Scythians and Sarmatians of ancient Ukraine 📜 7 BC - 4 AD

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Scythians and Sarmatians were Iranic speaking tribes from ancient Ukraine (7 BC - 4 AD). They inhabited mainly southern Ukraine (Ukrainian steppe, Crimean peninsula, basins of Dniester and Dnieper valleys). Initially nomadic tribes, in later period some settled. The direct offsprings of them are Jassic (Jasz, Jaszsag) people of north Hungary (from Jazygia), ancient Croats of west Ukraine (of upper and middle Dniester) have also absorbed some Sarmatian groups. Ossetians (Republic of Ossetia-Alania in the north Caucasus) are descendents of western Sarmatian tribes and still speak Iranic language there. Jasses (Jazygs) got assimilated by Hungarians and lost their Iranic tongue. The usage of "h" instead of "g" in Ukrainian is also Scytho-Sarmatian remnant. The city of Jassy (Jass Market) in Romania comes from Jasses (Jazygs), a big Sarmatian tribe. Even name Scotland comes from Scyths, as legend says Scots migrated from Scythia, that is Ukraine. King Artur was Sarmatian too. Sarmatian Alans invaded much of western Europe, many settled in France, Spain, Mediterenian islands.
    Dozens of Ukrainian placenames and river names are Scytho-Sarmatian (Iranic) such as: Dnieper, Don, Donuzav, Dunay (Danube), Donets all come from Scytho-Sarmatian-Ossetic (iranic) word Don (water), so are other Iranic placenames in Ukraine as: Artopolot (Art was a zoroastrian deity), Sachky, Saky (= Scythians), Prut (= river), Zarvanytsya (Zarwan was a Zoroastrian deity) Samara and so on. Ukrainian last name Dryha (Dryhy were poor zoroastrians, fire worshippers), Kurys (popular among Ukrainian Lemkos, highlanders) is also Iranic (same as Kurush in Persian, that is Cyrus, Iranic name, also Persian king).
    Elements of Scytho-Sarmatian warrior & social culture got preserved also by Circassians (Adyghes) (who still have warrior women) and Ukrainian cossacks. It seems that Circassians absorbed some Sarmatians or adopted Sarmatian culture from being under their lordship. Both Circassians and Ukrainian Cossacks wear red boots, red coats, colour red was colour of the fire (ancient Iranic tribes worshipped fire), princely colour (onluy princes wore red coats). Color distinguished one person among others. White hats for example were worn by Ukrainian Cossack and Circassians otamans (chiefs). Though Ukrainians and Adyghes (Circassians) dont speak same languages, traces of same Sarmatian cultures are observed all around the area, also among Ossetians, Hungarian Yazygs etc.
    Music is CELTIC (Irish folk) in the video. In the 1st centuries of the 1st millenium of our era the Celtic tribes inhabited what is today western and north-western Ukraine (forest zone), while Scytho-Sarmatian tribes inhabited the steppe zone of Ukraine. On upper Dniester archeaologists found Celtic settlements and artefacts along with Sarmatian artefacts. Both groups lived in geographic proximity to each other in 1-4 AD. This perhaps explains why Celtic, Ukrainian and north-Iranian (Mazenderan, Gilan) white houses all look same, all with the same thatched roofs. On middle Volga flow there lived warlike Sarmatian tribes of Burt-asses (Su-asses), literally Beehive Asses (Jasses) / River Asses (Jasses). Traces of their culture are observed among Mishar Tatars and some say Chuvashes.
    Сармати - загальна назва споріднених зі скіфами кочових іраномовних племен скотарів, що вживалася еллінськими й римськими істориками. Поділялися на:роксоланів (або Білі Аляни) - мешкали у Північному Причорномор'ї; сіраків (Прикубання); аорсів (на схід від Дону); язигів; зі середини І століття н. е. до них додалися алани.
    #Scythians #Sarmatians #Alans

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