7 Steps to Tackle Bullying At Work - Stop Bullying Quickly

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 68

  • @sandhiyad194
    @sandhiyad194 2 месяца назад +2

    I've tried every step you've explained, even taking on the bully and escalating some incidents as and when they happen
    Trust me nothing works, the management and the HR are always together and colleagues dont care about anything until it happens to them
    If you are targeted, its best to leave immediately as trying to fight it is a waste of your time and energy
    I've lost it all by working in such a place, even bad if the people who bully you start harassment outside the workforce even after you leave
    People who think about torturing others can be addictive and continue doing it to you or others
    Its only some people who became like that and I've faced it
    My advice would be to run as soon as you realise your targeted, no need to fight or except right things to happen in a place run by wrong people

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  2 месяца назад

      Some company leaders allow bullying and toxic cultures to persist in their companies (they might be bullies themselves). Whatever you try, you will not succeed in changing that type of culture (unless the leaders are replaced). Better to move companies and join a much more positive and enjoyable culture (even it if is hard to get another job).

    • @praffulBhadoriya
      @praffulBhadoriya 24 дня назад

      @@sandhiyad194 post it all so that other will be aware of it

  • @LynnSandler-j9k
    @LynnSandler-j9k 10 месяцев назад +3

    Soooo true. Ive had a terrible experience

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  9 месяцев назад

      Sorry that you have had such a terrible experience. Never nice. I hope you are working somewhere much better now (or soon). J

  • @df-hh7yd
    @df-hh7yd Месяц назад

    Thank you so much. The pragmatic approach how to follow up after the 'gathering evidence' was what is missing in other videos on youtube... And I think people who say they tried everything didnt actually do these steps in real life..

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  Месяц назад

      Glad you found the video so useful. How well you do the steps does count for a lot. J

  • @banana9106
    @banana9106 Год назад +4

    A lot of bullying goes on from middle management and sadly they all stick together. In the main, they and HR just see staff turnover as little more than collateral damage. The workplace that I worked in had, had 2 pretty serious incidents before I showed up that were the result of bullying. One guy went postal in the lab and did 90Ks worth of damage, he was actually, a really nice guy and thankfully they needed him enough not to fire him. He told me that, as I was the only person decent enough to talk with him, the reality was they had stopped the worst of the bullying, they just excluded him now and that was fine by him, they had stopped doing the other crap because they were frightened of him.
    In another situation the management had set up one person against another and this resulted in 2 workers losing it with each other over a period of months. It ended in physical violence that looked like 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. One worker stabbed the other worker in the hand with a broken off glass pipette. No charges were bought. Both were subject to a disciplinary. The injured worker had to leave because her injuries affected her ability to do the job.
    This all went on before I was even working there and it took the management somewhere in the region of a decade to properly address what was going on. As mine is a long story I will relate it in a reply to this post.

    • @banana9106
      @banana9106 Год назад

      I started working at this lab and at first everything was OK, my female boss was strict, but fair and we got along. Not surprisingly, she was promoted. The guy that came after her was a different story. He had worked elsewhere in the business and the company had made his position redundant and simply shoehorned him into working in the lab. He immediately set about making the lives of a lot of people in our lab, miserable, he initially left me out of it, he managed to lose most of the original staff within 5 months of his starting there. We were left with 5 original staff members and that is when he and his Glaswegian sidekick started on me.
      Glaswegian sidekick was generally shouty and any interaction with him was negative. So on one Friday, I was operating a piece of equipment that had failed and myself and a more senior member of staff had spent 3 hours trying to get it back up and running to no avail and we had called in the engineer for Monday. So Glasgow man comes in Monday morning and he is on rotation to use the piece of equipment, I know that if I don't tell him the equipment is not working that he will see that it was me that used it and make something of it. So I tell him before he goes through the lengthy process of making up the calibration, QC and loading up the autosampler that it is not working and that we have booked the engineer to look at it. Response:- 'Mind your own business b!tch' .
      All the usual stuff of making sure that I missed out on important information was going on. Plus there were impossible targets and I was being overloaded with work. Then there were the phantom call outs, get called out from home to do non existent jobs at 11pm, on top of already working 7:30am to 7pm. Then the time when the big bosses son had been handed an emergency sample to do, but he had failed to do it so I had been called out. There was a disciplinary where they tried to accuse me of getting call out pay, but fortunately, the person who had instructed the bosses son to do the sample as an emergency sample stood up for me and there was no further action. There were numerous disciplinaries with no further action, about things that simply should not have gotten that far and were a complete waste of time and energy. In the end they concocted a story between the 2 of them and they were believed and I was disciplined. I started a grievance procedure and of course they found there was no fault, just a clash of personalities. Yeah sure, calling someone a b!tch and a cnut, overloading them with work, endless disciplinaries over nothing and threatening to throw acid in their face is just a clash of personalities. But at least they were moved to the neighbouring lab.
      My next boss had been promoted by the bully, so initially I was in for more of the same. So new boss moves the spectrophotometer right next to the drying ovens. I tell her that it is going to cause the light pathway to expand and it is going to affect the analysis results. Response:- 'How can you be so STUPID? Of course it won't affect the results' A 2 months later she is being pulled up and asked why the QC results for that machine are consistently heading upwards every day. QC come down, spot the oven next to the spec and tell her that the spec should not be sited next to the heat source. By now whenever I have finished my main work I am being used to do all of the menial jobs. So she has spilt a bottle of methyl blue all over a plastic sink and she has been scrubbing at it for an hour, while I have been finishing up what I am supposed to be doing, so I offer to sort it and she says 'You won't get that off'. Out comes the hypochlorite and off it comes.
      Then one day we are told that the company wants to trial a maths test and that we are the guinea pigs, but the outcome won't mean anything for us. So we sit the test and I hand mine in with no name at the top and she freaks out. I tell her that if it is only to test out the capabilities of the test itself rather than the workers, then it should not matter who sat these tests. But she knows who's paper it is and out of the hundred and odd people in our unit, which included a couple of postdocs, I come second only to the guy with the engineering MSc. She has me in to speak to me about the results and wants to know why I had tried to avoid putting my name on the paper, despite the result being in the top 1% of the whole company of 12,000 employees. I tell her that if the company wants to assess its employees maths abilities then maybe they should be honest about that in the first place. She asked me if I thought I was about to be punished and I replied 'What for, being good, bad or indifferent at maths, because by the sound of it, you are about to find an excuse? But don't worry I am trying to find another job' She looked non plussed and said that she was sorry that she underestimated me as an employee and that she did really value me.
      She stopped bullying me. However, the guys that had been bullying me had moved on to new targets and one of their targets was a 17 year old lad. One day this kid came into my lab. He told me that he was having problems with the gruesome twosome and that the boss had told him that I had taken out a grievance procedure against them. Grievance proceedings are supposed to be confidential, so I was not really very pleased that had been breached. He told me that the Glaswegian nutter had threatened to thump him and what should he do. I told him that he should inform his manager and ask if someone else could supervise him, he said he had done that and the manager, who was the other bully told him that if he could not get along with the Glaswegian nutter than he should find a job in another company. The lad was genuinely scared of the guy, who was 6 foot odd tall and towered over us all, as he had lifted him up by the collar and shook his fist in his face and remembering the face full of acid threat I had been on the receiving end of, I told him not to provoke the guy and to report the matter to the union. The kid was not a member and refused to do that. He said what should he do if he attacked him and I said that under the law he was allowed to use reasonable force in defending himself, but that he needed to tell people what was going on.
      At the end of the day I went and spoke to my union guy. The union guy asked me to give the bullied lad a copy of the companies dignity at work code. I went in early the next day with a copy of the code and a job sheet on top to disguise it. Neither of the bullies were in, there was just the lad and a really nice co-worker. I gave him the paperwork and told him to hide it and put it in his car at break time. He asked what he should say if the bullies caught him with it and I said to say that it had come from the union. His co worker asked what had gone on, he told her and she told him to hide the paperwork too. He got caught with the paperwork and the bullies told him that if he wanted to keep his job then he would have to sign a statement that they concocted saying that I had told him to take a violent course of action. This resulted in a disciplinary and despite having the evidence of 4 different witnesses and the fact that all I had actually done was advise him to not provoke the guy, get union help and furnish him with a copy of the dignity at work code, I was given a final warning.
      Needless to say I was fired on another concocted story that was my word against the bosses word. Part 3 follows.

    • @banana9106
      @banana9106 Год назад

      A number of years later an ex colleague washes up on my doorstep and tells me that my bully boss has been forced to fall on his sword.
      As you can imagine the attrition rate in that lab was horrendous. There was one woman that they targeted that had 56 live verbal warnings in just one year. You would have thought that any competent HR department would figure out from staff turnover and the number of disciplinaries that something was not right in that group. We are talking about a lab where for any non graduates, there had to be a considerable degree of training.
      Well, they eventually caught on that the problem was not the employees, but the gruesome twosome. Now we were not allowed to have any recording devices at work, so no one could record what was going on there. However, HR decided to send in a mole with a recording device. They decided that the lab should be allowed to take on a summer time student so that everyone could get a week off in July or August. Unbeknown to the lab, this student was the very attractive and competent daughter of one of the directors. It only took a couple of weeks before the gruesome twosome started on her. The boss even boasting of how he had lied to get rid of me and other people if they did not fit in with what he wanted, warning her that she needed to keep them both happy.
      They bullied her and put her through these concocted disciplinaries, just the same as they did with everyone else. Until the HR had enough evidence to force the boss to fall on his own sword and Glasgow guy got a final warning and didn't last long after that. The ex boss, who was was 2 levels higher than me, is now a part time barrista in a coffee shop, although his first job after dismissal was collecting the trolleys in a supermarket. I was tempted to go in and have him make me a cup of coffee and then tell his boss that I had seen him spit in my coffee.

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  Год назад

      There are unfortuately toxic workplaces and it sounds like you were in one. If the senior management turn a blind eye to bullying or even use bullying tactics themselves, there is very little you can do other than leave and go work somewhere with a lot better culture. Even though the process was pretty horrible and being asked to leave is definitely horrible, I hope you are a lot better off in another job in another company now.

    • @banana9106
      @banana9106 Год назад

      @@Enhancetraining I don't work at all currently, as my son has ASD, however he is doing well and he hopes to go to uni to study computer science. I have been offered a job with an agency that supplies cover teachers and I intend to take it up.
      The 2 that were doing the bullying probably eventually got themselves into a hole. The problem with the lab is, if you fall below a certain level of science graduate recruitment, then you wind up having to work stupidly hard training non-scientists to do the job, which then impacts productivity and the quality of the work is not so good either. It was in an area with an active science industry and the salaries offered weren't that great, so there was competition from other employers, later down the line with job review websites, they suffered further. I don't think that HR would have been invested in resolving the bullying until the situation started to hit the bottom line.

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  Год назад +1

      I am glad your son is doing well and you have another job offer - I hope this one looks after you properly.

  • @Willchannel90
    @Willchannel90 10 месяцев назад +2

    My worse pain to leave work from bullying, lucky ain't lonely with other people.

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  10 месяцев назад +3

      Leaving and getting a job with nicer people, more supportive managers etc has to be better than putting up with bullying - short term and long term. I appreciate that getting a new and good job is not easy. J

    • @Willchannel90
      @Willchannel90 10 месяцев назад

      @@Enhancetraining Life support.

  • @wendyabbey820
    @wendyabbey820 6 месяцев назад +3

    I have done everything you have mentioned but she twists everything, and nothing is ever done about it. I’m fed up telling my story for 4 yrs now.

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  6 месяцев назад +1

      Some bullies are very skilled at manipulating and very hard to deal with if you are in their line of fire. Getting witnesses or others complaining about similar treatment is probably your most effective option (though both can be hard to achieve).

  • @focusedlids5420
    @focusedlids5420 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you

  • @ulaula275
    @ulaula275 9 месяцев назад

    Hi. Your video is very helpful. I just got one question regarding bullying. I work in the UK. I got a meeting with my manager, supervisor and the bully in September, it was about few issues. As the bully talked for few months with another colleague in their language, in front of others who don't speaker it, he promised to be more considerate and no to do that. Very soon he started it again. I find it very rude and excluding others. Could you please say if it's bullying? There are other issues towards me, like not talking to me, intimidating etc. Thank you

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  9 месяцев назад

      Hi @ulaula275 - Speaking in another language in front of those that don't speak the langauge is exclusion rather than bullying. Exclusion is definitely one tactic bullies use. If the action is repeated and designed to put you down or make you feel bad in some way, or to stop you doing something that threatens the other person, then I would be pretty confidence that the behaviour is bullying. I am glad you found the video helpful. The better everyone is at tackling bullying the harder it will be for bullies to carrying on behaviing badly.

    • @ulaula275
      @ulaula275 9 месяцев назад

      @@Enhancetraining Thank you, it helps a lot

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  8 месяцев назад

      @ulaula275 You are very welcome. J

  • @wendyabbey820
    @wendyabbey820 6 месяцев назад +1

    I need an undercover person on the ward, as most of the staff are in it with her and afraid of her.

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  6 месяцев назад +1

      It would be amazing to have an invisible observer - it would make tackling bullies so much easier.

  • @tomforde8321
    @tomforde8321 Год назад +3

    What if you are the manager & you are being bullied by an employee?

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  Год назад

      Hi Tom - as a manager you should have the ability to stop the bullying more easily than if they were a colleague. Collect evidence of the bullying and the impact of the bullying. Definitely have an informal conversation with the person in question. If the bullying continues, then I would start more formal processes to stop it such as a performance improvement plan. Key to doing this is gathering evidence and showing the impact of the behaviour on you, the team and the business. You need to convince your manager and probably HR to start a more formal process. Take a look at our video on managing difficult employees ruclips.net/video/aMfHNNkqj9o/видео.html I appreciate that being bullied by a team member might feel a bit embarrasing or you might be reluctant to raise it with your manager. Bullying is bullying. Take action to stop it as doing nothing really is the worst option.

    • @gracembale7343
      @gracembale7343 Год назад +5

      Just fire the employee...why keeping and allowing that negative employee at office

    • @S55547
      @S55547 Год назад

      Yeah I can’t believe a manager being bullied. I’m a physician and even in my role the manager’s manipulation of information and laser focused 1:1 interviews with leading questions. And I’m not even the first to be bullied out by him.

    • @LynnSandler-j9k
      @LynnSandler-j9k 10 месяцев назад

      Is pounding fists on a desk by a mgr considered bullying

    • @LynnSandler-j9k
      @LynnSandler-j9k 10 месяцев назад

      @gracembale7343, what is youre thoughts on that?

  • @mscraft_y_4807
    @mscraft_y_4807 4 месяца назад +1

    I reported a case to my manager and she became the bully

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  3 месяца назад +2

      @mscraft_y_4807 That is pretty grim. I guess they felt it was easier to bully you than deal with the real problems.

    • @mscraft_y_4807
      @mscraft_y_4807 3 месяца назад

      I'm in a terrible state right now. I just hope that God saves me because finding another job as an introverted shy person is not too easy. Thank you anyway for your response.

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  2 месяца назад

      It might be a challenge to get a new job - I hope it would be a lot easier and nicer than staying put. Good luck in your search. There are good companies and managers out there!

    • @mscraft_y_4807
      @mscraft_y_4807 2 месяца назад

      @@Enhancetraining thank a lot. I hope so too

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  Месяц назад

      Hope your search goes well.

  • @PhotoAmbrosia
    @PhotoAmbrosia Год назад +9

    HR is never your friend in a small company.

  • @wendyabbey820
    @wendyabbey820 6 месяцев назад +2

    Everyone is afraid of her.

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  6 месяцев назад

      No-one likes to be be bullied so colleagues being afraid is unsurprising. Would people consider acting as a group?

  • @denis3208
    @denis3208 10 месяцев назад +3

    I'm being bullied by a fat old woman for 3 months now I talked twice to my boss and she talked to her and today was the second time the predator came strait at me with a smile and started to provoke me again. I don't have a lot of nerves do to the ptsd and this thing thinks I fear her.

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  10 месяцев назад +2

      I would suggest you start keeping records if she continues to bully - what happened / what was said, the time, the place etc. Any reasonable list is pretty hard to ignore from a management perspective. J

  • @LynnSandler-j9k
    @LynnSandler-j9k 10 месяцев назад

    the bully will tell mgt to ignore the targeted individual

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  10 месяцев назад

      The bully often tries to discredit the person they are bullying. Capturing examples of bullying - the time, place, what happened, who else was there - is crucial to to overcoming any doubts about what is actually happening. The bigger the list of examples, the harder to ignore or doubt.

    • @Mumbo_Jumbo_Kiwi.1
      @Mumbo_Jumbo_Kiwi.1 9 месяцев назад

      Mgt usually know so what I did was walk into the directors room while all present & state the bullying facts & point to the witness "he saw what happened" it always stuns them so he can't lie when he's cornered. Shove the pressure back on them, you'll feel better afterwards.

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  8 месяцев назад

      @Mumbo_Jumbo_Kiwi.1 Good for you. Did this approach work and stop the bullying? J

  • @kitsinoel
    @kitsinoel 7 месяцев назад

    Doesn’t apply to a small company where there are two Greeks and the third walking in like they own the place. Polar shift the work to themselves and leave you sitting like a duck and talking smack behind your back.

    • @Enhancetraining
      @Enhancetraining  6 месяцев назад

      @kitsinoel - I agree that the smaller the company the harder it is to effectively tackle bullying at work IF the bullying is being done by managers or owners. J

  • @OK-wb1dy
    @OK-wb1dy 25 дней назад


  • @OK-wb1dy
    @OK-wb1dy 25 дней назад

    Bullies have personality disorders