He Gets Us Ad & What We Get Wrong About Foot Washing

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 303

  • @kathierezek3515
    @kathierezek3515 8 месяцев назад +24

    Yes. A non-Christian in my house did not understand the ad; I explained it. No big deal. Then I later mentioned the objections from the Christian community and the response from this non-believer was, "Didn't Jesus meet the needs of everyone, including prostitutes, etc?" So, yeah. I think it was directed at Christians. And actually, I can see how they've ALL been directed at Christians bc I think a large part of the Christian community has lost the plot.

    • @Iddiiootts
      @Iddiiootts 7 месяцев назад

      American Christianity is cruel and unloving! They are committed to Dogma and dogma alone!

  • @ctbrinn1963
    @ctbrinn1963 8 месяцев назад +46

    Maybe the ad was not directed to the unbelieving world but challenged the church to love their neighbors and enemies.

    • @kdavis5088
      @kdavis5088 8 месяцев назад


    • @harlanbarnhart4656
      @harlanbarnhart4656 8 месяцев назад +2

      Which would be the greatest possible act of evangelim.

    • @itsROMPERS...
      @itsROMPERS... 8 месяцев назад


    • @tatefegley9537
      @tatefegley9537 7 месяцев назад

      If the ad was not directed to the unbelieving world, why spend tremendous amounts of money to advertise to one of the most-watched events by the unbelieving world?

    • @1timeslime971
      @1timeslime971 7 месяцев назад +1

      Christians who truly are Christians, they’re led by HIS HOLY SPIRIT, it’s that spirit that convicts them to love others, and TRUE LOVE leads them to repentance of sin, because THATS why Jesus came and bled, died for the sin.

  • @PattyEverAfter
    @PattyEverAfter 8 месяцев назад +31

    Skye kept using the word Humiliation in reference to Foot Washing, but the word I most associated with that event is HUMILITY.

    • @kathierezek3515
      @kathierezek3515 8 месяцев назад +1

      I think it depends on whether you're the washer or washee.

    • @shelvinsglaslough
      @shelvinsglaslough 8 месяцев назад +3

      Thinking about the words--In the culture, too choose to wash feet was choosing humiliation rather than honor. :) it is an example of humility, but it resulted in social humiliation...

    • @JohnThomas-ut3go
      @JohnThomas-ut3go 7 месяцев назад +1

      As skye said the culture of Jesus is much different than our own. You can read the Bible in the experience of our culture and fund its true meaning. It's why scholars study not just the translated text but the ancient languages used and the cultures in the areas covered as well as common lived experience.
      Humility is how it is shown. Jesus lowered himself so we must do the same because we are not greater. Skye has a point. Jesus didn't humble himself but also brought down his deciples. In taking the job off a slave he humbled those he washed more because they who were not God's son were made lower than a foot washing slave instead of the inheritors of Gods influence.
      To be honest it's never been taught this way and I never thought of it any different than you till Skye educating me in this episode. I think his point makes sense.

    • @Boxerr54
      @Boxerr54 7 месяцев назад

      Skye seems quite confused about foot washing. Maybe he is making a good point, but he is not making it clearly enough for anyone to follow.@@kathierezek3515

  • @flight007keith2
    @flight007keith2 8 месяцев назад +18

    I grew up in a church where we wash feet. It was humbling and uncomfortable for a lot of different reasons, which to me was part of the point. When I saw the commercial, it hit my heart and I loved it.

  • @chong2389
    @chong2389 8 месяцев назад +5

    My reaction was much like Kaitlyn's. I was happy to see an ad that represented what it means to be a Christian. At the same time, I knew that only those who have read the New Testament or heard the story at Sunday School or Church would 'get' the relationship of the scenes with the catch phrase 'Jesus gets us'.
    For those who were unhappy with the money spent:
    Even if it helped one person who was initially upset about the content, change their ways, it was worth it. If it reminded one person, who had not gone to a church that teaches Christ's message to love one another, it was worth it. If it encourages one person to give their service, a donation, a legacy gift, or whatever to any cause that helps people, it was worth it.

  • @renee7394
    @renee7394 8 месяцев назад +21

    I also saw this as being directed more so at the church than to non-believers.

  • @webz3589
    @webz3589 8 месяцев назад +11

    The reaction to this ad is exactly why i abandoned conservitism when i became Christian. Alot of conservatives are just not willing to actually do what christ commands in the gospels, they arent willing to help the poor or have mercy on the marginalised or downtrodden.

    • @johnjones-uc3ni
      @johnjones-uc3ni 7 месяцев назад

      Yeah look at all the good the democrats have done for the poor. Lol! Poverty snd run down cities after trillions of tax payers money has been misused.

  • @Perchpole
    @Perchpole 8 месяцев назад +18

    As a European, it would seem the American church "doesn't get" who Jesus is. American Christians are able to quote chapter and verse about the Old Testament - the fire and brimstone stuff - but they can't quote a single line from the sermon on the mount. It speaks to the wholesale Americanisation of the faith - one based solely on rules and regulations, instead of an understanding of the man, his humility and his love.

    • @chong2389
      @chong2389 8 месяцев назад

      The root cause of your evaluation must be examined. Americans venerate the so-called Pilgrims. They were separatists who were forced to leave England. They are held as the shining example of an individual's religious freedom. The fact that some of them first fled to the Netherlands, but left because of the fear that the culture would corrupt their children is not widely known. They sailed to the New World (1620) to separate themselves from the influence of others. The religious freedom of others was not on their list of priorities. Safeguarding their own faith was their one goal. They are Calvinists. The believe in predestination, the rejection of pleasure and that God only loves those he has preselected to join Him after death.
      The Founding Fathers purposefully drafted a Constitution to mandate the separation of church and state. Being Englishmen, they would have known the atrocities committed by both the Church of Rome and the Church of England in and after the reign of Henry VIII. They would have also known about the civil war that was waged between those loyal to Charles I and the Puritans under Oliver Cromwell. While the culmination was the execution of Charles I, it was also a religious war. The Puritans who came to the New World had the desire to build the New Jerusalem - the Shining City on the Hill.
      The foreshadowing of the current Christian Nationalist movement was changing the motto of the USA from 'E Pluribus Unum' (Out of many, one') to 'In God we trust' in the 1950's.
      Some 'Christians' in America inherited their 'fire and brimstone' beliefs from Calvin, who was French, by way of the Pilgrims and Puritans who were English. It is not, as you appear to suggest, an American invention.

    • @Perchpole
      @Perchpole 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@chong2389 You are conflating the separatists, puritans and pilgrims into a single entity. In actuality, all three were very different. That aside, and whatever these groups may have wanted to establish in the New World, they very quickly began to selectively "cherry pick" those bits of their belief system that suited them. It is a practice which continues to this day. That is why it is not unfair to speak of an Americanisation of the faith. Christianity has fractured along some very particular and - at times - rather sinister fault lines in America, none of which has anything to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • @widsomseries
    @widsomseries 8 месяцев назад +10

    I think the words displayed at the end of the ad summarized the message they were trying to portray. Jesus didn't teach hate...he washed feet. My takeaway was ... if we want to model Jesus, we need to pump the breaks on all the hate.

  • @dwp6471
    @dwp6471 8 месяцев назад +12

    The ad was very effective it brought awareness and conversation. The ad served the intended purpose.

  • @hapennysparrow
    @hapennysparrow 8 месяцев назад +7

    Love it. That explanation mirrors my own understanding of what it means to extend God's love to those around you. Like Kate, I did not see the add, nor have I ever watched the Super Bowl, but I get the message.

  • @JohnThomas-ut3go
    @JohnThomas-ut3go 7 месяцев назад +2

    I was engaged in the explanation Skye gave of Jesus washing feet. I learned something new and now feel i understand this teaching in the scripture better.
    The thing about their discussion of this ad is how christians may see it and what the truth of the teachings was. They didnt address the imagery that much or how those not of the church or who have left the church see it.
    Those not of the church do not seperate the add campaign from the donors. Those that are known promote the most hateful ideologies of Christianity and fund organizations, politicians, and actions that do great amounts of harm to the groups pictured having their feet washed. They dont separate it from the worst rhetoric of Christianity. They see it as gaslighting propaganda to trick more people into identifying as Christian.
    They dont see the it as christians taking a position of humility or a humiliating position. They know in this culture a christian seen 'taking' a 'humble' posture means they will be praised for lowering themselves to 'serve' the unclean. They see every image through the rhetoric and trauma the church has caused. They see images as just another way the church is demonizing and dehumanizing those marginalized groups that have been under attack by the church for decades.
    The imagery could have been non identity based. Instead they chose to nake stereotypic representations in each image. Such as, why is the police officer in the position of the good Christian but its the POC person in the position of the sinner? POC have a strong Christian tradition. Each occupation washing the feet is one Christians, especially christian nationalist have identified as virtuous politically. Each washed is a stereotype identified as a sinner, murderer, evil, unclean, mentally ill, criminal, etc.
    The misuse of the teachings of washing feet isn't the biggest problem with this imagery. The message isnt inclusive.

  • @signingcharity
    @signingcharity 8 месяцев назад +6

    I just watched the commercial in full. It is beautiful.
    Definitely pointed at Christians. Well done.

  • @sjon1568
    @sjon1568 8 месяцев назад +8

    What if they got the message-audience combination 100% right?
    I agree, this is directed at the conservative Christians.

  • @brucee8332
    @brucee8332 8 месяцев назад +10

    I don’t entire,y agree with Skye. Kaitlin has it more correctly. Humbly associating with “the wrong sorts,” talking a job as a garbage collector or janitor, but still speaking the Gospel. That’s what Jesus models.

    • @seed.planted
      @seed.planted 8 месяцев назад

      But Skye is correct. He did not wash feet of sinners. He washed feet of his closest disciples in the context of a very specific conversation. There are plenty of other things we can point to if we want to talk about the needs of others.

  • @skipcadorette5077
    @skipcadorette5077 8 месяцев назад +15

    Jesus washed the feet of Judas who would betray Him to death and of Peter who would deny him.
    This ad is just like the Good Samaritan parable telling us God expects us to love -without condemnation- those who are utterly different from us- even those who are opposed to us.
    The ad is not about the sin. That conversation is for another moment, ordained by the Holy Spirit with a trusted friend who is a follower of Jesus.

    • @robbower5489
      @robbower5489 8 месяцев назад

      @skipcadorette5077 are you certain Jesus in fact washed the feet of Judas? I for one am not sure.
      In any event, you are making a bold statement on Christian behavior that may not be supported by scripture

    • @averageuser4367
      @averageuser4367 8 месяцев назад +3

      ​@robbower5489 why do you doubt that He did? Does it sound like Jesus got Him to not have washed his feet?

    • @turnerjazz7872
      @turnerjazz7872 8 месяцев назад +6

      @@robbower5489 Yes, I for one am certain he washed the feet of Judas. Go reread John 13. Vs 2 confirms that Judas is there at the meal. In verse 4 Jesus begins to wash his disciples feet. By verse 12 it says he finished washing "their" feet, meaning his disciples. The only disciples named in the process is Peter and that's because he was the only one who objected. It's assumed that he already washed all the other disciples' feet. This is confirmed by what Jesus says in vs 10, that one of the people who's feet he washes is not truly clean. Then in vs 26 Jesus gives bread to Judas identifying him as the one who will betray him. So yes, Jesus washed his feet. And yes, Jesus in fact commanded us to love even our enemies. If you're not sure that's supported by scripture, you really need to go back to the Bible.

    • @robbower5489
      @robbower5489 8 месяцев назад

      @turnerjazz7872 you’re probably right but I wouldn’t be as dogmatic as you are about it.
      I’m not sure that Judas is considered one of the disciples at this point.
      The scripture is clear in 1st Timothy 5:10 that foot washing is only for the saints. That is who we are supposed to show love to in this manner - not our enemies.

    • @skipcadorette5077
      @skipcadorette5077 8 месяцев назад

      Then we just take a short step over to the parable of "a certain samaritan" and we see that we are to lovingly humble ourselves to care even for those who are not in line with our faith or practice.
      As to Judas place with the disciples at the time of the foot washing, that seems reasonably secure. Judas can always change his mind. He can even repent of his wrongdoing after the fact -like Peter does. I'd say, until he's dead [by whichever means] he's still one of the Chosen.

  • @lynchfam100
    @lynchfam100 8 месяцев назад +8

    Thank you for this frank discussion! I saw the ad as an opportunity to ask our non Christian friends what they thought of the ad and thus open a discussion.

  • @bobs4429
    @bobs4429 8 месяцев назад +4

    I think there is an important set of folks this ad will impact that you missed: People like me. I stopped describing myself as a Christian because I found it to contain a sense of superiority and judgment I did not find in Christ's message. Instead I turned to Buddhism, which is at its core about healing the suffering of others. If I had instead found Christianity to be as these ads portrayed I would most likely have continued to be a follower within the church. Perhaps the message of these ads will work with me. We'll see ...

  • @becka_boo
    @becka_boo 7 месяцев назад

    Oh this was such a great segment! When 2 or more gather in his name…
    This totally made my morning ☀️

  • @grantnm1
    @grantnm1 8 месяцев назад +7

    You all touched upon most of the things I thought about. I think the ad accomplished its purpose, it ruffled some feathers and got them in a dialogue. Jesus washed Judas feet and I haven’t heard anyone speak of that yet. I think the ad probably would have been viewed differently if any biases were dropped, and if they asked, “Why did Jesus wash the disciples feet?” 🦶🏽🦶🏽Jesus is willing to cleanse us all from our sins. Could that have been one of the messages? There is more than just one sin, and the ad showed idk 🤷🏽‍♂️ 7 or 8 different clips, and guess which ones shook the tree.

    • @concernedkermit8190
      @concernedkermit8190 8 месяцев назад +2

      It only was meant to russle CERTAIN feathers, the safe ones. That's my concern, if you're going to be truthful, do it both ways.

    • @hanssvineklev648
      @hanssvineklev648 8 месяцев назад +2

      I don’t have a problem with the simple message of the ad campaign, that, as Christians, we should love our enemies. I just think that the gospel message is far more nuanced than that. Jesus loved his enemies, but he also contended with them, confronted them, and rebuked them.
      I remember going to a pro-life protest at an abortion clinic twenty some years ago. The person I was with and I crossed the street to converse with a couple of the “client escorts” whose job it was to get women with appointments safely into the clinic. We had a friendly chat, and they were appreciative and surprised. They were used to being cursed and screamed at and reviled. But then we crossed back and rejoined the protest. They understood that we opposed what they were doing, but that, at the same time, we cared about them. It’s a message that people are capable of comprehending.

    • @Stridermd
      @Stridermd 8 месяцев назад

      This story is in John 13. In verses 10,11 it's revealed that Jesus knows who is clean and not clean and who was going to betray him. In vs 18 he says he knows who he has chosen and then says he's going to be betrayed by one of them. So while he washed Judas' feet, he also knew his heart and that he was not clean....and also was not chosen. Jesus didn't do this to somehow win Judas over, his fate was already sealed. Vs 15-17 Jesus says why he did this. And it wasn't to show love to sinners. He died for sinners which is the ultimate sacrifice. The ad would've been 1000% better if at the end they showed Jesus on the cross with everyone in the prior photos looking on. But instead they chose to push woke Jesus and scold Christians who trust in the word of God.

  • @JoseRodriguez-ky7ib
    @JoseRodriguez-ky7ib 8 месяцев назад +17

    I happened to have taken the ad the same way that Kaitlyn did. In fact, when I saw the ad, my first and repeated thought throughout was that right-wing evangelicals are gonna be really ticked off. Knowing the Word and specific verse, I took the ad to mean that we, as followers of Christ, need to lovingly humble ourselves when dealing with both each other, as well as those that we are reacing out to an lead to Christ.

    • @jonathanallison1774
      @jonathanallison1774 8 месяцев назад +2

      I am a right-wing evangelical. I'm honestly not trying to be provocative. I want to know what specific verse you are referring to in this case. I go to "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me?" What does it mean to be washed by Jesus? That to me means forgiveness of sins and requires a repentant heart. Repentance is turning away from sinfulness to follow Christ.

    • @mikelynn8977
      @mikelynn8977 8 месяцев назад +2

      @joserodriguez- how have you humbled yourself to the "right wing evangelicals?"

    • @Stridermd
      @Stridermd 8 месяцев назад +1

      You're right about who would be ticked off because that was their goal. They want to water down Jesus, cause the immature Christians to doubt the Jesus in the Bible and make the sinner feel there's no need to repent. Judging by a lot of the comments they were wildly successful.

    • @JH-pt6ih
      @JH-pt6ih 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@jonathanallison1774 "I'm honestly not trying to be provocative." Well, I think you are being dishonest. You can quote John 13:8 ("Unless I wash you, you have no part with me" - your words) but you can't read just 6 more versus to get to 13:14-17:
      "14. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.15. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you."
      I put the rest of the passage there for anybody else who might be reading because I think you know the passage is not about "being washed in the blood" and repentance and are just trying to deceive people. You are just doing the Deceivers work.

    • @jonathanallison1774
      @jonathanallison1774 8 месяцев назад

      @@JH-pt6ih you call me dishonest but I am being honest and vulnerable. What is your response to this passage? I do not think its literally about feet, do you? I serve many people in many ways including serving my brothers and sisters in Christ. I have been washed by Jesus. I am part of the body. I speak honestly amd without accusing anyone or assuming motives

  • @skipcadorette5077
    @skipcadorette5077 8 месяцев назад +15

    Also, this ad was likely directed at the MAGA Evangelicals.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 8 месяцев назад

      Legit question;
      What does Donald Trump (who is no longer the president, nor is saved) have to do with anything? Donald Trump, along with being an adulterer, supports all the things depicted in this vile ad: abortion of unborn children, homosexuality, etc.

    • @blairbrown4812
      @blairbrown4812 8 месяцев назад

      It was not only directed at the MAGA evangelicals, it was allegedly created *BY* MAGA evangelicals

    • @Xaforn
      @Xaforn 8 месяцев назад

      How so?

    • @usefulidiot00
      @usefulidiot00 8 месяцев назад +7

      And as it turns out, they're the ones publicly foaming at the mouth over the messaging.

    • @patrickmccurdy8688
      @patrickmccurdy8688 8 месяцев назад +4

      MAGA Evangelical: isn't that a oxymoron?

  • @Fireking285
    @Fireking285 8 месяцев назад +9

    "Humiliating" himself?
    No.... he put the needs of others above himself. That's not Humiliation. That's being humble. Humiliation is doing something foolish or something for foolish reasons. Sorry, but that's a bad take.

  • @brucee8332
    @brucee8332 8 месяцев назад +14

    Every Roman Catholic understands foot washing, as does every Anglican Communion member and Lutheran. We reenact it every Maundy Thursday, and the Pope himself washes feet on that Holyday.

    • @asdfrozen
      @asdfrozen 8 месяцев назад +2

      We (as in Americans) understand it through a very particular and very modern lens. No one thinks of the Pope as degrading or debasing himself when he washes someone's feet, for instance.

  • @meridianheights6255
    @meridianheights6255 8 месяцев назад +2

    This comment section is super interesting. Look at all these different denominations of Christianity. Nice people here. If I were a Christian, I'd be really embarrassed by maga-conservatives hi-jacking my religion. Great ad. Definitely aimed at maga-conservative types (hypocrites).

    • @fioretatuare
      @fioretatuare 7 месяцев назад

      Indoctrination to the Nationalist movement

  • @wynkoop2000
    @wynkoop2000 8 месяцев назад +1

    I watched the Superbowl with my Jewish friend and she really liked the Jesus commercial and recognized the message easily enough. I do agree that the main audience was Christians.

  • @b0rn1king
    @b0rn1king 8 месяцев назад

    I love the closing thoughts. I'm not sure what the He Gets Us people actually meant, but I took my own interpretation to help explain The Gospel to others. There's good and bad here, but this is where The Church steps up and takes this opportunity to presch Jesus more than ever.

  • @itkirk
    @itkirk 8 месяцев назад +5

    Dan McClellan did an absolutely phenomenal job breaking down a "is it biblical?" video about that ad. I suggest everyone go check it out.

  • @turnerjazz7872
    @turnerjazz7872 8 месяцев назад +3

    His whole argument about the meaning of foot washing seems to confirm the idea that this add was for Christians more than anyone. If Jesus did that to humiliate and tear down the pride of the disciples, I can see how this ad would have the same purpose. It's the pride of Christians that puts us in an antagonistic posture towards nonbelievers and this ad highlights how far our prideful antagonism is from what Jesus actually did.

  • @marc-stevenjean-louis245
    @marc-stevenjean-louis245 8 месяцев назад +1

    Why are the whole episodes not on RUclips anymore?

    • @HolyPost
      @HolyPost  8 месяцев назад +2

      The full, regular podcast is still available on Apple, Spotify, and wherever you get your podcasts. The full video version of each episode is available for free on our patreon page - www.patreon.com/holypost
      Going forward, we are using RUclips to post clips from each episode that are more focused on a singular topic and easier to share.

    • @somniumisdreaming
      @somniumisdreaming 7 месяцев назад

      Patron isn't free? I miss the full shows with clips like this aswell. I do enjoy your channel.

  • @tomcraig5845
    @tomcraig5845 8 месяцев назад +7

    What about the organization behind He Gets Us? It has been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    • @becka_boo
      @becka_boo 8 месяцев назад +7

      always follow the money. Another major contributor to the ad space was none other than the founder of Hobby Lobby. Also, the HE LOVES US campaign donates to many of the various organizations that seek to strip rights away from Americans. All that glitters ain't gold!!

    • @jonathanallison1774
      @jonathanallison1774 8 месяцев назад

      Being labeled a Hate Group by the SPLC actual acts a validation for them as a religious organization. If the SPLC labelled them as not a Hate Group that would be a red flag.

    • @marshsundeen
      @marshsundeen 8 месяцев назад +3

      According to an article by USA Today, the ads are now put out by a different now Ecumenical group. They say they are non-political. I am not sure who funded the ads though.

    • @notmyuseristolethis
      @notmyuseristolethis 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@jonathanallison1774So the nation of Islam, atomwaffen, the aryan nation, all those are just valid religious denominations? You're a clown.

    • @PB-dq9gi
      @PB-dq9gi 8 месяцев назад

      I 100% disagree with your slanderous and inaccurate evaluation of the SPLC here. If you really believe what you are saying, then YOU are part of a hate group. TRUE Christianity and religion does NOT embrace hate. I cannot say that more vehemently. Who or what is the source of your misinformation and misrepresentation?@@jonathanallison1774

  • @anthonybeers
    @anthonybeers 8 месяцев назад +9

    ?? This is still done in BIC churches both in the US and through out southern Africa. Just because something is not as common is as it maybe should be doesn't me you can't teach people about it. Maybe it is less normal than I thought.

    • @asdfrozen
      @asdfrozen 8 месяцев назад +4

      The point is that in most American subcultures, washing feet has a very different connotation than it did in the ancient Middle East.

    • @betsywilliams3666
      @betsywilliams3666 8 месяцев назад

      The Catholic Church does this on Holy Thursday.

  • @JudgeNLN
    @JudgeNLN 8 месяцев назад +12

    The ad was meant to convey "Real Christians love people, because that's what Jesus did", but in reality people saw the ad and either said "That doesn't reflect what I see" or looked into the organization that created it and realized they've spent over $300 million on advertising over the last few years instead of actually using it to do the thing Jesus did.
    $300m is a large enough sum of money that we would see *radical* changes in our country, and it was spent as a marketing tool for Jesus - something he would have never asked-for and absolutely never would have wanted. Jesus doesn't need *or want* us to advertise for him...he wants us to follow him and let our actions speak for themselves.
    The worst relationships are the ones where you tell a person how much you love them while your actions speak something else. They're damaging, manipulative, and make the person despise you because of your hypocrisy.

    • @bookishpixiereads
      @bookishpixiereads 8 месяцев назад +2

      All of this!!

    • @meridianheights6255
      @meridianheights6255 8 месяцев назад

      I disagree. Christianity is rapidly becoming irrelevant because of Christian Nationalist MAGA types hi-jacking the religion. If more Christians don't change their ways, Christianity is doomed to continue to decline, for valid reasons.

  • @Yeshua_Follower67
    @Yeshua_Follower67 8 месяцев назад +2

    Great discussion, sorry for misspelling names. Kaitlyn I agree with your entire perspective on the messaging!
    Skye, where it feels we humans/Christians are still getting it wrong, (just as they did at the time Jesus was washing His disciples’ feet), is that Jesus wasn’t just showing that we are to humble ourselves, but He is highlighting the vile darkness of our hearts that we considered then and STILL consider today, that the classification of people groups as lowly or otherwise, to be “ok”. What arrogance our hearts have to compare anyone else, even to have the lowly “humiliating” position of washing feet, or whose feet are worthy of washing. You said “it was Jesus’s way of humiliating Himself” by doing what He did, and that is the furthest thing from the Truth. That is a human perspective, that was not God’s perspective.

  • @carlostorres1171
    @carlostorres1171 8 месяцев назад +4

    Imagine being frustrated about people extracting a useful, adjacent principle from John 13. Imagine being perturbed at the idea that humility, and taking on a "lowly" position or task is (ostensibly) seen, by Christians, as being good actually. Skye Jethani is an icon.

    • @carlostorres1171
      @carlostorres1171 8 месяцев назад

      And thank God for Kaitlyn Schiess

    • @robbower5489
      @robbower5489 8 месяцев назад

      @carlostorres1171 I am frustrated.
      Why? Look at the words you used - “principle” and “idea”.
      Progressives never get beyond theories and philosophical principles. They run their traps about humility, loving the stranger, etc… but there is no action - never any action. It’s just virtue signaling. Progressives vote for these things with their mouths, but there’s no evidence of them in doing these things in their lives.

    • @batmanop9254
      @batmanop9254 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@robbower5489 are you a free speech absolutist?

  • @jonathanallison1774
    @jonathanallison1774 8 месяцев назад +5

    I disagree with Skye's assertion that most people don't understand what foot-washing means. Even people who have never opened a bible probably know that Jesus washed feet in the Bible, and even for the people who don't... they will universally understand that washing someone's feet is a symbol of humility and taking on the roll of a servant to put others as more important than yourself.

    • @Stridermd
      @Stridermd 8 месяцев назад +1

      Context is key and in John 13:15-17 Jesus literally explains why he did this. The double meaning is that he symbolically purified them (as he does for all believers) and was preparing them for their ministry to take place after his death. This ad takes the meaning of this act and politicizes it to scold certain Christians, make other Christians water down the truth of God's word, and emboldens sinners to not bother repenting.

    • @jaredwarner3972
      @jaredwarner3972 8 месяцев назад +1

      I think many Evangelicals in non liturgical traditions would not understand that the washing of feet is part of the sacramental system. I didn't know it until I was in a master's degree program.
      We do however know the story. And I think we need to reevaluate the implications more so we can translate the meaning into our contemporary context. (I also think people should do the same with the Eucharist, because many do not recognize the full meaning behind the bread and wine)

    • @jonathanallison1774
      @jonathanallison1774 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@jaredwarner3972 I tend to believe that Jesus wanted us to remember His body and blood everytime we eat and drink, and it has nothing to do with tiny cups of juice and tiny crackers. But I am a guy who likes the Holy communion as much as anyone. I also believe that an appropriate response to being in God's presenece is for us to humble ourselves and "wash His feet". Also our Christian brothers and sisters are His hands and feet. Any thing that God created and set up for His glory is a sacrament. Including for example marriage between one man and one woman.

    • @jaredwarner3972
      @jaredwarner3972 8 месяцев назад

      @@jonathanallison1774 no argument there at all. I come from a tradition that believes all life is holy and sacred to God (your life is a sacrament and should be loved in honor of God). Our traditions others might disagree with and I'm totally fine with that.

  • @omegadarklight
    @omegadarklight 8 месяцев назад +4

    Fred Rogers, HE gets us

  • @joelturner6312
    @joelturner6312 8 месяцев назад +1

    The thing is, many Christians may forget what the foot washing was about. It’s about Grace to the recipient. Christians forget that Grace isn’t about deserving it. Foot washing is symbolic of humility and the selfless love of Jesus. Who are they to say that Jesus was too liberal?

  • @JH-pt6ih
    @JH-pt6ih 8 месяцев назад +2

    One of the Jesus Gets Us ads ran last year on FOX and after the ad an ad for the USFL (United States Football League) ran that also played with the "Us/US" but in the logo and the words the US was AMERICANS and it a subgroup of Americans that could claim what is "our" game.

  • @KevinBarhydt
    @KevinBarhydt 8 месяцев назад

    While I was a member of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC I understood this. My ability to be shamed by others for my open embrace of those who are shunned was drilled into my soul through many of the sermons of Tim Keller. I miss him. I've never found another leader or church that lifts up those who are willing to be shamed.

  • @gratefuldudegaming.8170
    @gratefuldudegaming.8170 8 месяцев назад

    I feel like Bob and Larry taught me to have more humility than ski.

  • @jeffblackmon5016
    @jeffblackmon5016 8 месяцев назад +2

    It also demonstrates leaders need to be humble, Jesus humbled himself by washing the feet of his followers to demonstrate humilty as a leader.

  • @hermenutic
    @hermenutic 8 месяцев назад +2

    I came from a Christian tradition where foot washing was part of the communion service preceding the bread and wine.
    The foot washing symbolized Christ's humility by his incarnation and his life of selfless sacrifice for the human community that his followers were required to emulate according to their abilities and their faith.
    It might very well be incomprehensible to nonbelievers not privy to the symbolism of the Christian cult.

    • @marshsundeen
      @marshsundeen 8 месяцев назад

      Yes. Foot-washing was key to my parents denomination, Church of God Anderson, IN.

    • @hermenutic
      @hermenutic 8 месяцев назад +1

      My history is Seventh day Adventist.

  • @Xaforn
    @Xaforn 8 месяцев назад +1

    I’m sure there’s many points to be communicated behind this commercial that Hobby Lobby put out. But given how much intertwined people’s lives are across all spectrums, I think there’s even more that needs to be said.

  • @signingcharity
    @signingcharity 8 месяцев назад +2

    We are not the only culture on earth... honor-shame is still out there and these kinds of videos are available around the world due to the internet.

  • @SantaFe19484
    @SantaFe19484 8 месяцев назад +1

    The problem with "He Gets Us" is more about what they don't say. We need ads showing Jesus with his hard sayings that woke Christians can't stand, like "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the father, except through me" and "Before Abraham was, I am."

    • @averageuser4367
      @averageuser4367 8 месяцев назад

      The anti "woke" side seems to be the one that has the bigger problem with Jesus.

    • @PaulVanZandt-o9x
      @PaulVanZandt-o9x 8 месяцев назад

      I've read many comments like this one on the He Gets Us spots. The thrust of these responses seems to be that the campaign is “repackaging” the gospel message, and by doing so watering down the message. These critics are saying that Jesus' “hard sayings” should stand as originally uttered. Any attempt to make the message more attention-getting or accessible is fiddling with the intent of scripture. But isn't the message of scripture often presented in an interesting or unique way by a preacher so that the congregation can appreciate God's word in a new light and maybe gain a new insight? Is there no place for a creative way to present the gospel message adjusting for 21st century people?

  • @PhilWalton
    @PhilWalton 8 месяцев назад +3

    Noted: Phil is super concerned about horse poop. 🐎💩
    I appreciated the message of inclusion in the ads, though felt frustrated that the multi-millions spent on the message could have been better spent in actual inclusive action - or in teaching the message of inclusion to those who have forgotten the meaning of Luke 10:27-37.

    • @jameshollister3718
      @jameshollister3718 8 месяцев назад +2

      Noted: Phil's concern is odd, as it was unlikely that there was horse poop, as horses were almost exclusely used militarily. Maybe doney or camel poop. Loved the Chicago reference though. . .
      But seriously, I was not surprised to see another ad from He Gets Us. We surprised by the "right-wing" pushback, and horrified by some of the secular commentary on the pushback and how damning that is. . .or so it seems to me, at least. . .

  • @Cyrribrae
    @Cyrribrae 8 месяцев назад +1

    What an interesting conversation. I'll take it!

  • @bethprather9241
    @bethprather9241 7 месяцев назад

    I just heard Lacrea say it us showing that Jesus serves all and we love all. Not for us another audience. He had a good reply of truth but I agree most don't think about washing feet. Especially the lost.n Just pray

  • @marybethfarrell652
    @marybethfarrell652 8 месяцев назад +5

    Tell me that you’re in your Evangelical Christian silo without telling me -
    Skye-- I’m an Episcopalian, and for myself and many other denominations, this is a treasured ritual. The act itself and its symbolism is not hidden, and it's biblical, and moving.

    • @anamarieanderson
      @anamarieanderson 8 месяцев назад

      Grew up Evangelical here, it’s not uncommon for us to see it too. That’s not the point. The point is that non-Christians don’t understand it and it doesn’t make sense to them. It’s talked about as a “dirty thing” that we shouldn’t see as being above in our community too even done in weddings. Re-watch the video to understand Skye’s point about Peter freaking out.

    • @rebeccaholcombe9043
      @rebeccaholcombe9043 7 месяцев назад

      Was done in my Evangelical Church a few times on special ocaisions growing up. My mother mentioned that other denominations did more regularly

  • @skipcadorette5077
    @skipcadorette5077 8 месяцев назад +4

    ...because, of course, after washing their feet Jesus tells the Disciples to do the very same thing.

  • @UprisingConsulting
    @UprisingConsulting 8 месяцев назад +2

    4:18 Kaitlin had the same takeaway I did. I thought it was a challenge to those who claim they are followers of Christ.

  • @bethprather9241
    @bethprather9241 7 месяцев назад

    Does the ad say all that? I believe it is true but He gets us..to me seemed vague but who am I.

  • @whatistruth1
    @whatistruth1 7 месяцев назад

    As someone who has been very critical of the He Gets Us Campaign, I watched this video because I genuinely wanted to know what the counterarguments are. So I was astonished when I saw that there really was no attempt at a counterargument. Phil Vischer summarized some of the arguments from conservative critics while the co-hosts laughed and scoffed, and then they moved on. They try to circle back to it by the end, but those comments work from a presupposition that it's already been demonstrated that the critics are wrong. The actual demonstration of that is nowhere to be found. Rewatch this and tell me where I'm wrong.

  • @jaredwarner3972
    @jaredwarner3972 8 месяцев назад +2

    I watched and said...that is going to make people talk

  • @bethprather9241
    @bethprather9241 7 месяцев назад

    What Kaitlyn says is true too. That was Lacrea's long story about it

  • @scudthehero
    @scudthehero 8 месяцев назад

    These commercials are creating a conversation. On Reddit they don’t stop making fun of them but they are talking about it.

  • @DavidBennett-ij5oy
    @DavidBennett-ij5oy 6 месяцев назад

    I liked this ad when I first saw it. It had that "openness to all" that was so appealing in my teens and twenties, mostly deployed to avoid my embarrassment among my nonbelieving friends during the Bush years. But then I saw the response ads, and I thought more of it.
    Most people inside and outside of the church today are sad and many of them are broken. If the point was to offer hope to the brokenhearted, I don't think it succeeded in evangelizing either group. We crave more than mere acceptance, seen acutely in a culture fixated on acceptance but still consumed by sadness. If the point was to unsettle believers about despising their neighbors, then they probably should have had some lady with a MAGA hat having her feet washed.

  • @labsquadmedia176
    @labsquadmedia176 7 месяцев назад

    Tom Holland's "Dominion" does a great job of showing how transformative the gospel has been. Humility was not a Roman virtue.

  • @stevewillicombe8572
    @stevewillicombe8572 8 месяцев назад +1

    And if foot washing was the slaves or servant’s job, how many families had slaves/servants? Probably fewer than 10% closer to 1% of households?

    • @somniumisdreaming
      @somniumisdreaming 7 месяцев назад

      In the ancient world probably higher, farmers kept them, modest shopkeepers could afford one. Posh folk had hundred or thousand of slaves but many lower classes had them.

  • @MrGilfred
    @MrGilfred 8 месяцев назад +1

    Feet washing wasn't about something that Jesus was wanting us to do as Christians as a requirement for being Christian. instead it was a lesson in humility. That day the apostles were arguing who among them seemed to be the greatest. That had that attitude of prominence drummed into them by the Pharisees others that were always seeking the most prominent places in the synagogue. Feet washing was one of the lowliest jobs back in Jesus' day. Since he was called Lord and Rabbi (teacher). Yet he was humble enough to wash his apostles feet. Along with the other things he told them about not lording it over one another as others do. Look at one another as brothers. No one is superior to another. We only look at God and Christ as superior. Of course the angels as beings are superior in raw power and knowledge. Don't worship them because they will not accept it. Again to repeat foot washing is not part of Christian worship as a requirement.

  • @PaulVanZandt-o9x
    @PaulVanZandt-o9x 8 месяцев назад +1

    One person bends down before another and washes the other's feet, an act which is simultaneously kind of intimate and sort of disgusting. It is not an act of cooperation or of mutual pleasure. The person doing the act is humbly serving, and the person whose feet are being washed has consented to allow their feet to be washed. Though the general public may not be aware of the Bible stories which involve foot washing, or of the ancient cultural context of the practice, I think the act is peculiarly powerful - even for a modern non-believer. [Full disclosure: I've never washed another person's feet, nor had mine washed. Also, I rarely wear sandals and have never stepped barefoot in horse poop.]

  • @explorience
    @explorience 8 месяцев назад +3

    Great conversation about this cultural moment.

  • @bethprather9241
    @bethprather9241 7 месяцев назад

    We really have to think deep about it apparently. Or pray

  • @916bex
    @916bex 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks for discussing the symbolism of foot washing. Certainly context matters and in the upper room, Jesus is with His 12 disciples, who had been following Him for three years. The gospels haven't recorded Jesus washing feet in the homes of the tax collectors. What about that nuance? Agree that foot washing by their master was meant to indict their pride, esp when Jesus instructs them in Matthew 16 to deny themselves and take up their cross.
    No modern equivalent for people to conceive b/c Jesus was so other.

  • @vortexsky6321
    @vortexsky6321 8 месяцев назад

    This is very clearly symbolism !and symbolism is not lost on people, just because we don't have to walk through horse poop today. Clearly, we NEED Jesus, when we have people who treat us like we are so dumb that we can't understand symbolism today or learn about the symbolism from the discussion from the advertisement afterward. The money spent was well spent to bring awareness to Jesus real message, which was not to HUMILIATE himself or his disciples, but to HUMBLE himself and his disciples, which is MOST DEFINITELY what mainstream Christianity needs today. A BIG FAT HUMBLING!!!

  • @bonkgiartist
    @bonkgiartist 8 месяцев назад +3

    I thought Skye presented an accurate representation of the true message behind the feet washing event. But based on some online responses. I wouldn’t underestimate non Christians comprehension of the messaging.

  • @riftshredder5438
    @riftshredder5438 8 месяцев назад +2

    9:07 um no, Peter didn't want Jesus to wash his feet because he didn't feel worthy of having his feet washed by Jesus

  • @lindadodson1586
    @lindadodson1586 8 месяцев назад +6

    Jesus didn't go around washing people's feet...he washed his disciples feet. Even Judas, who would betray him.
    My church does feet washing at our Maundy Thursday service. It's very humbling.

  • @Vader-xl1bl
    @Vader-xl1bl 8 месяцев назад +7

    Done with this podcast. The longer I listen to Skye, the dumber he gets. He continues his exercises in missing the point, and is so full of disdain for any Christian who thinks differently that he is becoming less helpful, and more banging-gong-like. Oy!

    • @dwp6471
      @dwp6471 8 месяцев назад +1

      Sounds like you are the one that does not like to listen to anyone that disagrees with you.

    • @concernedkermit8190
      @concernedkermit8190 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@dwp6471 So he is just like Skye lol

    • @concernedkermit8190
      @concernedkermit8190 8 месяцев назад

      Good call.

    • @Wren_Farthing
      @Wren_Farthing 8 месяцев назад

      Sounds like something Dark Lord Vader would say.

    • @concernedkermit8190
      @concernedkermit8190 8 месяцев назад

      @@Wren_Farthing So your saying Vader is right? Weird...

  • @johnflack4241
    @johnflack4241 8 месяцев назад

    Oddly, I saw the commercial at a Superbowl party at my church. We should probably talk about it.

  • @joykeebler1916
    @joykeebler1916 7 месяцев назад

    - - the Disciples (as) that ti me : so -on to be that of the Apostles

  • @1timeslime971
    @1timeslime971 7 месяцев назад

    There’s ZERO GOSPEL in those commercials. The washing of sin was/is THE only purpose of the foot washing.

  • @martyc4906
    @martyc4906 8 месяцев назад +1

    Skye's "dying to yourself" take and Amy's take are great, but I don't believe the people who need that conviction from the Holy Spirit will get that from this ad. I really don't know any "real" Christians who are unwilling to associate with any of the types of people portrayed in this commercial. I guess I am fortunate to be around a lot of really loving, godly, people who are also biblically solid.

  • @lisacypert1154
    @lisacypert1154 7 месяцев назад

    Foot washing is not about Jesus humiliating himself or his disciples. It was Jesus HUMBLING himself and teaching his disciples to HUMBLE themselves. ALSO, washing the feet of someone in front of an abortion clinic is an example of loving people no matter what their reputation or lowly status, also loving your enemies, etc. Loving God and loving your neighbor, ALL your neighbors, as yourself, are the two greatest commandments. Sadly, many conservative Christians are too busy pointing out other's sin, to treat others in the way Jesus taught us. Jesus is here for ALL of us, even the ones you look down your nose at.

  • @DennisRegling
    @DennisRegling 8 месяцев назад +1

    Wait - you say foot washing isn't a custom anymore? We Mennonites still wash feet as well as the Amish and other Anabaptist groups. 2:10

    • @jsharp3165
      @jsharp3165 8 месяцев назад +2

      No he said virtually no one outside the church today knows about the custom. In generations past, Christianity was culturally dominant and most everyone attended church as a child. So 90% of Americans were probably familiar with the concept as late as 1980. That is no longer true. Also how many Amish do you think have watched the ad?

    • @DennisRegling
      @DennisRegling 8 месяцев назад

      @@jsharp3165 at 2:10 he definitely said foot washing is not a custom anymore.

  • @davidjones7271
    @davidjones7271 8 месяцев назад

    When the "foot fetish Jesus" commercial was the joke of the party, I feel like it missed it's mark...whatever it was

  • @darrellboone9274
    @darrellboone9274 7 месяцев назад

    His footwashing emphasizes His humility,not His condoning sin(similar to His conversation with the woman at the well,didn't condone her sins)

  • @benb.3431
    @benb.3431 8 месяцев назад

    So, wouldn't we say Jesus is the best example of a servant leader? Perhaps feet washing is only one of many components of servant leadership.

  •  8 месяцев назад

    Foot washing was done multiple times a day, in Jesus’ time, because they walked everywhere, on dusty paths, with some form of sandals or even bare feet. When you arrived at your destination, your feet would be dirty, sore, possibly damaged from rocks or debris, and hospitality insisted that the host provide a way to wash the guests feet and soothe them. If it was a child, the adult washed their feet. I don’t see it as a humiliation; it seems to be meeting the needs of your fellow humans, caring for their well-being and not holding yourself to a higher station than any other. Perhaps this task was relegated to servants in wealthy houses, but that also opens up the whole modern understanding of modesty, which was referring to wealth and status, instead of how much skin was exposed.

  • @wisedyes
    @wisedyes 8 месяцев назад

    I don't think you are giving the average person the benefit of the doubt. It seems obvious that washing someone elses feet is an act of service and humility. "
    The greatest among you will be your servant. -Jesus

  • @nhartigan72
    @nhartigan72 8 месяцев назад +3

    Washing feet is also about helping one another be washed clean of sin, symbolic of the yuck we accumulate while off the path. Some of those that you consider as sinners, may not really be in sin, such as the girl at the abortion clinic. Perhaps it's the Evangelicals who really need to be washed clean of their sin against the others.

  • @1timeslime971
    @1timeslime971 7 месяцев назад

    Foot washing IS ALL ABOUT CLEANLINESS…..its symbolic when Jesus does it.

  • @AaronTarver
    @AaronTarver 7 месяцев назад

    Can you feel humiliation in the absence of pride?
    Would Jesus really be welcome in Christian churches and homes?

  • @midnightexpress726
    @midnightexpress726 7 месяцев назад

    For Pete’s sake people!! This was all about Jesus demonstrating what he was about to do….die a humiliating death in order to save others. Come on!

  • @dopeydwarfy7669
    @dopeydwarfy7669 8 месяцев назад

    We footwash quarterly at our church.

  • @MrGilfred
    @MrGilfred 8 месяцев назад

    Since it is a political ad they needed to do more research to learn what foot washing in Jesus' day was all about as my other reply states what it was about. Foot washing like I said in the other reply is about teaching humility. Whether we are leaders of our faith or not. Whether we have any position of leadership or not. We need to remain humble at all times as Christians. Humble people are teachable. People that are prideful are usually not teachable. Everyone in the congregation are brothers and sisters.
    It is true that Christians need to take the kingdom message to all regardless of how they live their lives. It is not shameful to take the kingdom good news to such ones because Jesus would do the same. They are the ones that are needing a spiritual doctor. Whereas the spiritually healthy have no need for a spiritual doctor. You talk to them as if they are your spiritual brother or sister. With that humble attitude of you being their servant because that is what minister means. The elders of my religion ask how can we be of service to you today when you need their help.
    Jesus was trying to break them of that arguing amongst themselves who seemed to be the greatest. His teaching obviously worked they did get the point and changed. Sure it took a while for them to change because it was deeply ingrained in them to begin with.

  • @itsROMPERS...
    @itsROMPERS... 8 месяцев назад

    I like the cannibalism ritual better.

  • @Dom-uw4yo
    @Dom-uw4yo 8 месяцев назад

    Apparently no one like the “He gets us” commercials.

  • @1timeslime971
    @1timeslime971 7 месяцев назад

    I’m a HATER> I despise NFL, I DO NOT PARTAKE in it by watching it. I also do not watch or listen to Taylor Switch. She’s partaking in the devils work, just sayn….

  • @joykeebler1916
    @joykeebler1916 7 месяцев назад

    - JESUS (the Son of [Man]) washing fe et of discip l as : apportioned as towards that of the Apostles And the confirmation that He was the Mantle and Forerunner of the second coming exact Son of Man

  • @andrebrown8969
    @andrebrown8969 8 месяцев назад

    Keep fighting amongst yourselves.

  • @marshsundeen
    @marshsundeen 8 месяцев назад +2

    As a Progressive Methodist, I liked the content of the ad, but am skeptical of the group behind due to the past funders being very anti-LGBTQ+.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 8 месяцев назад +4

      God will not overlook your sin. Repent and believe the Gospel.
      I say this with ZERO contempt or animosity.
      Grace alone. Faith alone. Christ alone.

    • @marshsundeen
      @marshsundeen 8 месяцев назад

      @@patrickc3419 you know nothing about me. I am a straight ally and Christian. As Roman's says, look at yourself and do not worry about me. If people spent as much time feeding and clothing the undeserved, as they do judging others, many would be helped. We are Called to be God's hands and feet not to sit in judgment.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 8 месяцев назад +2

      Ma’am since you brought up Romans, I’d respectfully refer you to the first chapter, which not only condemns the alphabet soup sins we see becoming more and more glorified today, but additionally condemns those who give said sin a hearty approval (1:32). Point number one.
      Lastly, John 7:24 point of fact calls believers to judge (with right judgement, obviously).

    • @averageuser4367
      @averageuser4367 8 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@patrickc3419 respectfully, your interpretation of Romans 1 is lacking and not considering the historical context, not to mention your lack of compassion and empathy is quite alarming from someone claiming to be following Jesus.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 8 месяцев назад

      I would just say that it’s not compassionate to affirm someone’s sin that they are living in. You obviously don’t be cruel or callous or nasty, but you do call them to repent and to believe the Gospel.
      We all agree that God loves (point of fact 1 John 4 says that He IS love!) but God also hates. Obviously with a righteous hate.
      If God could break and transform the heart of someone growing up immersed in sins of lust, pornography, racism, lying, blasphemous, & conceit (me) then He could certainly give that same supernatural heart transplant to someone living in sexual sin.

  • @whiteevangelicalswhiteevan6084
    @whiteevangelicalswhiteevan6084 8 месяцев назад +5

    So would these people wash Trump supporters feet or does this only go one way?

    • @jillutley7575
      @jillutley7575 8 месяцев назад +2

      Not sure they're willing to stoop THAT low!😉

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 8 месяцев назад

      What does Donald Trump have to do with this? Donald Trump is not a Christian.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 8 месяцев назад +4

      Legitimate question: What does Donald Trump (who is no longer the President, nor is saved) have to do with this conversation? Donald Trump supports all of the sins depicted in this commercial.

    • @Fireking285
      @Fireking285 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​@patrickc3419 but are you willing to wash his feet? That's the point.

    • @evangelicalsnever-lie9792
      @evangelicalsnever-lie9792 8 месяцев назад

      Evangelicals are allied with Russia against the western democracies.

  • @mikelynn8977
    @mikelynn8977 8 месяцев назад

    Thank goodness for this podcast. How else would Christians living in the western world come to understand they have misinterpreted the scriptures for centuries. Thank you for always telling your few listeners how they get it wrong. I can't wait to see Bob the tomato, sky, and Caitlin humble theirselfs to serve the maga supporters instead of denigrating them at every opportunity. That would indeed be a sign of humility for these three.

    • @robbower5489
      @robbower5489 8 месяцев назад +1

      @mikelynn8977 it’s so bad that sky corrects Bob the tomato himself! Only sky has the true interpretation of all things.
      Of course in his zeal to show how he alone can dispense wisdom he errors badly by slandering Peter.

    • @averageuser4367
      @averageuser4367 8 месяцев назад

      How did the Biden administration commit treason?

  • @Stridermd
    @Stridermd 8 месяцев назад +5

    This ad comes off as scolding Christians and emboldening non-believers to stay in their sin.

    • @elfrechaun
      @elfrechaun 8 месяцев назад +8

      Didn’t come off that way to me. That’s pretty subjective. I’m a Christian and felt encouraged by it, not scolded

    • @maryhamric
      @maryhamric 8 месяцев назад +15

      This ad comes off as encouraging Christians to not stay in their sin.

    • @Stridermd
      @Stridermd 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@maryhamric what sin(s) are you referring to?

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 8 месяцев назад +2

      Correct. I have no hate toward the individuals behind this vile, blasphemous ad or the other unbiblical ones they produce. I do not wish anything bad on them, nor do I want for them to die in their sin.
      They are not Christians, they present a warped view of the Bible as well as of Jesus Christ, and they need to repent, turn to Christ and live while God’s given them time.
      The Gospel is not “be nice”, nor is it to wash someone’s feet (not that it’s a sin to wash someone’s feet).
      The Gospel is that man is a sinner who is spiritually dead apart from God’s grace by faith alone in Christ alone.

    • @michaeltaylor9316
      @michaeltaylor9316 8 месяцев назад +5

      Well, the ad is just telling you about what Jesus did. If that came off as scolding Christians, it makes me wonder what you think of Jesus.