In Colonial Times, Dutch are really gatekeeping the Dutch language reserved to only for dutch to dutch, even when speaking to you say for example, Governor are dutch while the mayor are Natives they rather speak local language of the mayor even if they bad at it, rather than telling the mayor to learn Dutch to understand them
Republik Indonesia tolol durhaka terlebih Jawa goblok. Bahasa Indonesia itu lahirnya di Sumatera. Malaysia itu bukan orang asing. Raja Malaysia yang ada pada mata uang Ringgit itu keturunan Minangkabau, asal usul Negeri Sembilan itu Minangkabau Sumatera Barat begitu juga Presiden Singapura pertama dan pencipta lagu kebangsaan Singapura berasal dari Bukittinggi Sumatera Barat. Begitu juga pendiri Manila dan Mindanao di Filipina adalah pendahulu kami raja-raja Minangkabau. Fanatik buta. Tidak heran, rata-rata penganut agama-agama Timur Tengah tapi jangankan fasih, faham bahasanya juga tidak, belajar agamanya sendiri secara intensif sejak kecil juga tidak, sistem warisan Belanda begitu juga jangankan fasih Belanda, faham juga tidak. Itulah kalian rata-rata katak dalam tempurung tidak fasih banyak bahasa tidak hidup keliling dunia sejak kecil sendirian. Soekarno saja hanya belajar komunisme di Surabaya dari Belanda Surabaya bukan langsung Rusia, begitu juga penandatanganan kemerdekaan ya buyut kami Hatta pejuang sebenarnya sampai Rebel dipenjarakan di Belanda semasa kuliah, terimakasih betapa bodohnya republik baru 78 tahun ini, saya putuskan balik ke Belanda seterusnya. Orang seluruh dunia jika tidak fasih banyak bahasa tidak hidup keliling dunia sejak kecil sendirian baru beberapa kali ke luar negerinya langsung norak minta ampun tanpa terkecuali orang-orang Indonesia yang super norak, super udik, super kampungan. Foto sana sini kebanyakan gaya tapi isi otak kosong melompong.
Just a note. When he said that Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) was derived from the Malay language, the Malay he meant were ethnic of MELAYU in Sumatra island Indonesia, not the country Malaysia.
This is the answer to the question in the video you are reacting to. 1. We are Indonesian, using formal Indonesian for things like: A. In education or the learning and teaching process. B. Language at work, especially with strangers. C. Ask people for addresses or something if you are not in your area. D. In the case of correspondence. E. In conveying written news or news on TV. F. In trials, whether in criminal case trials, student meetings, or in public discussions. G. Greet strangers, either directly or through comments on social media. 2. We only use slang or Bahasa Gaul among friends or those of the same age. 3. There is another formal language that is more subtle. We usually use this when we are talking to people who are older or elders in tradition, also to someone we like and love, and to small children. Fun Facts: Indonesians are generally bilingual, even more than two languages. This is because the number of ethnic groups in Indonesia is around 1200, and they have more than 720 regional languages. Like myself. I come from the Minangkabau ethnicity. I can speak Minang, Riau Malay, Javanese, Betawi, and of course, Indonesian. Also, English. ^^ Hopefully, this answer helps you understand our diversity in Indonesia.
Standard Indonesian language is used for formal conversations and when talking to people you don't know before as a form of respect and maintaining good manners
We love bahasa Indonesia cause it is easy , no tenses, no gender verb, no plural nouns, no need intonation or stressing on syllables, no long or short vowel, no silent character, and consistent on reading each character, no schwa sound, no glotial t, what you read is what you write, But it has many prefixes, suffixes in verbs.. and we must select the words of politeness when speaking.. since we really really honour and appreciate whom we are speaking with..
You read Indonesian writing very well and fluently, I'm amazed... if you learn Indonesian I'm sure you will master it very quickly, because Indonesian is the only language in the world that is very easy to learn, because of the writing and what it says. say it the same...thank you sir for your support for Indonesia...success and happiness always to you🙏❤️
Indonesian is currently registered and officially recognized by UNESCO as the world's language of instruction with a number of speakers reaching 280 million people. Bahasa Indonesia cukup mudah utk dipelajari. Bahkan seorang youtuber Brazil dgn akun channel Cedrix React kurang dari 10 bulan sdh fasih bertutur bahasa Indonesia padahal dia blm pernah berkunjung ke Indonesia. Nama lain dari Indonesia adalah Nusantara.
Republik Indonesia tolol durhaka terlebih Jawa goblok. Bahasa Indonesia itu lahirnya di Sumatera. Malaysia itu bukan orang asing. Raja Malaysia yang ada pada mata uang Ringgit itu keturunan Minangkabau, asal usul Negeri Sembilan itu Minangkabau Sumatera Barat begitu juga Presiden Singapura pertama dan pencipta lagu kebangsaan Singapura berasal dari Bukittinggi Sumatera Barat. Begitu juga pendiri Manila dan Mindanao di Filipina adalah pendahulu kami raja-raja Minangkabau. Fanatik buta. Tidak heran, rata-rata penganut agama-agama Timur Tengah tapi jangankan fasih, faham bahasanya juga tidak, belajar agamanya sendiri secara intensif sejak kecil juga tidak, sistem warisan Belanda begitu juga jangankan fasih Belanda, faham juga tidak. Itulah kalian rata-rata katak dalam tempurung tidak fasih banyak bahasa tidak hidup keliling dunia sejak kecil sendirian. Soekarno saja hanya belajar komunisme di Surabaya dari Belanda Surabaya bukan langsung Rusia, begitu juga penandatanganan kemerdekaan ya buyut kami Hatta pejuang sebenarnya sampai Rebel dipenjarakan di Belanda semasa kuliah, terimakasih betapa bodohnya republik baru 78 tahun ini, saya putuskan balik ke Belanda seterusnya. Orang seluruh dunia jika tidak fasih banyak bahasa tidak hidup keliling dunia sejak kecil sendirian baru beberapa kali ke luar negerinya langsung norak minta ampun tanpa terkecuali orang-orang Indonesia yang super norak, super udik, super kampungan. Foto sana sini kebanyakan gaya tapi isi otak kosong melompong.
It is very true that the large portion of Indonesian languages is based from Malay especially in the beginning of the development. From time to time Indonesian keep getting improved to a better and higher standard absorbing many terms and words that added into the treasure of Indonesian dictionary, slow but sure the original Malay terms are often being replaced, transformed, omitted or forgotten, and the result is what we have today and it still show the progression in high gear. That is why the Indonesian language I speak now looks almost completely different from the Malay language I used at my younger years in Pekan Baru of Riau province far in the northern part of Sumatra. But hey don't get me wrong I still speak Malay with my childhood friends every time when I visit the region.
Bahasa Indonesia baku standar digunakan di sekolah, saat rapat, berpidato, membuat laporan, dan lain2 yg bersifat resmi. Bahasa gaul digunakan sehari2 karena lebih simpel, lebih akrab.
Hi Bro, there's no wrong in choosing Indonesian Language to learn. Because Indonesian is one of the foreign languages that is on the rise and one of favorite choice in many language faculties at many universities in the world. It's just that our country is indeed growing and developing, but the influence on the global stage is already very visible. Several things will become world famous from Indonesia, such as songs released, talented singers, typical Indonesian food (like rendang, fried rice, meatballs, etc.), packaged food (e.g. Indomie, Silverqueen chocolate, etc.), automotive products, etc. And then Indonesia is one of the few countries in the world that has abundant natural resources and varied mines. It's just that in the last 10-20 years, Indonesia has transformed from conventional manufacturing to high tech manufacturing to be able to compete on the world stage. Don't worry, Indonesian language has been recognized and designated as the 9th official language of instruction by UNESCO to be used as a language of instruction in world institutions.
More than 700 languages in indonesia. I lived in banjarmasin, south borneo. When i went to java island. They all spoke javanese and i couldn't understand at all. To connect with them. We use indonesia language as a nation.
In school classes, in offices business, government offices we do speak a very formal Indonesian. Among adults in opened society from different groups and different various ethnic origins, we speak Indonesian to each other. Among and between friends, close friends and relatives that grow up together we use Bahasa gaul. I was grew up in Riau province and finished high school there, among friends we learned Indonesian, and Indonesian is a mandatory subject to pass every grade. This is a very reason every student who has finished high school speaks Indonesian properly. Besides I also speak regional Riau language that is very similar to Malay language. I then migrate to East Java to finish higher education, in here I encountered everybody speaks Java (the eastern style) and it made be able to speak Java in a very short time as almost everybody speaks Java however when in campus, at the classes, we swiftly speak Indonesian and this really make us having the same feeling and spirit as the same group of one citizen, Indonesia. In campus, the students may come from different places with different mother tongues language every students bring in. Interestingly, when in opened spaces outside the class we speak java as bahasa gaul of East Java where Surabaya is the central capital of the region and bahasa gaul here becomes "Suroboyoan".
Kemudahan Bahasa Indonesia: - Tidak ada grammar aturan sulit soal waktu - Tidak ada grammar aturan sulit soal jamak/plural - Tidak ada grammar aturan sulit soal gender - Tidak ada grammar aturan sulit soal - Mudah digunakan untuk bahasa akademis dan matematika (tidak ambigu) - Tulisan (kata) dibaca konsisten dengan huruf-huruf yang ada - Kosakata tidak dipengaruhi nada - Kosakata mendapatkan serapan dari bahasa inggris, arab, belanda, portugal-spanyol dan beberapa kata serupa dengan bahasa dari Filipina, Afrika Selatan, Oceania.. Ada lagi?
Selain kemudahan-kemudahan yang sudah disebut di atas, menurut saya, orang yang menguasai Bahasa Indonesia sebagai mother tongue mudah untuk meniru cara pengucapan bahasa lain. Sebetulnya Bahasa Indonesia cocok dijadikan bahasa internasional.
Di pedalaman hutan lebat sulit cari orang yang bisa bahasa Indonesia. Bisa ketemu orang aja sudah untung. Sudah gitu walopun bentuknya orang, tetap harus periksa itu beneran manusia ndak, beneran masih idup ndak...
Indonesia has a dream to propose Indonesian language as an international language.... And a little information that Indonesian language has become a university curriculum in several countries
You don't need to worry about the 700 languages in Indonesia. You just need to speak national Indonesian, because Indonesian has been recognized by UNESCO 11/2023 as a national language such as English, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Arabic, China, Russia, India, France and Indonesia.
hebat orang luar negeri itu (Canada)dan tentunya juga penjelasan tutor bahasa dari orang yang berikutnya yang ada di dalam video itu👍,hingga mau mempelajari teknik baca bahasa Indonesia & dia juga saya lihat membahas itu hampir mendekati detil,😁 kami juga mengakui bahasa English itu sangat bagus, di seluruh sekolahan Indonesia menggunakan bahasa itu untuk bahasa Negara kami yang kedua yaitu bahasa English & selalu berdampingan dengan bahasa Indonesia, selain bahasa English adalah bahasa Internasional, juganya kata-kata dalam bahasa English itu, enak untuk di dengarnya, menurut saya juga karena bahasa English itu sangat penting untuk generasi Indonesia berikutnya,untuk berkomunikasi di seluruh Negara
Stem: tulis ( write) active ( use prefix me and change letter t to n) 1. tulis ( write) meNulis 2. tarik(draw) meNarik 3. tonton ( watch) meNonton 4. tagih ( ask so to pay back) meNagih 5. told her ( glance at) meNoleh 6. tutup ( close) meNutup. When the stem word begins with letter b, just use prefix mem to make it active 1. buka (open) memBuka 2. baca (read) memBaca 3. beli ( buy) memBeli 4. bayar ( pay) memBayar 5. bunuh (kill) memBunuh 6. bakar ( bake) memBakar 7. bela ( defend) memBela
Long time ago, when President Soeharto was our president, the government really protected the Indonesian language. They had a special department watching the language used in television, radio stations, newspaper and magazines, including their contents. People talking to the public had to speak Standard Indonesian at that time. After the year 2000, however, the situation has changed. It is the Era of Freedom. People may do what they want. Jakartan dialect has been spead to all over Indonesia through sinetron programmes from private television stations since the year 2000s. Words such as "gua, elu, gak, doang, aja, cuman, and verbs ending in -in (balikin, bayarin, etc.)" belong to the dialect of Jakarta and we can easily hear all of them on television programmes watched by youngsters. They think that is Indonesian language. Well, actually, all vocabulary entries of Standard Indonesian can be found in 'Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia' (KBBI). Words that are not found in The Dictionary belongs to local dialects or other languages. Today, Standard Indonesian can only be found in school handbooks, newspaper and magazines. Only newsreaders, preachers and the president are speakers of Standard Indonesian. Youngsters avoid speaking it since it is considered posh or formal. Jakartan dialect is the form of spoken language employed by young people all over Indonesia now. Someday, this city dialect will replace the position of Standard Indonesian as our national language that unites all tribal groups in The Indonesian Archipelago.
although 40% of Indonesia's population is Javanese. but Indonesia does not use Javanese language. Because the country Indonesia have 700 regional languages and 1300 tribes. Indonesian choice to use (Indonesian Malay) as a unifying language. Even though Malays only make up 4% of the Indonesian population, the reason is because Indonesian Malay is easy language.😊
Masallah dia bagus bhs indonsianya .💪 Learn bhs indonesia. Secara teori memang sulit,tapi jika anda bicara bhs indonesia secara sederhana semua orang indonesia mengerti maksudnya 👌.
LOVE THIS REACTION... 👍😎❤💕 I want to add 1 word in Bahasa gaul Indonesia : For example : "BANGET" = so much I LOVE THIS CHANNEL SO MUCH * Saya suka sekali saluran ini... * Gue demen banget saluran ini... 😆😅😅😂😂👍😎❤💕
There is a different function of apa and apakah. Apa is a quetion for noun answer Apakah is a question for yes/no answer Apa kamu mau duduk? (It's not the right form) It should be Apakah kamu mau duduk? (It's the correct one) 🙏🙏
@@heruhday apakah kamu ada ulangan? Dalam BHS inggris sama dg. Do you have any Exam? Apakah tamu itu paman mu? Dlm BHS inggris mungkin menjadi is he your uncle? Kedua pertanyaan tsb cukup dijawab dg ya/tidak atau yes/no Beda dengan apa yang kamu beli? (What do you buy?) Apa yang akan kamu beli? (What Will you buy?) Jenis pertanyaan ini harus dijawab dengan kata benda Beda halnya jika kita bicara informal, sprti Beli apa loe? Apa yang loe beli? 🙏🙏
@@alimudinhalilung9201 anda lucu sekali.. Dimana anda mengutip perkataan itu? Saya mengutip dari kamus besar bahasa Indonesia KBBI loh.. Trus anda masih ngotot.. Apa perkataan anda itu anda ambil dari buku"Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia"? Atau sekedar praduga anda sendiri? Lucu deh.. Anda sok2an memakai bahasa inggris, seolah2 anda terpendidik. Padahal orang terpendidik itu selalu memberikan rujukan kutipan yang mendukung pendapatnya. Kalo anda tidak bisa memberikan referensi terpercaya yg mendukung pernyataan anda, maka anda tong kosong nyaring bunyinya..
@@alimudinhalilung9201 Nih lihat penggunaan kata "apa" no 7 dan 6 apa 1 pron kata tanya untuk menanyakan nama (jenis, sifat) sesuatu: ular -- ini?; pohon -- yang kautanam?; 2 pron kata tanya untuk pengganti sesuatu: -- yang dimaksudkan orang itu tadi?; 3 pron kata tanya untuk menanyakan pertalian kekeluargaan: (pernah) -- mu anak itu?; 4 pron pengganti sesuatu yang kurang terang; pengganti barang sesuatu: ia tidak tahu -- isi kotak itu; 5 p hor untuk menghaluskan permintaan: sudi -- lah kiranya Bapak mengabulkan permohonan kami; 6 p cak untuk mendahului kalimat tanya: -- besok ada ulangan? -- tamu itu pamanmu?; 7 p cak atau: mau minum teh -- kopi; jadi berangkat hari ini -- besok;
Indonesian is adapted from Malay (Ethnic Malay).From the 7th century, Malay was used as a connecting language between tribes in Southeast Asia. The Malay ethnicity is also separated by various countries in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, and a small part in the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore.
Ayo masyarakat Indonesia kita tingkatkan kualitas kemajuan kebudayaan dan pendidikan pengetahuan mentalitas literasi SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA nasional Indonesia 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bahasa Indonesia mudah dipelajari karena memiliki kalimat yang berpola tetap (Subjek + Predikat/Kata Kerja + Objek + Keterangan) serta tiap 1 kata memiliki 1 arti jadi mudah dimengerti apa maksud dan tujuan dari kalimat yang disampaikan
Every day we talk according to the area where we live... for example I live in Java, I speak Javanese, with people I know and that person also speaks Javanese... Including language with family (parent's language) But, if you just meet someone new... even if it's from the same area, we use Indonesian, if you already know us better, sometimes it's automatically the local language. 😂 We learn local regional languages naturally because we grow up in that area, while we learn Indonesian at school and every Indonesian peoples speaks Indonesian. We study English too, but we are united by Indonesian... In the language of technology, telephone, television, in our country we also use Indonesian. It's good that we can connect and get closer. with Indonesian citizens even though we have different provinces and languages🇮🇩 we are one country (one land, one water : This means that in Indonesia we share the same environment, namely the land and sea of our country) ❤🇮🇩 I really love the country where I live and grew up here... there are many differences but within one country. 5 religions, 38 provinces, 700 languages, 17,000 islands❤ but one Language🇮🇩 Oh yeah, the funny thing is that sometimes we just leave the city in Indonesia, experiencing culture shock hahah like moving countries... this is because there are so many differences and cultures... but this is funny for us Indonesian people 😅
Terimakasih karena telah mempelajari bahasa Indonesia 🙏🏼 semoga bahasa Indonesia bisa menjadi salah satu bahasa internasional yang sering digunakan ✌️😁👍
Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa yang mudah untuk dipelajari. Pelajari bahasa Indonesia semoga Anda akan suka dengan Indonesia yang unik cantik dan menarik.
Appreciate your effort in learning our language (bahasa Indonesia), IJay. You pronounciation is good 👏. Keep up the great work. And hello from Jakarta, Indonesia. 😁👋
New versions of Indonesian slang always appear every year, every year there is always a new language used for everyday communication,Standard Indonesian is only used for formal occasions and is used to speak to someone older
To be honest im Indonesian bt i also cant explain those differences of Indonesian words, even a lot of Indonesins also dont know how to explain it.....its just you just need to get used to it,, juss like all languages,,, bt actually Indonesian language is very2 easy if you already understand English cs it's much more simple language compared to English but the two languages also related to each Indonesian almost always uses "si" in the end of words with the end "on" in English lk,, Revolution becomes Revolusi,, Production becomes produksi, Action becomes aksi,,, also Indonesia pronunciation is always consistent unlike English,,, for example "C" we pronounce it "C" like "Chin" in English it is always changing, it can be "Chin becomes Chin" "cat becomes Kat" "Cash becomes kas" so yea English is complicated and more2 difficult.... Indonesian is so simple,, but to learn Indonesian informal language its a bit hard cs ppl used to use short words or their own words bt its not that hard actually......ok hp you hv a great day
thank you for your attention to our language. then I'll tell you what differences betwen di in "ditulis" and ter in "tertulis". di = something on purposely did and ter = the vice of di that mean unpurposely did. Ditulis = to be writen on porpose, tertulis = to be writen unpurposely.
we usually use formal language to talk to parents, older people, our children, respected people (work superiors, teachers, state leaders, members of the army, police and so on), while we use slang to talk to our friends. ❤❤❤❤❤
Hi friends 🙏 sorry in advance friends basic language is Malay, one of the regional languages Not from Malaysian Malay In fact, Malaysian Malay language originates from Malay language from regions in Indonesia, friends Malaysia has always liked to recognize what belongs to Indonesia Both culture, food, region and many more friends 😂😂Malaysian people prefer to use English rather than Malay 🤔😅😅😅
Halo bang, saya sangat suka dengan vidio vidio mu, semoga untuk kedepan nya kamu bisa datang ke negara ini dan merasakan langsung bagaimana beragam nya bahasa indonesia, cantik nya alam dan keramahan orang orang nya. TERIMAKSIH BANYAK🇮🇩❤️ Hopefully you can read my comments, and also to learn😁
A very important, distinctive and amazing experience: If you want to make an infant sleep incredibly quickly, listen to him the Holy Qur’an. By God, this experience will amaze you, and here you will be certain that every human being on the face of the earth is born a Muslim.
We use standard Indonesia obviously in academics, formal events, giving speeches, public service, discussion, and more. we also quite using the standard when arguing with people online if we are having good quality arguments against each other to show our quality using the standard one and makes the others understand our point.
Bahasa indonesia merupakan bahasa komunikasi yang sangat mudah makanya banyak orang dari kampung yang tidak pernah sekolah dan sudah tua seperti kakek dan nenek dari jawa saja bisa berbicara bahasa indonesia
I used Bahasa gaul when I talk with my friend and I used Bahasa Indonesia formal when study in the school or writing formal letter for teacher. And at home I used native bahasa (mother language) when I talk with my family😂
My grandpa is from central java, and my grandma is from the banten sunda region. But they both come to the city and speak Indonesian mostly to communicate, altough there is already a lot of sundanese and javanese in the city. And my mother also adopted Indonesian as her main language, altough she also knew some javanese and sundanese from her parents. But when I was born, I was never even taught javanese or sundanese. So as an Indonesian gen Z in cities, we're almost entirely native Indonesians, not really belonging to any culture group anymore.
the use of bahasak baku, or formal bahasa indonesia. is for learning a local indonesia language, if you go to new location in indonesia you use the bahasa baku of indonesia and talk to the local people. after a long time you will learn how the local indonesia language work and use their langauge. just like learning english to talk to local english and learn how their local english work. easy peasy.
In Colonial Times, Dutch are really gatekeeping the Dutch language reserved to only for dutch to dutch, even when speaking to you say for example, Governor are dutch while the mayor are Natives they rather speak local language of the mayor even if they bad at it, rather than telling the mayor to learn Dutch to understand them
And now Indonesian united to one country
Coba jadi 11 negara di Indonesia serokan ris . Padahal itu rencana Belanda
Agreed. Only to local higher-ups and nobles have the chances to learn it
Republik Indonesia tolol durhaka terlebih Jawa goblok.
Bahasa Indonesia itu lahirnya di Sumatera.
Malaysia itu bukan orang asing.
Raja Malaysia yang ada pada mata uang Ringgit itu keturunan Minangkabau, asal usul Negeri Sembilan itu Minangkabau Sumatera Barat begitu juga Presiden Singapura pertama dan pencipta lagu kebangsaan Singapura berasal dari Bukittinggi Sumatera Barat.
Begitu juga pendiri Manila dan Mindanao di Filipina adalah pendahulu kami raja-raja Minangkabau.
Fanatik buta. Tidak heran, rata-rata penganut agama-agama Timur Tengah tapi jangankan fasih, faham bahasanya juga tidak, belajar agamanya sendiri secara intensif sejak kecil juga tidak, sistem warisan Belanda begitu juga jangankan fasih Belanda, faham juga tidak.
Itulah kalian rata-rata katak dalam tempurung tidak fasih banyak bahasa tidak hidup keliling dunia sejak kecil sendirian.
Soekarno saja hanya belajar komunisme di Surabaya dari Belanda Surabaya bukan langsung Rusia, begitu juga penandatanganan kemerdekaan ya buyut kami Hatta pejuang sebenarnya sampai Rebel dipenjarakan di Belanda semasa kuliah, terimakasih betapa bodohnya republik baru 78 tahun ini, saya putuskan balik ke Belanda seterusnya.
Orang seluruh dunia jika tidak fasih banyak bahasa tidak hidup keliling dunia sejak kecil sendirian baru beberapa kali ke luar negerinya langsung norak minta ampun tanpa terkecuali orang-orang Indonesia yang super norak, super udik, super kampungan.
Foto sana sini kebanyakan gaya tapi isi otak kosong melompong.
Makasih bang, udah ngasih info 😊
Just a note.
When he said that Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) was derived from the Malay language, the Malay he meant were ethnic of MELAYU in Sumatra island Indonesia, not the country Malaysia.
More precisely, Riau Malay(Melayu Riau), this is an ancient language that is probably rarely used now.
@@kepomPong2816is that why bahasa Indonesia use "a" instead of "e" like Melayu people in sumatra in alot of word?
This is the answer to the question in the video you are reacting to.
1. We are Indonesian, using formal Indonesian for things like:
A. In education or the learning and teaching process.
B. Language at work, especially with strangers.
C. Ask people for addresses or something if you are not in your area.
D. In the case of correspondence.
E. In conveying written news or news on TV.
F. In trials, whether in criminal case trials, student meetings, or in public discussions.
G. Greet strangers, either directly or through comments on social media.
2. We only use slang or Bahasa Gaul among friends or those of the same age.
3. There is another formal language that is more subtle. We usually use this when we are talking to people who are older or elders in tradition, also to someone we like and love, and to small children.
Fun Facts:
Indonesians are generally bilingual, even more than two languages.
This is because the number of ethnic groups in Indonesia is around 1200, and they have more than 720 regional languages.
Like myself. I come from the Minangkabau ethnicity. I can speak Minang, Riau Malay, Javanese, Betawi, and of course, Indonesian.
Also, English. ^^
Hopefully, this answer helps you understand our diversity in Indonesia.
Good explanation 👍
Suangar pak, wong minang iso boso jowo
@@EzionAxis lha, bojone wong Jowo iki, Mase ^^
Eyy, urang awak mah😊
@@fajarn7052 haha iyo 😁
Standard Indonesian language is used for formal conversations and when talking to people you don't know before as a form of respect and maintaining good manners
We love bahasa Indonesia cause it is easy , no tenses, no gender verb, no plural nouns, no need intonation or stressing on syllables, no long or short vowel, no silent character, and consistent on reading each character, no schwa sound, no glotial t, what you read is what you write,
But it has many prefixes, suffixes in verbs.. and we must select the words of politeness when speaking.. since we really really honour and appreciate whom we are speaking with..
Stop there 😂. Ada laba-laba, bala-bala, kupu-kupu, kura-kura...
You read Indonesian writing very well and fluently, I'm amazed... if you learn Indonesian I'm sure you will master it very quickly, because Indonesian is the only language in the world that is very easy to learn, because of the writing and what it says. say it the same...thank you sir for your support for Indonesia...success and happiness always to you🙏❤️
Indonesia apots many foreign loan words, such as :
1. sanskrit : story/cerita, soul/jiwa, palace/istana, religion/agama
2. dutch : office/kantor, towel/handuk, discount/korting, horn/klakson, refrigerator/kulkas
3. arab : world/dunia, dead/wafat, face/wajah, alphabet/abjad, body/badan
4. china (hokkien) : knife/pisau, teapot/teko, store/toko, lipstick/gincu
5. english : design/desain, campus/kampus, juice/jus, zone/zona, taxi/taksi
6. portuguese : doll/boneka, fork/garpu, shoes/sepatu, flag/bendera
Indonesian is currently registered and officially recognized by UNESCO as the world's language of instruction with a number of speakers reaching 280 million people. Bahasa Indonesia cukup mudah utk dipelajari. Bahkan seorang youtuber Brazil dgn akun channel Cedrix React kurang dari 10 bulan sdh fasih bertutur bahasa Indonesia padahal dia blm pernah berkunjung ke Indonesia. Nama lain dari Indonesia adalah Nusantara.
tapi ngerih bgt ya bule2 belajar bahasa Indonesia, di kupas sampe akar2, bahasa gaul kan gak ada di pelajaran, tapi dia pelajari sampe segitunya,
@@agungdwi4277 bukti mereka cinta budaya Indonesia. Smoga Indonesia bisa menjadi Mercusuar di dunia... 👍😎
Republik Indonesia tolol durhaka terlebih Jawa goblok.
Bahasa Indonesia itu lahirnya di Sumatera.
Malaysia itu bukan orang asing.
Raja Malaysia yang ada pada mata uang Ringgit itu keturunan Minangkabau, asal usul Negeri Sembilan itu Minangkabau Sumatera Barat begitu juga Presiden Singapura pertama dan pencipta lagu kebangsaan Singapura berasal dari Bukittinggi Sumatera Barat.
Begitu juga pendiri Manila dan Mindanao di Filipina adalah pendahulu kami raja-raja Minangkabau.
Fanatik buta. Tidak heran, rata-rata penganut agama-agama Timur Tengah tapi jangankan fasih, faham bahasanya juga tidak, belajar agamanya sendiri secara intensif sejak kecil juga tidak, sistem warisan Belanda begitu juga jangankan fasih Belanda, faham juga tidak.
Itulah kalian rata-rata katak dalam tempurung tidak fasih banyak bahasa tidak hidup keliling dunia sejak kecil sendirian.
Soekarno saja hanya belajar komunisme di Surabaya dari Belanda Surabaya bukan langsung Rusia, begitu juga penandatanganan kemerdekaan ya buyut kami Hatta pejuang sebenarnya sampai Rebel dipenjarakan di Belanda semasa kuliah, terimakasih betapa bodohnya republik baru 78 tahun ini, saya putuskan balik ke Belanda seterusnya.
Orang seluruh dunia jika tidak fasih banyak bahasa tidak hidup keliling dunia sejak kecil sendirian baru beberapa kali ke luar negerinya langsung norak minta ampun tanpa terkecuali orang-orang Indonesia yang super norak, super udik, super kampungan.
Foto sana sini kebanyakan gaya tapi isi otak kosong melompong.
It is very true that the large portion of Indonesian languages is based from Malay especially in the beginning of the development. From time to time Indonesian keep getting improved to a better and higher standard absorbing many terms and words that added into the treasure of Indonesian dictionary, slow but sure the original Malay terms are often being replaced, transformed, omitted or forgotten, and the result is what we have today and it still show the progression in high gear. That is why the Indonesian language I speak now looks almost completely different from the Malay language I used at my younger years in Pekan Baru of Riau province far in the northern part of Sumatra. But hey don't get me wrong I still speak Malay with my childhood friends every time when I visit the region.
Bahasa Indonesia baku standar digunakan di sekolah, saat rapat, berpidato, membuat laporan, dan lain2 yg bersifat resmi. Bahasa gaul digunakan sehari2 karena lebih simpel, lebih akrab.
sama kalau nglamar istri.ngomong ke calon mertua gunakan bahasa indonesia baju..hehe jangan bhs gaul
Beda bet ga sih b gaul ama b indo, kek hampir beda bahasa sih kata gw mah🙄
@@manusantara6930kalo aku pake boso kromo Inggil 😊😊😊😊😊
@@manusantara6930 gue demen ama komen lu.. bisa pinjem cèpè bro..? 😊
What is "lain2"? and "sehari2"? I don't know kata tersebut.
Hi Bro, there's no wrong in choosing Indonesian Language to learn. Because Indonesian is one of the foreign languages that is on the rise and one of favorite choice in many language faculties at many universities in the world. It's just that our country is indeed growing and developing, but the influence on the global stage is already very visible. Several things will become world famous from Indonesia, such as songs released, talented singers, typical Indonesian food (like rendang, fried rice, meatballs, etc.), packaged food (e.g. Indomie, Silverqueen chocolate, etc.), automotive products, etc. And then Indonesia is one of the few countries in the world that has abundant natural resources and varied mines. It's just that in the last 10-20 years, Indonesia has transformed from conventional manufacturing to high tech manufacturing to be able to compete on the world stage. Don't worry, Indonesian language has been recognized and designated as the 9th official language of instruction by UNESCO to be used as a language of instruction in world institutions.
Sayang pejabat pemerintah banyak yg korupsi
As long as undertandeble everything ok , ya kan?
@@sripurwati3794 jake sembung megang koruptor ,,, cakep.....
✍️ Koreksi ! ☝️🤓
menjadi 'Bahasa Resmi'
UNESCO ke 10❗🤩👍
Saya suka kamu belajar bahasa indonesia...
More than 700 languages in indonesia. I lived in banjarmasin, south borneo. When i went to java island. They all spoke javanese and i couldn't understand at all. To connect with them. We use indonesia language as a nation.
Hi, im from central borneo
Terima kasih banyak kawan telah buat video positif tentang bahasa indonesia.
In school classes, in offices business, government offices we do speak a very formal Indonesian. Among adults in opened society from different groups and different various ethnic origins, we speak Indonesian to each other. Among and between friends, close friends and relatives that grow up together we use Bahasa gaul. I was grew up in Riau province and finished high school there, among friends we learned Indonesian, and Indonesian is a mandatory subject to pass every grade. This is a very reason every student who has finished high school speaks Indonesian properly. Besides I also speak regional Riau language that is very similar to Malay language. I then migrate to East Java to finish higher education, in here I encountered everybody speaks Java (the eastern style) and it made be able to speak Java in a very short time as almost everybody speaks Java however when in campus, at the classes, we swiftly speak Indonesian and this really make us having the same feeling and spirit as the same group of one citizen, Indonesia. In campus, the students may come from different places with different mother tongues language every students bring in. Interestingly, when in opened spaces outside the class we speak java as bahasa gaul of East Java where Surabaya is the central capital of the region and bahasa gaul here becomes "Suroboyoan".
Kemudahan Bahasa Indonesia:
- Tidak ada grammar aturan sulit soal waktu
- Tidak ada grammar aturan sulit soal jamak/plural
- Tidak ada grammar aturan sulit soal gender
- Tidak ada grammar aturan sulit soal
- Mudah digunakan untuk bahasa akademis dan matematika (tidak ambigu)
- Tulisan (kata) dibaca konsisten dengan huruf-huruf yang ada
- Kosakata tidak dipengaruhi nada
- Kosakata mendapatkan serapan dari bahasa inggris, arab, belanda, portugal-spanyol dan beberapa kata serupa dengan bahasa dari Filipina, Afrika Selatan, Oceania..
Ada lagi?
Yg kadang bkn bingung yg belajar itu adalah imbuhan, awalan dan akhiran. Kl yg gk ngerti bs bilang, "saya dimakan bakso." Lah ap hk ngeri kita 😅
@@icha9514 susah karna orang Indo kalau chat sering singkat singkat sih
bener banget @@gedanori
@@gedanori menyinkat bahasa itu bkn cm orang indo. ppl also doin, it bc it was convenient. nah tu bkn indo d singkat jg 😅
Selain kemudahan-kemudahan yang sudah disebut di atas, menurut saya, orang yang menguasai Bahasa Indonesia sebagai mother tongue mudah untuk meniru cara pengucapan bahasa lain. Sebetulnya Bahasa Indonesia cocok dijadikan bahasa internasional.
+/-270 juta jiwa rakyat Indonesia fasih berbicara bahasa Indonesia di semua wilayah Indonesia ,kecuali beberapa dipedalaman hutan lebat.❤
Di pedalaman hutan lebat sulit cari orang yang bisa bahasa Indonesia.
Bisa ketemu orang aja sudah untung.
Sudah gitu walopun bentuknya orang, tetap harus periksa itu beneran manusia ndak, beneran masih idup ndak...
Indonesia has a dream to propose Indonesian language as an international language.... And a little information that Indonesian language has become a university curriculum in several countries
You don't need to worry about the 700 languages in Indonesia. You just need to speak national Indonesian, because Indonesian has been recognized by UNESCO 11/2023 as a national language such as English, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Arabic, China, Russia, India, France and Indonesia.
Bahasa Indonesia merupakan bahasa termudah di pelajari di dunia 😊
hebat orang luar negeri itu (Canada)dan tentunya juga penjelasan tutor bahasa dari
orang yang berikutnya yang ada di dalam video itu👍,hingga mau mempelajari teknik baca bahasa Indonesia & dia juga saya lihat membahas itu hampir mendekati detil,😁
kami juga mengakui bahasa English itu sangat bagus,
di seluruh sekolahan Indonesia menggunakan bahasa itu untuk bahasa Negara kami yang kedua yaitu bahasa English & selalu berdampingan dengan bahasa Indonesia,
selain bahasa English adalah bahasa Internasional,
juganya kata-kata dalam bahasa English itu, enak untuk di dengarnya,
menurut saya juga
karena bahasa English itu sangat penting untuk generasi Indonesia berikutnya,untuk berkomunikasi di seluruh Negara
Bahasa Indonesia sudah masuk 10 bahasa dunia
Harus wajib dipelajari di sekolah2 dunia
kamu ada pelajari bahasa yg terdahulu dirasmikn diunesco...tetap dgn bahasa indon kemn2..jadi wargavyg kurang ilmu pengetahuan
Stem: tulis ( write)
active ( use prefix me and change letter t to n)
1. tulis ( write) meNulis
2. tarik(draw) meNarik
3. tonton ( watch) meNonton
4. tagih ( ask so to pay back) meNagih
5. told her ( glance at) meNoleh
6. tutup ( close) meNutup.
When the stem word begins with letter b, just use prefix mem to make it active
1. buka (open) memBuka
2. baca (read) memBaca
3. beli ( buy) memBeli
4. bayar ( pay) memBayar
5. bunuh (kill) memBunuh
6. bakar ( bake) memBakar
7. bela ( defend) memBela
Bakar bukannya roast?
Bake kan panggang
Membakar orang bukan baking human
Membakar = roasting human
Roasting pake api/fire only
Baking is alot of things
Terima Kasih Banyak ! Sampai Jumpa 👍 Mantab Broo ! 😁
Belive this, one day Bahasa Indonesia kelak akan menjadi bahasa internasional 🇮🇩
Udah diakui UNESCO bro.. makanya ribut ini jiram
Bahasa is interesting language to's catchy when hear foreigners talked Bahasa☺
"Language is interesting language to learn.. It's catchy when hear foreigners talked language" See what you did there?
bahasa means language
bahasa Indonesia Indonesian language
Terima kasih sudah mau mereaksi tentang Indonesia 🙏🏻
Long time ago, when President Soeharto was our president, the government really protected the Indonesian language. They had a special department watching the language used in television, radio stations, newspaper and magazines, including their contents. People talking to the public had to speak Standard Indonesian at that time. After the year 2000, however, the situation has changed. It is the Era of Freedom. People may do what they want. Jakartan dialect has been spead to all over Indonesia through sinetron programmes from private television stations since the year 2000s. Words such as "gua, elu, gak, doang, aja, cuman, and verbs ending in -in (balikin, bayarin, etc.)" belong to the dialect of Jakarta and we can easily hear all of them on television programmes watched by youngsters. They think that is Indonesian language. Well, actually, all vocabulary entries of Standard Indonesian can be found in 'Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia' (KBBI). Words that are not found in The Dictionary belongs to local dialects or other languages. Today, Standard Indonesian can only be found in school handbooks, newspaper and magazines. Only newsreaders, preachers and the president are speakers of Standard Indonesian. Youngsters avoid speaking it since it is considered posh or formal. Jakartan dialect is the form of spoken language employed by young people all over Indonesia now. Someday, this city dialect will replace the position of Standard Indonesian as our national language that unites all tribal groups in The Indonesian Archipelago.
although 40% of Indonesia's population is Javanese. but Indonesia does not use Javanese language.
Because the country Indonesia have 700 regional languages and 1300 tribes.
Indonesian choice to use (Indonesian Malay) as a unifying language. Even though Malays only make up 4% of the Indonesian population, the reason is because Indonesian Malay is easy language.😊
Kumaha damang aa bule, haturnuhun nya tos belajar bahasa indonesia.
Terima kasih mas bule,sudah ikut memperkenalkan negara Indonesia,salah satu nya bahasa indonesia
makin hari semakin lancar bahasa Indonesia
hahaha belajar bahasa biar lu semua gampang dikibulin😂
Kok seneng ya lihat bule belajar bahasa indonesia ❤berasa bangga aja gitu🎉
Hai ... I appreciate your attention about Indonesia..
peace....iyan from JKT
Terimakasih bang 👍👍semangaat terus
Terima kasih kawan sudah mau belajar bahasa Indonesia
Masallah dia bagus bhs indonsianya .💪 Learn bhs indonesia. Secara teori memang sulit,tapi jika anda bicara bhs indonesia secara sederhana semua orang indonesia mengerti maksudnya 👌.
Terimakasih sudah menggunakan bahasa Indonesia... Semoga semakin banyak yang mengenal dan tertarik dengan bahasa Indonesia..🇮🇩
Illustration :
Bussiness suit : bahasa indonesia
Casual/daily clothes : local language
I want to add 1 word in Bahasa gaul Indonesia :
For example : "BANGET" = so much
* Saya suka sekali saluran ini...
* Gue demen banget saluran ini...
What Should We Watch Next?😍
banyak vidio untuk di reaksi bro....ya tentunya yg berhungan dengan Indonesia..... ok chanelnya Immy and Tani.... silakan di lihat dulu. 😂😂😂😂👍💪🇮🇩
Planet rufio .
papua,paradise of bird
Please react to this sir Jay,
We Climbed ACTIVE Volcano! Hiking Rinjani 3726M| Sembalun To Torean,
The duration is only 16 minutes, please react sir🙏
react rap epic battle presidency indonesia
Bahasa indonesia adalah satu satunya bahasa yang paling logis👍
There is a different function of apa and apakah. Apa is a quetion for noun answer
Apakah is a question for yes/no answer
Apa kamu mau duduk? (It's not the right form)
It should be
Apakah kamu mau duduk? (It's the correct one) 🙏🙏
You are wrong..
Please refer to KBBI!
6. p cak untuk mendahului kalimat tanya: -- besok ada ulangan? -- tamu itu pamanmu?
@@heruhday apakah kamu ada ulangan? Dalam BHS inggris sama dg. Do you have any Exam?
Apakah tamu itu paman mu? Dlm BHS inggris mungkin menjadi is he your uncle?
Kedua pertanyaan tsb cukup dijawab dg ya/tidak atau yes/no
Beda dengan apa yang kamu beli?
(What do you buy?)
Apa yang akan kamu beli?
(What Will you buy?)
Jenis pertanyaan ini harus dijawab dengan kata benda
Beda halnya jika kita bicara informal, sprti
Beli apa loe?
Apa yang loe beli?
@@alimudinhalilung9201 anda lucu sekali..
Dimana anda mengutip perkataan itu?
Saya mengutip dari kamus besar bahasa Indonesia KBBI loh..
Trus anda masih ngotot..
Apa perkataan anda itu anda ambil dari buku"Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia"?
Atau sekedar praduga anda sendiri?
Lucu deh..
Anda sok2an memakai bahasa inggris, seolah2 anda terpendidik.
Padahal orang terpendidik itu selalu memberikan rujukan kutipan yang mendukung pendapatnya.
Kalo anda tidak bisa memberikan referensi terpercaya yg mendukung pernyataan anda, maka anda tong kosong nyaring bunyinya..
Nih lihat penggunaan kata "apa" no 7 dan 6
apa 1 pron kata tanya untuk menanyakan nama (jenis, sifat) sesuatu: ular -- ini?; pohon -- yang kautanam?; 2 pron kata tanya untuk pengganti sesuatu: -- yang dimaksudkan orang itu tadi?; 3 pron kata tanya untuk menanyakan pertalian kekeluargaan: (pernah) -- mu anak itu?; 4 pron pengganti sesuatu yang kurang terang; pengganti barang sesuatu: ia tidak tahu -- isi kotak itu; 5 p hor untuk menghaluskan permintaan: sudi -- lah kiranya Bapak mengabulkan permohonan kami; 6 p cak untuk mendahului kalimat tanya: -- besok ada ulangan? -- tamu itu pamanmu?; 7 p cak atau: mau minum teh -- kopi; jadi berangkat hari ini -- besok;
Senang semua orang bisa dan tertarik belajar bahasa
Bang Ijay.... Wahhhhh.... Makin mantap Bahasa Indonesianya.
Sukses terus bang.
Love from Indonesia 🇮🇩 bro Ijay
Hi pal. Appreciated your reaction our language. Bahasa Indonesia so easy to learn. Sukses selalu buat lu. Cheer
Indonesian is adapted from Malay (Ethnic Malay).From the 7th century, Malay was used as a connecting language between tribes in Southeast Asia. The Malay ethnicity is also separated by various countries in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, and a small part in the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore.
I'm from Indonesia, and it's really informative😊
Ayo masyarakat Indonesia kita tingkatkan kualitas kemajuan kebudayaan dan pendidikan pengetahuan mentalitas literasi SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA nasional Indonesia 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Indonesia is the world in small scale. Consist of many island many language.
Bahasa Indonesia mudah dipelajari karena memiliki kalimat yang berpola tetap (Subjek + Predikat/Kata Kerja + Objek + Keterangan) serta tiap 1 kata memiliki 1 arti jadi mudah dimengerti apa maksud dan tujuan dari kalimat yang disampaikan
BIPA : Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing.
Saya kira di banyak negara, sekarang ini sudah banyak lembaga yang mengadakan program BIPA.
Every day we talk according to the area where we live... for example I live in Java, I speak Javanese, with people I know and that person also speaks Javanese... Including language with family (parent's language)
But, if you just meet someone new... even if it's from the same area, we use Indonesian, if you already know us better, sometimes it's automatically the local language. 😂
We learn local regional languages naturally because we grow up in that area, while we learn Indonesian at school and every Indonesian peoples speaks Indonesian.
We study English too, but we are united by Indonesian...
In the language of technology, telephone, television, in our country we also use Indonesian.
It's good that we can connect and get closer. with Indonesian citizens even though we have different provinces and languages🇮🇩 we are one country
(one land, one water : This means that in Indonesia we share the same environment, namely the land and sea of our country) ❤🇮🇩 I really love the country where I live and grew up here... there are many differences but within one country.
5 religions, 38 provinces, 700 languages, 17,000 islands❤ but one Language🇮🇩
Oh yeah, the funny thing is that sometimes we just leave the city in Indonesia, experiencing culture shock hahah like moving countries... this is because there are so many differences and cultures... but this is funny for us Indonesian people 😅
Terimakasih karena telah mempelajari bahasa Indonesia 🙏🏼 semoga bahasa Indonesia bisa menjadi salah satu bahasa internasional yang sering digunakan ✌️😁👍
Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa yang mudah untuk dipelajari. Pelajari bahasa Indonesia semoga Anda akan suka dengan Indonesia yang unik cantik dan menarik.
Banyak negara didunia mengagumi dengan makna Pancasila ,dan bahasa Indonesia itu sangat keren...
Appreciate your effort in learning our language (bahasa Indonesia), IJay. You pronounciation is good 👏. Keep up the great work. And hello from Jakarta, Indonesia. 😁👋
The difference between ditulis and tertulis is how are you use it in a sentence. Its similar but not the same
MasyaAllah Kak Ijay udah lancar berbahasa Indonesia😊
New versions of Indonesian slang always appear every year, every year there is always a new language used for everyday communication,Standard Indonesian is only used for formal occasions and is used to speak to someone older
You just need to learn formal Indonesian...
but the most important thing is to get along with Indonesian people...
go go go... my brother
Thank you IJay....👍👍👍🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨
Bahasa indonesia adalah bahasa yg mudah untuk dipelajari semoga bosku cepat bisa bahasa indo..aamiin😊❤❤❤
Thank you for interested in Indonesian language. It means you also interested in my culture,
Tetima kasih telah mempelajari bahasa indonesia
Good morning sir and happy nice day❤
thank you for your reaction about "Bahasa Indonesia"
Bahasa Indonesia , paling mudah untuk di pelajari bang i jay..
To be honest im Indonesian bt i also cant explain those differences of Indonesian words, even a lot of Indonesins also dont know how to explain it.....its just you just need to get used to it,, juss like all languages,,, bt actually Indonesian language is very2 easy if you already understand English cs it's much more simple language compared to English but the two languages also related to each Indonesian almost always uses "si" in the end of words with the end "on" in English lk,, Revolution becomes Revolusi,, Production becomes produksi, Action becomes aksi,,, also Indonesia pronunciation is always consistent unlike English,,, for example "C" we pronounce it "C" like "Chin" in English it is always changing, it can be "Chin becomes Chin" "cat becomes Kat" "Cash becomes kas" so yea English is complicated and more2 difficult.... Indonesian is so simple,, but to learn Indonesian informal language its a bit hard cs ppl used to use short words or their own words bt its not that hard actually......ok hp you hv a great day
Wow bro AJ keren banget belajar bahasa Indonesia 🙏🙏🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩❤️❤️
thank you for your attention to our language. then I'll tell you what differences betwen di in "ditulis" and ter in "tertulis". di = something on purposely did and ter = the vice of di that mean unpurposely did. Ditulis = to be writen on porpose, tertulis = to be writen unpurposely.
Terima kasih banyak tuan 🙏🙏🙏
Indonesia unite by language. Thank for our founding fathers.
we usually use formal language to talk to parents, older people, our children, respected people (work superiors, teachers, state leaders, members of the army, police and so on), while we use slang to talk to our friends. ❤❤❤❤❤
Wow so lancar mr speak Indonesia, amazing 😊
Hi friends 🙏 sorry in advance friends basic language is Malay, one of the regional languages Not from Malaysian Malay In fact, Malaysian Malay language originates from Malay language from regions in Indonesia, friends Malaysia has always liked to recognize what belongs to Indonesia Both culture, food, region and many more friends 😂😂Malaysian people prefer to use English rather than Malay 🤔😅😅😅
Yes, malaysian treat malay language as tribal language,so malaysian more praud with english.
Ngaku ngaku.... 😅😅 akar bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa Melayu riau. Bahasa Melayu malay juga dari Sumatera... 😂😂kl nebeng jgn ngaku ngaku😝🤪🤪🤪🤪
Helllooo ngaku klaim. Justru Bahasa Melayu dari pulau penyengat. Sultan Malaysia yg skrg pun keturunan dari Pulau penyengat.. baca sejarah
Bahasa Indonesia asli Indonesia, bahasa malay susah membingungkan
Tukang klaim koar-koar😂
Halo bang, saya sangat suka dengan vidio vidio mu, semoga untuk kedepan nya kamu bisa datang ke negara ini dan merasakan langsung bagaimana beragam nya bahasa indonesia, cantik nya alam dan keramahan orang orang nya. TERIMAKSIH BANYAK🇮🇩❤️
Hopefully you can read my comments, and also to learn😁
Kok lucu ya ges wkwkwkw so much fuuun lucu ihhh gemush
A very important, distinctive and amazing experience: If you want to make an infant sleep incredibly quickly, listen to him the Holy Qur’an. By God, this experience will amaze you, and here you will be certain that every human being on the face of the earth is born a Muslim.
People of Papua (part of Indonesia) are speakers of Bahasa Indonesia because every tribe has their own language.
Terima kasih sudah reaction bahasa Indonesia. 🙏🙏
We use standard Indonesia obviously in academics, formal events, giving speeches, public service, discussion, and more. we also quite using the standard when arguing with people online if we are having good quality arguments against each other to show our quality using the standard one and makes the others understand our point.
I just realized that you are originally from Kurdish. I as commonly Indonesian love Kurdish. We revere Sultan Salahuddin.
Wow I am so impressed to know that my friend!😍😍 King Salahaddin was a legend.❤️❤️
setiap daerah memiliki bahasa gaul masing2,,, bayangkan berapa daerah di indonesia sebanyak itulah bahasa gaul yang dimiliki indonesia.
Bro selamat siang waktu jakarta trimakasih sudah menyukai Indonesia mi kauntry is the best
You being learn / learning Bahasa sentences structures, awesome 😂
love from Indonesia brother
Bahasa indonesia merupakan bahasa komunikasi yang sangat mudah makanya banyak orang dari kampung yang tidak pernah sekolah dan sudah tua seperti kakek dan nenek dari jawa saja bisa berbicara bahasa indonesia
I used Bahasa gaul when I talk with my friend and I used Bahasa Indonesia formal when study in the school or writing formal letter for teacher. And at home I used native bahasa (mother language) when I talk with my family😂
My grandpa is from central java, and my grandma is from the banten sunda region. But they both come to the city and speak Indonesian mostly to communicate, altough there is already a lot of sundanese and javanese in the city. And my mother also adopted Indonesian as her main language, altough she also knew some javanese and sundanese from her parents. But when I was born, I was never even taught javanese or sundanese. So as an Indonesian gen Z in cities, we're almost entirely native Indonesians, not really belonging to any culture group anymore.
yaa so easy learn bahasa Indonesia....much words it from Nerherland and Arabic
Wow Jay keren, semangat pasti bisa bahasa Indonesia ❤❤❤
Than you you voncetn aboout my voubtry... ❤❤❤❤than you so much i hoor you are still good and health
the use of bahasak baku, or formal bahasa indonesia. is for learning a local indonesia language, if you go to new location in indonesia you use the bahasa baku of indonesia and talk to the local people. after a long time you will learn how the local indonesia language work and use their langauge.
just like learning english to talk to local english and learn how their local english work. easy peasy.
Fun fact: Indonesian language started to be developed in schools around the countryside between 1904 and 1909 by governor-general Van Heutzs
Ayo belajar bahasa Indonesia. Bahasanya sangat mudah dipelajari...❤
Makasi banyak😍
Ditulis means written by someone (need object), tertulis means has been written (don't need object)
Standard/formal language is used mostly when we talk to the people with higher status or to the people we respect 😊
John McWhorter(linguist) suggested that colloquial Indonesian would be an ideal universal language for the world.
Colloquial? What's that?🧐
Datang bang ke indonesia biar tau jelas gimana bagus nya negara kami bahasa indonesia muda untuk di pelajarin