ExJW like you talking about your experience so courageously not only gives emotional and moral support to serving Witnesses who are contemplating to make their life changing decisions to get "out of the darkness into the light", but also reaffirms those who are consciously or otherwise being brainwashed (like me) to become one that the whole experience is nothing but the Hotel California syndrome, i.e., you can go in but you can't come out without severing your family, financial, emotional, relationship ties, or what have you, all in the name of loving Jehovah! You have potentially saved my life and I can't thank you enough for it.
examplerkey I am so thankful to have finally found my voice, to share my story, and am EVEN MORE thankful and elated to hear that my experiences are helping you. Thank you for sharing this with me. I know it’s not easy when one is searching for the ‘real truth’. I am sending you so so much strength, courage, peace of heart and love to stand in YOUR truth. You are so loved and supported and not alone. Hugs and so much love to you.
@@LearnLoveHeal Thank you so much really for your very kind words, unconditional love and support. It's ironic that the best of JWs had to become ExJWs. WT has to review its doctrine or become extinct, black listed like in Russia or become a religion only for the brain dead. If they have to bring in more Witnesses - one to two, two to four, etc., and then 10% of your salary as donation, it's obvious it's business/marketing model is a pyramid scheme, combined with intrusive confessions and kind of control that you don't even get it in the army so to speak, it seems like it's an outright human rights abuse in the name of religion. The thing is it's a slow death people don't realize easily. They say love is blind, so is the religion. May you find time to heal, find love and be happy.
You are a beautiful human being. I grew up severely abused physically and sexually, constantly blaming the child I was for the pain adults caused me. I spent my childhood feeling deserving of death and undeserving of god. Hearing you sets me free. I believe in real love as well, I believe in compassion, and in helping those who are suffering. I watched my mother lose her mind and my dad rather than worry and help, be embarrassed that as a man and a ministerial servant he couldn't keep his wife "under control". I watched my grandmother, someone I felt a strong bond to, slowly cut me out of her life when she learned who I really was and what I believed and stood for. You are so strong and so am I. We stand for love and this is what we will be remembered by. Much love from California
Such a beautiful, sincere and forthright young woman you are. I know there are certain pains of the past that never go away, but the new found freedom does truly in a large way give an element of peace from it all. When we realise our upbringing and conditioning were all based on lies and false hopes, then in our hearts we can do a much deeper self examination and come to realise that guess what, "I am the normal one in all this". My advise for what it's worth, be very proud of the person you are, don't look back with anger, but with pity and forgiveness, otherwise you will always be a victim and never move forward fully with your life, it's exactly what you owe yourself right now. Do not allow such people rob you of any future peace and happiness. Thanking you for sharing your stories, it will give strength and comfort and courage to so many more. 💚 Much love and best wishes from Ireland 💚
Wow! 😲 What a journey you’ve been through ~ you are a very brave, strong, beautiful and intelligent woman. Thank you for sharing your story with those of us who truly care. I left, Christianity; organized religion some years ago because it was getting so hard to hear messages, if not every Sunday about homosexuality being wrong and how those in the LBGTQ spectrum were destined to Hell ~ well after I reached an age where I felt comfortable enough to leave the church ~ I did and I never looked back ~ and because I’d been so conditioned from a child to an adult I felt I didn’t have voice ~ so I came out to myself and a few family and friends late in life. For the most part over the years I’ve slowly peeled back layers to finally be my authentic self and to walk my truth and to embrace and love my own self ~ it hasn’t been easy, but after going through a lot of heart ache and pain ~ I finally know my worth. You are such beautiful light! And you’re gift of compassion is absolutely incredible! Keep shining your light of love and I pray that you will continue to heal 🤗 Peace ~ Love and Light 🥰🌻 and by the way I knew I was a lesbian we I was 7 years old and repressed it until it made me sick too. I was diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia when I was 12 and I recovered ~ but through the years of repressing stress it showed up in many other ways. I’m 52 years old now and have learned to love myself unconditionally and that’s all that matters now for me ~ thank you again for sharing your story. 👍🏾 ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing your story! It never ceases to amaze me how different all of our stories and experiences are, and yet we still connect on such a deep level and understand each others' heartache. My family is shunning me as well, besides my two brothers who aren't JWs but still believe in it and defend it. I have four sisters, my parents, and uncles and aunts and cousins, etc., that shun me. Stay strong! We need each other, especially those of us who have no one else left.
Wow. This is amazing & I’m thankful you’re sharing. The story of Abraham & his willingness to literally sacrifice his son Isaac is so often cited by jws as a fine example of faith. It gets paralleled to jws and their trust in the organization which I find repulsive as a father. And as a father I simply cannot fathom yours not communicating with you just as I cannot comprehend the practice of shunning within the organization. It is a cult. I’m glad that I left & despite the complexity of your departure I’m happy for your having done so as well. As you said in your videos, leaving is not enough. I look forward to hearing more of your story as you’re able to share.
It is gut wrenching when I hear stories like this...I just hope that as many people as possible will wake up to the truth about "the truth"... It is a huge chunk of life to let go but I hope you will fuller happy life.
As if the elders have PHD's in Psychology. A lot of them are window washers, clean homes, work in supermarkets, do construction etc. Furthermore, they have no formal theological degrees. I know many Pastors and most have Master's degrees in Theology, which also entails them to take many credits in Psychology. They do not intrude and ask detailed questions regarding sexual activity when a person confesses to them. I'm not a Witness; however, I've been surrounded by the cult my whole life, I am currently being shunned by my mother and sister for using JW.Org to demonstrate inconsistencies and contradictions. These 8 knuckle heads in NY are self-appointed, their is nothing scriptural that says Jesus will appoint 8 knuckle heads to give us food in due season. These ppl insert themselves into the scriptures and put themselves above Jesus. I think you should find your Biological mother and form a relationship with her. Your father is delusional like most of the Witnesses, their love is conditional.
That is damn true! It never ceased to amaze me that these men that had no expertise in criminal justice, psychology, theology or much of anything else. I took a couple of psychology classes and would hear some of the advice the elders would give and just be like, "Are you kidding me? You gave someone THAT advice?!" When my older brother was going through his divorce, I recommended that my brother read the James Bond book For Your Eyes Only, specifically the story Quantum of Solace. I had been a ministerial servant and had studied theology and some psychology he was shocked I would recommend that book than quote him something from the Bible. I was like, "there isn't any good literature from the Witnesses, nothing particularly good in the Bible and I knew he wouldn't read anything philosophical. It is amazing to me how uneducated and untrained the leaders in the JW organization are. The congregation I grew up in, most of the elders hadn't even read their Bible cover to cover. At least I don't believe they had. They certainly didn't know it as well as I did since I had read it twice by the time I became a ministerial servant. I mean, I was a ministerial servant from 17-19! How ridiculous is that?! I know so much more about theology, psychology and philosophy now than I did then. I still study theology and philosophy despite being an atheist. Anyway, I didn't mean to ramble on but your comment really struck me in how true and sad it really is! Sorry you have to deal with their shunning bullshit. I wish you the best!
Man. I really felt that jab in the heart. Even after being reinstated and doing all the steps you needed to do... not just your father, but AN ANOINTED ONE!!! couldn't forgive you. I can't even imagine the devastation or hopelessness. Thanks for sharing your story.
I am a father of 3 , all married, and my wife and I were blessed with 7 wonderful kids. We are all doing great. 2 of our sons are married to a Catholic, and one daughter is married to a Jewish. All are raising 7 wonderful kids.. Shunning is forbidden in our family. We practice unconditional love towards each other. After all , God Is Love.
I rejected the religion at age 16 in 1970. There is always pain, bleeding and emotional scar tissue for us. Maybe one day your father will realize what a courageous, spiritual and beautiful woman his daughter has become.
I wouldn't tell elders a thing. I remembered at one time , just after my daughter was raped by a guy in the same year at college. I was with her for the judicial hearing. The asked disgusting questions. I told them that they had no right to ask such intimate private details. My daughter was sitting next to me sobbing her heart out. I took her arm and led her out the door. Slamming the door behind me. That was it, we never back. Hallelujah.
A belief that God wants you to shut out and abandon your own child is a mental illness. Likely, you can't change them. Just do your best to deal with it in anyway that feels ok to you. Find love elsewhere. MANY people are living with 'family issues' Not just jws. Xox
I know this comment is 2 years late but I just stumbled upon your story. I am so proud of you, you made the right decision, I also understand how hard it was going through all of what you went through 🙂
Girl!!! Love the love you have. Blessings to you for your strength and these videos. Waiting with bated breath for the next one. I can't cone soon enough!!!
Very touching story. Are you still not talking to your dad? Happy that you were able to break free and see the organization for the sinister cult that they are... I've been out for about 13 years now. I am being shunned by my family and so called friends, but I am so happy to be freeeeee
Thank you I appreciate that very much. My father is still in the cult, 'anointed' and an elder, so I have only spoken to him once in the 18 years and I'll share it in a future video. I have been so so happy to be free, like you. I'm sorry to hear you're being shunned as well. It's the price we have to pay, but following our heart and doing what feels right to us brings its own rewards. :)
@@LearnLoveHeal Hello lovely, I just want to say how absolutely incredible you are. I am in awe of your courage to share your story with us. I haven't even gotten up enough courage to do that myself. You are truly inspiring me. Thank you for that. I too grew up in the org since birth. I too have the birthday of Jan 5th. Though I think I'm about 10 years older then you. I too have repressed much of the pain that I received from the combination of how I was conditioned aka, trained up through the org and my bio mom. When you say that things that you've told people would be returned with looks of horror, I can so relate to this yet have never heard anyone else express it in the way you have. I mean I never used to just start up a conversation regarding the things I've been through as a child. It will end up having to come up when giving an explanation of why I'm not relating to, or why I haven't experienced certain things from my childhood that they have, so no, I didn't get what they were talking about. That's just how sheltered and naive I was when growing up. I can remember school teacher's of mine talking to my mom about the necessity and importance of me socializing. I thought nothing of my mother disagreeing with this because I knew that, "bad associations spoils useful habits," so I just thought that playing with worldly people wasn't an option. I can remember in my late teens, elders would be talking to my mother after some of the meetings telling her that she needed to not keep me so isolated and began to give me more freedoms. This would be in the main hall and I could hear these conversations they were having with her. I lived through a lot of abuse by the words and hands of my mother throughout my childhood. I knew I could never live up to the expectations of god nor my parents. (My dad was gone a lot.) So when my mother would call me a demonized bitch during one of her many rages that she had, I pretty much excepted that must be why I was such a bad and evil person. I too knew I was a lesbian from childhood and repressed this fact because that is displeasing to Jehovah and everyone else I knew. You are truly a beautiful and compassionate person. Your authenticity is very refreshing. If you are anything like me, you were probably a Daddy's girl. A father's rejection is beyond devastating. I'm so sorry to hear about this rejection. I can't help but think that your step mom has not been honest with you through all of those calls that you made the him. My gut says, there seems to be more than what she told you regarding him not taking to you or returning your calls. I'm looking forward to you sharing more of your story when you're ready.
Linda, I cannot thank you enough for sharing your story with me. And Happy Belated Birthday by the way! :) I can completely empathize with you about what happened in your childhood, although there are some significant differences. I'm so so sorry that it was at the hand of your BIO mom that you suffered abuse. In my case it made more sense as I wasn't actually my step mothers child,... although my father shared with her in the abuse, delivering it himself at times and by doing nothing about how she treated me. We were also made to believe this was normal and expected and that Jehovah approves. This is why, like you, I thought it was normal and that I somehow deserved the abuse I got. Being made to feel like I was a terrible child at every turn, I believed I did deserve it, just like you. Similarly, the details of the past only came up when I'm not able to relate to something 'normal' for other children. This is when I would be looked at in shock, as if I was growing a second head... I know that many in my former congregation knew something was happening at home for me but because they didn't want to bring reproach to J's name, they wouldn't say anything or interfere... so the abuse continued until I moved out at 17. I didn't even realize until last year how severe my abuse was and finally sought help... I literally repressed all the pains from childhood and adolescence , (not believing it even happened) until they manifested in issues with my health, that I will eventually share. I can't thank you enough for sharing with me in my journey. I just hope that I can give you comfort and hope that we can overcome what happened to us and we can thrive, not just survive. So much love and hugs to you Linda.
@@hopgardenhomestead6974 Hello, I'm just wondering about your comment that you made about her. When you stated that, *"she should go back and let her father be what he needs to be,"* is suggesting that *she return to JW{.}ORG* when you say *"she should go back?"* I'm also not clear on what you mean by that part in your comment, where you said, *"and let her father be what he needs to be?"* Is there something getting in the way of her father being *what he needs to be?*
Born again by the Saviour, Jesus Christ, is what everyone needs for them to see the true light. My life has led me down the same path, but the light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the answer; when your final authority is the King James Bible, and by understanding that the book is to and for the Jews, and that all modern bibles are Catholic counterfeits put out by the devil to 'confuse' (even the New World Translation that claims to be from the "Wescott and Hort Greek text: which is a corrupt text- 2 Cor.2:17, in a King James only), by watering down the pure word of God. Psalm 12:6&7. Only the King James can keep us, clearly, on the same page: which says "the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can know it?" (Jer.17:9) We are all sinners and I pray you do repent, and trust the real truth, Jesus Christ.
bless your heart, my dear, my mom heart aches for you. you are very brave & a wonderful role model for young women who are in this cult & think they are unforgivable for whatever ludicrous reason. i have only watched your first 2 vids so i don't know where you are now in your life. i hope you are feeling the happiness & peace you so deserve. God bless :) :) nancy in ga usa
......thank you again for sharing.........i've completely disconnected from the organized church system........Jesus Christ is my best Life........ \o/
OMG! I'm working on my video as well. You gave me chills when you said it was your fathers reaction to you that woke you up, because that's what did it for me. I was trying to get around it so as not to shame him, but it needs to be told. Thank you so much for being vulnerable enough to share your story. Now let the healing begin. Cheers, G.
Welcome to freedom!! We can ALL relate to your story in one way or another! Watchtower is a hard religion to belong to & even harder to get out of! So damaging in many ways. I left 25 years ago and still recovering! The shunning is brutal , but after all these years, my family has become strangers to me of their own choosing. I use to see them as “victims of watchtower”, but now that they know TTATT, and they deny it, I hold them “accountable” for supporting such an evil organization!! I have moved on & made an amazing life but the struggle was enormous. No one should have to lose their entire family for simply leaving a religion, but I now consider it a blessing. It has given me the much needed time to deprogram without them pressuring me to “comeback to Jehovah”. No more of them trying to continually brainwashing me into thinking somehow they have the truth. I pity them for being stuck in that JW bubble!! We are the lucky ones.. freedom is the greatest thing of all . So great that people like you are giving it a voice, helping others with their struggle! Hugs & Love ❣️
Thank you so so much for your comment! I absolutely agree with you and the 18 years away from them actually gave me the time to really decondition as well. Not easy but definitely doable. And you're right! Ahhh freedom. Freedom is our birthright and I am so so happy to finally be free and live authentically. So much love to you!
I. Myself belive it's good to have both 1. Conditional love and. 2. Unconditional love. It. All. Depends who you want to apply it. To. What circumstances surrounds it and. What. Persons to apply it to its our choice to make not the gb. Or. Elders. I. Don't put them on a. Pedestal at all
Thank you for sharing your story. If anything you're a very inspiring person. I love your back drop and I love the colour purple. I was a Bible student for many years, went to all the meetings, assemblies and conventions, really immersed myself into it, but something wasn't right I felt. I was unbaptised for awhile but that didn't last very long then just stopped going. I'm glad to hear the stories of yourself and others it has only open my mind as to what the real truth is.
Dear Shawna, Thank you so much for sharing your story here. I absolutely love your manner of storytelling -- it’s almost too good. You’ve definitely mastered the cliffhanger effect! Now I’ll be here with bated breath until your next video comes out. But no pressure. ;) Of the many things I appreciated while listening to you is that it is quite apparent that you have put a lot of work into your journey towards healing. I personally admire that so much, for what it’s worth. I felt so heartbroken right off the bat to learn that your mother was cut out of you + your sister’s life. I am really looking forward to learning more about you + your life story Shawna. Hugs + Love, Jina
Maybe in your next video, you can continue your story from the last meeting you attended about 13 years ago to today?! I think we are so fascinated and interested by your life story and want you to continue to share with us your life up to your current age of 45!!! We are all so happy for you! You are a good and wonderful person! ❤️❤️❤️. Much love to you! ❤️❤️❤️
love your courage - it is very revealing the elders asking you NOT TO CONTACT YOUR PARENTS - how can they NOT SEE the cruelty of the shunning rules - i'm sure your story is going to help many many people - thanks for sharing
I wish I could just give you a huge mom hug. You are not alone. In truly sorry for what you went through. I not sure if you are on exjw reddit but it has helped me so much, knowing there are so many of us
I have to thank you... You just helped me realize something I should've noticed about two years ago. No true love equals no true religion. Period. I am PIMO. Woke up almost a year ago, but I should've been able to admit to myself that when the person you love the most in your life shuns you, there is no love, no true religion. And I didn't. You were able to discern that. I admire you for that... Thank you again.
Tons of respect….. you are not alone…. So many stories….you are a good person…. The organization is not God it never represented him it never will you are loved….❤. So sorry….healing thank you for having the courage
i have listened the first part of your story and even thought i only had one parent inside this cult (not the rest of the family) coming out as a lesbian to that parent was the most hard thing to do. your story touched me on a personal level, thank you for sharing this with us, it really helped.
Wow, Thank you for sharing your story. You made the right decision. Stay Positive and make the best of your life now. I wish i could give u a big hug. Take care and God bless you!
I can’t imagine how you felt being lesbian and being a Jehovah’s Witness it must have been so hard for you. It’s so abhorred to be lesbian and a Jehovah’s Witness. You tried so hard to go back but it didn’t go in your favour no matter what you did. I’m glad you are healing.!
@@LearnLoveHeal sis , if your "anointed" father COULDN'T COMFORT YOU LIKE "ANOINTED ONE'S SHOULD TAKE CARE OF ALL HUMANS FOR 1000 YEARS" - THEN HE WAS FAKE AND AN A-HOLE !!!! (with all respect to your feelings 😉👍) I mean, REALLY ?!?!? HE CAN'T TALK TO HIS OWN DAUGHTER TO GET HER BACK ON THE "RIGHT WAY" aka the "TRUTH" ?!?! FISHY AND SMELLY 10.000% this is.... 🤢🤮🤮🤮
Sending you love.... I'm happy you escaped.....be strong...I grew up in it but it never felt right with my spirit...I told my mom in elementary school but she grew up in it and is too far gone.....the awakening is real...
You are so amazing!!!! If your purpose has not been revealed to you yet I pray that it is soon. When you get to a place where you see all the positives in these negatives your courage, strength and clearly loving qualities will be richly rewarded and extremely beneficial to all you touch. Be blessed!!!
So, Jehovah forgave you, yet one of the 114,000, whom we are told are chosen for their compassion and empathy, will not even talk to his daughter. Sorry, but not the kind of “king” I want ruling over me.
LearnLoveHeal - Ironically it was one of the 144,000 that finally did it for me too. Tony Morris is responsible for my complete awakening. Watching this man in action made me realize that this religion is completely false.
I feel it’s not the “King” who’s at fault, it’s people in Any religion, but especially this one who profess to be “anointed” by God and are putting on great aires and pontificating that they’re directed (inspired) by God. Since the whole 1914 “This Generation” doctrine was a completely erroneous teaching; obviously the GB’s belief in Rutherford’s proclamation that Jesus anointed them in 1919 is a complete fallacy too. It’s an event yet to come perhaps, but the GB is completely deluded, just like Rutherford was about receiving messages from angels, the prophets coming back to rule the earth and the End coming in 1925, etc. It’s interesting too, how none of the 144,000 can describe how they know they were “appointed”. It’s all so crazy ! !
I know her father, and told him if he was going to be ruling over me in the "new system" I didn't want to be there. He's also a musician who, when playing a gig with a band, took the lion's share of money. When I called him out and asked why, his answer was "because I'm the star of the show". Says it all.
LearnLoveHeal - I’m honestly very sorry to hear how this organization has eroded your relationship with your father. Regardless of religion disagreements, I’m sure you still love him and miss him very much.
I love your story although you havent finished it. Thank you for opening up and sharing your personal stuff. As a mother, I cannot imagine living without my children and that is the reason I am still stuck in the org as a pimo because I havent been able to figure out how to exit with my babies (their jw father, who by the way has threaten me to take them away and even to not allow me to see them). So, I am still here. I interested in knowing how is it that ur father received full custody and didnt allow ur mother to see her children. It is very sad and I can understand that being in the situation that u were (not with bio mother and now your father taking a radicalized point of view) that is being shunned by ur father without being disfellowshipped. However, it happens everyday in the congregations of that evil cult.
You are absolutely right that my story isn't finished yet... so so much has happened and TBH I am hoping to finally find my bio mom. I was only told the side of my father so I am reluctant to share it as I feel it was biased, but I will explain in more detail what happened in future videos. My father promised my bio mom that he would write back to her (about us) until we were of an age to understand the situation, then he would give us the letters and let us write her directly. But my father and stepmom stopped writing her back and then she lost us, stopped writing because she thought we weren't getting the letter. And ultimately we didn't get them. They never told us she wrote us, nor did they ever give us the letters,... so they kept us from her. :/ I can't imagine what you are going through having to be PIMO because you don't want to lose your babies. This must be hard and I am sending you all my love and support; hopefully more about this despicable business posing as a religion will be exposed so that the courts will rule in favour of the parents who are not brainwashed and in a cult. So much love to you!
Feb rod contact a domestic violence place . they are used to hearing stories about being abused over children and can help you with advice on what to do . I don’t know what state you’re in but they should be in the Yellow pages
the last meeting I went to I couldn't sit through either. I left and never went back. im glad you did too. sometimes I wonder what my relationship would be like with certain j-dubs that I loved and had to leave. but I have relationships with people now that give me unconditional love.
I'm so so happy for you that you found truly undoncitionally loving friendships. We are so brainwashed into believing that life on the 'outside' is hell and that we will all shrivel up from loneliness and sadness, but that is so so far from the truth. I also have found a true family who loves me unconditionally, no matter what I believe. It feels good to be loved for who I really am. :) Big hugs and love to you!
@@LearnLoveHeal still I am serving in one of the congregations.. you video made feel so sad about our brother and sisters who are having the same problems.. 100 of 1000's around the world!..I know Jehovah loves you and He loves me too.. but those hypocrites elders are a bunch of animals.. induced by Satan to represents our Lovely Creator Jehovah falsely ..
Enjoyed your video, I'm x jw, like hearing about JW, that are get out and doing there best to have a good life, you have a great day, once again really enjoyed the video
I have been moved by both of your videos. I ask myself whatever you should be forgiven for? By whom? Why seek forgiveness when you have done no wrong except in the book of a repressive, arrogant cult that sees itself as having a monopoly on the truth? I know of no other religious group that has such a completely negative view of the world and of humanity. As far as your family is concerned, JW's are far from being the only people with dysfunctional families. Everywhere you find people who cut off their parents or their children, their wives and husbands, accompanied by a huge amount of hurt and trauma. Our only option is to get on with our own life, build up our self-confidence and take on the difficult task of finding what makes sense to us and what we are prepared, as individuals, to live and to die for. That alone is the way to find peace within ourselves. Take the opening of John's gospel: "In Him was life and the life was the light of human beings. And the light shines in the darkness but the darkness comprehended it not." What is the light of human beings that shines in the darkness? If you disregard all the theology and all the beliefs and concepts of God around the gospel, the answer, in my opinion, is quite plain. Thought is the light that shines in the inner darkness of the human mind. It gives us the capacity to live as human beings, to give life and to educate future communities that they may continue life as we know it. Without human language we should have no concept of any god. The fact that, for us, a god exists is due to the fact that we can think it, that there is a Word for it. My feeling is that with the capacity to, as is said, find the Kingdom of Heaven within us, we can also make our peace with the world and with those around us who have helped, wronged, loved and disliked us.
I'd assume that the reason they were lenient with you was because the congregation was simply too small to bear having an icky disfellowshipped person attending. This is the same reason they were so quick to try and give you your so-called privileges back. When you stopped pioneering, their number of pioneers dropped by a huge percent lol because there were so few members. It's funny to me how something as arbitrary as the size of a congregation will determine how punishment is meted out, how privileges are assigned, etc. For example, based on my experience, how young they're willing to go on elder appointments seems to correlate to the size of the congregation. The smaller the congregation, the younger one can be appointed. Anyhow, I'm glad you woke up and made it out.
this evil cult it has damaged so many .All this in younger life shapes your later life ..no one goes to heaven ..ALL those in the graves will rise john 5:28,29 on earth ,They have made divisions among the brothers and sisters .
Wow. God bless you. No daughter deserves to be treated this way. Hopefully someday your dad will learn a little wisdom from you since you have so much more loving wisdom to learn from.
Sawna, what a heart-wrenching story! Thank you very much for pouring your heart out and sharing it. You spent so many years searching for truth and love and a relationships especially with God through JW and you did not find it... because it is not found there. Their love is not real but conditional and based on "perormance". That is clear from the response of your dad (who is not of the 144,000 by the way. Read about them in Rev. 7 and 14). Think about how Jesus responded to the sinful woman at the well in Samaria, or the woman caught in adultery. Forgiveness, acceptance, love, and an offer of life and living water found only in him. That is the example to follow, and not what your father did. JW are are a control group. Study the BITE model of organizational control and you will understand better why they are how they are. They have twisted doctrine and a mistranslated Bible. It is sad about your Father and family but they are caught up in it and don't know any better because they are blinded. The only hope for a restored relationship with your family is for them to wake up. It is possible. Many are finding that it is not the "truth" and leaving and videos like yours help. You did not share the rest of your story and I hope it includes a further pursuit of the real truth of Scripture and especially finding the truth about Jesus Christ who is ignored by the organization but central in scripture. So continue your journey. As for the hurt you carry, Jesus said, "come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest."
Thank you so much Mister G, I appreciate your support and encouragement tremendously. And you're so absolutely right about my father, this is precisely the reason I knew this was not the truth, nor based on true unconditional love.. I still love Jesus and God, just not the brainwashing cult. Thank you again for watching and commenting!
Very touching! I to was raised as a JW for over 27 years. I was a regular Axilary gotta a year, going public prayers, and reading at the book studys. And since I was only 12 yrs old, struggled with homosexuality. But I stayed loyal from 1977-2004, where I finally found the real true behind the truth. In yr 2012, I disassociated myself! A month before I left the cult (2004) the had to confess to the elders with my homosexual tendency. And of course, they private approved me, which that really bothered me!
First you are so brave and strong. I recently lost my entire family also because I told them I was gay. I love all my family so much and we were all so close. Very close. It’s been a tough road but I am glad I am no longer a part of it. I was always so depressed when I went to the meeting. Everyone is so fake with their conditional love. I just want you to know that I am so sorry you went through that and we’re all alone. It’s emotional blackmail and it’s disgusting. It’s hard on all of us ex witnesses because we we have to suffer to loss of our parents twice. Once after they shun you then eventually as life takes its course. Being gay is hard enough but when you lose everything you have ever known makes it so much harder.
Thank you so much for sharing with me and watching Desert Rose. I am so sorry you are going through a similar experience; I'm sending so much love and support to you. I agree completely that it's emotional blackmail, what the WT does.. so sad. I too am so so happy to be out of it, free and living authentically. It's not easy to lose our families, but at least we're not alone. Sending you warm hugs and love.
Thanks for sharing. I'm so sorry about the loss of your relationship with your dad. Do you think he got wind of your lesbian affair? Some jws might forgive everything but that , because of their indoctrination . I'm looking forward to more of your story. BTW, I suffered a head nerve pain condition for many years , and I put it down to repressed frustration at not being able to speak my mind freely as a jw. I did eventually, and got df'd for it!
Thank you for your comment and watching! My dad did eventually get wind, as I told him, but that's a story that I'll definitley share. And you're right, homosexuality is not even on the radar of 'forgivable offences' lol. Regarding your head pain, it makes sense about not being able to speak your mind. (I'm so glad you did! Not surprised you got Df'd for it!) I have much to say on this topic as I suffered several health issues due to repressed child abuse AND not being allowed to speak. It's all very telling and I'm certain others share symptoms I've had due to similar traumas and cult indoctrination. I'm glad you're out and living free! Hopefully without any more head pain :)
I've been out nearly six years now and only in the last year has my headache improved. I'm still medicated for it but I'm hopeful that in the near future I can come off it. I have a RUclips channel too., which is aimed more at doubting jws. Looking forward to more of your story. I'm sure it's going to help a lot of people.
That's awesome! I'll certainly check out your channe! I'm also so happy you're out and I hope the headaches finally leave you for good! They are no walk in the park, especially when their reason for being is repressed trauma or guilt. Thank you again for watching and sharing with me.
Thanks for your stories. It seems weird that your Dad, as head of household and supposedly so wisely annointed to stand with Jesus in heaven could not speak, or counsel you when you asked to speak with him. You were not disfellowshipped (which was also unusual), so why no communication? Was there no words of wisdom for his daughter? Wouldn't his anointing provide protection from any possible threat of bad association? Contradictions and cruelties abound in the organization and we on the outside are so glad you escaped. May you continue to learn, heal, and recover from the mind control and conditional love of the watchtower business religion.
That's just exactly it! This organization pretends to be inspired, but the contradictions are just too rampant.. there was a part of me that realized they didn't want to lose me out of the TINY congregation I was in, I was generally very positive and hard working, giving talks, commenting, etc... so they just wanted me back on the horse... also, considering what they discovered about my childhood, I think that made them forgive me faster as they thought my fling had more to do with my abuse.. which I will eventually get into a little more. Thanks for your comment!
Thanks for sharing your story. I studied and became a JW- the three things I liked was God's concern for the physical planet, that he loves and cares for all people in all nations (a lack of prejudice), and the removal in the hell fire doctrine- to not send people to an eternal punishment- never seemed right or just. You added another aspect to this- a child losing her father because he is going to heaven. The need of any child is for security and love. Listening to all of the ex JW stories growing up in the truth, I came to realized that those growing up have the same fear with the event of Armageddon and the need to be baptized held over their heads. When I think about all of the materials and bible scriptures I have read, I was touched by the parts that seem to have depth of feeling. Hebrews chapters 3 through 5 always touched me because it talks about high priests who can sympathize with our weaknesses and can have compassion for us. In this quest to please God and jump the high bars in our obedience and proving our faith and putting nothing else, including family, I think we take (JWS & org) away from the qualities that we need to have. We need critical thinkers as well as qualities and skills to survive- children as well as adults. There are many areas that I have been affected by and am concerned about revolving around JW Org practices and teachings. They could have evolved along a much healthier path than they did leading to a more healthier mindset.
From the outside, the beliefs the JW's offer seem to give hope and promote a healthy happy life full of love and kindness, but when you take a closer look, it all just points to one simple fact. It's a business masquerading as a religion, while promoting and condoning horrendous behaviour... all the while completely brainwashing those in to believe only Jehovah can save them, and that he is a god of love. Being on the inside and living through what I lived through knowing this, I can say I swallowed and believed, until I started thinking for myself, for what felt right in my heart.... and it's not the JW business.
Many times step parents will not accept and love their step kids even in the truth. It's sad. And your dad was of 144,000. Wow. That must have been mind blowing. I bet you felt always in the spot light. This made me cry for you. I would feel basically that i could never be able to live up to that. Omg. Bless you.
I feel your pain. Just watching and listening to your story reminds so much of my own daughter who is a fully indoctrinated jw.... she very rarely contacts me and I do believe she too has been told to keep the contact to a minimum with me as I don't agree with the religion and told her so nearly 6 years ago. I have paid the price so heavily ever since.... my right to be a mother to my daughter has been torn away from me and I feel the pain every single day so I can go some way to know how your feeling about your dad. ..I feel for you I really do. This cult is evil! Loved your video thank you.
Cant believe your Dad that claims he will rule with Jesus in the new system wont speak to you that is his own flesh what chance will one have that is one of the great crowd.But we know better now that what we were taught is utter crap.You are such open person you did have to share to convince anyone as we all born in imperfection. Take care my dear sister. I left twenty years ago.
There may be some truth in The Truth, sister, but without love it's just noise. What your dad did to you by retracting his love for you disqualifies him from any claim to sainthood. He should judge over mankind? Shudder the thought! Jesus knew in his heart that Peter would come back to Him after his fall, and was to use his experience for the benefit of the brethren. Your father seems to have skipped over that piece of scripture. He's been institutionalized. You're a great woman. Maybe you're the saint in the family! I wish I could embrace you. I have a daughter in your age. When she was disfellowshiped we regrettably had fights, but I never would give her up. No way. If your dad could only see his girl; my how she has grown in understanding and compassion! We're here to learn and the learning process never stops. Be well, Dearest, we need you and people like you with a heart. You're indispensable. There's always light at the end of the tunnel. My heart goes out to you
Im the son of an elder and i was a ministerial servant, raised in the organization. I can relate so much and i can say its hard but ive experience true happiness on the outside. Welcome to being unbrainwashed, things get better
The situation with jw and memorial must be a total joy to Satan the devil. I'm glad your father had the strength to not let wt doctrine hold him back from partaking but he let you down badly in the way he responded to your confession.
Thank you for sharing your story. It is good to hear from one of the "annointed"s Children. What a good point that he is supposed to be judging the eath..But Can't forivge his child.. It doesn't give any hope for having them as rulers does it.? I know it hurts. Millions of us are shunned. But we are free. We can help others. Buggest hugs to you x0x0x0 ❤
I couldn't agree more Irene. It all just shoes how much power these beliefs have over them... Thank you for watching and your hugs! Love and hugs right back!
@Irene Shea - Quote What a good point that he is supposed to be judging the eath..But Can't forivge his child.. Unquote. It's getting much much worse, since according to more recent WT theology these prospective co-rulers will share with Christ and his angelic troops in the global Armageddon slaughter. It's repugnant just to mention that. Love -unconditional - and greetings from old Germany and a 75 survivor. And THANK YOU LearnLoveHeal !
@@LearnLoveHeal " It all just shoes how much power these beliefs have over them ... " Yes indeed. Example: the perpetuated policy of shunning of "disloyal" family members, as expressed again in the Monday morning day's text comment, first sentence (from WT2017, #10, p.16 §19-21) Text: "Discipline … is painful" … Hebr.12:11 Comment: Despite our pain of heart, we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone, text message, letters, e-mails, or social media. Yet, maintain hope. Love " hopes all things," including that those who have left Jehovah will come back to him." So obviously the writers of such disgusting stuff equate Jehovah with their own organisation. Blasphemous? I answer with a resounding Yes! (Fred Franz style)
I could see the pain in your voice still after all these years, very common to ex JW s . I just want to say that it’s fascinating and horrible how having biblical doctrine and totally change a persons life. What I have done over the years is really research Christianity history doctrine and just trying to find the truth like we all do, and it’s painfully obvious that the Jehovah’s Witness doctrine about 144,000 is not even correct. Totally invented by Rutherford . So here is this thing that they’ve totally misunderstood about the Bible, destroyed the dynamic of your family and it caused you pain I don’t know if you still believe in God or the Bible, I happen to, and there is no thing ever taught there a separate families in the future. All Christians are Anointed there is no two groups of Christian Anyway thank you for sharing your story
Thank you for sharing. I was in for 45 years and I always knew they did not have true Christian love. That was a big reason for leaving. An elder told me in a judicial meeting that if Jesus was here on earth, he may have executed me. Let that sink in.
I feel that there is always something that makes the REAL good-hearted ones see that this religion wasn't the truth. In your case, you got that answer from your own father being "anointed"
@@LearnLoveHeal I shared your video with my husband so he could watch it too. We are both in our 60s. He just watched it and said it moved him to tears, you are a lovely young lady and he just wished we could give you a big hug. We'd be proud to have you as a daughter. Take care and be strong and thank you for bravely sharing your story. We look forward to hearing more from you.
I can't believe it's been 5 years since you've popped up in my youtube feed. I'm 71 now and just know, there are no guarantees of another day. Feel free to reach out. Hope you are doing well, and finally woke up to the truth about the truth.
@20:05. 😆. Jesus went to the weak and down-trodden. In the Kingdom Hall, these are the people you mark and avoid as bad association. They let them fade away while focus is placed on the strong who will make these seeking to get ahead get stronger. It’s the Wild West.
One day my mom who was considered an apostate 'Partook of the Emblems' during a memorial and she was asked to leave the KH and never come again.... That was so wired coz i think only WHITE JWs were meant to be but as a Kenyan, 'what was she trying to be? ANOINTED?' These people are just psycho.
Your story is very touching, it takes courage to share it, and you should be commended for doing so. A few key points below. - God IS love, his very essence. - All 12 of the apostles (Matthias replacing Judas) died believing Jesus was God incarnate. Eleven of them died as martyrs for this belief and the 12th, St John, died in exile on the Island of Patmos. We know they believed Jesus was God as they all taught their descendants the same. - The WT follows a _very_ old heresy believing that Jesus was created. - God became man so that we could be in his presence forever. ALL mankind, not limited to 144,000 who taken in a literalist way are all celibate Israelite men. (That only a 144K will go to heaven is a man-made tradition by Charles Russell, unheard of in Christianity before this time) - Human nature is corrupted. We all have the inclination to sin and *all* sin is disordered. - Yet God as a Father always calls us back to him, to repent and ask for his forgiveness. We do, we are forgiven. - The Parable of the Lost Son, Luke 15, illustrates his love, his forgiveness. _18 I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ 20 And he arose and came to his father. But while he was yet at a distance, _*_his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him._*_ 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ 22 But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet; 23 and bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; 24 for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to make merry._ The Father *RUNS* to his wayward son and forgives him. He *CELEBRATES* his return. Your father didn't follow the example scripture teaches. We all need to inform our intellect of the Truth of the Gospel, and follow Him. As his mother says: _do whatever he tells you._ In the end, we seek and follow him, not creating him in our own image of him, but as he is. We conform our lives to his truth.
Just for the record, you are GREATLY LOVED, VALUED and APPRECIATED. By your coming out with your TRUTH, you are helping so many others. I'm just hoping that you don't turn your back on Jehovah and Jesus Christ for the foolishness of this God forsaken Cult. Remember beautiful lady, Jehovah and Jesus has done nothing to you, accept help to wake you up. I think you are smart enough to be so grateful for that. We can only continue to pray that someday Jehovah will see fit to wake up your Dad and stepmother. You are in my prayers and may Jehovah BLESS you ABUNDANTLY for all the help and support you give to so many. I genuinely, truly LOVE you. Again, thank you so very much.
Hello I listen how you poured out your heart and can only think how much you love your father and how devastated you must have been to be rejected by him. I am thinking of the woman caught in Adultery after being rejected by the Elders of the law Jesus forgave her with the words of John 8:10 "Woman where art they Has no one condemned you?" 11 No one sir, she said . "Then neither do I condemn you". I also remember the woman who poured expensive oil on Jesus feet. Luke 7:47 " Therefore I tell you her many sins are forgiven as her great love has shown. But whoever has forgiven little loves little. Jesus love and mercy and compassion shows that he understands your pain and has forgiven you. I was a Elder for 10 years and was in the organization for over 30 years 1972-2004 and I was also anointed for over 30 years I am still a Christian but not a JW anymore. As a former Elder and Anointed one I hope the love of Jesus will guide you always to know Jesus is always there to love you and forgive you. You are Forgiven and hope you can find peace and joy in knowing Jesus Christ more.
You don’t need forgiveness. You’ve never done anything wrong. Any guilt you felt was planted there by Window cleaners, in order for you to be judged by electricians and plumbers. You are a good, intelligent person who has saved her true self from a silly, harmful doomsday cult. All the best wishes to you.
Hi …... I heard your name but I am not sure how you spell it so I wont mess it up....lol I just watched this video and I have to say I could feel your pain as I watched you. Just know that sharing this is a big step in healing. You seem like an incredible woman and a strong woman. You showed me another side to being a child in this evil organization. I never thought of the pain the kids of the 144000 would deal with of not seeing their parents because they wouldn't end up in the same place. You did the right thing in leaving and you have to realize God would never be leading an organization that throws a persons kids away like that. God says to love your neighbor as you love yourself but yet Gods organization shuns their own family? I heard you say a couple of times that you messed up or was bad..... Just know Shawna that you might have messed up or done bad in The organizations eyes but in Gods eyes you are one of his Children....you did what is normal. Like I told you on your other video I am not a witness nor have I ever been but I spent 3 years going to a Kingdom Hall so I saw how they brainwashed and Lied. I could see then what they were doing to beautiful people and I come here and see the results. Im so sorry you had to live all of this but God see's you. God also see's the leaders of that cult and just when they really need Gods Help is when they will realize how wrong they were. Stay strong and take satisfaction in knowing you are helping a lot of people in the same boat as you. By the way.....it is okay to cry. God gave you that ability for a reason. Your story makes me cry so cry and be proud of it. I am just so happy you finally found "the TRUTH"
Hi hun! I to grew up with out my mother when i did found out about my mother she is one of Jehovah's Witnesses! now i was never baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses! But thank you for sharing your story! hun! 😐😐
Read Romans 8. You're either in or you're out. The 'anointed class' is every believer. If you're not a believer ... well, read Romans 8. It says it all.
daughter of 144 000 must be something like being the daughter of a celebrity and that was an issue for me at the moment that I felt that I had to SHARE my 'spiritual' experiences ... I almost MUST feel ashamed when I say that I played the leading part in one of the most bizarre stories ever told and that is also the reason why I had A MENTAL TWIN SISTER, a rare form of MPS ... I simply can't ignore it anymore and telling my story will end the codependency of a GOD that has been created to camouflage the complete lack of RESPECT for the FEMALE identity, we either have to serve a father, a brother or a son and often pay it with being SHUNNED for questionable reasons ... I SPEAK WITH AN ENTITY, who refuses to have a name, he came when I had NOBODY to talk with, the things that happened were too frightening and I knew that it was all by a script that I was not aware of. There have been periods of detachment, the first time when I was 18 months old, thank god, my parents were not left in the cold - THEY KNEW IT WAS ME FROM THE MOMENT I WAS BORN but didn't know why ... I lived A NORMAL LIFE until everything turned against me, it wasn't logical anymore but nobody gave me the key, we are living so unnatural that we balance over a deep cliff, we HAVE TO CHANGE OUR MENTALITY and choose for E-QUALITY ... Karen Kiebooms is just one body and one life, I can bring prosperity when there is something to work with and that's why we have to keep the internet clean from narcissistic policies - let people tell what happened in their lives and find collective solutions instead of punishing the appointed perpetrators ... NOTHING is good or wrong in itself, something that has to be adviced in one situation, may have to be discouraged in another, having an independent mind can solve the problems of another person and believe me, it often comes from a place where you were unaware of ... THE PSYCHE is vulnerable and has to be seen as the thyroid of the brain - my body is in a bad shape and I got eight years on top to prevent a global disaster - no kidding and don't let yourself be fooled by the fact that I have to use the comment box on RUclips - all the other canals have been blocked ... double or quit, there will be time to explain everything and then people will understand how SICK we have become - no wonder that we fear death and disaster because that's the only way we still can cope with our environment ... my 3 children need to have THEIR OWN LIFE, I am a mother like so many other women, who have to GIVE AWAY THEIR CHILDREN to people who can't even love them for real. WOMEN are responsible for THE FUTURE and men for the PRESENT - STOP using us for your own narcissistic egotripping and start to see HOW MUCH WOMEN HAVE TO TAKE FOR GRANTED ... I had a fine pair of parents, who had to deal with a SPECIAL child that they cared for as they've cared for my brother and sister, when they needed us, we were there as a family and that means something we often forget - QUALITY IS ADDED VALUE, we have to feed both body and mind with healthy food - not with OLD STORIES that NEVER have served us in any way ... btw - I advise to watch CRP's I AM TIRED ... he piles everything up as if he has nothing to do with the cause ... he has a lot of blind followers that make humanity a shameful experience ... doesn't the Bible tells us THAT WE ARE GOD'S MOST PRECIOUS CREATION - being born in the IMAGE of CHRIST???
ExJW like you talking about your experience so courageously not only gives emotional and moral support to serving Witnesses who are contemplating to make their life changing decisions to get "out of the darkness into the light", but also reaffirms those who are consciously or otherwise being brainwashed (like me) to become one that the whole experience is nothing but the Hotel California syndrome, i.e., you can go in but you can't come out without severing your family, financial, emotional, relationship ties, or what have you, all in the name of loving Jehovah! You have potentially saved my life and I can't thank you enough for it.
examplerkey I am so thankful to have finally found my voice, to share my story, and am EVEN MORE thankful and elated to hear that my experiences are helping you. Thank you for sharing this with me. I know it’s not easy when one is searching for the ‘real truth’. I am sending you so so much strength, courage, peace of heart and love to stand in YOUR truth. You are so loved and supported and not alone. Hugs and so much love to you.
@@LearnLoveHeal Thank you so much really for your very kind words, unconditional love and support. It's ironic that the best of JWs had to become ExJWs. WT has to review its doctrine or become extinct, black listed like in Russia or become a religion only for the brain dead. If they have to bring in more Witnesses - one to two, two to four, etc., and then 10% of your salary as donation, it's obvious it's business/marketing model is a pyramid scheme, combined with intrusive confessions and kind of control that you don't even get it in the army so to speak, it seems like it's an outright human rights abuse in the name of religion. The thing is it's a slow death people don't realize easily. They say love is blind, so is the religion. May you find time to heal, find love and be happy.
You are a beautiful human being. I grew up severely abused physically and sexually, constantly blaming the child I was for the pain adults caused me. I spent my childhood feeling deserving of death and undeserving of god. Hearing you sets me free. I believe in real love as well, I believe in compassion, and in helping those who are suffering. I watched my mother lose her mind and my dad rather than worry and help, be embarrassed that as a man and a ministerial servant he couldn't keep his wife "under control". I watched my grandmother, someone I felt a strong bond to, slowly cut me out of her life when she learned who I really was and what I believed and stood for. You are so strong and so am I. We stand for love and this is what we will be remembered by. Much love from California
Such a beautiful, sincere and forthright young woman you are. I know there are certain pains of the past that never go away, but the new found freedom does truly in a large way give an element of peace from it all. When we realise our upbringing and conditioning were all based on lies and false hopes, then in our hearts we can do a much deeper self examination and come to realise that guess what, "I am the normal one in all this". My advise for what it's worth, be very proud of the person you are, don't look back with anger, but with pity and forgiveness, otherwise you will always be a victim and never move forward fully with your life, it's exactly what you owe yourself right now. Do not allow such people rob you of any future peace and happiness. Thanking you for sharing your stories, it will give strength and comfort and courage to so many more.
💚 Much love and best wishes from Ireland 💚
Wow! 😲 What a journey you’ve been through ~ you are a very brave, strong, beautiful and intelligent woman. Thank you for sharing your story with those of us who truly care. I left, Christianity; organized religion some years ago because it was getting so hard to hear messages, if not every Sunday about homosexuality being wrong and how those in the LBGTQ spectrum were destined to Hell ~ well after I reached an age where I felt comfortable enough to leave the church ~ I did and I never looked back ~ and because I’d been so conditioned from a child to an adult I felt I didn’t have voice ~ so I came out to myself and a few family and friends late in life. For the most part over the years I’ve slowly peeled back layers to finally be my authentic self and to walk my truth and to embrace and love my own self ~ it hasn’t been easy, but after going through a lot of heart ache and pain ~ I finally know my worth. You are such beautiful light! And you’re gift of compassion is absolutely incredible! Keep shining your light of love and I pray that you will continue to heal 🤗 Peace ~ Love and Light 🥰🌻 and by the way I knew I was a lesbian we I was 7 years old and repressed it until it made me sick too. I was diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia when I was 12 and I recovered ~ but through the years of repressing stress it showed up in many other ways. I’m 52 years old now and have learned to love myself unconditionally and that’s all that matters now for me ~ thank you again for sharing your story. 👍🏾 ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing your story! It never ceases to amaze me how different all of our stories and experiences are, and yet we still connect on such a deep level and understand each others' heartache. My family is shunning me as well, besides my two brothers who aren't JWs but still believe in it and defend it. I have four sisters, my parents, and uncles and aunts and cousins, etc., that shun me. Stay strong! We need each other, especially those of us who have no one else left.
Thank you so much!! We are all here for each other! We are not alone. So much love to you
Wow. This is amazing & I’m thankful you’re sharing.
The story of Abraham & his willingness to literally sacrifice his son Isaac is so often cited by jws as a fine example of faith. It gets paralleled to jws and their trust in the organization which I find repulsive as a father. And as a father I simply cannot fathom yours not communicating with you just as I cannot comprehend the practice of shunning within the organization.
It is a cult. I’m glad that I left & despite the complexity of your departure I’m happy for your having done so as well.
As you said in your videos, leaving is not enough. I look forward to hearing more of your story as you’re able to share.
It is gut wrenching when I hear stories like this...I just hope that as many people as possible will wake up to the truth about "the truth"... It is a huge chunk of life to let go but I hope you will fuller happy life.
As if the elders have PHD's in Psychology. A lot of them are window washers, clean homes, work in supermarkets, do construction etc. Furthermore, they have no formal theological degrees. I know many Pastors and most have Master's degrees in Theology, which also entails them to take many credits in Psychology. They do not intrude and ask detailed questions regarding sexual activity when a person confesses to them.
I'm not a Witness; however, I've been surrounded by the cult my whole life, I am currently being shunned by my mother and sister for using JW.Org to demonstrate inconsistencies and contradictions. These 8 knuckle heads in NY are self-appointed, their is nothing scriptural that says Jesus will appoint 8 knuckle heads to give us food in due season. These ppl insert themselves into the scriptures and put themselves above Jesus. I think you should find your Biological mother and form a relationship with her.
Your father is delusional like most of the Witnesses, their love is conditional.
That is damn true! It never ceased to amaze me that these men that had no expertise in criminal justice, psychology, theology or much of anything else. I took a couple of psychology classes and would hear some of the advice the elders would give and just be like, "Are you kidding me? You gave someone THAT advice?!" When my older brother was going through his divorce, I recommended that my brother read the James Bond book For Your Eyes Only, specifically the story Quantum of Solace. I had been a ministerial servant and had studied theology and some psychology he was shocked I would recommend that book than quote him something from the Bible. I was like, "there isn't any good literature from the Witnesses, nothing particularly good in the Bible and I knew he wouldn't read anything philosophical. It is amazing to me how uneducated and untrained the leaders in the JW organization are. The congregation I grew up in, most of the elders hadn't even read their Bible cover to cover. At least I don't believe they had. They certainly didn't know it as well as I did since I had read it twice by the time I became a ministerial servant. I mean, I was a ministerial servant from 17-19! How ridiculous is that?! I know so much more about theology, psychology and philosophy now than I did then. I still study theology and philosophy despite being an atheist.
Anyway, I didn't mean to ramble on but your comment really struck me in how true and sad it really is! Sorry you have to deal with their shunning bullshit. I wish you the best!
Man. I really felt that jab in the heart. Even after being reinstated and doing all the steps you needed to do... not just your father, but AN ANOINTED ONE!!! couldn't forgive you. I can't even imagine the devastation or hopelessness. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you. Similar story, similar age. Am currently seeking help for so much related trauma. Thank you for your courage.
I am a father of 3 , all married, and my wife and I were blessed with 7 wonderful kids. We are all doing great. 2 of our sons are married to a Catholic, and one daughter is married to a Jewish. All are raising 7 wonderful kids.. Shunning is forbidden in our family. We practice unconditional love towards each other. After all , God Is Love.
You are so brave to share your story, thank you so much. I look forward to the rest.
I rejected the religion at age 16 in 1970. There is always pain, bleeding and emotional scar tissue for us. Maybe one day your father will realize what a courageous, spiritual and beautiful woman his daughter has become.
Thank you. That is very kind of you to say.
I wouldn't tell elders a thing. I remembered at one time , just after my daughter was raped by a guy in the same year at college. I was with her for the judicial hearing. The asked disgusting questions. I told them that they had no right to ask such intimate private details. My daughter was sitting next to me sobbing her heart out. I took her arm and led her out the door. Slamming the door behind me. That was it, we never back. Hallelujah.
A belief that God wants you to shut out and abandon your own child is a mental illness.
Likely, you can't change them.
Just do your best to deal with it in anyway that feels ok to you.
Find love elsewhere.
MANY people are living with 'family issues'
Not just jws. Xox
@@sheilacollinge4789 bravo mamma!
I agree
I know this comment is 2 years late but I just stumbled upon your story. I am so proud of you, you made the right decision, I also understand how hard it was going through all of what you went through 🙂
Love the love you have.
Blessings to you for your strength and these videos.
Waiting with bated breath for the next one.
I can't cone soon enough!!!
Very touching story. Are you still not talking to your dad?
Happy that you were able to break free and see the organization for the sinister cult that they are... I've been out for about 13 years now. I am being shunned by my family and so called friends, but I am so happy to be freeeeee
Thank you I appreciate that very much. My father is still in the cult, 'anointed' and an elder, so I have only spoken to him once in the 18 years and I'll share it in a future video. I have been so so happy to be free, like you. I'm sorry to hear you're being shunned as well. It's the price we have to pay, but following our heart and doing what feels right to us brings its own rewards. :)
@@LearnLoveHeal Hello lovely,
I just want to say how absolutely incredible you are. I am in awe of your courage to share your story with us. I haven't even gotten up enough courage to do that myself. You are truly inspiring me. Thank you for that.
I too grew up in the org since birth. I too have the birthday of Jan 5th. Though I think I'm about 10 years older then you.
I too have repressed much of the pain that I received from the combination of how I was conditioned aka, trained up through the org and my bio mom. When you say that things that you've told people would be returned with looks of horror, I can so relate to this yet have never heard anyone else express it in the way you have. I mean I never used to just start up a conversation regarding the things I've been through as a child. It will end up having to come up when giving an explanation of why I'm not relating to, or why I haven't experienced certain things from my childhood that they have, so no, I didn't get what they were talking about.
That's just how sheltered and naive I was when growing up. I can remember school teacher's of mine talking to my mom about the necessity and importance of me socializing. I thought nothing of my mother disagreeing with this because I knew that, "bad associations spoils useful habits," so I just thought that playing with worldly people wasn't an option.
I can remember in my late teens, elders would be talking to my mother after some of the meetings telling her that she needed to not keep me so isolated and began to give me more freedoms. This would be in the main hall and I could hear these conversations they were having with her.
I lived through a lot of abuse by the words and hands of my mother throughout my childhood. I knew I could never live up to the expectations of god nor my parents. (My dad was gone a lot.) So when my mother would call me a demonized bitch during one of her many rages that she had, I pretty much excepted that must be why I was such a bad and evil person.
I too knew I was a lesbian from childhood and repressed this fact because that is displeasing to Jehovah and everyone else I knew.
You are truly a beautiful and compassionate person.
Your authenticity is very refreshing. If you are anything like me, you were probably a Daddy's girl. A father's rejection is beyond devastating. I'm so sorry to hear about this rejection. I can't help but think that your step mom has not been honest with you through all of those calls that you made the him. My gut says, there seems to be more than what she told you regarding him not taking to you or returning your calls.
I'm looking forward to you sharing more of your story when you're ready.
Linda, I cannot thank you enough for sharing your story with me. And Happy Belated Birthday by the way! :)
I can completely empathize with you about what happened in your childhood, although there are some significant differences. I'm so so sorry that it was at the hand of your BIO mom that you suffered abuse. In my case it made more sense as I wasn't actually my step mothers child,... although my father shared with her in the abuse, delivering it himself at times and by doing nothing about how she treated me. We were also made to believe this was normal and expected and that Jehovah approves. This is why, like you, I thought it was normal and that I somehow deserved the abuse I got. Being made to feel like I was a terrible child at every turn, I believed I did deserve it, just like you. Similarly, the details of the past only came up when I'm not able to relate to something 'normal' for other children. This is when I would be looked at in shock, as if I was growing a second head... I know that many in my former congregation knew something was happening at home for me but because they didn't want to bring reproach to J's name, they wouldn't say anything or interfere... so the abuse continued until I moved out at 17. I didn't even realize until last year how severe my abuse was and finally sought help... I literally repressed all the pains from childhood and adolescence , (not believing it even happened) until they manifested in issues with my health, that I will eventually share. I can't thank you enough for sharing with me in my journey. I just hope that I can give you comfort and hope that we can overcome what happened to us and we can thrive, not just survive. So much love and hugs to you Linda.
I'm just wondering about your comment that you made about her. When you stated that, *"she should go back and let her father be what he needs to be,"* is suggesting that *she return to JW{.}ORG* when you say *"she should go back?"*
I'm also not clear on what you mean by that part in your comment, where you said, *"and let her father be what he needs to be?"*
Is there something getting in the way of her father being *what he needs to be?*
Born again by the Saviour, Jesus Christ, is what everyone needs for them to see the true light. My life has led me down the same path, but the light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the answer; when your final authority is the King James Bible, and by understanding that the book is to and for the Jews, and that all modern bibles are Catholic counterfeits put out by the devil to 'confuse' (even the New World Translation that claims to be from the "Wescott and Hort Greek text: which is a corrupt text- 2 Cor.2:17, in a King James only), by watering down the pure word of God. Psalm 12:6&7. Only the King James can keep us, clearly, on the same page: which says "the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can know it?" (Jer.17:9) We are all sinners and I pray you do repent, and trust the real truth, Jesus Christ.
My heart goes out to you. I'm holding back my own tears as I'm watching this.
bless your heart, my dear, my mom heart aches for you. you are very brave & a wonderful role model for young women who are in this cult & think they are unforgivable for whatever ludicrous reason. i have only watched your first 2 vids so i don't know where you are now in your life. i hope you are feeling the happiness & peace you so deserve. God bless :) :) nancy in ga usa
......thank you again for sharing.........i've completely disconnected from the organized church system........Jesus Christ is my best Life........ \o/
OMG! I'm working on my video as well. You gave me chills when you said it was your fathers reaction to you that woke you up, because that's what did it for me. I was trying to get around it so as not to shame him, but it needs to be told. Thank you so much for being vulnerable enough to share your story. Now let the healing begin. Cheers, G.
Welcome to freedom!! We can ALL relate to your story in one way or another! Watchtower is a hard religion to belong to & even harder to get out of! So damaging in many ways. I left 25 years ago and still recovering! The shunning is brutal , but after all these years, my family has become strangers to me of their own choosing. I use to see them as “victims of watchtower”, but now that they know TTATT, and they deny it, I hold them “accountable” for supporting such an evil organization!! I have moved on & made an amazing life but the struggle was enormous. No one should have to lose their entire family for simply leaving a religion, but I now consider it a blessing. It has given me the much needed time to deprogram without them pressuring me to “comeback to Jehovah”. No more of them trying to continually brainwashing me into thinking somehow they have the truth. I pity them for being stuck in that JW bubble!! We are the lucky ones.. freedom is the greatest thing of all . So great that people like you are giving it a voice, helping others with their struggle! Hugs & Love ❣️
Thank you so so much for your comment! I absolutely agree with you and the 18 years away from them actually gave me the time to really decondition as well. Not easy but definitely doable. And you're right! Ahhh freedom. Freedom is our birthright and I am so so happy to finally be free and live authentically. So much love to you!
The love is not unconditional there ... you are only loved when you are adhering to their rules... Happy healing to you
I. Myself belive it's good to have both 1. Conditional love and. 2. Unconditional love. It. All. Depends who you want to apply it. To. What circumstances surrounds it and. What. Persons to apply it to its our choice to make not the gb. Or. Elders. I. Don't put them on a. Pedestal at all
Thank you for sharing your story. If anything you're a very inspiring person. I love your back drop and I love the colour purple. I was a Bible student for many years, went to all the meetings, assemblies and conventions, really immersed myself into it, but something wasn't right I felt. I was unbaptised for awhile but that didn't last very long then just stopped going. I'm glad to hear the stories of yourself and others it has only open my mind as to what the real truth is.
Dear Shawna, Thank you so much for sharing your story here. I absolutely love your manner of storytelling -- it’s almost too good. You’ve definitely mastered the cliffhanger effect! Now I’ll be here with bated breath until your next video comes out. But no pressure. ;) Of the many things I appreciated while listening to you is that it is quite apparent that you have put a lot of work into your journey towards healing. I personally admire that so much, for what it’s worth. I felt so heartbroken right off the bat to learn that your mother was cut out of you + your sister’s life. I am really looking forward to learning more about you + your life story Shawna. Hugs + Love, Jina
Maybe in your next video, you can continue your story from the last meeting you attended about 13 years ago to today?! I think we are so fascinated and interested by your life story and want you to continue to share with us your life up to your current age of 45!!! We are all so happy for you! You are a good and wonderful person! ❤️❤️❤️. Much love to you! ❤️❤️❤️
I truly cannot thank you enough for your words of encouragement. It means the world to me.
Thank you for sharing! You are on "the right path now"! 😊👍🏻👍🏻 So proud of you! Wishing you all the best in your future! Stay strong! 😊🤩💕
Incredible!!!...Thanks For Sharing Your Story, This Was Soooo LIberating.
love your courage - it is very revealing the elders asking you NOT TO CONTACT YOUR PARENTS - how can they NOT SEE the cruelty of the shunning rules - i'm sure your story is going to help many many people - thanks for sharing
Thanks for part 2 Shawna. I wish your father would able to see your video and confront his consciences with yours. Looking to hear part 3.Big hugs !
I wish I could just give you a huge mom hug. You are not alone. In truly sorry for what you went through. I not sure if you are on exjw reddit but it has helped me so much, knowing there are so many of us
I appreciate that more than you'll ever know.
Great testimony, I'm so glad you got out of that religion, your eyes were finally opened God bless you
I have to thank you... You just helped me realize something I should've noticed about two years ago. No true love equals no true religion. Period.
I am PIMO. Woke up almost a year ago, but I should've been able to admit to myself that when the person you love the most in your life shuns you, there is no love, no true religion. And I didn't. You were able to discern that. I admire you for that... Thank you again.
It's not easy to accept or admit. And it's something I was only able to REALLY overcome recently. But it's so so worth it.
@@LearnLoveHeal I'm glad you did...
You can message me anytime. Specially PIMO people. Greatonitamayori@gmail.com and Harunijimori@yahoo.com 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
what does pimo mean?
What is PIMO?
Tons of respect….. you are not alone…. So many stories….you are a good person…. The organization is not God it never represented him it never will you are loved….❤. So sorry….healing thank you for having the courage
@LOVEALWAYSWINS Thank you so much for your kindness. We are not alone and I’m so happy to have you to share the journey with 💕
Keep them coming, you are a beautiful soul.🌸
Thank you Cathy!
Oh it’s so sad to see you cry. I’m so grateful for you sharing. I’m looking forward to watching your others!! X
I appreciate your taking the time to watch and share in my story, thank you so much!
i have listened the first part of your story and even thought i only had one parent inside this cult (not the rest of the family) coming out as a lesbian to that parent was the most hard thing to do. your story touched me on a personal level, thank you for sharing this with us, it really helped.
Wow, Thank you for sharing your story. You made the right decision. Stay Positive and make the best of your life now. I wish i could give u a big hug. Take care and God bless you!
Amazing how our respective souls let us know what we need to know in order to be free! I'm so proud of you! Cheers!
Thank you Sister
I can’t imagine how you felt being lesbian and being a Jehovah’s Witness it must have been so hard for you. It’s so abhorred to be lesbian and a Jehovah’s Witness. You tried so hard to go back but it didn’t go in your favour no matter what you did. I’m glad you are healing.!
Thank you!!
@@LearnLoveHeal sis , if your "anointed" father COULDN'T COMFORT YOU LIKE "ANOINTED ONE'S SHOULD TAKE CARE OF ALL HUMANS FOR 1000 YEARS" - THEN HE WAS FAKE AND AN A-HOLE !!!! (with all respect to your feelings 😉👍) I mean, REALLY ?!?!? HE CAN'T TALK TO HIS OWN DAUGHTER TO GET HER BACK ON THE "RIGHT WAY" aka the "TRUTH" ?!?! FISHY AND SMELLY 10.000% this is.... 🤢🤮🤮🤮
WOW Girl now that's a story! Big hug and thanks for such wonderful honesty.
Thank you
@@LearnLoveHeal Are you feeling lighter after letting this come out?
You are a lovely person. Kindhearted and honest.
Sending you love.... I'm happy you escaped.....be strong...I grew up in it but it never felt right with my spirit...I told my mom in elementary school but she grew up in it and is too far gone.....the awakening is real...
Please do an interview with stoptheshunning. You will find it cathartic in a good way!
you are so courageous for speaking out
You are so amazing!!!! If your purpose has not been revealed to you yet I pray that it is soon. When you get to a place where you see all the positives in these negatives your courage, strength and clearly loving qualities will be richly rewarded and extremely beneficial to all you touch. Be blessed!!!
So, Jehovah forgave you, yet one of the 114,000, whom we are told are chosen for their compassion and empathy, will not even talk to his daughter. Sorry, but not the kind of “king” I want ruling over me.
It was shocking to me... and I completely agree.
LearnLoveHeal - Ironically it was one of the 144,000 that finally did it for me too. Tony Morris is responsible for my complete awakening. Watching this man in action made me realize that this religion is completely false.
I feel it’s not the “King” who’s at fault, it’s people in Any religion, but especially this one who profess to be “anointed” by God and are putting on great aires and pontificating that they’re directed (inspired) by God. Since the whole 1914 “This Generation” doctrine was a completely erroneous teaching; obviously the GB’s belief in Rutherford’s proclamation that Jesus anointed them in 1919 is a complete fallacy too. It’s an event yet to come perhaps, but the GB is completely deluded, just like Rutherford was about receiving messages from angels, the prophets coming back to rule the earth and the End coming in 1925, etc.
It’s interesting too, how none of the 144,000 can describe how they know they were “appointed”.
It’s all so crazy ! !
I know her father, and told him if he was going to be ruling over me in the "new system" I didn't want to be there. He's also a musician who, when playing a gig with a band, took the lion's share of money. When I called him out and asked why, his answer was "because I'm the star of the show". Says it all.
LearnLoveHeal - I’m honestly very sorry to hear how this organization has eroded your relationship with your father. Regardless of religion disagreements, I’m sure you still love him and miss him very much.
Even though my heart was broken 💔😢😭 and I she'd many tears.
I am still here. I am 67 years old,
Have been through physical sickness 😷😣 because I missed
I love your story although you havent finished it. Thank you for opening up and sharing your personal stuff. As a mother, I cannot imagine living without my children and that is the reason I am still stuck in the org as a pimo because I havent been able to figure out how to exit with my babies (their jw father, who by the way has threaten me to take them away and even to not allow me to see them). So, I am still here. I interested in knowing how is it that ur father received full custody and didnt allow ur mother to see her children. It is very sad and I can understand that being in the situation that u were (not with bio mother and now your father taking a radicalized point of view) that is being shunned by ur father without being disfellowshipped. However, it happens everyday in the congregations of that evil cult.
You are absolutely right that my story isn't finished yet... so so much has happened and TBH I am hoping to finally find my bio mom. I was only told the side of my father so I am reluctant to share it as I feel it was biased, but I will explain in more detail what happened in future videos. My father promised my bio mom that he would write back to her (about us) until we were of an age to understand the situation, then he would give us the letters and let us write her directly. But my father and stepmom stopped writing her back and then she lost us, stopped writing because she thought we weren't getting the letter. And ultimately we didn't get them. They never told us she wrote us, nor did they ever give us the letters,... so they kept us from her. :/
I can't imagine what you are going through having to be PIMO because you don't want to lose your babies. This must be hard and I am sending you all my love and support; hopefully more about this despicable business posing as a religion will be exposed so that the courts will rule in favour of the parents who are not brainwashed and in a cult. So much love to you!
@@LearnLoveHeal Thank You for replying, I wish you the best in life 😍😘😘
Thank you! I wish you only the very best too!!! Sending only the most positive vibes and intentions for you and your babies!
We thought the Jehovahs Witness Organization was based on love, but sadly it is not.
Feb rod contact a domestic violence place . they are used to hearing stories about being abused over children and can help you with advice on what to do . I don’t know what state you’re in but they should be in the Yellow pages
the last meeting I went to I couldn't sit through either. I left and never went back. im glad you did too. sometimes I wonder what my relationship would be like with certain j-dubs that I loved and had to leave. but I have relationships with people now that give me unconditional love.
I'm so so happy for you that you found truly undoncitionally loving friendships. We are so brainwashed into believing that life on the 'outside' is hell and that we will all shrivel up from loneliness and sadness, but that is so so far from the truth. I also have found a true family who loves me unconditionally, no matter what I believe. It feels good to be loved for who I really am. :) Big hugs and love to you!
@@LearnLoveHeal still I am serving in one of the congregations.. you video made feel so sad about our brother and sisters who are having the same problems.. 100 of 1000's around the world!..I know Jehovah loves you and He loves me too.. but those hypocrites elders are a bunch of animals.. induced by Satan to represents our Lovely Creator Jehovah falsely ..
Your story is so raw, a lot doesn’t resonate but the lack of love, the shunning etc is all very real, thank you
I appreciate you taking the time to watch, and comment, thank you. Big Hug
Thanks for sharing
Enjoyed your video, I'm x jw, like hearing about JW, that are get out and doing there best to have a good life, you have a great day, once again really enjoyed the video
I have been moved by both of your videos. I ask myself whatever you should be forgiven for? By whom? Why seek forgiveness when you have done no wrong except in the book of a repressive, arrogant cult that sees itself as having a monopoly on the truth? I know of no other religious group that has such a completely negative view of the world and of humanity. As far as your family is concerned, JW's are far from being the only people with dysfunctional families. Everywhere you find people who cut off their parents or their children, their wives and husbands, accompanied by a huge amount of hurt and trauma. Our only option is to get on with our own life, build up our self-confidence and take on the difficult task of finding what makes sense to us and what we are prepared, as individuals, to live and to die for. That alone is the way to find peace within ourselves.
Take the opening of John's gospel: "In Him was life and the life was the light of human beings. And the light shines in the darkness but the darkness comprehended it not." What is the light of human beings that shines in the darkness? If you disregard all the theology and all the beliefs and concepts of God around the gospel, the answer, in my opinion, is quite plain. Thought is the light that shines in the inner darkness of the human mind. It gives us the capacity to live as human beings, to give life and to educate future communities that they may continue life as we know it. Without human language we should have no concept of any god. The fact that, for us, a god exists is due to the fact that we can think it, that there is a Word for it. My feeling is that with the capacity to, as is said, find the Kingdom of Heaven within us, we can also make our peace with the world and with those around us who have helped, wronged, loved and disliked us.
I'd assume that the reason they were lenient with you was because the congregation was simply too small to bear having an icky disfellowshipped person attending. This is the same reason they were so quick to try and give you your so-called privileges back. When you stopped pioneering, their number of pioneers dropped by a huge percent lol because there were so few members.
It's funny to me how something as arbitrary as the size of a congregation will determine how punishment is meted out, how privileges are assigned, etc. For example, based on my experience, how young they're willing to go on elder appointments seems to correlate to the size of the congregation. The smaller the congregation, the younger one can be appointed. Anyhow, I'm glad you woke up and made it out.
this evil cult it has damaged so many .All this in younger life shapes your later life ..no one goes to heaven ..ALL those in the graves will rise john 5:28,29 on earth ,They have made divisions among the brothers and sisters .
It's all about division and separation... which destroys. Thank you for watching!
19:58 Amen sister Amen!!!
loved your story can relate in so many ways
Wow. God bless you. No daughter deserves to be treated this way. Hopefully someday your dad will learn a little wisdom from you since you have so much more loving wisdom to learn from.
Sawna, what a heart-wrenching story! Thank you very much for pouring your heart out and sharing it. You spent so many years searching for truth and love and a relationships especially with God through JW and you did not find it... because it is not found there. Their love is not real but conditional and based on "perormance". That is clear from the response of your dad (who is not of the 144,000 by the way. Read about them in Rev. 7 and 14). Think about how Jesus responded to the sinful woman at the well in Samaria, or the woman caught in adultery. Forgiveness, acceptance, love, and an offer of life and living water found only in him. That is the example to follow, and not what your father did. JW are are a control group. Study the BITE model of organizational control and you will understand better why they are how they are. They have twisted doctrine and a mistranslated Bible. It is sad about your Father and family but they are caught up in it and don't know any better because they are blinded. The only hope for a restored relationship with your family is for them to wake up. It is possible. Many are finding that it is not the "truth" and leaving and videos like yours help. You did not share the rest of your story and I hope it includes a further pursuit of the real truth of Scripture and especially finding the truth about Jesus Christ who is ignored by the organization but central in scripture. So continue your journey. As for the hurt you carry, Jesus said, "come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest."
Thank you so much Mister G, I appreciate your support and encouragement tremendously. And you're so absolutely right about my father, this is precisely the reason I knew this was not the truth, nor based on true unconditional love.. I still love Jesus and God, just not the brainwashing cult. Thank you again for watching and commenting!
Very touching! I to was raised as a JW for over 27 years. I was a regular Axilary gotta a year, going public prayers, and reading at the book studys. And since I was only 12 yrs old, struggled with homosexuality. But I stayed loyal from 1977-2004, where I finally found the real true behind the truth. In yr 2012, I disassociated myself! A month before I left the cult (2004) the had to confess to the elders with my homosexual tendency. And of course, they private approved me, which that really bothered me!
So you wanted them to reprove you publicly
Hi once again ty for sharing your story.
💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Awesome. This is the #WALKAWAY movement of the EX JWs KEEP ON STRONG AND BECOME HAPPIER DAY BY DAY! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
First you are so brave and strong. I recently lost my entire family also because I told them I was gay. I love all my family so much and we were all so close. Very close. It’s been a tough road but I am glad I am no longer a part of it. I was always so depressed when I went to the meeting. Everyone is so fake with their conditional love. I just want you to know that I am so sorry you went through that and we’re all alone. It’s emotional blackmail and it’s disgusting. It’s hard on all of us ex witnesses because we we have to suffer to loss of our parents twice. Once after they shun you then eventually as life takes its course. Being gay is hard enough but when you lose everything you have ever known makes it so much harder.
Thank you so much for sharing with me and watching Desert Rose. I am so sorry you are going through a similar experience; I'm sending so much love and support to you. I agree completely that it's emotional blackmail, what the WT does.. so sad. I too am so so happy to be out of it, free and living authentically. It's not easy to lose our families, but at least we're not alone. Sending you warm hugs and love.
Thanks for sharing. I'm so sorry about the loss of your relationship with your dad. Do you think he got wind of your lesbian affair? Some jws might forgive everything but that , because of their indoctrination . I'm looking forward to more of your story. BTW, I suffered a head nerve pain condition for many years , and I put it down to repressed frustration at not being able to speak my mind freely as a jw. I did eventually, and got df'd for it!
Thank you for your comment and watching! My dad did eventually get wind, as I told him, but that's a story that I'll definitley share. And you're right, homosexuality is not even on the radar of 'forgivable offences' lol.
Regarding your head pain, it makes sense about not being able to speak your mind. (I'm so glad you did! Not surprised you got Df'd for it!) I have much to say on this topic as I suffered several health issues due to repressed child abuse AND not being allowed to speak. It's all very telling and I'm certain others share symptoms I've had due to similar traumas and cult indoctrination.
I'm glad you're out and living free! Hopefully without any more head pain :)
I've been out nearly six years now and only in the last year has my headache improved. I'm still medicated for it but I'm hopeful that in the near future I can come off it. I have a RUclips channel too., which is aimed more at doubting jws. Looking forward to more of your story. I'm sure it's going to help a lot of people.
That's awesome! I'll certainly check out your channe! I'm also so happy you're out and I hope the headaches finally leave you for good! They are no walk in the park, especially when their reason for being is repressed trauma or guilt. Thank you again for watching and sharing with me.
Thanks for your stories. It seems weird that your Dad, as head of household and supposedly so wisely annointed to stand with Jesus in heaven could not speak, or counsel you when you asked to speak with him. You were not disfellowshipped (which was also unusual), so why no communication? Was there no words of wisdom for his daughter? Wouldn't his anointing provide protection from any possible threat of bad association? Contradictions and cruelties abound in the organization and we on the outside are so glad you escaped. May you continue to learn, heal, and recover from the mind control and conditional love of the watchtower business religion.
That's just exactly it! This organization pretends to be inspired, but the contradictions are just too rampant.. there was a part of me that realized they didn't want to lose me out of the TINY congregation I was in, I was generally very positive and hard working, giving talks, commenting, etc... so they just wanted me back on the horse... also, considering what they discovered about my childhood, I think that made them forgive me faster as they thought my fling had more to do with my abuse.. which I will eventually get into a little more. Thanks for your comment!
Who really annoints these people????????
PJ RIDER the WT attracts a lot of weird unbalanced people who become cult heroes within the WT
@@aileenpeak9108 amen!
Thanks for sharing your story. I studied and became a JW- the three things I liked was God's concern for the physical planet, that he loves and cares for all people in all nations (a lack of prejudice), and the removal in the hell fire doctrine- to not send people to an eternal punishment- never seemed right or just. You added another aspect to this- a child losing her father because he is going to heaven. The need of any child is for security and love. Listening to all of the ex JW stories growing up in the truth, I came to realized that those growing up have the same fear with the event of Armageddon and the need to be baptized held over their heads. When I think about all of the materials and bible scriptures I have read, I was touched by the parts that seem to have depth of feeling. Hebrews chapters 3 through 5 always touched me because it talks about high priests who can sympathize with our weaknesses and can have compassion for us. In this quest to please God and jump the high bars in our obedience and proving our faith and putting nothing else, including family, I think we take (JWS & org) away from the qualities that we need to have. We need critical thinkers as well as qualities and skills to survive- children as well as adults. There are many areas that I have been affected by and am concerned about revolving around JW Org practices and teachings. They could have evolved along a much healthier path than they did leading to a more healthier mindset.
From the outside, the beliefs the JW's offer seem to give hope and promote a healthy happy life full of love and kindness, but when you take a closer look, it all just points to one simple fact. It's a business masquerading as a religion, while promoting and condoning horrendous behaviour... all the while completely brainwashing those in to believe only Jehovah can save them, and that he is a god of love. Being on the inside and living through what I lived through knowing this, I can say I swallowed and believed, until I started thinking for myself, for what felt right in my heart.... and it's not the JW business.
@@LearnLoveHeal do you believe in Jehovah??
Thanks for your story! Big HUGS TO YOY! ❤️
Thank you so much!!
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel ❤️
Many times step parents will not accept and love their step kids even in the truth. It's sad. And your dad was of 144,000. Wow. That must have been mind blowing. I bet you felt always in the spot light. This made me cry for you. I would feel basically that i could never be able to live up to that. Omg. Bless you.
I feel your pain. Just watching and listening to your story reminds so much of my own daughter who is a fully indoctrinated jw.... she very rarely contacts me and I do believe she too has been told to keep the contact to a minimum with me as I don't agree with the religion and told her so nearly 6 years ago. I have paid the price so heavily ever since.... my right to be a mother to my daughter has been torn away from me and I feel the pain every single day so I can go some way to know how your feeling about your dad. ..I feel for you I really do. This cult is evil! Loved your video thank you.
Thousands coming out so don't feel alone
Millions are coming out good for them
Cant believe your Dad that claims he will rule with Jesus in the new system wont speak to you that is his own flesh what chance will one have that is one of the great crowd.But we know better now that what we were taught is utter crap.You are such open person you did have to share to convince anyone as we all born in imperfection. Take care my dear sister. I left twenty years ago.
There may be some truth in The Truth, sister, but without love it's just noise. What your dad did to you by retracting his love for you disqualifies him from any claim to sainthood. He should judge over mankind? Shudder the thought! Jesus knew in his heart that Peter would come back to Him after his fall, and was to use his experience for the benefit of the brethren. Your father seems to have skipped over that piece of scripture. He's been institutionalized.
You're a great woman. Maybe you're the saint in the family! I wish I could embrace you. I have a daughter in your age. When she was disfellowshiped we regrettably had fights, but I never would give her up. No way. If your dad could only see his girl; my how she has grown in understanding and compassion! We're here to learn and the learning process never stops. Be well, Dearest, we need you and people like you with a heart. You're indispensable. There's always light at the end of the tunnel. My heart goes out to you
Im the son of an elder and i was a ministerial servant, raised in the organization. I can relate so much and i can say its hard but ive experience true happiness on the outside. Welcome to being unbrainwashed, things get better
Thank you!!!I appreciate that very much! It feels amazing to have a free mind! :)
The situation with jw and memorial must be a total joy to Satan the devil. I'm glad your father had the strength to not let wt doctrine hold him back from partaking but he let you down badly in the way he responded to your confession.
He sure did... but I shouldn't have been surprised by what happened in my earlier childhood, what he did, what he allowed...
Thank you for sharing your story. It is good to hear from one of the "annointed"s Children.
What a good point that he is supposed to be judging the eath..But Can't forivge his child..
It doesn't give any hope for having them as rulers does it.?
I know it hurts. Millions of us are shunned. But we are free. We can help others. Buggest hugs to you x0x0x0 ❤
I couldn't agree more Irene. It all just shoes how much power these beliefs have over them...
Thank you for watching and your hugs! Love and hugs right back!
@Irene Shea - Quote What a good point that he is supposed to be judging the eath..But Can't forivge his child..
Unquote. It's getting much much worse, since according to more recent WT theology these prospective co-rulers will
share with Christ and his angelic troops in the global Armageddon slaughter. It's repugnant just to mention that. Love -unconditional - and greetings from old Germany and a 75 survivor. And THANK YOU LearnLoveHeal !
@@LearnLoveHeal " It all just shoes how much power these beliefs have over them ... " Yes indeed. Example: the perpetuated policy of shunning of "disloyal" family members, as expressed again in the Monday morning day's text comment, first sentence (from WT2017, #10, p.16 §19-21) Text: "Discipline … is painful" … Hebr.12:11 Comment: Despite our pain of heart, we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone, text message, letters, e-mails, or social media. Yet, maintain hope. Love " hopes all things," including that those who have left Jehovah will come back to him." So obviously the writers of such disgusting stuff equate Jehovah with their own organisation. Blasphemous? I answer with a resounding Yes! (Fred Franz style)
Your father was probably told what you did especially if he’s an elder. It’s disgusting that a cult can convince people to act this way.
You're probably right.. and yes, it's truly despicable.
I could see the pain in your voice still after all these years, very common to ex JW s . I just want to say that it’s fascinating and horrible how having biblical doctrine and totally change a persons life.
What I have done over the years is really research Christianity history doctrine and just trying to find the truth like we all do, and it’s painfully obvious that the Jehovah’s Witness doctrine about 144,000 is not even correct. Totally invented by Rutherford
. So here is this thing that they’ve totally misunderstood about the Bible, destroyed the dynamic of your family and it caused you pain
I don’t know if you still believe in God or the Bible, I happen to, and there is no thing ever taught there a separate families in the future.
All Christians are Anointed there is no two groups of Christian
Anyway thank you for sharing your story
Thank you for sharing. I was in for 45 years and I always knew they did not have true Christian love. That was a big reason for leaving. An elder told me in a judicial meeting that if Jesus was here on earth, he may have executed me. Let that sink in.
Being true to yourself is never a crime. Now you can be free to choose.
YES! :) Thank you.
I feel that there is always something that makes the REAL good-hearted ones see that this religion wasn't the truth. In your case, you got that answer from your own father being "anointed"
You are so brave. My heart goes out to you. Xxx
@@LearnLoveHeal I shared your video with my husband so he could watch it too. We are both in our 60s. He just watched it and said it moved him to tears, you are a lovely young lady and he just wished we could give you a big hug. We'd be proud to have you as a daughter. Take care and be strong and thank you for bravely sharing your story. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Thank you with all my heart, this made me tear. I'm honoured.
I can't believe it's been 5 years since you've popped up in my youtube feed. I'm 71 now and just know, there are no guarantees of another day. Feel free to reach out. Hope you are doing well, and finally woke up to the truth about the truth.
@20:05. 😆. Jesus went to the weak and down-trodden. In the Kingdom Hall, these are the people you mark and avoid as bad association. They let them fade away while focus is placed on the strong who will make these seeking to get ahead get stronger. It’s the Wild West.
The know it all girl by Joanna foreman is available as an e book on Amazon. Also a free sample (my favorite)
One day my mom who was considered an apostate 'Partook of the Emblems' during a memorial and she was asked to leave the KH and never come again.... That was so wired coz i think only WHITE JWs were meant to be but as a Kenyan, 'what was she trying to be? ANOINTED?' These people are just psycho.
Your story is very touching, it takes courage to share it, and you should be commended for doing so. A few key points below.
- God IS love, his very essence.
- All 12 of the apostles (Matthias replacing Judas) died believing Jesus was God incarnate. Eleven of them died as martyrs for this belief and the 12th, St John, died in exile on the Island of Patmos. We know they believed Jesus was God as they all taught their descendants the same.
- The WT follows a _very_ old heresy believing that Jesus was created.
- God became man so that we could be in his presence forever. ALL mankind, not limited to 144,000 who taken in a literalist way are all celibate Israelite men. (That only a 144K will go to heaven is a man-made tradition by Charles Russell, unheard of in Christianity before this time)
- Human nature is corrupted. We all have the inclination to sin and *all* sin is disordered.
- Yet God as a Father always calls us back to him, to repent and ask for his forgiveness. We do, we are forgiven.
- The Parable of the Lost Son, Luke 15, illustrates his love, his forgiveness.
_18 I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ 20 And he arose and came to his father. But while he was yet at a distance, _*_his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him._*_ 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ 22 But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet; 23 and bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; 24 for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to make merry._
The Father *RUNS* to his wayward son and forgives him. He *CELEBRATES* his return.
Your father didn't follow the example scripture teaches.
We all need to inform our intellect of the Truth of the Gospel, and follow Him. As his mother says: _do whatever he tells you._
In the end, we seek and follow him, not creating him in our own image of him, but as he is. We conform our lives to his truth.
Just for the record, you are GREATLY LOVED, VALUED and APPRECIATED. By your coming out with your TRUTH, you are helping so many others. I'm just hoping that you don't turn your back on Jehovah and Jesus Christ for the foolishness of this God forsaken Cult. Remember beautiful lady, Jehovah and Jesus has done nothing to you, accept help to wake you up. I think you are smart enough to be so grateful for that. We can only continue to pray that someday Jehovah will see fit to wake up your Dad and stepmother. You are in my prayers and may Jehovah BLESS you ABUNDANTLY for all the help and support you give to so many. I genuinely, truly LOVE you. Again, thank you so very much.
Hello I listen how you poured out your heart and can only think how much you love your father and how devastated you must have been to be rejected by him. I am thinking of the woman caught in Adultery after being rejected by the Elders of the law Jesus forgave her with the words of John 8:10 "Woman where art they Has no one condemned you?" 11 No one sir, she said . "Then neither do I condemn you". I also remember the woman who poured expensive oil on Jesus feet. Luke 7:47 " Therefore I tell you her many sins are forgiven as her great love has shown. But whoever has forgiven little loves little. Jesus love and mercy and compassion shows that he understands your pain and has forgiven you. I was a Elder for 10 years and was in the organization for over 30 years 1972-2004 and I was also anointed for over 30 years I am still a Christian but not a JW anymore. As a former Elder and Anointed one I hope the love of Jesus will guide you always to know Jesus is always there to love you and forgive you. You are Forgiven and hope you can find peace and joy in knowing Jesus Christ more.
You are a wonderful person with a big hard 👍👍👍❣️🌹 all the best for you 😘♥️
You don’t need forgiveness. You’ve never done anything wrong. Any guilt you felt was planted there by Window cleaners, in order for you to be judged by electricians and plumbers. You are a good, intelligent person who has saved her true self from a silly, harmful doomsday cult. All the best wishes to you.
Thank you!
Happy Birthday! Glad you are out of that dangerous cult!
A very moving story. You may like to listen to Dawn on her channel..."witness for Jesus".
Thank you!
Hi …... I heard your name but I am not sure how you spell it so I wont mess it up....lol I just watched this video and I have to say I could feel your pain as I watched you. Just know that sharing this is a big step in healing. You seem like an incredible woman and a strong woman. You showed me another side to being a child in this evil organization. I never thought of the pain the kids of the 144000 would deal with of not seeing their parents because they wouldn't end up in the same place. You did the right thing in leaving and you have to realize God would never be leading an organization that throws a persons kids away like that. God says to love your neighbor as you love yourself but yet Gods organization shuns their own family? I heard you say a couple of times that you messed up or was bad..... Just know Shawna that you might have messed up or done bad in The organizations eyes but in Gods eyes you are one of his Children....you did what is normal. Like I told you on your other video I am not a witness nor have I ever been but I spent 3 years going to a Kingdom Hall so I saw how they brainwashed and Lied. I could see then what they were doing to beautiful people and I come here and see the results. Im so sorry you had to live all of this but God see's you. God also see's the leaders of that cult and just when they really need Gods Help is when they will realize how wrong they were. Stay strong and take satisfaction in knowing you are helping a lot of people in the same boat as you.
By the way.....it is okay to cry. God gave you that ability for a reason. Your story makes me cry so cry and be proud of it. I am just so happy you finally found "the TRUTH"
Hi hun! I to grew up with out my mother when i did found out about my mother she is one of Jehovah's Witnesses! now i was never baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses! But thank you for sharing your story! hun! 😐😐
I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope she'll leave and you can be together again. Thank you for watching and your comment
Thank you for being so brave.
Thank you, I appreciate that.
You're so chill. You'd make a good hypnotist
the anointed thing is just a delusion
Read Romans 8. You're either in or you're out. The 'anointed class' is every believer. If you're not a believer ... well, read Romans 8. It says it all.
@Vladimir Putin ha ha
That's SO sad, withholding the truth from the very beginning.
daughter of 144 000 must be something like being the daughter of a celebrity and that was an issue for me at the moment that I felt that I had to SHARE my 'spiritual' experiences ... I almost MUST feel ashamed when I say that I played the leading part in one of the most bizarre stories ever told and that is also the reason why I had A MENTAL TWIN SISTER, a rare form of MPS ... I simply can't ignore it anymore and telling my story will end the codependency of a GOD that has been created to camouflage the complete lack of RESPECT for the FEMALE identity, we either have to serve a father, a brother or a son and often pay it with being SHUNNED for questionable reasons ... I SPEAK WITH AN ENTITY, who refuses to have a name, he came when I had NOBODY to talk with, the things that happened were too frightening and I knew that it was all by a script that I was not aware of. There have been periods of detachment, the first time when I was 18 months old, thank god, my parents were not left in the cold - THEY KNEW IT WAS ME FROM THE MOMENT I WAS BORN but didn't know why ... I lived A NORMAL LIFE until everything turned against me, it wasn't logical anymore but nobody gave me the key, we are living so unnatural that we balance over a deep cliff, we HAVE TO CHANGE OUR MENTALITY and choose for E-QUALITY ... Karen Kiebooms is just one body and one life, I can bring prosperity when there is something to work with and that's why we have to keep the internet clean from narcissistic policies - let people tell what happened in their lives and find collective solutions instead of punishing the appointed perpetrators ... NOTHING is good or wrong in itself, something that has to be adviced in one situation, may have to be discouraged in another, having an independent mind can solve the problems of another person and believe me, it often comes from a place where you were unaware of ... THE PSYCHE is vulnerable and has to be seen as the thyroid of the brain - my body is in a bad shape and I got eight years on top to prevent a global disaster - no kidding and don't let yourself be fooled by the fact that I have to use the comment box on RUclips - all the other canals have been blocked ... double or quit, there will be time to explain everything and then people will understand how SICK we have become - no wonder that we fear death and disaster because that's the only way we still can cope with our environment ... my 3 children need to have THEIR OWN LIFE, I am a mother like so many other women, who have to GIVE AWAY THEIR CHILDREN to people who can't even love them for real. WOMEN are responsible for THE FUTURE and men for the PRESENT - STOP using us for your own narcissistic egotripping and start to see HOW MUCH WOMEN HAVE TO TAKE FOR GRANTED ... I had a fine pair of parents, who had to deal with a SPECIAL child that they cared for as they've cared for my brother and sister, when they needed us, we were there as a family and that means something we often forget - QUALITY IS ADDED VALUE, we have to feed both body and mind with healthy food - not with OLD STORIES that NEVER have served us in any way ... btw - I advise to watch CRP's I AM TIRED ... he piles everything up as if he has nothing to do with the cause ... he has a lot of blind followers that make humanity a shameful experience ... doesn't the Bible tells us THAT WE ARE GOD'S MOST PRECIOUS CREATION - being born in the IMAGE of CHRIST???