The Iliad part 5. Achilles nearly kills Agamemnon.

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • The Iliad part 5.In this way Agamemnon spoke, and Achilles was filled with anger. Achilles was torn between drawing his sword, rushing through the gathered army and slaughtering Agamemnon, or instead checking his anger and continue the war of words. Achilles gave into his anger and drew his sword, ready to attack Agamemnon. But then the goddess Athena flew down from Mount Olympus, transversing the wide sky in an instant. Hera, Queen of the gods, had sent Athena because she loved both men, and wanted to see no harm to them.
    Athena seized Achilles by his yellow locks, but only Achilles could see the goddess. Achilles was amazed, seeing the beautiful light in Athena’s eyes. He spoke to Athena. “Why are you here, daughter of Zeus who drives the storm-clouds? Is it to see Agamemnon’s insults? Believe me, he will pay for his insults with his life.”
    Grey-eyed Athena replied, “I came here to cool your anger. Hera wants no harm to come to you or Agamemnon. Take your hand off your sword and fight back with bitter words alone. Tell Agamemnon what you mean to do, for the day will come when splendid gifts will be laid at your feet, all because of Agamemnon’s insults. Do as I say and stay your hand.
    Achilles, swift of foot replied. “However angry he may be, a man must bow to the will of Hera and yourself. The gods listen to the man who respects them.” Achilles placed his hand on the silver hilt of his sword and obeyed Athena. Athena left for Olympus and the palace of Zeus, where she rejoined the other gods.

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