Hello everyone. We've been experimenting with a bit of a podcast (a few people were asking for audio versions so they can get Biographics while doing other things)! Fair warning: none of these are new biographies, but rather me having a bit more of a free form chat around the script. I'd love to know what you think, if these are useful, wanted etc :). Thanks, Simon. Links: iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/biographics-history-one-life-at-a-time/id1450405839?mt=2 Sitcher: www.stitcher.com/podcast/biographics-history-one-life-at-a-time Website: biographics.blubrry.net/ RSS: biographics.blubrry.net/feed/podcast/ Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/6N9PS4QXF1D0OWPk0Sxtb4 Trolled people: open.spotify.com/show/0JzjzwJcRqFZ3BcACtahh8?si=MG5HSm1oT0GTNm_r8_HQcg
Hey,i would so love to have the chance to can and downloud the sound in form of podcast.I can definetely predict that a podcast with your kind of content would be the most listened in the world!
dyfvyd ydvdy and? What are you looking for, defense of the soviets? Everybody knows it was a corrupt and morally bankrupt society, what exactly are you bringing to the conversation. In Soviet Russia, everyone gets the shaft
Son: I met this cute Jewish German girl today, dad. Eichmann: Oh yeah, that’s nice.(hiden hatred of Jews intensifies) Son: I told her what you used to do for Hitler. Eichmann: Dafuq son?!! Son: Did I do something wr- Banging at door
It is important to humanize history's villains, not because they deserve any forgiveness, but because we must acknowledge humanity's capacity for evil and by extension our own capacity for horror. We must guard our hearts against the resentment that causes such murderous villainy
Correction. You said in the 19 minute of video that in 1945 Heydrich wanted to cover up Nazi atrocities. It was Himmler not Heydrich. Heydrich was assassinated June 4, 1942 in Prague.
Adrian Oh yes and when people lived under the Nazis, you weren’t allowed to criticise them or you would be imprisoned, so obviously the Nazis ruled over Germany. And I don’t know what you mean. You’re free to criticise Jews and their actions in Israel as much as you want. The United Nations has criticised Israel more than any nation in the world. You’re not allowed to deny the genocide for a good reason: it prevents future genocides from taking place. That’s what a lot of far-right loonies hope for. They hope to deny the genocide so they can take power again and implement ethnic cleansing once more, but you see, so long as you can’t deny it and so long as it is remembered it, then they can never do so. it’s also strange how the far-right doesn’t deny other events throughout history. Why don’t you deny the Rwanda genocide? Why don’t you deny the Spanish Inquisition? Why don’t deny Genghis Khan’s atrocities? Because there’s nothing to gain of course! The people who deny the holocaust are typically neo-Nazi who crave for power and want to implement another genocide. But they know so long as the holocaust is remembered (and it will be remembered for a 1000 years) that they will never be able to fully seize power again. Quit dreaming Nazis and wake up to reality. You’re finished. It’s over.
@@aminoorrahman4453 Properly trained and applied karate is a lot like Krav Maga but more refined. The flipside is that it takes much longer to get combat proficient in karate than Krav Maga. Both are good if taught well and practiced diligently. At least, this is my experience as a karate black belt who checked out Krav Maga and found myself bored because I really didn't see anything I didn't already know from my karate training.
@@RaderizDorret I had the same experience, as a karateka I found that Krav had all the basic tenets of Okinawan karate but lacked the deeper principles that real combative karate has but I did enjoy it and I think it’s a fantastic system for self protection
@@tedclare5504 When someone asks me what martial art they should study, I ask them a bunch of questions to figure out what is a good fit for them. Obviously, I recommend karate if they have the time and dedication, but if they need to get dangerous in a hurry, I will advise them to take up krav maga or boxing or Muay Thai. For grappling, I often recommend Judo since a throw that will score an ippon in a match is easily a fight ending throw when playing for keeps. My mindset is this: "Get in there, do the damage that needs to be done, and get the hell out of there".
If I had been born several decades earlier and I had the opportunity even tho I'm not Jewish and as far as I know none of my family were holocaust victims I would have become a nazi hunter after the war..without a doubt..those people did not deserve the atrocities that they experienced...no one should have to experience that sort of treatment at all...
I've been noticing there's a reoccurring theme with a lot of these high ranking Nazis: they themselves or their families were thought to be or made fun of for "looking" or "acting" Jewish. It's so interesting that a lot of our biases/ignorance of certain things are rooted from early childhood experiences.
Eichmann authored the Havaara Transfer Agreement - which allowed 1 million Jews to escape to Palestine. Like the Palestinians who welcomed them, Eichmann lived to regret doing anything other than what he is accused of doing.
@@karlgharst5420 First of all, your profile pic immediately invalidates any credibility XD Secondly, are you seriously stating that that 'pity' agreement is a good defense for Eichmann? Moreover, 1 million Jews, eh? History is not really your forte, is it?
@@callumtanner992 Tf you talking about? Not only is it an american flag, but also the confederate flag is only offensive to busy bodies, not actual sentient people.
I've seen one or two comments asking you to stop the Nazi Bio's, but I say DO MORE. Truly amazing, I just wish it was much more in depth and you showed/told us what he done. I mean it's easy to say he was responsible for millions of Jewish Deaths, and he transported them etc but couldn't you go a little bit more in depth?
Fermonos1 .Simon could but reading first hand accounts from so many available books is fascinating,really. Some of the books I just couldn't put them down.
There's one historical inaccuracy in your story, Simon: Dachau was not used as an internment camp for Jewish people until after the Reichskristallnacht in 1938. Before that year, it was a prison mainly for political dissidents but also criminals. The rest is very sadly very true. His capture and execution of course were not sad at all. Thanks for an overall great job, Simon.
From what I have read on the history of SS officers, they usually had a tattoo under their arm with a number that indicated they were a part of the upper echelon of the government. Eichmann supposedly never had such a tattoo because he wanted to be able to cover his the tracks. This is how he was able to pass through the allies checkpoints.
@@rebar33 he never did that once in his career. Do you honestly think he wants all Mexicans gone? No. He wants people who immigrate illegally to be deported regardless of origin.
There is actually accounts of the nazis using the Ouija board to ask Heydrich what to do --- he first ask for dominos pizza w/ PINEAPPLE --- then he told them everything on what to do next.
Hannah Arendt famously coined the term "the banality of evil" when reporting on Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem. The ground didn't split open when he spoke, there was no smell of pitch and brimstone, he had no horns, he didn't breathe fire... he was just a man. A man you would walk past every day and not remember an hour later. An ordinary man who contributed to the deaths of millions simply by following orders not with the mind of a human being, but of a ruthless beaurocrat who put efficiency and the word-for-word following of orders above all else.
9:07 "Polish concentration camps." No problem when you talk about German concentration camps in occupied Poland. But such wording is unfair and misleading.
„Nazi concentration camps in German occupied Poland“ there I fixed it for you. There is a reason why the people were first deported out of sight of the population and then killed and not just shot down in the streets, which would have been less work. The people of Germany (except hardcore SS nazis)would not have stood for that if they knew the people getting deported were getting killed and tortured in the horrific ways in which they were.
@@fooshoo2006 I agree that not all Germans were monsters, but please. The NSDAP had tremendous support from the Germans for a very long time. The German state did not disappear from the maps and it was not replaced by the Nazi state from space. This was just how the German state operated at that time with the authorities and the ideology chosen by the Germans. I'll tell you more. Polls were conducted in Germany about 10 years after the war. 10 years after the war, when people already knew what was happening during the war. A large proportion of Germans continued to support the Nazi ideology. I don't remember the proportions anymore, but it was somewhere around half the population. Also, do not try to convince me that writing about the German death camps is a mistake because it was not the Germans, but the Nazis. You think only the SS carried out crimes? Hitler declared a total war on Poland. Wehrmaht burned villages, shot civilians, the Luftwaffe attacked roads where civilians were fleeing and bombed hospitals and churches. The SS did not do it, the regular German military units did. After the war, both the Allies and the USSR tried to remove people associated with Nazism from public life and positions. You know what turned out? That suddenly there are no engineers in Germany, no doctors, no politicians, and there are shortages in many areas of life. It was just that the sanctions for such people had to be loosened for the state to function somehow.
@@MsJaro89 maybe all of that is true, I’m just a critical thinker who recently got into ww2 history.. and I keep wondering why people were first deported thousands of Kilometers to be killed if they could have been killed right away, and only those deemed fit to work brought to the camps? I would love an answer, because I haven’t found one, the only one I can rationalize on my own is that they didn’t want it to happen in the eyes of the public. If that is the case, than the only rational conclusion is that they feared losing the general public’s acceptance
@@fooshoo2006 I wanted to write back to you exactly, but the youtube algorithm does not like something and delete the answer. I do not know exactly what this could be about, so I will try to write back when I think about the words xD
Yeah it's disappointing but Poland barely had any sovereignty between the first world war and the second, it does make it seem like it was Poland doing it rather than someone else choosing to put them in Poland.
My paternal grandmother was placed in a ghetto in Kryzhopil, Ukraine, in 1941. She was only three years old, and she was made to suffer under the cruelty unleashed by the Nazis. She was lucky that she and her parents were liberated in 1945, before the Germans could send them to death camps or concentration camps. However, my grandmother had to keep this story secret for a long time, because remembering her childhood in the ghetto caused her a small dose of PTSD. As she got older, she remembered the worst parts of this experience, which compelled me to write my very first book, the Secret Jew. My grandmother is referred to as Sophie in that book, and the main character, a Jew who pretends to be a Nazi, secretly sympathises with her and her parents. I was lucky to publish this book in 2015, three years before my grandmother got Alzheimer's disease. When she died in 2020, I felt as if I had lost the person who represented living history. However, I was not as close to my paternal grandparents as I am to my maternal grandparents, so when I lost my maternal grandpa that same year, I became an emotional wreck. This especially potent, due to the fact that he was born exactly one week before V. E. Day on May 8th, 1945. He was born on May Day.
I love the podcasts Simon! I often download a few and listen while driving or simply lying on my hammock. I wish new ones would be added as I am running out of new biographies. Have you considered doing one on the Medici family? Lorenzo de Medici would be a great one!
I've really enjoyed the videos on the various Nazi higher ups. I've learned quite a few things I didn't know (I'm a real history buff, especially WW2 history). Thanks for doing these, great work.
I feel for the forces that first discovered the Nazi concentration camps. Imagine going through the horrors of war against an organized and well-supplied enemy and getting all the nice psychological scarring that comes with that and then being the first to discover one of those camps, all those glassy, blank expressions and emaciated faces just staring holes into your soul. Some of them seem grateful or happy at being liberated, but the majority of them that are still alive are too sickly and lethargic from hunger and lack of any real standard of cleanliness to express anything at all. They'd either have to execute me for cowardice or send me home because I'd be fucked after that. If I live through that war, I'm seeing all those faces in my nightmares until the day I die.
I understand. But then again you might throw your heart and soul into not just rescuing them but giving them their life back. As horrific as it was, I am sure many of them became filled with a new sense of purpose after they got over their shock upon discovering them. You'd still dream about them but perhaps it would be tempered with the knowledge of what you and your comrades did.
Take a look at the 11 million women and children raped by the Red Army after the war or the 1.5million men and boys who died of thirst after the war in the Rhein Meadow Camps....
Not sure how true this is, but I read somewhere that the nazis starting using poison gas to kill Jews because a lot of their soldiers were getting psychological problems from point blank executing so many innocent and desperate people including children.
@@yoloswaggins7121 With no gas mask able to filter cyanide gas existing (then or now), how would this gassing operation be carried out without killing those people essential to the operation?
My grandfathers sister, who escaped Aushwitz in 1943 and went on to join the polish guerrilla resistance group for 2 years before moving to Israel. My great grandfather, mother, uncles, and one aunt all died at the hand of the Germans. I consider it poetic justice that she attended his trial in Israel
"I have often felt a bitter sorrow at the thought of the German people, which is so estimable in the individual and so wretched in the generality..." -Johann von Goethe, German writer and statesman
@Graig Simmonette I imagine you wouldn't use this line of thinking if the women that are being hated on by incels reacted with the same type of malice that they received
The early 20th century is a most interesting period of time. Great job on the videos Simon and rest of Biographics team. Y'all dive into every person's life with such vim and vigor it the epitome of edutainment.
I was wondering about this also, but according to the Wikipedia page on the Manhattan project, it continued for about a year and a half after the war, and there were problems keeping the staff since many figured it would end soon, and working in the middle of the desert before the era of air conditioning wasn't exactly an optimal lifestyle. So maybe Simon's statement is correct. On the other hand, maybe he was confused by America's use of Werner Von Braun and other Nazis to develop rockets for the US after the war.
I'm assuming the host misspoke. Operation paperclip was a fairly large scale effort by post-war America to import German technical and scientific experts. By this time the Manhattan project was winding down, or, for the later imports, had already concluded. The largest single group were the "rocket scientists" who would go on to win the space race for their new countrymen. Others worked in almost every conceivable aspect of the defense industry, jet engine design, improving armored vehicles, etc. A very large part of America's post-war scientific and technical dominance can be traced to the efforts of these former Nazis. (As, interestingly enough, can significant parts of the post-war technical prowess of the Soviet Union.)
Suggestions for future videos: Amon Göth, the butcher of Plaszow; Shiro Ishii, the head of Unit 731; Chiang Kai-shek, the man who led China against the Japanese invasion only to lose it to Mao's Communists; Mao Zedong; Puyi, the last emperor of China; Hideki Tojo, Japan's wartime prime minister and head of the Kempeitai; Hirohito.
There were a couple of conclusions that differ from some other people that I have studied in this area - namely that the Argentinian father that turned Adolf Eichmann in reported this to Fritz Bauer, West German district attorney/Nazi investigator and director of the district courts, and not the Israeli Government. There is a wonderful film that premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in 2015 that you, and many people who enjoy your stories might very much want to see. It is called "The People vs. Fritz Bauer (2015) Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer (original title)" Spolier Alert !!! The justice minister decided to give this information to the Israelis personally because his ministry still had too many former Nazis in it and they could not be trusted not to tip Eichmann off. A very good film (sorry for the spoilers). But its very important that this be corrected.
Interesting video, as are all from your channel(s) :) One small thing though: from 11:45-11:53 - didn't you mean Heinrich Himmler? Reinhard Heydrich was attempted killed by Czech patriots in Praha on May 27 and died from his injuries on June 4, 1942.
It still exists today. We're just lucky enough that they are largely contained in areas of the world where they can't amass the resources required for another holocaust. But trust me, the campaign for the annihilation of all Jews is very much still a thing. There has never been a time in recorded history where Jews have not been under constant existential threat by some group of people whose sole goal is their complete and utter extermination.
Giancarlo Rivas Its true that close to 90 percent of Polish Jews were killed and many were turned in by their neighbors, while others assisted in ferrying or hiding their countrymen. Whether for self-preservation or Anti-Semitism, there were Poles that played a part. Read the book “Neighbors”.
@@MiniM69 "many were turned in by their neighbors" - define "many". Sure, there were Poles who did turn in Jews - that's simply _statistically_ impossible to avoid in a group of tens of millions of people, therefore painting it as something unique to Poland isn't fair. Was it any different in case of, let's say, France? Why is there such emphasis put only on reminding everyone that "there were [particular] *Poles* who did this", but not on "there were [particular] *Frenchmen* who did this"? It reeks with double standards. Not to say that there are doubts about the methodology utilized by Jan Gross.
could you please do a history of the Vietnam war, how it affected the countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The main players involved America, USSR and the military industrial complex and the ideologies of capitalism and communisim
I appreciate your edicational videos very much, and you are an important voice against the crimes comitted towards humanity. I wonder if you could do (or maybe you already have done) one about Kurt Gerstein? I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New year🎄
I have noticed that the word 'loose'is often substituted for 'lose' since they have completely different meanings it can be a bit confusing. If you are not sure use Spellcheck.
I’m not certain if you or Dr M. Felton is better. Both of you sirs are fantastic. Very different styles but perfectly delivered, informative, and non entirely non reality TV vibe. If the two of you ran the History Channel, I would be glued 24/7.
@@zaydpeer mark felton IS his own research team. again, not comparable also, whistlers “research team” is just reading Wikipedia, or otherwise they’re not very good at their jobs bc it’s all very superficial lol
It’s weird how much evil can consume a group of individuals in such a short amount of time. Terrifying how some of those most powerful men in the ranks were such violent psychopaths. 😬😬
There is a mistake on your presentation, Heydrich was assassinated in 1942 in Prague. At The time of his death , the allied forces were not in a position of imminent victory, in fact 1942 was still a point in the war that the AXIS powers had a 50/50 chance of winning the war based on current events at the time.
Eichmann developed Zyclon B to be more humanitarian,not to the victims but to the troops doing the killing. Up to that point,most of the killed were shot. This was causing major problems with the mental health and morale of the soldiers.
I watch all of your videos and I find them extremely educational! I just have to point out and this really annoyed me “Polish Concentration Camps” in 9:08. This is extremely offensive to Polish people as it implies they were run by Polish People which you and I know is not true.
This was a perfect biography-thanks---Himmler wanted to end the killings in 1945 and Heydrich was assassinated in 1942. Sasson was the Nazi in 1956 that performed the interview in Argentina.
At 11:47 Reinhard Heydrich is mentioned in the context of events from 1945. As anyone even vaguely knowledgable in this field knows Heydrich was assassinated in Prague in June 1942. Do your homework please.
If you are interested in this type of story, I highly recommend the writer Philip Kerr, who wrote a series of historic novels surrounding a fictional former SS detective called Bernie Gunther. They are incredibly accurate, well written and chronicle Bernie's travels and escapades trying to solve puzzles surrounding former SS Nazi's, Russians, and Americans.
To call Adolf Eichmann the "architect of the Holocaust" is a misnomer. That term can be fairly applied to figures such as Heinrich Himmler, Eichmann ran the "transports", the trains that took the prisoners to the concentration camps. I am NOT trying to minimize his involvement. But he was the logistics or "supply" officer, not the "architect".
the biography of terror is never irrelevant. thank you for talking about these people. they were were a blight on humanity and by learning about them, maybe we can stop future terrors in their tracks by recognizing the pattern. one can hope.
Yes! We all need to study History more so that we never repeat it. But in the end we will. Not a reason to NOT study it, but History was my major cuz it's my favorite subject
Kali Yuga - Does anybody deserve what the Jews endured, tho? Bloodthirsty, ambitious? Not a motive for the horrors that happened during the Holocaust. And how many of those were babies and children?
16:30 interesting part. I recently saw the movie named Operation Finale, but Wiesenthal is barely mentioned. I looked it up and for reasons unknown was left out.
Without regard for the other prick that commented here, Wiesenthal’s credentials and achievements are wildly exaggerated and in many cases completely fictional.
Every time I think I'm finally able to read or hear about the Shoah without feeling so hopeless and uncomfortable, I am once again reminded, that this was done by humans to humans over and over again. The Shoah was singular in it's brutal efficiency, but genocides occured/occur all the time through history and to the modem day. Most are never heard of or acknowledged. Many are flat out denied. Each one is a priceless loss of a culture, a history and a people. We can never get back a past that we have destroyed. And we destroy so easily.
You can’t call those camps polish! These were german concentration and death camps located in occupied Poland. Stop with the false language, apologize and rephrase it immediately.
Hello everyone. We've been experimenting with a bit of a podcast (a few people were asking for audio versions so they can get Biographics while doing other things)! Fair warning: none of these are new biographies, but rather me having a bit more of a free form chat around the script. I'd love to know what you think, if these are useful, wanted etc :). Thanks, Simon.
iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/biographics-history-one-life-at-a-time/id1450405839?mt=2
Sitcher: www.stitcher.com/podcast/biographics-history-one-life-at-a-time
Website: biographics.blubrry.net/
RSS: biographics.blubrry.net/feed/podcast/
Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/6N9PS4QXF1D0OWPk0Sxtb4
Trolled people: open.spotify.com/show/0JzjzwJcRqFZ3BcACtahh8?si=MG5HSm1oT0GTNm_r8_HQcg
Any chance of doing a show on SS OSKAR DIRLEWANGER ?
Check your facts man, and you don't like to reply to criticism, huh?
@fandaal you're one of those people, huh.
Hey,i would so love to have the chance to can and downloud the sound in form of podcast.I can definetely predict that a podcast with your kind of content would be the most listened in the world!
Didn't Heydrich die long before 1945?
Wow that must've been an awkward date.
"So what did your dad work as before he came here?"
"Oh he was the architect of the final solution."
I'm dead 😭😭😭
@Kristie C
Even at the soviet unions multiethnic state, palestine isnt a part of that.
dyfvyd ydvdy and? What are you looking for, defense of the soviets? Everybody knows it was a corrupt and morally bankrupt society, what exactly are you bringing to the conversation. In Soviet Russia, everyone gets the shaft
Oh hi Stalin
@IL NGR Hitler's Jewish Soldiers- by Brian Mark Rigg, a Jewish Professor who served as an officer in the US navy and the IDF.
"Hey Dad! I met this cute girl and told her about all the things you did for Hitl-"
Son: I met this cute Jewish German girl today, dad.
Eichmann: Oh yeah, that’s nice.(hiden hatred of Jews intensifies)
Son: I told her what you used to do for Hitler.
Eichmann: Dafuq son?!!
Son: Did I do something wr-
Banging at door
@@Thomas20Smith i know right
Wonder if his son felt guilty over outing his dad?
@@ryanslack2666 I would, blood over everything.
@@mikesendec3972 No pacifism for people who do not want pacifism.
It is important to humanize history's villains, not because they deserve any forgiveness, but because we must acknowledge humanity's capacity for evil and by extension our own capacity for horror. We must guard our hearts against the resentment that causes such murderous villainy
100%. Everyone is capable of evil
"Adolf Otto Eichmann" is the single most German name ive ever heard
What about Wilhelm II von Gottes Gnaden, Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preußen?
@@vaulttecrepresentative414 Friedrich Willhelm II von Hohenzollern Kaiser der Deutschen und König von Preußen
@@vaulttecrepresentative414 sounds Scandinavian to me..
@@pickledrick5158 Nah, German AF.
Imagine bragging to your girlfriend how your father played a part in killing most of her extended family. Not a bright boy I see
Safe to say he didn’t hit
He DEFINITELY did not get laid lmao
@@FourScoreSevenYearsAgo That brotha was hungryv
It will be funny to see for that one second facial expressionsAnyway no country innocent
@@FourScoreSevenYearsAgo what if the girlfriends has already gave birth to his child?
Correction. You said in the 19 minute of video that in 1945 Heydrich wanted to cover up Nazi atrocities. It was Himmler not Heydrich. Heydrich was assassinated June 4, 1942 in Prague.
That's what I thought. Heydrich got blown up in his car before 1944
Thanks, that’s what I was going to say.....👍🏻
Yay was wondering if I had misremembered that or something...
He didnt directly die from the assasination as this failed. He died as a result of sepsis from the injuries he endured from the attempt on his life.
Summary: be careful who you make fun of in school
Need a helping hand? But this time against _all_ religions, please.
na, you and the hundreds of nerds who believe this don't have the balls to do anything.
Oh yes and when people lived under the Nazis, you weren’t allowed to criticise them or you would be imprisoned, so obviously the Nazis ruled over Germany.
And I don’t know what you mean. You’re free to criticise Jews and their actions in Israel as much as you want. The United Nations has criticised Israel more than any nation in the world. You’re not allowed to deny the genocide for a good reason: it prevents future genocides from taking place. That’s what a lot of far-right loonies hope for. They hope to deny the genocide so they can take power again and implement ethnic cleansing once more, but you see, so long as you can’t deny it and so long as it is remembered it, then they can never do so.
it’s also strange how the far-right doesn’t deny other events throughout history. Why don’t you deny the Rwanda genocide? Why don’t you deny the Spanish Inquisition? Why don’t deny Genghis Khan’s atrocities? Because there’s nothing to gain of course! The people who deny the holocaust are typically neo-Nazi who crave for power and want to implement another genocide. But they know so long as the holocaust is remembered (and it will be remembered for a 1000 years) that they will never be able to fully seize power again. Quit dreaming Nazis and wake up to reality. You’re finished. It’s over.
Zachary Prosser hahaha 😂
Bears a striking resemblance to Stephen Miller but with more whimsy.
>international spy
>black belt in karate
>nazi hunter
That dude is living out the life my eight-year-old self desperately wanted.
Not karate, CRAV MAGA
@@aminoorrahman4453 Properly trained and applied karate is a lot like Krav Maga but more refined. The flipside is that it takes much longer to get combat proficient in karate than Krav Maga. Both are good if taught well and practiced diligently. At least, this is my experience as a karate black belt who checked out Krav Maga and found myself bored because I really didn't see anything I didn't already know from my karate training.
@@RaderizDorret I had the same experience, as a karateka I found that Krav had all the basic tenets of Okinawan karate but lacked the deeper principles that real combative karate has but I did enjoy it and I think it’s a fantastic system for self protection
@@tedclare5504 When someone asks me what martial art they should study, I ask them a bunch of questions to figure out what is a good fit for them. Obviously, I recommend karate if they have the time and dedication, but if they need to get dangerous in a hurry, I will advise them to take up krav maga or boxing or Muay Thai. For grappling, I often recommend Judo since a throw that will score an ippon in a match is easily a fight ending throw when playing for keeps.
My mindset is this: "Get in there, do the damage that needs to be done, and get the hell out of there".
If I had been born several decades earlier and I had the opportunity even tho I'm not Jewish and as far as I know none of my family were holocaust victims I would have become a nazi hunter after the war..without a doubt..those people did not deserve the atrocities that they experienced...no one should have to experience that sort of treatment at all...
I've been noticing there's a reoccurring theme with a lot of these high ranking Nazis: they themselves or their families were thought to be or made fun of for "looking" or "acting" Jewish. It's so interesting that a lot of our biases/ignorance of certain things are rooted from early childhood experiences.
The anti-semitism was extremely deep rooted in the culture. They would have hated jews whether or not they were called names in school.
Many of the high brass were of Jewish descent!
@@atmosrepair Like?
@@msshannonigans Hitler himself.
@@13jonash Another lie. Another antisemitic lie.
"a socially awkward loser with little to redeem himself"
me : *sweats nervously*
Eichmann authored the Havaara Transfer Agreement - which allowed 1 million Jews to escape to Palestine. Like the Palestinians who welcomed them, Eichmann lived to regret doing anything other than what he is accused of doing.
@@karlgharst5420 First of all, your profile pic immediately invalidates any credibility XD
Secondly, are you seriously stating that that 'pity' agreement is a good defense for Eichmann? Moreover, 1 million Jews, eh? History is not really your forte, is it?
Rich coming from this soy boy beta..
“the little Jew”
Oh the irony
Callum Tanner ?
@@callumtanner992 Tf you talking about? Not only is it an american flag, but also the confederate flag is only offensive to busy bodies, not actual sentient people.
Orppranator The confederacy were original nazis
@@orppranator5230 The confederate flag is an official hate symbol
20,000 Subscribers Without Any Subscribers The Jewish Star is as well, according to neo nazis.
I've seen one or two comments asking you to stop the Nazi Bio's, but I say DO MORE. Truly amazing, I just wish it was much more in depth and you showed/told us what he done. I mean it's easy to say he was responsible for millions of Jewish Deaths, and he transported them etc but couldn't you go a little bit more in depth?
And you're telling me this, because?
Fermonos1 .Simon could but reading first hand accounts from so many available books is fascinating,really. Some of the books I just couldn't put them down.
Dan Coughlan - Paragraph 175. Unfreaking believable.
Fermonos1 they are well made, but I'd prefer it if there was something different to break up the monotony.
Yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
There's one historical inaccuracy in your story, Simon: Dachau was not used as an internment camp for Jewish people until after the Reichskristallnacht in 1938. Before that year, it was a prison mainly for political dissidents but also criminals. The rest is very sadly very true. His capture and execution of course were not sad at all. Thanks for an overall great job, Simon.
links to German stories throughout the world
There were two actually. He mentioned that heydrich wanted to cover things up but it was actually himler.
The fact that the Holocaust actually happened was also inaccurate
@@demsandlibsareswinecancer4667 yes heydrich was dead much before 1945
@@demsandlibsareswinecancer4667yes he was already dead by 1945 so couldn’t have covered it up
0:45 - Chapter 1 - Formative years
2:35 - Chapter 2 - Becoming a nazi
4:15 - Chapter 3 - The jewish specialist
5:35 - Chapter 4 - Expelling the jews
8:10 - Chapter 5 - Killing the jews
11:30 - Chapter 6 - Getting out
13:50 - Chapter 7 - Hunted
16:45 - Chapter 8 - Captured
Thank you
Pretty hard to kill them after you expel them...
"Ruthless efficiency."
@@josh2232 get rekd liberal
@@albiedam3312 lol
It seems to be that you have any idea of efficiency.
@@albiedam3312 how is he a Liberal?
From what I have read on the history of SS officers, they usually had a tattoo under their arm with a number that indicated they were a part of the upper echelon of the government. Eichmann supposedly never had such a tattoo because he wanted to be able to cover his the tracks. This is how he was able to pass through the allies checkpoints.
It was usually their blood group.
Apparently it was only partly removed
Neither did Mengele
Eichmann was on the CIA payroll in Argentina for 11 years - not exactly hiding...
Most SS members would have their blood group tatted there.
All that is required for evil to happen is for good men to do nothing...
That is why we glorify those who stand up and say no.
CC: Susan Collins
You mean glorify in a positiv way right?
No we don't.
This is why Trump is so dangerous. He could easily get his followers to “round” up mexicans and have them removed while calling them all illegals.
@@rebar33 he never did that once in his career. Do you honestly think he wants all Mexicans gone? No. He wants people who immigrate illegally to be deported regardless of origin.
Man these videos are so addicting
He was quoted to say...
To be a good Aryan you have to be as blonde as Hitler, as tall as Goebells, and as thin as Göring
interesting to see how Eichman was accepted to be nazi when he had dark complexion.
That was a popular joke in Germany at the time lol he didn't come up with it or anything
It was also used in Soviet anti-Nazi propaganda.
Unless they were using a ouija board Heydrich wasn’t ordering the dismantling of the.camps in 1945 as he had been killed in 1942.
Well, there was the Himmler head collection they may have been using to communicate with.
There is actually accounts of the nazis using the Ouija board to ask Heydrich what to do --- he first ask for dominos pizza w/ PINEAPPLE --- then he told them everything on what to do next.
Pete Sandov pizza with pineapple is bomb
@@petesandov3722 and they wonder why Italy switched sides
@@dragonhearted7761 gold comment
Hannah Arendt famously coined the term "the banality of evil" when reporting on Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem. The ground didn't split open when he spoke, there was no smell of pitch and brimstone, he had no horns, he didn't breathe fire... he was just a man. A man you would walk past every day and not remember an hour later. An ordinary man who contributed to the deaths of millions simply by following orders not with the mind of a human being, but of a ruthless beaurocrat who put efficiency and the word-for-word following of orders above all else.
More worth noting is he didn't want out.. Not sure if he did his work with relish but am sure he knew he could have excused himself
9:07 "Polish concentration camps." No problem when you talk about German concentration camps in occupied Poland. But such wording is unfair and misleading.
„Nazi concentration camps in German occupied Poland“ there I fixed it for you. There is a reason why the people were first deported out of sight of the population and then killed and not just shot down in the streets, which would have been less work. The people of Germany (except hardcore SS nazis)would not have stood for that if they knew the people getting deported were getting killed and tortured in the horrific ways in which they were.
@@fooshoo2006 I agree that not all Germans were monsters, but please. The NSDAP had tremendous support from the Germans for a very long time. The German state did not disappear from the maps and it was not replaced by the Nazi state from space. This was just how the German state operated at that time with the authorities and the ideology chosen by the Germans. I'll tell you more. Polls were conducted in Germany about 10 years after the war. 10 years after the war, when people already knew what was happening during the war. A large proportion of Germans continued to support the Nazi ideology. I don't remember the proportions anymore, but it was somewhere around half the population. Also, do not try to convince me that writing about the German death camps is a mistake because it was not the Germans, but the Nazis. You think only the SS carried out crimes? Hitler declared a total war on Poland. Wehrmaht burned villages, shot civilians, the Luftwaffe attacked roads where civilians were fleeing and bombed hospitals and churches. The SS did not do it, the regular German military units did. After the war, both the Allies and the USSR tried to remove people associated with Nazism from public life and positions. You know what turned out? That suddenly there are no engineers in Germany, no doctors, no politicians, and there are shortages in many areas of life. It was just that the sanctions for such people had to be loosened for the state to function somehow.
@@MsJaro89 maybe all of that is true, I’m just a critical thinker who recently got into ww2 history.. and I keep wondering why people were first deported thousands of Kilometers to be killed if they could have been killed right away, and only those deemed fit to work brought to the camps? I would love an answer, because I haven’t found one, the only one I can rationalize on my own is that they didn’t want it to happen in the eyes of the public. If that is the case, than the only rational conclusion is that they feared losing the general public’s acceptance
@@fooshoo2006 I wanted to write back to you exactly, but the youtube algorithm does not like something and delete the answer. I do not know exactly what this could be about, so I will try to write back when I think about the words xD
Yeah it's disappointing but Poland barely had any sovereignty between the first world war and the second, it does make it seem like it was Poland doing it rather than someone else choosing to put them in Poland.
My paternal grandmother was placed in a ghetto in Kryzhopil, Ukraine, in 1941. She was only three years old, and she was made to suffer under the cruelty unleashed by the Nazis. She was lucky that she and her parents were liberated in 1945, before the Germans could send them to death camps or concentration camps. However, my grandmother had to keep this story secret for a long time, because remembering her childhood in the ghetto caused her a small dose of PTSD. As she got older, she remembered the worst parts of this experience, which compelled me to write my very first book, the Secret Jew. My grandmother is referred to as Sophie in that book, and the main character, a Jew who pretends to be a Nazi, secretly sympathises with her and her parents. I was lucky to publish this book in 2015, three years before my grandmother got Alzheimer's disease. When she died in 2020, I felt as if I had lost the person who represented living history. However, I was not as close to my paternal grandparents as I am to my maternal grandparents, so when I lost my maternal grandpa that same year, I became an emotional wreck. This especially potent, due to the fact that he was born exactly one week before V. E. Day on May 8th, 1945. He was born on May Day.
I love the podcasts Simon! I often download a few and listen while driving or simply lying on my hammock. I wish new ones would be added as I am running out of new biographies. Have you considered doing one on the Medici family? Lorenzo de Medici would be a great one!
never heard of them seems cool though
I've really enjoyed the videos on the various Nazi higher ups. I've learned quite a few things I didn't know (I'm a real history buff, especially WW2 history). Thanks for doing these, great work.
Agreed...could use some proofreading on a few "facts" though... btw, your picture?
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers written by the Jewish Professor Brian Mark Rigg, who served as well in the US army as in the IDF.
Your videos are so put together. I feel like I'm not on RUclips, I feel like I'm watching a mass production series on TV.
Nicely organized, very informative! Great work.
I feel for the forces that first discovered the Nazi concentration camps. Imagine going through the horrors of war against an organized and well-supplied enemy and getting all the nice psychological scarring that comes with that and then being the first to discover one of those camps, all those glassy, blank expressions and emaciated faces just staring holes into your soul. Some of them seem grateful or happy at being liberated, but the majority of them that are still alive are too sickly and lethargic from hunger and lack of any real standard of cleanliness to express anything at all.
They'd either have to execute me for cowardice or send me home because I'd be fucked after that. If I live through that war, I'm seeing all those faces in my nightmares until the day I die.
I understand. But then again you might throw your heart and soul into not just rescuing them but giving them their life back. As horrific as it was, I am sure many of them became filled with a new sense of purpose after they got over their shock upon discovering them. You'd still dream about them but perhaps it would be tempered with the knowledge of what you and your comrades did.
Take a look at the 11 million women and children raped by the Red Army after the war or the 1.5million men and boys who died of thirst after the war in the Rhein Meadow Camps....
Not sure how true this is, but I read somewhere that the nazis starting using poison gas to kill Jews because a lot of their soldiers were getting psychological problems from point blank executing so many innocent and desperate people including children.
@@yoloswaggins7121 With no gas mask able to filter cyanide gas existing (then or now), how would this gassing operation be carried out without killing those people essential to the operation?
I'd need years of therapy to get over all that. I'm amazed so many veterans returned home as (mostly) normally functioning human beings.
My grandfathers sister, who escaped Aushwitz in 1943 and went on to join the polish guerrilla resistance group for 2 years before moving to Israel. My great grandfather, mother, uncles, and one aunt all died at the hand of the Germans. I consider it poetic justice that she attended his trial in Israel
What were the names of your ancestors good friend ?
No one wonders why she was locked up in the first place...
@@karlgharst5420For no reason except born something she had no control in. Would you ask the same if it happened to you?
"I have often felt a bitter sorrow at the thought of the German people, which is so estimable in the individual and so wretched in the generality..."
-Johann von Goethe, German writer and statesman
First half of his life kinda makes Eichmann sound like the OG incel
@Graig Simmonette nah. Those dorks should be made fun of.
@Graig Simmonette I imagine you wouldn't use this line of thinking if the women that are being hated on by incels reacted with the same type of malice that they received
@@Matt-ve3ql Based
I argue that the OG Incel is Ed Gein's mother which is very ironic
@@Matt-ve3ql let me get this straight, so because someone is unable to get sex, they should be mocked?
The early 20th century is a most interesting period of time. Great job on the videos Simon and rest of Biographics team. Y'all dive into every person's life with such vim and vigor it the epitome of edutainment.
These are horrific stories and should never be forgotten.
Let the records of WWII be finally opened and these ridiculous stories won't be forgotten fast enough...
I love these, you need to do one on Albert Speer
Ew that guy was gross
Simon hits this one out of the park because it is the history we should never forget.
The videos are well done, the people covered are surely fascinating, but not all statements made are entirely accurate.
11:44 I think you mean Himmler; Heydrich was assassinated in June 1942
Simon educating me more than the 12 years of schooling I had
Weird word for indoctrinating but ok.
@@apophisRO indoctrinating into what
What's really sad is that some of these monsters never got caught.
Manhattan Project was DURING the war, not after.
I was wondering about this also, but according to the Wikipedia page on the Manhattan project, it continued for about a year and a half after the war, and there were problems keeping the staff since many figured it would end soon, and working in the middle of the desert before the era of air conditioning wasn't exactly an optimal lifestyle. So maybe Simon's statement is correct. On the other hand, maybe he was confused by America's use of Werner Von Braun and other Nazis to develop rockets for the US after the war.
I'm assuming the host misspoke. Operation paperclip was a fairly large scale effort by post-war America to import German technical and scientific experts. By this time the Manhattan project was winding down, or, for the later imports, had already concluded. The largest single group were the "rocket scientists" who would go on to win the space race for their new countrymen. Others worked in almost every conceivable aspect of the defense industry, jet engine design, improving armored vehicles, etc. A very large part of America's post-war scientific and technical dominance can be traced to the efforts of these former Nazis. (As, interestingly enough, can significant parts of the post-war technical prowess of the Soviet Union.)
The nuclear testing on Bikini continued until 1958. And testing in Nevada occurred until 1992.
The Manhattan Project was not terminated until December 31, 1946 upon the creation of the AEC.
Always fascinated me how Eichmann had stereotypical "Jewish appearance." Oooops u mentioned it too!
@ursonfire Which is?
@Niggatello the 5th Ninja Turtle lmao
Suggestions for future videos: Amon Göth, the butcher of Plaszow; Shiro Ishii, the head of Unit 731; Chiang Kai-shek, the man who led China against the Japanese invasion only to lose it to Mao's Communists; Mao Zedong; Puyi, the last emperor of China; Hideki Tojo, Japan's wartime prime minister and head of the Kempeitai; Hirohito.
Hirohito was the sun god emperor of japan.
"His biggest fear was that he might have to fight".
There were a couple of conclusions that differ from some other people that I have studied in this area - namely that the Argentinian father that turned Adolf Eichmann in reported this to Fritz Bauer, West German district attorney/Nazi investigator and director of the district courts, and not the Israeli Government.
There is a wonderful film that premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in 2015 that you, and many people who enjoy your stories might very much want to see. It is called "The People vs. Fritz Bauer (2015)
Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer (original title)"
Spolier Alert !!!
The justice minister decided to give this information to the Israelis personally because his ministry still had too many former Nazis in it and they could not be trusted not to tip Eichmann off. A very good film (sorry for the spoilers). But its very important that this be corrected.
Interesting video, as are all from your channel(s) :)
One small thing though: from 11:45-11:53 - didn't you mean Heinrich Himmler? Reinhard Heydrich was attempted killed by Czech patriots in Praha on May 27 and died from his injuries on June 4, 1942.
The vid is all Hollywood fiction, anyway... let him babble!
It’s scary to think this type of darkness in history was present way before the Nazis, but it was considered a harsh reality of life before.
It still exists today. We're just lucky enough that they are largely contained in areas of the world where they can't amass the resources required for another holocaust. But trust me, the campaign for the annihilation of all Jews is very much still a thing. There has never been a time in recorded history where Jews have not been under constant existential threat by some group of people whose sole goal is their complete and utter extermination.
As much as I like watching your videos I must say this: these were NOT Polish camps. These were nazi camps located in Poland!!! -thank you.
@Giancarlo Rivas we had support from Polish, Dutch, Belgians and French people
Giancarlo Rivas Its true that close to 90 percent of Polish Jews were killed and many were turned in by their neighbors, while others assisted in ferrying or hiding their countrymen. Whether for self-preservation or Anti-Semitism, there were Poles that played a part. Read the book “Neighbors”.
@@timgotz9376 actually you didn't, you solely bear the responsibility for WWII and don't dare to try weasel out of it.
@@MiniM69 instead of reading fiction do some research and learn about people like Karski, Sendler, Korczak or Polish organizations like ZEGOTA.
@@MiniM69 "many were turned in by their neighbors" - define "many". Sure, there were Poles who did turn in Jews - that's simply _statistically_ impossible to avoid in a group of tens of millions of people, therefore painting it as something unique to Poland isn't fair. Was it any different in case of, let's say, France? Why is there such emphasis put only on reminding everyone that "there were [particular] *Poles* who did this", but not on "there were [particular] *Frenchmen* who did this"? It reeks with double standards.
Not to say that there are doubts about the methodology utilized by Jan Gross.
biographics is a lifesaver.
This RUclips channel beats my history class in every way
could you please do a history of the Vietnam war, how it affected the countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The main players involved America, USSR and the military industrial complex and the ideologies of capitalism and communisim
Could you please do a Video about the last German Emperor "Wilhelm II." :)
Desperado Davee.sweet idea man
Insane how he never actually gave any recorded orders
I appreciate your edicational videos very much, and you are an important voice against the crimes comitted towards humanity. I wonder if you could do (or maybe you already have done) one about Kurt Gerstein?
I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New year🎄
There is a mistake at 11:49 Heydrich was killed in 1942! Assasinated by the Czech resistance.
Douglas MacArthur next
Every time you said 'ruthless efficiency' I half expected to see Michael Palin come bursting on with "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition"
0.15 “ruthless efficiency” i immediately thought of the spanisch inquisition sketch from monty python
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
E Kramer2 our chief weapon is surprise
I have noticed that the word 'loose'is often substituted for 'lose' since they have completely different meanings it can be a bit confusing. If you are not sure use Spellcheck.
I’m not certain if you or Dr M. Felton is better. Both of you sirs are fantastic. Very different styles but perfectly delivered, informative, and non entirely non reality TV vibe. If the two of you ran the History Channel, I would be glued 24/7.
Cmon dude, i like this channel but it’s not even close. Felton is a legitimate historian, this channel is just narrated wikipedia
@@FD_and_B whistler has his own research team. Definitely not Wikipedia.
@@zaydpeer mark felton IS his own research team. again, not comparable
also, whistlers “research team” is just reading Wikipedia, or otherwise they’re not very good at their jobs bc it’s all very superficial lol
This. Videos like this, is why Simon Blazes so hard nowadays... Blaze on, my friend
Thank you for the videos, Simon. I've been following your videos closely, bus especially those of WWII. Lest we forget...
Virgin Eichman vs Chad Mengele
Best comment of the vid
What/Who are you guys talking about?
Eikhman got cought, Mangele didnt and lived a long and happy life. thats what theyre talking about
Virgin Eichman vs Chad MOSAD
Please do one on Taimur the lame
viraj sawant I think biography of Monica Lewinsky would be more interesting.
It’s weird how much evil can consume a group of individuals in such a short amount of time. Terrifying how some of those most powerful men in the ranks were such violent psychopaths. 😬😬
You guys have the best videos....!
Thank you 😊
Are you attracted to shiny objects, too?
I'm starting to wonder if you purposely mispronounced German names.
everett higginbotham its to get threw the RUclips algorithm
UNSCpillarofautem well, if he's going to teach history, he might aswell say the names right
Myamdane 777 well he’s not German so he will probs guess
Shalom Aleichem.
Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the British Empire, did not pronounce the name of this party correct... purposefully.
It used to be worse, at least this time he realized that 'w' was pronounced as 'v'.
There is a mistake on your presentation, Heydrich was assassinated in 1942 in Prague. At The time of his death , the allied forces were not in a position of imminent victory, in fact 1942 was still a point in the war that the AXIS powers had a 50/50 chance of winning the war based on current events at the time.
Eichmann developed Zyclon B to be more humanitarian,not to the victims but to the troops doing the killing. Up to that point,most of the killed were shot. This was causing major problems with the mental health and morale of the soldiers.
He did most certainly not develop Zyklon B as he had fock all to do with chemistry
@@dimadobrik4516 Don't count on these gullible stooges to get anything right!
I watch all of your videos and I find them extremely educational!
I just have to point out and this really annoyed me “Polish Concentration Camps” in 9:08. This is extremely offensive to Polish people as it implies they were run by Polish People which you and I know is not true.
Do you think that this is the only thing which is incorrect?
The concentration camps he's referring to were located in Poland. How else should he have referred to them in order to not hurt your little feelings?
Sure. Poland definately didn't have more collaborators than fuckung GERMANY did.
Sure. Poland definately didn't have more Nazi collaborators than fucking GERMANY did.
I love the poetic justice of his capture and death. His own sons bragging about him lead to it.
excellent work on describing facts and figures :) love yr work m8 keep up
This was a perfect biography-thanks---Himmler wanted to end the killings in 1945 and Heydrich was assassinated in 1942. Sasson was the Nazi in 1956 that performed the interview in Argentina.
if you liked this check out operation finale (2018) has oscar issac in it and ben kingsley playing adolf perfect casting imo
By far and away the most inaccuracies, but I still enjoy your videos.
I really love your videos sir!
Maybe you can help Irene Zisblatt find her missing fifth diamond?
At 11:47 Reinhard Heydrich is mentioned in the context of events from 1945. As anyone even vaguely knowledgable in this field knows Heydrich was assassinated in Prague in June 1942. Do your homework please.
Bully Steve Theunissen about that. He wrote the script
If you are interested in this type of story, I highly recommend the writer Philip Kerr, who wrote a series of historic novels surrounding a fictional former SS detective called Bernie Gunther. They are incredibly accurate, well written and chronicle Bernie's travels and escapades trying to solve puzzles surrounding former SS Nazi's, Russians, and Americans.
11:40 How could Heyndrich do this if he had been dead for 3 years?
He was contacted through Ouija board obviously, you are so dumb Gosh!!
Pete Sandov 😣👻😂
Mauritian Struggle Nazi time machine😃
I think they mixed up Heidrich and Himmler.
@@petesandov3722 😃😃😃
Very informative
Thank you very much
Be very careful when you use the term "Polish death camps". The death camps in occupied Poland teritory had very little to do with Poland in any way.
To call Adolf Eichmann the "architect of the Holocaust" is a misnomer. That term can be fairly applied to figures such as Heinrich Himmler, Eichmann ran the "transports", the trains that took the prisoners to the concentration camps. I am NOT trying to minimize his involvement. But he was the logistics or "supply" officer, not the "architect".
You are the only commentator that has any sense!
Do Joseph Goebbels :D
No me.
he'll get his information wrong just like he did in this video.
Do the US. And religion.
@@hermannfegeleinthemasterof6198 FEGELEIN!
the biography of terror is never irrelevant. thank you for talking about these people. they were were a blight on humanity and by learning about them, maybe we can stop future terrors in their tracks by recognizing the pattern. one can hope.
Damn this is why you never make fun of the quiet kid in class.
11:50 this doesn’t make any sense. Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated in 1942.
More Americans need to review German history from 30s and 40s
Yes! We all need to study History more so that we never repeat it. But in the end we will. Not a reason to NOT study it, but History was my major cuz it's my favorite subject
Its been drilled into the minds of the American youth. Part of why the millenials are such sjw's
@@kaliyuga93 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kali Yuga - Does anybody deserve what the Jews endured, tho? Bloodthirsty, ambitious? Not a motive for the horrors that happened during the Holocaust. And how many of those were babies and children?
Why so you can twist the truth of us
could you do one on Carlos, the jackal?
Can take more pauses and go a bit slow. It sounds like a fast fwd play of pod cast
He was a real villain even without firing one shot himself.
@ 71 years of age I remember the aftermath of Eichmann's capture, trial and eventual execution. Thanks for the well done rehashing of the story.
Simon, u do realise that Heydrich was assassinated in 1942 in Prague, right???
What a pleasant chap .
16:30 interesting part. I recently saw the movie named Operation Finale, but Wiesenthal is barely mentioned. I looked it up and for reasons unknown was left out.
Wiesenthal was working for the Gestapo the whole time, according to Austrian President Bruno Kretzsky.
Without regard for the other prick that commented here, Wiesenthal’s credentials and achievements are wildly exaggerated and in many cases completely fictional.
How could you NOT know
Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated in 1942???
Every time I think I'm finally able to read or hear about the Shoah without feeling so hopeless and uncomfortable, I am once again reminded, that this was done by humans to humans over and over again. The Shoah was singular in it's brutal efficiency, but genocides occured/occur all the time through history and to the modem day. Most are never heard of or acknowledged. Many are flat out denied. Each one is a priceless loss of a culture, a history and a people.
We can never get back a past that we have destroyed. And we destroy so easily.
You can’t call those camps polish! These were german concentration and death camps located in occupied Poland. Stop with the false language, apologize and rephrase it immediately.
damn, I think he just meant polish as in 'in poland'
Many words can be used to describe Dachau, but "boring" would've never entered my mind.
Yes please for the podcasts!
Incorrect information. Reinhard Heydrich was killed in Prague in June 1942. He could not have been issuing orders in 1945.