Can All Games Please Be This Good

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 72

  • @AllAhabNoMoby
    @AllAhabNoMoby Год назад +81

    Today pushed me over the edge. I had a game in Mino where the enemy team had a Sekiryu, a 3 man div of Louisianas and 2 subs. Yes, really. My team had no hybrids. WG has gone insane, and I am done with their antics.

    • @Fackeldackel
      @Fackeldackel Год назад +8


    • @TheFuzzypuddle
      @TheFuzzypuddle Год назад +4

      This is worse than back in the day when 1 team would have 2 or 3 radar cruisers and the other would have 0. MM is shit sometimes. Now a disparity in radar cruisers is just meh because the situation you described is so much worse.

    • @AllAhabNoMoby
      @AllAhabNoMoby Год назад +4

      @@TheFuzzypuddle Yep. One team having 3 radar cruisers + a Missouri, the other team has 1 Nevsky, is bad already. But the subs, and now the hybrids that have almost equal spotting power to a CV + basically normal US BB firepower but are just counted as a BB...
      Fuck this company.

    • @insomniacicu4447
      @insomniacicu4447 Год назад +14

      See you in game tomorrow.

    • @tijger5353
      @tijger5353 Год назад +3

      we feel with you

  • @antonytheocharidis9576
    @antonytheocharidis9576 Год назад

    I quit the game about a year ago exactly because of what you said. I played in Clan battles, I felt my on the spot decisions and my managing my side of the "group" (we usually split the team in groups), I felt like I was a generally above average player. Not great, heck I sometimes felt like I was average in skill at best, but I felt like my decisions mattered.
    Then came homing shotgunned torpedos from an enemy you cant spot because he just dove down, cant hunt him down to drop depth charges over him because he's spotting me all the way to the range of his miniscule spotting range and I get focused down, and carriers that create crossfires with zero risk, zero need for positioning, and if I try to "just dodge" i'm suddenly spotted and presenting my side to the entire enemy team. And if I dont, I get chunked or even dev-struck depending on the carrier.
    Felt like there's no point in what I do, if someone decides he wants my day to be messed with, I just had to take the L and go back to port, while my sub-main clan mate (with a big bias over subs) just said it's a skill issue on my end and I should have done this and that and then a backflip, and i'd have won, easy.
    So now that my time-off activity wasnt fun anymore, didn't see any reason actually playing.

  • @lilaznpandabear91
    @lilaznpandabear91 Год назад +7

    When you’re 2tiers down in a battleship and the uptier cv dumpsters you within the first 2mins. There is no balance.

  • @travelwell8098
    @travelwell8098 Год назад +1

    It wouldn't take much to bring more balance to the game even with CVs and subs.
    1. Impose a reasonable limit on the number of aircraft on CVs.
    2. Spotting range nerf of aircraft.
    3. Nerf speed and increase detection of CVs. No reason for a CV to have Cruiser concealment and outrun a DD.
    4. Nerf the speed, ping, and torp reloads on subs.

  • @johnvga6239
    @johnvga6239 Год назад +6

    People say why get so worked up over CVs and it's that WG really stumbled upon the formula for a unique slow-burn action game, with a touch of historical charm, and they are slowly killing what made it so great. What other game is quite like Warships? No, warthunder boats suck. They have a monopoly on this genre and really spit on it

  • @SininStyle
    @SininStyle Год назад

    I would say 40% of the games in old WoWs were like this. Now a days this is a unicorn to the point its exciting just to watch it on youtube.

  • @stevegentilly726
    @stevegentilly726 Год назад +1

    I'm happy you are having fun, as for me I am enjoying the fact that I don't have to put up with Warcrapping, going on 2 years now!

  • @GodOfWaaar
    @GodOfWaaar Год назад

    I like the games you mention as well. But I like games also, where my decisions resulted in a blow out win for example and I like games, where I achieved something new.
    A few examples:
    - I currently level the Brindisi to Venezia and played ranked (bronze league) an ägir and me went to the home cap side and I told the ägir i will go to 9 line and kite; he defends the base. Well, it was a 4v2 and we managed to kill 2 ships and survive. Bonus: I torped an Alsace on long range with brindisi ;)
    - I also currently level östergotland. XD even though I play dds quite often, I’m not a torp boat guy. My big achievement here are torpedo salvos I Land on long range with narrow spread. For example, I managed to hit a fleeing cruiser on long range after he grounded. I predicted his movements correctly. Pretty nice.

  • @solidtoto
    @solidtoto Год назад +7

    Good game! Definitely the most interesting when it happens! Sadly your 2 yamatos decided to be useless in the 10line for all the game when you needed them the most... It's very often like that, players go on one side and even if there is no one there they will NEVER change their plan and go where they are needed, they decided to go somewhere they WILL go there, no matter if there is 0 ships or the whole ennemy team.

  • @sdluke
    @sdluke Год назад +14

    You had 2 BBs on the 10 line the entire game. Kinda hard to make winning plays when other players don't engage and help you

  • @northernzeus768
    @northernzeus768 Год назад

    Ahoy hoy PQ. I agree… love, love close games where I feel I contributed to my team. BTW… it was good to have you on my team and the win yesterday. Keep up the great work.

  • @benreeve6094
    @benreeve6094 Год назад

    @PotatoQuality would you make a video about basic tactics for ranked games? Apart from ship choices there doesn't seem to be anything of this type on youtube.
    Some topics could include: What should each class be thinking about early/mid/late game? Considerations for carrier/non carrier games?
    Especially: What caps should we go to? Every game there's this conversation about going A/B or B/C, and ignoring one cap but should you do this? I'm of the opinion that you should never let the enemy potentially get a cap for free but maybe there are some cases where this is a good idea.

  • @WindIsCalm
    @WindIsCalm Год назад +3

    Lütjens is the best commander of any nation, the skills are so easy to activate, it greatly benefits all Classes to have Lütjens as the commander (maybe a little broken when it comes to sub)

    • @ZeroDividesByYOU
      @ZeroDividesByYOU Год назад +1

      Charles-Henri Honoré and Kusnetsov are both significantly better. Sure Honoré doesn't have talents, but improved AR is insane. Lütjens is good for sure, definitely not the worst special commander. But he's not the best by a long shot. Kusnetsov's Will to Victory alone is better

  • @tobris6809
    @tobris6809 Год назад +2

    Cut plane vision range by half and have a scaling reducing in range across the board that's a minimum of 10% while not reducing the range of most secondaries. Make the game take place at mid and short range with the outliers being those sniping Japanese BB who still get to shoot from 20km out, but maybe adjust velocity/dispersion as needed or created a scaling decline in penetration based on distance to make that a viable but more of target oriented playstyle.

  • @StanleyPain
    @StanleyPain Год назад +1

    I totally feel you on the slower game feel.
    I went back to WOT just to check it out again.
    Half my games either my team or the enemy team has 7+ people dead in under 2 minutes.
    The matches that are more slug fests are always more enjoyable

  • @goodsnpr
    @goodsnpr Год назад +1

    Honestly, the worst feeling in the game for me is a well aimed salvo missing because of RNG, or the aim assist not understanding what I want. I really wish gun play was more reliable.

  • @gothamgoon4237
    @gothamgoon4237 Год назад

    Airship mode solved that problem very well. It made everyone have to get in close. If you didn't you loose.

  • @123jjred
    @123jjred Год назад +1

    Your commentary is “top tier”

  • @tijger5353
    @tijger5353 Год назад +1

    just watched your only youtube short....... and It's so true

  • @Dominus_Potatus
    @Dominus_Potatus Год назад +1

    to be fair, game finished less than 10 minutes is not WG fault.
    Even when you play in division. when you are a bit on the losing side, your divmate "throws" the game.
    Few players have "never give up" attitude.
    Few players have "hold my flank" attitude.
    Fewer players have both attitudes.
    I lost count how many times your team or enemies team leave the flank the moment they get spotted.

    • @Dominus_Potatus
      @Dominus_Potatus Год назад

      That yamato proves my point, almost 1.5 minutes and it barely moved, why?

  • @n2t460
    @n2t460 Год назад

    I wanna see campaigns like recreate world of war of famous battles, like other games like call of duty. And allow more tier of ships to be able to them.

  • @TheFuzzypuddle
    @TheFuzzypuddle Год назад

    I loved old hindy. I remember an excellent player and YT'er called Cat_on_Board once played 1000 hindy games in a row just because. I'm sure it was a grind at times, but the ship was so good and so much fun, I could see how playing that many games in that ship could be a positive and educational experience.
    Now days, you could try the same with a ship that requires a high degree of knowledge and technical play -- like a colbert or jinan: something that can get devstruck 100 to 0 with one salvo because you started a turn 2 seconds too late or positioned 500m from where you should have. high risk, high reward ships. 1000 games may be excessive, but a couple of hundred could be a good learning experience. Not suggesting this for a YT'er or streamer. It would probably drive viewers away, but for an a random like me... not bad idea.

  • @jimmtheballs
    @jimmtheballs Год назад

    I haven't played randoms for nearly a year now. It is almost impossible to get a no-cv game in Asia. And now with all the hybrids, the players here can have the best of both worlds - they can be a griefer and have a huge hp pool so they don't die.
    So I play ranked and it is way more fun. Sure there are griefers but way less than randoms, and there are hybrids, too. But the games feel closer, more brawly, and way more fun (except when it's 1v1 me (Drake) vs a hybrid).
    And it's a good way to learn cruisers. Been loving Neptune, loved Buffalo, even the Dutch T9 has been fun. Even Seattle was great fun. Much easier (forgiving) to play against six than twelve.

  • @NotTheRookie
    @NotTheRookie Год назад

    First 5 seconds: "noooo the game is slipping away" *is on the B line with 5 minutes left in the match*

  • @Beep2bleep
    @Beep2bleep Год назад

    I played up through tier 8 during the CV rework and had many many matches like this. I really loved the game with DD CA BB gameplay. When the CV rework finished I still was ok with the game, but once they added subs I couldn't enjoy the game anymore.
    If they got rid of CV (at least plane spotting) and subs I'd love to come back. I really enjoy tier 7 when you don't get an up tier. It really feels like a good mix where you can citadel at long range but the game is still very active with lots of DD spotting minimal radar and lots of movement churn. Whenever I've played higher, or gotten up tiered to tier 8 or 10 it really just feels like you can't move out anymore.

  • @ollihro82
    @ollihro82 Год назад +2

    problem is 9 out of 10 games you have to drag your sorry ass team around. DDs shooting own CV till they suicide. everyone leaving flank immediatly, hannover starting to go into pre-kite on 10 line. 2 subs, 5 DDs and a 200 PR CV after 150games on that thing averaging 38k and 0.1 kills in a united states. thats basically is any game these days.

  • @marshall1896
    @marshall1896 Год назад

    the only real things that bothers about this game are those games in BBs where every salvo either misses from dispersion or it’s all overpens. BB accuracy is ridiculously inconsistent.

  • @paullagarde7388
    @paullagarde7388 Год назад +5

    Yooo please do a Fletcher video!

    • @tijger5353
      @tijger5353 Год назад +1

      yeah we want fletcher. (or any premium fletcher like black or velos)

    • @tijger5353
      @tijger5353 Год назад +1

      or any premium Fletcher like black

    • @paullagarde7388
      @paullagarde7388 Год назад +2

      @@tijger5353 personally I'd love to see the vanilla fletcher precisely because it doesn't have any gimmicks. It is like the NC of destroyers -- the ultimate representation of the class that forces you to play a fundamentally solid style but can be rewarding when executed correctly.

  • @bronzebow4235
    @bronzebow4235 Год назад +1

    You asked and I'll answer...I enjoy operations. PvP is horribly balanced with planes and subs. I would rather struggle with bad teammates in PvE than deal with constant blowouts, super ships, CVs and subs. I don't have the time to "get gud" anymore and I enjoy the more casual pace of the PvE world.

  • @pkx_phant0m456
    @pkx_phant0m456 Год назад

    Clausewitz is what Hindenburg should be imho. Its a perfect t10 Heavy Cruiser but not nearly good enough to be a Super Ship.

  • @-br4m-
    @-br4m- Год назад +1

    The later the game the more the fun

  • @Pincer88
    @Pincer88 Год назад +1

    Great video and a great take on what WG should try to facilitate more. Balance, both in matchmaking and the capabilities of ships make for fun and engaging games that will keep people committed to the game. WoT is the example of exactly what not to do: one walkover after the other, stupid gimmicks (a tank with a rocket booster attached to it - come on!), insanely OP vehicles while others being left light years behind by the power creep and a number of equipment and crew skill reworks from which only the wallet warriors and whales benefit... I pray WG will not kill this game the way it did to WoT, since even with only 1k random battles under my belt, learning the ropes without being slaughtered every single time is exactly what makes this game exciting.

  • @ryanbrochu3336
    @ryanbrochu3336 Год назад +1

    The constant game bugs is really driving me up the wall. It is so....... infuriating when a enemy ship gives you flat or near flat broadside and your dispersion goes to shit, and half of your shells completely miss, going over AND well short IN 1 salvo and what does hit either overpens or ricochets/shatters.

  • @chronographer
    @chronographer Год назад

    I get slaughtered any time I take this ship out. As soon as I appear I get 2 citadels into me at random angles.

  • @kyleuptergrove4040
    @kyleuptergrove4040 Год назад +1

    I watched this game live on twitch. I want more games like this but unfortunately random match maker....

  • @Dextrosephus
    @Dextrosephus Год назад

    ...maybe if they did stuff like WOT did when it got older and got crazy with new content, make a new game mode with giant maps and respawns and play around with testing that or something...
    lol cuz you know its gonna be almost impossible to remove drastic amounts of content that people have paid for without ruining your games existing structure, if its restructure that maybe be more trouble than its worth unless adding content helps.
    If you ask me its always been fun its just has limiting factors, much as you described, the bog of pressure when playing a game with lots of info, and skillful players or people that want to just exploit its loop holes, etc. IS overwhelming and for the new I am sure a turn off unless you are intrigued genuine learning b/c frustration is imminent.
    Only way to keep it "fun" now without destroying is to leave it or add some new game mode, b/c it's falling apart at someone wallet seam

  • @simanta2007
    @simanta2007 Год назад

    hey PQ. do you think slowing down the points tick rate per second from caps could slow down (or extend) the game in the manner you said in this vid?

  • @johnblount1347
    @johnblount1347 Год назад +1

    I cant stand blow outs. The problem i have with this game is when you have 4 blow outs against you, then this one game where you play great and still come up short.

  • @pavl3n
    @pavl3n Год назад

    Thanks for another great video

  • @darrinakins4981
    @darrinakins4981 Год назад +1

    What I don't get is why players abandon their side (flank)... Drives me up a wall! Especially at tier VII and VIII. You should really know better by then.

  • @Mttqn
    @Mttqn Год назад

    Yo PQ, i have question about new armory items, is it worth to spend coal on hood?

  • @martijneerland7023
    @martijneerland7023 Год назад

    this is a game without a CV, there is your fun experience

  • @AndrewPardo
    @AndrewPardo Год назад

    14:36 lol I would hope you do

  • @geng92
    @geng92 Год назад +1

    I think your words are gonna fall on deaf ears because at least from my experience the MM in this game forces a particular win rate so I often get those blow out matches and for every 1 win I get 2 losses almost systematically. I understand people have different skills and get lucky but I'm convinced they just stack 1 team with the best players to essentially force a win because this is a team game so individual skill is way less impactful verse the overall skill rank of the team. This is fairly common tactic amongst free-to-play games practiced by much bigger developers, I was a Call of Duty Warzone player for a long time and the MM in this game feels eerily similar, I'm not sure of the specific metrics but this style of MM seems to be advantageous for micro transaction sales by introducing a lot of RNG that a player would be motivated to buy an advantage of some sort.

    • @jaykirby5035
      @jaykirby5035 Год назад

      wrong get gud

    • @TheL0vecake
      @TheL0vecake Год назад +1

      I started playing in Sep of 2015, after all these years i have come to the conclusion that my account is marked, or tagged, or something, because i lose 8 out 10 games, about a year ago i spent a month looking at people's profile after each game, the 8 lost games were not close, it was lost on the loading screen kind of stupid people i was playing with, and when i looked, the MM has me on team with 40%-50% win rate, the enemy team get 45%-65%, i am 53% win rate and i am the only one over 50% on my team. Battleships crossing the map at the back at the start of a game, all dds dead 3 mins in, dumb CV vs good CV that goes after your dds, then you get people like jay kirby who is just a toxic wank stain that will never play for your team and does not even give a shit to learn and change. *best of 2023, cruiser at 4km from a satsuma turns side on for no reason, and......well boom.

  • @zav1nac
    @zav1nac Год назад

    No matter the game, I do not really care about win. Long, balanced and close games are just so nice for me

  • @jean-philippemorin1176
    @jean-philippemorin1176 Год назад

    Close games are fun, especially with the closewitz.. ;)

  • @michaels9739
    @michaels9739 Год назад

    How can you say that long range accuracy is too get yet also say that you should be able to punish players who go broadside, as you have recently said? You need one to get the other.

  • @CriticalThinker78
    @CriticalThinker78 Год назад

    Ok i cant help but notice the clauswitsch sound alot like auswitsch and seem a little distasteful

  • @aidanhart9871
    @aidanhart9871 Год назад

    does anyone know if this guy wants replays ? ive got probably the closest and most intense WOWS replay ever

  • @veksar
    @veksar Год назад

    they should also lower the number of ships on the map. 8 or 9 a side makes for more room to make plays and if the game does snowball in one direction, the snowball is smaller (if that makes sense)

  • @kreiker8902
    @kreiker8902 Год назад

    Day 1 of calling PQ a sexy rascal until he accepts it.

  • @nailed2ax_126
    @nailed2ax_126 Год назад

    I've been playing 7 years is well, and winning or losing oesnt bother me anymore, I just play for fun and try get as much damage as possible. Try and break my 301k dmg record with Yamato from like 5 years ago... hmm

  • @smokeydization
    @smokeydization Год назад

    you took so much damage