Thought provoking and excellently presented, indeed participatory street led planning & enforcement (to guard against encroachment) could be the silver bullet..very applicable in many slums in my country (Kenya)..However, disruption of social capital + voting blocks=major obstacle
Thanks for this fantastic talk, Claudio. I have been gaining an increasing interest in the power of public space and this was interesting to see. I do wonder though, it seems that in many of the slums around the world, people squat and build their own homes. However, in places like Kibera, many residents, maybe the majority are renters. How does this complicate the participatory process, and the compensatory process? For instance, does the local government compensate the landlords and also build replacement housing for displaced residents?
Thought provoking and excellently presented, indeed participatory street led planning & enforcement (to guard against encroachment) could be the silver bullet..very applicable in many slums in my country (Kenya)..However, disruption of social capital + voting blocks=major obstacle
Thanks for this fantastic talk, Claudio. I have been gaining an increasing interest in the power of public space and this was interesting to see. I do wonder though, it seems that in many of the slums around the world, people squat and build their own homes. However, in places like Kibera, many residents, maybe the majority are renters. How does this complicate the participatory process, and the compensatory process? For instance, does the local government compensate the landlords and also build replacement housing for displaced residents?
Đường xá nhà ở thì để người dân ở khu ổ chuột góp sức xây.
colOmbia.. is the country, colUmbia is a district in usa