@@michellerostant5621 , I so agree, and will never understand. When he had his affair, my father was dying, and I kept hearing he was seen with this woman. She knew he was very married, and we have 2 children. He just checked out. The absolute most terrible time in my life, and I just cant get over it.He is so very sorry. But they say you have to accept, before you can forgive. I am stuck at this point and so very broken. I cry constantly. Have you forgiven yet? I want to move on with him, but the pain is so deep. I am sure you know how alone you feel. I will never understand how 2 people can decide they are going to destroy someones life. I could NEVER do that to another woman! I wish she had morals to respect my children & I...but even before that,I expected my husband to have morals & respect. I dont know if everyone can heal from this, it's taken over my life.
@@miam3562 About forgiving him yes I did I think ... But the only one that can help you get of this pain is Jesus.. it's not easy itsba process you have to pray nd trust God that to is difficult you need to have support from really grounded Christians who will give you Godly advice.. It's hard but you have to pray and trust God.... He's the only one to bring comfort to you.... you can inbox me if you'll like to talk..
@ Lady RiversWay, do you believe everyone can recover from this? Trauma is the word! I have a new world since he has destroyed our life.Panic attacks, I cant sleep. I fall asleep crying and wake up crying. Does it really go away? I wonder if they knew the horrible pain they would put on us, would they still do it? I want to be myself again,but I am so broken.
Shouldn’t you first check the local legality of cyberstalking your partner or spouse? Also, shouldn’t you first ask yourself if actions like these could: a) leave you or your spouse vulnerable to financial hacking scams B) contribute to less trust building and more negativity than positivity in an already troubled relationship? Is the spy on your love really who you want to be? How would you feel if they treated you that way? Tracked your every keystroke or move? Gave your personal info to an avowed hacker? If you have such low levels of trust, and you are still in the relationship, your problem might be yours with yourself, not a cheating partner’s. Work on your sense of respect and self trust, build self confidence, learn new skills, build self esteem first. Spying seems to only foster destruction. It’s one thing to ask them if you can check their phone, etc. how defensive they are about it will tell you everything you need to know. If they chose to protect an affair partner’s feelings over yours, they have made their choice and it’s up to you - the ball’s in your court - to move on with strength and your head held high. Giving info like your phone number to a hacker you don’t know could be extremely dangerous for a myriad of reasons. I understand the temptation, but please consider the trouble this can get you into legally if nothing else, before taking this step. Doesn’t it seem exploitive that they’d advertise in comments on videos like this? Good luck and God bless.
Omg what he said about not being able to eat and insomnia just so many things he hits on here. I'm just glad I'm not just being over dramatic. It's so hard just to do daily normal things right now.
My husband and a good family friend had an affair. I confronted him 7 months ago and we decided to try and work things out. It is our anniversary today, I sure didn't feel like celebrating it.
Men’s mentality’s needs to change ! Once married they do not need porn or other women …. They already chose one person ; and that is ENOUGH! Unless they want to create havoc of course . I have yet to see a man that doesn’t cheat while married !!!
Smartness is mandatory in a relationship and cyberhackinggenius helped cloned my spouse device and I got access to all his dealings both on phone and social media without touching his devices. All I did was share my husband’s phone number with cyberhackinggenius and I was able to read both his new and deleted messages from a cloned device without having to touch his phone. I read all his Whatsapp, Facebook,Instagram and Snapchat messages Including the deleted text messages and iMessages. You can contact him via Gmail (cyberhackinggenius) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and WhatsApp : +19256795146 and don’t forget to thank me later
When I read in the Bible as a teenager that sexual immorality is the only grounds for divorce I started to study marriages at that age hoping I could avoid getting divorced. I then got married in my early 20s had children and my husband cheated several times. I always forgave and took him back because of my guilt from the bible on divorce how I couldn't marry or I would be committing adultery so I never divorced. However, I was never secure in my marriage always tormented in my mind when he was going to cheat again it was a horrible feeling. When I was in my late 20s my husband cheated again and this time I decided to leave in my head I didn't tell him but it was like God gave me a peaceful mind that this was over no more worrying. Well a day before father's day my late hubby died after going through a lost of his mind for weeks. I have seen the Bible is true God does not play around. The demons will return seven times worse when you continue to sin.
SparklePeace I always took it that the exception was that if the sexual immorality occurs then you are allowed to remarry and that if not for that reason you are committing adultery. Anyways I’m personally in a tough spot myself where I found out my wife was cheating, and then the other day just when I was getting pass what I found out that she cheated a few years ago with an ex of hers.... and I’m like fighting just divorcing because I believe god told me not to divorce her, but the way I feel in my flesh is like I can’t do this... and I don’t want to.
@@Dizzinator2114 I am sorry for the pain you are experiencing it is tough to go through this type of pain. I do not understand how people allow strangers to come in between their marriage to allow cheating on the side of the cheater. It could have been avoided it is easy through Christ Jesus to say no to sin but they choose to do this on their own and they have to receive the punishment for their disobedience to God. Jesus says that we can divorce based on adultery but we cannot remarry we only can go back to the spouse or continue to live alone. If you get a divorce and remarry you are living in adultery that is why the second and how ever many more after the divorce does not work it will always have trouble. It is clear in the bible that if you divorce you will choose to live alone or stay with the cheating spouse to pray to God to save the marriage. God hates divorce and it is possible that you can pray for your marriage to be saved and restored. The reason why your wife cheated is that she does not have God's Holy Spirit inside to walk in the right choices. When we walk in the Spirit we do not live in the flesh which the flesh is demonic listening to the devil to deceive the flesh. When we sin we sin against God not humans so do not take this personally it is your wife sinning against God and being disobedient to His Word.
SparklePeace that’s what makes it even tougher my wife is someone who prays and reads the Bible, claims to love God a lot, but for some odd reason she struggles with actually living by the things it says. Right now for example we are separated no divorce in progress, and she tells me things like I’m single and I don’t have to listen to you, because we don’t live together, so you’re just my friend. I said I am your husband not just merely some friend. Then she will be like I know you my husband, but I just want to be alone right now, or she will say something like “I feel all within my heart God doesn’t want us together, and he didn’t ordain our marriage.” I told her, but God honors marriage, and hates divorce. So when I ask did she hear anything from GOD she says no, so I ask well how do you know your heart is right or wrong? She then says I’m just trying to confuse her. It’s like and I hate to say this, but it’s like she is ok with the Bible and GOD, except in anything dealing with marriage right now. I don’t believe she loves me anymore. Just on Saturday she asked could we back together by Sunday morning she said she doesn’t really want that.
@@Dizzinator2114 She may be reading the bible and praying but she does not believe the Word of God she has no fear of God and no respect for God that is why she has no respect for you. She is not walking in God's Holy Spirit she is walking in the flesh. When you speak to her you are speaking to the demons ruling her flesh and she is going to say mean things to you to hurt you she is not in her right mind. This is a lie of the devil you have to help your wife get released from the deception of the devil because inside her is her spirit crying to you to help her get released. God has made you the head of the household to take authority over your house to get rid of the demons trying to rule your household. This is a test from God to show you how powerful His Spirit within you will heal your marriage. Read Hosea and pray to God to see what HE wants you to do to heal your marriage. Seek first the Kingdom of God, not your wife do not make her your God because this will cause God to get angry. Many that read the bible and pray are not walking in the Spirit because they do not believe. This is God allowing your wife to have her eyes closed from God so she will not cheat again once God opens her eyes again. This is going to be a struggle to get through but with God anything is possible.
SparklePeace I’ve felt that way towards her as well, but I said it in a different way. I said he is just spiritually immature, and though she knows the Bible she doesn’t actually walk that out in her life. I just spoke with her and she said “you need to focus on god, and not the marriage and be ok with us not being together.” She also said she was living in rebellion to God, and that she doesn’t want to do that anymore. I told her I don’t want you to live in rebellion either, and she asked “what’s that supposed to mean? I said “yes or no, am I your husband? She said only on paper, and I said ok so do we have vows before god ? Yes or no? She then says we didn’t keep our vows.... so I said, but we do have vows and we are married before God and man though? She said I’m not talking to you and hung up. In the same conversation she told me she feels like in her heart we are not married anymore and that she is done with it, but there’s a part of her that makes her want to come back. That’s the part that makes me feel like she is in deception, and that the peace she has is false, and that tells me that’s why she will not talk to anyone except her friends who are worldly about the matter rather than the people she ran to when she was trying to condemn me to anyone and everyone about how I wasn’t a good husband. She went to numerous pastors, and family members. So I asked her to go tell them the truth, and see what they say.... she refuses to go to the church she called her church and the man she called her pastor now she is looking for a church home.... I do think she is deceived, but I don’t want to just say stuff, because she always say I’m trying to pressure her to be with me or confuse her. In a way I feel like I should leave her alone and that’s what a lot of people have told me to do, and let the Holy Spirit deal with her and fight the battle on my knees
Two years for the betrayed to recover? Try more than two decades. It's like death from a thousand cuts. And when you are retired and you don't have distractions anymore like a demanding career, study, parenting, litigation, etc, it becomes top of mind and it eats into your soul. I am more angry than ever before. I invested everything in our marriage. Time, effort, resources, and most of all, my love! What for .... ?
Wishful thinking. Trust is like a glass mirror, once it is broken it is never the same. Trust is the spinal cord of any relationship or marriage. Under no circumstances can it ever be broken. Human beings depend on trust on a day to day basis. Trust is apart of the building of communities, cities, and nations. If a human has one doubt in their mind about if they should trust there will be no longterm relationship that will be established. Never break trust. Period.
Many thanks, been searching for "can my marriage be saved after an affair" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Qenamilla Strayer Magnet - (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my m8 got amazing success with it.
I've watched dozens of these videos now and I can't even hear them over the voices in my head. I found out my wife had been cheating on me a week ago Monday, and whenever I feel like I'm getting some emotional ground on it, I slip back into the hole. I can't even put to words what this feels like. It feels like desperately wanting to just die. Not a suicide threat, but if I didn't have kids and a desperate hope for a future with her, it probably would be.
I wish you the best. I can definitely empathize with you on this. It is always more difficult to leave a cheating wife when you have children with her. Especially if she is of a vindictive nature. Us men have it so very difficult when it comes to be able to see our kids when the mother has so much more rights. Men get the short end of the stick financially and emotionally.
That’s where I am right now I found out she was cheating almost 3 months ago, and I got to a point where I forgave her, and could be around her, but a few nights ago she tells me that wasn’t the only time she cheated and that she slept with an ex of hers twice two years ago.
The process to recovery from betrayal is a very difficult road. The hurt is sometimes unbearable. Before Dday I was filled with the joy and spirit. There's very little of that anymore. His betrayal changed my life forever. I've never been betrayed before and it destroyed our hopes and dreams for the future. I stayed with him because he had cancer and copd. He was extremely remorseful but that didn't help. It was a love hate relationship for me and the foundation (trust) was gone. There was no resolve because he said he didn't want to hurt me anymore. That was bullshit, it was because he didn't want to feel the shame of who and what he had done. BETRAYAL and lies are the worst thing that can happen in a marriage or loving relationdhip.
Are you sure you are not dealing with a Narcissist? They need to have sex out of the marriage like air ..... do not make the mistake to take him back if he doesn’t work on himself first ... you will be definitely hurt again ...
I am in a similar boat, I decided to stay but its killing me cause I can't allow myself to trust her fully and whats starting to depress me the most is that I'm not the same man I was before she cheated
@@snowman495 you and Becky hit the nail on the head with exactly how I'm feeling. I just wish I had a time machine so I could go back and avoid all the pain. I'm not the same man I was before and it's slowly killing me inside.
I think I was most distraught by the negative change in my mothering during my sadness, not being there in full capacitylike before. This is so good... Thank you!
@@timothy897 😔thanx for replying, I fell horrible I hurt my wife. I did wrong now I'm depressed, sad, ashamed, guilt ridden, embarrassed and not to mention I may lose my wife. She said she wants to work through this but idk if she'll change her mind. I wish I never did it,my wife is worth her weight in gold. I just pray to Jesus she forgives me. I'm trying hard to find counseling for us.
@@homerdadon6363 hey There Homer so sorry, you are going through a challenging Time, I have gone through a period of shame and Guilt as well when I confessed what I did to my girlfriend but now I feel a lot like a load is off my Chest 😁, I am willing to listen to what happened and see if I can help you
The jest of this, which seems to be neither reconciliation (which will never work) or break-up with the spouse, seems to be, follow your instinct in moving forward as the individual you are. Pretty benign, but - hey, buy the book on how to do it. I think, you get to a certain age and maturity, you trust your gut on how to move forward. Just my 2cents.
What to do when your husband intentionally wanted to hurt you by telling you he had an affair 40 yrs ago, I was pregnant with his child, he treated me bad at that time, we’ve been together 48 yrs.....I don’t know I can get past his intention to hurt me so deep
That IS sick. And stupid and hurtful. Why? Why tell you now? It's only to relieve his guilt, if he has any left. So, he's spent the last 40 yrs feeling guilty? Let it lay in the gutters of his life. He's selfish and perhaps, wants you to know he was once quite viral and sexy. Whatevs. I would not blame you for divorcing because, he told you many lies during the affair and is quite capable of doing it again or has been. Protect your heart and put him on a back burner. Decide what YOU want with the rest of your life! You are special.
I can't stop obsessing over the details of my exes act of cheating. I love her and know we could make it work because she really feels like crap. 6 years with her. Shes not eating or sleeping. I do miss her but the obsessive thinking is destroying me man :-( idk how to overcome that
@@SAMEntalhealth I hope I can get their one way or another. I'm severely sick in my head and I can't make myself leave or work past the thoughts to even begin forgiveness. How do I leave the only woman I ever loved, and gave me 2 beautiful boys. I just don't know how, this is the most emotionally and mentally exhausting thing I've ever gone through in my life.
@@shanec4494 I'm very sorry. Forgiveness is not a given, nor does she deserve it for tossing an atomic bomb in. your marriage. Please line up your ducks, see a lawyer - stat, and try to go no contact as much as you can with kids. Please come to Chump Lady and join our nation of Chumps. It will help a lot.
Please am the unfaithful and begging you with everything in my soul. Please, if shes truly sorry. Don't leave her. Please. There is nothing that I can say that would make sense, but please, please forgive her.
i can't get over that and he died two years ago . He travelled the world with his job and I was home with my sons. Too many single women out there wanting your husband. He was never sorry either. Never had an apology, I think his ego got in the way. If I did that overseas I would have been thrown out. He was at a baptism in Sydney and bosses wife introduced her friend to him and said he is available,e all week. I knew the minute he got off the plane he couldn't look at me. He had a mental break down years later. I was his nurse while dying of cancer.
I feel like you. I went thru this. I am his girlfriend and other woman wanted him and was stating’I don’t see a ring on your finger’ like it was fair game. I’m sorry for you. I never cheated. I was a good person. I was bubbly happy before that, now I’m not. I just see him as a regular type of guy.
Yeah I just found out a month ago my husband was having an affair for over a year found all the naked pictures, pictures of them in bed presenting her as her cousin, so I thought they were family until he started spending too much time on the phone and I started being suspicious. Hoooo that hurt the betrayal the lies, and he expected to me to throw it under the rug and move on which I can't do. He refused to go to counseling now he's hiding himself to talk to her. We've been married for 14 years have two kids I want to give up
Mine has never been faithful in 25 years of marriage. In his mind I just need to ignore the obvious and just believe him and I would be fine. I recognize the pattern and watch him crushing, fall in lust, happy but I know within a few months he gets bored they start feeling entitled and he pulls away they panic they fight and then it's my turn and we follow the same cycle until he replaces me again with someone from his past or someone new, I'm numb, mentally and emotional burnt and he thrives , I'm surprised I cared enough to write this much right now. I don't even have a question. I have all the answers but no solutions . In the end PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY WANT TO DO, I have only myself to blame.
🙏🏽Thank you so much Sir for that great info. My cycle of negativity had just ended this morning and was triggered now. After 2 weeks this second time. Then a nice day like different people. Like we just met. There was 2 weeks of hate from both sides b4 nice day. Usually every other day but often its 3-4 not talk with little fights. I cant keep my accusation in check. Like when a person close dies and you relate everything with them. Blah blah blah almost everything you said took me 2 years to figure out. I dont think most people will figure half in a life time. I was there doing nothing and breaking my head. I get clues that say its true. I rambled worse earlier and erased . Now again. I dont think a 1000 hr represent the time i wasted punishing myself with my own mind that may have never happed because im questioning 28 years. I cant remember last week but I can remember 6 million dollar man Thundar in great detail so. So I remember things eventually and im stuck figuring it out putting it together for a conviction. Keeping some a secret 4 later. I have to accusations time line exhibit A thru…I trying proving her innocents like science and see if i can get a different answer. Got to go i can save it now. Thank you for saving me a year my health and marriage..
L L L L P P L L Pl L L L L L L P L LL p P P L P P P P P P P P L L L P P L P P P L P P P L P P P P P P P P P P L P P P P P P P P P Pp P P P L Pp P P P P P P P P P P P Pp P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P L P P P P P P Pp P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Ppp P Pp P P P P P P P P P P P P P Pp P P P P P P P P P Pp P Pp P L P Pp P P P P P P P P P Pp P P P P P P P P P Lp P P P Pp P L P P L L P P P P P P P P Pp P P P P P P P L P P P P Pp P P P L Pp P L P P P P Pp P P L Pp P P P P P P P P P L P P L L P P Pp P L P P P P P P L P L L L P L P Ppl P P L P L P P P L P P P Pp P P P P P P P P P Pl L L L Pl P P P L L L L L Lpl Ll L L P P P Pl P Pp P P P L L P L Pl P P P L P P P L P L Pp Lp L P P L P P P P P P P P Pp P P P P Pl P P P L Pl P P P P P P P P P L L L L Pp L P L L L L L L L P L L P L P L L L L L P L Lpl L L P L P L Lplp P L L L Lplpl Plplplplplpl Lplp P Plpl P P P P P P P P P L P P L P P P P L P L P P L P P P P P P P P P P P P P L P L P P P P P P L P L P L P L P P L P P Loop
Go get a hand full of cameras. Track the bastards. Pray to Jesus and God. They will help you. They have helped me see the Truth. They will help you also. BE BRAVE PRAY AND BELIEVE. THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME RIGHT NOW. THE LIGHT OF TRUTH CAN NOT BE STOPPED. JESUS AND GOD IS WATCHING. JUDGEMENT DAY IS COMING. M-11-15.
Me too, I just want it all to end. I'm not the same person I used to be before she hurt me beyond repair. I feel helpless, like a horrible person and father. I spend all day in my room, in my thoughts on days I don't work. I want to feel at peace again.
May GOD have mercy. If it never goes away and no access to real help. Why are we keeping the marriage and making the betrayed suffer?... am exhausted......
Christa Luongo So sorry Christa - but I believe you are in denial - Recovery takes A LONG time. I’m 2 years out and though it is better, the triggers still come. My suggestion -find a Counselor that you are happy with for the both of you.
Loree J I do feel a lot better. I’m controlling my ruminating thoughts. Why should I have to relive the pain everyday?? I also started a journal and have shared it with my husband so he understands what I’m thinking and feeling. Talking about it has helped. The other woman is out of the picture so we are working with a counselor and moving forward. I have my bad days but now I’m eating and sleeping. Sometimes I’m sad but writing everything down on paper is helping me. I’m staring to eat better and workout again. This is why I feel better. We are working on the marriage. If the affair was still going or he left me for her that would be another story. I’m so sorry that you have experienced what I have been through. It sucks doesn’t it??? First person to ever cheat on me.
Christa Luongo I’m so glad the two of you are seeing a counselor. We had been married 38 yrs when I found out..... porn, dating sites and sexting. It had been going on for 8 years. Never would have imagined this of him. Blessings over your marriage....🙏🏻
@@5700Guppy we are still married. Counseling has helped and we work as a team now. Our communication has improved as our relationship. Sometimes I think of what has transpired between us but for now we are happy! I have decided that if this ever happens again he will have to be kicked to the curb. My trust for people in general isn’t 100 percent. Anyone can do anything at any given time.
If someone cheats on you it’s time to let them go!! Don’t put up with it!! You will never be able to trust them again! Don’t listen to this guy he makes money and your stuck with a piece of garbage!!
While porn is a significant issue, actually having sex with someone else is so much worse. I’ve had a pornography addiction for almost 20 years. It lead my wife to an emotional state where she felt like she needs I move on. She started dating another man, and even has a sexual relationship with several years ago. I just found out about it a few weeks ago. I guarantee she did not feel the way as I do. She actually betrayed me, lied to me, conspired against me. She kept it from me for years before she finally revealed it. We have committed to restoring our marriage, but the pain and anger are not going away. She was a virgin when we got married. Now I feel like she has no honor, and like she has been desecrated. I definitely feel the work-related issues, as well. I feel like I need help, but can’t afford a professional.
Pornography is cheating if it takes energy and focus away from your partner. Period. You minimized the many years (20?) you cheated on your wife. No doubt she felt insignificant, unattractive, worthless, and I could go on. You say she was a virgin before and now you somehow think less of her? So what is it that she should think of you? Come on man. You aren’t being honest with yourself because you are justifying your anger towards your wife for not being able to stand up against that forceful constant push you gave her away from you. Addiction or not, you are accountable for the consequences of what came about due to your actions. Addiction is a disease but living in your addiction is a choice. You chose your addiction over your wife. She had no honor? Where was yours? She’s been desecrated? You desecrated the marriage and her ability to actively love you. Until you are honest with yourself you cannot forgive yourself for pushing your wife into another man’s arms. It’s you that you are angry with. Reflect on that.
Akstylez _ak I think it can affect the healing process depending on how long the affair lasted. In most cases, long term affairs include a strong emotional attachment meaning they love each other so while you two have to fall back in love with one another they have to fall out of love with one another. This can require them to have to get close to one another while they have to detach themselves. It can be difficult but it can work.
It’s unbelievable what two people can do to one innocent person
I can so relate to this comment. I did everything right, and they devastated me.
@@miam3562 And isn't it amazing how they do it with no remorse.....
@@michellerostant5621 , I so agree, and will never understand. When he had his affair, my father was dying, and I kept hearing he was seen with this woman. She knew he was very married, and we have 2 children. He just checked out. The absolute most terrible time in my life, and I just cant get over it.He is so very sorry. But they say you have to accept, before you can forgive. I am stuck at this point and so very broken. I cry constantly. Have you forgiven yet? I want to move on with him, but the pain is so deep. I am sure you know how alone you feel. I will never understand how 2 people can decide they are going to destroy someones life. I could NEVER do that to another woman! I wish she had morals to respect my children & I...but even before that,I expected my husband to have morals & respect. I dont know if everyone can heal from this, it's taken over my life.
@@emokiriemiabednegoabed2844 That sounds good but I don't know if I'll be able to get that I'm from the Caribbean.... And what's the cost of that...
@@miam3562 About forgiving him yes I did I think ... But the only one that can help you get of this pain is Jesus.. it's not easy itsba process you have to pray nd trust God that to is difficult you need to have support from really grounded Christians who will give you Godly advice.. It's hard but you have to pray and trust God.... He's the only one to bring comfort to you.... you can inbox me if you'll like to talk..
Two years is a very short recovery time in my experience. Closer to 3 to 5 years. Horrible horrible trauma.
@ Lady RiversWay, do you believe everyone can recover from this? Trauma is the word! I have a new world since he has destroyed our life.Panic attacks, I cant sleep. I fall asleep crying and wake up crying. Does it really go away? I wonder if they knew the horrible pain they would put on us, would they still do it? I want to be myself again,but I am so broken.
Shouldn’t you first check the local legality of cyberstalking your partner or spouse?
Also, shouldn’t you first ask yourself if actions like these could:
a) leave you or your spouse vulnerable to financial hacking scams
B) contribute to less trust building and more negativity than positivity in an already troubled relationship?
Is the spy on your love really who you want to be?
How would you feel if they treated you that way? Tracked your every keystroke or move? Gave your personal info to an avowed hacker?
If you have such low levels of trust, and you are still in the relationship, your problem might be yours with yourself, not a cheating partner’s.
Work on your sense of respect and self trust, build self confidence, learn new skills, build self esteem first.
Spying seems to only foster destruction. It’s one thing to ask them if you can check their phone, etc. how defensive they are about it will tell you everything you need to know.
If they chose to protect an affair partner’s feelings over yours, they have made their choice and it’s up to you - the ball’s in your court - to move on with strength and your head held high.
Giving info like your phone number to a hacker you don’t know could be extremely dangerous for a myriad of reasons.
I understand the temptation, but please consider the trouble this can get you into legally if nothing else, before taking this step.
Doesn’t it seem exploitive that they’d advertise in comments on videos like this?
Good luck and God bless.
@@miam3562I pray you found some peace
45 years and hurts like he'll every day
Omg what he said about not being able to eat and insomnia just so many things he hits on here. I'm just glad I'm not just being over dramatic. It's so hard just to do daily normal things right now.
My husband and a good family friend had an affair. I confronted him 7 months ago and we decided to try and work things out. It is our anniversary today, I sure didn't feel like celebrating it.
How did things work out ?
Men’s mentality’s needs to change ! Once married they do not need porn or other women …. They already chose one person ; and that is ENOUGH! Unless they want to create havoc of course . I have yet to see a man that doesn’t cheat while married !!!
I hope things are better for y'all
Smartness is mandatory in a relationship and cyberhackinggenius helped cloned my spouse device and I got access to all his dealings both on phone and social media without touching his devices. All I did was share my husband’s phone number with cyberhackinggenius and I was able to read both his new and deleted messages from a cloned device without having to touch his phone. I read all his Whatsapp, Facebook,Instagram and Snapchat messages Including the deleted text messages and iMessages. You can contact him via Gmail (cyberhackinggenius) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and WhatsApp : +19256795146 and don’t forget to thank me later
In this case he sticks his head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge the pain that he has caused and somehow thinks that there is no damage.
If they have a TV, or telephone they know. If they are alive and breathing in this world, they know. They just don't care enough and are selfish
When I read in the Bible as a teenager that sexual immorality is the only grounds for divorce I started to study marriages at that age hoping I could avoid getting divorced. I then got married in my early 20s had children and my husband cheated several times. I always forgave and took him back because of my guilt from the bible on divorce how I couldn't marry or I would be committing adultery so I never divorced. However, I was never secure in my marriage always tormented in my mind when he was going to cheat again it was a horrible feeling. When I was in my late 20s my husband cheated again and this time I decided to leave in my head I didn't tell him but it was like God gave me a peaceful mind that this was over no more worrying. Well a day before father's day my late hubby died after going through a lost of his mind for weeks. I have seen the Bible is true God does not play around. The demons will return seven times worse when you continue to sin.
SparklePeace I always took it that the exception was that if the sexual immorality occurs then you are allowed to remarry and that if not for that reason you are committing adultery.
Anyways I’m personally in a tough spot myself where I found out my wife was cheating, and then the other day just when I was getting pass what I found out that she cheated a few years ago with an ex of hers.... and I’m like fighting just divorcing because I believe god told me not to divorce her, but the way I feel in my flesh is like I can’t do this... and I don’t want to.
@@Dizzinator2114 I am sorry for the pain you are experiencing it is tough to go through this type of pain. I do not understand how people allow strangers to come in between their marriage to allow cheating on the side of the cheater. It could have been avoided it is easy through Christ Jesus to say no to sin but they choose to do this on their own and they have to receive the punishment for their disobedience to God. Jesus says that we can divorce based on adultery but we cannot remarry we only can go back to the spouse or continue to live alone.
If you get a divorce and remarry you are living in adultery that is why the second and how ever many more after the divorce does not work it will always have trouble. It is clear in the bible that if you divorce you will choose to live alone or stay with the cheating spouse to pray to God to save the marriage. God hates divorce and it is possible that you can pray for your marriage to be saved and restored. The reason why your wife cheated is that she does not have God's Holy Spirit inside to walk in the right choices. When we walk in the Spirit we do not live in the flesh which the flesh is demonic listening to the devil to deceive the flesh.
When we sin we sin against God not humans so do not take this personally it is your wife sinning against God and being disobedient to His Word.
SparklePeace that’s what makes it even tougher my wife is someone who prays and reads the Bible, claims to love God a lot, but for some odd reason she struggles with actually living by the things it says.
Right now for example we are separated no divorce in progress, and she tells me things like I’m single and I don’t have to listen to you, because we don’t live together, so you’re just my friend. I said I am your husband not just merely some friend. Then she will be like I know you my husband, but I just want to be alone right now, or she will say something like “I feel all within my heart God doesn’t want us together, and he didn’t ordain our marriage.” I told her, but God honors marriage, and hates divorce. So when I ask did she hear anything from GOD she says no, so I ask well how do you know your heart is right or wrong? She then says I’m just trying to confuse her.
It’s like and I hate to say this, but it’s like she is ok with the Bible and GOD, except in anything dealing with marriage right now. I don’t believe she loves me anymore. Just on Saturday she asked could we back together by Sunday morning she said she doesn’t really want that.
@@Dizzinator2114 She may be reading the bible and praying but she does not believe the Word of God she has no fear of God and no respect for God that is why she has no respect for you. She is not walking in God's Holy Spirit she is walking in the flesh. When you speak to her you are speaking to the demons ruling her flesh and she is going to say mean things to you to hurt you she is not in her right mind. This is a lie of the devil you have to help your wife get released from the deception of the devil because inside her is her spirit crying to you to help her get released. God has made you the head of the household to take authority over your house to get rid of the demons trying to rule your household. This is a test from God to show you how powerful His Spirit within you will heal your marriage. Read Hosea and pray to God to see what HE wants you to do to heal your marriage. Seek first the Kingdom of God, not your wife do not make her your God because this will cause God to get angry. Many that read the bible and pray are not walking in the Spirit because they do not believe. This is God allowing your wife to have her eyes closed from God so she will not cheat again once God opens her eyes again. This is going to be a struggle to get through but with God anything is possible.
SparklePeace I’ve felt that way towards her as well, but I said it in a different way. I said he is just spiritually immature, and though she knows the Bible she doesn’t actually walk that out in her life.
I just spoke with her and she said “you need to focus on god, and not the marriage and be ok with us not being together.” She also said she was living in rebellion to God, and that she doesn’t want to do that anymore. I told her I don’t want you to live in rebellion either, and she asked “what’s that supposed to mean?
I said “yes or no, am I your husband? She said only on paper, and I said ok so do we have vows before god ? Yes or no? She then says we didn’t keep our vows.... so I said, but we do have vows and we are married before God and man though? She said I’m not talking to you and hung up.
In the same conversation she told me she feels like in her heart we are not married anymore and that she is done with it, but there’s a part of her that makes her want to come back.
That’s the part that makes me feel like she is in deception, and that the peace she has is false, and that tells me that’s why she will not talk to anyone except her friends who are worldly about the matter rather than the people she ran to when she was trying to condemn me to anyone and everyone about how I wasn’t a good husband. She went to numerous pastors, and family members. So I asked her to go tell them the truth, and see what they say.... she refuses to go to the church she called her church and the man she called her pastor now she is looking for a church home.... I do think she is deceived, but I don’t want to just say stuff, because she always say I’m trying to pressure her to be with me or confuse her.
In a way I feel like I should leave her alone and that’s what a lot of people have told me to do, and let the Holy Spirit deal with her and fight the battle on my knees
Two years for the betrayed to recover? Try more than two decades. It's like death from a thousand cuts. And when you are retired and you don't have distractions anymore like a demanding career, study, parenting, litigation, etc, it becomes top of mind and it eats into your soul. I am more angry than ever before. I invested everything in our marriage. Time, effort, resources, and most of all, my love! What for .... ?
Yes, what for ?
Thank you. I am dealing with this right now. A 15 year relationship down the drain. I feel this.
Blessings and healing to you 💞
Wishful thinking. Trust is like a glass mirror, once it is broken it is never the same.
Trust is the spinal cord of any relationship or marriage.
Under no circumstances can it ever be broken. Human beings depend on trust on a day to day basis. Trust is apart of the building of communities, cities, and nations.
If a human has one doubt in their mind about if they should trust there will be no longterm relationship that will be established.
Never break trust. Period.
Many thanks, been searching for "can my marriage be saved after an affair" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Qenamilla Strayer Magnet - (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my m8 got amazing success with it.
Your videos are helping through the roughest time of my life.
Starting at 19:50 had me tearing up, thank you for your words.
Dammmmboy, you are a great minister 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️. God bless you for the that great encouragement
Thanks for the help Hasani. You are very helpful in my gaining understanding of what has happened to my marriage.
I've watched dozens of these videos now and I can't even hear them over the voices in my head. I found out my wife had been cheating on me a week ago Monday, and whenever I feel like I'm getting some emotional ground on it, I slip back into the hole. I can't even put to words what this feels like. It feels like desperately wanting to just die. Not a suicide threat, but if I didn't have kids and a desperate hope for a future with her, it probably would be.
I wish you the best. I can definitely empathize with you on this. It is always more difficult to leave a cheating wife when you have children with her. Especially if she is of a vindictive nature. Us men have it so very difficult when it comes to be able to see our kids when the mother has so much more rights. Men get the short end of the stick financially and emotionally.
That’s where I am right now I found out she was cheating almost 3 months ago, and I got to a point where I forgave her, and could be around her, but a few nights ago she tells me that wasn’t the only time she cheated and that she slept with an ex of hers twice two years ago.
Really awesome video! Thank you! You have a very capturing positive energy
The process to recovery from betrayal is a very difficult road. The hurt is sometimes unbearable. Before Dday I was filled with the joy and spirit. There's very little of that anymore. His betrayal changed my life forever. I've never been betrayed before and it destroyed our hopes and dreams for the future. I stayed with him because he had cancer and copd. He was extremely remorseful but that didn't help. It was a love hate relationship for me and the foundation (trust) was gone. There was no resolve because he said he didn't want to hurt me anymore. That was bullshit, it was because he didn't want to feel the shame of who and what he had done. BETRAYAL and lies are the worst thing that can happen in a marriage or loving relationdhip.
Are you sure you are not dealing with a Narcissist? They need to have sex out of the marriage like air ..... do not make the mistake to take him back if he doesn’t work on himself first ... you will be definitely hurt again ...
I am in a similar boat, I decided to stay but its killing me cause I can't allow myself to trust her fully and whats starting to depress me the most is that I'm not the same man I was before she cheated
@@snowman495 you and Becky hit the nail on the head with exactly how I'm feeling. I just wish I had a time machine so I could go back and avoid all the pain. I'm not the same man I was before and it's slowly killing me inside.
@@shanec4494 Same here...mine won't admit to anything.
I think I was most distraught by the negative change in my mothering during my sadness, not being there in full capacitylike before.
This is so good... Thank you!
Cheating is something that automatically becomes repetitive.
I wish I had the money to afford talking to you about my matter. 😞 blessings
Me too , in the same Boat Angel .
@@timothy897 how much is it ???
@@homerdadon6363 I don't know the exact price but its quite high
@@timothy897 😔thanx for replying, I fell horrible I hurt my wife. I did wrong now I'm depressed, sad, ashamed, guilt ridden, embarrassed and not to mention I may lose my wife. She said she wants to work through this but idk if she'll change her mind. I wish I never did it,my wife is worth her weight in gold. I just pray to Jesus she forgives me. I'm trying hard to find counseling for us.
@@homerdadon6363 hey There Homer so sorry, you are going through a challenging Time, I have gone through a period of shame and Guilt as well when I confessed what I did to my girlfriend but now I feel a lot like a load is off my Chest 😁, I am willing to listen to what happened and see if I can help you
The jest of this, which seems to be neither reconciliation (which will never work) or break-up with the spouse, seems to be, follow your instinct in moving forward as the individual you are. Pretty benign, but - hey, buy the book on how to do it. I think, you get to a certain age and maturity, you trust your gut on how to move forward. Just my 2cents.
Your videos are so clear & helpful i watch your videos everyday to try & save my Marriage😢
What to do when your husband intentionally wanted to hurt you by telling you he had an affair 40 yrs ago, I was pregnant with his child, he treated me bad at that time, we’ve been together 48 yrs.....I don’t know I can get past his intention to hurt me so deep
I’m so sorry Renee. Will pray for you
That IS sick. And stupid and hurtful. Why? Why tell you now? It's only to relieve his guilt, if he has any left. So, he's spent the last 40 yrs feeling guilty? Let it lay in the gutters of his life. He's selfish and perhaps, wants you to know he was once quite viral and sexy. Whatevs. I would not blame you for divorcing because, he told you many lies during the affair and is quite capable of doing it again or has been. Protect your heart and put him on a back burner. Decide what YOU want with the rest of your life! You are special.
Cheat on him too
I have victory in the name of jesus in my marriage yes I do!
I can't stop obsessing over the details of my exes act of cheating. I love her and know we could make it work because she really feels like crap. 6 years with her. Shes not eating or sleeping. I do miss her but the obsessive thinking is destroying me man :-( idk how to overcome that
Im going through the exact same feelings currently brother, I haven't been able to forgive over this very reason.
@@shanec4494 i got over her I'm way happier. Do miss her sometimes but after the damage she did it's just ruined
@@SAMEntalhealth I hope I can get their one way or another. I'm severely sick in my head and I can't make myself leave or work past the thoughts to even begin forgiveness. How do I leave the only woman I ever loved, and gave me 2 beautiful boys. I just don't know how, this is the most emotionally and mentally exhausting thing I've ever gone through in my life.
@@shanec4494 I'm very sorry. Forgiveness is not a given, nor does she deserve it for tossing an atomic bomb in. your marriage. Please line up your ducks, see a lawyer - stat, and try to go no contact as much as you can with kids. Please come to Chump Lady and join our nation of Chumps. It will help a lot.
Please am the unfaithful and begging you with everything in my soul. Please, if shes truly sorry. Don't leave her. Please. There is nothing that I can say that would make sense, but please, please forgive her.
i can't get over that and he died two years ago . He travelled the world with his job and I was home with my sons. Too many single women out there wanting your husband. He was never sorry either. Never had an apology, I think his ego got in the way. If I did that overseas I would have been thrown out. He was at a baptism in Sydney and bosses wife introduced her friend to him and said he is available,e all week. I knew the minute he got off the plane he couldn't look at me. He had a mental break down years later. I was his nurse while dying of cancer.
I feel like you. I went thru this. I am his girlfriend and other woman wanted him and was stating’I don’t see a ring on your finger’ like it was fair game. I’m sorry for you. I never cheated. I was a good person. I was bubbly happy before that, now I’m not. I just see him as a regular type of guy.
Yeah I just found out a month ago my husband was having an affair for over a year found all the naked pictures, pictures of them in bed presenting her as her cousin, so I thought they were family until he started spending too much time on the phone and I started being suspicious. Hoooo that hurt the betrayal the lies, and he expected to me to throw it under the rug and move on which I can't do. He refused to go to counseling now he's hiding himself to talk to her. We've been married for 14 years have two kids I want to give up
Give up
Mine has never been faithful in 25 years of marriage. In his mind I just need to ignore the obvious and just believe him and I would be fine. I recognize the pattern and watch him crushing, fall in lust, happy but I know within a few months he gets bored they start feeling entitled and he pulls away they panic they fight and then it's my turn and we follow the same cycle until he replaces me again with someone from his past or someone new, I'm numb, mentally and emotional burnt and he thrives , I'm surprised I cared enough to write this much right now. I don't even have a question. I have all the answers but no solutions . In the end PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY WANT TO DO, I have only myself to blame.
🙏🏽Thank you so much Sir for that great info. My cycle of negativity had just ended this morning and was triggered now. After 2 weeks this second time. Then a nice day like different people. Like we just met. There was 2 weeks of hate from both sides b4 nice day. Usually every other day but often its 3-4 not talk with little fights. I cant keep my accusation in check. Like when a person close dies and you relate everything with them. Blah blah blah almost everything you said took me 2 years to figure out. I dont think most people will figure half in a life time. I was there doing nothing and breaking my head. I get clues that say its true. I rambled worse earlier and erased . Now again. I dont think a 1000 hr represent the time i wasted punishing myself with my own mind that may have never happed because im questioning 28 years. I cant remember last week but I can remember 6 million dollar man Thundar in great detail so. So I remember things eventually and im stuck figuring it out putting it together for a conviction. Keeping some a secret 4 later. I have to accusations time line exhibit A thru…I trying proving her innocents like science and see if i can get a different answer. Got to go i can save it now. Thank you for saving me a year my health and marriage..
LL p
Thank you. This is great. I needed this.
I feel like he’s describing me to a T. All of it. It’s my words and everything. Wow.
....but how do I heal? :,(
I’m so desperate to feel better.
How are you?
Go get a hand full of cameras. Track the bastards. Pray to Jesus and God. They will help you. They have helped me see the Truth. They will help you also. BE BRAVE PRAY AND BELIEVE. THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME RIGHT NOW. THE LIGHT OF TRUTH CAN NOT BE STOPPED. JESUS AND GOD IS WATCHING. JUDGEMENT DAY IS COMING. M-11-15.
Me too, I just want it all to end. I'm not the same person I used to be before she hurt me beyond repair. I feel helpless, like a horrible person and father. I spend all day in my room, in my thoughts on days I don't work. I want to feel at peace again.
Just a quick question: what do you do when the affairs never stop ? How do you recover from that ?
May GOD have mercy. If it never goes away and no access to real help. Why are we keeping the marriage and making the betrayed suffer?... am exhausted......
This happens to men a lot as well. Unfortunately. 😞
Thank you
If she cheats. The relationship is done for
I’m two weeks out from finding out about my husbands affair. I feel much better now. I didn’t want to feel bad anymore so I changed my mind about it.!
Christa Luongo So sorry Christa - but I believe you are in denial - Recovery takes A LONG time. I’m 2 years out and though it is better, the triggers still come. My suggestion -find a Counselor that you are happy with for the both of you.
Loree J I do feel a lot better. I’m controlling my ruminating thoughts. Why should I have to relive the pain everyday?? I also started a journal and have shared it with my husband so he understands what I’m thinking and feeling. Talking about it has helped. The other woman is out of the picture so we are working with a counselor and moving forward. I have my bad days but now I’m eating and sleeping. Sometimes I’m sad but writing everything down on paper is helping me. I’m staring to eat better and workout again. This is why I feel better. We are working on the marriage. If the affair was still going or he left me for her that would be another story. I’m so sorry that you have experienced what I have been through. It sucks doesn’t it??? First person to ever cheat on me.
Christa Luongo I’m so glad the two of you are seeing a counselor. We had been married 38 yrs when I found out..... porn, dating sites and sexting.
It had been going on for 8 years. Never would have imagined this of him. Blessings over your marriage....🙏🏻
So its been 3 years since you posted - how have things with your marriage been?
@@5700Guppy we are still married. Counseling has helped and we work as a team now. Our communication has improved as our relationship. Sometimes I think of what has transpired between us but for now we are happy! I have decided that if this ever happens again he will have to be kicked to the curb. My trust for people in general isn’t 100 percent. Anyone can do anything at any given time.
May god bless you and your family.
Do you recomend to separate from your unfaithful partner for some time till you heal?
Am not working ve no money i will ve move to a different town with my kids i ve forgive my husband for more than ten times
Maybe she should cheat on him + let him get over it in a snap!!
What about online affairs?
If someone cheats on you it’s time to let them go!! Don’t put up with it!! You will never be able to trust them again! Don’t listen to this guy he makes money and your stuck with a piece of garbage!!
Its 2021...wow!!!!
You probably never fully trust again
When are you coming to Houston.
What is your email address? this is the first time seeing this video and I need some help for my fiancé.
my girlfriend of 14 years I think was cheating 7mths every weekend claim to be at elders taking care of them .so sick of this
While porn is a significant issue, actually having sex with someone else is so much worse. I’ve had a pornography addiction for almost 20 years. It lead my wife to an emotional state where she felt like she needs I move on. She started dating another man, and even has a sexual relationship with several years ago. I just found out about it a few weeks ago. I guarantee she did not feel the way as I do. She actually betrayed me, lied to me, conspired against me. She kept it from me for years before she finally revealed it. We have committed to restoring our marriage, but the pain and anger are not going away. She was a virgin when we got married. Now I feel like she has no honor, and like she has been desecrated. I definitely feel the work-related issues, as well. I feel like I need help, but can’t afford a professional.
And there is no difference between you and your wife even though you try to justify it.
Pornography is cheating if it takes energy and focus away from your partner. Period. You minimized the many years (20?) you cheated on your wife. No doubt she felt insignificant, unattractive, worthless, and I could go on. You say she was a virgin before and now you somehow think less of her? So what is it that she should think of you? Come on man. You aren’t being honest with yourself because you are justifying your anger towards your wife for not being able to stand up against that forceful constant push you gave her away from you. Addiction or not, you are accountable for the consequences of what came about due to your actions. Addiction is a disease but living in your addiction is a choice. You chose your addiction over your wife. She had no honor? Where was yours? She’s been desecrated? You desecrated the marriage and her ability to actively love you. Until you are honest with yourself you cannot forgive yourself for pushing your wife into another man’s arms. It’s you that you are angry with. Reflect on that.
Does it matter how long or how short an affair is? Like can a couple move forward if an affair lasted a long time???
Akstylez _ak I think it can affect the healing process depending on how long the affair lasted. In most cases, long term affairs include a strong emotional attachment meaning they love each other so while you two have to fall back in love with one another they have to fall out of love with one another. This can require them to have to get close to one another while they have to detach themselves. It can be difficult but it can work.
My husband a chronic womanize sometimes search for hooks online to sleep with
No support just lies