Nigel Farage: the betrayal of Brexit and what to do about it -- The Brendan O'Neill Show

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2,8 тыс.

  • @ConesuelaLadyTailor
    @ConesuelaLadyTailor 5 лет назад +927

    How refreshing it is to watch an interviewer who does not constantly interrupt but, instead, allow his guest to speak at length.

    • @naughteedesign
      @naughteedesign 5 лет назад +28

      ironically a trait pretty much dominated by the alt-media

    • @alwaysright2420
      @alwaysright2420 5 лет назад +21

      Would say the reason for this is that both interviewer and interviewed have similar opinions. Unlike in interviews of Brexiteers by MSM.

    • @mannixflinn6227
      @mannixflinn6227 5 лет назад +14

      @Boris Farage projection there.

    • @zxcbbnm7552
      @zxcbbnm7552 5 лет назад +24

      Boris Farage silly remoaner

    • @sgu02nsc66
      @sgu02nsc66 5 лет назад +28

      Makes you realise how much mainstream journalism is about pedalling an agenda and not about doing what journalism is supposed to be about: seek the truth.

  • @edwardgrant6193
    @edwardgrant6193 5 лет назад +106

    Great interview Brendan, well done! Allowing your interviewee to speak and answer your questions is both honourable and a breath of fresh air. Others should look and learn. Many thanks.

    • @verabolton5081
      @verabolton5081 5 лет назад +2

      I agree he listened,more than some so called radio announcers do! What a gentleman!

  • @MartinJG100
    @MartinJG100 5 лет назад +166

    Excellent interview, Brendan. You asked intelligent questions and allowed Nigel Farage to answer them. Well done.

    • @YorickReturns
      @YorickReturns 5 лет назад

      Nigel is very upset because UKIP has rejected idol-worship of the City of London, mass immigration (Nigel thinks that mass immigration is great, as long as it's not from the EU) and legalizing drugs (because what our working-class British communities really need right now is drugs pushed by criminal gangs from overseas and big pharma, right?).
      When we voted Leave, we voted to reject international capitalism and to build a socialist, patriotic country. Nigel needs to get with the programme or go and live in some tax haven somewhere.

    • @YorickReturns
      @YorickReturns 5 лет назад

      jkirk, a patriotic socialist country is a free country. If you support the capitalist class's propaganda definition of 'liberty', then you should have voted remain.

    • @YorickReturns
      @YorickReturns 5 лет назад

      You know what? You're right. Nigel is superb, despite promoting mass non-EU immigration, drug legalisation and rule by the City of London, and then trying to sabotage Brexit when he realised that he wasn't going to get his way. We might as well also say that Cameron is superb for calling the referendum. Blair is superb for flooding the country with mass immigration and angering the electorate so much that they ended up voting for Brexit. In fact, everyone is a superb individual, because everyone had some effect, how ever major or minor, on the eventual Leave vote. Let's just ignore everything else.

    • @YorickReturns
      @YorickReturns 5 лет назад

      And I've addressed that. So let's try again. Saying "I'm not 100% for Farage" is the kind of thing that one would say if there were minor differences. Farage wants to turn the UK into Singapore (except that Singapore hasn't legalised drugs). When he realised that Brexit wasn't going to lead to that, he started trying to sabotage Brexit, by for example calling for another referendum. This is not a minor issue. It is a central issue! It's bad enough for a Remoaner to try to sabotage Brexit. But someone does that, who has allegedly been an advocate of Brexit for decades, and who has been living off the taxpayer and taking the votes of millions of patriotic Britons? It's a disgrace.

    • @elizabethtaylor9321
      @elizabethtaylor9321 5 лет назад

      Brendan will never get a job with The BCC, to sensible questions.

  • @waynewicklund7758
    @waynewicklund7758 5 лет назад +94

    I have so much respect for Mr. Farage and his dedication to the UK!

    • @ybor20
      @ybor20 5 лет назад +3

      Farage....that is the guy who applied to become German..isn't it?

    • @jfdomega7938
      @jfdomega7938 5 лет назад +1

      yep' you can see he is a decent guy. thinking about us and not the elite or themselves. a rarity nowadays!

    • @PeterPete
      @PeterPete 5 лет назад +1

      the guy's a twat in my opinion! then again they're ALL twats - all MEPs and MPs! I'm so glad I don't vote and I'm not even on the electoral register either! The whole system's a joke but nobody is laughing!

    • @colinnugent4576
      @colinnugent4576 5 лет назад

      Where have you been....

    • @PeterPete
      @PeterPete 5 лет назад

      @@colinnugent4576 living in a society where the majority of people argue, bicker and moan amongst themselves instead of actually making things much better for themselves and others! I live in a society where money is of greater value than the very people who live in it!
      What a f*cked up society it is eh? Understandable why I have very little to do with it!

  • @blahblah2062
    @blahblah2062 5 лет назад +12

    I could not remember why I had voted for EU back in the 70's. I happened to listen to 'Enoch Powell's EEC/EU Prophecy' this morning on here. He was so eloquent and told us we were well and truly lied to. Its a marvellous speech of truth, all of the things we were not told or not shown to us. If we had the full truth then, none of us would have voted in. I recommend you give him a listen. Come on Brendan, listen to it.

    • @anghinetti
      @anghinetti 5 лет назад +2

      TG&D. Ratcliffe: You didn't vote for the EU in 1975 because it didn't exist in 1975. Was foisted upon us in 1992 by way of the back door.

  • @onetwothreefourfive12345
    @onetwothreefourfive12345 5 лет назад +560

    The fact that about 60% of labour consituencies voted for Brexit, yet barely any Labour MPs support it makes me absolutely sick. What is the point in electing people if they wont even carry out democracy.

    • @Fidelisjoff
      @Fidelisjoff 5 лет назад +33

      Simply vote UKIP they are the only party that will do what they say.

    • @dandun30
      @dandun30 5 лет назад +2

      because they think they are smarter

    • @englishlongbow4907
      @englishlongbow4907 5 лет назад +33

      Labour ceased to be for the working class in 1997, they give zero fucks about the wishes of the people.

    • @onetwothreefourfive12345
      @onetwothreefourfive12345 5 лет назад +22

      @@englishlongbow4907 Frankly I get the feeling that most of their voters just vote for them when they see the word "labour" and think it actually means they will be represented. NOOOOP. Fuck them and fuck the conservatives, but the conservatives are the best of two evils. Not enough parties that can conceivably win a seat. This country electoral system is terrible.

    • @onetwothreefourfive12345
      @onetwothreefourfive12345 5 лет назад +12

      @@Fidelisjoff "Simply voting UKIP" Means simply letting labour walk into Downing street - at least until Labour's voters get a few brain cells and realise that UKIP actually represents them far better than the moronic slugs in Labour like Dianne Abott.

  • @puremusicdaz
    @puremusicdaz 5 лет назад +430

    if parliament won't obey the people, why should the people obey parliament?

    • @seanettles657
      @seanettles657 5 лет назад +8

      they certainly hope so -- that's definitely part of the plan. They just need to stall Brexit as long as possible while they shore up even more African and Mid-Eastern invaders -- let the housing crisis ensue - and unlike 2008, there'll be no going back this time. Get your shit in order @G. V. Quinn

    • @williamwellington8668
      @williamwellington8668 5 лет назад +19

      For M.P.s to vote out a no deal is a total betrayal of the referendum and a knife in the back to everyone who voted leave. Why trust a politician again ? Let's face it , everything else they get involved in turns into a ball of shite sooner or later. We need a new political ideal/ structure that people can trust to do what it says on the tin.

    • @fungussa
      @fungussa 5 лет назад +1

      Daz Nez, you don't understand that not only was the referendum *non-binding* , but Parliament is *s.o.v.e.r.e.i.g.n* , because we live in a *r.e.p.r.e.s.e.n.t.a.t.i.v.e* democracy. End of.

    • @hennyzhi2261
      @hennyzhi2261 5 лет назад +14

      Unfortunately, if you don't live in a gun society like the United States, which is one of the rarest things in the world, you will be forced to obey parliament by their military. There are very few recorded cases of the military siding with their own citizens in history. That is why 2nd amendment rights are fought tooth and nail there.

    • @fungussa
      @fungussa 5 лет назад +7

      @@hennyzhi2261 Yes, but the US military has an order of magnitude more firepower, compared to all of it's armed citizens.

  • @Coldnewton
    @Coldnewton 5 лет назад +157

    Interesting that Farage didn't mention the fact that there has been a huge surge in UKIP membership in recent weeks.

    • @susangordon2998
      @susangordon2998 5 лет назад +16

      Why did they not ask Gerrard batten on to talk about brexit the man talks the truth

    • @susangordon2998
      @susangordon2998 5 лет назад +18

      Excuse me have you ever listen to Gerrard batten he talks sense

    • @susangordon2998
      @susangordon2998 5 лет назад +20

      Why do you say that tommy Robinson is sticking up for his country I am still voting for ukip

    • @rogercliftonville-acton1574
      @rogercliftonville-acton1574 5 лет назад +11

      Its all a bit of a farce.
      Labour reject Tories because apparently they are islamophobic.
      Tories reject Farage because apparently he's a racist.
      Farage rejects UKIP because apparently they are racist.
      UKIP reject Ann Marie Waters because apparently she is racist.
      AMW rejects the BNP because apparently they are racist.
      Everyone rejects labour because apparently they are anti-semitic.
      Its almost like this racism malarky is merely a distraction.

    • @fen0000
      @fen0000 5 лет назад

      @Mike Oxbig Nonsense. They are anti radical islamism, the sort that wants to eliminate the rest of us and as we all should be.

  • @hamm24
    @hamm24 5 лет назад +30

    As an American I'm just glued to Brexit, its truly fascinating and historic and as a Republican I love Farage!

    • @jgreen9361
      @jgreen9361 11 месяцев назад

      Britain hates him now. We feel totally misled and lied to. He now pretends it was not “the Brexit” he wanted either. Problem, but he has no explanation as to why it is different to what he was calling for 8 years ago. He is a heckler not a doer.
      From this side of the pond, it looks like Trump 2024 is the same type of heckling. The Republicans have still not submitted a budget for 2023. They still have no actual policies either. When Biden’s administration wanted to tighten border security, Republicans actually blocked the budget for it. That says everything,
      They don’t want the problems solved, it suits them well to just have people angry.

  • @wildcryTech
    @wildcryTech 5 лет назад +34

    Great interview. Farage's passion is inspiring. Although I don't agreed with everything he says, he is the leader i would trust...

  • @philtindale4629
    @philtindale4629 5 лет назад +52

    We better leave on the 29th preferably without this sell out deal.

    • @philtindale4629
      @philtindale4629 5 лет назад

      Hi Thomas, check out Janice Atkinson MEP on secret deal with Juncker/Merkel then go tell your MP as I have. Good luck

    • @nicksimmons7234
      @nicksimmons7234 5 лет назад

      @Thomas Smith it’s wasn’t law that the EU vote meant we left, it was an advisory vote! Cameron & Osborne lied all the time! Which is why people voted against them in the referendum!

  • @claireb9127
    @claireb9127 5 лет назад +157

    I agree with a lot of what Nigel says, but we have a lot of ex military and business people in Parliament, especially in the Conservative party. But the disconnect is huge, those who ignore the referendum result are toast. We will win in the end. We must be able to govern ourselves.

    • @davidhughes9320
      @davidhughes9320 5 лет назад +7

      Claire B I don’t believe it is possible to get into parliament now without going through the formal qualification route. Dr Steve Davies mentioned this is a podcast recently. It is not good for the future of British politics if none of them have any real world experience.

    • @chewypiano7194
      @chewypiano7194 5 лет назад +1

      Britain does govern itself. Hence the word “govern”ment.

    • @craig581
      @craig581 5 лет назад +5

      99% of our politicians have law degrees from University, then went straight into politics. It's only a slim minority who have military backgrounds or even experience in business. These people are careerists.

    • @festerboyle4840
      @festerboyle4840 5 лет назад +4

      It's not just the problem that our MPs are career politicians, most of them are in Parliament to represent the interests of their political parties and not the interests of their constituents. It would help to have some more independent MPs.

    • @rehabwales
      @rehabwales 5 лет назад

      @@festerboyle4840 Remember the interests of continuants are not necessarily what constituents want.

  • @mattfm101
    @mattfm101 5 лет назад +24

    I did not like how he dismissed members of UKIP, these are citizens of the country their voices deserved to be heard. I hate any real racist but have not met one in my entire life or known anyone who has witnessed this type of behavior. The accusation of racist has been used to displace people from their homes and communities and destroyed the unique nature of London. Does that look like a multicultural utopia or have we made a monumental fck up and now because of political correctness we can only ever dance around issues in academia but never call a spade a spade and at least just stop mass-migration and the idea that multiculturalism is good and/or a moral thing. I actually think it might be immoral as politicians, as I said, destroyed communities and the uniqueness of one of the most beautiful capital cities in the world. This country is millions of peoples home and they're getting tired of being called racist while having near enough irreversible changes made to their country which they didn't vote for.

  • @jasondevlin133
    @jasondevlin133 5 лет назад +65

    We should vote for Nigel to be our next prime minister 👍

    • @brazilianbhoy
      @brazilianbhoy 5 лет назад

      Jason Devlin, you are truly a moron.

    • @startrave
      @startrave 5 лет назад

      That would be fantastic , the 17.4 million people could do that for him .

    • @wanderer1955
      @wanderer1955 5 лет назад

      You cant barrage the Farage!!!! Hes BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @xeniastefanescu507
      @xeniastefanescu507 4 года назад +1

      Jason Devlin Absolutely. Nigel F. should be the next prime minister. He is honest,not only highly intelligent,but wise, cultured,only rarely such a person appear in history , at the proper time, to save a country from a bad situation. Nigel F. will be considered the best prime minister in England,s history. He is modest, does not aim at being PM.He is neither a puppet, nor a dictator, and he does not sell his soul for material advantages,and he is a great patriot. I highly admire him.

  • @agnesdei2846
    @agnesdei2846 5 лет назад +103

    As Oliver Cromwell said, "You are no longer a Parliament, I say you are no Parliament." The ramifications of the parliamentary revolt against the will of the people are profound.

    • @PlasticGangsta
      @PlasticGangsta 5 лет назад +1

      Your right, the referendum passed by such a small margin that it would have resulted in a hung Parliament if it had been a general election, 17.5 million voted to leave but 16.5 million voted to stay. In those days half the country was for the King and half for Parliament. Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector basically a dictator and he passed it on hereditarily to his son Richard, he just could not hold it. So we had the restoration and asked Charles son to return as His Majesty, by the Grace of God Charles II of England and Scotland. Yes when a country is as divided as ours the consequences are truly profound....

    • @margrittownsend4988
      @margrittownsend4988 5 лет назад +5

      @@PlasticGangsta Over 1 MILLION more votes for Brexit, and a parliament unwilling to accept the verdict of a majority. Yet the vote to stop Brexit was immediately considered won by a majority of ONE- and that of an MP out of prison for the day! Something rotten in the Houses of Parliament I think, which values 1 of its own over 1 million people. The past two years have been a disgrace of incompetence and appeasement, and have brought us to a worse position of possibly membership without representation. Who in their right mind would ever choose that in any situation???

    • @anghinetti
      @anghinetti 5 лет назад +1

      @@PlasticGangsta: Charles II also was King of Ireland from 1660 until his death in 1685. Nominally styled King of France. Incidentally, the referendum was just that: wasn't a general election but a straight yes or no and so the percentage is irrelevant in that a majority voted to leave no matter how small that majority. It would be as much as a bookmaker saying that he/she won't pay-out winning bets on a horse race because the winning horse only managed to win by a short head.

  • @marcusgault9909
    @marcusgault9909 5 лет назад +66

    A quite superbly presented analysis of the root cause of our current political problems.

  • @snowyowel7961
    @snowyowel7961 5 лет назад +76

    Nigel Farage is the best of British patriotic best spokes person of all time with out Nigel there would have been no referendum .

    • @brighteyeskitcat5940
      @brighteyeskitcat5940 5 лет назад +4

      Nigel can talk till the cows come home but to actually deliver anything of substance not a chance. All he can do is talk.

    • @snowyowel7961
      @snowyowel7961 5 лет назад +7

      All he can do is talk and with out Nigel talking we would not have had a referendum. We would not have known the goings on in the EU he as opened our eyes and he spoke up for our country our people in the EU parliment like no other MP as ever done.. Nigel is one of the most patriotic men I know he knows a lot about our history he didn't like the direction the EU was going so for 25 years he as been trying to get us out thank God for Nigel, I only hope those that are quick to criticize don't look back in years to come and say we wished we had listened .

    • @brighteyeskitcat5940
      @brighteyeskitcat5940 5 лет назад +7

      My point is HE didn't see it through!!!!! No point in having a referendum if you don't see it through and make sure it happens!!!!!! Now he started another leave party knowing that will very likely split the vote WTF is he trying to do??? Hand it all back to the tory's so we remain!!!!

    • @snowyowel7961
      @snowyowel7961 5 лет назад +2

      @Moonshine BuckNigel just left UKIP after twenty plus years , He as not gone anywhere he was not to know that the remainers in government would behaved in a Undemocratic Betrayel of the referendum result , He as been waiting and watching he said he would keep us eye on them he is back now . He is on LBC he is speaking our corner in the EU parliment he is in leave means leave , so he as gone no where .

    • @philster611-ih8te
      @philster611-ih8te 5 лет назад

      @@snowyowel7961 You think you know the goings on in the EU thanks to Farage? Farage had the worst attendance record in the EU Parliament. Even he had no idea what was going on in the EU. When he did show up all he did was conduct an insult fest. If this is the best we could do then we are in serious shit.
      Nigel Farage? Patriot? German wife. German kids. Applied for German passport. The problem is fools like you actually believe him

  • @stumccabe
    @stumccabe 5 лет назад +111

    Thank you for this excellent interview.

  • @marccas10
    @marccas10 5 лет назад +142

    The Labour and Conservative party are piling up their own funeral pyres.

    • @TheCompleteGuitarist
      @TheCompleteGuitarist 5 лет назад +4

      if only, whose going to light it up?

    • @aleccap5946
      @aleccap5946 5 лет назад +2

      over two years ago when that idiot Cameron said we're call a vote to stay or leave nothing has been done. Nothing

    • @marydoubleday1710
      @marydoubleday1710 5 лет назад +1

      Pile them high!

    • @likklej8
      @likklej8 5 лет назад

      marccas10 the pyre will be the working class in the U.K.

    • @stuartleggat7176
      @stuartleggat7176 4 года назад

      They'll build it and light it themselves...

  • @garyhiggins8239
    @garyhiggins8239 5 лет назад +139

    Personally I would vote against Anything Blair Major and Heseltine were in favour of.

    • @brianohalloran7289
      @brianohalloran7289 5 лет назад +11

      Tony Blair is a traitor who should be serving a prison sentence for unnecessarily taking this country to war in Iraq and undermining this country around Europe

    • @mistaben2k
      @mistaben2k 5 лет назад

      oh dear,
      looking for a beating by Millenials?I'd change names.

  • @onetwothreefourfive12345
    @onetwothreefourfive12345 5 лет назад +55

    I wish Nigel wouldn't be so rude about UKIP and I think he's exaggerating a lot. The fact is, it's disenfranchised people who are flocking to UKIP as its the only party that is interested in tackling the issues that effect them the most in their communities - like immigration, radical islam, etc. Issues mainstream parties don't talk about.

    • @Bacon4Rashers
      @Bacon4Rashers 5 лет назад

      So UKIP is essentially now BNP 2.0?

    • @onetwothreefourfive12345
      @onetwothreefourfive12345 5 лет назад

      @@Bacon4Rashers No, because they talk about more than just those issues.

    • @lokenontherange
      @lokenontherange 5 лет назад

      @@Bacon4Rashers The BNP made ethno-nationalism integral to their policies. UKIP does not. At all. Batten (the head of UKIP) would be viewed by the BNP as being a race traitor because his wife is Filipino. UKIP is more focused on the genuine problems caused by bringing in people who do not share you values in their hundreds of thousands and being honest about why so many ISIS terrorists are British citizens and why things like Rotherham happened and continue to happen in Britain.

  • @russelllaureto8132
    @russelllaureto8132 5 лет назад +9

    Nigel , Tommy is a good man just like you. Maybe not quite so sophisticated, but just as well meaning. You have the same goal, saving the UK. YOU SHOULD SUPPORT HIM.

  • @dimension9195
    @dimension9195 5 лет назад +180

    Why does it have to be violence, his party or give up? How about peaceful (as far as possible) mass disruption and disobedience. Strikes, non payment of fines and taxes, blocking roads, petrol stations, government buildings, banks, courts etc. That’s the most effective response...

    • @veeshan6164
      @veeshan6164 5 лет назад +9

      Because it is not a credible possibility ?

    • @dimension9195
      @dimension9195 5 лет назад +6

      @Veeshan...why not? @ Truth Warrior...then so be it. But the people don’t start it...

    • @chrispage8074
      @chrispage8074 5 лет назад +15

      ace colnaco. The trouble is "the establishment" can then discredit the activists as extremists and thugs, and justify calling out the police and even army to smash them. Personally I think we need to get smarter. Civil disobedience??

    • @frostyuk2007
      @frostyuk2007 5 лет назад +13

      There already is a peaceful option that you (if you're a british citizen) are obligated to uphold, in the event your parliament trades away your sovereignty for any reason (which they have done repeatedly including joining the EU) by command of the Manga Carta to withhold the payment of taxes, no council tax, no income tax, nothing. None compliance of this is legally defined as treason.
      If we haven't left on 29th of March, you are committing treason if you pay another penny until the task has been resolved. As long as you obey common law no repercussion by the state are legal thereafter. (common law, do no harm.).

    • @philreedliverpool
      @philreedliverpool 5 лет назад +12

      We're a country of do-gooders and wimps. 'Mass disruption and disobedience would only happen if Coronation Street was cut to once a week,Emmerdale taken off air or Sky Sports stopped coverage of Premiership games........

  • @michaelmerriman9630
    @michaelmerriman9630 5 лет назад +37

    Of course we must honor the votes of the majority and the MP's must represent their constituents wishes.
    The media, especially the BBC presenters, have done most to push the Remain agenda and stoke the fires against Brexit.
    The electorate must remember the actions of their individual representatives and take the appropriate action at the next election.

    • @PeterPete
      @PeterPete 5 лет назад

      Quote - MP's must represent their constituents wishes.
      Absolute rubbish - MP's work for the business of UK plc chaired by Liz, it's all about the money!!! Constituents don't pay MP's wages, the Queen's Government does!! How loyal are you to your employer?

    • @Commander-ux6xw
      @Commander-ux6xw 5 лет назад +2

      Totally agree Tv media is so deliberately bias against brexit BBC and C4 especially

    • @PeterPete
      @PeterPete 5 лет назад +1

      @Lady on google Totally agree! It's one of the reasons why i feel excluded from the voting system!

    • @karlfulton4854
      @karlfulton4854 5 лет назад

      @Lady on google This is exactly the agenda of the fallen watchers of Gen:6 and Jude etc... ALL By their will and desires and the public ( or man ).. Are here to serve

    • @PeterPete
      @PeterPete 5 лет назад

      @Lady on google should you not be asking who actually owns the money we use? I don't own any money! None of it is truly MINE! If I had money of my OWN nobody would trade with me! The money in my bank account isn't MY money - the money is OWNED by the crown estate aka UK Plc. It's the business's money and the business determines how much we all get! In this respect, you could also ask who owns the Bank of England. Politics as a right arm of the business is a load of BS and I can't understand why people vote when it's always business as usual!

  • @hedgie1860
    @hedgie1860 5 лет назад +10

    I think Nigel is right about career politicians. The only way to change the system we have is never to vote for any of them again. We need people with vision and courage to ensure the will of the people is enabled..

    • @elduderino7767
      @elduderino7767 5 лет назад

      technically they are irrelevant, in the past it made sense to delegate decisions to elected members of the community but now with technology they are no longer required, we are still a decade or 2 away but soon we'll be practicing direct democracy online via a complete transparent and decentralized system that is completely open source, developed, audited by the people themselves.. this might seem a little far fetched but have you heard of a thing called bitcoin? that internet money thing spawned a new industry of decentralised applications and it is that industry that will eventually completely change the we govern ourselves
      those studying to become career politicians are in for a rude awakening..

  • @coolfin007
    @coolfin007 5 лет назад +225

    My dispair continues....A UK government at war with its own people ....Time to take the keys away from Mrs May and all remainer MPs . Its time to change the rules ...

    • @prophetsnake
      @prophetsnake 5 лет назад +5

      Another illiterate Sun reader.

    • @orbik_fin
      @orbik_fin 5 лет назад +3

      Isn't UK still a monarchy? I'd imagine the queen should have some say on the matter.

    • @rivkagianni4708
      @rivkagianni4708 5 лет назад +2

      Fifth Column Infiltration of UK Government - Brian Gerrishвидео.html

    • @robanderson3387
      @robanderson3387 5 лет назад +10

      No government gives a toss about the masses

    • @OmmerSyssel
      @OmmerSyssel 5 лет назад +4

      A completely ridiculous statement..
      A good (!) government has to deal with reality & consequences of its decisions. You conspiracy spinning leavers are free to fantasising without carrying the responsibilities destabilising an entire society.
      Absolutely no one in EU keeps hinders your leaving. Bye bye 👋

  • @barrielee2885
    @barrielee2885 5 лет назад +14

    Nigel speaks from the heart, always has. One of our honest politicians. I, personally will not vote for any of our disgraceful political traitors ever again, untrustworthy. This, Nigel, I would vote for because he is honest and got a lot of balls.

  • @oriel229
    @oriel229 5 лет назад +13


  • @abdelw
    @abdelw 5 лет назад +27

    Hi, François Asselineau (French FREXITER) is completely banned from mass media in France despite being the leader of the third most important political party of the country (as far as the number members is concerned).
    It would be fantastic if you guys could get in touch with him...
    Thanks for the great show.

    • @Hawkeye19821
      @Hawkeye19821 5 лет назад +1

      Yeah that is the thing that disturbs me. Disagree by all means but to demean and conduct campaigns against the people who disagree with you is against everything Europe fought with in the world wars.

    • @abdelw
      @abdelw 5 лет назад +1

      couldn't put it any better.

  • @AVHFT
    @AVHFT 5 лет назад +13

    I don't like politicians but I like this man. I actually feel he is genuine....

    • @gaylenorris435
      @gaylenorris435 5 лет назад

      I like him,katie Hopkins,and tommy robinson for me they should be in parliament.they see the destryction of Europe while others don't care.goodbye labor their moving to ukip.

    • @hazelstewart3295
      @hazelstewart3295 5 лет назад

      all of the parties shouted about him, saying he was racist, as did all the puppetry within them, i'd never heard of him, so i watched all of his videos but nothing racist whatsoever was said by him, i found him the most honest in fact

    • @gaylenorris435
      @gaylenorris435 5 лет назад

      thanks hazel. atleat great britan has a few fighter left

    • @maverickgunner4535
      @maverickgunner4535 5 лет назад

      Think again if you think you can trust this man.
      Already smeared GB for wanting information on the rapists grooming gangs
      Putting UKIP in the same brackets as far Right groups
      Grow up Nigel
      Your new party needs all the help it can get yeah ?

    • @gaylenorris435
      @gaylenorris435 5 лет назад

      you sound like yoube labour ,but I don't know.iam a nationalist when it comes to protecting our borders and so should you be about your borders,and osam said he could beat americans in combat,but out multiply you,and take you within.hows that working for ya?

  • @WOTArtyNoobs
    @WOTArtyNoobs 5 лет назад +16

    I also think that the MPs will vote against May's deal, vote against a No-Deal Brexit and then vote for an extension to Article 50.
    However, I suspect that the French will be stupid enough to veto any extension, believing that it will force MPs to accept May's deal a third time round. Except of course - any veto of the extension to Article 50 will mean that there is no point ammending the Brexit legislation and we will leave on WTO terms (No Deal) by default on 29th March 2019.
    Macron is stupid enough to veto it, even if Markel wants the extension. The Lisbon treaty only suggests that Extension is possible IF the country is to stay in the EU - which Britain won't.

    • @DBS6567
      @DBS6567 5 лет назад +2

      i hope your right.

    • @WOTArtyNoobs
      @WOTArtyNoobs 5 лет назад

      Well everything I predicted on 3rd March has come to pass. The second attempt on May's deal was rejected with less of a majority, but even if she puts it up for a third time, it will still get rejected, because it traps us within the EU's control via the backstop. The DUP will always vote against it.
      The only question is whether the Prime Minister would revoke the Article 50 letter at the last minute. She's previously said that she would not, but then she also said that "No Deal is better than a Bad Deal" - and went against that by delivering a bad deal.
      However, revoking Article 50 would cause major problems for the UK, as under the terms of the Lisbon treaty, we would have to gain permission from all other 27 states just to issue another Article 50 letter. You see the EU law changed on 31st March 2017. That's why we had to get the Article 50 letter issued when it was - just beforehand.
      Furthermore, canceling the Article 50 letter traps us in the EU for longer and the EU would insist on renegotiating any divorce settlement even if they did allow us to present the letter and that would take yet another 2 years before Brexit.
      There's no guarantee that the same Government would be in power by then. The Conservatives will take a big hit in lost MPs for causing so many problems and Labour are no better now that they've shifted to the far left. It might be that the new Brexit Party or UKIP will hold the necessary votes to force Brexit to a conclusion.
      I still believe that we can secure a No Deal Brexit if Mrs May is just playing for time. It would take some while for them to get the Statutory Instrument together to repeal the Brexit Bill and I don't believe that there's enough time to get it through before it comes into effect.
      Giving Royal Assent to repeal the Brexit Bill would be pointless if we've already left the EU.

  • @kimberleygirl7533
    @kimberleygirl7533 5 лет назад +11

    Tommy is seriously persecuted. It undermines the believability of the Tories.

    • @ChimpingBulldog
      @ChimpingBulldog 5 лет назад +1

      @T. Froud you're obsessed with Tommy Robinson. Get a life sad case.

  • @mattfm101
    @mattfm101 5 лет назад +16

    Who the fck thought when they voted to leave thought that we'd be making some kind of deal which isn't along WTO lines. What shows you how insidious this is, is we had voted remain we could actually be in near enough the same position we are in now accept with no deal fully of the table. I'm actually getting quite worried that we won't get no deal (even though I predicted this would happen back in 2016) because it is actually providing the final confirmation for me to realize a lot of other terrible things I was hoping weren't true now very likely are and action will need to be taken to bring democracy back.

    • @timbookatuncommonsense8778
      @timbookatuncommonsense8778 5 лет назад

      My point is we only just finished war debt to the USA in the late 80s and we paid that to keep the EU from being dictated to off Mr H herr Hitler.
      Now though we have got to pay even more billions to leave the EU go figure

  • @wesmatron
    @wesmatron 5 лет назад +26

    "I don't think we'll get large-scale civil disorder. I just don't think we're made that way"
    Surprised you don't remember the Poll Tax riots that brought Thatcher to her knees, Nigel

    • @juliusceaser9422
      @juliusceaser9422 5 лет назад +4

      I think the elite should consider building more prisons, they may need them shortly.

    • @melonymorgans3160
      @melonymorgans3160 5 лет назад +1

      It's going to happen. Bricks through windows etc. I pray for everyone

    • @alansimpson2647
      @alansimpson2647 5 лет назад +2

      Yet poll tax was a good idea! Even if it meant I had to contribute!

    • @wesmatron
      @wesmatron 5 лет назад +2

      @neil eastell Maybe it was the people who were already being taxed on what they earned, taxed when they spent it, taxed when they wanted to own a car, taxed if they wanted a TV, taxed if they wanted a dog, taxed if they wanted to go fishing, taxed if they wanted to have the radio on and then taxed when they died.
      Maybe that had something to do with it. Under Thatcher unemployment rocketed up, she sold off the industry and infrastructure then when we had fuck all but the gold in the bank, Labour came along and sold it all at a record low price.
      Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.

    • @Boudicca165
      @Boudicca165 5 лет назад

      Nigel has a very convenient memory. He is quite adept at distraction techniques.
      He does not answer directly when someone suggests his new party could split the vote between it and UKIP at a general election and the country could then go to one of the two mainstream parties by default but that disingenuous grin and slick tongue don't fool me. His ego wont allow him to share a platform with Gerard, so the smear tactics are deployed.
      It is deliberate manipulation, the treachery is not so obvious as Mrs May's, but it is there.

  • @annturrell8858
    @annturrell8858 5 лет назад +5

    Your vote is the only weapon you have, use it. A Brexit party is just what we need.

  • @tonykendall305
    @tonykendall305 5 лет назад +75

    i think if gerard batten and nigel farage lit the fuse of ukip they could maybe be a major player in government in the future.

    • @raybo64
      @raybo64 5 лет назад

      Yes, especially if they go up in the explosion!

  • @lubanskigornik282
    @lubanskigornik282 5 лет назад +6

    From 29 March 2019 - 23.00 PM Great Britain will be a free country again. No one will dictate to the British any more about the shape of a carrot and how a banana must be bent. Congratulations.

  • @kenhart5849
    @kenhart5849 5 лет назад +149

    Gerard Batten is the man to succeed

    • @fantmax1
      @fantmax1 5 лет назад +13

      @SkyMax ABC Totally agree. If Farage threw both his experience and his popularity behind UKIP, it would be a landslide. However in starting a new party, all he's done is further diluted the popular vote. Considering Farage isn't an idiot, I have to wonder why he would follow such a damaging course of action.

    • @blundertaker
      @blundertaker 5 лет назад +2

      @SkyMax ABC Well, the fun part of the European elections, if there's a delay, is that there's still time. With two separate parties on a proportional system, they'd stand to both coexist. It's domestically that it could turn to shit.

    • @terrynicholson9273
      @terrynicholson9273 5 лет назад


    • @patrickdevitt1789
      @patrickdevitt1789 5 лет назад +1

      As long as he speaks the truth I will listen and inwardly digest.

    • @corymcdonnell6109
      @corymcdonnell6109 5 лет назад +7

      I think UKIP has the new position of freedom of speech and islamification of the country on it's mind, of which I totally agree. In many respects I imagine that Nigel feels the same, but the our ONLY objective right now is leaving the EU. Without leaving there can be no tackling these other issues. UKIP is a little early in it's approach on the issues because the media still has the "power" to dub them bigots etc. While Nigel has shake off these mantles in pursuit of popularizing his EU stance, and it's working. I think gerard is a legend, but he shot the gun a bit early when changing from being the brexit party, which Nigel could have rejoined and fought with. I hope there is some reconciliation between them l but understand the reasons behind each of them distancing themselves. We need priorities!
      1. Leave and get the country back.
      2. Free speech and the rejuvenation of British values.
      There can be nothing while in the EU. Thanks for reading.

  • @cloudbasenirvana
    @cloudbasenirvana 5 лет назад +13

    *Brexit BS Busted - EU The Banana Republic*
    *The People of Britain voted for a Sovereign Brexit which is a No Deal Brexit*
    *_Forget the 17.4 million figure. Out of 382 voting areas_*
    *263 voted leave with no deal (68.85%)* and *119 voted Remain (31.15%)*

    • @likklej8
      @likklej8 5 лет назад

      Plane Drifter 17.4 so what? I’d trust Frankfurt before this guy.

  • @jiminverness
    @jiminverness 5 лет назад +3

    Nigel you're awesome mate.

  • @englishculture5298
    @englishculture5298 5 лет назад +143

    My vote's with UKIP and Tommy Robinson has my full support & total respect.

    • @Bacon4Rashers
      @Bacon4Rashers 5 лет назад +1

      Google "Tommy Robinson Israel" Stephens intentions are not as they seem.

    • @newcjon
      @newcjon 5 лет назад +8

      Me too. Nigel is wrong about UKIP now. They are on the right side of history.

    • @boogiewoogie9770
      @boogiewoogie9770 5 лет назад

      @Amin Abadmood 'their palaces and halls of residence' The Royal Family and students are who you wish to drag? If you don't believe in voting don't live in a democratic country. Move. No one's stopping you.

    • @boogiewoogie9770
      @boogiewoogie9770 5 лет назад +1

      @Amin Abadmood You know literally nothing about me. There's no democracy but people like me are getting in the way of democracy you say? You're clearly lost.

    • @raybo64
      @raybo64 5 лет назад

      Now, there's a CUNT.

  • @Grogster2007
    @Grogster2007 5 лет назад +40

    Nigel Nigel....what about all the MP's who committed expense fraud??? Why are their parties still electable?

    • @jackhadroom4540
      @jackhadroom4540 5 лет назад


    • @SuzLa1
      @SuzLa1 5 лет назад

      If we leave the EU as an English person I'm jealous that Scotland can then demand another referendum to break from UK to be free of Tories and ex Tories in UKIP who only work for the few at the top, to become a separate nation in the EU, joining other north European nations without Tories who have free university education, with governments who aren't in a war trying to protect the interests of the few at the top, where Eton and Bullingdon Club members give each other top jobs to live for free on expenses, while telling the poor they're not working hard enough just to survive. While people in England end up crying on Question Time because all they know about politics is last Tory propaganda headline they read, thinking Tories care about British people, while not remembering they have harmed more British people and society than anything else

    • @SuzLa1
      @SuzLa1 5 лет назад

      The ex banker Farage who was paying his foreign wife on tax payers expenses and hiding money in Switzerland, left UKIP as wants Britain to be run by Tories closely linked to USA, when USA would rather trade with EU as they have more to offer. Germany did opposite to Tories, by creating jobs with good pay and not encourage many to live in debt, like Nigel Lawson did when closely linked us to banking in USA, for economy to crash by early 90s. Tories always make the rest of the world hate England for reasons only the few at the top gain from, arming extremists in what liberal middle east countries are left, such as when David Shayler told how they were funding A Q eda, while not caring about human rights abuses of Saudi Arabia. They will tell English people it's in their best interests to not have any human rights. We won't have sophisticated European food that can be traced back to historical origin. We will become like the USA where they put wood shaving into cheese. Look at the labels in the USA section of a supermarket, where EU compliant labels are put over the ones shown in the USA. EU labels have to show genetically modified and other ingredients not stated in the USA

    • @persimon8249
      @persimon8249 5 лет назад

      and why is there a general recommendation in parliament to avoid nigel, since he's being investigated....Strange

    • @Grogster2007
      @Grogster2007 5 лет назад

      @@SuzLa1 England has lead the world in human rights...... and why do so many foreigners have money in England....Because we have a stable political system...Germany may have a strong economy but their social fabric like Sweden is disintegrating because of EU political ideals...As for security I wouldn't trust any European country to come to our aid at the onset of a war....look at history....only USA and our Commonwealth friends came to our defence. They all hate Britain and just want our contributions into their failed project....they will make us the dumping ground of Europe and make us have the Euro to boot.

  • @catleugh
    @catleugh 5 лет назад +38

    You're wrong Nigel! Of course, we're going to buy Yellow Vests. Of course, we're going to vote again, just not LibLabCon. 4QEU

    • @aiden4917
      @aiden4917 5 лет назад

      @Deos nope he is a social democrat if he was a commie he would recognise the eu as a imperialist project and be opposed to it he would also want to smash the current political and economic system in favor of abolishing capitalism and seizing the means of production.видео.html

  • @SD1922
    @SD1922 5 лет назад +2

    This is probably the best interview of Nigel Farage that I've ever seen / heard. I'm now an admirer of Mr. Brendon O'Neill!

  • @horatio59
    @horatio59 5 лет назад +1

    Fabulous interview. Nigel Farage gets it,expounds it and deserves our respect and thanks.Onwards with this battle to control our destiny and not be beholden to those who do not have our best interests at heart. Thankyou Nigel

  • @rachelhalling8195
    @rachelhalling8195 5 лет назад +14

    I have just watched your interview with Nigel! I always had great respect for Nigel, but how dare you say ukip is mixing with thugs! Well just to put the record straight the person I think he is calling a thug, has always tried to tell this COUNTRY what is happening to children all over the COUNTRY! What the hell are any MPs doing about this??? O nothing as usual!!!!

    • @Cloughjordan23
      @Cloughjordan23 5 лет назад

      All you have to do is read any online forums/facebook and you will see what they mean as thugs in ukip. If you deny it then you are not being honest. There is a whole culture around Tommy Robinson that is heading to ukip with him.

    • @zindabaad4925
      @zindabaad4925 5 лет назад

      Tommy is an ex hooligan with a strung of convictions.

    • @rexel666
      @rexel666 5 лет назад

      @Magna Carta "you're," not "your." If you're going to call someone an idiot, it's probably a good idea to learn how to spell, first.

    • @myfindhorn2
      @myfindhorn2 5 лет назад

      Rachel Halling no MPs are just being as complaisant as the people who sit back and don't vote, in fact they are great mates

  • @elainemagson213
    @elainemagson213 5 лет назад +5

    How refreshing to hear such a calm, informed discussion. This was reassuring and impressive. Many thanks to both.

  • @What..a..shambles
    @What..a..shambles 5 лет назад +12

    People would rather go out and protest against Trump than protest about something that will actually affect their lives 😕

  • @lancaster5077
    @lancaster5077 5 лет назад +39

    I wish Nigel Farage would make peace with his former friends in UKIP please.

    • @TheNomadDon
      @TheNomadDon 5 лет назад

      Nigel and Gerard never ever saw eye to eye

    • @geoffevans2489
      @geoffevans2489 5 лет назад +2

      We need to get rid of the mainstream partys as long as the votes go to the new partys it doesnt matter . I probably will vote Ukip but if Farage does well it could be good oposition in parliament .
      But that would at least be democracy . What we have now is a dictatorship by a Cabal deeply embedded in government and the deep state. A total mess

    • @Benzknees
      @Benzknees 5 лет назад

      He has, barring its Islamophobic leader, as they’ve all left UKIP and joined the Brexit Party.

  • @leeludlowart237
    @leeludlowart237 5 лет назад +22

    Make your voice heard by marching in London on 29th March.

  • @kenhart5849
    @kenhart5849 5 лет назад +195

    Tommy Robinson is not a thug Nigel

    • @Horizon344
      @Horizon344 5 лет назад +11

      No, he's a football hooligan, subtle but important difference =/

    • @Jack-hy1zq
      @Jack-hy1zq 5 лет назад +7

      and where did you find this gem of wisdom?

    • @anathema2me4EVR
      @anathema2me4EVR 5 лет назад +7

      No, he's a Zionist shill.

    • @kevinbillington9773
      @kevinbillington9773 5 лет назад +10

      He did punch a real Nazi and got prosecuted for it.

    • @HugSkaltuDeila
      @HugSkaltuDeila 5 лет назад +3

      I think Nigel is playing politics here. He is wrong on Tommy Robinson but he's a political realist, and for whatever reason doesn't want to stand up for him. I think his focus is on Brexit.

  • @felixfedre518
    @felixfedre518 5 лет назад +8

    Farage is a politician of the past he is powerless to tackle the creeping authoritarianism we face to day. UKIP hold the answer. Farage needs to swallow his pride and predudice against the working class, rejoin UKIP, and assist Gerard Batten.

    • @timbookatuncommonsense8778
      @timbookatuncommonsense8778 5 лет назад +1

      Felix Fedre and a we gonna stop trolling each well we still got this window of opportunity called the internet because when they get a control over that and frighten rom fighting everybody from

    • @timbookatuncommonsense8778
      @timbookatuncommonsense8778 5 лет назад +1

      Everybody some fighting back I speaking up on RUclips etc they will close the window and we'll all be left oppressed and dictated 2

  • @marionreynolds7080
    @marionreynolds7080 5 лет назад +13

    There’s nothing like the truth. Wonderful. Thank you Brendon and Nigel. Marion

  • @MrCharlesPT
    @MrCharlesPT 5 лет назад +2

    Nigel Farage is the best politician for this country and we need him in power now. He speaks honestly and from his consciounce. He is eloquent and speaks from his heart not what he thinks people want to hear. It is a tragedy that he left UKIP at the crucial moment when he should have stayed. He is a highly qualified individual with a great image and he is a great communicator. He is a much liked person and he appeals to all sectors of society.

  • @chasss1111
    @chasss1111 5 лет назад +16

    Nigel for prime minister! Am dissalusioned with both labour and conservatives, the people's vote has been completely ignored. Mrs May is a disaster and Corbin and abbot even worse.

  • @TheGaladrial
    @TheGaladrial 5 лет назад +54

    Tommy isnt a thug!!! Even your friend Trump gets that and because you dont has made me suspicious of you Mr Farage. Batten is a real genuine person!

    • @misterm1336
      @misterm1336 5 лет назад +2

      Nicola Harvey I agree!

    • @punchbowl1000
      @punchbowl1000 5 лет назад

      Bla-Bla Nicola what is it with Trump ?

    • @johnmckinley8447
      @johnmckinley8447 5 лет назад

      I could never vote for a party that has an association with Tommy.

  • @spencerd9325
    @spencerd9325 5 лет назад +49

    Imagine his political strength if he stayed with UKIP, we'd have had a clean brexit

    • @MaybeTheBest
      @MaybeTheBest 5 лет назад +5

      Yeah, he didn't want to do that did he. Now Batten doing a better job. But Anne Marie Waters For Britain party is the one we should be voting for.

    • @FiveLiver
      @FiveLiver 5 лет назад +1


    • @FiveLiver
      @FiveLiver 5 лет назад +5

      Farage preferred to do a lap of honour to the states, and take up msm broadcasting instead of staying at his post.

    • @FiveLiver
      @FiveLiver 5 лет назад +1

      @VinceVincentJames - You can go back to Pakistan

    • @FiveLiver
      @FiveLiver 5 лет назад +1

      @VinceVincentJames - What do you have against Israel. You had better be careful with your hate on the internet. Things are changing now to deal with the likes of YOU.
      Apologize by donating here:
      And stop besmirching a good man's name - use your own

  • @DANNY-lw5re
    @DANNY-lw5re 5 лет назад +9

    Major respect for Nigel coming on this channel with so little followers (no disrespect). It shows no arrogance on his part whilst giving a young RUclipsr a shout. Apart from that, great interview #MakeAnIslandGreatAgain #MAGA

  • @johnoconnor2074
    @johnoconnor2074 5 лет назад +9

    People may or may not agree with Nigel but he has an uncanny knack of predicting future events, for that reason hes worth listening too

    • @FiveLiver
      @FiveLiver 5 лет назад +2

      His misunderstanding of the Batten/Tommy Robinson situation is total. Oswald Mosley was an admirer of a regime the UK went to war with. Tommy is an opponent of an ideology that is at war with us. Farage is disparaging to the white working class.

  • @Filbert66
    @Filbert66 5 лет назад

    Great interviewer and a great interviewee. Nigel speaks the truth unlike many of our selfish politicians. Well done Nigel Farage; democracy is not yet dead........not yet.

  • @1935rmb
    @1935rmb 5 лет назад +38

    Nigel should support Sir Tommy Robinson. Such a disappointing purist.

    • @1935rmb
      @1935rmb 5 лет назад

      @corporalnim Yes, it seems Nigel does not believe in the Christian virtue of redemption. I find it very strange to exclude a man from a party after the man paid for his transgressions. According to Nigel's standard then Jesus Christ himself would never be allowed in UKIP because of his conviction under Roman law. If Nigel thought being a purist would spare him charges of being a "far right extremist" then he was sorely mistaken. Nigel is a good and decent man but being a purist fanatic makes him unrealistic and very unChristian. He should call his new party "Godly" and require all its members to walk around in sack cloth, ashes, and sandals. His manifesto should be "vote for me but only if you have never sinned or transgressed against the body political order. I doubt that even Nigel would then vote for himself. Politics is the art of the possible, not the art of the righteous.

    • @Bacon4Rashers
      @Bacon4Rashers 5 лет назад

      UKIPs new direction will only win them a small part of the electorate , look what happened to the BNP its not sustainable politically to have a party that panders to the lower working class , by the way Google "Tommy Robinson Israel" and then tell me about being a Christian.

    • @1935rmb
      @1935rmb 5 лет назад

      @@Bacon4Rashers Judeo-Christan beliefs are quite similar. After all Jesus was Jewish, donchaknow? Pandering to the lower working class you say? Sounds like that makes you feel dirty. Ask yourself why. Does nincompoop TMay make you feel superior and super clean with her upper class "smarts" and accent? Was Jesus lower working class? Even lower I'm afraid. He never won an election either. Bet you think him shit as well. Cheers.

  • @bar10ml44
    @bar10ml44 5 лет назад +7

    I’m sorry but I have lost my respect. Something isn’t right.

  • @aaronmiller3038
    @aaronmiller3038 5 лет назад +58

    We have got to get rid of this two party voting system, in fact I would go further than that we need to bring both the labour and the consevative party to their knees.
    like James D Smith I can't vote for Nigel, he is a great speaker but i struggle to believe that is not himself a career politician and that he has the British peoples best interests before his.
    I believe our best way forward is to vote UKIP

    • @pepperspray7386
      @pepperspray7386 5 лет назад +1

      Aaron Miller This interview actually made me believe Farage is an opportunist career politician.

  • @philkennedy342
    @philkennedy342 5 лет назад +6

    Brilliant interview thanks for sharing👍👍👍

  • @kevinwright5081
    @kevinwright5081 5 лет назад +33

    I voted leave no deal but my vote didn't count utter disgrace and treasonous.

    • @Benzknees
      @Benzknees 5 лет назад

      Since when did your vote ever count?? Politicians of all shades do what they want or are forced by economic circumstances to do, whether it’s via a general election, local election, EU election or referendum.

    • @jwinston2423
      @jwinston2423 5 лет назад

      your vote didn't count along with all the votes in that non legally binding referendum because it was a non legally binding referendum which had no link to legislation. If it were a legally binding referendum the vote wouldn't have carried because it didn't have a large enough majority. Suck it up or get off your flat arse and fight for more democracy.

    • @Headwind-1
      @Headwind-1 5 лет назад

      @@jwinston2423 You seem to know his bottom

  • @Splodge542
    @Splodge542 5 лет назад +8

    UKIP havn't let thugs in. Tommy is not a thug. He's brave. He's clever. The worst thing Nigel has done is to disown UKIP over Tommy. Nigel isn't going to get anywhere with this sadly, I think.

  • @cloudbasenirvana
    @cloudbasenirvana 5 лет назад +7

    Theresa Mays Deal or a 2nd Ref equates to *A) Stay in the EU Corporate Cabal* or *B) Stay in the EU Corporate Cabal*

    • @cloudbasenirvana
      @cloudbasenirvana 5 лет назад

      @T. Froud - The Govt (all parties) are calling it a 2nd Ref - what planet do you live on.

    • @cloudbasenirvana
      @cloudbasenirvana 5 лет назад

      @T. Froud You really are a complete dipstick - as your comment proves. (everybody knows it would be the 3rd Ref - but according to all the media and political parties its a 2nd Ref they are asking for) I hear a little voice whispering - Froud is a useful idiot for the corporate cabal, a vacant Remainer

  • @roblinnell8382
    @roblinnell8382 5 лет назад +11

    Nigel for PM! Bring on Brexit, NO DEALS OR STRINGS ATTACHED

  • @donttouch_
    @donttouch_ 5 лет назад +1

    Nigel farage is the most honest politician I’ve ever known and may ever know!

  • @OldglenSea-cw4ps
    @OldglenSea-cw4ps 5 лет назад +1

    Love Nigel; it was great meeting him. Speaks the truth EVERY time! British politicians - take note!

    • @OldglenSea-cw4ps
      @OldglenSea-cw4ps 5 лет назад

      @T. Froud. No, you are, as you are well aware. You are black, I think. You are certainly not British.

  • @liz2111
    @liz2111 5 лет назад +4

    What a genius Nigel is!

  • @carlitobriganti9060
    @carlitobriganti9060 5 лет назад +40

    I would have liked to have seen more discussion on why Nigel left UKIP and his issues with Tommy Robinson.

    • @badgerfool1980
      @badgerfool1980 5 лет назад +4

      His issues with TR are the same as his disdain for the working class. He gets no more support from this "tattooed thug" as he likes to call us.

    • @dazzanomas9418
      @dazzanomas9418 5 лет назад +4

      Nigel's problem come when he realized he couldn't just walk back in and take back control of UKIP after he abandoned them at the most important time. Then out of anger because he was rejected he went on to call a very high percent of the people who supported him for many years "knuckle dragging tattooed thugs". Those knuckle dragging tattooed thugs are the same people who helped and supported Nigel on his rise up the political ladder and the very same knuckle dragging tattooed thugs will never forgive him for his betrayal. This new Political party Nigel is trying to start will only split the vote on the right and make sure one of the main two parties stay in power and Nigel knows this yet he's unlikely to tell you that, in fact i wouldn't be surprised to find out one day in the future that the start of this new party of his was planned to make sure that happens. Once a Tory always a Tory as they say, Nigel proved he can not be trusted and people would be fools to back him again. If the UK want change then all vote for the same party and the only party that stands any chance of doing that even though it's only a slim chance is UKIP. Only together can we all make changes and massive changes are desperately need as you all very well know.

    • @FiveLiver
      @FiveLiver 5 лет назад +1

      He has no arguments - he has bought into the 'far-right' myth he himself was smeared with. He now wants to be accepted into the mainstream but doesn't realize its them who are toxic not freedom fighters like Batten and Robinson.

  • @neilproctor5163
    @neilproctor5163 5 лет назад +4

    Enoch Powell didn't stifle debate on immigration ... the country, at the time, totally agreed with him! It was our media and political class that turned it toxic!

    • @FiveLiver
      @FiveLiver 5 лет назад

      Powell's wording could have been better

    • @neilproctor5163
      @neilproctor5163 5 лет назад

      @@FiveLiver but we wouldn't be talking about it now! Diluting speech is like no speech at all!

    • @FiveLiver
      @FiveLiver 5 лет назад

      @@neilproctor5163 - It may have been better had he created an anti-immigration, anti-Common market faction within the Tories instead of a one off speech that made him seem like an outsider who could be toxifiied and marginalised.

    • @neilproctor5163
      @neilproctor5163 5 лет назад

      @@FiveLiver What would this faction of said? Exactly the same, I presume!
      I would rather listen to one person speaking his mind, than listen to carefully scripted PC dribble to get votes! This is why we see such a poor version of democracy today!
      I respect anyone who speaks their mind and doesn't go with the flow ... Whether I agree with them or not!
      That's all Enoch Powell was doing!

    • @FiveLiver
      @FiveLiver 5 лет назад

      @@neilproctor5163 - I'm not criticising his views, just the manner of delivery. Had he a faction about him he might well have been in a position to remove Heath and so change the future trajectory of the country. Instead of firing a volley he might have began a campaign. The Rivers of Blood speech highlights the still continuing dysfunction of our politics. The dockers marched in Powell's favour; the very people who would not vote for him because he was a Tory class enemy, blind to the reality that it was the Labour Party, who they favoured, who were the prime movers in third world immigration and the embryonic multiculturalism.

  • @pauleckersley6132
    @pauleckersley6132 5 лет назад +4

    Nigel get this brexit party going. We need leaders who can pull this off for us. We dont want civil war through a load of people who r active but not qualified. Which is what will happen. We need ya.

    @HIVELESSB 5 лет назад +31

    Great interview, but Nigel is wrong about UKIP. Batten is doing an amazingly good job and addressing many issues that p.c. culture has attempted to remove from the table, but need to be addressed.

    • @vinceiswatchingyou
      @vinceiswatchingyou 5 лет назад +4

      Hiveless B yes agree. He’s still bitter about UKIP but he’s wrong

  • @daz4756
    @daz4756 5 лет назад +7

    The difference between Farage & Gerard Batten & Tommy Robinson is that they have spines & aren't paralysed by fear about critisizing Islam.
    The false slurs you use against them are exactly the same the media & politicians used against you, remember? Hypocrite.
    Sad to say you are now out of touch with the mood of UKIP voters. Good riddance.

  • @sonyshooter8212
    @sonyshooter8212 5 лет назад +42

    Nigel has a touch of the Enoch's about him, another very maligned and deliberately misinterpreted and mis represented politician who I might add was also right about many of the things he(powel) prophesied.

    • @AsheramK
      @AsheramK 5 лет назад +2

      Enoch? He's a snake, promising fruit and then everyone ends up out in the cold.

    • @bearsagainstevil
      @bearsagainstevil 5 лет назад +5

      hes not a patch on Powell who I met, Powell was a prophet the most honest MP we ever had . Powell said to me that MPs of both partys came up to him in private and told him they agreed with him but not to tell anyone that they agreed with him because it would ruin their career .Nigel knows Powell was right the vast majority of MPs know he was right, but none of them have the guts to say it .

    • @FiveLiver
      @FiveLiver 5 лет назад +2

      Farage has zero race consciousness he's be happy to replace Polish immigrants with Indian ones.

    • @Benzknees
      @Benzknees 5 лет назад +1

      Only in the sense of both being great speakers. Anyone playing the ‘race card’ is doomed in British politics, as happened with Enoch. Nigel has correctly distanced himself from this fate by leaving UKIP.

    • @sonyshooter8212
      @sonyshooter8212 5 лет назад +1

      Benzknees agreed! I told him as much, the far right are full of uneducated morons and even if, and a BIG if , they had a point, they fuck it up by being stupid... Enoch was caught up by heath and co and was ostracised because the truth did not suit them. Funny how things turn out aint it?

  • @OwtDaftUK
    @OwtDaftUK 5 лет назад +55

    Will always respect Nigel for Brexit. Something as major as that can't be undone with words alone. But he really is wrong to call Tommy a thug.

    • @billwillis5732
      @billwillis5732 5 лет назад

      Know More News with Adam Green Tommy Robinson - RUclipsвидео.html
      This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue

    • @caribstu
      @caribstu 5 лет назад +1

      I was enjoying listening to this interview until the 35th minute when he started to seriously insult UKIP and its members.

    • @ChimpingBulldog
      @ChimpingBulldog 5 лет назад +1

      @T. Froud are you being paid by The Guardian or BBC?

    • @shian228
      @shian228 5 лет назад

      @T. Froud yeah, I found out about the different names Tommy Robbinson has reading Tommys book years ago. he'll be an elected MP before farrage ever will be and I'll vote for him, farrage can go sit in the pub for all I care.

    • @shian228
      @shian228 5 лет назад

      @T. Froud for the same reason you don't call Elton John Reginald Kenneth dimwit.

  • @DevonDandy
    @DevonDandy 5 лет назад +1

    Have not seen this interviewer before. Excellent introduction and does not ruin the interview by constant interruption and talking over his guest. Obviously not going to be any good to the BBC and its Today programme any time soon.

  • @maryberdo6951
    @maryberdo6951 3 года назад +1

    Everything you said is true, he is what we want in our government, honest and down to earth with our problems here in UK.

  • @scotsshuggie
    @scotsshuggie 5 лет назад +14

    Voting makes no difference... if it did they wouldn't let us do it. Mark twain.

    • @langrichar
      @langrichar 5 лет назад

      Indeed . The senior Civil Servants and Military Officers run our Country , not one of which is elected . So good old Samuel Langhorne Clemens was right .

  • @asturianaenmuros
    @asturianaenmuros 5 лет назад +14

    Nigel Farage talks the talk, he should not have left politics and the UKIP after the Referendum. He should have been holding Theresa May and her kitten heels over the fire.
    And don't insult Tommy Robinson. He isn't a member of UKIP. Just an advisor about grooming gangs.

  • @veryfitting
    @veryfitting 5 лет назад +4

    Ukip is stronger not weaker now.

  • @marcinnowicki6286
    @marcinnowicki6286 5 лет назад +2

    Nigel Farage is a LION. He should lead GB.

  • @bally1213
    @bally1213 5 лет назад +1

    What a breath of fresh air, a interviewer that actually give Nigel time to talk, well done Brendan

  • @XBullitt16X
    @XBullitt16X 5 лет назад +36

    I love Nigel for how he has helped pushed brexit, however I disagree strongly with him on UKIP.

    • @persimon8249
      @persimon8249 5 лет назад

      throw him to the ground and make him yours..and stop groveling..shame!

    • @XBullitt16X
      @XBullitt16X 5 лет назад

      @@persimon8249 ???

    • @persimon8249
      @persimon8249 5 лет назад

      @@XBullitt16X You love bad guys..yes? I am good so I am safe....

    • @XBullitt16X
      @XBullitt16X 5 лет назад

      @@persimon8249 I have no idea what you're talking about, is english your first language ? Your comment seems to be lost in translation.

  • @RichieBenno
    @RichieBenno 5 лет назад +56

    I like Farage but hate the fact he lies about TR and UKIP. I think he's just salty Batten is doing so well.

    • @elizabethm7090
      @elizabethm7090 5 лет назад +1

      @T. Froud More and more each day. People voting (i.e.) Labor, just because their parents and grandparents did. These parties are not the same anymore. UKIP is a fairly new party and has done well in it's short time to create itself. To me, it shows that the people are looking for another vision and Independent one. I think more political movements away from the establishment are our future. That is why I think the EU and the UN is so desperate to consolidate power before Europe truly "wakes up". I don't think they can put the genie back in the bottle now though :)

    • @elizabethm7090
      @elizabethm7090 5 лет назад

      @T. Froud There's the Democratic Spirit! Glad I moved to the USA. Although, I feel sorry for every poor Brit that wants the hell out of the Totalitarian State. Having Free Speech is amazing. No police coming to my door for Twitter lol :P

    • @elizabethm7090
      @elizabethm7090 5 лет назад

      @T. Froud Free speech, is the ONLY way to find the truth! Other than that you have oppression and then violence. I don't think our education systems are teaching the true horrors of fascism and communism anymore. After many generations of sacrifice and wars that my family fought? Along with many other brave Brits? I am quite happy that we have sacrificed enough for your Freedom. Take care of it and fight for it as we did for yourself and future generations. I am quite happy to remain free in the USA. The UK is not the happy and secure place I grew up in, it's a mess. The ever louder gangs on indoctrinated zombies running about? No thanks. I will financially support those truly standing up for freedom, the true resistance and may even return if we have Civil War. Other than that? I am better off with my Rights and my Freedom here. Who wants to live in a police state? See, I can type whatever the hell I want on the internet. There are no "police departments" coming to my door for so-called "hate-speech". Who cares about our kids being raped right? Free Speech of normal everyday people is the threat? LOL! No thanks. Good luck to you, you are going to need it with all of the "cultural enrichment" coming your way. :)

  • @stephenjackson6515
    @stephenjackson6515 5 лет назад +9

    It's long been a 'banana republic'!

  • @freagle71
    @freagle71 5 лет назад +1

    Nothing but admiration for this giant of British politics. Best of luck with the new party Nigel. Don’t go away just yet your country needs you.
    Cheers 🍻

  • @acecolin52
    @acecolin52 5 лет назад +2

    Brexit party has my vote, please all sign up if you want democracy. Let's show them we are not getting brushed under the rug.

  • @thejollysloth5743
    @thejollysloth5743 5 лет назад +15

    Nigel calls Tommy a "thug". What a sad day for the UK.

    • @susangordon2998
      @susangordon2998 5 лет назад +3

      Nigel farag why don't you get behind Gerrard batten and stand up for ukip

    • @thejollysloth5743
      @thejollysloth5743 5 лет назад +2

      @@susangordon2998 Exactly. Farage is acting like a damn child.
      He knows the media smears him, yet he still believes the bullshit they say about Tommy. It shows either cowardice, ignorance, or corruption. I'm not sure which one still.

    • @joetotale6354
      @joetotale6354 5 лет назад +1

      You're right. Totally right. Tommy is more of a c... than a thug.

    • @urbanmidnight1
      @urbanmidnight1 5 лет назад +1

      Tommy IS a government shill. One day he'll be outed.

  • @alanharwood1636
    @alanharwood1636 5 лет назад +33

    From what i have seen of Sargon and Dankula talking ukip politics they don't seem very BNP to me ... I think Nigel's going senile.

    • @alanharwood1636
      @alanharwood1636 5 лет назад

      Possibly .... but I don't expect the majority of new ukip members, who may have some concerns about islam in the uk, are advocates of any sort of far-right extremism. Anyways, I can't see Sargon or Dankula supporting any form of extremism, so I expect they will call it out if it develops.

  • @22grena
    @22grena 5 лет назад +16

    There is absolutely no need for a Brexit party to fight for Brexit. If there were Nigel would have continued as leader of UKIP which, when he abandoned it, was at the height of its power and influence. Nigel left UKIP expecting it to collapse without him at the helm. In my opinion Nigel had a tacit agreement with the establishment that UKIP was simply a vehicle for Brexit and should not be allowed to challenge the Tory party. The only reason Nigel has now resurrected another party is to try to take votes from UKIP and stop its growth as an alternative to the Conservatives. His quip about Yellow Jackets and ''we're not French...we're not made that way'' tells me all we need to know about his pro establishment anti UKIP bias.

    • @johntsoukas8723
      @johntsoukas8723 5 лет назад +1

      You sir are 100% correct on this.In fact the day that brexit won,Farage looked astonished and surprised.I really believe that he was a frontrunner to a cause just to betray it when time came.He was also the first person i have heard talking about a second referandum,at a moment that neither torys or labour mentioned this at all!!!His motives are dark to say the least.I don't trust this man at all from now on.

    • @elizabethtaylor9321
      @elizabethtaylor9321 5 лет назад +1

      22grena He stood down because he needed more time with his family, we all thought UKIP was not needed after the vote to leave, they had done the job they were formed for, but how wrong we were, if he knew what was coming he would not have left the party.

    • @22grena
      @22grena 5 лет назад +1

      elizabeth taylor Thanks Nigel

    • @lyndonjones2327
      @lyndonjones2327 5 лет назад +1

      In 2009 lord Pearson then leader of UKIP tried to make a deal with Cameron that if he won the next general election would he agree a referendum on the Lisbon treaty, in effect this would be a referendum on the European union. If this was to be agreed UKIP would be disbanded. I believe Nigel followed through with this when he won the referendum .

  • @TheJohnscot
    @TheJohnscot 5 лет назад +1

    There is an honest politician and his name is Nigel Farage. Respect. Reconstruct our government and get rid of Royalty. Get up to date.

  • @johnryan5506
    @johnryan5506 5 лет назад +1

    A top interviewer, no shabby interruptions from him, what great and intelligent questions he asks.

  • @ProclusX
    @ProclusX 5 лет назад +12

    I'm voting for the Brexit Party if we don't leave without a deal!

    • @katyb6979
      @katyb6979 5 лет назад

      Proclus X They will be a one trick pony though. UKIP have exactly the same stance on the EU plus many other policies, like the erosion of Free Speech.

  • @Mark_Dyer1
    @Mark_Dyer1 5 лет назад +12

    NIGEL: I think that you are correct in your analysis that the majority of us will opt out of electing completely. The BRITISH PEOPLE will then get, not only the EU, but (and here you disagree) they will also get ISLAM. And they will DESERVE BOTH! If the British People cannot see the need to vote for someone other than TORY or LABOUR, then they thoroughly DESERVE the EU + ISLAM. Bring them on; and they will see what they have done through their apathy! But, firstly, things are going to get MUCH, MUCH worse. As regards UKIP, you KNOW that the 2017 TORQUAY FIASCO exposed you and what you were up to behind the scenes. You gave us 'UKIPPERS' Henry fu**ing Bolton, for goodness' sake. THAT is why you dare not face UKIP today! And - those of us who have formed the FOR BRITAIN MOVEMENT will never return to UKIP because of how its Management behaved. Those people are still there. Mr Batten had better watch out.

    • @Mark_Dyer1
      @Mark_Dyer1 5 лет назад

      @Will Smit I totally agree!

    • @Mark_Dyer1
      @Mark_Dyer1 5 лет назад

      @Magna Carta Yes: I could HAVE up-ticked him.

    • @christophercook723
      @christophercook723 5 лет назад

      Abstaining is surrendering to people mistakenly called elite. It is imperative to register a vote as its failing but the only way of keeping them honest.

    • @Mark_Dyer1
      @Mark_Dyer1 5 лет назад

      @@christophercook723 Do provide the 'mechanics' as to how voting for CRAP keeps CRAP honest!

    • @Noodlehorn
      @Noodlehorn 5 лет назад

      Spot on Mike. Tommy is a fool to himself. Batten is not committed to the movement like us. He is just politically ambitious and is obsessed with Brexit. He's using Tommy. 'Thanks Tommy, we'll use all your subscribers and all your influence....but you can't join our SINGLE ISSUE party!'
      Tommy has known and been friends with Anne Marie Waters for years, putting their lives on the line...long before Batten saw his opportunity. She EXPOSED UKIP ffs! If Tommy and other people get behind a TRULY revolutionary party - For Britain, then we can start to make a difference.

  • @majorshocker2097
    @majorshocker2097 5 лет назад +4

    I couldn't quite like this because of all of the anti-UKIP stuff, but thanks for having him on.

  • @The.Doctor.Venkman
    @The.Doctor.Venkman 5 лет назад +2

    I'm really pissed off about this betrayal..... Gurrrrgh! Fuk this so-called democracy.

    • @itsnotforourconvenience2990
      @itsnotforourconvenience2990 5 лет назад +1

      You and me both, but we can't just roll over and play dead, there is too much at stake! people are waking up to what's going on, so we must maintain hope, more importantly, we must come together!

  • @paulrobinson4256
    @paulrobinson4256 5 лет назад

    Not a Nigel fan but very refreshing to hear him talk without being rude and shouting at people or shouting them down to get his way. He's more articulate than I have previously gave him credit for. A good interview. I'm a centerist-lefty and Remainer but always willing to listen to views I don't agree with - you learn far more.