Most of westerners made the same mistakes Confusing the geographical Eastern Europe with political Eastern Europe. I’m Romanian and for me it’s not a big problem.
Well its the cold war ideology. Anything east of the imaginary line that split germany is called "eastern europe". Of course the cold war ended and this is nonsense now... but old habbits die hard.
Bravo România. ❤
Czech republic is a eastern european county? Damn, almost all Europe is now eastern.
Most of westerners made the same mistakes
Confusing the geographical Eastern Europe with political Eastern Europe. I’m Romanian and for me it’s not a big problem.
Well its the cold war ideology. Anything east of the imaginary line that split germany is called "eastern europe". Of course the cold war ended and this is nonsense now... but old habbits die hard.
Buying screws for $2k. This is why no money for pensions and salaries.
Hai sugeo cu bani de pensii, nare nici o legătură.