( John Calvin Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6
      NOTHING is Worth saying to you! Your blind, deaf and dumb!

  • @dubyag4124
    @dubyag4124 Год назад

    I appreciate your heart brother but LOL. “I will not allow man to be a filter”? You let that lady apologist be your filter. And you cared more about when men thought than what God says about himself. It’s all good, we’re all in process. Fear God, not men brother.

  • @Bamifun
    @Bamifun Год назад +1

    Look into Orthodoxy.

    • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
      @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад

      Protestants are a sect of orthodox christainity my friend .

    • @SweejitOfficial
      @SweejitOfficial Год назад +1

      They say that people outside of the Orthodox Church system are going to hell, that if you don't bow and kiss their paintings of saints and Jesus Christ you're anathema (accursed). Every member of the church might not believe this, but their official canon states this and to join the church you have to affirm that nonsense.

    • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
      @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад

      @@SweejitOfficial I knew it was thar way with the Roman Catholics but I wasn't aware it was like that with the eastern orthodox..

    • @SweejitOfficial
      @SweejitOfficial Год назад

      @@cecilspurlockjr.9421 I was considering the EO church when I was newer in the faith, they like to hide it and explain it away until you get more indoctrinated. There are some good resources here on RUclips that outline their doctrine quite well and fairly, Joshua Schooping is one such resource.

    • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
      @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад

      @@SweejitOfficial yes, I'm aware of their Saint worship but I didn't know that they claimed folks go to hell if they didn't pray to saints with them . Thanks for the info .

  • @toolegittoquit_001
    @toolegittoquit_001 Год назад

    Calvinism is an Orthodox belief that is a useful framework for understanding the Sovereignty of God. Framing it as a cult just demonstrates your poor understanding of Scripture 😢

  • @randym.7238
    @randym.7238 Год назад +1

    I'm what you would call a Calvinist because I believe the Reformed Doctrine to be exactly what the inspired Word of GOD as recorded in the books compiled in the Bible, PROVE.
    I feel sadness For those who claim that a Righteous God who does whatever He chooses to do with whatever or whomever He's Created to be, a "Monster". I'm fearful for you.
    The Truth is that God has never NOT Saved a person who desired to be Saved. God has never SAVED anyone who did not want to be Saved.
    Apostle Paul asked the question, " Does the Potter have not power over the Clay, from the same Lump to make one vessel for honor and another dishonor? " (Romans 9:21)
    Did not our beloved Apostle Paul ask the question, "Who are you O Man, to reply against GOD? " "Will the THING formed say to HIM who formed it, Why have you made me like this?" (Romans 9:20)
    The Truth is that if God Wills that none in the World should perish,,then ALL would be Saved. But not all the world is Saved! Why? Is the Will of Almighty God so weak that God cannot do as He Wills?
    Is Man's Will so Strong that it overpowers the Will of Almighty God?
    If you know God, you know the Answer to both of the above questions is NO.
    Here is the Truth of John 3:16; This was written to the Jews who believe that they were the only people to be Saved. John 3:16 was written to the Jews to show that under the New Covenant that Jesus made known, according to The GREEK meaning of that Scripture, "ALL" means ; "Men from every Nation, Tribe and Country," Who believed in Jesus, would not Perish but have Everlasting Life. It did not mean God Willed Every Person from every Nation,Tribe and Country to be Saved. Just those who Believe would not
    Romans 9: 18 Clearly says that GOD " has mercy on whom He has Mercy, and that whom God Wills, He hardens." Romans 9:16 says with no ambiguity that it is not up to "Man's Will or efforts, but of God who shows Mercy.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Год назад

      the reformed god is a monster. This calvinistic reformed god makes the satan look like a lighting big cosmos red to the sun.
      Keep up the deception you’re under if you choose.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

    • @randym.7238
      @randym.7238 Год назад

      @@jjphank Titus 1:1 Who do you think Paul Is Talking about? Who are the chosen? Who chose them?
      John 15:16. Who chose who there?
      Thessalonians 2:13 who are the chosen and when were they chosen?
      Romans 12:3 Did the believers create their own faith or was it given to them by God?
      Do you really think that all the individual People in the Bible did what they did when they did it was done out of Happenstance? Did God not prophecy through chosen Men who were chosen to be Prophets, tell in advance what God was going to do, and then those very things Happened? Did God just get Lucky that all those Prophecies just Happened to occur when and as He said they would simply by Chance?
      It seems to me that People who believe in the "Free Will" doctrine, believe God looked into the future and sees whoever is going to happened to believe. ( As if Carnal Man can understand matters of the Spirit apart from GOD.)
      What Scripture tells me is that GOD doesn't look into the future, unaware of who would Believe and not Believe until, of their own volition, choose Jesus.
      Scripture tells me that GOD has already Created the Future. In fact Jesus told us the End from the Beginning.
      God doesn't predestine individual people? Scripture tell me that is exactly what GOD Has done from the Beginning My friend. Show me in the Bible that God left anything to Chance. Everything GOD does has a Purpose to achieve the result of what GOD Wills. He Created Man in order to Bring Glory to Himself. How He does this is up to HIM and done by HIM.
      I challenge you to prove otherwise.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      @@randym.7238 The verses you picked out can’t mean what you say they mean ,because that would negate the verses that I picked out. You see the Bible has to harmonize together just like people can’t overstate works or overstate grace (hyper grace- which is the main stream churches downfall) or overstate the sovereignty or Predestination of God and put it in the Wrong place , which is exactly what you’re doing!
      Reread my first message on this thread, and then go to the verses on your message and other Bible verses, and make them harmonize !
      predestination has to do with groups, a.k.a. the church, and the saved nation of Israel, it has no place for individuals says the Scriptures ! Start there!
      Romans 12:3 doesn’t mean God gives us the faith that would be stupid then why did God put a tree in the Garden of Eden saying don’t eat from it and why did god tell Cain he does not want him to kill his brother in Genesis 4 ?

    • @randym.7238
      @randym.7238 Год назад

      @@jjphank The Bible interprets itself. Not wanting to argue, may I just ask you what Romans 12:3 means if not God giving a Measure of Faith to those who Believe? This verse does harmonize with Ephesians

  • @JohnSmith-ug5ci
    @JohnSmith-ug5ci Год назад

    Let us not be fooled! We do not want to be one of those who will be turned away on that day when men stand before God. The way is narrow, and the road is straight, and FEW be that find it.
    Matt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

    Verse 22 MANY will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    Verse 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    Matt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it.
    Matt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

    Verse 22 MANY will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    Verse 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    Matt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it.
    Our sin has set us all on the road to hell and no amount of good will fix the sin we have done. We have ALL sinned. It is not about the type of sin or how much sin. It is about the fact that we have sinned. For that reason we need a Savior.

    If we want forgiveness for our sin and peace with God. If we want to escape eternal hell. If we want to go to heaven we must understand the following. We DO NOT get saved (go to heaven), get right with God, forgiven, by being good, by being religious, by just believing in God, by praying a prayer, being baptized, asking or accepting Jesus into our hearts, accepting Jesus as our personal Saviour, confessing our sins, joining a church, cleaning up our lives, doing penance, taking the bread and the wine, or doing all these things accumulative.

    Salvation takes repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 20:21. testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Make no mistake. We cannot be a friend of Christ and remain a rebel against God. The word repent, from the Greek word “metanoia”, means a change of mind or direction.
    God is not receiving those who almost or kind of repents. It is like the word About-face which is a 180 degree turn. We turn from not wanting God fully in our lives to willfully surrendering to Him to lead our lives.

    When any person comes to the place where they are broken over their sin toward God to the point that they want to get right with God no matter what it will cost them they are in a state/spirit of repentance toward God. Luke 14:33 Luke 14:33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
    We then take that heart we have towards God and place it on the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Master and that becomes faith. At that moment God’s grace through Christ is freely applied to us and we are born again, saved from eternal hell and sealed by the Spirit so that we will never again return to the practice of sinning. Eph. 2:8,9, 1John 3:9,10.

    Our first command after salvation is to be baptized.
    Repentance of sin is the result of the new birth/salvation and will be part of the sanctification process and our new life with the Lord Jesus Christ, Eph 2:10. While we may sin from time to time after salvation it will never again be our practice 2Cor. 5:17, 1John 3:9,10.

    John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

    REV. 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

  • @Briaalys
    @Briaalys Год назад +3

    The term "Calvinism" originated after John Calvin died, and was used as a pejorative by those who opposed the Gospel of grace. "Calvinism" IS the Gospel, and nothing more.
    Romans 3:28
    Romans 9:11-23
    Ephesians 2:8-9
    John 17:1-9
    John 15:16
    It is very sad that so many professing "Christians" can be so Biblically illiterate that they fail to understand the most basic doctrines of the Bible.
    Before critiquing the doctrines of grace, please make a fair attempt to study the scriptures. Read Seaton's brief essay "Five Points of Calvinism."
    This young man is a false teacher. Run from him as you would from a Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, or Roman Catholic.

  • @TheBereanVoice
    @TheBereanVoice Год назад +2

    If you have based your rejection on anything you have heard on Soteriology 101, you have clearly been duped. Flowers is a theological ignoramous. He claims to have been a Calvinist at one time but doesn't even understand what Calvinists believe. If he does understand, he is deliberately lying about our views. I would be interested in knowing why you would believe that believing what we believe as Calvinists is true, it would make God a monster. If you have ever entertained that idea, you never understood Calvinism.

    • @Leah-fw5kn
      @Leah-fw5kn Год назад +1


    • @TheMaineSurveyor
      @TheMaineSurveyor Год назад +2

      Flowers has done and continues to do a lot of damage. He deliberately reinterprets plainly-worded passages to mean something other than what it clearly means. His recent video on Total Depravity & 1st Corinthians 2:14 is yet another example of his tactics of confusion.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +2

      @@TheMaineSurveyor He will have a great deal to answer for when he stands before God and must give an answer for butchering the Scriptures.

  • @michaelfalsia6062
    @michaelfalsia6062 Год назад

    Bye bye! You wont be missed.😅😂

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

    • @michaelfalsia6062
      @michaelfalsia6062 Год назад

      @jjphank False! But clever. Each group is made up of individuals, my friend. If the group is elected and predestined, then each individual must also be personally elected and predestined. Without individuals, you have no group. So much for that argument. Go learn some Greek and study logic and then try again. You are sincere but off my friend.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      @@michaelfalsia6062 individuals are not predestined. Look at the language. I didn’t write the Bible I just interpret it correctly!! That’s All!
      Really , have whoever you look up to as a Calvinist, look at my message on Ephesians one, and Romans nine, & debate It USING SCRIPTURE!!!

  • @RICK-uf1jj
    @RICK-uf1jj Год назад

    I come from the evangelical charismatic non Calvinist Armenian denominations that dominate western society as of late so that my perspective is now neither 5 point nor decision theological, why that I've converted to a Missouri synod Lutheran which stands in the middle, as the truth is that both systems have flaws, it would seem scripture contradicts itself but this can't be true, truth is we haven't perfect knowledge, their is the hidden of God, that neither system can connect all the dots, Lutherans realize this while holding to scriptural inerrancy and predestined salvation of the elect. We don't twist this to be a result of God foreseeing our decision to believe thus predestining due to our decision, this being a transparent corruption of Holy scripture due to the need to make God kinder and gentler....he is both judgemental and loving, how this be is sometimes a mystery.
    Your belief that the one depicts God as cruel, the other all loving..let me ask, either it be God has foreknowledge that most won't be saved or he predestined his elect, both have the same outcome, that most will perish, then why do you make the distinction? Arminians teach that he desires all be saved, what about all the world, now and in the past who never hear the gospel? Did God not foresee either outcomes??
    Truth is your new found beliefs will inevidently lead to universal salvation in order to form God to our own image as mankind needs to have a warm and fuzzy God, essentially an Easter Bunny/ Santa, scripture is and will be perverted in order to conform to the world...that God is beyond our understanding and faith is belief in things not evident, some of scripture would seem to not support Calvin's nor the opposing Arminian decision theology, though the gospel truth that faith alone saves is evident with no ambiguous interpretation possible.
    God saves us without our participation, this is evident, can we lose our salvation?, this both camps have scripture to support their opposing doctrines. Lutherans do not deny the paradox that we are chosen, predestined for salvation but can lose salvation. As for me and my conversion to 3 to 4 point Calvinist providential teaching, this has allowed me to trust God in all things as opposed to the random universe with occasional divine intervention derivived from modern day Arminian doctrine, which teaches essentially....cast all our cares upon the Lord in a random universe, us controlling God's will through prayer, kinda like saying, say no to drugs....lacks foundation to perform.
    The Lutheran distinction is we look to objective evidence of our faith, that being baptism saves and that our faith is nurtured by the lords supper, it being in remembrance of him, it being the true body and blood of Jesus given to us for the forgiveness of our sins...his body and blood present physically as it was when he walked through walls,( this doesn't saves us again as his once and for all sacrifice saved us for all sins, past present and future, not the Catholic continual sacrifice that they believe) Calvinist and evangelical Arminians have corrupted the Holy sacraments to mere memorials and signs of our conversion.
    Both sides rely upon looking within ourselves to confirm our true faith..both belief systems create doubt and fear of condemnation. We are to rely on God's promises rather than our feelings, such as that conversion experience necessary for true conversion that both Calvinist and Arminians teach which is not the belief of the church prior to modernity..
    Both systems have perverted the sacraments, both have added an 11th commandment, thou shalt prohibit alcohol, thus they partake of grape juice instead of wine, why not fruit punch since you take such liberties? Did not Jesus turn water to wine? Was it wine at the last supper? Of course it was, never did protestants substitute grape juice until the temperance movement of early 20th century. Lutherans have not corrupted the sacraments...As to why Lutherans are known for their grace and compassion, this due to not looking inwardly, rather focusing upon the cross. We do not doubt our having true faith, the Calvinist and evangelicals rely on feelings, these waver, and many a soul has been driven to despair and legalism as a result..Roman Catholic works, continual sacrifices of Christ, financial payments in order to shorten time in purgatory...or other legalistic doctrines that offer assurance in exchange for works of the law. We are to rely upon God's promises rather than feelings..and yes I've witnessed the Roman Catholics converting protestants as a result of this corruption of Protestanism.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +1

      Though I agree with some of what you wrote, the great majority of it is BS.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      Missouri synod Lutheran just went gay this last week, they’ve given into the homosexuals being approved by their denomination!
      I have a friend who’s ordain Missouri Senate Lutheran, but he is a pastor of a nondenominational church so it’s no sweat!
      Just study the Bible and look at Jacob Prasch teach the Bible, & calvinism is a heresy, here’s proof:
      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

  • @supsoo
    @supsoo Год назад +5

    I feel sad that you misunderstand calvinism.

    • @gracemercywrath8767
      @gracemercywrath8767  Год назад +5

      Please don't. The loving God of the scriptures is far better and more wonderful than the one painted by Calvinists.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +2

      @@gracemercywrath8767 Do you actually believe it was God's purpose to save every person without exception? That is a different issue from His desire for sinners to repent and His willingness to forgive them when they do.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Год назад +2

      @@TheBereanVoiceIt’s very simple Randy, do better , much better . Sola de your choice.

      @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +2

      @supsoo, I'm curious, why would you care if someone doesn't 'understand' Calvinism. As a Calvinist you must embrace the claim that whatever a man believes about anything is only by God's eternal, unchangeable, decree. He can no more understand Calvinism if God has not elected or "enlightened" him than you could have. It's "all God", remember? And why would you have an emotional opinion about God's decree? Seriously, it appears you may not understand Calvinism's "doctrines of grace"
      Honestly consider this real scenario;
      You are witnessing to an individual who is a lost soul. But you do not know if they are 'elected to salvation' because you cannot know, and it is irrelevant that you do not.
      Do you have any desire to see that lost person saved? If so, you must ask yourself an honest question within the confines of the Calvinist system.
      1 ... Where did that desire for their salvation come from?🤔
      2 ... It did not come from God, because God is withholding saving grace from them by his decree, and he has no desire for them to be saved. In fact, under Calvinism, this reprobate was created for destruction.
      3 ... The desire you have for their salvation either came from you, in which you are more compassionate than God, or it came from the Devil. There is no other choice.
      4 ... If you believe your intense desire for their salvation is somehow evidence they are ‘elect’ then couldn't you tell them they are of the elect and will go to heaven....and shouldn’t you?
      5 ... If not …see original question.

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +2

      @@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT I didn't say I don't care whether a person understands Calvinism. I don't care whether a person calls him or herself a Calvinists. All I care about is that people understand what the Scriptures teach regarding the sinner's salvation.
      You have confused God's desire that rises from His nature and His decree. God clearly desires the sinner's repentance and can do nothing other because He is holy. A holy being cannot but desire holiness in others. That is a different question from whether God has decreed to save every sinner.
      You are also confusing supra-lapsarianism with confessional Calvinism. To my knowledge, not a single Calvinist confession that takes a supra-lapsarian position.
      There are many things that God desires or hates that He has not determined will or will not happen. God predestined the actions of those who crucified Jesus, but did nothing to cause the evil of those actions which He had clearly forbidden in His revealed truth.

  • @ManassehJones
    @ManassehJones Год назад +3

    It is impossible to go from God saving you by His grace and will alone, and making you a utterly new creature IN Christ Jesus, by the gift of Gods effectual grace through the faith OF Jesus Christ, to then return the gift and declare "Unless I approve your adopting me into Your family, I will not accept the adoption."
    There's no possible way.
    Mike Winger, Leighton Flowers, and other lovers of Self and Self Determinism, God has called to be false teachers to the itching ears of those who love not the truth. I'm thankful the LORD uses the children of the flesh for the purpose of making his power known, like Pharoah.

    • @heaththielen8259
      @heaththielen8259 Год назад +4

      Titus 2:11 ~ For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
      John 12:32 ~ And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
      1 Timothy 2:3-6 ~ For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time
      Adoption does not equal salvation. Christians are predestined to the adoption . . . Romans 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body . . . Ephesians 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

    • @ManassehJones
      @ManassehJones Год назад

      @@heaththielen8259 Flesh-o-gesis methodology of understanding the Holy Writ always produces identical hypothesis: Self Determinism.

    • @aletheia8054
      @aletheia8054 Год назад +2

      @@heaththielen8259. All men, not every single man on the planet.
      John 11:48 If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation.
      You think that means every single person on the planet?
      Acts 22:15 For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard.
      Do you think that means every single person on the planet?
      Freewill = love of self

    • @aletheia8054
      @aletheia8054 Год назад +1

      @@ManassehJones. Amen brother

    • @heaththielen8259
      @heaththielen8259 Год назад +2

      ​@@ManassehJones Hey Manny. I hate to drag out a comment on GMW's page, but because everyone is able to see this play out, I'd like to continue!
      I find it arrogant of you to assume you know specifically why me and GMW don't believe what you do, especially when your theology asserts we don't believe it because God found it most glorifying to himself to predestine us not to, like you referenced in your comment about Pharaoh.
      Not to mention, you did not even address what I said to you. Do you copy and paste that response to every RUclips video discussing a distaste for Calvinism? Neither of us said self determination or free will. All I did was list scripture and how the adoption in Romans 8 and Ephesians 1 isn't used the same way you described it, when you said, "Unless I approve your adopting me into Your family, I will not accept the adoption." You intentionally or unintentionally injected "adoption" and "effectual grace" into what you said, without using any verses to back it up, and I believe you're in error because of that.
      Also, I do believe that God saves people by His grace and will alone. I just don't believe he does that calvinistically.

  • @jabel5
    @jabel5 Год назад

    Here we have two sincere groups of true believers in Jesus Christ, who can't agree with what the Bible says on an important point of theology. An omniscient and omnipotent God would know how to communicate with his followers without ambiguity and would have the power to do so. My conclusion is that your God must be lacking in knowledge, power or the will to communicate.

    • @jjphank
      @jjphank Год назад

      The problem is people don’t study the word of God enough God truly does love everyone; here’s proof! You have to be a student of the Bible to know what you’re talking about because that means you love God with all your mind as he says to do! So you still have no excuse because people argue!
      God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
      God, predestines groups or plurals only, never individuals. Ephesians 1 -2 points: “ us and we” are pre-destined never “you and I“! And 11 times in 11 verses from 3-14 you have to remain “in Christ“ (in him, in whom) to be predestined!
      Romans 9:1-3 Paul is talking about the nation of Israel, all the way to the end of chapter 11 ! So, “Jacob, I loved, Esau I hated“ is genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! It’s talking about ‘Nations,’ not individuals in the whole context of those three chapters! Stop taking it out of context, along with Ephesians 1!
      Of course, we have the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau despised his birthright !
      So God truly does love all people, he truly did make hell for the devil and his angels just as Matthew 25:41 says !
      Even the 42 youths, mauled by the 2 bears, was because they mocked Elijah‘s rapture, a.k.a. the resurrection , they were saying “go on up Baldy “ ; and ALL their prophets just recently Were killed by Elijah and they should’ve known to stop worshiping Baal! Bethel was the headquarters of Baal worship, where this took place! 490 priests got killed by Elijah, There was no Priests around,; should’ve been a gigantic clue.
      So God never arbitrarily and haphazardly deals with any human being ! His love cannot be measured says Romans 8!
      But if you’re a Calvinists it’s “his love cannot be measured , (Wink, wink)“!
      Come out of the false belief system of Calvinism ! Now you have no excuse because you cannot out argue this, let’s hear you try!
      Read Matthew 25 the parable of the Calvinists, a.k.a. talents ! Where the guy buried his talent calling God,- somebody who doesn’t judge rightly & he was thrown into hell as a result! He had the wrong view of God, & So Will a Calvinist, they’ll have a callous view of God!

  • @heatherh4266
    @heatherh4266 Год назад +3

    If you leave calvism you would need to leave the word of God. It's everywhere in His Word. God is Soviengn over all, His ways are perfect.

    • @OracioSandoval
      @OracioSandoval Год назад +4

      You mean you'd have to leave the Calvinistic interpretation of the Word of God, an interpretation that is in error on our view. We do not see the Scriptures teaching Calvinism anywhere, but the opposite all over. Yes, He is a sovereign God, but your view of God's sovereignty is not biblical. The Scriptural teaching of God's sovereignty is that He is in control over all things, but He does not make anyone choose Him, He does not control your decisions, otherwise you'd be a puppet being controlled to do what God forces you to do. In His sovereignty He has granted you and I the freedom to choose to either receive or reject Him as Lord and Savior. That's why you are held accountable and responsible for that choice, not Him.

    • @heatherh4266
      @heatherh4266 Год назад +2

      @@OracioSandoval How Soveign is He? Most of all, the flesh hates the notion that salvation is entirely God’s work. If God chose who would be saved, and if His choice was settled before the foundation of the world, then believers deserve no credit for their salvation.I believe God gets all the credit That's salvation belongs to that He chose those before foundation of the world.
      faith is God’s gracious gift to His elect. Jesus said, “No one can come to Me, unless it has been granted him from the Father” (John 6:65)
      He must get all the Glory it really does bring us to our knees because it's nothing of us but all of Him, why would He chose me? Why do I believe.
      John 3:16 Yes He calls all men to repent and believe.Therefore no one who is saved has anything to boast about (cf Ephesians 2:8-9). “Salvation is from the Lord” (Jonah 2:9).

    • @TheBereanVoice
      @TheBereanVoice Год назад +2

      ​@@OracioSandoval Calvinists don't believe God MAKES anyone choose him. Nor do we beleive He conrols anyone like a puppet or robot. If you are going to argue against Calvinism, you should at least take the time to understand what we actually believe. Always keep in mind that freedom to choose to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior is not the same as the desire and ability to do so.

    • @OracioSandoval
      @OracioSandoval Год назад +2

      @@TheBereanVoice I think I'm familiar enough with Calvinism to back up my comments, having been one for a few years as a newer believer. On Calvinism God does indeed make one choose to repent and believe via "sovereign regeneration" (i.e. changing your inner desires) so that it's not your choice but God's choice to regenerate you and "grant" you repentance and faith. Regardless of how a Calvinist may try to spin it, if you do not have a choice in the matter, it's God choosing for you and "making" you choose salvation via "sovereign regeneration" and "sovereign granting" of repentance and faith.

    • @OracioSandoval
      @OracioSandoval Год назад +2

      Also, there are soft determinist Calvinists and hard determinist ones. Hard determinists believe that God does in fact control (choose) every choice one makes, so that you are not free to choose otherwise of your own volition, which amounts to one being like a puppet indeed. Soft determinists say God primarily controls the choice to be saved and some other choices but not all, which still amounts to one being like a puppet to some degree.

  • @clearstonewindows
    @clearstonewindows Год назад

    Thanks for you story! Now that you've left an echo chamber, time to look under the rock "Christians'" call a cult. The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. Pick apart the book of Mormon for yourself.
    Good luck. Stay strong in the scriptures, keep reading your bible daily. Ask questions like, Was John the only one Baptizing before Jesus? Why did God create the earth, etc.