I'm exclusively duoing with the Mrs and almost had enough as we approach level 30. So many annoying, antiquated arpg and mmo feautres (or lack thereof). The multiplayer is the most annoying aspect - it drops us into solo mode every story instance, which is super-annoying. Feels like we're playing a solo game half the time, bleh.
Normally I absolutely hate youtube guides cause I'd rather read up on a webpage somewhere, but your guide for this was awesome, to the point and lots of detail with no fluff man, awesome job, you got a fan
Remember that it's a marathon and not a sprint. Take things at your own pace and enjoy other things the game has to offer such as island content, rapport, map completion, mokoko hunting, life skilling etc etc. No need to burn out trying to reach T3 asap :)
But if you DO reach T3 early though, you can sell all the T3 stuff while it's still expensive and then buy it back once enough people reached it that the price drops by 80%. Rushing is definitely worth it, but you might burn out..
Couldn't agree with you more. This is why the nerf to T1 content doesn't bug me because I've hardly approached the gear grind. There's plenty to do in the game outside of Graids and abyss dungeons
I used to believe this then I got to T3 and making money hand over feet. All of those ppl telling you to take it slow, they got to T3 fast and made even more money. I feel like taking it slow is a mistake. Even from 1340 to 1370 one can make a lot more gold.
@@utmastuh Absolutely. I'm just warning people to not blindly believe ppl when they say don't rush. The people that say that stuff are in T3 mining the whales before price of mats goes down.
Just started playing and i like this game very much, but it can be overwhelming in the start with all the systems, so thank you so much for this guide, you made it easy even for me as a starter to understand :D
I'm not even bothering with gearing right now. I'm workign on alts and having fun with the different builds. They were suppose to start us off with getting to tier 3 quickly but nerfed it just before release to the old system. Not wasting so much time upgrading to to tier 3 when it will be a lot easier very soon. I'm not trying to burn myself out on the game by having to farm so much tier 1 and 2 when they are old content.
Good info. You forgot to mention that once you finish you daily chaos dungeons and start getting the bonus tokens the epic level token can be used to get rare to legendary accessories.
Thanks for the tip! Was blindly running chaos and guardian rifts and upgrading. Didn’t want to do too much research but saw your vid, checked it out and now have a better idea of how to progress! Again thanks for the content!
Thank you so, so much for this video. This was the first very detailed video i found which was also very understandable for me. So i noticed i made lots of mistakes and can work on them now. Again, thank you!
8:20 if you have extra bound T1 honing gear that you can't transfer to alts, use them to try to get +16, if you transfer this to T2, it will give y ou T2+2
For those who have not played it I’m currently Ilvl 1325 (T3) and here is how I feel. The leveling process is… well I almost quit the game prior to reaching 50 multiple times because it’s a royal snooze fest. Everything is a fetch quest ( yes I understand it’s an MMO). The only thing that was fun about leveling was the dungeons in my opinion. Something that was also beyond annoying is having to move back and forth between 10 people standing 3 feet apart to talk to them all during a conversation. If you haven’t seen it… you will, so prepare. One you hit 50 the game gets exceptionally more interesting. Many things to do, chaos, abyssal, guardian etc. Chaos dungeons are like nephalan rifts from D3 with no boss just elite packs. Guardian raids IMO are a snooze fest. No health bar, no real mechanics. Just a 20 minute dps check “ red equals bad, don’t stand in red” is really all you need to know. Abyssal is the arpg take on mini raids. Bosses have mechanics that will raid wipe and such ( beware, pugs will wipe nonstop because people refuse to read about the fight before doing them). To be honest what kept me going was I like to grind. Soon after though reality sets in. You are grinding materials to upgrade gear to grind more materials to upgrade more gear. The T3 roll rates gets below 20% and higher will get you down below 5%. The reason I’m done for a little while is the fun part for me in MMO’s is the gear. Getting those sick shoulders, sick helmets or weapons but not here. Colors change but gear largely does not. The gear itself when it comes to stats and set bonuses are BORING AF. There is no ingenuity here boys. No cool things happen when you get a sick 6 piece set. You will see things like this on your “ wicked sick set piece” 2 bonus +2% attack speed 4 bonus +2% damage power 6 bonus +10% movement speed I wish that was a joke but it’s not. It’s literally straight off one of my bards 6 piece. It’s just lackluster. I feel once again the game is great for those that are starved of that MMO feel but you will soon realize there is no real reward for grinding. No sick legendary gear with cool affixes and bonuses. No aesthetics just gear to to unlock higher ilevel to grind more gear. If the gear was truly innovative and had crazy cool bonuses and really added flavor to the game I would love it. But in a game that revolves around gear… the gear largely is lackluster. TBH if you can make it through the leveling process you will probably find a good time for about 30-40 hours. After that it’s just meh. Which for other MMO’s that really doesn’t happen hopefully till a couple thousand hours. Good luck out there boys! Love your videos rhykker!
heres the thing, gear gets amazing once they release the rest of the content for tier3, like 8 sets per class etc. we're in the VERY infant stage of content right now
@@sean78745 that might be true but the game is still boring to me.. the story was not even that great, Diablo 3 is just about constant dungeon and bounty spam but yet it still feels more fun to hunt gear down. the game at the start just throws everything at your, and tbh there is not any real challenge to the game other than grind grind grind. at least when you are grinding diablo for the gear you want you are still pushing yourself in GR's. on this game once you get into the dungeons you have the ilvl for and done it once, there is no real challenge. i fully feel they aim for you to spend your time more in the shop than to do anything. it feels like a mobile ggame
@@kyleward7080 I agree. I look forward to potential. To me this game will likely turn into what destiny has become. Login every six months to grind the new expansion, max out and abandon ship. You said it perfectly my guy, the way the game locks you out of everything so quickly and the best way to push through that wall relies more on the shop than a grind feels VERY mobile game to me. The game is PERFECTLY setup to hook new thirsty players and make you so hungry for gear expansion that you open your wallet. I’m not saying it forces people to do so. But it certainly doesn’t hide the fact that once you reach a daily/weekly cap the game WANTS you to feel that instant satisfaction of opening the wallet which is mobile game to a T. I logged on today to run my daily everything and once’s you get past 1325 upgrading a single piece of gear is 1 point lol GTFO 😡 what kind of reward is that? Possible hours of grinding to go up 1 point. I’m by no means trying to bad mouth the game, strictly constructive criticism but Asian games are NOTORIOUS for their mobile market and cash grab games. If you don’t believe me do some research and this game seems to make me feel that way. If you don’t want to se it simply compare the entire quest line start to finish of leveling a wow character to this. Wow invested time( at one point) in making both a great leveling experience and a great endgame this game has you so thirsty by the end of the quest that at 50 you feel compelled to level the Ilvl. To me and instant fix would be to make the gear better in every way (stats,bonuses/aesthetics) and limit the amount of points in ILvl you can go up a week but NOT how much mats you can store. This allows players to feel their time is worth something and also give them that satisfaction at the start of a week with that instant jump. Allowing players to stay ahead rather than grind from behind nonstop.
i love how complicated this game is, but i can't help but love it. very confusing and still terrified i am wasting materials, i am new to the game so hoping this vid still stands and is accurate.
I made my life easier by completing all the arks and getting 1,520 ILVL gear from the chest. You can use the Voldis Pass in your Powerpass on the character screen to expedite your arks. From there, all I do is the Brel Raid. I do not think this was a thing when the video was made; hence, I am now posting this comment for those who may be on the video. Hopefully, this helps you!
Quick question. I leveled my 302 gear to 600 without doing any Abyssal dungeons? Is it worth doing the dungeons now and getting the purple gear or just go into tier 2 and do those dungeons?
Absolutely perfect timing for this! Reached Vern and unlocked all this stuff last night. So... what about Towers? I got my two main classes through the basics but saw they have different rewards on the tower, so not sure what/when I should be doing those or how the rewards work (roster vs. character bound) etc.
So every character that runs through the tower AFTER the first clear of each floor will receive upgrade materials as opposed to the original rewards listed on the tower. With that being said, it is recommended to do your tower on an alt character and clear it on your main afterwards to get the upgrade materials for maximum efficiency. If you don't care about all that. Just know that every other subsequent clear of the tower after your first clear will give upgrade materials.
so uhhh.....I didn't realize I could craft sets till today [don't laugh!!]. I'm currently in T2 (+10 honed) chaos dungeon gear. At this point I think I'll start properly gearing my alts with the abyss sets, and worry about crafted sets once I hit T3 on my main. Was too busy exploring and questing to even consider the gear side of things lol
14:20 This waffle about the Chaos Dungeon exchange...let's debunk this shall we. This is one of those things that exists, but anyone that spouts this drivel as a reasonable, viable option clearly hasn't EVER done it. So, say we are in T1 and around level 10 on our upgrades and around the 500 iLvl mark. The Level 4 North Vern Chaos Dungeon will be available to you at this point and will probably be the one you are farming. Now then, to buy out ALL the T1 mats for that week you would need to acquire a total of 7350 perception shards. On average you gain about 175 per dungeon run...so you would need to do an ADDITIONAL 42 Chaos Dungeons runs to achieve this... Given also that, at that level, they probably take about 6-8 minutes or so to complete...and maybe, let's say, another minute in between to scratch your ass, check what loot dropped etc...let's take a ball park average time of about 8 minutes each. That is a little over 5.5hrs a week EXTRA time that needs to be found to buy those mats...not to mention do all the main runs on your main AND if you have alts to do the same on those also...never mind who in their right mind would willingly want to actually farm the same dungeon 42 more times then necessary? Who? WHO DOES THIS? Or, more importantly, who will do it for long? Who? - Answer...Nobody. This IS an option, sure...and some may do some of it in part and not try to buy out the whole stock...that's possible...but it really isn't all that viable as these content creators make it appear for most players, and I bet not a single one of them have done it themselves on a regular basis. Not one.
I remember watching this video 2 weeks ago, sounded so cool and decently easy. Now am i1330 and just realised getting to 1370 would probably take 50+ hours (of nothing but forced grinding of the same content over again), and it sucks because I liked the game, but yeah, gonna draw the line here for now.
I don't have Abyssal dungeons unlocked...is it because I haven't finished the main quest line in Vern? (yes my ilvl is still low; 350-ish. I'm taking my time) Great video as always!
I just learned that chests of upgrade materials are roster bound. So don't open them until you need them. Bound materials from the previous tier are useless.
whats the best legendary armor set for each player thats what i want to know for each player what is best no1 have a video to explain each legend armor on T3
Why do you transfer into purple or legendary gear? You should say, that u can do it, because you run abyssals. Some might completely miss it like I also did. And I was through tier 1 before I even had time doing them. But yeah tier 2 perhaps and tier 3 definetly! 😋
That last choas dungeon bard Clip made me cry how is that bard so bad almost dying to the boss trying her hardest and getting cc haha Iam bard as well and 2 shot it most of the mechanics I didn't even notice oof
can i transfer the set effect of legendary class 1 armour to legendary class 2 or even make class 1 evolve into class 2 because i actually like my set effect but i cant use it anymore if tier 2 or tier 3 is always better cuz of higher stats.
You missed one part betwee ilvl 1200-1300: you gotta do 10 push ups, 20 jumping jacks, and a blood sample put inside of a 1/4" by 1/4" clear box to be shipped to Antarctica. jk endgame gearing systems overload lol
Hi Ryyker, I have GS-420 and I want to do abysal dungeon that which you mentioin but there it sais that you have to be GS-960 to enter. anyone from chat can help or you?
I used to like Rhyker - but now he just seems like a jump on whatever band wagon / super casual video maker. Playing lost Ark myself - this video is almost reading the "guide" quests in game word for word.
It's not that simple lmao. Somewhere you WILL have a bottleneck to get to 600 and 1100. You don't flow like this lol. You'll spend DAYS in Feiton and at various islands and events to try to get mats. Alts REALLY come in handy getting toward T3.
I thought the ilvl grind in new WoW was the stuff of my worst nightmares until I got to the end game in Lost Ark. Great game overall but geez, farming a number little by little is just lame.
@@ShooterMedic1818 Obviously, but grinding a unique item feels better than grinding a number or in the late game a particular mod on the same item. WoW did the same thing by watering down all of their modifiers and essentially making all of the items in the game numbers instead of items. I don't know your personal history but I personally feel like getting a rare drop in Diablo 2 like a Windforce or a set piece in early WoW felt a hell of a lot better than gambling for gearscore.
spoken like someone whos never reached t3! when you come to the t3 guide you missed a huge thing. you cannot keep running chaos dungeons till you get your set. it only drops in chaos dungeons with aura active. this means you can only run 2 a day. if you dont get your t3 gear set by then you are completely gated until the next reset.
I truly enjoy this game, but gear progression is definitely something I don't appreciate as much as "loot piñata" style. There's really no excitement in the drops. It's all just mats. Sorta boring to me 😕
nice i nolifed till 1100 to wait 3 days till i get the fckn blue t3 gear, yeah i grinded all the way down, to fail on a blue item and miss content for a BLUEITEM. uninstalled.
It's deliberately made with systems on top of systems on top of systems to be as inconvenient as possible in the hope people get out their credit cards and pay to skip it.
people in the comments must not do research, this information is widely available online, and all the biggest LA content creators talk about it all, shoulda came out with this video last month to be honest..
Don't take it slow. Get to T3 asap to make money before it is too late. I listened to ppl saying taking it slow. Mistake. In T3 now and making a lot of gold, could of made more if I rushed and got there last week.
I like how these guides come out a month later when 99% of the players who cared about it in the first place already checked out other people's guides. I'm sure the 1% who are still in t1 will be overjoyed.
Got bored right after getting the strong hold, like level 30. It became the most boring grind game I have seen. People are starving, we lost our luggage, and kill the boss. Oh you do even kill the boss some other NPC does for you.
There is no point in playing this game. In Diablo 3 there were at least some likeable characters, here its really just mindless grinding without any connection to this world/story.
Thank you! For us people who play in slower pace or started late, this is a great, logical and well structured guide!
I'm exclusively duoing with the Mrs and almost had enough as we approach level 30. So many annoying, antiquated arpg and mmo feautres (or lack thereof). The multiplayer is the most annoying aspect - it drops us into solo mode every story instance, which is super-annoying. Feels like we're playing a solo game half the time, bleh.
Hey Rhykker, this is folks. Thanks for the guide, I'm positive it'll help a ton of people get over the hump of the very in-depth gearing in this game!
Normally I absolutely hate youtube guides cause I'd rather read up on a webpage somewhere, but your guide for this was awesome, to the point and lots of detail with no fluff man, awesome job, you got a fan
Literally the best guide, no one mentiones honing almost at all that its a big part of T1 at all
Just closed lost ark because I was so confused but you’ve made everything clear ty
Much appreciated, we need more guides like this because this games is confusing AF, and reading doesn't help as much as watching.
DAMN!!! You are the only one that I understand when it comes to Diablo game guides and also Lost Ark. Thank you!
Remember that it's a marathon and not a sprint. Take things at your own pace and enjoy other things the game has to offer such as island content, rapport, map completion, mokoko hunting, life skilling etc etc. No need to burn out trying to reach T3 asap :)
But if you DO reach T3 early though, you can sell all the T3 stuff while it's still expensive and then buy it back once enough people reached it that the price drops by 80%. Rushing is definitely worth it, but you might burn out..
Couldn't agree with you more. This is why the nerf to T1 content doesn't bug me because I've hardly approached the gear grind. There's plenty to do in the game outside of Graids and abyss dungeons
I used to believe this then I got to T3 and making money hand over feet. All of those ppl telling you to take it slow, they got to T3 fast and made even more money. I feel like taking it slow is a mistake. Even from 1340 to 1370 one can make a lot more gold.
@@AstonMartinStig Some people want to get to the end game to experience the hardest content and make money. Some want to explore. To each their own
@@utmastuh Absolutely. I'm just warning people to not blindly believe ppl when they say don't rush. The people that say that stuff are in T3 mining the whales before price of mats goes down.
Dude I love this! Cuz this actually helped unlike the other stuff I watched! Thank you!!
My man what an awesome video. Wish I would’ve seen this a couple weeks ago. This is a great roadmap for anyone jumping in late.
Just started playing and i like this game very much, but it can be overwhelming in the start with all the systems, so thank you so much for this guide, you made it easy even for me as a starter to understand :D
hope you found your way im new now and im so freaking lost but enjoy the game so im learning
I'm not even bothering with gearing right now. I'm workign on alts and having fun with the different builds. They were suppose to start us off with getting to tier 3 quickly but nerfed it just before release to the old system. Not wasting so much time upgrading to to tier 3 when it will be a lot easier very soon. I'm not trying to burn myself out on the game by having to farm so much tier 1 and 2 when they are old content.
Good info. You forgot to mention that once you finish you daily chaos dungeons and start getting the bonus tokens the epic level token can be used to get rare to legendary accessories.
Thanks for the tip! Was blindly running chaos and guardian rifts and upgrading. Didn’t want to do too much research but saw your vid, checked it out and now have a better idea of how to progress! Again thanks for the content!
Total common sense guide, brilliant!. Informative and delivered in a way that is understandable to even the newest players... Thank you.
Thank you! Taking it slow and did not realise I could already do a few things to start upgrading!!! ❤️
Same! I'm working through Shushire main story and wondering why some of my friends are so far ahead of me lol (this game is confusing)
I dont play lost ark. Im hear to support you and press like. 😀 Keep up with good work.
This made a lot of sense. Great guide!
Hey I'm your 100k viewer. Happy dance. Anyhow, love your videos. Thank you for them
Thank you so, so much for this video. This was the first very detailed video i found which was also very understandable for me. So i noticed i made lots of mistakes and can work on them now. Again, thank you!
Awesome guide! Helped a lot thank you!
Damn I've been upgrading my new gear never knew you good exchange the honing process, thanks for the video.
Awesome guide, thanks. Very well put together. 👍
8:20 if you have extra bound T1 honing gear that you can't transfer to alts, use them to try to get +16, if you transfer this to T2, it will give y ou T2+2
exactly what i needed, thanks
Cube also drops Breath type token which really help a lot with tokens. I got 56 Moon Breaths from one full Cube run.
How do I unlock the cube? I'm at rohendel but no cube available
@@Malugako entrance ticket drops from chaos dungeon
@@1InVader1 thx
Oh man thank you , I just started playing done chaos dung and I was honing rare gear...
Thank you, this was really helpful and it's well and calmly explained! ^-^
Great video :) best explanation as always! Finally everything is clear :)
For those who have not played it I’m currently Ilvl 1325 (T3) and here is how I feel.
The leveling process is… well I almost quit the game prior to reaching 50 multiple times because it’s a royal snooze fest. Everything is a fetch quest ( yes I understand it’s an MMO). The only thing that was fun about leveling was the dungeons in my opinion. Something that was also beyond annoying is having to move back and forth between 10 people standing 3 feet apart to talk to them all during a conversation. If you haven’t seen it… you will, so prepare.
One you hit 50 the game gets exceptionally more interesting. Many things to do, chaos, abyssal, guardian etc. Chaos dungeons are like nephalan rifts from D3 with no boss just elite packs. Guardian raids IMO are a snooze fest. No health bar, no real mechanics. Just a 20 minute dps check “ red equals bad, don’t stand in red” is really all you need to know.
Abyssal is the arpg take on mini raids. Bosses have mechanics that will raid wipe and such ( beware, pugs will wipe nonstop because people refuse to read about the fight before doing them).
To be honest what kept me going was I like to grind. Soon after though reality sets in. You are grinding materials to upgrade gear to grind more materials to upgrade more gear. The T3 roll rates gets below 20% and higher will get you down below 5%.
The reason I’m done for a little while is the fun part for me in MMO’s is the gear. Getting those sick shoulders, sick helmets or weapons but not here. Colors change but gear largely does not. The gear itself when it comes to stats and set bonuses are BORING AF. There is no ingenuity here boys. No cool things happen when you get a sick 6 piece set. You will see things like this on your “ wicked sick set piece”
2 bonus +2% attack speed
4 bonus +2% damage power
6 bonus +10% movement speed
I wish that was a joke but it’s not. It’s literally straight off one of my bards 6 piece. It’s just lackluster. I feel once again the game is great for those that are starved of that MMO feel but you will soon realize there is no real reward for grinding. No sick legendary gear with cool affixes and bonuses. No aesthetics just gear to to unlock higher ilevel to grind more gear. If the gear was truly innovative and had crazy cool bonuses and really added flavor to the game I would love it. But in a game that revolves around gear… the gear largely is lackluster. TBH if you can make it through the leveling process you will probably find a good time for about 30-40 hours. After that it’s just meh. Which for other MMO’s that really doesn’t happen hopefully till a couple thousand hours.
Good luck out there boys! Love your videos rhykker!
Wotever, bro. You sad little man
@@jim01q he's right, why you calling him sad. the game becomes a snooze fest and the gear is boring as fuck.
heres the thing, gear gets amazing once they release the rest of the content for tier3, like 8 sets per class etc. we're in the VERY infant stage of content right now
@@sean78745 that might be true but the game is still boring to me.. the story was not even that great, Diablo 3 is just about constant dungeon and bounty spam but yet it still feels more fun to hunt gear down. the game at the start just throws everything at your, and tbh there is not any real challenge to the game other than grind grind grind. at least when you are grinding diablo for the gear you want you are still pushing yourself in GR's. on this game once you get into the dungeons you have the ilvl for and done it once, there is no real challenge. i fully feel they aim for you to spend your time more in the shop than to do anything. it feels like a mobile ggame
@@kyleward7080 I agree. I look forward to potential. To me this game will likely turn into what destiny has become. Login every six months to grind the new expansion, max out and abandon ship. You said it perfectly my guy, the way the game locks you out of everything so quickly and the best way to push through that wall relies more on the shop than a grind feels VERY mobile game to me. The game is PERFECTLY setup to hook new thirsty players and make you so hungry for gear expansion that you open your wallet. I’m not saying it forces people to do so. But it certainly doesn’t hide the fact that once you reach a daily/weekly cap the game WANTS you to feel that instant satisfaction of opening the wallet which is mobile game to a T. I logged on today to run my daily everything and once’s you get past 1325 upgrading a single piece of gear is 1 point lol GTFO 😡 what kind of reward is that? Possible hours of grinding to go up 1 point. I’m by no means trying to bad mouth the game, strictly constructive criticism but Asian games are NOTORIOUS for their mobile market and cash grab games. If you don’t believe me do some research and this game seems to make me feel that way. If you don’t want to se it simply compare the entire quest line start to finish of leveling a wow character to this. Wow invested time( at one point) in making both a great leveling experience and a great endgame this game has you so thirsty by the end of the quest that at 50 you feel compelled to level the Ilvl.
To me and instant fix would be to make the gear better in every way (stats,bonuses/aesthetics) and limit the amount of points in ILvl you can go up a week but NOT how much mats you can store. This allows players to feel their time is worth something and also give them that satisfaction at the start of a week with that instant jump. Allowing players to stay ahead rather than grind from behind nonstop.
Very well explained, thank you!
Thank you for sharing your content with us, I always loved your guides !!
Sweet dubs, totally didn't notice :)
ty, simple and well put.
i love how complicated this game is, but i can't help but love it. very confusing and still terrified i am wasting materials, i am new to the game so hoping this vid still stands and is accurate.
I made my life easier by completing all the arks and getting 1,520 ILVL gear from the chest.
You can use the Voldis Pass in your Powerpass on the character screen to expedite your arks.
From there, all I do is the Brel Raid.
I do not think this was a thing when the video was made; hence, I am now posting this comment for those who may be on the video.
Hopefully, this helps you!
Quick question. I leveled my 302 gear to 600 without doing any Abyssal dungeons? Is it worth doing the dungeons now and getting the purple gear or just go into tier 2 and do those dungeons?
I have been waiting on you to do this video for a min now. Thank you Rhykker, I am lvl 50 and lost on how can I get my yellow gear!
Absolutely perfect timing for this! Reached Vern and unlocked all this stuff last night.
So... what about Towers? I got my two main classes through the basics but saw they have different rewards on the tower, so not sure what/when I should be doing those or how the rewards work (roster vs. character bound) etc.
So every character that runs through the tower AFTER the first clear of each floor will receive upgrade materials as opposed to the original rewards listed on the tower. With that being said, it is recommended to do your tower on an alt character and clear it on your main afterwards to get the upgrade materials for maximum efficiency. If you don't care about all that. Just know that every other subsequent clear of the tower after your first clear will give upgrade materials.
Hey rhykker, what about diablo lore videos?
Thanks rhykker, ur a great person, to much appreciation and affection 🇮🇹🍕
so uhhh.....I didn't realize I could craft sets till today [don't laugh!!]. I'm currently in T2 (+10 honed) chaos dungeon gear. At this point I think I'll start properly gearing my alts with the abyss sets, and worry about crafted sets once I hit T3 on my main. Was too busy exploring and questing to even consider the gear side of things lol
I'm not even playing the game and yet I find your videos interesting and fun. Thanks a lot!
Omg I've gone cross-eyed
that demon hunter build guide looks sick xD
14:20 This waffle about the Chaos Dungeon exchange...let's debunk this shall we. This is one of those things that exists, but anyone that spouts this drivel as a reasonable, viable option clearly hasn't EVER done it.
So, say we are in T1 and around level 10 on our upgrades and around the 500 iLvl mark. The Level 4 North Vern Chaos Dungeon will be available to you at this point and will probably be the one you are farming.
Now then, to buy out ALL the T1 mats for that week you would need to acquire a total of 7350 perception shards.
On average you gain about 175 per dungeon run...so you would need to do an ADDITIONAL 42 Chaos Dungeons runs to achieve this...
Given also that, at that level, they probably take about 6-8 minutes or so to complete...and maybe, let's say, another minute in between to scratch your ass, check what loot dropped etc...let's take a ball park average time of about 8 minutes each.
That is a little over 5.5hrs a week EXTRA time that needs to be found to buy those mats...not to mention do all the main runs on your main AND if you have alts to do the same on those also...never mind who in their right mind would willingly want to actually farm the same dungeon 42 more times then necessary? Who?
WHO DOES THIS? Or, more importantly, who will do it for long? Who? - Answer...Nobody.
This IS an option, sure...and some may do some of it in part and not try to buy out the whole stock...that's possible...but it really isn't all that viable as these content creators make it appear for most players, and I bet not a single one of them have done it themselves on a regular basis. Not one.
I remember watching this video 2 weeks ago, sounded so cool and decently easy. Now am i1330 and just realised getting to 1370 would probably take 50+ hours (of nothing but forced grinding of the same content over again), and it sucks because I liked the game, but yeah, gonna draw the line here for now.
I don't have Abyssal dungeons unlocked...is it because I haven't finished the main quest line in Vern? (yes my ilvl is still low; 350-ish. I'm taking my time)
Great video as always!
I just learned that chests of upgrade materials are roster bound. So don't open them until you need them. Bound materials from the previous tier are useless.
Rhykker! Are you playing? What server are you on?
Hi. I'm in T1 and wondering if I can just transfer my +15 BLUE gear into LEGENDARY without using purple sets?
whats the best legendary armor set for each player thats what i want to know for each player what is best no1 have a video to explain each legend armor on T3
Why do you transfer into purple or legendary gear? You should say, that u can do it, because you run abyssals. Some might completely miss it like I also did. And I was through tier 1 before I even had time doing them. But yeah tier 2 perhaps and tier 3 definetly! 😋
Great guide dude, ty! Should i keep upgrading my seraphic oath (purple gear) to +15? Can i transfer those levels to legendary gear? ty
Yes you can!
That last choas dungeon bard Clip made me cry how is that bard so bad almost dying to the boss trying her hardest and getting cc haha Iam bard as well and 2 shot it most of the mechanics I didn't even notice oof
could only buy 5 gears with those what do i do now?
can i transfer the set effect of legendary class 1 armour to legendary class 2 or even make class 1 evolve into class 2 because i actually like my set effect but i cant use it anymore if tier 2 or tier 3 is always better cuz of higher stats.
is this coming to console in the future
Why not use start breath sround 60 percent so you almost always upgrade saving more materials that way
You missed one part betwee ilvl 1200-1300: you gotta do 10 push ups, 20 jumping jacks, and a blood sample put inside of a 1/4" by 1/4" clear box to be shipped to Antarctica. jk endgame gearing systems overload lol
I have the twisted Dimensional set but it costs gold now. I guess I missed the wave? 🤷🏾♂️ lol
Wait what this D3 creator is playing Lost Ark?!?!?!?!
So my question is how do I get my full legendary set if I can only do my abyss dungeon once a week ?:/ im very confused can anyone explain pls ?
Hi Ryyker, I have GS-420 and I want to do abysal dungeon that which you mentioin but there it sais that you have to be GS-960 to enter. anyone from chat can help or you?
Wow, this video came so late, I thought you were not going to cover this game.
What is z2u?
Where is the button to like a million times?
Wow..... and I thought Guild Wars 2 item progression was brutal.
I see you never played BDO...
are you liking lost ark then or just giving the news?
Watch at 2x speed to save a lot of time.
So are u suppose to take tier 1 gear to +15?
You basically need a full set of +15 to able to reach the next tier . But the old gears doesn't go to waste , they will give +1 on to the new pieces.
Can you make a legit video on how to install and run lost ark? Thanks
I used to like Rhyker - but now he just seems like a jump on whatever band wagon / super casual video maker. Playing lost Ark myself - this video is almost reading the "guide" quests in game word for word.
It's not that simple lmao. Somewhere you WILL have a bottleneck to get to 600 and 1100. You don't flow like this lol. You'll spend DAYS in Feiton and at various islands and events to try to get mats. Alts REALLY come in handy getting toward T3.
I thought the ilvl grind in new WoW was the stuff of my worst nightmares until I got to the end game in Lost Ark. Great game overall but geez, farming a number little by little is just lame.
Gives you a goal to work to, a big part of MMOs
@@ShooterMedic1818 Obviously, but grinding a unique item feels better than grinding a number or in the late game a particular mod on the same item. WoW did the same thing by watering down all of their modifiers and essentially making all of the items in the game numbers instead of items. I don't know your personal history but I personally feel like getting a rare drop in Diablo 2 like a Windforce or a set piece in early WoW felt a hell of a lot better than gambling for gearscore.
stuck on T2...
ah yes
My head hurts...
So there is no way to up grade gear unless you get items in a group ?
this video is wrong i need to do a quest do do chaios dungeons
spoken like someone whos never reached t3! when you come to the t3 guide you missed a huge thing. you cannot keep running chaos dungeons till you get your set. it only drops in chaos dungeons with aura active. this means you can only run 2 a day. if you dont get your t3 gear set by then you are completely gated until the next reset.
I truly enjoy this game, but gear progression is definitely something I don't appreciate as much as "loot piñata" style. There's really no excitement in the drops. It's all just mats. Sorta boring to me 😕
Narrative of Self is the result of a feedback loop between “Separate Self” & Cosmos 🎈
nice i nolifed till 1100 to wait 3 days till i get the fckn blue t3 gear, yeah i grinded all the way down, to fail on a blue item and miss content for a BLUEITEM. uninstalled.
Me: Hmm...seems easy enough.
Actually trying it... WTF is this RNG?!!
This game came just in time to pick up the Genshin Impact burned out players xD
Is it just me or it feels try hard and over engineering method? What happended to the good old grind gear up.
It's deliberately made with systems on top of systems on top of systems to be as inconvenient as possible in the hope people get out their credit cards and pay to skip it.
tldr: upgrade gear.
Uh-huh....well, I'm sure this will come in handy once I start playing the game, but for now, it just leaves me @_@
people in the comments must not do research, this information is widely available online, and all the biggest LA content creators talk about it all, shoulda came out with this video last month to be honest..
thanks for the guide, now i know i'm not gonna play this game :)
Don't take it slow. Get to T3 asap to make money before it is too late. I listened to ppl saying taking it slow. Mistake. In T3 now and making a lot of gold, could of made more if I rushed and got there last week.
Ooohhhh so that what the transfer does.......shit...
Beginner to end game T1 to T3 I mourn the death of game before “endgame” that is the part I like to play ☹️
I uninstalled lost ark by now cause its boring, going back to HotS
I like how these guides come out a month later when 99% of the players who cared about it in the first place already checked out other people's guides. I'm sure the 1% who are still in t1 will be overjoyed.
too quick to judge.. most people don't have time for the grind which is why about 2% are in T3 and most of the player base is still in T1.
Casino game.
why are you talking like that ? seriosly .... RELAX lool
Got bored right after getting the strong hold, like level 30. It became the most boring grind game I have seen. People are starving, we lost our luggage, and kill the boss. Oh you do even kill the boss some other NPC does for you.
There is no point in playing this game. In Diablo 3 there were at least some likeable characters, here its really just mindless grinding without any connection to this world/story.