Physiotherapist ( and former gymnast) here: You are doing well, your body is working hard to heal! It’s very important that you SLOW down your walking speed, so you can focus completely on correctly weight bearing equally with both legs, And really focus on your gait to get the precise movements of your foot doing proper “heel-toe-push off”. IF there is any pain at all, use the crutches, otherwise you will cause inflammation in your ankle and it will slow down healing. It’s More important to be Painfree And avoid limping. ❤from Montreal
Yes very important to not push yourself too much too quickly, pain and swelling is an indicator of increased inflammation. Takes months for collagen fibrils in a healing wound to reach their full strength and the new fibrils will not be as strong as the original collagen in the tissue before the surgery. I wonder if her left foot has been her dominant foot since her surgery on the right foot and due to that her body is still trying to put more energy through that foot which could make it more painful and her right leg may not be as strong since the right foot surgery due to natural muscle wastage during the recovery period and also the new collagen deposited not being as strong after having being cut or removed during surgery.
Pain is there for a reason, it's telling you to stop! Following removal of my Stieda process, I was in a mood boot for 4 weeks with crutches for the first 2 weeks, keeping the leg elevated above the level of the heart with a straight knee. The best way to get your movement back without causing further swelling compounded by gravity is to get into a swimming pool, swim and do some rehab exercises. It's six months since my op, I still have a little swelling, so the foot is elevated when resting and at night. Although I am back at class allegro is still very limited but my stamina is improving and I (generally) stop if it starts hurting. You will only improve if you listen to your body. Patience from one who has learnt to be patient. Good luck Hannah
4:10 What you love hasn't been "taken away" from you, just not available temporarily. 5:10 It's great to see that you are visualizing your time on stage again. Keep your motivations about you. 8:15 I think the swelling was from inactivity, which some might think that keeping off the feet might reduce the swelling, but maybe the circulation does good for you. 9:45 Is the blue shoe a different size from the gray one? 😫 Keep us posted on your recovery. Hopefully, we'll see you back on stage in time for Cinderella or Snow White, whichever one you had that costume fitting for before surgery.
When you work out the body releases a lot of endorphins, if you're a professional athlete even more so. So when you stop working out, you don't have the same level of endorphins anymore and it feels like depression. Many athletes struggle with it while going through injury or retirement.
2similar surgeries are rarely the same honey. You have massive determination to go with your massive faith. Praying for peace and strength as you work thru this. Blessings Hannah!
I’m glad you are making progress. Hopefully it continues to improve. I know it wasn’t the point of the video, but you’ve given me a lot of comfort. I have some chronic conditions and often am made by various people/doctors to feel like I’m making a fuss or being weak. But when I see the impact pain and recovery has on athlete as strong as you who has a good chance of the pain ending and being able to resume a rewarding career and who has supportive people around them I realise that I’m not doing so badly after all because I’m going through a lot and somehow I’m still going despite the fact it won’t end. So the doctors can shut up. I’m doing the best I can, pain is exhausting. I know that wasn’t the intended takeaway. 🤦🏼♀️
Hi, former non-pro dancer recovering after Achilles surgery. It’s been now 8 weeks and no weight bearing yet. It’s been brutal pain wise and doing everyday things. Thanks for your honesty, the nights are the worst.😣
You have everything your body needs to heal, and being so untuned with your body, it’ll happen with optimal speed! Thank you for sharing even though it’s hard to be so vulnerable. As Pooh Bear often reminds me, “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
Dear Hannah,everybodywishes you well. One day, when you're better, you'll look back on all this and smile.A very Happy Xmas and a positive New Year from here in France.
Dear Hannah, thanks for sharing your journey and energy with us even in those hard times. I am waiting an IRM at the moment, the physiotherapist thought I had some sort of tendonitis which could be in fact a fibula stress fracture and I had so many setbacks the past weeks that I lost count. The doctor put me out of any kind of sports for 6 days and since handstands were what kept me in my right mind through this whole thing, I am losing hope but seeing your faith definitely helps!! Take care!!
Thinking of you Hannah. I've had multiple surgeries on both knees and totally understand the mental struggle that comes with it not being the same each time. My first knee had terrible nerve pain, the second one didn't... my first knee rehabbed great but the sensation was a bit weird but nothing that affected my functioning then I had a setback and I have sort of moderate nerve pain again at 18 months and I'm booked for an MRI to see what is going on. The surgery recovery journey is rough. Be kind to yourself and take good care of yourself. I'm currently not dancing after already needing 18 months off for my surgeries so I understand that mental anguish too, it's been an additional 3 months so far but I like to believe it all unfolds the way it's meant to be for whatever reason even if it's not apparent in the here and now what the reason is. It's okay to be struggling, what you are going through isn't easy. Take good care Hannah, it's okay to not do everything in the same time frame as last time. Thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon x
😣 Pain is so so hard physical and mental. Change is so so hard too. You’ve been turned upside down and inside out by all the changes you are facing and they’ve all come together to provide the perfect storm. You’ve been turned will get there. Thank you for being honest helping fellow suffered out there. Praying for you. Growth is hard. ❤🙏🙏🙏
It’s coming slowly and you will feel yourself again. It’s very hard to stop as a dancer/athlete so used to so much activity! The pain is exhausting and it’s hard to just get through the physical therapy. Hang in there!!! You are doing a great job and you are missing your Regan too😢 Sending love and prayers ❤
😣 Every surgery is different. Rehab is different every time and you will make it through this. It’s ok to have bad days so don’t beat yourself up for that. Enjoy the holidays with your family and find peace and love in Jesus Christ. Wishing you all the strength in the world for this continuing healing process ❤.
😣 I know you are getting there. Stay strong. You have so much love from your followers. Wish I could reach through the screen and give you a big hug! ❤
😖Hang in there. It may be the same surgery but you aren't the same person either. So glad you have your family with you. The new year will bring you much joy.
😫It seems like you have overcome the main difficulties, so I hope that is true, and you're back to feeling and moving as you want. Thanks for sharing your journey with us, inspiration which we can use to push through in our own lives 🥰
Big hug and lots of 🙏 Feeling your discouragement and praying glimmers of hope and applauding you fir listening to your body whilst working at recovery 💕
😖 I feel your pain, I've had surgery 2x on R. ankle now have a plate & 9 screws. Your doing amazing in a short amount of time, it's hard to be patient. ❤❤❤
Paracetamol is only for mild pain, not for post surgery care, but definitely bot for nerve pain. Please talk to your doctor, as pain slows the healing process down. I can't explain it properly in english, but I'm a nurse at a surgery unit and proper pain management is key to a good outcome from a surgery.
Awww bless you. Yeah I wonder why two exact operations aren’t the same. I had my right SI joint fused and although very painful it slowly got better. Then when it came to having the left SI joint I thought it would be the same as the right one…but no way. I woke up after the op in much more pain. The recovery wasn’t the same much more painful and taken longer. I guess that’s just the way our bodies are. Yes it’s the mental side that’s the worse… have to have things in place to keep you looking ahead. Take care xx
As a nurse for almost 30 years I’m wondering aren’t they giving you any pain meds. People don’t heal well when their in constant pain. You can already see how this is affecting you mentally. If you have them and not taking them I would suggest you take them. If your in th I’m going to tuff it out mindset your only hurting your only slowing your recovery. Even taking anti inflammatories like ibuprofen OTC can really help with that swelling. Also Gabapentin works really works well for nerve pain so you may want to speak to the doc about getting a script for that. Your already use to pain on a daily basis with the job you do so this much pain after surgery really needs addressing.
What a hard time this has been. You’ve been dealing with pain, poor sleep, loss of mobility, not feeling at home in your body, massive change in routine, being housebound, missing Nutcracker, best friend leaving, mental health struggles and an unsure road to recovery. All caused by a tiny bone! No matter how hard you prepare and try the seas can still be rough. A sailor’s skill doesn’t change the waves, but it does change the way she reacts to them. We’re with you!❤
My dear, no matter what life throws at you, you are always Hannah. And you always will be. When you are feeling like you are at your weakest, you’re actually at your strongest. This is because you are persevering through the “weak“ time, which takes more strength than anything else. Trust me! 🤩 = give yourself credit! 🤩You mentioned that you did not even want to talk to friends, and that you haven’t felt like talking to the camera. Despite this, you made this Vlog! It must have been very challenging, rewatching video clips that were recorded on days that were difficult, so please give yourself credit for this! 🤩This takes courage, perseverance, a desire to tell the truth, and a wish to help others! This challenge is increased exponentially when having pain + feelings of depression. 🥺🥺🥺when you said you were disappointed in yourself for allowing yourself to feel depressed. Could you have started this chapter of your life any more positively than you did? I don’t think so. I was very impressed with your attitude! It seems you had assumed (and who wouldn’t?) that the recovery process would be very similar to your last recovery process. If that had been the case, you may not have had depressive thoughts. But this recovery is different - it’s a lot more painful, which contributes to fear and anxiety. This is not your fault! 🤩The way you approached your surgery demonstrated that you willingly revisited your past recovery, which IIRC was not fun, which made it an unpleasant thing to do. Many people would have chosen to avoid raking up those memories. But you did that, you thought about what improvements you could make, and you started off with the best resolutions! Keep in mind that there are physiological factors that contribute to depression/depressive thoughts - factors that nobody can completely control: 1. Sleeplessness, 2. lack of proper nutrition/spiky highs and lows of blood sugar levels, 3. Digestive problems 4. medication side effects, 5. Hormonal fluctuations 6. pain! No matter where the pain is, the body naturally tenses up. This can lead to increased pain and tension headaches. I recommend deep breathing and heat pads. I have written more about that below. Once we start feeling depressed, it’s difficult to get out of it. But it is possible! Part of the depression trap or vicious cycle is that our cognitive distortions - 😣 - distort our perceptions, so that things that happen, or conversations we have, feel negative. It’s the opposite of “wearing rose-coloured glasses.“ Suggestion: Look up the list of “cognitive distortions.” If you write down all your thoughts and fears, how many of them are distortions? If they are distortions, do you have to take them seriously? (No!) You can CHOOSE which thoughts and fears are legitimate. Then you can talk to a trusted person about them and brainstorm ideas for how to deal with each individual thought. When you mentioned that you couldn’t be part of the Nutcracker this year, and you felt like something had been taken away from you, it may help you to grieve for your loss. This can help with acceptance and healing. Cont …
2/ Pain I’m so sorry that you are experiencing this. It sounds like you are adjusting appropriately to how your body feels. There is no professional, no matter how credentialled they may be, who knows exactly what is right for you eg. How far you should walk each day. What works for one patient may not work for another. What worked during your last recovery may not work (as well) for this one. This is a common reason for visits to the emergency room. That’s very understandable that you’re in a hurry to heal up and get back to work. Rushing the recovery process may have long-term consequences, though. As one of my doctors told me, “It takes as long as it takes.“ He also told me that I should enjoy the time off from work. That seemed jaw-droppingly ludicrous, but he was such a nice man that I couldn’t believe he meant it maliciously. What he actually meant was to use the time to catch up on reading or doing sedentary hobbies that I normally wouldn’t have time for. It was a perspective that shocked me because I had naturally assumed that not being able to work is like a punishment, and that I should be feeling miserable about it. Like what kind of person enjoys not working? But he told me that if I get depressed, it makes the body’s healing process even more difficult. And that if I can maintain a reasonably good or not-depressed mood, that would help my body heal. Pain is disorienting because it interferes with the brain’s ability to think and make decisions. The worse the pain is the worse the cognitive effects are. This does not mean that you are losing IQ points, nor that these are permanent problems for the rest of your life. It is very unsettling to people who are not used to pain, and this may be a contributing factor as to why you don’t feel like your normal self. You’ve probably noticed that when your pain is low or nonexistent, that your thoughts are much clearer. It’s great that the “magic mind” is working for you! What I have discovered is that the most difficult part of dealing with pain is actually … dealing with fear. Pain at night is the worst because it is so much more difficult for humans to remain positive during the darkness. There are a lot fewer distractions than during the daytime, and there is so much more time to think and worry. Suggestion: Deep breathing. This may sound simplistic or superficial, but it is one of the most valuable skills I have ever learned. It even helps with managing pain, because if I can block out fear and anxiety, it removes a lot of the emotional aspects of pain. Then the physical aspect remains, but it’s easier to manage without emotional turmoil. When one’s body is in pain, every muscle tightens up. How can one block unwelcome emotions? Visualize yourself in a nice, cosy place but someone is constantly ringing the doorbell. These are unwelcome intruders that want to come in. They come from Pain World. Their names are fear, anxiety, worry, the unknown, and what if. Q. Are you going to let them in? A. No, slam the door in their faces! Q. Won’t they return? Frequently? A. Most likely. But every single time, you slam the door. Q. Doesn’t this get kind of tiring? A. Yes, it can. But you can CHOOSE whether you want to slam the door, or whether you let them come in. Once they are in, it’s more difficult to get them out again. But hey, great news! You get an unlimited number of tries! If it’s just too much right now, and they are in your nice cosy place, that is not the end of the world. You tried your best and you just need a bit of time to recharge your emotional batteries. You can try again later! Spoiler: You are going to win! Cont …
3/ Practical tips: Swollen ankle - compression sock? Fatigue and feeling cold. If you are experiencing chills (feeling cold on the inside), whether in bed or out of it, 1. put on a hoodie or winter hat to keep your head warm because that is where most of the body’s heat escapes from. 2. Wear gloves and 3. thick socks. 4. Get a heat pad/electric blanket. I have one for my bed, and one for the kitchen where I eat. This prevents me from getting chills from cold food and drink, and soothes abdominal cramps. In bed, the heat helps me to relax my muscles. This is especially important when one has pain because the body’s natural response is to tighten up. That’s also what makes deep breathing difficult. It’s the exact opposite of what the body’s natural response is to pain (fight, flight or freeze.). 5. Get individual hand and toe warmers that skiers use. They go inside the glove or on the bottom of the sock. Fatigue emotions When my body is fatigued, my thought processes slow down, and I am much more susceptible to gloominess. Being aware of this helps me to keep the thoughts I have during those times in their proper perspective. Thank you very much for making this video! I hope that you are feeling better this week! I’m very glad that you got to see Regan before she left! Remind yourself of how well you are dealing with your challenges, (even if it doesn’t feel like it right now). Be your own best friend! 😇😇 Wishing you lots of healing and peace! Best wishes to all of your family, friends and well-wishers! 🙏😣💚♥️🎄🌟🥰
Pre Gabalin is great drug for nerve pain. I had a tooth extraction that was awful for weeks, without pre gabbling I would have been crying all the time.
Nothing is more practical than finding God, than falling in Love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, whom you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in Love, stay in love, and it will decide everything. Often attributed to Fr. Pedro Arrupe, SJ (1907-1991), but by Joseph Whelan, SJ Hang in there & thank you for be you….
I'm currently recovering from a fractured fibula in my left ankle, and I'm a commercial dancer and have been really missing dance and seeing my friends as I am a home education student- 4 weeks in and swelling and bruising have gone down massively. I can wear shoes normally and walk without it hurting/limping and without crutches.any doctors when can I start doing reform pilaties and exercises as I want to get back dancing asap.
😣 < I think that's the right one! So sorry to hear you're still dealing with pain. I hope your sleep will be better - I'm sure that would help with the healing process. Maybe you could take a little melatonin at bedtime? I know how much you must be grieving not being in Nutcracker this year 🎄🐀❄️🍫☕️🍵🍭🍬🌹🧚♀️
Nerve pain is THE WORST. And when you're used to being super-active, you have mental pain as well. You're probably suffering post- surgery blues, (something I've suffered many times), which is when you get home, you SHOULD be ecstatic, yet suddenly you feel worse than before. Like your body betrays you! But it WILL pass - all will be well, and you'll be a snowflake again, (OR Sugar Plum fairy) before you know it!
Dear Hannah, please!!!!! can you deactivate auto-synchronization? Otherwise your foreign viewers cannot watch your videos with your voice, but with a creepy AI- voice in a horribly translated version. This is new. I tried to find the original video, but I found out that I cannot adjust the settings myself
Thank you so much for your reply!! ❤ I think of you, I pray for a fast recovery ❤️🩹 🙏🏻 Edit: it worked, thank you so much! Now I can watch the „real“ video. The title of the video is still auto-translated, but that’s okay 🙂
I wish their was forum for injured athletes to vent as injury is so isolating and psychologically challenging. Feel free to comment your injuries below ☺️ and maybe we can all help each other.
Physiotherapist ( and former gymnast) here: You are doing well, your body is working hard to heal! It’s very important that you SLOW down your walking speed, so you can focus completely on correctly weight bearing equally with both legs, And really focus on your gait to get the precise movements of your foot doing proper “heel-toe-push off”. IF there is any pain at all, use the crutches, otherwise you will cause inflammation in your ankle and it will slow down healing. It’s More important to be Painfree And avoid limping. ❤from Montreal
Yes very important to not push yourself too much too quickly, pain and swelling is an indicator of increased inflammation. Takes months for collagen fibrils in a healing wound to reach their full strength and the new fibrils will not be as strong as the original collagen in the tissue before the surgery.
I wonder if her left foot has been her dominant foot since her surgery on the right foot and due to that her body is still trying to put more energy through that foot which could make it more painful and her right leg may not be as strong since the right foot surgery due to natural muscle wastage during the recovery period and also the new collagen deposited not being as strong after having being cut or removed during surgery.
Pain is there for a reason, it's telling you to stop! Following removal of my Stieda process, I was in a mood boot for 4 weeks with crutches for the first 2 weeks, keeping the leg elevated above the level of the heart with a straight knee. The best way to get your movement back without causing further swelling compounded by gravity is to get into a swimming pool, swim and do some rehab exercises. It's six months since my op, I still have a little swelling, so the foot is elevated when resting and at night. Although I am back at class allegro is still very limited but my stamina is improving and I (generally) stop if it starts hurting. You will only improve if you listen to your body. Patience from one who has learnt to be patient. Good luck Hannah
4:10 What you love hasn't been "taken away" from you, just not available temporarily.
5:10 It's great to see that you are visualizing your time on stage again. Keep your motivations about you.
8:15 I think the swelling was from inactivity, which some might think that keeping off the feet might reduce the swelling, but maybe the circulation does good for you.
9:45 Is the blue shoe a different size from the gray one?
Keep us posted on your recovery. Hopefully, we'll see you back on stage in time for Cinderella or Snow White, whichever one you had that costume fitting for before surgery.
When you work out the body releases a lot of endorphins, if you're a professional athlete even more so. So when you stop working out, you don't have the same level of endorphins anymore and it feels like depression. Many athletes struggle with it while going through injury or retirement.
2similar surgeries are rarely the same honey. You have massive determination to go with your massive faith. Praying for peace and strength as you work thru this. Blessings Hannah!
😖 sending you a hug as it sounds you can use one. And remember. Dream recovery and make it happen!
I’m glad you are making progress.
Hopefully it continues to improve.
I know it wasn’t the point of the video, but you’ve given me a lot of comfort. I have some chronic conditions and often am made by various people/doctors to feel like I’m making a fuss or being weak. But when I see the impact pain and recovery has on athlete as strong as you who has a good chance of the pain ending and being able to resume a rewarding career and who has supportive people around them I realise that I’m not doing so badly after all because I’m going through a lot and somehow I’m still going despite the fact it won’t end. So the doctors can shut up. I’m doing the best I can, pain is exhausting. I know that wasn’t the intended takeaway. 🤦🏼♀️
Hi, former non-pro dancer recovering after Achilles surgery. It’s been now 8 weeks and no weight bearing yet. It’s been brutal pain wise and doing everyday things. Thanks for your honesty, the nights are the worst.😣
You have everything your body needs to heal, and being so untuned with your body, it’ll happen with optimal speed! Thank you for sharing even though it’s hard to be so vulnerable. As Pooh Bear often reminds me, “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
You are making great progress. Be patient with your body and healing is a process. God Bless 😇🥰
Dear Hannah,everybodywishes you well. One day, when you're better,
you'll look back on all this and smile.A very Happy Xmas and a positive New Year from here in France.
sometimes it can seem like we just struggle the best we can 😣. glad things slowly improved
Wishing you the best and a better week ahead!
Even your PAIN 😖 is inspiring!❤ Your honesty is everything!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dear Hannah, thanks for sharing your journey and energy with us even in those hard times. I am waiting an IRM at the moment, the physiotherapist thought I had some sort of tendonitis which could be in fact a fibula stress fracture and I had so many setbacks the past weeks that I lost count. The doctor put me out of any kind of sports for 6 days and since handstands were what kept me in my right mind through this whole thing, I am losing hope but seeing your faith definitely helps!! Take care!!
Sending you love and best wishes as always Hannah!💜
😫You got this, girl. I love how you're sharing your faith in small ways.☺Keep it up! God's got you.♥
Thinking of you Hannah. I've had multiple surgeries on both knees and totally understand the mental struggle that comes with it not being the same each time. My first knee had terrible nerve pain, the second one didn't... my first knee rehabbed great but the sensation was a bit weird but nothing that affected my functioning then I had a setback and I have sort of moderate nerve pain again at 18 months and I'm booked for an MRI to see what is going on. The surgery recovery journey is rough. Be kind to yourself and take good care of yourself. I'm currently not dancing after already needing 18 months off for my surgeries so I understand that mental anguish too, it's been an additional 3 months so far but I like to believe it all unfolds the way it's meant to be for whatever reason even if it's not apparent in the here and now what the reason is. It's okay to be struggling, what you are going through isn't easy. Take good care Hannah, it's okay to not do everything in the same time frame as last time. Thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon x
thank you for sharing with honesty - it helps others going through the same or similar things feel less alone ☺
😣 Pain is so so hard physical and mental. Change is so so hard too. You’ve been turned upside down and inside out by all the changes you are facing and they’ve all come together to provide the perfect storm.
You’ve been turned will get there. Thank you for being honest helping fellow suffered out there. Praying for you. Growth is hard. ❤🙏🙏🙏
It’s coming slowly and you will feel yourself again. It’s very hard to stop as a dancer/athlete so used to so much activity! The pain is exhausting and it’s hard to just get through the physical therapy. Hang in there!!! You are doing a great job and you are missing your Regan too😢 Sending love and prayers ❤
😣 Every surgery is different. Rehab is different every time and you will make it through this. It’s ok to have bad days so don’t beat yourself up for that. Enjoy the holidays with your family and find peace and love in Jesus Christ. Wishing you all the strength in the world for this continuing healing process ❤.
😣 I know you are getting there. Stay strong. You have so much love from your followers. Wish I could reach through the screen and give you a big hug! ❤
😣 all best wishes for your healing. You are making progress.❤
You are more than enough, Hannah! Best wishes on your recovery! Blessings to you and your family!😖😣
😖Hang in there. It may be the same surgery but you aren't the same person either. So glad you have your family with you. The new year will bring you much joy.
😖 I know you will get thru this! Happy Holidays, Hannah, and to your super supportive family, too!
😣 keep strong! Lots of love Hannah. ❤
Hang in there Hannah!! You can do it! 😊😆(I know the Emoji was the one with the frown but I just couldn’t frown at you!)
I will pray for you Hannah! 🙏🩷
😫It seems like you have overcome the main difficulties, so I hope that is true, and you're back to feeling and moving as you want. Thanks for sharing your journey with us, inspiration which we can use to push through in our own lives 🥰
Big hug and lots of 🙏 Feeling your discouragement and praying glimmers of hope and applauding you fir listening to your body whilst working at recovery 💕
😣 II will remember you in my prayers for fast and sure recovery. Cheers Ron
😖 I feel your pain, I've had surgery 2x on R. ankle now have a plate & 9 screws. Your doing amazing in a short amount of time, it's hard to be patient. ❤❤❤
I so understand you… I’m a pro dancer and I’m just recovering from a PAO surgery on my left hip
I had foot reconstruction surgery last summer…i couldn’t put my foot down for 4 months! It was a horrible experience…good luck to you! Feel better!
Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs😘
You looked so happy doing the Charleston!! ❤😀
Paracetamol is only for mild pain, not for post surgery care, but definitely bot for nerve pain. Please talk to your doctor, as pain slows the healing process down.
I can't explain it properly in english, but I'm a nurse at a surgery unit and proper pain management is key to a good outcome from a surgery.
You did a perfect job explaining it.
Yes find it a little odd no NSAIDs were prescribed for post-op and rehab pain.
@@rebeccaaaaaaaac Right? That would be post surgery standard.
@@Becca_H85 absolutely and I'm from the UK as well so can vouch that's the standard here too
Hope you feel much better soon! ❤
😣 hope you feel better soon!!!
Awww bless you. Yeah I wonder why two exact operations aren’t the same. I had my right SI joint fused and although very painful it slowly got better. Then when it came to having the left SI joint I thought it would be the same as the right one…but no way. I woke up after the op in much more pain. The recovery wasn’t the same much more painful and taken longer. I guess that’s just the way our bodies are. Yes it’s the mental side that’s the worse… have to have things in place to keep you looking ahead. Take care xx
Oh sweetheart you are doing great!!! You'll get there!!! It's just taking a bit longer for your other foot to heal 💪😤💕
You got this, Hannah!
You got this! Dont give up girl! ❤
😫 keep it up…you’ve come a long way ❤
you got this!😫
As a nurse for almost 30 years I’m wondering aren’t they giving you any pain meds. People don’t heal well when their in constant pain. You can already see how this is affecting you mentally. If you have them and not taking them I would suggest you take them. If your in th I’m going to tuff it out mindset your only hurting your only slowing your recovery. Even taking anti inflammatories like ibuprofen OTC can really help with that swelling. Also Gabapentin works really works well for nerve pain so you may want to speak to the doc about getting a script for that. Your already use to pain on a daily basis with the job you do so this much pain after surgery really needs addressing.
😣 best wishes for a good recovery
God Bless Sweetest. 🎉you will get there ❤
What a hard time this has been. You’ve been dealing with pain, poor sleep, loss of mobility, not feeling at home in your body, massive change in routine, being housebound, missing Nutcracker, best friend leaving, mental health struggles and an unsure road to recovery. All caused by a tiny bone! No matter how hard you prepare and try the seas can still be rough. A sailor’s skill doesn’t change the waves, but it does change the way she reacts to them. We’re with you!❤
Be patient you’ll get there. Praying for your heathy recovery 😆
I Would love to do your stretch class /I was a gymnast when I was younger but now i have MS and am not very flexible anymore
Desde Colombia 🇨🇴 una pronta recuperación para ti Hanna y mi abmiracion y respeto a los q practican gimnasia rítmica y ballet 🩰 son unas guerreras
Meditate can help 🙏 you’re more strong than you think 🤍😣
My dear, no matter what life throws at you, you are always Hannah. And you always will be.
When you are feeling like you are at your weakest, you’re actually at your strongest. This is because you are persevering through the “weak“ time, which takes more strength than anything else. Trust me!
🤩 = give yourself credit!
🤩You mentioned that you did not even want to talk to friends, and that you haven’t felt like talking to the camera. Despite this, you made this Vlog! It must have been very challenging, rewatching video clips that were recorded on days that were difficult, so please give yourself credit for this!
🤩This takes courage, perseverance, a desire to tell the truth, and a wish to help others! This challenge is increased exponentially when having pain + feelings of depression.
🥺🥺🥺when you said you were disappointed in yourself for allowing yourself to feel depressed.
Could you have started this chapter of your life any more positively than you did? I don’t think so. I was very impressed with your attitude!
It seems you had assumed (and who wouldn’t?) that the recovery process would be very similar to your last recovery process. If that had been the case, you may not have had depressive thoughts. But this recovery is different - it’s a lot more painful, which contributes to fear and anxiety.
This is not your fault!
🤩The way you approached your surgery demonstrated that you willingly revisited your past recovery, which IIRC was not fun, which made it an unpleasant thing to do. Many people would have chosen to avoid raking up those memories.
But you did that, you thought about what improvements you could make, and you started off with the best resolutions!
Keep in mind that there are physiological factors that contribute to depression/depressive thoughts - factors that nobody can completely control:
1. Sleeplessness,
2. lack of proper nutrition/spiky highs and lows of blood sugar levels,
3. Digestive problems
4. medication side effects,
5. Hormonal fluctuations
6. pain! No matter where the pain is, the body naturally tenses up. This can lead to increased pain and tension headaches. I recommend deep breathing and heat pads. I have written more about that below.
Once we start feeling depressed, it’s difficult to get out of it. But it is possible!
Part of the depression trap or vicious cycle is that our cognitive distortions - 😣 - distort our perceptions, so that things that happen, or conversations we have, feel negative. It’s the opposite of “wearing rose-coloured glasses.“
Suggestion: Look up the list of “cognitive distortions.” If you write down all your thoughts and fears, how many of them are distortions?
If they are distortions, do you have to take them seriously? (No!)
You can CHOOSE which thoughts and fears are legitimate. Then you can talk to a trusted person about them and brainstorm ideas for how to deal with each individual thought.
When you mentioned that you couldn’t be part of the Nutcracker this year, and you felt like something had been taken away from you, it may help you to grieve for your loss. This can help with acceptance and healing.
Cont …
2/ Pain
I’m so sorry that you are experiencing this. It sounds like you are adjusting appropriately to how your body feels. There is no professional, no matter how credentialled they may be, who knows exactly what is right for you eg. How far you should walk each day.
What works for one patient may not work for another.
What worked during your last recovery may not work (as well) for this one. This is a common reason for visits to the emergency room.
That’s very understandable that you’re in a hurry to heal up and get back to work. Rushing the recovery process may have long-term consequences, though.
As one of my doctors told me, “It takes as long as it takes.“
He also told me that I should enjoy the time off from work. That seemed jaw-droppingly ludicrous, but he was such a nice man that I couldn’t believe he meant it maliciously. What he actually meant was to use the time to catch up on reading or doing sedentary hobbies that I normally wouldn’t have time for.
It was a perspective that shocked me because I had naturally assumed that not being able to work is like a punishment, and that I should be feeling miserable about it. Like what kind of person enjoys not working?
But he told me that if I get depressed, it makes the body’s healing process even more difficult. And that if I can maintain a reasonably good or not-depressed mood, that would help my body heal.
Pain is disorienting because it interferes with the brain’s ability to think and make decisions. The worse the pain is the worse the cognitive effects are.
This does not mean that you are losing IQ points, nor that these are permanent problems for the rest of your life.
It is very unsettling to people who are not used to pain, and this may be a contributing factor as to why you don’t feel like your normal self. You’ve probably noticed that when your pain is low or nonexistent, that your thoughts are much clearer.
It’s great that the “magic mind” is working for you!
What I have discovered is that the most difficult part of dealing with pain is actually … dealing with fear.
Pain at night is the worst because it is so much more difficult for humans to remain positive during the darkness. There are a lot fewer distractions than during the daytime, and there is so much more time to think and worry.
Suggestion: Deep breathing. This may sound simplistic or superficial, but it is one of the most valuable skills I have ever learned. It even helps with managing pain, because if I can block out fear and anxiety, it removes a lot of the emotional aspects of pain. Then the physical aspect remains, but it’s easier to manage without emotional turmoil.
When one’s body is in pain, every muscle tightens up.
How can one block unwelcome emotions?
Visualize yourself in a nice, cosy place but someone is constantly ringing the doorbell. These are unwelcome intruders that want to come in. They come from Pain World. Their names are fear, anxiety, worry, the unknown, and what if.
Q. Are you going to let them in?
A. No, slam the door in their faces!
Q. Won’t they return? Frequently?
A. Most likely. But every single time, you slam the door.
Q. Doesn’t this get kind of tiring?
A. Yes, it can. But you can CHOOSE whether you want to slam the door, or whether you let them come in. Once they are in, it’s more difficult to get them out again.
But hey, great news! You get an unlimited number of tries! If it’s just too much right now, and they are in your nice cosy place, that is not the end of the world. You tried your best and you just need a bit of time to recharge your emotional batteries. You can try again later!
Spoiler: You are going to win!
Cont …
3/ Practical tips:
Swollen ankle - compression sock?
Fatigue and feeling cold. If you are experiencing chills (feeling cold on the inside), whether in bed or out of it,
1. put on a hoodie or winter hat to keep your head warm because that is where most of the body’s heat escapes from.
2. Wear gloves and
3. thick socks.
4. Get a heat pad/electric blanket. I have one for my bed, and one for the kitchen where I eat. This prevents me from getting chills from cold food and drink, and soothes abdominal cramps. In bed, the heat helps me to relax my muscles. This is especially important when one has pain because the body’s natural response is to tighten up. That’s also what makes deep breathing difficult. It’s the exact opposite of what the body’s natural response is to pain (fight, flight or freeze.).
5. Get individual hand and toe warmers that skiers use. They go inside the glove or on the bottom of the sock.
Fatigue emotions
When my body is fatigued, my thought processes slow down, and I am much more susceptible to gloominess.
Being aware of this helps me to keep the thoughts I have during those times in their proper perspective.
Thank you very much for making this video! I hope that you are feeling better this week! I’m very glad that you got to see Regan before she left!
Remind yourself of how well you are dealing with your challenges, (even if it doesn’t feel like it right now). Be your own best friend! 😇😇
Wishing you lots of healing and peace! Best wishes to all of your family, friends and well-wishers!
praying for you!! I also had surgery :(
😣hope you are doing better xx
Pre Gabalin is great drug for nerve pain. I had a tooth extraction that was awful for weeks, without pre gabbling I would have been crying all the time.
Be gentle with your healing process Dear One!!!!
Sending lots of love 🥰
This too will pass!!! Hugs!!!
❤❤ heal well 🙏🏻🙏🏻 for you xx❤
Praying for you.
😣 get well soon
I takes 5-6 weeks for bone healing to show up on an x-ray. I’m unsure if maybe they have you walking without crutches a bit fast????
Nothing is more practical than
finding God, than
falling in Love
in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with,
what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.
It will decide
what will get you out of bed in the morning,
what you do with your evenings,
how you spend your weekends,
what you read, whom you know,
what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in Love, stay in love,
and it will decide everything.
Often attributed to Fr. Pedro Arrupe, SJ (1907-1991), but by Joseph Whelan, SJ
Hang in there & thank you for be you….
I'm currently recovering from a fractured fibula in my left ankle, and I'm a commercial dancer and have been really missing dance and seeing my friends as I am a home education student- 4 weeks in and swelling and bruising have gone down massively. I can wear shoes normally and walk without it hurting/limping and without crutches.any doctors when can I start doing reform pilaties and exercises as I want to get back dancing asap.
Moon boot even!
😣 < I think that's the right one! So sorry to hear you're still dealing with pain. I hope your sleep will be better - I'm sure that would help with the healing process. Maybe you could take a little melatonin at bedtime? I know how much you must be grieving not being in Nutcracker this year 🎄🐀❄️🍫☕️🍵🍭🍬🌹🧚♀️
Cara Hannah sei una ragazza fortissima e tornerai presto a danzare! Un abbraccio ❤
Take some magnesium, wear a compression sock.
it’s from inflammation-local swelling-compression on nerves
you got faster and more response this time
🦊…… there are ‘slower’ moves
😖😣❣️stay strong
Nerve pain is THE WORST. And when you're used to being super-active, you have mental pain as well. You're probably suffering post- surgery blues, (something I've suffered many times), which is when you get home, you SHOULD be ecstatic, yet suddenly you feel worse than before. Like your body betrays you! But it WILL pass - all will be well, and you'll be a snowflake again, (OR Sugar Plum fairy) before you know it!
Have you visited a sports psychologist? May help with the mental side of this. Good luck ❤
😆 Hang in there Hannah.
Dear Hannah, please!!!!! can you deactivate auto-synchronization? Otherwise your foreign viewers cannot watch your videos with your voice, but with a creepy AI- voice in a horribly translated version. This is new. I tried to find the original video, but I found out that I cannot adjust the settings myself
I will try and do this this evening! Sorry I didn’t realise it was doing this!
Thank you so much for your reply!! ❤ I think of you, I pray for a fast recovery ❤️🩹 🙏🏻
Edit: it worked, thank you so much! Now I can watch the „real“ video. The title of the video is still auto-translated, but that’s okay 🙂
No you couldn’t know this, it’s brand new. It’s the most stupid thing YT ever did 😅
😣 ❤️
Imagine being in pain day in day out with no end……..
You will fly in 20 25
Beautiful and sweet Hannah,what's happened?
I am praying for you
Do you like to tiedye? Glitter?
Sorry for you
I wish their was forum for injured athletes to vent as injury is so isolating and psychologically challenging. Feel free to comment your injuries below ☺️ and maybe we can all help each other.