As an old white guy, I would stare at you two because I would be god those to are so cute together. And they are going to make the world a better place.
Interracial marriage does not erase racism nor make the world a better place, this is just ignorance coming from "color blind" white people who do not know the trauma experienced by non-white people and biracial and mixed race individuals.
Wow, both of you look absolutely beautiful together.I am thankful that interracial dating and marriage is common and acceptable in today’s society. Both of you are very attractive people.
Hi I am from a mixed background. It is so beautiful to see you being from South Africa. I am also from South Africa, my mother is black mother and my paternal grandfather is Irish. I am so happy because I speak all black languages. I experienced racism from black people. We lived in Soweto, oblivious as children to racism. My dad suffered the most as he is very fair. We eventually had to move to an erea called Kliptown. That is where we were much happier.
Hello fellow South African!! 👋🏻❤️ I am so glad your family was able to move somewhere that is less racist where you can all be happier and safer! I wish you all the best 🥰
@Polemic-2525 As a superior white male, let me just say this to all the "shines" out there....STICK TO YOUR OWN KIND!!! sick of this white guilt Liberal garbage where these stupid white girls thinks they're doing you "N's" some sort of service being with you animals!!!! Stick to Silverbacks
Me and my husband had to go through the dark sides of being in a interracial marriage because he's black and I'm white. He is my first love and we met in 2021 at a bible study group and we got married in 2023. I love our diversity of culture because he grew up in the urban neighborhood on the Southside of Chicago and I grew up in the northern suburbs of Winnetka, Illinois where all the wealthy people are at. I didn't care about because he was working class and I'm upper class, our love for each other was amazing. I took him to some spots in my neighborhood and he took me to some spots in his neighborhood especially that black owned donut place in his neighborhood. I really enjoy eating some Harold's Chicken for my first time with him. I'm deaf with autism and he's a hearing person. I could speak sign language and I have to wear cochlear implants on my ear so I could hear you. Me and my husband are happy for you Joshua and Alicia, don't worry about the backlash coming from people because it made you guys strong within your marriage, same as me and my husband. God bless and have a safe day!
What a beautiful story!! Joshua was born in Chicago and has family there, so Chicago is definitely high on our travel list! We are so happy to hear that the two of you are happily married and that your differences have only made you stronger ❤️ God bless
There's nothing wrong with interracial couples honestly as long as the couple are good to each other, then there shouldn't be a problem because in the end of the day, they still eat, they still drink, they still sleep, they do whatever they want to do. In shorter words, they're still human that navigates through life like everyone.
@@Pepper98776 yes! People keep forgetting that the majority (99%) of people are stupid idiots who are stuck in the stone age. we need to raise awareness abt this 🙏
@@veronicaana I assure you white women are more attracted to Africans than we are to them. Your mothers and grandmothers go to Africa to chase after beach boys then their grandkids remain in their countries talking about White fetishism on social media comments .
@@mrsaliciatucker Black males WORLDWIDE practice INTRA-racism and colorism against their own race of black women. But you think white people are the racists??? Blacks are basically a self-hating race. Black males want mixed kids and white grandchildren. Imagine a world where black males actually valued their own race of black women. Imagine... This white woman is clueless. Now of course, I'll be called a "racist" for speaking the truth. Respond to my comments. We both know that you won't.
I'm a white woman, and I've dated several Black men in my life. I've also dated Asian, Middle Eastern, and Latino men. I was always interested in the person inside. The man I'm with right now is Black. We're old, but he's hot! He is the love of my life. I feel so lucky and blessed that he loves me. Thank you both for talking about these issues. He's from California, and I'm from Boston. But we met in the South. And yes, we have been stared at. It is so ignorant and rude. When we go out to eat, and no one is staring at us at all, and everybody is just minding their own business, it is so refreshing! I wish you both very long, happy lives. And yes, your babies will be gorgeous! My boyfriend and I wish we could have children, but we're too old! But everyday is precious!
I (Alicia) feel the exact same way! I could never fall in love with someone based on their appearance, it's their heart that does it for me ❤️ I'm so sorry to hear about your experience of being looked at... that is not fun at all. I also hope that you and your partner are able to adopt or foster or somehow parent even if it is not biological ❤️ Bless you guys!
@julieontology7214, You're with him because you don't care about his skin color. He's with you BECAUSE he cares about your skin color. Black males WORLDWIDE practice INTRA-racism and colorism against their own race of black women. He will NEVER admit this to you. He'll just gas-light you forever.
I love interracial relationships and marriages. It's good to see more black and white coming together instead of being divided like the media wants us to be because I'm tired of this racial division and stereotype in our society. I wish nothing but the best for you and your wife.
I'm Puerto Rican and my hubby is black. We went through the dark side of our relationship because we was childhood best friends. We was apart of the LGBT community lifestyle but we give up our lifestyle for Jesus. I rejected the gospel and didn't see him for about a year then we ran into each other again and I was ready to accept the gospel because he gave up his lifestyle when he was 20. We both are 24.
I'm Puerto Rican too love is love you love him don't worry about what anyone says do you girl I support you can love whoever people need to stop worrying about other peoples relationships and who they fall in love with that's why where all different it's be boring if we all looked the same and could only date people who look like us
I am Native American from rural AZ. The highest frequency of interracial relationships relative to population size occurs among Native Americans. It's rare to find a truly full-blooded Native American. The majority are part white. If you go to Oklahoma (Central USA), almost all of them are part white with a broad range of skin tones. Some are light-skinned and appear fully Caucasian. Others almost look full-blooded with the brown complexion and jet-black hair. Given the history and my experiences, I have a more nuanced, case-by-case view in regards to interracial relationships. I am aware that some are positive with mutual respect. Unfortunately, I have also observed other cases where the "respect" factor is not there. In the latter, it usually involves colorism. The "colorism" is a form of discrimination within minority groups such that darker-skinned individuals can be ostracized or excluded. In interracial relationships, there are some (not all) where one person rejects his or her own community to date a white person. This does happen among Native Americans. I know it also happens among African Americans. Examples of colorism include Tiger Woods, OJ Simpson, RGIII, Herschel Walker, etc. All have a preference for blonde white woman. RGIII and Herschel both impregnated blonde (dyed) female track stars from FSU. OJ was all over the media back in the 90s with his murder trial. I have witnessed such colorism in-person at a gym in FL. I once overheard a black bodybuilder who boasted in the locker that he "doesn't like bl-ck women". He was discriminating against women from his ethnicity while pursuing blonde white women from FSU. His lust appeared insatiable in that regard - lol. With that said, there are positive counterexamples. Not all interracial relationships should be assumed to be based on colorism. That assumption would be a form of discrimination within itself. I empathize with you both. The racism you describe is horrible but does not surprise me. In 1987 when I was 18, I was in a shopping mall in Indiana and recall a young interracial couple with a black male and white female. They were about my age. I thought it was a positive relationship rising above the historical racial tension of the Midwest which had a plethora of white-flight suburbs back then. I noticed an elderly white female staring at them with disgust and extreme contempt. Then I saw two white supremacists confront and assault the two in full view of a busy shopping mall at rush hour on a weekday. The two white men were arrested and hauled away, but a shouting match ensued which was horrible. In such racism, the slurs are common on social media. A common one is "co-l b-rner' or "m-d sh-rk" against the white women. There is a stigma that appears more covert these days. White men who would not outright discriminate against an interracial couple like those two men in 1987 may still express covert racism in the following way. If the interracial couple breaks up and the white woman moves on and dates other white men - the latter may reject her if it is found that she had dated interracially. I saw a YT channel of an older white female (blonde) who had mixed half-black children. She noted how white men who initially expressed interest would quickly withdraw once they learned she had half-black children from a previous interracial relationship. So, the covert racism is still commonly expressed in that way. Such men may not yell racial slurs in a shopping mall or assault an interracial couple. But when it comes to that decision point there can still be stigmatization rooted in racism. As for me, I have dated interracially. I had a blonde white girlfriend in FL - a southern belle. Picture a big Apache Indian with a bodybuild of a college football linebacker with a feminine, petite blonde woman. Most of the time, the young adults of Florida did not seem to care. Occasionally, some young adults would stare but they seemed more surprised than hateful. But one time we were stalked by what appeared to be a racist sheriff. He kept posting himself around us while we were sitting at a busy outdoor set of tables of a Starbucks. There were many young adult couples - mostly white. But the cop was focused on us. He kept staring at me and appeared to want to arrest me. Then he went to his patrol car and drove closer to us and kept staring. My girlfriend didn't notice it but I did. Eventually, he drove away, but I really didn't like that. My view was that the white southerners had already intermarried with Native Americans for hundreds of years. So, the cop was kind of impractical in trying to "stop" interracial dating with Native Americans when it has already happened for so long that many white southerns have partial Native American ancestry. Examples include Elvis Presley (1/16 Cherokee), Heather Lochlear (1/8 Lumbee), etc. I had "white" coworkers with such distant indigenous ancestry. Go figure. To be fair, I know not all white cops are like that. I met many nice white cops in my life. But that guy seemed like a bad apple that day with his stalking. As for an added dimension of racism, there are still white women who can be racist - even the young ones. Google "racist woman at Kentucky" and you will see a blonde white college female who assaulted a black female. I have seen clusters of young racist white women and men in Florida - the percentage is small and infrequent. But it can happen. They give off a real bad vibe and usually have racist gossip on social media private to them. Some of the racist women can hold "black face" parties at a sorority. But the percentage is small - it's just that when I am near them I can feel it. The acerbic tone of resentment gets obvious. So, I stay away. But most young Floridians were mellow and inclusive in my experience.
I'm Afro-Indigenous. My mother's family is black but through my great-grandmother we have Native American and Irish roots. You can see the Native American in our hair. I've never gotten to explore that part of myself and I'm really trying to now.
@@truthseeker9249 That is very interesting. When I was in FL, I also fell hard for a Brazilian woman. She had strong indigenous features but curly hair which revealed some degree of African ancestry. Brazilians are generally Portuguese, indigenous, and part West African. There is a lot of variation in that mixture of ancestry. But I think the general statistic is that over 80% of Brazilians have at least 12% African ancestry and a fair percentage of indigenous roots.
@@manuelsteele7755 yeah. My hair is super curly, 3c curls, but some people can still see the Native American in my hair. I guess even with curly hair you can still see it if it's there. But whenever I straighten my hair out to get it cut, there's no denying my Native roots. A coworker at an old job once called me Pocahontas while I had my hair straight. My family's tribe is the Blackfoot Confederacy. Who knows maybe we're part Brazilian and don't even know.
When you're a Christian and a follower of Christ, real love with a good soulmate doesn't have a skin color to it because me and my sister are black and married to white. We are married to them because my love for my wife is genuine and the love my sister have for her husband is genuine. We don't care about the backlash because our soulmate have our backs and we got theirs. I wish nothing but the best for you and your wife.
This is absolutely the truth. God created all people and Jesus’ grace and salvation is available to all who will come to Him, despite skin tone. There is only one race and that is the human race.
@@glennii9442But it's still Unnatural and Immoral seems yous don't understand scripture truely that's yous have created a God of your own image of the world rather than the Biblical Yahweh.
@@spike2227 It may be unnatural and immoral to you but it is not unnatural and immoral to God. In Numbers 12:1-15, God punished Aaron and Miriam for criticizing Moses for his interracial marriage. The Bible says tells us not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. It doesn’t have anything to do with a person’s outward appearance. It has to do with a person’s spirituality. The Bible tells us that every has sinned and have fallen short from the glory of God. Jesus Christ is the only way we can saved from our sins and be reconciled to God. Satan is trying to destroy us with lies. Jesus Christ came to give us life. Repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ.
Glad there are people who get it. I’m thinking about starting a channel myself with the guy I’m dating. Honestly, I just see him as a person and he’s been the best partner that I’ve had. I never had a problem dating any race for that matter lol but sometimes people seem to have a problem when it comes to interracial couples between Black and White people.
I’m in a interracial marriage and I understand. But, my wife and I have never experienced these types of people. Because we think in terms of. This is our reality and I think when you think this way you tend to not see or meet these kinds of people. And I also think that a lot of interracial people manifest this environment. Change your thinking and your reality and your life will change. God bless you guys.
If you are a white man with a black woman, no big deal but if you are a black man with a white woman, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. And I say that as a black man.
As a Black man I never will experience this..Because I was taught to never Marry out side my race.Never produce Children either... But at the same time people go do what they want anyway..But right now I have the Deal of the Century I'm single with NO KIDS 😂😂😂. This a True BLESSING for me💯💯🙏🙏
I like that you guys made this video because you’re addressing what you guys went through but all seriousness it’s like 2024 and people should just mind their business colour and rice. Doesn’t matter if you guys love each other.
This happened to me and my friend who happened to be half black in the U.S. I was very disappointed in the reaction of just spending time together in a platonic way. My husband is half asian and for whatever reason he's darker then me but I haven't had any negative comments toward our relationship. Unfortunately though, I refused to agree that we haven't made strides in America in our justice system. In response, I was told because of the color of my skin I was responsible for the death's of African Americans and I needed to "stop killing them." This slander against people who are white is just as racist and comes from misplaced animosity. It's very interesting how the darkness of your skin seems to play a role, its so dumb. Can we just get back to judging based on character not skin tone that would be great!
@@mrsaliciatucker Absolutely, I wish you two a very happy life and I've really enjoyed your videos! The best part is God did not design us to hate one another but to love. ❤
Me and my wife are in a interracial marriage because I'm black and she's Indian who grew up in southern India. Her name is Selciya and i met her at college and i repent of my sins because she was saved before me and i was Bible study partners.
You too are very cute & soulfully connected. The more I hear you both talk - the more I see your connection ❤ I struggle with the same issues and I have been with my partner for 11 years. Social stigma is the most annoying part. At home I never judge him by his color but out in the world we feel this. 😢 We are changing the world though. Keep up the hard work. Your a warrior ! 💯❤🎉
I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I’m Palestinian-Bulgarian from a mixed Muslim-Christian family. "Where are you from?" is always a difficult question for me to answer. I’ve never felt fully accepted in either the Bulgarian or Arab community and sometimes I've encountered racism and stereotypes about my background. Being mixed has its challenges, but in recent years, I've come to appreciate the beauty of it. I realized that being mixed is one of the main reasons why I get along so well with different people, regardless of how different they are to me, where they come from, how they think and which religion they follow. Being mixed is a true blessing that makes a more well-rounded and tolerant human being.
That is so beautiful that you have been able to accept yourself for being mixed and to use it as a strength! I pray our future children will feel the same. For us, religion and race are two very different things. We believe that regardless of race Jesus Christ is the only way and truth. Our children, even though they will be biracial will only have one faith to guide them ❤️ Thank you for sharing your experience, God bless you
I feel the same way, being from a mixed race is privilege. I get along with every one, because we have families from all sides of the race groups. When I see black people, I see my family, , also on the hand, when I see mixed race they are like my other family as well. I just love and enjoy every minute. People are ignorant sometimes.
I'm African American and Muslim. I get a lot of hate. I wear a hijab and get judged all the time. It's sickening. I was born in the US, but get asked where I'm from all time. I'm African, Filipino, Native American, and European. I'm proud of who I am, idc what anyone says! Yay!
Can see by the way yall lookin at each other that this is a very real love. It feel so natural. Im black and my first gf was white at 6 & 7 yrs old. Race difference mattered so little to me that I was surprised to realize in my 30s!😅 My mama didn't treat people different so neither did I. Great times we live in..
I wish the best for you both. You are a proof that people can love and be friends despite outward appearances or the ignorance of narrow minded people. God bless you.
Love is blind. Despite our differences in race & nationality, or any other characteristic, we are all fundamentally human & share commonalities.Underneath our external differences, we are all the same in our humanity. Don’t let anything shake you guys. Haters are just haters, ignore them & let them watch you both thrive. You guys are a perfect match made in heaven.
One value my family raised us with, actually more than one, is threat people t He way you want them to threat you. Don't ever stare at people because of their skin color/deformity/poverty. Last, help whomever you can help! You guys be safe and happy and forget the millions of idiots out there in the wor ld.
My wife is an extrovert and I am an introvert. Since she likes to go out, I do take her out about once or twice a week. I don't like being stared at, but I guess it shouldn't bother me. When we are at home just her and me, there is no race, its just us and I love that
Congrats! The good FAR out weighs the bad, but its good to be aware of the things people might say so that it doesn't shock you when it eventually happens 🤍 Wishing you guys all the best!!
I get a lot of backlash because I'm 24 and my wife is 47. We're both are black in a relationship and marriage. She have 1 daughter is 18. I met her at Walmart when i was 21 and we had our born son this year. I'm happy for both of y'all in your relationship and wish nothing but the best for you. God bless Joshua and Alicia.
Skin color doesn’t matter as long as the person is God fearing , who has a strong relationship and connection with God as long as the person like me for me , love me for me and I’ll do the same love matters skin color doesn’t matter
I am from Brazil and we have a low level of racism, so, here you would be a great and awsome couple. Your children would be loved and almost nobody or nobody would care about your private Life. Thank you for what you are doing.
@@donquixote3292 Totally normal. We have some questions related to diferent levels of education but the skin collor or race are not the main factor to prevent two persons of getting married.
as a blk man I say date WHO EVER treats you good and makes you feel good. I sometimes get stares but we didn't gaf lmao Also we got a lot of compliments from all ethnic groups and the social construct that is race
Very nice to see two well educated people talk about the realities that, unfortunately still exist. I'm a 58 tear old man that has parents similar in color to Joshua. I too, look more like Joshua than Alicia, in color of skin. I grew up in an area that was almost completely white. Fortunately, almost all the people in my area treated everyone nicely. But the fact that you are looked at differently still was the norm. It's tough to navigate, for sure, particularly in dating people of a different skin color them yours. When I asked a girl out and was turned down, you wonder if it was just because they weren't interested because of the same reasons they would be with a person with the same skin color as theirs? Or was it because of my skin color. I must say that I am not perfect and have my own personal preferences, when it comes to the women I'm attracted too.
I am glad there are some people in support of this couple, as am I, but god DAMN there is a fucking clan meeting in the Newest First section of comments. Don't let these jerks get you, Alicia and Joshua!
You guys are a beautiful couple. My fiance and I are the opposite of you and it definitely hasn't been easy. But we know that it's jealousy. Our love is so strong that we practically glow when we're together and people can see that. They wish they could have a love so beautiful with ANYONE and so choose to try to bring us down. It scares me depending on the situation but I wouldn't trade him for anything.
I am so happy for you guys! 🥹❤️ It is definitely jealousy, and unfortunately positive people don't tend to go for negative people so they may never find what you have if they keep up the negativity 🤷🏻♀️
Thank you for being such brave human beings and speaking your truth & telling your story… that’s absolutely devastating that you two had to go through all that😔 I’m so glad you found each other, bless you guys🤍
Thank you so much for watching and for your kind words 🥹 Even though some of the things we have experienced haven't been that great, it is a blessing to have a relationship that can make people second guess their judgments about the world ❤
Man, I’m sorry to hear that man. Racism and discrimination is not dead, I experience it as a black female in corporate America. Love you both and yes your babies will be drop live gorgeous 😂❤
You guys are such a beautiful couple! I am a black woman and I would love to marry a white man and have mixed children! Part of it is because my nephews are half balck and white and they are so cute and I adore them. I want them to have mixed cousins that they can have something in common with lol!
@@mrsaliciatucker I'm so glad you guys responded! Thank you! Yes, I want to be just like y'all! I love interracial relationships. Thanks for being an example for me. I want to do the same thing and I'll ignore anyone who isn't supportive.
I'm Hispanic and have dated mostly White women and there's always looks, and some ppl that don't like it. To me the most passionate relationships I've had are with White women, she just seems to value me more for who I am, my brown skin color, my accent when it comes out, my heritage, the food lol.
Wish both of you the best then, the best part of it is that both of you are killing "Racism"which is "Good"and positive, congratulations 🎉 and continue "pumping up the jam"both of you are pioneers of "one world 🌏"
I don't get when people judge others like this... Who the helllll careeeesssss why bother waisting your timeeee..... We have limited time on earth so why even??? Good video people are stupid end of story.
Yeah, I just always resort back to the phrase "hurt people, hurt people". When you are truly happy, being mean and judgmental doesn't come naturally. So I try to extend them some grace 😅... sometimes its hard but we try lol
"Concern are unnecessary" well said: Being concerned of partners without any of the two involved have reached out to you for being in danger, is called inappropriate intruding.
I realy appreciate you guys because you decided what sounds you better ,and I would concern racism is only a crime or it is judgement saying God has made a mistake for creating diverse societies
@@DWEthiopia if ya look at black-white pairings in the US, 70% of the time it's usually the girl/woman who's white. WMBW pairings are only 30% of all black-white couples...
@@DWEthiopia He's right. The vast majority are usually BMWW. It's due to the fact that men in general are more likely to chase, and BM value interracial relationships more because of how we were treated in the past. It makes us feel liberated.
I’m Muslim woman and we don’t have issues to get marry with any race i went to date with African American guy everyone was staring at us that I’m white and he is black and I didn’t like that bcz we are human does not matter what’s your race. And in the end we decided to meet 2 time ❤🎉
Actually I wanted to comment on this. So I’m a black man and I’m attracted to mainly three ethnicities of women. So I like Asian, White, Spanish women. Now all the ethnicities I haven’t mentioned are still beautiful women. Just because your born a certain race does not mean you have to date that race by default. Also when I do talk to different ethnicities I’m not focusing on that. I’m looking for hobbies, interests, likes, morals, long term goals, short term goals. Usually the race is last on my list. So if your a man or woman it doesn’t matter. Finding somebody that loves you for you. They will use shaming tactics, death threats or harass you if you date outside your race. As I’ve seen every-time a black man dates outside his race always some pushback . Saying things like you don’t love your self, mom, dad, community. Never in my life did I think genital police 👮♀️ 👮 existed but here we are. Luckily my mom and dad told me find someone who loves you no matter what skin color they might be. Plus the biggest part in all of this is I’m a grown adult I don’t need nobody permission to date another ethnicity. You can find love inside or outside your race. You choose and no race matters more than the human race cause we’re all human. Please forgive the long post but I’m happy for the both of you😇🙂.
@@mrsaliciatucker No, problem in my life I’ve met all different ethnicities all amazing i my view. I didn’t want to live a year ago. I’m still here trying to walk forward so in my life now all I want is peace ☮️ 😇. Bless you both 🙂
Damn. Can't even be attracted to your own race 😂 can't even love yourself or some type of your culture either? This is why I'm not very supportive for all interracial couples. I only am if they embrace both of their cultures and love who they are as a person.
@@mrsaliciatuckerDoubtful at least in the USA. Relationships between white women and black men have the highest failure rates. 200% chance of divorce, highest dv rates, 92% oow birth rates. Only white people that race mix are ones who have mommy/daddy issues or suffer from self hate.
@@Pepper98776 You are just ignorant and truly racist though I detest how overused that word is in the U.S. There is no evidence that Africans are less than people with lighter skin. You need be discerning about a person's actions and heart behind it not their skin tone otherwise you will have some very serious disappointments in life.
Sometimes you dont know other people's backgrounds that aren't compatible with your identity its best to stick to your own and leave some people to their own.
@@mrsaliciatuckerindividually that is true but collectively i know white people dont understand what equality actually means if a black person talks about equality then white people collectively call them black supremacists. White people have killed so many black people and they never feel ashamed or guilty i couldn't marry someone who doesnt feel shame or guilt for all the people they have killed told lies on or mistreated action speak for them selves. Climate change was caused by people opposing, explioting and destroying nature for profits. Climate change and world poverty were caused White people. I know how dangerous they are because they would do absolutely anything to win. White culture is opposing nature. White culture has taught blacks how to have no self value, how hate yourself, homosexuality and drugs hot to kill each other. White people have killed more black people than all the wildest animals in Africa put together. White christians are closer to the mafia than they are to black Christians. I would feel ridicule worthy for marrying a white woman traditionally mixed relationships were about lust which made it easy for white people to be racist and have a black lover at the same time. White people love and hate black people at the same time they racially abuse black but at they same time love black music.
Prejudice is what it is: you cannot afford to change every begotted ignorant mind. Can you imagine that question about how your kid will look like was considered normal conversation in royal family circles of UK about Meghan and Harry. No one asks such questions about couples of same race or ethnicity or religion😮
I'm beginning to understand what kelly stamps means by people using black people for their own agenda and assuming that they can't have their own opinions and interests
Personally, as a Christian, I do not understand racism. I don't even understand why we still use the word "racism", since we now know that there's only one race - human. Don't believe it? Go read about The Human Genome Project .
there are different races of humanity (even in the Bible there are different tribes/peoples and for people the israelites weren't supposed to mingle with) , but it doesn't determine your worth! we are all made by God!
I been in a relationship with a white girl 13-15 years ago & I’m black People where looking at us like insane but we ignore them ❤ & we keep kissing and loving each
@@Aorusgamer92see that’s one of the issues that permeates the interracial discussion… ‘FANTASIZE’ about being with a white person, not necessarily seeing that person as their own individual…you just care about them for the white skin the possess
And some people hate seeing other people happy so they make up pretend reasons as to why people are "secrety unhappy" just to make themselves feel better
As a Greek married to a Guinean man, the only people who have given us unsolicited 2 cents and targeted us online seem to be black American women and only one Guinean woman who was just simply rude to me when I was first introduced to his friends but to my pleasant surprise none of the other Guinean people in the group had it and they stood up for me. That was in the very beginning, that woman completely removed from our lives, all his friends and family and my friends and family have been supportive. We've been together for 5 years now and I'm so tired of people online that I have to change the profile photo to myself instead of us together because it seemed to trigger certain people. White supremacists have never contacted or targeted us though and it's odd because it's them I expected to be all over the place not black American women tbh.
As a black American dude, sorry those black American women gave you a hard time. It's funny because, just straddle their social media, or black American Twitter where this very interracial combo is a DAILY topic - watch how them with a white guy is a "sister slaying the game" in a wholesome "non-toxic" relationship. The same place where the inverse is a "toxic relationship" with a self-hating black man and a racist white woman who fetishizes mixed babies. It's only a few of them who don't care, or know how to mind their own. But I can say a good 70%-80% are where the problems stem outta jealousy and a place of lack/scarcity mindset. Other than that why should ya allow yourself to feel threatened by such a hypocritical group of socially illiterate people in the first place? Happiness to you too on your journey forward...
The thing about Carmel and mocha skin, curly hair is still racist make no mistake about that. Next thing you know those people will be running their fingers through y’all’s kids hair and saying “he’s cute for a mixed baby.” Just remember that.
I was walking with my wife and a young couple was walking in front of us. He white and she black. I said to my wife "look at the couple!" then the couple turned around. Then i said ,like we did 25 years ago. The two had to laugh, because I'm also white and my wife is black. We live in a village and fortunately there are no problems here. But we also live in Germany. One day WE went to America in vacation and need to write oure Race in a form. I ask the black officer " what do you mean?" Human? He looked at me. No your skin color. Okay. In Germany That is against the law. In America my wife went to an afrostore and i was waiting in Front of. Some ask me what i am waiting for and ask me If my wife is black. I was a litle Bit surprised and ask them. Is That Something Special to have a black wife? For the Sex: my Friends asked me. I told them: Not your Business. But the Friends of my wife asked too. How is IT with a whity and how Long.😂
I am so sorry to hear that has been your experience! A lot of people have no concept of boundries. Thank you for watching our video! It's so nice to get in touch with a couple who is in the same boat as us 😊❤️
Guys, I'm in an interracial relationship, and I am mixed race, From SA too and My boyfriend is white. Pretty scared to bring up this topic with him. He's supportive... but we haven't really needed to talk about it for a while. The issue is important to bring up again Because his mother was quite racist towards me last year. She's back in town again and I don't want to see her unless I'm supported. What would you advise I need to bring this up with my bf? I'm actually scared he won't support me :(
Thank you so much Calvin! Sending love to you also! Haha yes, we think its ridiculous when people get angry about two different races accepting and loving each other... like, whats the down side of it!??
I think USA and South Africa, for different reasons but because of the similar racial segregation that lasted for centuries, are the 2 hardest countries for IR relationships. This doesn't mean that in other countries racism doesn't exist, we all know that it is unfortunately a worldwide problem. But these two countries have the Guinness world record (of course, in a negative way). I truly hope things will turn better for the next generations
It's pretty hilarious that you would consider the size of somebody's private anatomy a stereotype even worth mentioning. I'm involved in many cultures and this topic has been brought up multiple times the general consensus around here is it is not true or maybe it's just me. 🎉 All races are beautiful but I definitely prefer black women with a capital w
As a black man, I get asked "Is it true what they say about Black men". My answer is always the same "I dont know, I've never slept with one".
Well I can assure you it's nothing special. Men who are good in bed can be any color.
Sorry, what do they say about black men, I don't understand pls.
As an old white guy, I would stare at you two because I would be god those to are so cute together. And they are going to make the world a better place.
Aww haha that is so sweet!!! Bless you ❤️❤️
okay jew lol
You should get away from your video games and live a real life. Join the real will do you some good. @@PsyfadZ10
Interracial marriage does not erase racism nor make the world a better place, this is just ignorance coming from "color blind" white people who do not know the trauma experienced by non-white people and biracial and mixed race individuals.
Wow, both of you look absolutely beautiful together.I am thankful that interracial dating and marriage is common and acceptable in today’s society. Both of you are very attractive people.
Thank you so much ❤️
Hi I am from a mixed background. It is so beautiful to see you being from South Africa. I am also from South Africa, my mother is black mother and my paternal grandfather is Irish. I am so happy because I speak all black languages. I experienced racism from black people. We lived in Soweto, oblivious as children to racism. My dad suffered the most as he is very fair. We eventually had to move to an erea called Kliptown. That is where we were much happier.
Hello fellow South African!! 👋🏻❤️ I am so glad your family was able to move somewhere that is less racist where you can all be happier and safer! I wish you all the best 🥰
Félicitations à vous pour votre courage et félicitations à ton père ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😢
💔😢 i am sorry
As a black man I hope you both live long and happy lives.😀
Aw thank you, right back at ya!! 🤍
Me too!
Yeah, no matter what 😄
Even if times get hard, then people get divided... Things like that happen unfortunately.
@Polemic-2525 As a superior white male, let me just say this to all the "shines" out there....STICK TO YOUR OWN KIND!!! sick of this white guilt Liberal garbage where these stupid white girls thinks they're doing you "N's" some sort of service being with you animals!!!! Stick to Silverbacks
They will
Me and my husband had to go through the dark sides of being in a interracial marriage because he's black and I'm white. He is my first love and we met in 2021 at a bible study group and we got married in 2023. I love our diversity of culture because he grew up in the urban neighborhood on the Southside of Chicago and I grew up in the northern suburbs of Winnetka, Illinois where all the wealthy people are at. I didn't care about because he was working class and I'm upper class, our love for each other was amazing. I took him to some spots in my neighborhood and he took me to some spots in his neighborhood especially that black owned donut place in his neighborhood. I really enjoy eating some Harold's Chicken for my first time with him. I'm deaf with autism and he's a hearing person. I could speak sign language and I have to wear cochlear implants on my ear so I could hear you. Me and my husband are happy for you Joshua and Alicia, don't worry about the backlash coming from people because it made you guys strong within your marriage, same as me and my husband. God bless and have a safe day!
What a beautiful story!! Joshua was born in Chicago and has family there, so Chicago is definitely high on our travel list! We are so happy to hear that the two of you are happily married and that your differences have only made you stronger ❤️ God bless
wanna vomit)
You're disgusting
i am in full support of this relationship i pray the best for you
Thank you so much ❤️
@@mrsaliciatucker don't listen to the haters
Skeptical about it 🤔
Not for the skin color, but for the contents of the character.
I'd hope their father isn't too whitewashed as a person and can encourage their kids to embrace two cultures. That's it really.
There's nothing wrong with interracial couples honestly as long as the couple are good to each other, then there shouldn't be a problem because in the end of the day, they still eat, they still drink, they still sleep, they do whatever they want to do. In shorter words, they're still human that navigates through life like everyone.
Amen!! Thanks for watching 🤍
@@Pepper98776 yes! People keep forgetting that the majority (99%) of people are stupid idiots who are stuck in the stone age. we need to raise awareness abt this 🙏
@@Pepper98776only because of white worship, fetishism, and white entitlement.
@@veronicaana I assure you white women are more attracted to Africans than we are to them. Your mothers and grandmothers go to Africa to chase after beach boys then their grandkids remain in their countries talking about White fetishism on social media comments .
Black males WORLDWIDE practice INTRA-racism and colorism against their own race of black women.
But you think white people are the racists???
Blacks are basically a self-hating race.
Black males want mixed kids and white grandchildren.
Imagine a world where black males actually valued their own race of black women.
This white woman is clueless.
Now of course, I'll be called a "racist" for speaking the truth.
Respond to my comments.
We both know that you won't.
I'm a white woman, and I've dated several Black men in my life. I've also dated Asian, Middle Eastern, and Latino men. I was always interested in the person inside.
The man I'm with right now is Black. We're old, but he's hot! He is the love of my life. I feel so lucky and blessed that he loves me.
Thank you both for talking about these issues. He's from California, and I'm from Boston. But we met in the South. And yes, we have been stared at. It is so ignorant and rude. When we go out to eat, and no one is staring at us at all, and everybody is just minding their own business, it is so refreshing!
I wish you both very long, happy lives. And yes, your babies will be gorgeous! My boyfriend and I wish we could have children, but we're too old! But everyday is precious!
I (Alicia) feel the exact same way! I could never fall in love with someone based on their appearance, it's their heart that does it for me ❤️ I'm so sorry to hear about your experience of being looked at... that is not fun at all. I also hope that you and your partner are able to adopt or foster or somehow parent even if it is not biological ❤️ Bless you guys!
So basically you are from the streets
You're with a black male because you don't care about his skin color.
He's with you BECAUSE he cares about your skin color.
You're with him because you don't care about his skin color.
He's with you BECAUSE he cares about your skin color.
Black males WORLDWIDE practice INTRA-racism and colorism against their own race of black women.
He will NEVER admit this to you.
He'll just gas-light you forever.
Just felt the need to comment how CUTE I find you two to be together. Adorable couple. I wish you happiness and success. 💕
Aww thank you so much for the love!! Bless you ❤️
You guys are beautiful together 🥹
Aw thank you so much Laila!! ❤️❤️❤️
I love interracial relationships and marriages. It's good to see more black and white coming together instead of being divided like the media wants us to be because I'm tired of this racial division and stereotype in our society. I wish nothing but the best for you and your wife.
Thank you so much! We couldnt agree with you more!! ❤️
the american media wants to end the race purity by promoting intermarriages
@@abdel-o8p The problems is you dont see people as people. You just see races.
Just discovered this amazing channel..oh God, I can't believe ive been missing out.❤❤
Aww you are so sweet! WELCOME! ❤️
I'm Puerto Rican and my hubby is black. We went through the dark side of our relationship because we was childhood best friends. We was apart of the LGBT community lifestyle but we give up our lifestyle for Jesus. I rejected the gospel and didn't see him for about a year then we ran into each other again and I was ready to accept the gospel because he gave up his lifestyle when he was 20. We both are 24.
I'm Puerto Rican too love is love you love him don't worry about what anyone says do you girl I support you can love whoever people need to stop worrying about other peoples relationships and who they fall in love with that's why where all different it's be boring if we all looked the same and could only date people who look like us
I'm not black, I'm not white, I'm not coloured, I'm a person!
Bien parlé, se sont des gens qui à un problème dans la tête tête tête ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉
As a human being Colours it's just a label
I am Native American from rural AZ. The highest frequency of interracial relationships relative to population size occurs among Native Americans. It's rare to find a truly full-blooded Native American. The majority are part white. If you go to Oklahoma (Central USA), almost all of them are part white with a broad range of skin tones. Some are light-skinned and appear fully Caucasian. Others almost look full-blooded with the brown complexion and jet-black hair.
Given the history and my experiences, I have a more nuanced, case-by-case view in regards to interracial relationships. I am aware that some are positive with mutual respect. Unfortunately, I have also observed other cases where the "respect" factor is not there. In the latter, it usually involves colorism. The "colorism" is a form of discrimination within minority groups such that darker-skinned individuals can be ostracized or excluded. In interracial relationships, there are some (not all) where one person rejects his or her own community to date a white person. This does happen among Native Americans. I know it also happens among African Americans.
Examples of colorism include Tiger Woods, OJ Simpson, RGIII, Herschel Walker, etc. All have a preference for blonde white woman. RGIII and Herschel both impregnated blonde (dyed) female track stars from FSU. OJ was all over the media back in the 90s with his murder trial. I have witnessed such colorism in-person at a gym in FL. I once overheard a black bodybuilder who boasted in the locker that he "doesn't like bl-ck women". He was discriminating against women from his ethnicity while pursuing blonde white women from FSU. His lust appeared insatiable in that regard - lol. With that said, there are positive counterexamples. Not all interracial relationships should be assumed to be based on colorism. That assumption would be a form of discrimination within itself.
I empathize with you both. The racism you describe is horrible but does not surprise me. In 1987 when I was 18, I was in a shopping mall in Indiana and recall a young interracial couple with a black male and white female. They were about my age. I thought it was a positive relationship rising above the historical racial tension of the Midwest which had a plethora of white-flight suburbs back then. I noticed an elderly white female staring at them with disgust and extreme contempt. Then I saw two white supremacists confront and assault the two in full view of a busy shopping mall at rush hour on a weekday. The two white men were arrested and hauled away, but a shouting match ensued which was horrible.
In such racism, the slurs are common on social media. A common one is "co-l b-rner' or "m-d sh-rk" against the white women. There is a stigma that appears more covert these days. White men who would not outright discriminate against an interracial couple like those two men in 1987 may still express covert racism in the following way. If the interracial couple breaks up and the white woman moves on and dates other white men - the latter may reject her if it is found that she had dated interracially. I saw a YT channel of an older white female (blonde) who had mixed half-black children. She noted how white men who initially expressed interest would quickly withdraw once they learned she had half-black children from a previous interracial relationship. So, the covert racism is still commonly expressed in that way. Such men may not yell racial slurs in a shopping mall or assault an interracial couple. But when it comes to that decision point there can still be stigmatization rooted in racism.
As for me, I have dated interracially. I had a blonde white girlfriend in FL - a southern belle. Picture a big Apache Indian with a bodybuild of a college football linebacker with a feminine, petite blonde woman. Most of the time, the young adults of Florida did not seem to care. Occasionally, some young adults would stare but they seemed more surprised than hateful. But one time we were stalked by what appeared to be a racist sheriff. He kept posting himself around us while we were sitting at a busy outdoor set of tables of a Starbucks. There were many young adult couples - mostly white. But the cop was focused on us. He kept staring at me and appeared to want to arrest me. Then he went to his patrol car and drove closer to us and kept staring. My girlfriend didn't notice it but I did. Eventually, he drove away, but I really didn't like that. My view was that the white southerners had already intermarried with Native Americans for hundreds of years. So, the cop was kind of impractical in trying to "stop" interracial dating with Native Americans when it has already happened for so long that many white southerns have partial Native American ancestry. Examples include Elvis Presley (1/16 Cherokee), Heather Lochlear (1/8 Lumbee), etc. I had "white" coworkers with such distant indigenous ancestry. Go figure. To be fair, I know not all white cops are like that. I met many nice white cops in my life. But that guy seemed like a bad apple that day with his stalking.
As for an added dimension of racism, there are still white women who can be racist - even the young ones. Google "racist woman at Kentucky" and you will see a blonde white college female who assaulted a black female. I have seen clusters of young racist white women and men in Florida - the percentage is small and infrequent. But it can happen. They give off a real bad vibe and usually have racist gossip on social media private to them. Some of the racist women can hold "black face" parties at a sorority. But the percentage is small - it's just that when I am near them I can feel it. The acerbic tone of resentment gets obvious. So, I stay away. But most young Floridians were mellow and inclusive in my experience.
I'm Afro-Indigenous. My mother's family is black but through my great-grandmother we have Native American and Irish roots. You can see the Native American in our hair. I've never gotten to explore that part of myself and I'm really trying to now.
@@truthseeker9249 That is very interesting. When I was in FL, I also fell hard for a Brazilian woman. She had strong indigenous features but curly hair which revealed some degree of African ancestry. Brazilians are generally Portuguese, indigenous, and part West African. There is a lot of variation in that mixture of ancestry. But I think the general statistic is that over 80% of Brazilians have at least 12% African ancestry and a fair percentage of indigenous roots.
@@manuelsteele7755 yeah. My hair is super curly, 3c curls, but some people can still see the Native American in my hair. I guess even with curly hair you can still see it if it's there. But whenever I straighten my hair out to get it cut, there's no denying my Native roots. A coworker at an old job once called me Pocahontas while I had my hair straight. My family's tribe is the Blackfoot Confederacy. Who knows maybe we're part Brazilian and don't even know.
Where did you find the time to write such a long comment?
When you're a Christian and a follower of Christ, real love with a good soulmate doesn't have a skin color to it because me and my sister are black and married to white. We are married to them because my love for my wife is genuine and the love my sister have for her husband is genuine. We don't care about the backlash because our soulmate have our backs and we got theirs. I wish nothing but the best for you and your wife.
THIS comment is EXACTLY how we see it ❤️ God bless you and your sister's marriages 🙏🏼✨️
This is absolutely the truth. God created all people and Jesus’ grace and salvation is available to all who will come to Him, despite skin tone. There is only one race and that is the human race.
Amen to that brother
@@glennii9442But it's still Unnatural and Immoral seems yous don't understand scripture truely that's yous have created a God of your own image of the world rather than the Biblical Yahweh.
@@spike2227 It may be unnatural and immoral to you but it is not unnatural and immoral to God. In Numbers 12:1-15, God punished Aaron and Miriam for criticizing Moses for his interracial marriage. The Bible says tells us not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. It doesn’t have anything to do with a person’s outward appearance. It has to do with a person’s spirituality. The Bible tells us that every has sinned and have fallen short from the glory of God. Jesus Christ is the only way we can saved from our sins and be reconciled to God. Satan is trying to destroy us with lies. Jesus Christ came to give us life. Repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ.
You can close your eyes and hear them speak and that tells you how much they have in common. Very well matched couple ❤
Aww that is such a kind thing to say! Thank you! 🥹❤️
A beautiful couple. She does sound like she has more of an Aussie accent rather than a South African or New Zealand accent.
Glad there are people who get it. I’m thinking about starting a channel myself with the guy I’m dating. Honestly, I just see him as a person and he’s been the best partner that I’ve had. I never had a problem dating any race for that matter lol but sometimes people seem to have a problem when it comes to interracial couples between Black and White people.
You should totally do it! Yeah, its funny that people care so much about something that has nothing to do with them 😂
When I search up interracial married, all I see is black and white. What about anything else? Kinda sucks.
I’m in a interracial marriage and I understand. But, my wife and I have never experienced these types of people. Because we think in terms of. This is our reality and I think when you think this way you tend to not see or meet these kinds of people. And I also think that a lot of interracial people manifest this environment. Change your thinking and your reality and your life will change. God bless you guys.
If you are a white man with a black woman, no big deal but if you are a black man with a white woman, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. And I say that as a black man.
As a Black man I never will experience this..Because I was taught to never Marry out side my race.Never produce Children either...
But at the same time people go do what they want anyway..But right now I have the Deal of the Century I'm single with NO KIDS 😂😂😂. This a True BLESSING for me💯💯🙏🙏
@@KevinCollins-l7cwho teaches black men not to marry outside of their race though…
I like that you guys made this video because you’re addressing what you guys went through but all seriousness it’s like 2024 and people should just mind their business colour and rice. Doesn’t matter if you guys love each other.
This happened to me and my friend who happened to be half black in the U.S. I was very disappointed in the reaction of just spending time together in a platonic way.
My husband is half asian and for whatever reason he's darker then me but I haven't had any negative comments toward our relationship. Unfortunately though, I refused to agree that we haven't made strides in America in our justice system. In response, I was told because of the color of my skin I was responsible for the death's of African Americans and I needed to "stop killing them." This slander against people who are white is just as racist and comes from misplaced animosity.
It's very interesting how the darkness of your skin seems to play a role, its so dumb. Can we just get back to judging based on character not skin tone that would be great!
Agreed! Racism affects all races. We just need to be kind and appreciative of our differences rather than judgmental
@@mrsaliciatucker Absolutely, I wish you two a very happy life and I've really enjoyed your videos! The best part is God did not design us to hate one another but to love. ❤
So sorry to hear about what you went through, some people are so heartless! You both are so special to me,😍
Thank you so much ❤ At the end of the day we get more love than hate, so we are grateful 😊
Is it true what they say? As she holds the big black mic😂
You both are beautiful!
I agree! You should want the best for your kids and family!
Me and my wife are in a interracial marriage because I'm black and she's Indian who grew up in southern India. Her name is Selciya and i met her at college and i repent of my sins because she was saved before me and i was Bible study partners.
I feel happy for you and your wife, I'll never have a woman in my life but I'm so happy for you I wish the best.
You too are very cute & soulfully connected. The more I hear you both talk - the more I see your connection ❤ I struggle with the same issues and I have been with my partner for 11 years. Social stigma is the most annoying part. At home I never judge him by his color but out in the world we feel this. 😢
We are changing the world though. Keep up the hard work. Your a warrior !
Thank you so much 🥹❤️ Good for you for choosing love despite the unwarrented judgement of others
I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I’m Palestinian-Bulgarian from a mixed Muslim-Christian family. "Where are you from?" is always a difficult question for me to answer. I’ve never felt fully accepted in either the Bulgarian or Arab community and sometimes I've encountered racism and stereotypes about my background. Being mixed has its challenges, but in recent years, I've come to appreciate the beauty of it. I realized that being mixed is one of the main reasons why I get along so well with different people, regardless of how different they are to me, where they come from, how they think and which religion they follow. Being mixed is a true blessing that makes a more well-rounded and tolerant human being.
That is so beautiful that you have been able to accept yourself for being mixed and to use it as a strength! I pray our future children will feel the same. For us, religion and race are two very different things. We believe that regardless of race Jesus Christ is the only way and truth. Our children, even though they will be biracial will only have one faith to guide them ❤️ Thank you for sharing your experience, God bless you
@@Pepper98776You’re hurting racist. Go heal
I feel the same way, being from a mixed race is privilege. I get along with every one, because we have families from all sides of the race groups. When I see black people, I see my family, , also on the hand, when I see mixed race they are like my other family as well. I just love and enjoy every minute. People are ignorant sometimes.
I'm African American and Muslim. I get a lot of hate. I wear a hijab and get judged all the time. It's sickening. I was born in the US, but get asked where I'm from all time. I'm African, Filipino, Native American, and European. I'm proud of who I am, idc what anyone says! Yay!
Can see by the way yall lookin at each other that this is a very real love. It feel so natural. Im black and my first gf was white at 6 & 7 yrs old. Race difference mattered so little to me that I was surprised to realize in my 30s!😅 My mama didn't treat people different so neither did I. Great times we live in..
Thank you! It's so awesome to hear that you weren't affected by the world's bias at such a young age! I wish that was the case for everyone 🤍
I wish the best for you both. You are a proof that people can love and be friends despite outward appearances or the ignorance of narrow minded people. God bless you.
Thank you so much! God bless you too ❤️
@@mrsaliciatucker Thank you!
Love is blind. Despite our differences in race & nationality, or any other characteristic, we are all fundamentally human & share commonalities.Underneath our external differences, we are all the same in our humanity. Don’t let anything shake you guys. Haters are just haters, ignore them & let them watch you both thrive. You guys are a perfect match made in heaven.
Aw thank you so much Evan ❤️ God bless you!
as long as you like each other. that's all that matters
One value my family raised us with, actually more than one, is threat people t
He way you want them to threat you. Don't ever stare at people because of their skin color/deformity/poverty. Last, help whomever you can help! You guys be safe and happy and forget the millions of idiots out there in the wor
My wife is an extrovert and I am an introvert. Since she likes to go out, I do take her out about once or twice a week. I don't like being stared at, but I guess it shouldn't bother me. When we are at home just her and me, there is no race, its just us and I love that
I love interracial dating and marriage.
Beautiful young couple. Cling together and overcome the ignorance of small minded people.
Aw thank you, bless you!
Great editing babe, I love this video and you ❤
Thank you my love ❤
Correction: What do you wish I understood about my ETHNICITY? There is ONE race, HUMAN!!😊
Please do not tarnish everyone with the same brush. You are a wonderful couple. Keep on keeping on.❤
There is no dark side to interracial relationships. Just be true to each other and check the haters with wisdom and kindness....keep it moving.
Yes there is a dark side. Since one of them has a darker skin color than the other 😐
Thank you for this valuable information, im falling into interracial relationship ,we have not told of the dark side , thank you wonderful couple
Congrats! The good FAR out weighs the bad, but its good to be aware of the things people might say so that it doesn't shock you when it eventually happens 🤍 Wishing you guys all the best!!
Be fruitful and multiply
I get a lot of backlash because I'm 24 and my wife is 47. We're both are black in a relationship and marriage. She have 1 daughter is 18. I met her at Walmart when i was 21 and we had our born son this year. I'm happy for both of y'all in your relationship and wish nothing but the best for you. God bless Joshua and Alicia.
That's amazing that you both have had a child together! Congrats! Thank you for your kind words ❤️
Skin color doesn’t matter as long as the person is God fearing , who has a strong relationship and connection with God as long as the person like me for me , love me for me and I’ll do the same love matters skin color doesn’t matter
BOTH OF YOU ARE so attractive and beautiful ❤️❤️. I can not imagine the kind of kids you will produce: your babies will be beautiful.
AW thank you so much, you are so kind!! We will find out in a few months what our baby looks like 🥹
I usually do not comment, but you both are soo sweet :) Wish you all the best!
Thank you so much! We really appreciate that 🥹❤️ Bless you!
We all have red blood that's it. We're all one and equal in God's eyes
I am from Brazil and we have a low level of racism, so, here you would be a great and awsome couple. Your children would be loved and almost nobody or nobody would care about your private Life. Thank you for what you are doing.
Is it normal to see black men and white women in Brazil? (I mean if they are in the same income group)
@@donquixote3292 Totally normal. We have some questions related to diferent levels of education but the skin collor or race are not the main factor to prevent two persons of getting married.
as a blk man I say date WHO EVER treats you good and makes you feel good. I sometimes get stares but we didn't gaf lmao
Also we got a lot of compliments from all ethnic groups and the social construct that is race
I'm trying to write a song about interracial me!
What's a good opening line?
Much love!
Interracial love is beautiful
We think so too 🥰 Thank you Christopher
Thank you. I'm engaged and my fiance is white.
Very nice to see two well educated people talk about the realities that, unfortunately still exist. I'm a 58 tear old man that has parents similar in color to Joshua. I too, look more like Joshua than Alicia, in color of skin. I grew up in an area that was almost completely white. Fortunately, almost all the people in my area treated everyone nicely. But the fact that you are looked at differently still was the norm. It's tough to navigate, for sure, particularly in dating people of a different skin color them yours. When I asked a girl out and was turned down, you wonder if it was just because they weren't interested because of the same reasons they would be with a person with the same skin color as theirs? Or was it because of my skin color. I must say that I am not perfect and have my own personal preferences, when it comes to the women I'm attracted too.
I am glad there are some people in support of this couple, as am I, but god DAMN there is a fucking clan meeting in the Newest First section of comments.
Don't let these jerks get you, Alicia and Joshua!
You guys are a beautiful couple. My fiance and I are the opposite of you and it definitely hasn't been easy. But we know that it's jealousy. Our love is so strong that we practically glow when we're together and people can see that. They wish they could have a love so beautiful with ANYONE and so choose to try to bring us down. It scares me depending on the situation but I wouldn't trade him for anything.
I am so happy for you guys! 🥹❤️ It is definitely jealousy, and unfortunately positive people don't tend to go for negative people so they may never find what you have if they keep up the negativity 🤷🏻♀️
@@mrsaliciatucker nope
Thank you for being such brave human beings and speaking your truth & telling your story… that’s absolutely devastating that you two had to go through all that😔 I’m so glad you found each other, bless you guys🤍
Thank you so much for watching and for your kind words 🥹 Even though some of the things we have experienced haven't been that great, it is a blessing to have a relationship that can make people second guess their judgments about the world ❤
Joshua MUST practice racial purity. Alicia is ruining our bloodline.
Love you guys.....❤
Love you too Kenny!
Spiritual warfare will always bring out the demons! God bless you both!
Man, I’m sorry to hear that man. Racism and discrimination is not dead, I experience it as a black female in corporate America. Love you both and yes your babies will be drop live gorgeous 😂❤
So sorry to hear that you experience it too 😓 And thank you so much 🥰
If two humans love each other, why would mean people dare judge?. Senegal, West Africa.
That is how we think too... we honour God, we honour others and we honour ourselves 🤍 Thank you for watching and supporting us, God bless!
You guys are such a beautiful couple! I am a black woman and I would love to marry a white man and have mixed children! Part of it is because my nephews are half balck and white and they are so cute and I adore them. I want them to have mixed cousins that they can have something in common with lol!
Aw that would be so cute!!
@@mrsaliciatucker I'm so glad you guys responded! Thank you! Yes, I want to be just like y'all! I love interracial relationships. Thanks for being an example for me. I want to do the same thing and I'll ignore anyone who isn't supportive.
I'm Hispanic and have dated mostly White women and there's always looks, and some ppl that don't like it. To me the most passionate relationships I've had are with White women, she just seems to value me more for who I am, my brown skin color, my accent when it comes out, my heritage, the food lol.
Wish both of you the best then, the best part of it is that both of you are killing "Racism"which is "Good"and positive, congratulations 🎉 and continue "pumping up the jam"both of you are pioneers of "one world 🌏"
Thank you so much 🥹❤️
Welcome 🤗
Interracial marriage does not kill racism.
I don't get when people judge others like this... Who the helllll careeeesssss why bother waisting your timeeee..... We have limited time on earth so why even??? Good video people are stupid end of story.
Yeah, I just always resort back to the phrase "hurt people, hurt people". When you are truly happy, being mean and judgmental doesn't come naturally. So I try to extend them some grace 😅... sometimes its hard but we try lol
"We love you" randomly from Josh is so funny 😂😂
Well, that's very nice to hear that some men can actually do something about people dating outside in the rain
The best part of biracial baby is- they wont hv to face these norms. They r freee to marry any race ❤
"Concern are unnecessary" well said:
Being concerned of partners without any of the two involved have reached out to you for being in danger, is called inappropriate intruding.
I realy appreciate you guys because you decided what sounds you better ,and I would concern racism is only a crime or it is judgement saying God has made a mistake for creating diverse societies
Is it fair to say that the hate directed at BMWW relationships is exceptionally higher than what you see for WMBW?
@sandelemental6502 Not really. The BMWW relationships are just more in the popular media.
@@DWEthiopia if ya look at black-white pairings in the US, 70% of the time it's usually the girl/woman who's white. WMBW pairings are only 30% of all black-white couples...
@@Teddy510in Where did you get that statistic? I don't believe it.
@@DWEthiopia He's right. The vast majority are usually BMWW. It's due to the fact that men in general are more likely to chase, and BM value interracial relationships more because of how we were treated in the past. It makes us feel liberated.
Gorgeous couple ❤❤
Aw thank you so much ❤️
I’ve Really Enjoyed Watching This..!!! ♥️ Thanks For Sharing.
You are so welcome!! Bless you 🤍
I am so sad this is part of your story. Loads of love and care your way.
Oh and that is beyond UPSETTING about the website and so troubling on every level.
Thank you Amy ❤️ We really appreciate it. Sending love right back!! ✨️
I’m Muslim woman and we don’t have issues to get marry with any race i went to date with African American guy everyone was staring at us that I’m white and he is black and I didn’t like that bcz we are human does not matter what’s your race. And in the end we decided to meet 2 time ❤🎉
Actually I wanted to comment on this. So I’m a black man and I’m attracted to mainly three ethnicities of women. So I like Asian, White, Spanish women. Now all the ethnicities I haven’t mentioned are still beautiful women. Just because your born a certain race does not mean you have to date that race by default. Also when I do talk to different ethnicities I’m not focusing on that. I’m looking for hobbies, interests, likes, morals, long term goals, short term goals. Usually the race is last on my list. So if your a man or woman it doesn’t matter. Finding somebody that loves you for you. They will use shaming tactics, death threats or harass you if you date outside your race. As I’ve seen every-time a black man dates outside his race always some pushback . Saying things like you don’t love your self, mom, dad, community. Never in my life did I think genital police 👮♀️ 👮 existed but here we are. Luckily my mom and dad told me find someone who loves you no matter what skin color they might be. Plus the biggest part in all of this is I’m a grown adult I don’t need nobody permission to date another ethnicity. You can find love inside or outside your race. You choose and no race matters more than the human race cause we’re all human. Please forgive the long post but I’m happy for the both of you😇🙂.
Thank you for sharing that! I love what you said about the human race being the most important ❤️ bless you
@@mrsaliciatucker No, problem in my life I’ve met all different ethnicities all amazing i my view. I didn’t want to live a year ago. I’m still here trying to walk forward so in my life now all I want is peace ☮️ 😇. Bless you both 🙂
Spanish is a nationality. Asian and white are racial groups (Spanish from Spain is a part of the white race).
Just dont post your relationship online
Damn. Can't even be attracted to your own race 😂 can't even love yourself or some type of your culture either? This is why I'm not very supportive for all interracial couples. I only am if they embrace both of their cultures and love who they are as a person.
Wow that's a interesting Story ❗ And you are a Beautiful Couple 💕
Thank you so much!!
I’m so glad I left an interracial situation. Spare me that shallowness. I no longer want or need that in my life ever again.
Sounds like it was the person, not the skin colour that was the problem
@@mrsaliciatuckerDoubtful at least in the USA. Relationships between white women and black men have the highest failure rates. 200% chance of divorce, highest dv rates, 92% oow birth rates. Only white people that race mix are ones who have mommy/daddy issues or suffer from self hate.
@@Pepper98776 You can become a single Mother no matter the race because its about the heart.
I have taken Sociology: Marriage and Family and there was inconsistent evidence of such a claim.
@@Pepper98776 You are just ignorant and truly racist though I detest how overused that word is in the U.S. There is no evidence that Africans are less than people with lighter skin. You need be discerning about a person's actions and heart behind it not their skin tone otherwise you will have some very serious disappointments in life.
Some people also stare at people if they are overweight!😅 This people are very unhappy with themselves! I would just smile at them 🤣
Joshua looks nervous. Haha😂... Man, I suffer with that too
They’re cute together
Aw thank you!
while you are typing your comment pretend like no one is anonymous
Sometimes you dont know other people's backgrounds that aren't compatible with your identity its best to stick to your own and leave some people to their own.
No one knows anyone's background until they get to know them
@@mrsaliciatuckerindividually that is true but collectively i know white people dont understand what equality actually means if a black person talks about equality then white people collectively call them black supremacists.
White people have killed so many black people and they never feel ashamed or guilty i couldn't marry someone who doesnt feel shame or guilt for all the people they have killed told lies on or mistreated action speak for them selves. Climate change was caused by people opposing, explioting and destroying nature for profits.
Climate change and world poverty were caused White people.
I know how dangerous they are because they would do absolutely anything to win. White culture is opposing nature. White culture has taught blacks how to have no self value, how hate yourself, homosexuality and drugs hot to kill each other.
White people have killed more black people than all the wildest animals in Africa put together. White christians are closer to the mafia than they are to black Christians. I would feel ridicule worthy for marrying a white woman traditionally mixed relationships were about lust which made it easy for white people to be racist and have a black lover at the same time.
White people love and hate black people at the same time they racially abuse black but at they same time love black music.
@@mrsaliciatucker that is not true descendants of slaves know descendants of slavemasters dont mean them any good.
Prejudice is what it is: you cannot afford to change every begotted ignorant mind. Can you imagine that question about how your kid will look like was considered normal conversation in royal family circles of UK about Meghan and Harry. No one asks such questions about couples of same race or ethnicity or religion😮
It is simultaneously sad and a bit funny to me that some people spend their energy concerned about what my kids will look like 😂
I'm beginning to understand what kelly stamps means by people using black people for their own agenda and assuming that they can't have their own opinions and interests
Personally, as a Christian, I do not understand racism. I don't even understand why we still use the word "racism", since we now know that there's only one race - human. Don't believe it? Go read about The Human Genome Project .
there are different races of humanity (even in the Bible there are different tribes/peoples and for people the israelites weren't supposed to mingle with) , but it doesn't determine your worth! we are all made by God!
"Tribe" is not the same as "race".
"And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth..." (Acts 17:26)
I been in a relationship with a white girl 13-15 years ago & I’m black
People where looking at us like insane but we ignore them ❤ & we keep kissing and loving each
That's so beautiful. Where do you live? ❤️
@@mrsaliciatucker Ottawa, Ontario Canada
I always dreamed to be married to a white girl and make my life with a soulmate
@@Aorusgamer92see that’s one of the issues that permeates the interracial discussion… ‘FANTASIZE’ about being with a white person, not necessarily seeing that person as their own individual…you just care about them for the white skin the possess
@@roranoazoro6961White worship and fetishism is why many forms of interracial relationships are weird.
Yes it's ashamed I know a woman people following her in their car and hacking her phone only God can protect us.
As a white male I think you are a nice couple ❤
Thank you 🤍
@@mrsaliciatuckerAnd I am not woke😊
Beautiful couple!!!! New subscriber here!!!!
Thanks for subbing! Welcome!! ❤️
The problem is: Some are only in IR relationships to prove something to the world or just to be rebellious or to charity date.
And some people hate seeing other people happy so they make up pretend reasons as to why people are "secrety unhappy" just to make themselves feel better
Good bless you both & you are an example for young generations be strong 🎉
Thank you so much. God bless you ❤️
@@Pepper98776 if the thing u are most afraid of is marrying someone w a different skin color maybe u should see a therapist lol
@@Pepper98776 aw thank you bestie
As a Greek married to a Guinean man, the only people who have given us unsolicited 2 cents and targeted us online seem to be black American women and only one Guinean woman who was just simply rude to me when I was first introduced to his friends but to my pleasant surprise none of the other Guinean people in the group had it and they stood up for me. That was in the very beginning, that woman completely removed from our lives, all his friends and family and my friends and family have been supportive. We've been together for 5 years now and I'm so tired of people online that I have to change the profile photo to myself instead of us together because it seemed to trigger certain people. White supremacists have never contacted or targeted us though and it's odd because it's them I expected to be all over the place not black American women tbh.
As a black American dude, sorry those black American women gave you a hard time. It's funny because, just straddle their social media, or black American Twitter where this very interracial combo is a DAILY topic - watch how them with a white guy is a "sister slaying the game" in a wholesome "non-toxic" relationship. The same place where the inverse is a "toxic relationship" with a self-hating black man and a racist white woman who fetishizes mixed babies.
It's only a few of them who don't care, or know how to mind their own. But I can say a good 70%-80% are where the problems stem outta jealousy and a place of lack/scarcity mindset. Other than that why should ya allow yourself to feel threatened by such a hypocritical group of socially illiterate people in the first place?
Happiness to you too on your journey forward...
The thing about Carmel and mocha skin, curly hair is still racist make no mistake about that. Next thing you know those people will be running their fingers through y’all’s kids hair and saying “he’s cute for a mixed baby.” Just remember that.
I was walking with my wife and a young couple was walking in front of us. He white and she black. I said to my wife "look at the couple!" then the couple turned around. Then i said ,like we did 25 years ago. The two had to laugh, because I'm also white and my wife is black. We live in a village and fortunately there are no problems here. But we also live in Germany. One day WE went to America in vacation and need to write oure Race in a form. I ask the black officer " what do you mean?" Human? He looked at me. No your skin color. Okay. In Germany That is against the law. In America my wife went to an afrostore and i was waiting in Front of. Some ask me what i am waiting for and ask me If my wife is black. I was a litle Bit surprised and ask them. Is That Something Special to have a black wife?
For the Sex: my Friends asked me. I told them: Not your Business.
But the Friends of my wife asked too. How is IT with a whity and how Long.😂
I am so sorry to hear that has been your experience! A lot of people have no concept of boundries. Thank you for watching our video! It's so nice to get in touch with a couple who is in the same boat as us 😊❤️
Guys, I'm in an interracial relationship, and I am mixed race, From SA too and My boyfriend is white. Pretty scared to bring up this topic with him. He's supportive... but we haven't really needed to talk about it for a while. The issue is important to bring up again Because his mother was quite racist towards me last year. She's back in town again and I don't want to see her unless I'm supported. What would you advise I need to bring this up with my bf? I'm actually scared he won't support me :(
Aw i am so sorry to hear that! I am filiming a video about relationship advice and I will answer this question in the video!!
@mrsaliciatucker thanks please post soon!! We need more advice on this:)
Love you both as people and as a couple. More power and love to both of you, from my experience I recommend please ignore those racist idiots.
Thank you so much Calvin! Sending love to you also! Haha yes, we think its ridiculous when people get angry about two different races accepting and loving each other... like, whats the down side of it!??
I think USA and South Africa, for different reasons but because of the similar racial segregation that lasted for centuries, are the 2 hardest countries for IR relationships. This doesn't mean that in other countries racism doesn't exist, we all know that it is unfortunately a worldwide problem. But these two countries have the Guinness world record (of course, in a negative way). I truly hope things will turn better for the next generations
It's pretty hilarious that you would consider the size of somebody's private anatomy a stereotype even worth mentioning. I'm involved in many cultures and this topic has been brought up multiple times the general consensus around here is it is not true or maybe it's just me. 🎉
All races are beautiful but I definitely prefer black women with a capital w
I’m routing for you both keep each other safe ❤️🌹
Thank you! ❤️
Live should be so much easier and all the people who want to harm you are wrong.
It’s not just mixed raced people relationships we gay people get it to. Infact we get discrimination more often.