Its nice to know the city is finaly, and has been for a while in Copenhagen and other danish cities, being returned to the people. Thank you for this presentation. I have hope now.
So is the key to have a hi density city where you live in a building over say office or school kind of thing so you have everything near by that enables a 15 minit city
As an American Urban Planning student, this man is my professional role model.
Oh, and the reason I'm moving to DK for Graduate study. :)
I feel you. I am thinking to move to DK in two years because he is so inspiring.
This is such a great resource, Jan Gehl is awesome!
Its nice to know the city is finaly, and has been for a while in Copenhagen and other danish cities, being returned to the people. Thank you for this presentation. I have hope now.
So is the key to have a hi density city where you live in a building over say office or school kind of thing so you have everything near by that enables a 15 minit city
Very good speech
Austin Texas could use a city planner like this.
"..then I married a psychologist..":))
Am putea si noi. Primul pas: sa scapam de Oparescu!
they're not even listening smh
I love this movie.