I want to stress the difference between explore the potentiality of human body (Ido Portal) and re-gain the primal functionality of it (MovNat). Correct analysis and nice video!
Ido = creating a perfect mover, constant challenge, constant learning. Upgrade your core, born movement system. MovNat = no personal experience, seems like "regain what you once had / shoud have and lost in the office" :) I am 1st year Ido's student. My background is lots of sports incl airplane aerobatics, climbing, paragliding, swordfighting, judo, acroyoga, snb speed runs. What you see in Ido's youtube videos is mostly high level gymnastic/locomotion stuff. The training for newcomers starts with simple mobility, strenght and body awareness exercises. And you build up from there step by step. We have people after knee surgeries, spine injuries, or doing one-sided sport for too long. One of the foundation of Ido Portal method is "to not master anything", meaning the moment you become good at that thing, you progress to next level variant immediately. This method wants to constantly teach your brain new patterns and upgrade your core systems. Just move and enjoy the play, cheers guys :).
I can't believe how talented you are for computer drawing ! This is the first video I watch on your youtube channel and i liked it. It helped me a lot to differentiate the two method
Into both and I see your point on the surface but I think both teachers encourage about the same thing when it comes to the core of what they teach. Safely progress and explore is root message in both,my take. I've paid for Movnat l 1,2, and combatives and appreciate what I learned and for those who haven't been to a workshop it may seem simple but there's a really solid framework for gaining movement freedom.I haven't paid for anything with Ido and would love to one day but I follow his group and find his post and messages to be not only encouraging but eye opening.
One thing I'd say from my limited exposure/training with both systems. Movnat has it over Ido when it comes to using other objects to train with: that is lifting moving and carrying logs and rocks (or other random heavy things). Movnat also puts more focus on climbing skills or ways of getting up and over objects, branches, vaults etc and generally moving through/with your chosen environment. Ido Portal seems more about expressing the potential of human movement, whereas Movnat teaches you to literally move naturally. You both, they are both great and have a lot to offer. One is certainly not better than the other.
Completely agree, BUT I would have to say Ido's system is better for athletes and those looking for the fullest artistic expression of their physical bodies. Now if we look at the challenges humanity is facing a real argument can be made that MovNat is the system to learn and I would certainly make that argument. MovNat does a much better job of looking at the human being as a "piece" of a "whole." This "piece" needs to be capable of contributing to the "whole", which inherently means the "piece" can't train 4 to 6 hours a day or else it dramatically diminishes the time it has available to contribute.
I think that is a pretty solid compare/contrast. I am a level 1 MovNat certified trainer, and I've followed Ido Portal informally for some time. I agree that MovNat is much more accessible at the ground level. MovNat really puts a lot into their programming and philosophy that I feel is very helpful. Ido's tribe seems to be somewhat of an elitist club (again, only following informally, this is just what I see from the outside). Of course, as others will say, you don't have to pay ANYTHING to learn any of this. However, the reason people do so is because someone else has already put in the work to develop an effective system for teaching and implementing these techniques.
Disagree about paying to learn this stuff. A fee must be paid. Now I will say that one can better spend their money than on Ido's workshops or online coaching because he doesn't let you in on the coaching aspect. It's like the old adage "give a man to fish VS teach a man to fish." Ido gives people a fish. Courses from guys like Poliquin, Chek, Kresser(health, not movement) teach people to fish.
Your video sums it up absolutely perfect. I am self taught and have been training both styles. The commonality? Get that squat perfected! You will need it!💪
Ive done both. I prefer Ido portals method. We Did Movnat at our old gym run by qualified Movnat instructors. Its caveman in its approach, its uses little brain power, but you do get a good workout. Unfortunately, Many of the guys got minor injuries, mainly lower back and knees, which impeded their progress. It's definitely, a non creative style of training. I've been practicing Ido portals method recently and found it great. It's a blend of playful learning of all facets of movement. Its easy to incorporate if you have a creative mind and have interest in creative movement like traditional martial arts, capoeira, kungfu, disciplines like yoga and strength sports like gymnastics.
The advantage of the Ido portal is isometrics, which moves one after the other, produces muscles and is very extreme. Second advantage is, you can start at zero, some people can not lie slower on the ground, that is zero, I can train this, train until you can handle exactly
I dont know movnat and only from having seen a bit of ido portals moves i can see that he learned some kalaripayat warming up moves and capoeira. I have trained kalaripayat and its a very complete movement tradition, actually warrior training with spiritual roots to goddes Kali. Sometimes it seems like an explosive kind of yoga, i feel superfresh afterwards. Check it please and make a clip if its inspiring enough. Thank you for your great work.
A year ago I started at Ido's gym without any physical background - and there they had a progression suitable for my level for every exercise and discipline practiced there. It's true that his method revolves around exploration and deepening the movement potential of a person. But that doesn't men he doesn't have a very efficient way of teaching the solid foundation one needs to develop for that purpose. For a seasoned athlete it may take less time to get to the exploration phase - But a total beginner will benefit greatly from starting out with Ido's method. As it conditions the body and the nervous system from the very start - to be more flexible, durable, and prepared for a for a wide range of kinetic challenges.
How do get in contact with "Ido's Gym"? I would like to find more information about Ido's classes, etc but his website is very simple and there is no real information re: classes or anything of that sort. Thanks
MSMonkShare Hey man, I don't know really. He has only one gym and I happen to live near it. It's located in Tel Aviv, Israel. Some of his affiliates have gyms in other countries. Where are you from? Also, perhaps show up in one of his movement camps, or Email him.
Hey - Thanks for the reply. I emailed him. I am in the US - North Carolina. I also did not see info on his movement camps. I am a Chiropractor and have 2 black belts, but haven't been active in movement arts in about 10 years. I stumbled upon his work and thought: 'this is what I have been missing!'. Appreciate the help and any additional info you might have on his classes/workshops, anything really.
Hey man, this is the first video I watch in your channel and you did a great job. Your drawing is great, keep it up. As you went on through the topics it felt kinda repetitive but you wrapped it all up nicely, don't know what to suggest on that. Try working on audio quality and less cuts; more fluidity to the video. Wish you all the best, God Bless you!
Thank you! I've seen some of the functional patterns stuff, seems fun, though I haven't tried it so I can't attest to it's effectiveness or lack thereof. Honestly, I almost took one of the functional patterns classes, but I don't click very well with the owner of it.
what i think is interesting is that none of this is new... maybe to the world of bodybuilding, but all of this stems from infant development and human locomotion... there are hundreds of people for hundreds of years espousing the benefits of "training" this way. funny, we never used to have to structure time for this as it was a natural part of everyday life. so, I don't think either "system" is original... just perhaps their marketing
I find each generation has to rediscover, repackage, and make these things their own. Its amazing what can be discovered in old books and old systems, many things that would seem new to us today. But as you said, they are not new, just newly rediscovered or remembered. This is what natural movement training will look like for this generation, lets hope it sticks around this time.
MovNat literally comes from the movements of our ancestors, but Ido's stuff is really quite different. He took Paul Chek's system of Isolation---> Integration and added Improvisation. A key difference here though is where in the CHEK system Isolation refers to bodybuilding type isolated movements or very basic infant development movements such as lifting the head up as a baby does when it's first growing it's spatial awareness, "isolation" has a different meaning in Ido's system. Ido has an approach where something like Handstands, squats, deadlifts, front levers and the likes are all considered "isolated" movements. From there you take those patterns and integrate. An example is doing a Handstand and dropping down into a elbow lever and then back up into the handstand. So you've blended the elbow lever pattern with a handstand push up. In his system though that's only INTEGRATION!!! From there I can't even explain improvisation, but if you check out Roye Goldschmidt and Odelia Gold on Instagram you'll get a good idea. Those are two of his top students and when they start showing off improvisation it's something else. Now as you can see when your first level "Isolation" is so dam complex the door to getting into the training room is very high and very few have "paid that price." A key example is all the people who have gone to Ido and right off the bat he / his people write out "bridge push ups", but the person hasn't "paid the price" to be capable of such a movement so they can't even do that "isolation" movement. This does two things. One is it makes sure that those who survive Ido's training become ELITE MOVERS (great for business and he's an intelligent business man) and two is that it eliminates the possibility of many people even attempting to walk into the door so to speak because they know they aren't capable of the most basic of his movements. Judging by his social media personality he loves both of those. I'm not the biggest fan of Ido "the person". As a person he has had his "low" moments as we all have. Overly assertive, demeaning and the likes. As someone who has and continues to learn from Paul Chek, Charles Poliquin, Ido and others though I can tell you without a doubt Ido Portal understands movement through both experience and intellect like VERY FEW ever have. From the Feldenkrais method to Yoga to Olympic Lifting to Capoeira to Gymnastics to Martial arts joint protocols and on and on. There's a lot in that guys tool box just like Poliquin, Chek, Ewan McGregor (MovNat founder) etc. With all that being said I prefer Paul Chek's system as a whole since it's more holistic and I also prefer MovNat over Ido's system because it's based upon helping humans become healthy and movement capable so that they can contribute to humanity. Ido's system is more like a "rite of passage" styled system where you're given the secret, which is SHIT LOADS of training and either you adapt or you don't. If you do adapt then maybe you become a close student... if you dont.... oh well.
Well its true to a degree, but training for movement quality across the board has given me such a powerful relationship with my body that I can jump into pretty much any sport with a very easy learning curve and a vastly decrease risk for injury. If you have done movement specific training for at least a year then you have gained skills like fluid movement, environmental and spatial awareness, conscious tension/relaxation control, static bodyweight strength and stability, all around mobility and balance, etc... These basic movement skills translate to all sports. The greatest increases I have ever seen in athletic ability have been from athletes who build a solid base of quality movement through movement training and from there move into highly sport specific training, but with a movement training maintenance program to keep mobility, stability, body control, and strength. Besides, my only sport these days is life, movement training is the best way I know to increase the capacity to enjoy all of life's adventures....... although boxing and basketball weren't exactly boring ;)
agreed, ive been doing quality movement training all my life, climbing trees, always jumping and climbing(parkour). then for the past 6 years i have really dedicated a better form of parkour training and i have to say people were/are always amazed at how easy i pick up in new sports and disciplines. currently for the past 2 years ive been doing breakdancing and my buddies tell me what took me 2 years took them 5-10 years to learn with their body. they've been doing breakdancing for 15 years or more.
Not when it comes to martial arts. People will read you like a book if you're stiff and locked in patters. Strenght is also too broad of a term, not to mention it's subjective and there are many types of it
There is no such thing as Ido portal movement..movnat Method..it's just name ..there is no difference..it's all movement..it's we who create discrimination
Honestly, all you said about MovNat applies 1-to-1 to Ido Portal. I would say they are very much similar. Yes, Ido does teach "higher-end" stuff, but it all begins with the basics and with learning, as he puts it, how to live in your body. Yes, you do start with running, basic jumping up steps, pullups, pushups, climbing, crawling, etc. pretty much like MovNat. Getting into advanced stuff like Floreio or acrobatics even in the Ido Portal method takes years (assuming you're not a gymnast already).
Nice Pic but honestly Im really dissapointed in the review. Seems likely to me that you didnt study under neither of those "companies" and just compare the outer layer of their "online marketing". That has close to zero connection with how those theachers work with either beginners or advanced students. So the lessen for the viewer is "its good to learn ton of shit online and move Your asa" - well i cannot disagree with that.
I do practice Ido Method. And completely disagree that doesnt work for new people. Cant speak from movenat, but you havent been exposed to ido method to understand it. Im sure about that.
Disagree. Parkour doesn't involve distance running, swimming, running with logs on the back (strongman like), ground movement and more and more. MovNat goes a lot deeper than parkour with the "basics." Getting up from lying down is a major component in the system, which is non-existent in Parkour.
@@junichiroyamashita If you're asking me does Parkour focus on certain aspects of the basics more than MovNat I'd say no. Parkour is usually learned at a very fast pace due to the nature of it. It's a performance art geared towards out doing yourself. MovNat is a movement system built for useful movement that counteracts the problems of modern day society. It is done for longevity whereas Parkour is almost always done for performance in my experience.
@@davidzahry so,if only the ideology is different,and i mean the intention,would practising MovNat make me a traceur if started focusing on performance?
@@junichiroyamashita Junichiro Yamashita No. MovNat can prepare you for Parkour, but it is not Parkour. The intensity level is too low and the acrobatics too simple. I would start with MovNat to re-wire your nervous system with the basics of human movement if you aren't already developed in those patterns. Think of MovNat as teaching you to move the way our hunter gatherer ancestors moved. If you can move like that then a transition into any performance based movement like parkour, basketball, soccer, martial arts etc. will go much more smoothly since you've mastered the basics of human movement itself.
I want to stress the difference between explore the potentiality of human body (Ido Portal) and re-gain the primal functionality of it (MovNat). Correct analysis and nice video!
Ido = creating a perfect mover, constant challenge, constant learning. Upgrade your core, born movement system.
MovNat = no personal experience, seems like "regain what you once had / shoud have and lost in the office" :)
I am 1st year Ido's student. My background is lots of sports incl airplane aerobatics, climbing, paragliding, swordfighting, judo, acroyoga, snb speed runs. What you see in Ido's youtube videos is mostly high level gymnastic/locomotion stuff. The training for newcomers starts with simple mobility, strenght and body awareness exercises. And you build up from there step by step. We have people after knee surgeries, spine injuries, or doing one-sided sport for too long. One of the foundation of Ido Portal method is "to not master anything", meaning the moment you become good at that thing, you progress to next level variant immediately. This method wants to constantly teach your brain new patterns and upgrade your core systems.
Just move and enjoy the play, cheers guys :).
Thanks for the explanation, mate!
I can't believe how talented you are for computer drawing !
This is the first video I watch on your youtube channel and i liked it. It helped me a lot to differentiate the two method
Thank you! I'm glad it helped. Keep checking back, more coming
Into both and I see your point on the surface but I think both teachers encourage about the same thing when it comes to the core of what they teach. Safely progress and explore is root message in both,my take. I've paid for Movnat l 1,2, and combatives and appreciate what I learned and for those who haven't been to a workshop it may seem simple but there's a really solid framework for gaining movement freedom.I haven't paid for anything with Ido and would love to one day but I follow his group and find his post and messages to be not only encouraging but eye opening.
One thing I'd say from my limited exposure/training with both systems. Movnat has it over Ido when it comes to using other objects to train with: that is lifting moving and carrying logs and rocks (or other random heavy things). Movnat also puts more focus on climbing skills or ways of getting up and over objects, branches, vaults etc and generally moving through/with your chosen environment.
Ido Portal seems more about expressing the potential of human movement, whereas Movnat teaches you to literally move naturally.
You both, they are both great and have a lot to offer. One is certainly not better than the other.
Completely agree, BUT I would have to say Ido's system is better for athletes and those looking for the fullest artistic expression of their physical bodies. Now if we look at the challenges humanity is facing a real argument can be made that MovNat is the system to learn and I would certainly make that argument. MovNat does a much better job of looking at the human being as a "piece" of a "whole." This "piece" needs to be capable of contributing to the "whole", which inherently means the "piece" can't train 4 to 6 hours a day or else it dramatically diminishes the time it has available to contribute.
Original Strength (Tim Anderson): great system to begin with movement training!!! Clear, concise, solid. To build some bases.
Super useful to know and well spotted. I agree MovNat is very inclusive and they provide a great baseline.
Nobody mentions ,Moshe.Feldengrais "Awareness through movement" he like Ido is from Israel,but started teaching his method in the 1950s
@alioxinfree Ido talks about studying Feldenkrais in his London Reel interview.
I think that is a pretty solid compare/contrast. I am a level 1 MovNat certified trainer, and I've followed Ido Portal informally for some time. I agree that MovNat is much more accessible at the ground level. MovNat really puts a lot into their programming and philosophy that I feel is very helpful. Ido's tribe seems to be somewhat of an elitist club (again, only following informally, this is just what I see from the outside). Of course, as others will say, you don't have to pay ANYTHING to learn any of this. However, the reason people do so is because someone else has already put in the work to develop an effective system for teaching and implementing these techniques.
brwn.adam I'm looking into a career with natural movement as the focus. If you don't mind my asking, how do you use your certification? Thank you!
Disagree about paying to learn this stuff. A fee must be paid. Now I will say that one can better spend their money than on Ido's workshops or online coaching because he doesn't let you in on the coaching aspect. It's like the old adage "give a man to fish VS teach a man to fish." Ido gives people a fish. Courses from guys like Poliquin, Chek, Kresser(health, not movement) teach people to fish.
Great video 👍 now I decided which path to go on.
What a great video. True artist !
Your video sums it up absolutely perfect. I am self taught and have been training both styles. The commonality? Get that squat perfected! You will need it!💪
Deep squat?
@@maalik310 squat as low as you can go, ass to grass, if you're into yoga the Malasana pose.
Holy shit, glad I found your channel... I'm switching over to this modality. I want to lose more mass
Never heard about these before, it's intresting
Ive done both. I prefer Ido portals method. We Did Movnat at our old gym run by qualified Movnat instructors. Its caveman in its approach, its uses little brain power, but you do get a good workout. Unfortunately, Many of the guys got minor injuries, mainly lower back and knees, which impeded their progress.
It's definitely, a non creative style of training.
I've been practicing Ido portals method recently and found it great. It's a blend of playful learning of all facets of movement. Its easy to incorporate if you have a creative mind and have interest in creative movement like traditional martial arts, capoeira, kungfu, disciplines like yoga and strength sports like gymnastics.
MZONE where do you learn ido? He doesn't have any training dvds. Unless I'm missing something?
gimnastica natural....it's almost like the two combined. But, it's been around for MUCH LONGER and used by BJJ fighters in Brazil.
The advantage of the Ido portal is isometrics, which moves one after the other, produces muscles and is very extreme. Second advantage is, you can start at zero, some people can not lie slower on the ground, that is zero, I can train this, train until you can handle exactly
I dont know movnat and only from having seen a bit of ido portals moves i can see that he learned some kalaripayat warming up moves and capoeira. I have trained kalaripayat and its a very complete movement tradition, actually warrior training with spiritual roots to goddes Kali. Sometimes it seems like an explosive kind of yoga, i feel superfresh afterwards. Check it please and make a clip if its inspiring enough. Thank you for your great work.
A year ago I started at Ido's gym without any physical background - and there they had a progression suitable for my level for every exercise and discipline practiced there.
It's true that his method revolves around exploration and deepening the movement potential of a person.
But that doesn't men he doesn't have a very efficient way of teaching the solid foundation one needs to develop for that purpose.
For a seasoned athlete it may take less time to get to the exploration phase -
But a total beginner will benefit greatly from starting out with Ido's method. As it conditions the body and the nervous system from the very start - to be more flexible, durable, and prepared for a for a wide range of kinetic challenges.
How do get in contact with "Ido's Gym"? I would like to find more information about Ido's classes, etc but his website is very simple and there is no real information re: classes or anything of that sort. Thanks
MSMonkShare Hey man, I don't know really.
He has only one gym and I happen to live near it. It's located in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Some of his affiliates have gyms in other countries. Where are you from?
Also, perhaps show up in one of his movement camps, or Email him.
MSMonkShare Also check the facebook page 'Ido portal israel' that's the page of the gym.
Hey - Thanks for the reply. I emailed him. I am in the US - North Carolina. I also did not see info on his movement camps. I am a Chiropractor and have 2 black belts, but haven't been active in movement arts in about 10 years. I stumbled upon his work and thought: 'this is what I have been missing!'. Appreciate the help and any additional info you might have on his classes/workshops, anything really.
Actually I found his workshops after looking further - thanks.
Thanks a lot man. Really very useful video
Great video!!! Can you contrast Ido Portel and Movnat with GMB? GMB interests me as my place to start but I am not sure. Where to start?
Hey man, this is the first video I watch in your channel and you did a great job. Your drawing is great, keep it up. As you went on through the topics it felt kinda repetitive but you wrapped it all up nicely, don't know what to suggest on that. Try working on audio quality and less cuts; more fluidity to the video.
Wish you all the best, God Bless you!
Can you do a video on the world greatest stretch?
Very interesting and educational.
Awesome channel!
What do you think of Functional Patterns?
Thank you! I've seen some of the functional patterns stuff, seems fun, though I haven't tried it so I can't attest to it's effectiveness or lack thereof. Honestly, I almost took one of the functional patterns classes, but I don't click very well with the owner of it.
The way you Ido, sounds "I dow... "
It's more like e-do ... Bring that Japanese sound like in judo
great information....btw who is the artist/ illustrator for your presentations?
That would be me. Lol. This is an outlet for the artist in me as much as it is an exploration of human movement.
Any artwork from you online?
nice art work man......and obviously thanks for the video
Very helpful information. Thank you for sharing.
What software are you using here? also good stuff (:
this is actually just Photoshop. really a versatile program
ido portal to train frecuently and movnat to improve your daily movement. in my opinion :)
what i think is interesting is that none of this is new... maybe to the world of bodybuilding, but all of this stems from infant development and human locomotion... there are hundreds of people for hundreds of years espousing the benefits of "training" this way. funny, we never used to have to structure time for this as it was a natural part of everyday life. so, I don't think either "system" is original... just perhaps their marketing
I find each generation has to rediscover, repackage, and make these things their own. Its amazing what can be discovered in old books and old systems, many things that would seem new to us today. But as you said, they are not new, just newly rediscovered or remembered. This is what natural movement training will look like for this generation, lets hope it sticks around this time.
MovNat literally comes from the movements of our ancestors, but Ido's stuff is really quite different. He took Paul Chek's system of Isolation---> Integration and added Improvisation. A key difference here though is where in the CHEK system Isolation refers to bodybuilding type isolated movements or very basic infant development movements such as lifting the head up as a baby does when it's first growing it's spatial awareness, "isolation" has a different meaning in Ido's system.
Ido has an approach where something like Handstands, squats, deadlifts, front levers and the likes are all considered "isolated" movements. From there you take those patterns and integrate. An example is doing a Handstand and dropping down into a elbow lever and then back up into the handstand. So you've blended the elbow lever pattern with a handstand push up. In his system though that's only INTEGRATION!!! From there I can't even explain improvisation, but if you check out Roye Goldschmidt and Odelia Gold on Instagram you'll get a good idea. Those are two of his top students and when they start showing off improvisation it's something else. Now as you can see when your first level "Isolation" is so dam complex the door to getting into the training room is very high and very few have "paid that price." A key example is all the people who have gone to Ido and right off the bat he / his people write out "bridge push ups", but the person hasn't "paid the price" to be capable of such a movement so they can't even do that "isolation" movement. This does two things. One is it makes sure that those who survive Ido's training become ELITE MOVERS (great for business and he's an intelligent business man) and two is that it eliminates the possibility of many people even attempting to walk into the door so to speak because they know they aren't capable of the most basic of his movements. Judging by his social media personality he loves both of those.
I'm not the biggest fan of Ido "the person". As a person he has had his "low" moments as we all have. Overly assertive, demeaning and the likes. As someone who has and continues to learn from Paul Chek, Charles Poliquin, Ido and others though I can tell you without a doubt Ido Portal understands movement through both experience and intellect like VERY FEW ever have. From the Feldenkrais method to Yoga to Olympic Lifting to Capoeira to Gymnastics to Martial arts joint protocols and on and on. There's a lot in that guys tool box just like Poliquin, Chek, Ewan McGregor (MovNat founder) etc.
With all that being said I prefer Paul Chek's system as a whole since it's more holistic and I also prefer MovNat over Ido's system because it's based upon helping humans become healthy and movement capable so that they can contribute to humanity. Ido's system is more like a "rite of passage" styled system where you're given the secret, which is SHIT LOADS of training and either you adapt or you don't. If you do adapt then maybe you become a close student... if you dont.... oh well.
Ido Portal to compliment my Parkour skills.
Just become stronger.
Skill is sport specific and random movement skills don't translate to it.
Well its true to a degree, but training for movement quality across the board has given me such a powerful relationship with my body that I can jump into pretty much any sport with a very easy learning curve and a vastly decrease risk for injury. If you have done movement specific training for at least a year then you have gained skills like fluid movement, environmental and spatial awareness, conscious tension/relaxation control, static bodyweight strength and stability, all around mobility and balance, etc... These basic movement skills translate to all sports. The greatest increases I have ever seen in athletic ability have been from athletes who build a solid base of quality movement through movement training and from there move into highly sport specific training, but with a movement training maintenance program to keep mobility, stability, body control, and strength. Besides, my only sport these days is life, movement training is the best way I know to increase the capacity to enjoy all of life's adventures....... although boxing and basketball weren't exactly boring ;)
agreed, ive been doing quality movement training all my life, climbing trees, always jumping and climbing(parkour). then for the past 6 years i have really dedicated a better form of parkour training and i have to say people were/are always amazed at how easy i pick up in new sports and disciplines. currently for the past 2 years ive been doing breakdancing and my buddies tell me what took me 2 years took them 5-10 years to learn with their body. they've been doing breakdancing for 15 years or more.
Not when it comes to martial arts. People will read you like a book if you're stiff and locked in patters. Strenght is also too broad of a term, not to mention it's subjective and there are many types of it
how i start ido portal movment?
Adi Yaal First step: Be Ido Portal
There is no such thing as Ido portal movement..movnat Method..it's just name ..there is no difference..it's all movement..it's we who create discrimination
Honestly, all you said about MovNat applies 1-to-1 to Ido Portal. I would say they are very much similar. Yes, Ido does teach "higher-end" stuff, but it all begins with the basics and with learning, as he puts it, how to live in your body. Yes, you do start with running, basic jumping up steps, pullups, pushups, climbing, crawling, etc. pretty much like MovNat. Getting into advanced stuff like Floreio or acrobatics even in the Ido Portal method takes years (assuming you're not a gymnast already).
Ido is pronounced Eedoh
smasher9007 who cares! He's a douchebag
Perkele Quite the narcissist and also said he wouldn't train with people who don't eat animals.
No, it's "I do".
Like in:
Q: Do you like girls?
A: I do.
Nice Pic but honestly Im really dissapointed in the review. Seems likely to me that you didnt study under neither of those "companies" and just compare the outer layer of their "online marketing". That has close to zero connection with how those theachers work with either beginners or advanced students. So the lessen for the viewer is "its good to learn ton of shit online and move Your asa" - well i cannot disagree with that.
Shame i spent all that money I guess. lol.
@@moversodyssey well that's not for me to say. I did use the wordings "seems" and "to me" :)
I do practice Ido Method. And completely disagree that doesnt work for new people. Cant speak from movenat, but you havent been exposed to ido method to understand it. Im sure about that.
MovNat is essentially the same as Parkour really
Disagree. Parkour doesn't involve distance running, swimming, running with logs on the back (strongman like), ground movement and more and more. MovNat goes a lot deeper than parkour with the "basics." Getting up from lying down is a major component in the system, which is non-existent in Parkour.
@@davidzahry does parkour focus more on certain aspects?
@@junichiroyamashita If you're asking me does Parkour focus on certain aspects of the basics more than MovNat I'd say no. Parkour is usually learned at a very fast pace due to the nature of it. It's a performance art geared towards out doing yourself. MovNat is a movement system built for useful movement that counteracts the problems of modern day society. It is done for longevity whereas Parkour is almost always done for performance in my experience.
@@davidzahry so,if only the ideology is different,and i mean the intention,would practising MovNat make me a traceur if started focusing on performance?
@@junichiroyamashita Junichiro Yamashita No. MovNat can prepare you for Parkour, but it is not Parkour. The intensity level is too low and the acrobatics too simple. I would start with MovNat to re-wire your nervous system with the basics of human movement if you aren't already developed in those patterns. Think of MovNat as teaching you to move the way our hunter gatherer ancestors moved. If you can move like that then a transition into any performance based movement like parkour, basketball, soccer, martial arts etc. will go much more smoothly since you've mastered the basics of human movement itself.