Brian Kaylor: The Heresy of Christian Nationalism

  • Опубликовано: 24 май 2024
  • How did phrases like "One nation under God" become part of the Pledge of Allegiance, and "In God We Trust" become America's national motto? As Christian Nationalism becomes more and more mainstream, experts like Brian Kaylor are examining the origins of these religious elements in American public life. Contrary to popular belief, much of this conflation of religion and national identity was not established by evangelicals, but were, instead, the work of mainline Protestant clergy and politicians.
    In this week's episode of The State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast, Rev. Paul Raushenbush is joined by Rev. Dr. Brian Kaylor to explore the findings in Brian's new book, Baptizing America: How Mainline Protestants Helped Build Christian Nationalism, ( co-authored with Rev. Beau Underwood.
    “Jesus doesn't love America more than any other nation. We're not specially blessed. Our soldiers are not God’s soldiers, right? We are called to be in communion with the believers, whether they're on this side of the border or on the other side of the border. And that's supposed to be our first allegiance. I mean, Jesus said very clearly, ‘You cannot serve two masters.’ And Christian nationalism challenges that assumption at best, and at worst puts the American kingdom as the true master - because we know that they will come into conflict. We know you will pick one kingdom over the other. So we're very concerned about the heresy of Christian nationalism.”
    - Dr. Brian Kaylor, award-winning author and journalist. He serves as the president and editor-in-chief of Word&Way ( and hosts the Baptist Without an Adjective ( podcast. Other books include Sacramental Politics: Religious Worship as Political Action, ( and For God's Sake, Shut Up! (
    We wrap up this episode with some highlights from two years of Paul asking guests: "What gives you hope right now?" Hear inspiring thoughts from Rainn Wilson, Dr. AnneMarie Mingo, Rev. Susan Sparks and Dr. Eddie Glaude, Jr.
    To expand our reach, The State of Belief is now being distributed via the Religion News Service family of podcasts. Be sure to subscribe to The State of Belief today at ( subscribe ( .

Комментарии • 6

  • @g-coalitionbrother1729
    @g-coalitionbrother1729 Месяц назад +2

    Two things the Bible makes perfectly clear, as does all of human history following suit:
    (1) A completely godless society ultimately cannot stand because human desires left unchecked by any kind of moral restraint always lead to sin, crime, and selfishness running rampant.
    (2) A society in which religion is imposed by humans onto humans invariably always falls prey to corrupt authoritarian persecution in which those in power close off the true Kingdom of God not only to themselves because their doctrines are undoubtedly locked in some form of error, but to their subjects as well who are forced to follow these errors often under fear of death.
    People are so caught up in anger over the secularity of the current West, so riled up to be living through the first fact of life mentioned above, that they will readily line up to shoot for the second by fighting a holy war while their spirits are blind with hatred, power-lust, and revenge. Meanwhile they fail to realize the "you will not buy or sell without the mark" Beast system that Christ warned about is NOT an obviously godless world order that everyone can see is on shaky ground, but a *counterfeit religious kingdom capable of deceiving even the elect.*

    • @tsluiter4
      @tsluiter4 Месяц назад +4

      You're presuming religion makes people moral. It does not. It never did. Morality doesn't come from religion.
      If you believe your God is moral, read Exodus 21. If you agree those rules are moral, you're a monster. God believes those rules were moral.